Once again, another great freaking video man. I hope you do a lot more of these they're fantastic. There's so many ufo stories out there and you do a great job of recreating them.
@@adamcyrankowski6347 удар был лазерной пушкой об этом есть сведения , лазер был секретным оружием в то время и был гриф секретности, тут же показана ракета, от лазера гравитация не помогает , свет проходит везде для света нет преграды
@@adamcyrankowski6347if they are not human, they wouldn’t think what you just thought which is a set of thoughts fed over time not your first min on earth
For a connect the dots mystery solved narrative Google search Apollo 20 mission to the moon to investigate a crashed spacecraft replete with Tibetean princess. The backstory on the dead female crewmember is as follows.She was a member of the MU society located in the Gobi Desert.There was a conflict with the Atlanteans/ Pleadians.The Atlanteans initiated a sneak attack against MU but some of their spacecraft escaped. 1 grabbed a hunk of rock in the rings of Saturn and hurled it at the Atlanteans which fragmented before impact destroying alot of real estate 11.4k years ago. 2 of the MU spacecraft were damaged by the shockwave.1 crashed into the moon and the other is tumbling thru our solar system =Omuamua. The more spiritually oriented refugees of MU migrated to the Tibetean plateau focusing on their spiritual practices to atone for this heinous act of destruction. The Pleadians dispersed to America-The Yucatan-Patagonia and Egypt. The more spiritually oriented Pleadians managed to get back to their home planet and dive deep into their spiritual practices. According to Edgar Cayces insights there are more Atlanteans incarnating in America at this time in history than ever before.Can they effect a change of heart against the other ancestors of the stranded E.T. colonists,? is the bigger question. See Pleadian contactee Billy Meiers material with a narrative by Randolf Winters...hit the video icon for confirmation.
Wouuu!! , really a beautiful video, it's awesome. All the scenes are incredibly well made. The music and sound. The theme fascinate. Congratulations. Greetings from Mexico!!
There are multimillions of virtual reality headsets out there today, putting this into virtual reality is a master stroke of genius, if you understand what I'm saying!
@@kimoritobara5710Meu amigo. É patente que o vídeo se configura como um CGI. A proposta do canal no que tange este vídeo é retratar um caso que ocorreu na África do Sul referente a um abate de um disco voador, abate esse perpetrado por caças militares.
Earthlings are the real space aliens and any extraterrestrials retrieved are to be placed in cold storage. These out of this world creatures can then be added to expand our up and coming gourmet interplanetary cook book. Hopefully this add-on during interplanetary travel will become sumptuous treat!
Fantastic job incredible what you can do with technology these days you should be making your own movies. I live in South Africa my mother told me this story when I was a child, I have seen many ufos through out my life and I still watch the sky's at night
THEY DIDN'T.. IT NEVER HAPPENED.. think about it@@spilleryolispiller7565they came entered into our galaxy, with their technology and brain, and you mean to tell me they couldn't detect a missile coming straight at them 😯 All FAKE👎
i believe that was a drone. a clasified retroengineered space age one, but still. They exist on some military ships, space age uav's. Manned craft can also be our government. the point is it is impossible to tell at this point because they look the same, our secret tech and the e.t.s., because of these projects. that is why people need to disregard the drone events right now. even if it wasn't our militaries, which they are, we could do nothing, and if we panic, then our leaders get more control.
very accurate, i was in the military then and a friend of mine was in 'special military intel,' as mentioned in the video the craft and its beings were taken by USAF. The United States at that stage (1980's) had an agreement globally about recovering UFO's from any country.
@@aijazahmadkhatana7885 UFO's are real. Admiral Byrd said it, Bob Lazar said it, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have seen it, especially them school kids in Australia. Pilots seen them (commercial & military), but are told to hush hush, or lose their job. Get ready to accept it. In the 80's, if I told you we would be communicating to each other via pocket size devices, you'd laugh at me & call me crazy.
SAAF Security Squadron #501 We did the security for the perimeter while waiting for the US to recover an unknown craft before they turned the crash site into a small mountain. At first, the Air Force believed it to be a nuke during the Cold War. It was sighted southeast of Port Elizabeth halfway across Indian Ocean. Fighter jets were deployed from Valhalla and Hoedspruit AF bases. Our job was to stand guard 6 miles from the crash site, making sure no soul entered the crash zone. It was too far away to see any details. All we could see was the US planes landing and big earth moving equipment moving about. We've seen lots of Russian fighter jets shot down and recoverd. Those were secured at zero distance barriers. There was no doubt among all of us that this was not from earth. The truth is all we know to be real.
Uh, this is pretty Damn Awesome. I recommend you make as many as possible on the subject. The more cases you create the more likely you will get approached to make one from someone who was 'there' at retrieve. Outstanding.
Your work is amazing, not trying to direct the future of your channel. I think I a majority of us UAP lovers are wanting more and more of these right here. Your channel could finally visually show us. Your Area 51 video is phenomenal work.
I love how they put all the aliens in incubators without having the faintest idea of what temperature, humidity etc settings to maintain the lives of the poor things.
@@sopaman1234 I agree, but isn't the reason they are contained for their own protection? If I am wrong then I very much appreciate your insightful help my dear pal.
