Er kann rumlaufen wie er will und das ist sehr gut . Er ist so niedlich und so winzig klein . Ich glaube , er wird geliebt , bekommt gut zu Essen und lebt frei . Er ist sooooo Und ich bin ganz angetan von diesem Tierchen . Bitte.quälen Sie ihn nicht . Danke ❤
You can see the joy on his little face, so proud of himself when he climbs a little. Then runs back to you for security, just like he would his mother.
Qué hace ese tipo limpiando mierda ó meao de la rata esa es una de las muchísimas razones por la cuál esas cosas son puercas y no hay excusas porque los perros y los gatos no usan pañales y si los enseñas a déjarte saber cuándo tienen ganas de hacer sus necesidades las ratas no lo hacen uuuiii
Мне понравилось как Бон участвует во всех стадиях очищения большого фрукта❤😂и как мило начал кушать из папиных рук, постепенно научиться сам, он же ещё такой крошечный😊🐒👍💖
@user-xv8lu4oc7p Спасибо за любовь к маленькой обезьянке Бону, я всегда люблю Бона и тщательно забочусь о нем, пожалуйста, подписывайтесь на нас, чтобы каждый день видеть счастливую жизнь Бона. 😘😘😘😘😍
Beautiful house. I love the natural wood furniture & the gorgeous garden. Cute tiny monkey treated with love & kindness. The place is so big Bon needs a GPS tracker on him so you can find him. 😂
Bon este cu adevarat fericit.Are libertate afara in natura, se poate cocota in copaci mancare are destula si este iubit si ingrijit.Problema este ca totul o sa se termine cand devine adult si l vei abandona asa cum faceti toti.Ma tot intreb cum puteti sa faceti asta ,dupa ce l ai crescut , l ai iubit si ai primit iubire din partea lui.Nu gasesc niciun raspuns la intrebarea mea.Eu nu as putea sa ma despart de ele dupa ce le cresc si le fac mari.
Out of all the videos I've seen of monkeys this man truly seems that he really loves that baby monkey and the baby monkey loves his Poppy so much. He follows him everywhere and if he was afraid of him he would run away. But he doesn't because he loves him
@fredakurzbard4316 😘😘😘😘❤❤ Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, I always love and take care of Bon carefully, please follow us to see Bon's happy life every day.
Those small macaques are extremely smart and cute, but taking care of them is another story, this is a "full-time job". THis video is one of the best videos about small macaques monkeys.
@adamw1944 yes thank you for your kind words, this is Bon's daily life I share it so everyone can see that taking care of a baby monkey is not easy but if you have enough love then you will can do it 😊🐵❤
What a pleasure to see how you behave with this lovely baby !!! Respect and good care for him !!! Congratulations young man !!! You are an example for a lot of other people !!! 😊😊😊😊😊
@user-ux4df3fn8v Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, I always love and take care of Bon carefully, please follow us to see Bon's happy life every day. ❤❤❤
She seems very gentle and loving towards him. And she tries to be as gentle as she can. He is a cute cute baby! I love when he makes noise and his little mouth is so cute and his big eyes and wild hair omg what a cutie. I wish I could have him and take care of him. He's so adorable!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Вы добрый человек и любите животных, ухаживаете за малышом. Это так трогательно . Ваши фильмы смотреть одно удовольствие, на душе радостно. Вам здоровья крепкого счастья исполнения желаний и берегите вашего малыша. Привет из России.
Por favor papai. Abra um buraco maior no bico da mamadeira . Ele não consegue chutar com tanta força. Não toma tudo porque não sai o leite.Ele precisa de mais leite. Coloque 3 medidas do leite na mamadeira.pra ele ter foca e crescer saudável.
Hola, me encanta ver a Bon cada día esta mas lindo, gordito, esta muy bien cuidado y regaloneado por papá que lo ama mucho, Bon es tan paciente y esta mas independiente buscando su comida y biberon. Papa lo hace interactuar con la naturaleza❤❤❤
És azt is észrevette valaki, hogy ez a nagy gondozott udvar az emberé, és egy bébimajomnak semmi keresnivalója nincs benne. Ez az ember világa és nem a majmoké- Egy kismajomnak a majomanya mellett van a helye, nem egy szutykos pelenkában.
