This works amazingly 🙏🙏 Maa blesses all!! I was constantly distracted, scrolling, would procrastinate to study. But now after this, automatically I started studying and go a lot of interest, now people struggle to get me away from learning, studying or gaining knowledge in any form all the time. I got 99.98% in my boards. Got 98 percentile in mains and cleared advanced with absolute ease. Now studying Cs in IIT Madras. Almost finishing my degree. Heading to Stanford for my masters. I also excelled a lot in music, so much so that I can take it up full time if I want to. I’m also planning to do music full time. May goddess bless you all with all that you wish. May she give you all great gurus 🙏🙏
ॐ यश्छन्द॑सामृष॒भो वि॒श्वरू॑पः। छन्दो॒भ्योऽध्य॒मृता᳚थ्संब॒भूव॑। स मेन्द्रो॑ मे॒धया᳚ स्पृणोतु। अ॒मृत॑स्य देव॒धार॑णो भूयासम्। शरी॑रं मे॒ विच॑र्षणम्। जि॒ह्वा मे॒ मधु॑मत्तमा। कर्णा᳚भ्यां॒ भूरि॒विश्रु॑वम्। ब्रह्म॑णः को॒शो॑ऽसि मे॒धया पि॑हितः। श्रु॒तं मे॑ गोपाय। ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑ ॥ May the universal form, exalted among the Vedas and born of the essence of the Vedas, bless me with wisdom. May I be blessed with the nectar of immortality. May my body become active. May my tongue speak sweetly. May my ears hear everything well. You are the repository of Brahman, and are hidden by the intellect. May my memory protect me. Om peace, peace, peace. ॐ मे॒धादे॒वी जु॒षमा॑णा न॒ आगा᳚द्वि॒श्वाची॑ भ॒द्रा सु॑मन॒स्यमा॑ना। त्वया॒ जुष्टा॑ नु॒दमा॑ना दु॒रुक्ता᳚न् बृ॒हद्व॑देम वि॒दथे॑ सु॒वीराः᳚। O goddess of wisdom! You are pleased, all-pervading and have a peaceful mind. Bless us so that we may give up bad speech and speak well in an assembly like heroes. त्वया॒ जुष्ट॑ ऋ॒षिर्भ॑वति देवि॒ त्वया॒ ब्रह्मा॑ऽऽग॒तश्री॑रु॒त त्वया᳚। त्वया॒ जुष्ट॑श्चि॒त्रं वि॑न्दते वसु॒ सानो॑ जुषस्व॒ द्रवि॑णो न मेधे॥ O goddess! Blessed by you one becomes a sage; like Brahma. Blessed by you one attains prosperity. Blessed by you one attains many treasures. Bless us with that wealth of intelligence. मे॒धां म॒ इन्द्रो॑ ददातु मे॒धां दे॒वी सर॑स्वती। मे॒धां मे॑ अ॒श्विना॑वु॒भावाध॑त्तां॒ पुष्क॑रस्रजा। May Indra give me intelligence. May goddess Saraswati give me intelligence. May the two Ashwins, who wear garlands of lotuses, give me intelligence. अ॒प्स॒रासु॑ च॒ या मे॒धा ग॑न्ध॒र्वेषु॑ च॒ यन्मनः॑। दैवीं᳚ मे॒धा सर॑स्वती॒ सा मां᳚ मे॒धा सु॒रभि॑र्जुषता॒ꣳ॒ स्वाहा᳚॥ May Saraswati, who is fragrant, bless me with the divine intelligence which is the wisdom of the Apsaras and the mind of the Gandharvas. आमां᳚ मे॒धा सु॒रभि॑र्वि॒श्वरू॑पा॒ हिर॑ण्यवर्णा॒ जग॑ती जग॒म्या। ऊर्ज॑स्वती॒ पय॑सा॒ पिन्व॑माना॒ सा मां᳚ मे॒धा सु॒प्रती॑का जुषन्ताम्। May that Saraswati, who is intelligence personified, who is fragrant, who is all pervading, who has a golden complexion, who is the earth, who is accessible to all, who is full of vigour, who is overflowing with the nectar of knowledge, and who is beautiful; come to me