👍 Huge! It's almost a true-to-life account of what happened. A huge thank you and congratulations for this masterpiece I have watched it twice in a row. That's quality, I guess you didn't finish it in a few days. My compliments ! ❤
Das sehe ich auch so!unsere Sternen Brüder und Schwestern werden von den massenmedien und den filmproduzenten immer als böse Aliens dargestellt was jeder Wirklichkeit wiederspricht! Es ist die dunkle Seite, die Menschen für ihre Zwecke missbraucht!die Menschheit steht auf dem tiefsten ethisch und moralischen Stand! Sie zerstört sich und die Mutter Erde! Unsere Sternen Geschwister haben ihre raumgleiter bzw raumschiffe nahe unseres sonnensystem stationiert!die Erdachse unseres Mutter Planeten hat durch den Raubbau der Menschheit eine fehlstellung bekommen, dadurch besteht die Möglichkeit eines Polsprungs Dies wird von den massenmedien und Machthabern unserer Welt verheimlicht! Die Endzeit der Menschheit hat begonnen!die Sternen Geschwister sind bereit für eine Evakuierung der Menschheit!ihre raumschiffe können sich auch auf der Erde aufhalten auch wenn wir sie nicht sehen! Sie sind Halb Grobstofflich, und halb Feinstofflich! Sie können ihre raumschiffe de matterialisieren!
I saw in 2015 a UFO in South Africa around 9 pm. It was a complet white light flying object in the dark clouds. With no wings, just a long white light kind of plain with a queue behind it, in fire. It was going in the horizon. That day I had a Sony smartphone but the battery was already off. I tried to turn on the phone to take the picture of the Object but it disappeared before the phone get on 😢. You've never see a complete white light kind of plain, without wings, have a fire-like queue everyday! But God knows I am saying the truth! I saw it !
I absolutely believe you! I never sawn a UFO but i watched many dokumentations about different ufo sightings and its always described same. a round silver Objekt that can change the Gravity in Front of it and it have 3 Orange lights. Have you seen more Anomaly things? I am really interestet!
I believe you because I once saw a ufo. I have not told anyone even my family till now. It had red blue and green lights and was hovering. It wasn’t a drone and it was shaped like a triangle. I didint seem to have any engines it was just magically hovering
I trust you but the top secret agency in the world we are hiding the truth and unfortunately we can't do anything about it it's a secret we shouldn't pry into it ok
On youtube are the National Archive videos of the interviews of Roswell witnesses by Physicist Stanton Friedman. Very compelling. If these people are actors....they're better than Jack Nicholson and Denzel-
If you woulda went to Wright Patterson AFB site in '98, you coulda seen complete collection of real photos including both Roswell craft, plus Aliens alive and those under autopsy. Site had poorest of lowest bidder website security, so even teenagers could log on & copy the whole shebang!! And if ya do stumble upon this info today, remove all cookies, destroy all except your secret copy, as the Men in Black will come a callin'!! I am not shttin' you!
I am writing an article about this crash but cannot find any decent evidence. Was this story widely known in the SADF? Is there anyone who would be willing to talk about it?
I love your channel. It's awesome to see what happened in an animated movie; it makes it so much more realistic, and I can picture more in my mind how it really happened.
@@richbrake9910 the nutjobs that believe in the reason are the concern... some dangerous people out there telling crazy stories of little green men without evidence.. in the old days they would have been labotomised.. oh the good ol days
Thanks so much for the detailed efforts... Pls kindly do more of this and bring to light many of the Africa UFOs incidence that has been so kept out of sight.
Thanks for making a couple dreams come true lol. Besides the show Taken, I’ve looked everywhere for a movie/show, or even a game would be amazing, based on researched cases. I’m so sick of terrible invasion movies. The real alleged and compelling cases are so interesting. It’s all right there but no one makes anything with it.. until now! This is so awesome
So well done makes you feel that you are there, sad that some of the beings were dead, I imagine the one still alive was captured, you cannot tell if they were hostile or friendly, great grafics
@@honiotes1 not us. the humans who get swore into high positions and secret positions. some you cannot even call human anymore. and the other regressive beings are the ones that work with our leaders
It was an urban legend in South Africa in the 90s. Some stories had the Mirage down the UFO with a laser based weapon. All very speculative. However there were numerous UFO sightings of a tube UFO over Botswana in the 80s
@@happychappy492 if the shields are low then a large enough explosion might work, though it might take a nuke, but its far more efficient and quiet to just use high energy. it scrambles the flight machines and pierces the shields and the hull. since roswell at least they've known this. in the years 1900-1940 we only had radio/low energy technology, we used that to shoot down the craft and reverse engineer a lot of technology. radio technology can also be used for voice-to-skull, wave-to-sound LRAD GUEN, thermal effect weather alteration (haarp, nexgen), milimeter wave image surveillance, air ionization blue beam, and piezoelectric forcing altering geological activity, which can also ionize the air (earthquake lights)
Huge compliments as to your astonishing achievements, plus exquisite credits to Michael Donner's first class soundtrack - this is a perfect melange! 🙏😀👍🏆
First of all, a cordial greeting from Caracas, Venezuela. What great videos you make, the level of your videos is incredible, I love them. I also love the one on the S4 base, simply incredible. I wish there were video games with these controversial topics full of mystery and conspiracy. You have a gift for creating these videos, I hope you make more of these themes, simply great. Blessings and success to you.
They would probably be a lot lighter than they look. But the most unrealistic part is carrying them openly in the daylight. Snakes work in the cover of darkness
Да, это реальные события. Только в статье "Комсомольской правды" была информация, что сначала "Миражи" пытались догнать объект, и он на большой скорости резко под углом изменил траекторию полёта. "Миражи" этот маневр повторить не смогли. Тогда с земли им поступила команда обстрелять объект из экспериментальной лазерной пушки. После попадания объект стал резко терять высоту и упал. Также там было описание внешнего вида объекта (размеры, вид материала изготовления, обозначения на корпусе и т.д.). В остальном вроде всё соответствует данному мультфильму.
"Cartoon" is an apt word to use in connection to this tale. No self-respecting aliens would allow their tech to fall into our hands-a mother ship would be dispatched to recover it. But then again,their technology would be a million or more years ahead of ours,and their secrets would be safe. It would be like someone traveling to the middle ages,and giving Michelangelo a smart phone. He might be able to boot it up,but would lack the hundreds of years of physics and chemistry to even begin to understand how it worked.
