Devon vs Vitaly before Levan would be a good one... and if Devon wins, we may see Levan vs Devon again. Or Genadi, if he beats Devon again in a rematch.
@@ArmwrestlingShowcase Yes brother Devon does not want to face him in any way. Because he cannot cheat on him, Vitaly will beat him before he can cheat.
@@CephuGamingthis is actually a good one. ppl want to see a rematch between ermes and vitaly, especially against devon since ermes wasn’t fully prepared the first time
@@samuelevalenza Yup, he did that practice pull months ago and remembered why he doesn't want to pull Vitaly, he's Devon's kryptonite, his frame nullifies every advantage Devon has, and he's just as strong or maybe even stronger.
@@mrsage4489 They did a practice pull months ago and Devon was visibly unconfortable, he couldn't get anything from him, i know it's practice but Vitaly looked way too dominant. Will see though, it's a fun match for sure and Devon has surprised us many times.
@@ArmwrestlingShowcaseDevon is not scared of anybody 🤣 wtf are you talking about? He pulled Levan twice and beated Ermes who beated Vitaly and he cracked Morozov's wrist in left arm without training, he definitely is not scared
@@BryanBordon unfortunately it is definitely the case. Devon's main advantage is his dominant arm length and incredibly strong pronation, while Vitaly has not only a longer arm and bigger hand, but also is incredibly strong himself to top it off. Vitaly is a stylistic disadvantage for Devon and he knows it.
@@jakobstisen6366 потому что с того момента прошло время и Виталий стал намного сильнее, у него появилось много времени на тренировки, нормальный сон и питание. В русскоязычном канале GoB channel, есть новое интервью с Виталием, там вроде есть английские субтитры.
It was the tougher match for Ermes because he lost against Devon and he didn’t want to lose 2 matches in a row, so it was mentally tougher. It’s not like Vitaly was the tougher guy
According to Vitaly, he is now in better shape than he was against Ermes, back then he was still combining work and training. But right now I’m focused only on training. He also asked Ermes about revenge, but Ermes said we will fight you after you fight Levan. Vitaly also said in his last interview that he would like to fight Сvetkov on his right hand.
Engin said that the winner of the pair Laletin and Dzeranov would meet with Levan, as a result, Jerry met with Levan, who also defeated Ermes. What disrespect for Vitaly. I hope after Vitaly wins Morozov in Georgia, he will challenge Levan and he won’t go anywhere.
You’re damn right he’s dangerous. He’s a different puller now that he’s been training full-time. I believe he would beat Ermes now. From what I’ve seen recently, I think Vitaly vs. Levan is the most accurate title match for the current moment. Only a matter of time.
Not a chance. Nobody can overpower Levan. Vitaly is probably 2nd or 3rd best in the world offensively, right behind Levan, and on par with Ermes, but his defensive ability is severely lacking, to the point where even Dave could pin him in their rematch when given the straps. The only way to beat Levan without purely overpowering him is to gas him out, and so far the only person who has proved capable enough to do that is Ermes, who likely has the best defensive ability right beside Michael and Devon. (This isn't even to mention how good Levan's defensive ability might be, cause no one has pushed him there yet.)
@@ar-nish zombie moment. Vitaly's hit is a ton stronger than Levan's. Levan has also trash endurance. Literally no chance for Levan but using bone or kingsmove. Dave took a round only because Laletin allowed him to use shoulder rotator and get inside. Just like he allowed Kamil to do it.
@@seindeph Sounds like coping to me. Vitaly's hit which is supposedly "a ton stronger than Levan's" was stopped by Levan in their last match on both arms dead in the center, then he got top-rolled. Sure, that was a weaker Vitaly, but that was also a weaker Levan.
The logic regarding Laletin loss in a close match to Ermes makes no sense, since Jerry Cadorette lost to Ermes 0-3 and still gets Levan match just to be rolled over.