and bless me with intelligence. मयि॑ मे॒धां मयि॑ प्र॒जां मय्य॒ग्निस्तेजो॑ दधातु॒ मयि॑ मे॒धां मयि॑ प्र॒जां मयीन्द्र॑ इन्द्रि॒यं द॑धातु॒ मयि॑ मे॒धां मयि॑ प्र॒जां मयि॒ सूर्यो॒ भ्राजो॑ दधातु। May Agni give me intelligence, people and vigour. May Indra give me intelligence, people and bodily power. May Surya give me intelligence, people and brilliance. ॐ हं॒स॒ हं॒साय॑ वि॒द्महे॑ परमहं॒साय॑ धीमहि। तन्नो॑ हंसः प्रचो॒दया᳚त्। We perceive the Hamsa that is the soul; we meditate on that Hamsa that is the supreme being. May that Hamsa inspire us (to reach that goal). ॐ म॒हा॒दे॒व्यै च॑ वि॒द्महे॑ ब्रह्मप॒त्नी च॑ धीमहि। तन्नो॑ वाणी प्रचो॒दया᳚त्। ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑ ॥ Om Peace, Peace, Peace ||
Devi jushamamana na aagath, Viswachi bhadra sumanasyamana, Thvaya jushta jushamana dhurookthan, Brahad vadema vidardhe suveera. Let the goddess of intellect come here with happiness, She is everywhere and has a happy frame of mind, May we who were grief stricken, before she came, Become greatly intelligent and know the ultimate. THwaya jushtaa rishir bhavathi devi, Thwaya brahmagath srirutha thwaya, Thwaya jushtaschithramvindathe vasu, Sa no jushasva dravinena medhe. By your grace one becomes a saint, One becomes learned, one becomes rich, Showered by your grace one gets different kinds of wealth, And so goddess of wealth, give us wealth and intellect. Medham ma indro dadathu, Medham devi Saraswathi. Medam may ashvinou ubhavadathaam, Pushkarasrajo. Let Indra give me intelligence, Let Saraswathi give me intelligence, Let the Aswini Kumaras support my intelligence, For they wear the garlands of lotuses. Aapsaraasu cha ya medha, Gandharveshu cha yan mana, Devi medha Saraswathi, Sa mam medha surabhir jushtaam svaha. Apsaras posses intelligence, Gandarwas possess intelligence, Goddess of intelligence is Saraswathi, Let the intelligence spread like fragrance I offer you without any reservations. Svaha is the wife of fire God. We give offerings to her and she gives it to fire, who gives it to devas. Aa maam mesha surabhir viswa roopa, Hiranya varna jagathi jaamya, OOrjaswathi payasaa pinvamaanaa, Sa maam medha suprathika jushtaam. Intelligence is glorious in form and is like nectar, Intelligence is golden and pervades the entire universe, Intelligence is powerful and is sought after continuously, Let it come to me with love and favour me. haMsa haMsAya vidmahE paramahaMsAya dheemahi, tannO haMsaH pracOdayAt. The great seer who recognizes this "haMsa" and dwells in that "haMsa" is proclaimed as "paramahaMsa". Here the word "haMsa" may refer to "sOham" in one context, which refers to inhalation/exhalation cycles of breath.
Thank you very much for providing the mantra in transliteration and the meaning of the verses. I shall look for the Devanagri, and this is a wonderful start. I appreciate your time and selfless service in providing this information.