This makes me feel so sorry for them but, I know they have no human emotion so, I don't think they feel sad but, they probably can feel screwed.. Most people probably don't realize that this is actually based on true events.. They just think it's a cool animation.. 🛸🤗👽
our leaders pick on the vulnerable ones. sometimes they shoot the strong ones that try to help us, but usually there are those who are strong but ethical, so they are intimidating, but our leaders being evil still hate them and try everything. this is why the vatican has those space satellites all over the world, in hawaii and chile, on mountaintops, and why they look like the domes in rome. To keep an eye on them while they claw for more power. the vatican owns those telescopes.
I remember this day like it was yesterday, thank you for bringing back so many memories! I’ve never been to Kalahari and to be honest, I just learned the name just now, but this depiction is the most accurate from what I recall that fateful day. Thank you!
just listen to people like bob lazar and look at tr3bs. Or play XCOM 2. Just remember the story is about the deep state trying to make themselves the good guys, and the bad guys are set up as alien invaders. Most of the shootdowns and crash retrievals are of benevolent vulnerable targets
In 2023, I was on a business trip in the Northern Cape, South Africa, whilst driving to the airport around 03.30 am. I saw something flying in the sky at such a fast speed then it just disappeared I don't even know how to properly articulate what I saw I've been researching it and scared to speak as people will think I'm crazy Northern Cape is the biggest province however least populated Province in South Africa itbmade sense why they would be there .This video has given me chills
The Kalahari incident is True and Correct. I was fortunate too have seen the official South African Airforce report on the incident and the American involvement in retrieving the UFO .
@@Martin-jn5cv Was ook in weermag maar nie so gelukkig om in die lugmag te dien en wil jou graag glo, kan nie glo dat ons aleen in die hemelruim of sterre stelsel bestaan nie maar tyd loop nou uit vir my agv ouderdom en raak nou haastig vir selfs klein bewys
Hi..out of the blue i'm glad you remember this incident so vividly...so do I...i have been very familiar with that spacecraft and the occupants since April 1982...i am very perturbed at what those mig fighters did using our new microwave weapon to down their craft!! contact me if you would like to know more or if you need any references to my statement
Very cool, I remember the Kalahari UFO crash being mentioned in a really old late 90s documentary on the Alien Interview tape. It was speculated that the Grey in the interview could have been from the crash, since it allegedly had not been in human custody for very long. Of course whether or not the interview tape is real is another matter entirely, it's a mostly forgotten piece of ufo media that arose amidst the hype of Area51. Considering that people aren't above making elaborate hoaxes for profit and attention on trending topics, it's probably fake. Brings to mind the recent NewsNation whistleblower, but all they have is second hand knowledge. Since the interest in UAPs and UFOs is high again with the Nimitz footage, it's hard to say whether these new whistleblowers are real or cashing in on the interest, or disinformation patsy. Who can say. As for the Kalahari case, it's nice to see some attention being given to it even as a fun recreation project. Your Area 51 S-4 recreation was great too, been one of my favorite aspects of ufo conspiracies. Having hangars of recovered Alien craft, mysterious to mankind, full of secrets, and we struggle to understand them. Imaginitive fascinating stuff. Hope you do more of these recreations! They're very enjoyable!
Thanks for your awesome presentation, must take a ton of work. Over the years, I've read that a lot of ET's have visited Earth, communnicated etc. I have also read that the types have been catalogued, and that there are certain races that ARE hostile to us. That could be the reasoning for occasional shootdowns. I think that Stephen Greer knows loads more than he is letting on.
Stephen greer absolutely knows more. He's an asset. That's why he's alive. He was in contact with a rockefeller, lawrence. Those are second to the rothschilds. His information is valuable, but the warranted skepticism comes in where he sets up a story for some trust in the surface government, since theyre "innocent, victims of the deep state", and controlling the narrative on the e.t.s. He admits the false invasion, good, a lot of people are in hysterics over these drones. But what does he get to say about e.t.s? He claims none are hostile or we'd be dead. Clearly there are hostile ones and they have something to gain from our leaders, and there are other e.t.s that keep them somewhat in check. If no e.t.s are hostile, then that connects to the new age idea of the "federation of light", the idea that this alien congress is benevolent and they will reveal themselves and save the planet. Clearly by taking control of the government, there's your NWO. A false invasion is done equally with "bad guys" and the "saviours". The saviours are who you gotta worry about, not that they will be genuine e.t.s. See the series "V/ the V", it discusses this exactly. The saviours end up being not who you expect. V refers to vril, vlash, connected to n-zis, reptiles
I was talking moreso about the knockoff Crye/Emerson wannabes and legally distinct not!MultiCam/OCP camo certain troops were wearing, though (neither of which existed in 1989)... ...though I do understand if those were the only assets MacMave had at the time.
no wonder the aliens hide,we shoot them out of the sky before they can even say,take me to your leader,and the alien looking at his dead partner is thinking f.cken humans.