It’s great the way you watched Bon closely while he was climbing in the trees. He climbed around a bit but wanted to come back to you. When you put Bon on another tree and encouraged him to climb onto higher branches, Bon did. This gave Bon confidence and was great for his coordination. It was so enjoyable to watch this dear little monkey make such a mighty effort. Bon seems to be a fast learner as he now sat calmly while dad made his bottle of milk. A pleasure to see that Bon has a good appetite, he is healthy and well cared for by his dad. Well done dad and Bon! 🥰👏😊👏🥰
@user-mj6tm2po2r Yes, Bon is now more mature and has become calmer when Dad is preparing to feed Bon. He will wait with peace of mind. It's a pleasure to be loved by you. Please follow along so you can see a happy life every day Bon monkey's day😊😊😊🐵🐵
به قول شما بون توله کفداریست که فقط میخورد اشتها نه مثل توله کفدار توشبکه مستندنشان میدهد فقط میخورد ومدفووادرار بدبو چقدرزشتن دیدم که مینویسم ایکفداررا ولی اون دمدارا هم آروم
@PearlMehta-iy3do Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, Bon always drinks milk every day. I always love and take care of Bon carefully. Please follow us to see Bon's happy life every day. 😊😊🐵🐵😘
Monkey's should not drink cows' milk or powdered milk..even human snacks are not good..bananas are a no no as well due to high sugar it before u attack me..
He is caring with lots of affection. I would definitly tell clear, if I would find, that the little monkey is not treated well. Bring tiered sometimes is very normal. The youngh man did Showeinlagen us the sleeping Baby only, because he did not lay down but tried to sleep wile siting. It looked just sweet in some how, how ge tried to remain awake. Do not make more out MORE of a situation, as needed. This youngh man is absolut ok. He handles the Baby tender, caring and with respect. The reaction of the Baby shows clear, that he is trusting he youngh man. What else we could expect.
Quatsch. Der Kleine hat im Gegenteil überhaupt keine Angst. Sein Gesicht und Körper sind vollkommen entspannt. Sein Vertrauen in den jungen Mann ist völlig in Ordnung. Ich würde SOFORT kritisieren, wenn ich Missbrauch vermuten würde. Auch der Garten und das Haus zeigen Menschen, die segr gut organisiert sind. Dem kleine Affen geht es soweit optimal.
No. I think you are not right. It is very normal for such a little, to Fall asleep suddenly. It was just a bit strange, that he skeptisch wile sitting. Sometimes we all try to stay await, but rhe eyes are falling down. It was just a bit strange, that he in the End layed down, but not in front of the camera. It looked like, he felt disturbed by the cameraman. Any how, to me, there is no reason to complane. The youngh man enjoys, beeing wirh this little Monkey. Thats most important. He seems to be well off and do not need to earn money with the lillte monney.
Và ngoài ra ạnh có thể đun cháo với ít khoai lang và ca rốt cắt nhỏ và đút cho bé ăn để có thêm dinh dưỡng. Hoặc khi anh nấu canh cho anh ăn, anh cũng có thể cho bé húp tí canh với rau, sẽ có đủ dinh dưỡng.
@user-uj9fi8bu3d Спасибо за любовь к маленькой обезьянке Бон, я прислушаюсь к мнению каждого, чтобы лучше заботиться о Боне, я всегда люблю Бона и тщательно забочусь о нем, пожалуйста, следите за нами, 😘😘😘 чтобы каждый день видеть счастливую жизнь Бона.
❤😂❤😂😂😂😂❤Мне интересно,зачем вы берете обезьян в дом,пока они маленькие ,это смешно и мило,потом,когда вырастут и начнут носиться по всему дому,что будет Хорошая дрессировка у обезьяны Биби господина Куана,но там столько терпения,любви,заботы и денег.А в основном ,на всех каналах дрессировка сводится к купанию и еде.