Create a mini-tournament: Ermes, Todd, Vitaly, Devon, and Genadi. Everyone faces everyone, and the winner gets to face Levan. Instead of these slow super matches... This format describes a round-robin tournament where all participants play against each other once. After all matches are completed, the competitor with the highest score would be declared the winner and earn the right to face Levan. This type of tournament ensures fairness as each athlete gets to compete against all others, providing a comprehensive assessment of their performance
Энгин, хватит этот поединок отодвигать, по факту у Виталика и Левана сейчас соперников достойных нет. Можно конечно провести предварительные матчи для них, но нужно делать эту схватку уже летом 2025го. Публика ждёт этот армфайт. Поскольку оба готовы к этому реваншу, а вот потом после этого поединка можно устроить реванш ещё один в конце года. И это будет топ событие в 2025году.
So how do you explain Jerry’s chance to go against levan? Why KOTT allowed Jerry to pull Levan even after Ermes 3-0ed him in your opinion? Thanks for the work your do for the job, the true ArmWrestling savior 💪💪🗿
Before Ermes vs Jerry match Jerry was very ill. Alex Kurdecha was considered to be an opponent after he beat Tsvetkov but Jerry beat him convincingly. Jerry also beat Genadi and Tsvetkov in his previous matches. Levan beating Jerry doesn’t mean Jerry is weak but means that Levan is very strong. We need as many opponents as possible for Levan. Devon went 105 and Ermes had shoulder injury so next guy on the ranking was Jerry.
@@Engin_Terzi yeah I didn’t mean that Jerry was weak for losing like that against Levan or Ermes, I know how strong “Tong out Cadorette” is, following him since the start of WAL career, it was just a matter of rankings that wasn’t clear to me. Thanks for clarifying 💪
Энгин, хватит задвигать Виталия. Он в хорошей форме и достоин поединка с Леваном больше всех остальных. В текущей форме он сильнее Эрмеса и тем более ММТ, который своим позорным кингсмувом еле справился с Геннадием после травмы. Нужно устраивать поединки сильнейших, продвигать спорт, а не политику
Не позорь наших соотечественников. Энгин никогда не задвигал российских спортсменов, наоборот, наших в его лиге больше чем любой другой нации. Никакой политики, только любовь к спорту. И для Виталика ты оказываешь медвежью услугу. Он не готов к Левану. Уверен, Виталий окажет самое серьёзное сопротивление Левану, может даже заберёт один раунд. Но победить Левана пока не сможет (никто). Через год он станет на 10-15% сильнее и вот тогда у него появится шанс. А если он проиграет в марте/апреле 2025, нам ещё 2-3 года придётся ждать реванша.
People shouldn't waste time with good matches, you never know what's coming in the (near) future, something can always happen that prevents something from happening - I would have liked to have seen a Cyplenkov vs. Levan match for example because it was a top matchup at the time. i hope vitaly and levan stay healthy and get their meeting on the table.. But what do i know^^
It's very strange that Michael Todd is getting the chance to face Levan. The guy lost to like so many opponents and now he's won one good match against a half-injured Genadi and suddenly he's considered the best in the world. What's your reasoning? The most logical thing would be for Todd and Ermes to first face Devon since they both lost to him. Come on, everyone knows that Todd was crushed by Devon, and so was Ermes, so they need to win against Devon first before facing Levan to truly be able to say that they are the best in the world.
I get it, but after seeing how Levan can flop press, I see no world where Vitaly wins. Even if he gets the stop, and Levan’s wrist, Levan can just flop him like he did to Devon. And we know Vitaly doesn’t do well vs floppers.
Devon got 0 chance against vitaly Even against levan he got more chance Is just because of arm and hand length Btw engin pls rest man!!! You look extremely tired :c We need you healthy!
What do you think about a Jerry Vitaly match? I think this can be interesting, we can see Jerry's strength and also Vitaly's. They both get to pull in their styles and we see who is better.