The level and quality of your documentary is really incredible. I never knew that they were shot down by the South African Air Force; that would make sense. Poor creatures who encounter such hostility, shoot first and ask questions later! And then to realise that for some people there really is no mystery at all, like the doctors in your S4 animation.
we would never be alone, but its still exciting to see the reality taking form. The question is who and what. Our leaders are allied with regressive e.t.s since eisenhower, shooting down others to gain. Now the military craft and the spacecraft are indistinguishable, from far away at least, they probably have markings up close. So we should disregard these drone events now in the world. Its our own militaries. And they and the news never tell the truth anyway
However your video skills are extremely entertaining so thank you...more of the same would be very much appreciated...more southern african stories, there is quite a variety to choose from
This is absolutely amazing and amazingly done ! Felt like I was watching a movie ! And p.s. Why did they shoot it down !?!!!! I dont think there's ever been a ufo incident killing or harming humans! I could be wrong, but I can't recall any !
clearly they have ethics if they have that technology but choose not to destroy us for what our corrupt secret leaders do. why did they shoot it down? We are ruled by a global elite of power hungry esoteric psychos, at the surface level of people we can see, and the people behind those leaders, that operate at this level. There are countless uses for space age technology for a psycho to keep to himself. And not all e.t.s have ethics, the ones that don't are already here, allied with those corrupt human leaders, president eisenhower made deals with them. They shoot down the decent ones (not always, only a few), and their corrupt allies can fly free in our skies. Maybe the reason those ones dont destroy us is they already have something to gain from us, they made deals, shady stuff, maybe they abduct people and participate in global agendas.
2:31 I like the way US military personnel so friendly says hello to our cosmic brothers!!! Why the hell shooting as a first thing to do without seeing any threat or hostile behavior at all? Even when some of them are so different than us, does not give the right to hurt or kill a living being!
Once again, another great freaking video man. I hope you do a lot more of these they're fantastic. There's so many ufo stories out there and you do a great job of recreating them.
Proof. Of the crash facts jack 2024
Images d'une définition exceptionnelle et son spatial ! Merci pour votre contribution ! 😊
Thanks for your comments
Ноmo sapiens жестоки
Excellent work!! Really pulls you into the story.
Because the usa is deep state
Nicely done animation. I felt like I was in a real situation while watching.
Cu tehnologia actuala se poate minți foarte ușor.Numai Biblia este cartea cea mai importanta de citit crezut și aplicat.
Warum muss alles gleich abgeschlossen werden ? Das sind kranke Fantasien
Real beings who weren't hurting us were murdered by US, I can't look at this in any other way. I'm ashamed of what was done to them~
That's some top notch animation.
Bujda na resorach!!!
I to wszystko sovieckim sprzętem!!! Ha,ha!!!
A dlaczego ten obcy nie właczył pola atygrwitactjnwgo.Tylko dał się zestrzelić jak kaczka!!!???
@@adamcyrankowski6347 удар был лазерной пушкой об этом есть сведения , лазер был секретным оружием в то время и был гриф секретности, тут же показана ракета, от лазера гравитация не помогает , свет проходит везде для света нет преграды
@@adamcyrankowski6347if they are not human, they wouldn’t think what you just thought which is a set of thoughts fed over time not your first min on earth
Bravo. This video is amazing. Please make more. Visualizing this stuff is incredible.
For a connect the dots mystery solved narrative Google search Apollo 20 mission to the moon to investigate a crashed spacecraft replete with Tibetean princess.
The backstory on the dead female crewmember is as follows.She was a member of the MU society located in the Gobi Desert.There was a conflict with the Atlanteans/ Pleadians.The Atlanteans initiated a sneak attack against MU but some of their spacecraft escaped. 1 grabbed a hunk of rock in the rings of Saturn and hurled it at the Atlanteans which fragmented before impact destroying alot of real estate 11.4k years ago.
2 of the MU spacecraft were damaged by the shockwave.1 crashed into the moon and the other is tumbling thru our solar system =Omuamua.
The more spiritually oriented refugees of MU migrated to the Tibetean plateau focusing on their spiritual practices to atone for this heinous act of destruction.
The Pleadians dispersed to America-The Yucatan-Patagonia and Egypt.
The more spiritually oriented Pleadians managed to get back to their home planet and dive deep into their spiritual practices.
According to Edgar Cayces insights there are more Atlanteans incarnating in America at this time in history than ever before.Can they effect a change of heart against the other ancestors of the stranded E.T. colonists,? is the bigger question.
See Pleadian contactee Billy Meiers material with a narrative by Randolf Winters...hit the video icon for confirmation.
Outstandingly excellent job done on this video👏👏👏👏👏❤
Amazing job man !
Wouuu!! , really a beautiful video, it's awesome. All the scenes are incredibly well made. The music and sound. The theme fascinate. Congratulations. Greetings from Mexico!!
Po plsku ndawaj komentaeze
Udziel odpowiedzi
There are multimillions of virtual reality headsets out there today, putting this into virtual reality is a master stroke of genius, if you understand what I'm saying!
Lol no
Why don't you just say what you are saying? 🙄
Not a clue
Oh wow, this looks absolutely insane 👍 animations & camerawork is really nice.
The graphics look great, the pilots inside looks like they were hurt imagine, how they felt being shot down, they were probably terrified.
What camera work?
Na imagem inicial do vídeo, Cgi, o caminhão não faz sombra.
@@kimoritobara5710Meu amigo. É patente que o vídeo se configura como um CGI. A proposta do canal no que tange este vídeo é retratar um caso que ocorreu na África do Sul referente a um abate de um disco voador, abate esse perpetrado por caças militares.
I really don't see how this could be any better. Amazing
💗✉✉💗✉✉💗? ??!
Only problem I have - so many crashed ufos - why isn't anyone saying anything? So many that have seen them, it seem ridiculous nobody is talking.
uhm ....how about "not CGI" ... would be a start to make it "better"
Shut up skeptic @@justsomeone953
a HUGE beautiful CGI animated video version of this happening , very very great done .
I have to admit this is the clearest ufo sighting ever. I like the way the alien with the moustache looks into the camera
Bravo pour ce travail d'animation !!!
Extraordinary animation and attention to detail. Impressive.
U f 0 are real they lie to you. The chosen one u can touch
Earthlings are the real space aliens and any extraterrestrials retrieved are to be placed in cold storage. These out of this world creatures can then be added to expand our up and coming gourmet interplanetary cook book. Hopefully this add-on during interplanetary travel will become sumptuous treat!