@user-le3vz3sw4n Я усыновил Бона, потому что чувствовал себя бедным Боном, и заботился о Боне, потому что чувствовал, что люблю Бона, и я также был очень счастлив, когда ты тоже любил Бона. 🥰😊❤
Papa tu as diseñado los muebles de la decoracion de tu casa por que son maravillosos como las cosas que haces en banbu eres una persona .muy original yun ar
@MariarosaPineieo Gracias por amar al pequeño mono Bon, siempre amo y cuido a Bon con cuidado, síganos para ver la vida feliz de Bon todos los días. 😘😍😍😍
I do agree with what Robin (is it?) Is totally saying! Try being nice and compassionate, it does make a big difference! I don't know why people have to be mean to them babies anyway! They are too cute! Just look at them ,how do you be mean,they just want some T L C! And they deserve that,thier babies! And to be feed have a bottle of milk,water,and a diaper change( often),if they wear them! Just love them!!!😂❤😊❤❤❤❤❤
Papa habrele mas el agujero del biberon y dale mucha fruta y verduras cada dos horas y ya veras lo hermoso que se pone❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤es el bebe mas gracioso que he visto y super inteligente lo adoro 😍😍😍🥰🥰😘😘😘
He is so cute and getting a bit bigger and smarter! Dad you do a great job with Bon he's a very,very lucky baby monkey God bless you both! Have a wonderful life together!😊❤
Ngoài ra anh cũng có thể cho bé ăn xoài, du đủ, nho, táo và cho bé bú nước cam vắt hoặc mút tí quít. Chắc quả bưởi hơi chua và đáng nên bé khg ăn nữa! Nho và nhãn ngọt nên chắc bé thích ăn hơn.
@user-dc8uf2yg5m cảm ơn bạn đã yêu quý khỉ con Bon ,mình thường cho Bon ăn đa dạng các loại trái cây để bé có nhiều chất dinh dưỡng khác nhau và để biết những loại nào bé thích nhất đấy ạ 😘😘❤❤
Ce monsieur est très gentil avec le petit singe qu il a adopte/ il en prend soin/ ce petit est heureux/ il mange bien/ il reçoit beaucoup d amour de son maitre/ c est très agréable à voir une si agréable vidéo.Merci à vous monsieur d aimer et de protéger cet adorable singe/ très mignon et très intelligent/ je vous souhaite à tous les 2 une longue vie et beaucoup de bonheur.❤
@ninicole6064 Merci pour vos aimables paroles. J'aime toujours Bon et je prends soin de lui avec soin. Veuillez prendre soin de Bon afin que vous puissiez voir la vie heureuse de Bon chaque jour. 🥰🙈💖
Этому обезьяношу очень повезло. Он попал в хорошую семью. Очень понравилось как Бона учили лазить по деревьям. Когда он сидел в грейпфруте, он был похож на Дюймовочку.
@Suf946 Obrigada por amar o macaquinho Bon, o bico tem um buraco mas é um pouco pequeno e troquei por outro bico para o Bon agora que o Bon pode beber leite com mais facilidade. 😘😍😍
Alimenta al bebe con frecuencia se nota que no le das de comer muy seguido tiene mucha hambre ..ellos comen cada dos horas ..tienes que darle leche y algo de frutas ..caso contrario enferman y mueren ..asi que pomle mas atencion ..por favor es un hermoso bebe muy adorable ..❤❤❤
@pablozambrano5877 Gracias por amar al pequeño mono Bon, escucharé las opiniones de todos para poder cuidar mejor a Bon, siempre amo y cuido a Bon con cuidado ,😘😘😘😘 síganme para ver la vida feliz de Bon todos los días. 😘😊😊
Кушают эти деточки с удовольствием и всегда голодные … а какают маленько и это хорошо и плюс еще они вегетарианцы 😅 уж такой потешный мальчик твой Бен , так и хочется потискать❤я ооочень завидую Вашей жизни с Беном и в 70 лет было бы нам весело с ним👍люблю его красавчика смышленного👍👍👍🌞🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
@NsLeTin2023 cảm ơn bạn đã yêu quý khỉ con Bon ,tôi luôn yêu thương và chăm sóc Bon một cách cẩn thận ,bạn hãy theo dõi để thấy cuộc sống vui vẻ mỗi ngày của Bon nhé ❤❤❤❤❤
I love you Bon🐒 and Poppy❣️ He is such a sweet boy🥰 and you're a very sweet and loving Poppy❣️☺️ Have a Wonderful Day🌹 and a Great time 🌹 with your Sweet Baby Bon 🐒🥰🚒toys. God Bless Y'all 🙏🙏🙏, Millie 😊
Dale mucho cariño ellos son como los humanos si tu le hablas te entienden y se vuelven amigos inseparables y muy cariñosos ..❤❤❤ hasle dormir en su camita ..
