How to Connect with Aphrodite Pt. 2 | goddess of love

  • Опубліковано 7 жов 2024


  • @nancybrandenburg7830
    @nancybrandenburg7830 4 місяці тому +1

    This was amazing...loved this one..I needed this soo much at this time in my life...thanks sooooo much..❤😊

    • @cedarmooon
      @cedarmooon  4 місяці тому

      So happy to read this. I am so excited to share more on my tips. To be honest working with Aphrodite's energy has truly brought change for my entire life. I can only recommend it 🌹

  • @deepalkessa8938
    @deepalkessa8938 2 місяці тому

    Hi ur so cute btw ❤iv always been attracted to Aphrodite but at the same time a little scared too. Reason for that was other ppl on the internet who had read ghe stories about her and the other Goddesses. I however take these stories to be allegorical and do u think i should be afraid i wouldnt want to offend her.❤😊

    • @XRaykaX
      @XRaykaX 2 місяці тому +2

      💌💌💌I work with Aphrodite, and you shouldn't be scared, Aphrodite is a very loving, mothering, feminine/gentle goddess; of course she loves beauty, positivity, and love, and wants to be surrounded by those things, but she's not a shallow and fickle goddess as some would have you to believe. One thing to know is that if Aphrodite and(I can't speak for any other deity, I don't know them that well) contact/approach you, they WANT to work with you, and that's all you need, you don't have to go above and beyond to "keep them happy". I found Aphrodite to be very loving and very protective; she understands my living situation and mental headspace (I struggle with self-care and rituals, and she's very patient with letting me do them if and when I'm ready.), she knows I lack my own home, so she doesn't mind my small altar in my bedroom, and she has also blessed me with the finances I needed to adorn her alter; money seemed to fall in my lap the first year(and counting) I've worshiped her, and I spend any spare savings I had to build up her alter; I splurged a lot if I add it up, now, but I didn't do this all at once, and she hadn't ever "punished" me for lacking her offerings. I also pray for Aphrodite to protect me, and ward off bad luck, and I've been so lucky and blessed since working with Aphrodite. I've come into a lot of money, and after a bit over a year of working with Aphrodite, I finally purchased an actual statue of her for her altar; I was told for Aphrodite that she'd love a figurine/statue/symbolism of herself on her altar, and I didn't realize it at the time, but I was enticed by a mermaid mirror I asked for as a birthday present, and I had it adorning my altar to Aphrodite, and that was my "figurine" since the first makeup of my altar!(I wasn't even working with Aphrodite yet when I got it, I was just, and still am, really mesmerized by mermaids).🧜🧜🧜
      💫Like Cedarmoon said in her videos, it starts with your mindset first, because working with deities do require a level of discipline and dedication, but if this is what you truly want, it's not a burden or punishment at all; just like you dedicate brushing your teeth and bathing, that's all worshiping a deity boils down to, daily signs of care and respect. In my experience, I called Aphrodite because I wanted to work on self love, I wanted to build up confidence in myself, and strengthen my self worth, because I was lacking positive thoughts on my appearance; this led me into magic and self love rituals, which introduced me into deity work. I was already a fan of Aphrodite because I'm a Libra and a Greek Mythology fanatic, so I started researching how to work with Aphrodite. When people speak of deities, or specifically Aphrodite wanting to work with you, the way to know if she does really first start with how you feel about her; are you attracted to her? Do you want to learn more about her? If so, that's a sign that she approached/wants to work with you, all the other stuff (roses, doves/swans/water/seashells/etc. is Aphrodite calling, and really hammering it in if your own predilection wasn't convincing you), deities make you think about them when they want to work with you, but it's a fair exchange, so you have to want it, too.🕊🕊🕊
      🧿Research how to worship/work with deities, and you'll find that it simply follow the same structure of offerings, prayer/evoking, and self care. From what I learned of Aphrodite, she's highly respected among the deities, and she's actually able to protect you from many problems of negativity, or pesky gods. Funny story, I was getting signs that Eros and Hermes wanted to work with me (not both at the same time), but I wasn't ready for them, and I asked Aphrodite to tell them to leave me alone (respectfully), then I stopped being "pestered" by them (they were just innocently sending me dreams and signs/symbols to call to me, and I wasn't ready to dedicate to another deity). I felt a little scared blowing those deities off (I actually do like them, and might work with them in the future), but I researched that Aphrodite is very respected and would protect me from this very issue. Also take note that Aphrodite was once a goddess of war, so she can be