Levaram tudo pra Área 51👽👽👽👽👽😂😂😂😂😂😂
amazing work, really enjoyed how well put together this is.
TP üç hgh Hz
Fantastic job incredible what you can do with technology these days you should be making your own movies. I live in South Africa my mother told me this story when I was a child, I have seen many ufos through out my life and I still watch the sky's at night
They didn't need to kill them
I bet the family miss them
There wad a UFO sighting in midrand in june 2023
THEY DIDN'T.. IT NEVER HAPPENED.. think about it@@spilleryolispiller7565they came entered into our galaxy, with their technology and brain, and you mean to tell me they couldn't detect a missile coming straight at them 😯 All FAKE👎
Excellent animation!
Outstanding work, I hope you do one of these CGI animations of the Nimitz event one day.
i believe that was a drone. a clasified retroengineered space age one, but still. They exist on some military ships, space age uav's. Manned craft can also be our government. the point is it is impossible to tell at this point because they look the same, our secret tech and the e.t.s., because of these projects. that is why people need to disregard the drone events right now. even if it wasn't our militaries, which they are, we could do nothing, and if we panic, then our leaders get more control.
very accurate, i was in the military then and a friend of mine was in 'special military intel,' as mentioned in the video the craft and its beings were taken by USAF.
The United States at that stage (1980's) had an agreement globally about recovering UFO's from any country.
Sir this was real or fake
@@aijazahmadkhatana7885 UFO's are real. Admiral Byrd said it, Bob Lazar said it, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have seen it, especially them school kids in Australia. Pilots seen them (commercial & military), but are told to hush hush, or lose their job. Get ready to accept it. In the 80's, if I told you we would be communicating to each other via pocket size devices, you'd laugh at me & call me crazy.
Except Russia! They have their own space UFO crash retrieval programs.
Any country? ...lol
SAAF Security Squadron #501
We did the security for the perimeter while waiting for the US to recover an unknown craft before they turned the crash site into a small mountain. At first, the Air Force believed it to be a nuke during the Cold War. It was sighted southeast of Port Elizabeth halfway across Indian Ocean. Fighter jets were deployed from Valhalla and Hoedspruit AF bases. Our job was to stand guard 6 miles from the crash site, making sure no soul entered the crash zone. It was too far away to see any details. All we could see was the US planes landing and big earth moving equipment moving about. We've seen lots of Russian fighter jets shot down and recoverd. Those were secured at zero distance barriers. There was no doubt among all of us that this was not from earth. The truth is all we know to be real.
Uh, this is pretty Damn Awesome. I recommend you make as many as possible on the subject. The more cases you create the more likely you will get approached to make one from someone who was 'there' at retrieve.
Great animation - really breathes new life into an obscure incident; nice work!
We bring you this in CGI because there is no *real* footage!
They need to trigger you past memories for when the big reveal happens it’s a desensitising program to get us used to the unthinkable
Your work is amazing, not trying to direct the future of your channel. I think I a majority of us UAP lovers are wanting more and more of these right here. Your channel could finally visually show us. Your Area 51 video is phenomenal work.
Love these videos so much skill and attention to detail go into them utterly enthralling xxx
Great photography and editing
I love how they put all the aliens in incubators without having the faintest idea of what temperature, humidity etc settings to maintain the lives of the poor things.
Those poor things you described may have radiation or other contaminations that can kill off this whole plant
@@sopaman1234 I agree, but isn't the reason they are contained for their own protection? If I am wrong then I very much appreciate your insightful help my dear pal.
Why were they shipped to USA? RELATIVES OF DEMOCRATS? LOL😊
@@j.pslaym0666 lost me at telepathy, there comes a point where you believe too much crap.
Telepathy is fact with practice fool@@ihavewaited90daystochangem51
Please Make More!! These Are Amazing!
Thank you for this re-synchronised film docu.Was in search of this one.
This is the best I had ever seen on UFO
👍 Huge! It's almost a true-to-life account of what happened. A huge thank you and congratulations for this masterpiece I have watched it twice in a row. That's quality, I guess you didn't finish it in a few days. My compliments ! ❤
Great work. I love how its based on a real scenario.
Really great animation, thanks!
Это наши , братья и сёстры !!!Зла Человечеству не несут .❤
... 🇰🇿🎅🎄🛸🪐☃️🍸⛄🥂👽💫🌍 у нас все всегда в секрете держать , боятся правду сказать , если конечно правда есть . 😏 ...
@@svetlananusipovna4812 Враги у нас в доме .А Мать ЗЕМЕЛЮШКА и Небеса никакой угрозы не несут.Тараканов потравить надо и Порядок будет
ага братья Адольфа он с ними заключал договор
@@Thumperr67не только с ними (серыми), с другими тоже
Das sehe ich auch so!unsere Sternen Brüder und Schwestern werden von den massenmedien und den filmproduzenten immer als böse Aliens dargestellt was jeder Wirklichkeit wiederspricht! Es ist die dunkle Seite, die Menschen für ihre Zwecke missbraucht!die Menschheit steht auf dem tiefsten ethisch und moralischen Stand! Sie zerstört sich und die Mutter Erde! Unsere Sternen Geschwister haben ihre raumgleiter bzw raumschiffe nahe unseres sonnensystem stationiert!die Erdachse unseres Mutter Planeten hat durch den Raubbau der Menschheit eine fehlstellung bekommen, dadurch besteht die Möglichkeit eines Polsprungs Dies wird von den massenmedien und Machthabern unserer Welt verheimlicht! Die Endzeit der Menschheit hat begonnen!die Sternen Geschwister sind bereit für eine Evakuierung der Menschheit!ihre raumschiffe können sich auch auf der Erde aufhalten auch wenn wir sie nicht sehen! Sie sind Halb Grobstofflich, und halb Feinstofflich! Sie können ihre raumschiffe de matterialisieren!