Before going vs. Levan, he should finally have a match with Devon, a match that everyone wants to see. But Devon is probably not a big fan, no lever advantage with this one like he's used to :D
yes Engin. nobody makes matches better than you. i think if Laletin during 2025 will win his next 1/2 matchesh, then give him chance in Q3/Q4 for a match vs Levan. but give him enough time for good preparation. that will be greatest match i think
Vitaly is Like Brian but just even taller and 10x stronger in arm wrestiling and plus the years off expirience and tendonce strenght and everything Vitaly is really dagerous for everyone Looking foward to him facing Levan and everyone in the future
Your ranking of matches is perfect for me. Menwhile we wait ermes/todd vs levan, laletin could be against devon (and this would be a real DREAM match) or against the winner between kurdecha and genadi. For sure the future of the events will be amazing
I’m happy this was cleared up, I truly believe that Vitaly is definitely an option but he just needs to win some more before facing Levan to really prove that he’s at the level to face him
Yeah agree with the comments, Vitaly vs DEVON vs Alex Kurdecha, a small round robin, makes a lot of sense right now!!!! And then let the winner of that have a crack at Levan
UA-cam algorithm boosting comment 💪 ... Vitaly still getting better after going full time AW training, it's great to see, and hopefully he has improved nuff to give Levan a run for his money! i am thinking maybe another 6 months he should be at an even better level for Levan?
Engin, you usually insist on an armwrestler proving themselves by beating certain opponents before a title shot. But you made an exception for Devon, who lost to Genadi, and gave him a title match against Ermes. This also disrespects Ermes, forcing a world champion to defend his title within a month as a last-minute replacement for Genadi.
The thing with Laletin is according to him (and he doesn't strike me as a liar) - everyone just avoid him and decline his offers for a fight, inc. Ermes btw. So it's not like Vitaliy himself wants to jump straight on Levan, it's just others top guys aren't keen to pull him at the moment.
@@lorenamarioamendes "Just" is a year ago, when Vitaly wasn't fully committed to AW, and by faulling his way out, until Vitaly was gassed out enough to stop his flashpins. Ermes win was very inconvincing to be frank.
At the rate levan pulls, we should uave this levan and vitaly rematch in at least 3 years lol. Love levan, so i want to see him at least every 3 months.
Styles makes matches and i think vitalys topproll style is super dangerous for levan, more dangerous than ermes topproll because of vitalys lenght and hand strength
but Ermes defeated the version of Laletin that did not train full time, after that Laletin recently started training full time and began to win all his games with absolute dominance against everyone
Engin you should know that when Ermes win against Vitaly, it was 1 year ago and it was not even easy match for Ermes. We all know that in 1 year, Vitaly improved to much and right know, if he fight against Ermes one more time, he will probably beat him easily, like Morozov. Please dont make this sport more boring, because we all know that, Michael Todd or Ermes has no chance against Levan, I dont even know why Jerry faced with Levan, how he deserve this match? He cant even beat Devon Larratt. İf there is Only 1 person who has a chance to beat Levan, he is Vitaly Laletin.
As Vitaly improved, so did Ermes and by a lot I would say, Ermes was the only person in the world who lasted two rounds with Levan so I don't think your analysis is correct.
Kurdecha vs Laletin it's going to happen for sure this year and I expect to see it at the beginning of the summer. Both of them have some beef because they said that they can beat each other left and also right arm (maybe they not said literally beat, but a thread for sure).
Devon vs Vitaly before Levan would be a good one... and if Devon wins, we may see Levan vs Devon again. Or Genadi, if he beats Devon again in a rematch.
Devon won't fight Levan for the third time, it's pointless. But Devon is a great test before the fight with Levan.
Devon vs Vitaly if Devon wins fight Ermes again
Devon is scared of Vitaly.
@@ArmwrestlingShowcase Yes brother Devon does not want to face him in any way. Because he cannot cheat on him, Vitaly will beat him before he can cheat.
@@CephuGamingthis is actually a good one. ppl want to see a rematch between ermes and vitaly, especially against devon since ermes wasn’t fully prepared the first time
Vitaly is the only person I have noticed Devon doesn’t mention about wanting to pull.
