Cry of the Earth - Part 11 of 12 - Closing Remarks, Blessing, Meeting with Boutros Boutros-Ghali

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • In the winter of 1993, spiritual leaders of 7 indigenous nations of North America came to the United Nations to deliver their traditional prophecies relating to the earth.
    Algonquin - Mi-kmaq - Huichol - Maya - Lakota - Iroquois - Hopi
    They traveled from the four directions to bring their urgent messages to an audience of United Nations dignitaries and honored guests.
    ---==== PART 11 ====---
    Ibrahima Fall, Assistant Secretary General for Human Rights
    Boutros Boutrosh-Ghali, Secretary General of the United Nations
    ---==== ====---
    Program Moderator: Cindy Kenny-Gilday (Dene)
    Honorary Chair: Leia Boutros-Ghali
    The Cry of the Earth conference at the United Nations was presented by Crescentera. It was sponsored by the Mission of Mexico, the Mission of the United States and the United Nations Centre for Human Rights.
    These videos are offered with respect, and in honor of the Elders that participated in the Cry of the Earth conference, November 1993. Many of these Elders have crossed over, but their legacy remains. May their words continue to inspire through this unedited account. It is a fulfillment of a promise made to spread their message as widely as possible.
    ©1993-2013 Crescentera
    Crescentera does not accept unsolicited grant requests.


  • @michellemarieperez6574
    @michellemarieperez6574 3 роки тому +1

    I pray God blesses you all and your country.

  • @moonshadow3569
    @moonshadow3569 4 роки тому +1

    May I live to see the moment the aboriginal people of this continent sit at the table of the house of mica

  • @chiefwhitebuffalo3614
    @chiefwhitebuffalo3614 5 років тому +2

    i am coming i am white buffalo filled with ullu love , to help u all , i come with ullu love ullu peace for ever more i am here to help all nations to come toghter as one there 13 nation to come as one

  • @nialloneill5097
    @nialloneill5097 4 роки тому +1

    When the earth was virgin long, long ago, the spark called the human spirit began its descent from Paradise (some call heaven), as an unconscious spiritual seed, so it could, through a long chain of reincarnations, and periods of time in discarnate form in the immediate beyond, awaken its inner characteristics for what is noble and good, and thereby awaken to a spiritual maturing that recognised the Laws of the Creator, and thereby ascend to Paradise as a useful loyal servant to the Light, and to his Creator...for eternity.
    However, it was seen even in ancient times that man's spirit was not strong enough being so far from the Source of Light, and that he gradually began to waver and forget the spiritual ways, and to lean more to a materialistic way of living, until many not only forgot of spiritual laws but of God Himself, and then even had the audacity to declare they were God, or a Part of Him. From on high Above, in more luminous planes, this Fall of Man with its all consequences was seen, for the first law of Creation is you must reap what you have sown. This law is love expressed in its perfect, and inviolable form of justice.
    Thus, man was now careering out of control towards complete self-destruction, along with the decimation of the planet earth, which is the place that has been prepared by Holy hands and nature beings for his temporary stay and maturing. He is meant to make it into a Temple of God, but instead has made it into a sty.
    Therefore, great preparations were made to help man awaken from this drunken stupor, for he was by now almost completely spiritually deaf and dumb. Prophets were sent to prepare the way for a chosen people, who would provide the leaven for the bread that is man, who were to be born anew through the coming of the Son of God, Jesus. The fact that he was actually murdered, and died because of the sins of man, not for them, is testament to the fact that the chosen people of Israel failed miserably! He warned of this eventuality in one of the parables, where the son goes to collect his father's dues, but is promptly seized upon and killed.
    Close to death, he saw that man and the earth would now face complete annihilation, and so asked the Father to forgive them, offering them one last chance of atonement, and was promised the Son of Man who would come to help on one hand, and judge on the other, as he is the Holy Spirit Incarnate, or Great Spirit in tribal nation history. He came towards the end of the nineteenth century, and Called people found Him, and began to build up a new community.
    However, the Called ones were not faithful to their tasks, for the poison called envy had entered their souls, and so they fell away from the Son of Man, even blaspheming Him, as they left. Thus He said afterwards, Jesus was betrayed by one, but I was betrayed by many. These events occurred during the Second World War, as much Darkness had entered the German nation, as this was the designated starting place for the Light to spread across the earth, and Darkness hates Light! The rebirth of the earth was meant to commence from Germany and Austria, and a Holy Mountain, known only to few Called ones.
    The Son of Man died prematurely in the captivity of the Nazis then, although a murder was prevented...just, otherwise that would have probably been the end of mankind. He left a Book of Truth though, that contains the Power of the Holy, or Great, Spirit within it, which will be a Staff for mankind in their hour of need. And within it He speak of man's fall, just as these prophecies stated, and the need to return to a spiritual way of living!
    He foretold that it was now to be, or not to be, for each and every man and nation, in a time of intensified karmic reactions, fuelled by a Great Comet or Star of tremendous power whose origin lies in the highest part of Creation, and which would appear at thr right time in the skies. All this is part of a great purification that will separate the good from the evil ones, and cleanse the earth and its surroundings of all darkness and evil. For any man and the earth to survive, man must learn the language of the Lord, and live his life accordingly. I do not think anyone knows whether we will survive, and remember, it is your spiritual life that is far more important than your physical life.
    This is because, if we can purify ourselves in sufficient numbers, then the earth will be reborn, and man can incarnate again on a planet full of forests and other beautiful aspects of nature. Those men who have earned this right of further incarnartions can then complete their wheel of reincarnation, and then return to Paradise, their one true home, for all eternity! All the others will fall into eternal damnation and destruction, losing consciousness, although the core of the spirit will return to its origin, but without the personality of the individual that had been developed.
    It is interesting that the equilateral cross of which one of the elders spoke, as of the House of Micah, is actually the Cross of Truth and Creation, and it is not only symbolic, but contains the power on high of the female and male forms as they come into being in Creation. The woman is seen as the vertical part, showing she is always the bridge for and from higher spiritual planes, whereas man's energy spreads out across the plane where he stands, for he is the active part, as opposed to the passive part. He is meant to protect the female, although she is psychically the stronger.
    Thus, talk of women growing manlike is one with all prophecies, as it shows woman is not at her station as a pure priestess of the Light, absorbing it and passing it on for the benefit of her people. Instead, she prefers the earthly way, and increasingly craves to rule the earth, or to be desired. This is the Fall of Man, with all the accompanying sexual and sensual depravity, greed, gluttony, lust for power, and other depraved propensities.
    So therefore, if we are to survive, we must change inwardly, and a fast spiritual transformation must take place, if there is to be a rebirth and renewal of the earth and man's ways. It is too late to prevent the fall of the vast majority of men though, nor many of the prophesied storms that will shake the earth at its very roots. From 2028 I sense the nuclear holocaust will precipitate this Apocalyptic period, and it will last for 28-30 years, if we survive, as I sense we shall, but man must now permit the Water of Life to enter his soul, and he must drink this in abundance to be reborn.
    Humility is the key to the power through the surrender of self will and all your desires, and the need to recognise the laws of sow and reap and of the need for balance, so you can discern when you are on the right path, by developing your intuition and spiritual guidance, which is always there, for many, many of them in the beyond are awaiting to help. Then there is the sense of beauty in all matters, be it manners, language, dress, movement, food, social interactions, work, hobbies, and all things, for the old and wrong way must pass away, and be replaced with the new, which connects us to higher spheres, and can sustain us in our hour of need by drawing powerful energies from Above, like a healthy heartbeat!
    Blessed be, and may you find the Book of Truth when the time is right!