fierce and a protector. I thought I'd add this story just to show you how protective and kind Aphrodite is, I don't know how to explain it, you just have to feel it for yourself, but to me, she's like a loving mother; we're her children, there's nothing to be afraid of, she knows your limits, you just have to be respectful. I don't know what horror stories you've heard of Aphrodite, but she's not vindictive or mean, she'll know if you can't provide something or need a break; I hear Aphrodite appreciate consistency, but I never had a problem with that, as all Aphrodite really ask of me is to love myself(the thing I agreed to work with her in). The only warnings people should be giving you is to just not openly disrespect her, meaning don't curse her name, speak of her in a negative/hateful manner, you know, be a nice, kind person and not ungrateful/entitled/selfish. Aphrodite doesn't like messes/smells, so don't throw garbage on or defile her altar/offerings; keep her space as clean as you can, she's not going to smite you from a speck of dust, but don't put your dirty dishes or dump muck on the altar, really simple stuff. Also, though I'm sure you can stop, just a word of warning, don't neglect your deities, it's a sign of disrespect; if you want to stop, respectfully tell Aphrodite that you wish to stop worshiping her; don't treat this like a game or make believe, Aphrodite is a friend, and you wouldn't like it if your friend just stopped communicating with you, and pretending you never existed, right? Aphrodite is understand, all deities should be, they're good spirits, they don't have petty human hangups like us, you can start when you want to start, and stop when you want to stop.
      🍷Some tips, I learned that most Greek/Roman deity appreciate an offering of water every day; I have a beautiful seafoam colored cup that I have given to Aphrodite (I'm looking to get her something more extravagant), and every afternoon, when I'm feeding my cat, I give Aphrodite a fresh glass of water as well (I dump yesterday's water in the yard, as I am practicing returning the used offerings to the Earth, but I don't think Aphrodite is persnickety about it; when I was hiding my worship from my family, she didn't mind me dumping it down the drain, or in the trash, with the case of food; don't eat or dink the offerings!). I celebrate her on Fridays by taking a break/playing, sometimes I do a full self care routine with a soaking bath, sometimes I just play video games and or drink a glass of wine; whatever makes me happy. Fridays are when I try to offer Aphrodite high quality offerings, I give her a sip of whatever wine I'm drinking (sometimes I pour some just for Aphrodite when I don't feel like drinking), and I offer her a spoon of my dinner (I have a serving tray on her altar, I also return these offerings to the Earth by tossing them in my yard); but, sometimes I'd offer her chocolate, or whatever piece of candy I'm enjoying on that day (Aphrodite loves sweets).
      🙏🏾Daily I ask Aphrodite to bless whatever I'm going to eat, and I ask her to bless whatever jewelry or makeup I'm going to wear. Over the year, I've decorated her altar with a few jewelry pieces I've had since childhood (I given them to her, and only really wear them on special occasions when I want to connect with her), and I have given her a candle (right now it's a mint green one, but I like any shades of red, and the occasional blue/green/white in honor of her cherished colors) a cinnamon stick (which I light and smudge the altar and my bedroom with), a large rose quartz stone, fake grapes, ribbons in her colors of blue and pink, and a pressed flower picture frame.
      🧘🕯📿I used to meditate every mid day with affirmations, so I'd light her candle and her cinnamon stick and drink a cup of tea. These are the practices I use to worship Aphrodite, it's not over complicated, and it's not always consistent, but she's been kind and patient with me, and I always feel her presence; however, I do consistently give her water every day, I give other sorts of offerings to her as well (TMI I offer my sexual energy), I pray to her when I'm doing my ablutions, and I always say "thank you", rather I'm asking for a blessing, or giving her an offering. That's the dedication and work you'll need to put in (you don't have to do exactly what I do, but you'll have to do something, or how can you say you're working with her?), she'll know what you can and can't do, so you can't just be lazy about it, but if you truly can't do it, she'll understand; just simply saying "thank you, Aphrodite" is enough.
      🪷Aphrodite understands the pressure of our modern society, mental health, and patients of forming a habit, making mistakes and missing steps; she's a lover, she'll understand that you meant well, if you mean well.
      🔮I'm sorry, I don't know why I wrote all of this, I felt compelled to encourage you, maybe Aphrodite is using me to call to you🫶🪞🦢✨🌊🕊💘⚪💋🐚💄♀🪞; ultimately it's your choice, you'll know when you're ready. Beautiful blessings and strength, I hope everything works out for you, rather you work with Aphrodite or not!❤❤❤