Devon is scared of vitaly
he has said he is avoiding him for now, but it will happene either this year or 2026
@@samuelevalenza Yup, he did that practice pull months ago and remembered why he doesn't want to pull Vitaly, he's Devon's kryptonite, his frame nullifies every advantage Devon has, and he's just as strong or maybe even stronger.
Engin please dont miss the chance to give us vitaly vs devon
Девон не хочет бороться с Виталием
Can we see that "inevitable match" between Devon and Laletin?
Devon vs Vitaly most requested match ppv will blow upppppp
Yeah. Devon has a really strong upposing wrist control but so does Vitaly. Would be sparks in that starting position!!!
Agree, good match up
@@mrsage4489 They did a practice pull months ago and Devon was visibly unconfortable, he couldn't get anything from him, i know it's practice but Vitaly looked way too dominant. Will see though, it's a fun match for sure and Devon has surprised us many times.
This makes the most sense
Devan doesn't want that match. He is scared of Vitaly.
@@ArmwrestlingShowcaseyeah, Like hé was scared of Eastern Europeans right?
@ArmwrestlingShowcase that's a fact 💯 👍
@@ArmwrestlingShowcaseDevon is not scared of anybody 🤣 wtf are you talking about? He pulled Levan twice and beated Ermes who beated Vitaly and he cracked Morozov's wrist in left arm without training, he definitely is not scared
Laletin can pull Devon/Genadi winner , before Levan
time has come for Devon vs Laletin match, Devon can't escape him anymore)
@@alexlitsov9032 haha i love how devon just runs from him
OMG yes
@square7935Devon is running because don't want to leave Vitaly 3-0 like Ermes 🤣
Vitaly has been waiting his whole life to face Larratt, and now its time!
Vitaly vs Devon before Vitaly vs Levan will be perfect
Yeah it would be great, but devon is ducking Laletin🤣
@@levohnisbrzagirattkov1169yeah exactly like he was ducking Eastern Europeans right?
@@levohnisbrzagirattkov1169 Vitaly was busy losing to Chaffee and Ermes while Devon beat Chaffee and Ermes. Nice "ducking"
@@BryanBordon unfortunately it is definitely the case. Devon's main advantage is his dominant arm length and incredibly strong pronation, while Vitaly has not only a longer arm and bigger hand, but also is incredibly strong himself to top it off. Vitaly is a stylistic disadvantage for Devon and he knows it.
@@BryanBordonand what ? doesnt change the fact that devon ducking him if you beating the guys who beat laletin doesnt mean you beat him 😂
Devon Larratt vs Vitaly Laletin, any arm. Please.
We want a match Devon vs vitaly.... We don't know why you are ignoring.🤷
Lol he's not ignoring, he knows what to do. Stop complain like children
@lorenamarioamendes .huh
we are his audience and Matches happen only for us if people will stop buying there ppv then you know what gonna happen? Lol
@@HasanRaja7118 if you think Engin is ignoring, you are not a true armwrestling fan. Sport will grow anyway without children fanboy
Devon. 😊 Vs vitaly ❤❤
Девон не хочет бороться с Виталием
@@РодионРатников Devon beat Ermes and Ermes won over Vitaly. Why would Devon not want to go against Vitaly?
Thats not how this game works😂
Have you ever seen devon calling out Vitaly?🤔 Now ask yourself why
@@jakobstisen6366 потому что с того момента прошло время и Виталий стал намного сильнее, у него появилось много времени на тренировки, нормальный сон и питание. В русскоязычном канале GoB channel, есть новое интервью с Виталием, там вроде есть английские субтитры.
Vitaly vs Devon would be more interesting
Vitaly already has a match vs Morozov ... Devon probably will pull Genadi next
Devon understands that Vitaly will be more inconvenient for him than Levan. That's why he doesn't want to fight him)
Девон не хочет бороться С Виталием.
No. Devon is scared of Vitaly.
Is it Devon vs Laletin in the horizon this year?
Ermes said Vitaly match was more tougher than Levan. That said alot about how strong Laletin is.