देवी जुषम्मन न अगथ, विश्वाचि भद्रा सुमनस्यमना, त्वया जुष्टा जुशमना धूरोक्तन, बृहद वदेमा विदर्धे सुवीरा। बुद्धि की देवी यहां खुशी के साथ आएं, वह हर जगह हैं और मन की खुशहाली है, हम जो उसके आने से पहले शोकग्रस्त थे, बड़े बुद्धिमान हो जाएँ और उस परम को जान लें। त्वय जुष्टा ऋषिर भवति देवी, थ्वय ब्रह्मगथ श्रीरुथ थ्वाय, थ्वय जुष्टस्चित्रमविंदाथे वसु, सा नो जुशस्व द्रविणेन मेधे। आपकी कृपा से कोई संत बनता है, कोई विद्वान बनता है, कोई धनी बनता है, आपकी कृपा से व्यक्ति को नाना प्रकार का धन प्राप्त होता है, और इसलिए धन की देवी, हमें धन और बुद्धि प्रदान करें। मेधम मा इंद्रो ददाथु, मेधम देवी सरस्वती। मेदं मय अश्विनौ उभवदथाम, पुष्करसराजो। इंद्र मुझे बुद्धि दें, सरस्वती मुझे बुद्धि दें, अश्विनी कुमार मेरी बुद्धि का समर्थन करें, क्योंकि वे कमल की माला धारण करते हैं। अप्सरासु च या मेधा, गन्धर्वेशु च यान मन, देवी मेधा सरस्वती, सा मम मेधा सुरभिर जुष्टाम स्वाहा। अप्सराओं के पास बुद्धि है, गंधर्वों के पास बुद्धि है, बुद्धि की देवी सरस्वती हैं, बुद्धि को सुगंध की तरह फैलने दो मैं आपको बिना किसी आरक्षण के प्रदान करता हूं। स्वाहा अग्नि देवता की पत्नी हैं। हम उसे प्रसाद देते हैं और वह उसे अग्नि को देती है, जो उसे देवों को देता है। आ माम मेश सुरभिर विश्व रूप, हिरण्य वर्ण जगती जाम्य, ऊर्जस्वति पायसा पिन्वामाना, सा माम मेधा सुप्रथिका जुष्टाम। बुद्धि रूप में महिमामय है और अमृत के समान है, बुद्धि सुनहरी है और पूरे ब्रह्मांड में व्याप्त है, बुद्धि शक्तिशाली है और निरंतर खोजी जाती है, इसे मेरे पास प्रेम से आने दो और मुझ पर कृपा करो। हंस हंसाया विद्महे परमहंसाय धीमहि, तन्नो हंसः प्रचोदयात्। मैने इसे गूगल पर सर्च किया है यदि कोई त्रुटि हो तो कृपया अवगत करवाएं महान ऋषि जो इस "हंस" को पहचानते हैं और उस "हंस" में निवास करते हैं, उन्हें "परमहंस" कहा जाता है। "हंस" एक संदर्भ में "सोहम" का उल्लेख कर सकता है, जो साँस लेने/छोड़ने के चक्र को संदर्भित करता है।
Thank you so much for this I got help from this I was practicing in kannada but it was hard I couldn't tell fast this is so helpful to me I can read with tune thank you thank you sooooo much🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thank you, Geeta ji! Appreciate your comment! You will find my recording of the Durga Suktam at the following link: And the Ganapati Prarthana at the following link: Do subscribe to the channel for updates about new recordings!
You are singing clearly and thanks for lyrics also but one paragraph is missing of starting because I have checked the other one video so in all videos I think three or four paragraph is there
If you love this mantra give a 👍
Please give a 👍
May i get 99% in my board exam . Bless me Saraswati maa♥️🙏
I❤ U Medha maa
May I get 95 % and above in my board examination. Bless me saraswati maa🙏🙏
Wishing you the very best! Prayers to Devi Sarasvati for your success.
@@TheSereneSwan Thank you so much😊
Got it?
This works amazingly 🙏🙏 Maa blesses all!! I was constantly distracted, scrolling, would procrastinate to study. But now after this, automatically I started studying and go a lot of interest, now people struggle to get me away from learning, studying or gaining knowledge in any form all the time. I got 99.98% in my boards. Got 98 percentile in mains and cleared advanced with absolute ease. Now studying Cs in IIT Madras. Almost finishing my degree. Heading to Stanford for my masters. I also excelled a lot in music, so much so that I can take it up full time if I want to. I’m also planning to do music full time. May goddess bless you all with all that you wish. May she give you all great gurus 🙏🙏
Thank you for sharing your experience! Wishing you the very best! May Goddess Saraswati's blessings always be with you.