Out of all the videos I've seen of monkeys this man truly seems that he really loves that baby monkey and the baby monkey loves his Poppy so much. He follows him everywhere and if he was afraid of him he would run away. But he doesn't because he loves him
Exactly. I just read some different very evil comments and was shocked, how dark some people can think and then hurt without any reason. I can only see, what you also commented: The little Monkey is trusting fully. That shows very clear, that this youngh man is absolutly ok.
@Mariam-mn7xe Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, I always love and take care of Bon carefully, please follow us to see Bon's happy life every day.❤😘😘
@@Mariam-mn7xethink so many babies been seriously abused traumatized and terrify to death what goes on behind closed doors no video on you never know I just pray he won’t be one return to jungle they always do as they age it’s natural male instincts to fight bite aggressive behavior learned behavior to become dominant over owners
Nope he is abusing them too. The baby is crying so it’s scared then it turns away from him monkey is scared!!!! So much goes on behind the scene. They keep these animals in a stressed state!
Bon esta precioso gracias a su papá 😊 💕
Gracias por amar al pequeño mono Bon, deseo que tengas un buen día. ❤😘😘😘😘
Su papá? Ni la mona supo quien fué, no sean patéticos
Er kann rumlaufen wie er will und das ist sehr gut . Er ist so niedlich und so winzig klein . Ich glaube , er wird geliebt , bekommt gut zu Essen und lebt frei . Er ist sooooo
Und ich bin ganz angetan von diesem Tierchen . Bitte.quälen Sie ihn nicht . Danke ❤
Beautiful home and beautiful property ❤ 5:14
I bet it smells lovely too.
Yes, the house is beautiful, but the baby monkey's face is sad.
You can see the joy on his little face, so proud of himself when he climbs a little. Then runs back to you for security, just like he would his mother.
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, wish you have a good day ❤❤😍😍
Qué hace ese tipo limpiando mierda ó meao de la rata esa es una de las muchísimas razones por la cuál esas cosas son puercas y no hay excusas porque los perros y los gatos no usan pañales y si los enseñas a déjarte saber cuándo tienen ganas de hacer sus necesidades las ratas no lo hacen uuuiii
The dad is so gentle to the baby monkey. How lucky the baby monkey to have such daddy. 👍
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, wish you have a good day 😘😘😍
štěstí by bylo kdyby všechny dětí na světě měli takové táty a ne opičák.
Es su dueño, no seas patétiica
So cute baby Bon. Thank you for raising him in such a wonderful environment at dad's house. I hope he grows up healthy🐒💕
Merci d'aimer le petit singe Bon, je te souhaite une bonne journée❤😘😘😘😘
Aha.....little naive......
Why so long to feed the monkey.Hes hungry waiting to be fed.
Dads house? When did men start having sex with monkeys. Dad? Thats just bizzare ... dad?
A humans home is not a wonderful enviroment for a wild animal or maybe your house looks like wild animals live in it???
Мне понравилось как Бон участвует во всех стадиях очищения большого фрукта❤😂и как мило начал кушать из папиных рук, постепенно научиться сам, он же ещё такой крошечный😊🐒👍💖
Спасибо за любовь к маленькой обезьянке Бону, я всегда люблю Бона и тщательно забочусь о нем, пожалуйста, подписывайтесь на нас, чтобы каждый день видеть счастливую жизнь Бона. 😘😘😘😘😍
This young man seems to be one of the best caregiver of this baby. I like that he allows the monkey to walk on all fours which is natural
Que tranquilo y obediente es. Se ve que quiere a su papá y es correspondido
@@rosavirginiaaranocobos5891 Ya deja de decir que es su papá, es el dueño del circo, el mono solo es el animal
Es hermoso y tú como papá muy tierno.. pero ese biberon necesita un orificio mas grande..