Because of mentality to case of he didn't had anything to lose
It was the tougher match for Ermes because he lost against Devon and he didn’t want to lose 2 matches in a row, so it was mentally tougher. It’s not like Vitaly was the tougher guy
Yep, Vitaly can easily crash Ermes now
@alexlitsov9032 lol
Okay, but he lost to Levan. So, results are results.
According to Vitaly, he is now in better shape than he was against Ermes, back then he was still combining work and training. But right now I’m focused only on training. He also asked Ermes about revenge, but Ermes said we will fight you after you fight Levan. Vitaly also said in his last interview that he would like to fight Сvetkov on his right hand.
And his shoulder was injured but he doesn't wanted to pull out of the match.
I want him to pull georgi first
revenge on ermes second
devon match third
if he wins all of the matches
then levan
I think he should pull Alex instead of georgi
Devon vs vitaly makes more sense than vitaly vs levan.
Engin said that the winner of the pair Laletin and Dzeranov would meet with Levan, as a result, Jerry met with Levan, who also defeated Ermes. What disrespect for Vitaly. I hope after Vitaly wins Morozov in Georgia, he will challenge Levan and he won’t go anywhere.
You’re damn right he’s dangerous.
He’s a different puller now that he’s been training full-time.
I believe he would beat Ermes now.
From what I’ve seen recently, I think Vitaly vs. Levan is the most accurate title match for the current moment.
Only a matter of time.
Vitaly Laletin is the only one that he has a chance against Levan.
Not a chance. Nobody can overpower Levan. Vitaly is probably 2nd or 3rd best in the world offensively, right behind Levan, and on par with Ermes, but his defensive ability is severely lacking, to the point where even Dave could pin him in their rematch when given the straps.
The only way to beat Levan without purely overpowering him is to gas him out, and so far the only person who has proved capable enough to do that is Ermes, who likely has the best defensive ability right beside Michael and Devon.
(This isn't even to mention how good Levan's defensive ability might be, cause no one has pushed him there yet.)
@@ar-nish zombie moment. Vitaly's hit is a ton stronger than Levan's. Levan has also trash endurance. Literally no chance for Levan but using bone or kingsmove.
Dave took a round only because Laletin allowed him to use shoulder rotator and get inside. Just like he allowed Kamil to do it.
No one has a chance against Levan right now.
@@seindeph Sounds like coping to me. Vitaly's hit which is supposedly "a ton stronger than Levan's" was stopped by Levan in their last match on both arms dead in the center, then he got top-rolled.
Sure, that was a weaker Vitaly, but that was also a weaker Levan.
Don't ever ask Levan vs Devon guys instead Levan vs Vitaly would be perfect match.
The logic regarding Laletin loss in a close match to Ermes makes no sense, since Jerry Cadorette lost to Ermes 0-3 and still gets Levan match just to be rolled over.
We want vitaly Vs Devon
Devon vs Vitaly please, It’s the only top level guy which Devon hasn’t faced yet.
I think having one event a year, with the top guys in a tournament style, would be pretty cool.
Create a mini-tournament:
Ermes, Todd, Vitaly, Devon, and Genadi. Everyone faces everyone, and the winner gets to face Levan. Instead of these slow super matches...
This format describes a round-robin tournament where all participants play against each other once. After all matches are completed, the competitor with the highest score would be declared the winner and earn the right to face Levan. This type of tournament ensures fairness as each athlete gets to compete against all others, providing a comprehensive assessment of their performance
Энгин, хватит этот поединок отодвигать, по факту у Виталика и Левана сейчас соперников достойных нет. Можно конечно провести предварительные матчи для них, но нужно делать эту схватку уже летом 2025го. Публика ждёт этот армфайт. Поскольку оба готовы к этому реваншу, а вот потом после этого поединка можно устроить реванш ещё один в конце года. И это будет топ событие в 2025году.
Vitaly non ha avversari degni ? Ti ricordo che Ermes ha battuto Vitaly
@@leone1198, Ermes also beat Jerry, but this wasn't reason for revenge. Where is logic?