Can just listen to it.@@TheSereneSwan
ॐ यश्छन्द॑सामृष॒भो वि॒श्वरू॑पः। छन्दो॒भ्योऽध्य॒मृता᳚थ्संब॒भूव॑।
स मेन्द्रो॑ मे॒धया᳚ स्पृणोतु।
अ॒मृत॑स्य देव॒धार॑णो भूयासम्।
शरी॑रं मे॒ विच॑र्षणम्।
जि॒ह्वा मे॒ मधु॑मत्तमा।
कर्णा᳚भ्यां॒ भूरि॒विश्रु॑वम्।
ब्रह्म॑णः को॒शो॑ऽसि मे॒धया पि॑हितः।
श्रु॒तं मे॑ गोपाय।
ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑ ॥
May the universal form, exalted among the Vedas and born of the essence of the Vedas, bless me with wisdom. May I be blessed with the nectar of immortality. May my body become active. May my tongue speak sweetly. May my ears hear everything well. You are the repository of Brahman, and are hidden by the intellect. May my memory protect me. Om peace, peace, peace.
ॐ मे॒धादे॒वी जु॒षमा॑णा न॒ आगा᳚द्वि॒श्वाची॑ भ॒द्रा सु॑मन॒स्यमा॑ना।
त्वया॒ जुष्टा॑ नु॒दमा॑ना दु॒रुक्ता᳚न् बृ॒हद्व॑देम वि॒दथे॑ सु॒वीराः᳚।
O goddess of wisdom! You are pleased, all-pervading and have a peaceful mind. Bless us so that we may give up bad speech and speak well in an assembly like heroes.
त्वया॒ जुष्ट॑ ऋ॒षिर्भ॑वति देवि॒ त्वया॒ ब्रह्मा॑ऽऽग॒तश्री॑रु॒त त्वया᳚।
त्वया॒ जुष्ट॑श्चि॒त्रं वि॑न्दते वसु॒ सानो॑ जुषस्व॒ द्रवि॑णो न मेधे॥
O goddess! Blessed by you one becomes a sage; like Brahma. Blessed by you one attains prosperity. Blessed by you one attains many treasures. Bless us with that wealth of intelligence.
मे॒धां म॒ इन्द्रो॑ ददातु मे॒धां दे॒वी सर॑स्वती।
मे॒धां मे॑ अ॒श्विना॑वु॒भावाध॑त्तां॒ पुष्क॑रस्रजा।
May Indra give me intelligence. May goddess Saraswati give me intelligence. May the two Ashwins, who wear garlands of lotuses, give me intelligence.
अ॒प्स॒रासु॑ च॒ या मे॒धा ग॑न्ध॒र्वेषु॑ च॒ यन्मनः॑।
दैवीं᳚ मे॒धा सर॑स्वती॒ सा मां᳚ मे॒धा सु॒रभि॑र्जुषता॒ꣳ॒ स्वाहा᳚॥
May Saraswati, who is fragrant, bless me with the divine intelligence which is the wisdom of the Apsaras and the mind of the Gandharvas.
आमां᳚ मे॒धा सु॒रभि॑र्वि॒श्वरू॑पा॒ हिर॑ण्यवर्णा॒ जग॑ती जग॒म्या।
ऊर्ज॑स्वती॒ पय॑सा॒ पिन्व॑माना॒ सा मां᳚ मे॒धा सु॒प्रती॑का जुषन्ताम्।
May that Saraswati, who is intelligence personified, who is fragrant, who is all pervading, who has a golden complexion, who is the earth, who is accessible to all, who is full of vigour, who is overflowing with the nectar of knowledge, and who is beautiful; come to me and bless me with intelligence.
मयि॑ मे॒धां मयि॑ प्र॒जां मय्य॒ग्निस्तेजो॑ दधातु॒
मयि॑ मे॒धां मयि॑ प्र॒जां मयीन्द्र॑ इन्द्रि॒यं द॑धातु॒
मयि॑ मे॒धां मयि॑ प्र॒जां मयि॒ सूर्यो॒ भ्राजो॑ दधातु।
May Agni give me intelligence, people and vigour. May Indra give me intelligence, people and bodily power. May Surya give me intelligence, people and brilliance.