Gracias por amar al pequeño mono Bon, lo reemplacé con una tetina nueva para que Bon pueda beber leche más fácilmente. 😘😘❤❤❤
Так приятно смотреть на вас. Папа любит тебя и вам хорошо вместе. Только бананы рпешьте на кусочки, чтобы она могла покушать. ❤❤
Beautiful house. I love the natural wood furniture & the gorgeous garden. Cute tiny monkey treated with love & kindness. The place is so big Bon needs a GPS tracker on him so you can find him. 😂
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, I guess I have to prepare for Bon because I'm also afraid that Bon will get lost 😂😂😂😂😂
Bon este cu adevarat fericit.Are libertate afara in natura, se poate cocota in copaci mancare are destula si este iubit si ingrijit.Problema este ca totul o sa se termine cand devine adult si l vei abandona asa cum faceti toti.Ma tot intreb cum puteti sa faceti asta ,dupa ce l ai crescut , l ai iubit si ai primit iubire din partea lui.Nu gasesc niciun raspuns la intrebarea mea.Eu nu as putea sa ma despart de ele dupa ce le cresc si le fac mari.
Que bonito que está. Y como le quieres y le cuidas. Pero tienes que sacarle el ratito del dodotis.
What is wrong with you?
Out of all the videos I've seen of monkeys this man truly seems that he really loves that baby monkey and the baby monkey loves his Poppy so much. He follows him everywhere and if he was afraid of him he would run away. But he doesn't because he loves him
Why does he keep running back to the house
@fredakurzbard4316 😘😘😘😘❤❤
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, I always love and take care of Bon carefully, please follow us to see Bon's happy life every day.
@@sharonpoppell5486 because he knows that is where he lives and eats and sleeps. That's why I would think that he does that
Omul afara,iar maimuță in casă!
Am crezut că nu poate urca pe masa de sticla,dar a urcat fara probleme,l a lovit foamea!
Es un bebe el ahorita lo tratas como grande el nesecita cariño y biberon y porlomenos preparale su fruta que no tenga que handar con hambre buscando
No comment
Those small macaques are extremely smart and cute, but taking care of them is another story, this is a "full-time job". THis video is one of the best videos about small macaques monkeys.
yes thank you for your kind words, this is Bon's daily life I share it so everyone can see that taking care of a baby monkey is not easy but if you have enough love then you will can do it
What a pleasure to see how you behave with this lovely baby !!! Respect and good care for him !!! Congratulations young man !!! You are an example for a lot of other people !!! 😊😊😊😊😊
Exactly. Thanks for your comment. I just have seen so many respectless and evil comments. How can people write so wrong?
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, I always love and take care of Bon carefully, please follow us to see Bon's happy life every day. ❤❤❤
He is starving you can't feed monkeys like humans they are born in forest they lived off of
vegetation until you decide to feed them human food
She seems very gentle and loving towards him. And she tries to be as gentle as she can. He is a cute cute baby! I love when he makes noise and his little mouth is so cute and his big eyes and wild hair omg what a cutie. I wish I could have him and take care of him. He's so adorable!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Вы добрый человек и любите животных, ухаживаете за малышом. Это так трогательно . Ваши фильмы смотреть одно удовольствие, на душе радостно. Вам здоровья крепкого счастья исполнения желаний и берегите вашего малыша. Привет из России.
@user-go6th7hn1d •
Спасибо за любовь к маленькой обезьянке Бону. Следуйте за нами, чтобы каждый день видеть счастливую жизнь Бона. ❤😊😊
Es su negocio el mono
Esto no es su "bebé" también es un animal, un chango
Si entiendo que te gustan pero no dejes que ensucie tu casa yo tengo gatos
Bon sr is without a doubt a wonderful dad to bon bon like his own son❤Isalute him JMarsh
Bon e o bucurie. Mulțumim tata ca îl iubiți și îl îngrijiți.
Too skinny!!! Seem withdrawn If he was eating right he would not boney
Îți mulțumesc că o iubești pe maimuța mică, Bon, îți doresc o zi bună 😘😘
What a beautiful place. Wow simply gorgeous ❤😊 12:28
Thank you for loving Bon, and thank you for your compliment 😘😘😊😊
Es un bebé hermoso viviendo en un bello lugar y muy cuidado por un papá amoroso. Me gustó mucho el video
czy opiekun jest małpą że piszesz o nim tata?
Бон мальчик бегает на четырёх лапках. Как мило. Опекун не портит позвоночник. И не ходит на двух лапках. Береги мальчика Бона❤
Por favor papai. Abra um buraco maior no bico da mamadeira . Ele não consegue chutar com tanta força. Não toma tudo porque não sai o leite.Ele precisa de mais leite. Coloque 3 medidas do leite na mamadeira.pra ele ter foca e crescer saudável.