Engin, laletin vs larrat right hand is the next match, and you know it
So how do you explain Jerry’s chance to go against levan? Why KOTT allowed Jerry to pull Levan even after Ermes 3-0ed him in your opinion? Thanks for the work your do for the job, the true ArmWrestling savior 💪💪🗿
Before Ermes vs Jerry match Jerry was very ill. Alex Kurdecha was considered to be an opponent after he beat Tsvetkov but Jerry beat him convincingly. Jerry also beat Genadi and Tsvetkov in his previous matches. Levan beating Jerry doesn’t mean Jerry is weak but means that Levan is very strong. We need as many opponents as possible for Levan. Devon went 105 and Ermes had shoulder injury so next guy on the ranking was Jerry.
He explained it before. Ermes was not ready, Devon match was done and Jerry was the best opportunity after he beat Kurdecha easily.
@@Engin_Terzisir why mention that jerry was very ill before ermes match and not mention Georgy had a very bad injury before kurdecha match ?
@@Engin_Terzi We need an armfight Laletin - Larratt. Please 🙏
@@Engin_Terzi yeah I didn’t mean that Jerry was weak for losing like that against Levan or Ermes, I know how strong “Tong out Cadorette” is, following him since the start of WAL career, it was just a matter of rankings that wasn’t clear to me. Thanks for clarifying 💪
Энгин, хватит задвигать Виталия. Он в хорошей форме и достоин поединка с Леваном больше всех остальных. В текущей форме он сильнее Эрмеса и тем более ММТ, который своим позорным кингсмувом еле справился с Геннадием после травмы. Нужно устраивать поединки сильнейших, продвигать спорт, а не политику
Не позорь наших соотечественников. Энгин никогда не задвигал российских спортсменов, наоборот, наших в его лиге больше чем любой другой нации. Никакой политики, только любовь к спорту.
И для Виталика ты оказываешь медвежью услугу. Он не готов к Левану. Уверен, Виталий окажет самое серьёзное сопротивление Левану, может даже заберёт один раунд. Но победить Левана пока не сможет (никто). Через год он станет на 10-15% сильнее и вот тогда у него появится шанс. А если он проиграет в марте/апреле 2025, нам ещё 2-3 года придётся ждать реванша.
@romanismailov4857 тыкать будешь своим настоящим соотечественникам, возможно им мнение тыкальщика будет интересно
@romanismailov4857 тыкать будешь своим истинным соотечественникам, про остальное без комментариев, много чести
The more time Vitaly has to prepare the stronger he becomes, so it’s a win win scenario
please do vitaly vs devon at some point
С Виталием ни кто соглашается бороться, кроме Левана
Laletin needs to beat Devon to get Levan. I wanna see Laletin vs Devon first before Laletin vs Levan.
People shouldn't waste time with good matches, you never know what's coming in the (near) future, something can always happen that prevents something from happening - I would have liked to have seen a Cyplenkov vs. Levan match for example because it was a top matchup at the time. i hope vitaly and levan stay healthy and get their meeting on the table..
But what do i know^^
Laletin best option for levan
Didn't Laletin himself said that he doesn't want Levan yet, maybe after 1 year so it's all good
Yes he did.
He said that he needed time to prepare for Levan, there was no talk of a year.
Good speech as always mate.
Ermes vs Michael
Devon vs Vitaly
Winners fight each other and then that winner faces Levan.
It's very strange that Michael Todd is getting the chance to face Levan. The guy lost to like so many opponents and now he's won one good match against a half-injured Genadi and suddenly he's considered the best in the world. What's your reasoning?
The most logical thing would be for Todd and Ermes to first face Devon since they both lost to him. Come on, everyone knows that Todd was crushed by Devon, and so was Ermes, so they need to win against Devon first before facing Levan to truly be able to say that they are the best in the world.