ॐ हं॒स॒ हं॒साय॑ वि॒द्महे॑ परमहं॒साय॑ धीमहि।
तन्नो॑ हंसः प्रचो॒दया᳚त्।
We perceive the Hamsa that is the soul; we meditate on that Hamsa that is the supreme being.
May that Hamsa inspire us (to reach that goal).
ॐ म॒हा॒दे॒व्यै च॑ वि॒द्महे॑ ब्रह्मप॒त्नी च॑ धीमहि।
तन्नो॑ वाणी प्रचो॒दया᳚त्।
ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑ ॥
Om Peace, Peace, Peace ||
Great effort in translating it
Devi jushamamana na aagath,
Viswachi bhadra sumanasyamana,
Thvaya jushta jushamana dhurookthan,
Brahad vadema vidardhe suveera.
Let the goddess of intellect come here with happiness,
She is everywhere and has a happy frame of mind,
May we who were grief stricken, before she came,
Become greatly intelligent and know the ultimate.
THwaya jushtaa rishir bhavathi devi,
Thwaya brahmagath srirutha thwaya,
Thwaya jushtaschithramvindathe vasu,
Sa no jushasva dravinena medhe.
By your grace one becomes a saint,
One becomes learned, one becomes rich,
Showered by your grace one gets different kinds of wealth,
And so goddess of wealth, give us wealth and intellect.
Medham ma indro dadathu,
Medham devi Saraswathi.
Medam may ashvinou ubhavadathaam,
Let Indra give me intelligence,
Let Saraswathi give me intelligence,
Let the Aswini Kumaras support my intelligence,
For they wear the garlands of lotuses.
Aapsaraasu cha ya medha,
Gandharveshu cha yan mana,
Devi medha Saraswathi,
Sa mam medha surabhir jushtaam
Apsaras posses intelligence,
Gandarwas possess intelligence,
Goddess of intelligence is Saraswathi,
Let the intelligence spread like fragrance
I offer you without any reservations.
Svaha is the wife of fire God. We give offerings to her
and she gives it to fire, who gives it to devas.
Aa maam mesha surabhir viswa roopa,
Hiranya varna jagathi jaamya,
OOrjaswathi payasaa pinvamaanaa,
Sa maam medha suprathika jushtaam.
Intelligence is glorious in form and is like nectar,
Intelligence is golden and pervades the entire universe,
Intelligence is powerful and is sought after continuously,
Let it come to me with love and favour me.
haMsa haMsAya vidmahE paramahaMsAya dheemahi,
tannO haMsaH pracOdayAt.
The great seer who recognizes this "haMsa" and dwells in
that "haMsa" is proclaimed as "paramahaMsa". Here the word
"haMsa" may refer to "sOham" in one context, which refers to
inhalation/exhalation cycles of breath.
Thank you for the meaning
Thank you very much for providing the mantra in transliteration and
the meaning of the verses. I shall look for the Devanagri, and this is
a wonderful start. I appreciate your time and selfless service in providing this information.
What a beautiful translation 😊🙏🙌
May I get 100/100 in all subjects in my boards 2024-25 ❤
जय माँ सरस्वती देवी
कृपा करों कृपा नाथ
જય શ્રી સરસ્વતી માતા.
The pronunciation is so clear. Sai Ganeshji, you must be a Sathya Sai devotee in order to sing this so clearly.
Thank you so much for your message! Yes, am a disciple of Sathya Sai. :) With regards ~ Sai Ganesh Nagpal
TheSereneSwan If you have recited any other suktams, please let me know.
Maa Saraswathi bless my son 🙌 bless everyone
May i get 200+ marks in jee jan attempt!Bless me maa! 🙏🏻❤
Did you get it?
@@protechie100nft9 nah 🥲
Did you?
@@asianheart1162 yes
@@asianheart1162 naah
Clear pronunciation....great sir.. ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು....
Thank you so much! 🙏
Dhanyoosmi dhanyoosmi dhanyoosmi om sri durgaaya namaha
Sai ram 🙏
Jai maa saraswati
Jay maa
Sri Sathya Sai Baba
જય શ્રી સ્વામિનારાયણ.
Jay Shri Sarswati Maa.
Perfect!! This is Baghvan's grace. Sairam brother.