    • @nialloneill5097
      @nialloneill5097 4 роки тому +1

      I omitted a key point, in that I am convinced that the House of Micah may well refer to the Movement I am with, which protects the sacred text and Holy Mountain. Only a few people know of it, even less recognise it for what it is...the Mountain of Salvation. The comet will one day stand over this Mountain, so that all who remain will know of its significance.
      The written Message itself is the last opportunity for all men to change their ways, so it is not written yet that we shall all die or survive, for it lies within our grasp and free will to make this decision for ourselves. However simple it seems though, it will not be easy, for the pain and suffering that will come in wave after wave will either awaken and strengthen men, or push him into the dust, as an unwanted evil guest.
      Personally, I am closely guided, and so cannot reveal the name of the Message, but would give any responses to my spirit guides, so that I may know if I can help, for even a too soon with sacred knowledge can be harmful for many people. But the time will come when all must know.
      Finally, it is vey clear that the native indians were also recipients for many prophecies from the beyond due to their purity and spiritual integrity, for the benefit of mankind, therefore heed them well, and make haste in changing your inner selves and lives into a lifestyle that is befitting of a Servant of God, or the Great Spirit. Blessed Be!

    • @geraldineohagan5553
      @geraldineohagan5553 Рік тому +1

      Bless you and thank you for sharing your Wisdom

  • @chiefwhitebuffalo3614
    @chiefwhitebuffalo3614 5 років тому +1

    i have carried the white buffalo calf woman pipe of ullu peace n ullu thunder pipe from the beginning of time

  • @cynthiaennis3107
    @cynthiaennis3107 5 років тому +1

    Does anyone know the outcome of this...despite what was said at the end of this conference??

    • @nialloneill5097
      @nialloneill5097 4 роки тому +1

      From what I see some of the indigenous tribes are more organised now in reviving their cultures and languages, but this is minute compared to the continued loss of land and life that is occurring in S America. I think they have some representation from time to time at the UN, but nothing important.
      It is interesting for me to watch this series, as the Rio summit and agreement in 1993 was meant to be a rebirth for sustainable principles and the environment, which the indigenous peoples are strongly allied to. After years of working in the community, including all the environmental forums, I realised that much that we hear is rhetoric, and very few changes have been made in our ways of living.
      The 'ways of the white man' are now deeply ingrained in all cultures around the world, and the greed, gluttony, vanity, and deceit that carries this way forth, has almost devasted all the purer cultures and Mother Earth. I shall speak more of this above in this section. To complete what I was saying here, I was harassed and savagely removed from my work, even by so called goodie 2 shoes environmentalists. For despite their sheep's clothing, many are actually wolves, and they are herding men towards the great abyss. The transformation must come from within, so that we connect with the spiritual guidance from Above, no more head, but all heart and intuition!

    • @RadiantbyNovaLee
      @RadiantbyNovaLee 3 роки тому

      Well, we did have the Dakota Pipeline issue still after as well as a waterfall of other issues....

  • @SaraMcGinnis-es4hz
    @SaraMcGinnis-es4hz Рік тому

    I for one will not let all my feature generation and relations be molested rapped and laid to waste anymore.