Devon VS Laletin 🎉❤
I think Devon would lose against Vitaly
Engin, all that you do regarding to armwrestling is pure magic, don´t let anyone make you think anything different. We will keep you supporting!
I get it, but after seeing how Levan can flop press, I see no world where Vitaly wins.
Even if he gets the stop, and Levan’s wrist, Levan can just flop him like he did to Devon. And we know Vitaly doesn’t do well vs floppers.
Devon got 0 chance against vitaly
Even against levan he got more chance
Is just because of arm and hand length
Btw engin pls rest man!!! You look extremely tired :c
We need you healthy!
What do you think about a Jerry Vitaly match? I think this can be interesting, we can see Jerry's strength and also Vitaly's. They both get to pull in their styles and we see who is better.
Jerry очень слабый для Vitaly
If vitaly fights against jerry, he needs to fight in a hook, cuz with top roll would be a big mistake
@@kingmaxi5277 Vitaly can easily go through Jerry. Jerry's fingers and shoulder rotation couldn't handle this hit.
You are the best Engin, thank you
devon vs vitaly
How the Michael can pull Ermes before Vitaly??? What is the logic??? Where is the logic???😂😂😂
Devon vs Vitaly pls!!
Engin, thank you for responding! Im one of these guys, who was complaining about Laletin, so now i'll be calm about it
Before going vs. Levan, he should finally have a match with Devon, a match that everyone wants to see. But Devon is probably not a big fan, no lever advantage with this one like he's used to :D
Don miss about devon vs genadi or devon vs vitaly
Devon vs Vitaly
It would be better if Vitaly either pulls with the loser of ermes/ Michael todd match or the winner of Devon/Genadi match before facing levan
Vitaly vs Devon first And then levan V's vitaly
He needs a rematch against Ermes and also a match against Devon
Plese engin give us vitaly vs levan. Best match ever
Engin, you have become the captain of armwrestling
yes Engin. nobody makes matches better than you. i think if Laletin during 2025 will win his next 1/2 matchesh, then give him chance in Q3/Q4 for a match vs Levan. but give him enough time for good preparation. that will be greatest match i think
Vitaly is Like Brian but just even taller and 10x stronger in arm wrestiling and plus the years off expirience and tendonce strenght and everything Vitaly is really dagerous for everyone
Looking foward to him facing Levan and everyone in the future
First would like to say you are a true legend. Would you ever train Brian Shaw?
Vitaly vs Ermes 2- rematch befor Levan. And winer will pull with Levan.
Ermes doesn't want to pull Vitaly again for now, he literally said Vitaly should pull Levan first and only then he wants a rematch.
Your ranking of matches is perfect for me. Menwhile we wait ermes/todd vs levan, laletin could be against devon (and this would be a real DREAM match) or against the winner between kurdecha and genadi. For sure the future of the events will be
I’m happy this was cleared up, I truly believe that Vitaly is definitely an option but he just needs to win some more before facing Levan to really prove that he’s at the level to face him
Vitaly needs to beat easily top 5 guys before fight against levan to show he is worthy opponent to him
@@kingmaxi5277 exactly, but too many people seem don't understand this simple concept
Engin, make the match Vitaly vs Georgie Tsvetkov , or match between Vitaly and winner match of Devon and Gennadiy ❤
We need devon vs vitaly
I think Vitaly should pull Devon, if he cant beat Devon, he cant beat Levan.
Devon vs vitaly
Yeah agree with the comments, Vitaly vs DEVON vs Alex Kurdecha, a small round robin, makes a lot of sense right now!!!! And then let the winner of that have a crack at Levan
Engin where can I get that shirt you are wearing? I love it ❤️
How does Todd get this high from actually nothing?!
Devon vs OPANA !!!
good chance = remote possibility XD
What about Laletin vs Alizhan on left?
After Morozov, most likely, either Alizhan and Morozov will fight
Devon vs Lelatin please
Nice to hear it! )
UA-cam algorithm boosting comment 💪 ... Vitaly still getting better after going full time AW training, it's great to see, and hopefully he has improved nuff to give Levan a run for his money! i am thinking maybe another 6 months he should be at an even better level for Levan?