Thank you! Sai Ram!🙏
@@TheSereneSwan sir how many times we chant
Jai Maa Saraswati ... 🌹❤🌷
Jai Saraswati maa🙏🙏🙏
ॐ🙏❤सनातन धर्म की जय🥰🚩🌸
Beautiful and peaceful like Mother Saraswati 💫
Thank you so much!
Jai mata sarswati devi ji 🙏💐❤️
ओउम हंसायः नमः
jai maa saraswati 🙏🙏🙏.
Jai Saraswati
I enjoyed very much, I will use to practice my prenunciation
Om namah shivayah, we bless your existence
Hari Aum....
Could you please add line by line meaning in description? Would be great if we know the meaning and visualise while we hear
देवी जुषम्मन न अगथ,
विश्वाचि भद्रा सुमनस्यमना,
त्वया जुष्टा जुशमना धूरोक्तन,
बृहद वदेमा विदर्धे सुवीरा।
बुद्धि की देवी यहां खुशी के साथ आएं,
वह हर जगह हैं और मन की खुशहाली है,
हम जो उसके आने से पहले शोकग्रस्त थे,
बड़े बुद्धिमान हो जाएँ और उस परम को जान लें।
त्वय जुष्टा ऋषिर भवति देवी,
थ्वय ब्रह्मगथ श्रीरुथ थ्वाय,
थ्वय जुष्टस्चित्रमविंदाथे वसु,
सा नो जुशस्व द्रविणेन मेधे।
आपकी कृपा से कोई संत बनता है,
कोई विद्वान बनता है, कोई धनी बनता है,
आपकी कृपा से व्यक्ति को नाना प्रकार का धन प्राप्त होता है,
और इसलिए धन की देवी, हमें धन और बुद्धि प्रदान करें।
मेधम मा इंद्रो ददाथु,
मेधम देवी सरस्वती।
मेदं मय अश्विनौ उभवदथाम,
इंद्र मुझे बुद्धि दें,
सरस्वती मुझे बुद्धि दें,
अश्विनी कुमार मेरी बुद्धि का समर्थन करें,
क्योंकि वे कमल की माला धारण करते हैं।
अप्सरासु च या मेधा,
गन्धर्वेशु च यान मन,
देवी मेधा सरस्वती,
सा मम मेधा सुरभिर जुष्टाम
अप्सराओं के पास बुद्धि है,
गंधर्वों के पास बुद्धि है,
बुद्धि की देवी सरस्वती हैं,
बुद्धि को सुगंध की तरह फैलने दो
मैं आपको बिना किसी आरक्षण के प्रदान करता हूं।
स्वाहा अग्नि देवता की पत्नी हैं। हम उसे प्रसाद देते हैं
और वह उसे अग्नि को देती है, जो उसे देवों को देता है।
आ माम मेश सुरभिर विश्व रूप,
हिरण्य वर्ण जगती जाम्य,
ऊर्जस्वति पायसा पिन्वामाना,
सा माम मेधा सुप्रथिका जुष्टाम।
बुद्धि रूप में महिमामय है और अमृत के समान है,
बुद्धि सुनहरी है और पूरे ब्रह्मांड में व्याप्त है,
बुद्धि शक्तिशाली है और निरंतर खोजी जाती है,
इसे मेरे पास प्रेम से आने दो और मुझ पर कृपा करो।
हंस हंसाया विद्महे परमहंसाय धीमहि,
तन्नो हंसः प्रचोदयात्।
मैने इसे गूगल पर सर्च किया है
यदि कोई त्रुटि हो तो कृपया अवगत करवाएं
महान ऋषि जो इस "हंस" को पहचानते हैं और
उस "हंस" में निवास करते हैं, उन्हें "परमहंस" कहा जाता है।
"हंस" एक संदर्भ में "सोहम" का उल्लेख कर सकता है, जो
साँस लेने/छोड़ने के चक्र को संदर्भित करता है।
Om sri sai ram!
Om Sai Ram!
I als know the medha suktam because of swamiji thank you
May my daughter get 640+in neet 24 and 480+ in boards 24 . Om saraswatyai namaha .