Obrigada por amar o macaquinho Bon, troquei o Bo por outro bico e agora o Bon pode beber leite com mais facilidade. 😊😍😍😍
El hombre sabe lo que hace, o tu también tienes un chango en cautiverio? También eres delincuente?
Abre msix o bico da Mamadeira, isdo e pra economizar leite?????coitadinho,e um bebezinho, precisa de leite,trm fome???zbre mais esse bicooooo
Milk milk milk. Sleep sleep comfort comfort
Bon took his first cat nap. He loves to explore, nice.
The house is huge so Bon has a lot of space to run around.
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, Bon loves playing in the yard with my dogs 😍😘😘
He has a lot of space to run around yet all he wants is to be held and close to another living being.
@lilterror8474 That's fine. Who doesn't like a little comfort and want to be held? He's still a baby he will grow out next eventually.
Parabéns pela criatividade da cadeira de palitos de picolé
Obrigado pelo seu elogio 😍😍
Cosita más linda, me encanta el buen trato y cariñoso q es con la bebé, espero q sea por muchos años 🎉❤
Hola, me encanta ver a Bon cada día esta mas lindo, gordito, esta muy bien cuidado y regaloneado por papá que lo ama mucho, Bon es tan paciente y esta mas independiente buscando su comida y biberon. Papa lo hace interactuar con la naturaleza❤❤❤
Кто-нибудь заметил, какой большой и ухоженный двор? Здорово так, уютно и аккуратно 👍🏻
Спасибо за любовь к маленькой обезьянке Бон, хорошего дня. ❤😘😘😘
Asi son las casas de los mafiosos, porque los que tienen esos animales eso son, es ilegal tener monos en cautiverio
És azt is észrevette valaki, hogy ez a nagy gondozott udvar az emberé, és egy bébimajomnak semmi keresnivalója nincs benne. Ez az ember világa és nem a majmoké- Egy kismajomnak a majomanya mellett van a helye, nem egy szutykos pelenkában.
Love you baby, you are so sweet. God bless you all.
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, wish you a good day 😍😍😍😘
Tu crees que Dios bendiga a gente estúpida que humaniza animales?
Ce cuminte așteaptă Bon lăpticul!E foarte drăguț.!❤❤
What a beautiful little baby. Make sure he gets lots of love.❤
No es "bebé" es un animal, un chango, cría de mono, macaco, mono
It’s great the way you watched Bon closely while he was climbing in the trees. He climbed around a bit but wanted to come back to you. When you put Bon on another tree and encouraged him to climb onto higher branches, Bon did. This gave Bon confidence and was great for his coordination. It was so enjoyable to watch this dear little monkey make such a mighty effort. Bon seems to be a fast learner as he now sat calmly while dad made his bottle of milk. A pleasure to see that Bon has a good appetite, he is healthy and well cared for by his dad. Well done dad and Bon! 🥰👏😊👏🥰
Yes, Bon is now more mature and has become calmer when Dad is preparing to feed Bon. He will wait with peace of mind. It's a pleasure to be loved by you. Please follow along so you can see a happy life every day Bon monkey's day😊😊😊🐵🐵
به قول شما بون توله کفداریست که فقط میخورد اشتها نه مثل توله کفدار توشبکه مستندنشان میدهد فقط میخورد ومدفووادرار بدبو چقدرزشتن دیدم که مینویسم ایکفداررا ولی اون دمدارا هم آروم
小さな猿のボンを愛してくれてありがとう、良い一日になりますように 😘😘😘😘
Ma la scimmia non lo vede come papà ma come fonte sicura di cibo
Beautiful house, such a cute little fella❤
thank you ❤😘
Babies always look milk drunk when they drink bottles so cute ❤
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, Bon is so adorable, isn't he? 😊😊😘😘😘😘
Esto es un animal, no bebé
This breed makes a unique whistling cry
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon and my dogs 😍😍😘😘
He’s so adorable 😊
thank you 😘😘😍😍
Pls feed him milk why is he looking tired n sleepy look after him with love affection ❤❤❤❤
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, Bon always drinks milk every day. I always love and take care of Bon carefully. Please follow us to see Bon's happy life every day. 😊😊🐵🐵😘
Monkey's should not drink cows' milk or powdered milk..even human snacks are not good..bananas are a no no as well due to high sugar it before u attack me..