EvW 17, Devon-Laletin
Next year Levan should pull the winner of Ermes Vs Michael and Vitaly. But anyway Vitaly vs Devon must happen Someday
Engin, you usually insist on an armwrestler proving themselves by beating certain opponents before a title shot. But you made an exception for Devon, who lost to Genadi, and gave him a title match against Ermes. This also disrespects Ermes, forcing a world champion to defend his title within a month as a last-minute replacement for Genadi.
Genadi got injured and Ermes accepted to pull Devon. I see no issue
Engin Vitally has to pull Devon on May then Ermes on September and if he keeps winning for sure Levan on December or after
The thing with Laletin is according to him (and he doesn't strike me as a liar) - everyone just avoid him and decline his offers for a fight, inc. Ermes btw. So it's not like Vitaliy himself wants to jump straight on Levan, it's just others top guys aren't keen to pull him at the moment.
Lol including Ermes, ofc he just beat him 🤷
@@lorenamarioamendes "Just" is a year ago, when Vitaly wasn't fully committed to AW, and by faulling his way out, until Vitaly was gassed out enough to stop his flashpins. Ermes win was very inconvincing to be frank.
@@someperson1829 ok so we do the same matches every year because hey I'm improved now! Same should say Ermes against Devon? Nope
At the rate levan pulls, we should uave this levan and vitaly rematch in at least 3 years lol. Love levan, so i want to see him at least every 3 months.
Never gonna happen Devon larratt he will never be😂
Styles makes matches and i think vitalys topproll style is super dangerous for levan, more dangerous than ermes topproll because of vitalys lenght and hand strength
Don't think so
but Ermes defeated the version of Laletin that did not train full time, after that Laletin recently started training full time and began to win all his games with absolute dominance against everyone
Against everyone who? Nobody top 5
@@lorenamarioamendes (Georgi Dzeranov
artyom morozov
Dave Chaffee.)
Georgi and Morozov are worthy rivals and can easily be in the top 5
Thank you so much, Engin hocam.
What about denis match ? 😐🙁🙁
But laletin in his interview told that you said to him that he is next to levan, not ermes/m.todd
Engin you should know that when Ermes win against Vitaly, it was 1 year ago and it was not even easy match for Ermes.
We all know that in 1 year, Vitaly improved to much and right know, if he fight against Ermes one more time, he will probably beat him easily, like Morozov.
Please dont make this sport more boring, because we all know that, Michael Todd or Ermes has no chance against Levan, I dont even know why Jerry faced with Levan, how he deserve this match? He cant even beat Devon Larratt.
İf there is Only 1 person who has a chance to beat Levan, he is Vitaly Laletin.
As Vitaly improved, so did Ermes and by a lot I would say, Ermes was the only person in the world who lasted two rounds with Levan so I don't think your analysis is correct.
Who will be Vitaly opponent on right hand in 2025? Or at least few names who that might be?
Please do yordan vs rino
Schoolboy vs sandris
Yordan vs irakli
Jerry vs Laletin first then winner of that faces Levan
What? So if Jerry wins he should face again Levan? Lol 😂
@lorenamarioamendes Man I don't think Jerry will win against vitaly
if he does then levan rematch is cancelled lol
Devon vs vitaly
Yordan tsonev vs irakli dream match up
What about the left hand?Give us Laletin vs Muratov
First a match for the left hand title with Morozov
Муратов слабый для Лалетина, ему лучше поборотся с Zirakashvili
Laletin dont even think about wining a LEVAN . DONT PLAY WITH FIRE LALETIN ITS FOR YOUR OWN WELBEING😂😂😂
Kurdecha vs Laletin it's going to happen for sure this year and I expect to see it at the beginning of the summer. Both of them have some beef because they said that they can beat each other left and also right arm (maybe they not said literally beat, but a thread for sure).
Лалетин снесет Курдечу в одно касание 10 из 10.
Ermes vs laletin rematch