This video is a masterpiece! So entertaining and well-paced
Gorgeous! Amazing! Congratulations!
ص 😊
I saw in 2015 a UFO in South Africa around 9 pm. It was a complet white light flying object in the dark clouds. With no wings, just a long white light kind of plain with a queue behind it, in fire. It was going in the horizon. That day I had a Sony smartphone but the battery was already off. I tried to turn on the phone to take the picture of the Object but it disappeared before the phone get on 😢. You've never see a complete white light kind of plain, without wings, have a fire-like queue everyday! But God knows I am saying the truth! I saw it !
I absolutely believe you! I never sawn a UFO but i watched many dokumentations about different ufo sightings and its always described same. a round silver Objekt that can change the Gravity in Front of it and it have 3 Orange lights. Have you seen more Anomaly things? I am really interestet!
@@secret_urbex3713some are multidimensional and shape shifting. Angelic look to them
I believe you because I once saw a ufo. I have not told anyone even my family till now. It had red blue and green lights and was hovering. It wasn’t a drone and it was shaped like a triangle. I didint seem to have any engines it was just magically hovering
I trust but it's secret to covering the world top class secret agency
I trust you but the top secret agency in the world we are hiding the truth and unfortunately we can't do anything about it it's a secret we shouldn't pry into it ok
Amazing work! Clearly, lot of time and effort were given into this.
You gotta recreate the Roswell incident!!!
On youtube are the National Archive videos of the interviews of Roswell witnesses by Physicist Stanton Friedman. Very compelling. If these people are actors....they're better than Jack Nicholson and Denzel-
If you woulda went to Wright Patterson AFB site in '98, you coulda seen complete collection of real photos including both Roswell craft, plus Aliens alive and those under autopsy. Site had poorest of lowest bidder website security, so even teenagers could log on & copy the whole shebang!! And if ya do stumble upon this info today, remove all cookies, destroy all except your secret copy, as the Men in Black will come a callin'!! I am not shttin' you!
I remember this . i was in the Sadf at the time ,as the story goes an American team came over and collected everything
100 % I too remember it well.
I am writing an article about this crash but cannot find any decent evidence. Was this story widely known in the SADF? Is there anyone who would be willing to talk about it?
Tudo mennnnnnntira
Why would the South Africa government turn it over to the Americans?
Another brilliant video. Well done guys!
Your videos are very well done and profoundly entertaining. Please don't stop.
Some folks appear to believe this is actual film footage. It is animated, it is fiction, is essentially a cartoon!
Universal should hire this person man
I love your channel. It's awesome to see what happened in an animated movie; it makes it so much more realistic, and I can picture more in my mind how it really happened.
Exquisite and brilliant The movie The Kalahari Ufo Crash. Thank you so much. Waiting for more with Ufo s. A fan from România.
Anche solo vedere il vostro filmato è stupendo! Vero o no che sia! Bravi! M.
Fantastic computarized dramatization.Very realistic.
This is great work! It looks very real!
Very well done, I really enjoyed that. Thank you very much. 👍
Apne apne jagh ke taramandal me sb chota ko bada bada krke bataya jata hai.
So wonderful and amazing.
Just like wow knowledge ❤😮😊🙏🙏
Wow, top notch animation.
Even in Austria 🇦🇹 Europe we have a hotspot for UFO sightings among our mountains. Greetings from Linz Austria 🇦🇹 Europe!
Greetings From Arizona USA!
You should lookup wolfgang poker
udah lh sherda nansah aku akan.lawan.kes aku.ingat.kamu betina haram.celqja
klau dia jatuh siap pun x kn nampak.haya aku sor saja yg nampak.klau kamu dekat dia hentak.kamu mampus
Greetings from Czechia 🇨🇿
Incredible. I wonder many hours were invested into this? Amazing job
Agree !! Totally amazing video. 😎😎
Your only concern is the animation and not the reason for the animation?
@@richbrake9910 A sidetrack topic, why not?
@@richbrake9910 the nutjobs that believe in the reason are the concern... some dangerous people out there telling crazy stories of little green men without evidence.. in the old days they would have been labotomised.. oh the good ol days
Thanks so much for the detailed efforts... Pls kindly do more of this and bring to light many of the Africa UFOs incidence that has been so kept out of sight.
beautifully done! 👍
Nice work on this one.
Thanks for making a couple dreams come true lol. Besides the show Taken, I’ve looked everywhere for a movie/show, or even a game would be amazing, based on researched cases. I’m so sick of terrible invasion movies. The real alleged and compelling cases are so interesting. It’s all right there but no one makes anything with it.. until now! This is so awesome
If you don't have the real thing, I'm not watching.
Filim mi bu
So well done makes you feel that you are there, sad that some of the beings were dead, I imagine the one still alive was captured, you cannot tell if they were hostile or friendly, great grafics
The only ones hostile were Us~
@@honiotes1 not us. the humans who get swore into high positions and secret positions. some you cannot even call human anymore. and the other regressive beings are the ones that work with our leaders
It was an urban legend in South Africa in the 90s. Some stories had the Mirage down the UFO with a laser based weapon. All very speculative. However there were numerous UFO sightings of a tube UFO over Botswana in the 80s
most truth is urban legend to the masses. most people support censorship of their mass media.
a laser sounds about right I can not see how an advanced race could be taken with a missile that is the one bit about the story that I do not believe
@@happychappy492 if the shields are low then a large enough explosion might work, though it might take a nuke, but its far more efficient and quiet to just use high energy. it scrambles the flight machines and pierces the shields and the hull. since roswell at least they've known this. in the years 1900-1940 we only had radio/low energy technology, we used that to shoot down the craft and reverse engineer a lot of technology. radio technology can also be used for voice-to-skull, wave-to-sound LRAD GUEN, thermal effect weather alteration (haarp, nexgen), milimeter wave image surveillance, air ionization blue beam, and piezoelectric forcing altering geological activity, which can also ionize the air (earthquake lights)
Good story with fantastic animation
I love your videos! They are truly amazing and exquisite. You are extremely talented and I wouldn’t doubt that you are being divinely inspired. 🌠🌌🌙
You from
Huge compliments as to your astonishing achievements, plus exquisite credits to Michael Donner's first class soundtrack - this is a perfect melange!