    • @deepalkessa8938
      @deepalkessa8938 2 місяці тому +1

      Oh my gosh thank u so much for such a beautiful reply I pray to more then one diety. And wen u said u felt compelled to write such a long message I literally just thought the same thing. It was Aprodities way of answering thru u, to reach me. Thank u beautiful soul I pray she blesses u more. I've been trying on social media for a while on different videos for a answer and bc the videos are usually old no one replies. Tnk u❤😊

    • @XRaykaX
      @XRaykaX 2 місяці тому

      @@deepalkessa8938 You're welcome! It's no problem at all.❤❤❤
      💞💞💞I get it, they say Aphrodite doesn't like working with other deities (particularly Artemis, Hera, Athena, Persephone, usually females that her myths had contention with) usually because Aphrodite wants the main attention, but I've heard of people who do worship Aphrodite along with others (I just might, someday); I also heard a few who DID worship Aphrodite and Artemis (the biggest "no" I usually hear with Aphrodite), and it worked for them. I saw a video that said don't work with Aphrodite and Medusa (I didn't really get why, I think it was from the myth surrounding Medusa's "shame", but I don't believe the feminist sex positive Aphrodite would hold that misogynistic grudge), but then I turned around and found another worshiper of Medusa starting work with Aphrodite.
      ❤‍🔥So, from my understanding, ask your deities if it's okay for you to work with another; they'll reach you somehow, and express their approval or disapproval. I tried asking Aphrodite on various deities, even Hestia (going deeper into my witchcraft) and also Medusa (she's involved with self love and seductive beauty, too) and Aphrodite just sent me one big shrug, as if she wasn't bothered.
      📚I've learned through research, and just my general practice with her, that Aphrodite is pretty understanding and welcoming of other deities; I know in my case, Eros and Hermes are beloved to Aphrodite, so there was no contention, but I even asked her about her "notorious enemy", Artemis (I have heavy Moon/Cancer energy in my chart, I was born on a full moon, and I work with the moon in various things, so I also considered Artemis/Selene), Aphrodite wouldn't send me anything contending this, it, too, felt like one big shrug, but I was starting to develop my understanding that multiple deities could be taxing for me, and I think that was Aphrodite's way of telling me to take multiple worshiping seriously. Once again, she's more a lover, and only a fighter when she needs to be, I don't believe she'd get jealous, I just think she'd understand that more deities might be too overwhelming, and/or you'd break your consistency of what you vowed to her (or any other deity, I'd guess, I just know Aphrodite likes to hold us to our word; she won't let me stop thinking something I vowed to do for her until I do it 😹😹😹), so they'd all want you to be absolutely sure before taking on another deity.
      🕯You should be fine, though, as long as you believe you can, then that's your sign that you can.🌌
      🫶🫶🫶Thank you for the well wishes! It's funny how these things work out! I pray your work with 🕊Aphrodite🌹 goes equally as smooth and prosperous! Sending you lots of gratitude and love! ❤❤❤