Jay Maa Saraswati
Thank you so much for this I got help from this I was practicing in kannada but it was hard I couldn't tell fast this is so helpful to me I can read with tune thank you thank you sooooo much🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
You're very welcome! 🙏
I listened to it and this is ossum very calming
Thank you!
Blissful Anubhav.
Thank you! 🙏
Jai Saraswati mata ji ki🌺🙏🏻❤️🌍
@@TheSereneSwan 🙏🏻
Liked the slow and beautiful rendering... Would love to listen and learn Purushasuktam, Sri Suktam too in this unhurried manner.... Gratitude
Thank you, Geeta ji! Appreciate your comment! You will find my recording of the Durga Suktam at the following link:
And the Ganapati Prarthana at the following link:
Do subscribe to the channel for updates about new recordings!
Nice mantras
Tomorrow on 9/ 2 /19 I have the test on medha suktam & 🙋am perfect💯✨
Thank you, Vishwanath! Wish you the very best!
Which school ?? I will also join
@@vent_srikar7360 एएऐ
May I get admission in IIM Indore rohtak ranchi.. Bless me Maa 🙏❤️
So blessed to listen this
Thank you!🙏
Very sacred n beautiful mantra
You are singing clearly and thanks for lyrics also but one paragraph is missing of starting because I have checked the other one video so in all videos I think three or four paragraph is there
No it's proper
There is an invocation chanted before this.. starts with "Om Yash-chandsāmrishabho...."
Please make video of Shraddha sooktam
बहुत सुन्दर
Dhanyavaad! 🙏
Awesome 👍. Thanks. Added to daily watch. Jai Ma Saraswati Sharde🙏
Thank you! Jai Maa Shaarde! 🙏
Thank you so much.As a 13 year old student learning, this video was really helpful to me.Thank you so much once again🙏🏻🙏🏻
Glad this was helpful! All the very best!
@@TheSereneSwan Thank you!🙏🏻
Future is in safe hands
beautiful recitation.
Thank you, Krish!
what a pleasant slokam👌👏👍
Thank you, Srinikhi!
It is good for knowledge
It really helps , aafter listening to the mantra my concentration really improved
Thank you, so glad to know this helped you!🙏🏼
Thank u for medha sotram
Thank you Maragouni Praveena!
It was not sung, but a divine rendering. My salutations to Sri Ganeshji.
Thank you so much! 🙏
धन्यवाद: महोदय। बहु सम्यकस्ति। 🙏🙏🙏
Dhanyavaad Janaki ji! 🙏
0:22 ❤
Thanks u
Beautiful Rendition
Thank you! 🙏
very very nice to learn and chant
Thank you, Gopal ji!
Sairam bhaiya 🙏 just a shooting voice
It creates a Blissful feelings
Thank you, Saijyoti! Sai Ram! 🙏
Thanku for song i listen to this everyday
Thank you!
My teacher said that it will help in my studies so I am learning this thank you
Thank you, Niranjan! Wishing you the very best in your studies.
Thank you
Same even my teacher also told . To listen this song 🎵
very nice sing
Thank you, Pattu!
Excellent rendition. Thanks a lot
Thank you!
Very peaceful
Thank you!
Wonderful! Divine!
Thank you, Lioudmila!
May I get admission in OUAT in veterinary maa please bless me🙏🙏🙏🌸🌸🌸🌸
You’re welcome 😉
So peaceful to listen
Thank you, Ramaa!
Thank you!
Wow so nice. It is so clear
Thank you Janaki ji.
May I pass one job interview quickly 🙏🙏
love the music
Thank you, Pratima!
No problem
હે માં !!!!! હવે પછીની કોર્ટ ની તારીખ:૧૭-૧૦-૨૦૨૪ છે.
Thank you!
Thank you, Aruna!
We can study well if we say this song
Bless me to my son gunank achyuth get 98 percent marks in all subjects
Hahaha my name is Swan this Channel for my thank you😉🙏
Thank you!
Thank you!
May i get 94 percent in my boards bless me maa 🙏☺️ i want to score gud in every exam which i. Attempt 😊
Thank you, Annabelle!🙏
Good 👍 rendition
Thank you!