Love seeing unreal engine 5 being used for this
Awesome job!
Very well done, that Alien creeped me out.
You should see his recent alien one. The 2020 Magé UFO Incident
First of all, a cordial greeting from Caracas, Venezuela. What great videos you make, the level of your videos is incredible, I love them. I also love the one on the S4 base, simply incredible. I wish there were video games with these controversial topics full of mystery and conspiracy. You have a gift for creating these videos, I hope you make more of these themes, simply great. Blessings and success to you.
The 2 choppers carrying it: 🤣🤣😂
50К это много для одного вертолета максимум 40 тонн, и раскачивание груза на 2х меньше так что это реально
They would probably be a lot lighter than they look. But the most unrealistic part is carrying them openly in the daylight. Snakes work in the cover of darkness
Да, это реальные события. Только в статье "Комсомольской правды" была информация, что сначала "Миражи" пытались догнать объект, и он на большой скорости резко под углом изменил траекторию полёта. "Миражи" этот маневр повторить не смогли. Тогда с земли им поступила команда обстрелять объект из экспериментальной лазерной пушки. После попадания объект стал резко терять высоту и упал. Также там было описание внешнего вида объекта (размеры, вид материала изготовления, обозначения на корпусе и т.д.). В остальном вроде всё соответствует данному мультфильму.
Thanks for your comments
"Cartoon" is an apt word to use in connection to this tale. No self-respecting aliens would allow their tech to fall into our hands-a mother ship would be dispatched to recover it. But then again,their technology would be a million or more years ahead of ours,and their secrets would be safe. It would be like someone traveling to the middle ages,and giving Michelangelo a smart phone. He might be able to boot it up,but would lack the hundreds of years of physics and chemistry to even begin to understand how it worked.
@@mikedunn7795Melhor comentário e se fosse verdade eles destruiriam o exército inteiro da África do Sul. Abs 🇧🇷 Brasil
beautiful job dude
As a South African, I remember this being a story passed on,
almost an urban legend..
Seems we just can't imagine other intelligent lifeforms having clothing.
Ive come to believe we are actually the aliens and they are just returning to see how much we have destroyed this planet.
This makes me feel so sorry for them but, I know they have no human emotion so, I don't think they feel sad but, they probably can feel screwed.. Most people probably don't realize that this is actually based on true events.. They just think it's a cool animation.. 🛸🤗👽
😂but it still remains Animated 😂
our leaders pick on the vulnerable ones. sometimes they shoot the strong ones that try to help us, but usually there are those who are strong but ethical, so they are intimidating, but our leaders being evil still hate them and try everything. this is why the vatican has those space satellites all over the world, in hawaii and chile, on mountaintops, and why they look like the domes in rome. To keep an eye on them while they claw for more power. the vatican owns those telescopes.
Damn your videos are awesome!!!
I remember this day like it was yesterday, thank you for bringing back so many memories! I’ve never been to Kalahari and to be honest, I just learned the name just now, but this depiction is the most accurate from what I recall that fateful day. Thank you!
i wish they would re enact an accurate back engineering of the craft and aluen autopsy! excellent job!
just listen to people like bob lazar and look at tr3bs. Or play XCOM 2. Just remember the story is about the deep state trying to make themselves the good guys, and the bad guys are set up as alien invaders. Most of the shootdowns and crash retrievals are of benevolent vulnerable targets
In 2023, I was on a business trip in the Northern Cape, South Africa, whilst driving to the airport around 03.30 am. I saw something flying in the sky at such a fast speed then it just disappeared I don't even know how to properly articulate what I saw I've been researching it and scared to speak as people will think I'm crazy Northern Cape is the biggest province however least populated Province in South Africa itbmade sense why they would be there .This video has given me chills
The Kalahari incident is True and Correct. I was fortunate too have seen the official South African Airforce report on the incident and the American involvement in retrieving the UFO .
Seriously Boet
You not taking Kak are you would really like to know more Ex SADF sapper Engineers Bethlehem
Never read any of incident in local papers seeıng so many people saw it. Hard to believe??
@@Martin-jn5cv Was ook in weermag maar nie so gelukkig om in die lugmag te dien en wil jou graag glo, kan nie glo dat ons aleen in die hemelruim of sterre stelsel bestaan nie maar tyd loop nou uit vir my agv ouderdom en raak nou haastig vir selfs klein bewys
I'm writing an article about this. Do recall any details on that SAAF report? Are you willing to speak? Thanks
All your videos should have 7M views
I remember this incident vividly. I was into research about this for a long time before this happened.
Hi..out of the blue i'm glad you remember this incident so vividly...so do I...i have been very familiar with that spacecraft and the occupants since April 1982...i am very perturbed at what those mig fighters did using our new microwave weapon to down their craft!! contact me if you would like to know more or if you need any references to my statement
@@CraigCameron-i9l What kind of microwave machine was this?
Would like to see the re enactment of the 1948 Aztec UFO Crash per the Scott Ramsey book “The Aztec Incident”…it is more fascinating than Roswell
Very cool, I remember the Kalahari UFO crash being mentioned in a really old late 90s documentary on the Alien Interview tape. It was speculated that the Grey in the interview could have been from the crash, since it allegedly had not been in human custody for very long.