He is caring with lots of affection. I would definitly tell clear, if I would find, that the little monkey is not treated well.
Bring tiered sometimes is very normal. The youngh man did Showeinlagen us the sleeping Baby only, because he did not lay down but tried to sleep wile siting.
It looked just sweet in some how, how ge tried to remain awake.
Do not make more out MORE of a situation, as needed.
This youngh man is absolut ok. He handles the Baby tender, caring and with respect. The reaction of the Baby shows clear, that he is trusting he youngh man.
What else we could expect.
Маленький прелестный умненький прекрасный малыш
Спасибо за любовь к маленькой обезьянке Бон, хорошего дня. 😍😍
Ese mono pasa hambre , muchisima ansiedad😢😢😢😢😢 poca leche
Quatsch. Der Kleine hat im Gegenteil überhaupt keine Angst. Sein Gesicht und Körper sind vollkommen entspannt.
Sein Vertrauen in den jungen Mann ist völlig in Ordnung. Ich würde SOFORT kritisieren, wenn ich Missbrauch vermuten würde.
Auch der Garten und das Haus zeigen Menschen, die segr gut organisiert sind. Dem kleine Affen geht es soweit optimal.
Gracias por amar al pequeño mono Bon, Bon siempre bebe suficiente leche todos los días, así que ten la seguridad. 😍😍
The poor animal is tired and hungry so sad to see how these animals been treated just to make videos..just been left alone with the camera man
No. I think you are not right. It is very normal for such a little, to Fall asleep suddenly.
It was just a bit strange, that he skeptisch wile sitting. Sometimes we all try to stay await, but rhe eyes are falling down.
It was just a bit strange, that he in the End layed down, but not in front of the camera. It looked like, he felt disturbed by the cameraman.
Any how, to me, there is no reason to complane. The youngh man enjoys, beeing wirh this little Monkey.
Thats most important. He seems to be well off and do not need to earn money with the lillte monney.
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, Bon always eats well, so please rest assured, Bon being happy and healthy is my greatest joy. 😍😘😘😘
I second that the dads have more compassion for these lil babies. They are very smart a learn fast.
Dios los bendiga siempre lás criatura de El señor preciosa 💎
Dear Mister,yes l admire you very much,how you love the baby.I am proud of you,you a saved this beautiful monkey.Thank you from Europe.💖👍🫶🙏🕊
I also feel lucky to be able to save Bon and happy that Bon can be loved by everyone. 💖🥰🐵
Và ngoài ra ạnh có thể đun cháo với ít khoai lang và ca rốt cắt nhỏ và đút cho bé ăn để có thêm dinh dưỡng. Hoặc khi anh nấu canh cho anh ăn, anh cũng có thể cho bé húp tí canh với rau, sẽ có đủ dinh dưỡng.
mình vẫn thường nấu cháo dinh dưỡng thịt và các loại rau củ cho Bon ăn thường xuyên nên bạn hãy yên tâm nhé 😘😘😊😊
Bon darf auf vier Füßchen laufen und das freut mich ganz besoners .
Mein liebes Schätzchen ❤❤❤
Где вы видите что он голодный,за ним хорошо ухаживает хозяин, всегда ищите недостатки
Me pareceu tambem fome, Quando ele está sentado e lambendo as mãos e os dedos, 4:35 mastiga sem nada na boca e nas bochechas e caem de sono.
Спасибо за любовь к маленькой обезьянке Бон, я прислушаюсь к мнению каждого, чтобы лучше заботиться о Боне, я всегда люблю Бона и тщательно забочусь о нем, пожалуйста, следите за нами, 😘😘😘 чтобы каждый день видеть счастливую жизнь Бона.
Thanks for holding the baby in your arms while drinking. The monkey needs human comfort to bond and develop
Пока ждал молоко, задремал,. а увидев оператора, отвернулся, сообразил. 😅
Si, creowue se dio vurlta por eso
Bon es muy buena Bendiciones
Gracias por amar al pequeño mono Bon. 😊😘😘
DEUs ele é tao lindinho pequenininho gordinho😊 eu❤ amo❤ voce ❤ MIMOSINHO ❤
Wonderful, teaching him how to climb and find food outdoors while naked. You’re an awesome carer for this little guy.