Of course whether or not the interview tape is real is another matter entirely, it's a mostly forgotten piece of ufo media that arose amidst the hype of Area51. Considering that people aren't above making elaborate hoaxes for profit and attention on trending topics, it's probably fake. Brings to mind the recent NewsNation whistleblower, but all they have is second hand knowledge. Since the interest in UAPs and UFOs is high again with the Nimitz footage, it's hard to say whether these new whistleblowers are real or cashing in on the interest, or disinformation patsy. Who can say.
As for the Kalahari case, it's nice to see some attention being given to it even as a fun recreation project.
Your Area 51 S-4 recreation was great too, been one of my favorite aspects of ufo conspiracies. Having hangars of recovered Alien craft, mysterious to mankind, full of secrets, and we struggle to understand them. Imaginitive fascinating stuff.
Hope you do more of these recreations! They're very enjoyable!
@@tonytromp6794 hilarious, isn’t it?
Did the pilot "Dan Pienaar's" name pop up ?
I say the newest whistleblower is a, "disinformation patsy."
😂😂😂 um from the Kalahari and strange nothing have fallen here
Thanks for your awesome presentation, must take a ton of work.
Over the years, I've read that a lot of ET's have visited Earth, communnicated etc. I have also read that the types have been catalogued, and that there are certain races that ARE hostile to us.
That could be the reasoning for occasional shootdowns. I think that Stephen Greer knows loads more than he is letting on.
Stephen greer absolutely knows more. He's an asset. That's why he's alive. He was in contact with a rockefeller, lawrence. Those are second to the rothschilds. His information is valuable, but the warranted skepticism comes in where he sets up a story for some trust in the surface government, since theyre "innocent, victims of the deep state", and controlling the narrative on the e.t.s. He admits the false invasion, good, a lot of people are in hysterics over these drones. But what does he get to say about e.t.s? He claims none are hostile or we'd be dead. Clearly there are hostile ones and they have something to gain from our leaders, and there are other e.t.s that keep them somewhat in check. If no e.t.s are hostile, then that connects to the new age idea of the "federation of light", the idea that this alien congress is benevolent and they will reveal themselves and save the planet. Clearly by taking control of the government, there's your NWO. A false invasion is done equally with "bad guys" and the "saviours". The saviours are who you gotta worry about, not that they will be genuine e.t.s. See the series "V/ the V", it discusses this exactly. The saviours end up being not who you expect. V refers to vril, vlash, connected to n-zis, reptiles
Amazing video!
Honestly, other than some of the grunts and operators wearing clothing and gear that look a bit too modern for 1989, this is pretty damn great.
I do wonder. Science over there is probably ahead a 100 years before it surfaces
I was talking moreso about the knockoff Crye/Emerson wannabes and legally distinct not!MultiCam/OCP camo certain troops were wearing, though (neither of which existed in 1989)...
...though I do understand if those were the only assets MacMave had at the time.
no wonder the aliens hide,we shoot them out of the sky before they can even say,take me to your leader,and the alien looking at his dead partner is thinking f.cken humans.
Please don’t tell me you thought that was real?
Shoot first, ask questions never
Fake video!
This is awesome. Can you do one on Roswell and kecksburg UFO crashes
You're really close, but it's spelled Kecksburg, Pa.
December 9th, 1965.
@@Mike-gt1cs thank you
Great work.
Great animation!
The level and quality of your documentary is really incredible. I never knew that they were shot down by the South African Air Force; that would make sense. Poor creatures who encounter such hostility, shoot first and ask questions later! And then to realise that for some people there really is no mystery at all, like the doctors in your S4 animation.
It's not hard to distinguish who's the aggressor
Exactly... the Aliens
Very well done.. wonder where the idea and location , in fact, the whole story had its origin. I'll copy this to someone who knows a bit about it.
I am a fan of science research. If evertyhing in this video montage is true, it is fascinating. It does mean that we are not alone.
we would never be alone, but its still exciting to see the reality taking form. The question is who and what. Our leaders are allied with regressive e.t.s since eisenhower, shooting down others to gain. Now the military craft and the spacecraft are indistinguishable, from far away at least, they probably have markings up close. So we should disregard these drone events now in the world. Its our own militaries. And they and the news never tell the truth anyway
However your video skills are extremely entertaining so thank you...more of the same would be very much appreciated...more southern african stories, there is quite a variety to choose from
irgendwann möchte ich davon einen richtigen film sehen ...😉👍👍👍
This is absolutely amazing and amazingly done ! Felt like I was watching a movie ! And p.s. Why did they shoot it down !?!!!! I dont think there's ever been a ufo incident killing or harming humans! I could be wrong, but I can't recall any !
clearly they have ethics if they have that technology but choose not to destroy us for what our corrupt secret leaders do. why did they shoot it down? We are ruled by a global elite of power hungry esoteric psychos, at the surface level of people we can see, and the people behind those leaders, that operate at this level. There are countless uses for space age technology for a psycho to keep to himself. And not all e.t.s have ethics, the ones that don't are already here, allied with those corrupt human leaders, president eisenhower made deals with them. They shoot down the decent ones (not always, only a few), and their corrupt allies can fly free in our skies.
Maybe the reason those ones dont destroy us is they already have something to gain from us, they made deals, shady stuff, maybe they abduct people and participate in global agendas.
nice animation 💯
2:31 I like the way US military personnel so friendly says hello to our cosmic brothers!!! Why the hell shooting as a first thing to do without seeing any threat or hostile behavior at all? Even when some of them are so different than us, does not give the right to hurt or kill a living being!
Uh, according to the video, it was the South African air force that shot it down.
@@KrisKringle2 I wouldn't so sure about that, though.
@@alro7779 And why is that?
Well done! But what about the 3rd ET that was walking around?
He became the President of South Africa in 1995