That's right, Bon is very good at climbing 😊💖🐵
Canh bầu canh bí xắt mỏng ra cho bé ăn với tí nước canh.
Cảm ơn anh!
Двор сказачно красивый, хозяин добрый человек, заботливый папа.
Bon ist mein absoluter Schatz.
Der ist so niedlich, ich liebe ihn .
Sie sind so gut zu ihm ❤
Ich freue mich so .Danke
Ich werde Ihre Videos weiter schauen , weil sie so schön sind .
Удивительное взаимопонимание.Очень позитивное видео.❤
❤😂❤😂😂😂😂❤Мне интересно,зачем вы берете обезьян в дом,пока они маленькие ,это смешно и мило,потом,когда вырастут и начнут носиться по всему дому,что будет Хорошая дрессировка у обезьяны Биби господина Куана,но там столько терпения,любви,заботы и денег.А в основном ,на всех каналах дрессировка сводится к купанию и еде.
Я усыновил Бона, потому что чувствовал себя бедным Боном, и заботился о Боне, потому что чувствовал, что люблю Бона, и я также был очень счастлив, когда ты тоже любил Бона. 🥰😊❤
Совершенно верно@
Hola papá cómo te envidio por tener a Bon a tu lado es un niño amoroso pequeño en tamaño grande en AMOR para darte nunca lo alejes de ti❤😮😊
😘😘😘Gracias por amar al pequeño mono Bon, que tengas un buen día.
Papa tu as diseñado los muebles de la decoracion de tu casa por que son maravillosos como las cosas que haces en banbu eres una persona .muy original yun ar
Gracias por amar al pequeño mono Bon, siempre amo y cuido a Bon con cuidado, síganos para ver la vida feliz de Bon todos los días. 😘😍😍😍
First time watching how nice and caring to the baby. Other videos of abuse made me cry. How wonderful to see this
I think it is really good that you let the monkey climb the trees and not wear clothes all the time and let him be a monkey!
Bon climbs trees but still wears clothes to keep him warm because he hasn't fully grown fur so his body gets cold very easily 🥰❤🐵
I do agree with what Robin (is it?) Is totally saying! Try being nice and compassionate, it does make a big difference! I don't know why people have to be mean to them babies anyway! They are too cute! Just look at them ,how do you be mean,they just want some T L C! And they deserve that,thier babies! And to be feed have a bottle of milk,water,and a diaper change( often),if they wear them! Just love them!!!😂❤😊❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon. I always love Bon and take care of him carefully, please join me in taking care of him. 💖🥰🐵
He is precious and you are taking great care of him. He did so well with his climbing lesson.❤️
Thank you for loving Con Bon monkey, wish you health and happiness 😘❤🐒🥰
I love the way he laughs with her when she does something cute.😊
Papa habrele mas el agujero del biberon y dale mucha fruta y verduras cada dos horas y ya veras lo hermoso que se pone❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤es el bebe mas gracioso que he visto y super inteligente lo adoro 😍😍😍🥰🥰😘😘😘
Gracias por amar al pequeño mono Bon, gracias por tu cumplido, síguenos para ver la feliz vida cotidiana de Bon. 😘😍😍
He is so cute and getting a bit bigger and smarter! Dad you do a great job with Bon he's a very,very lucky baby monkey God bless you both! Have a wonderful life together!😊❤
Thank you for your kind words, hope you have a nice day 🥰💖🐵
Ngoài ra anh cũng có thể cho bé ăn xoài, du đủ, nho, táo và cho bé bú nước cam vắt hoặc mút tí quít.
Chắc quả bưởi hơi chua và đáng nên bé khg ăn nữa! Nho và nhãn ngọt nên chắc bé thích ăn hơn.
cảm ơn bạn đã yêu quý khỉ con Bon ,mình thường cho Bon ăn đa dạng các loại trái cây để bé có nhiều chất dinh dưỡng khác nhau và để biết những loại nào bé thích nhất đấy ạ 😘😘❤❤
Ooo! Ce costumas frumos.
Ce monsieur est très gentil avec le petit singe qu il a adopte/ il en prend soin/ ce petit est heureux/ il mange bien/ il reçoit beaucoup d amour de son maitre/ c est très agréable à voir une si agréable vidéo.Merci à vous monsieur d aimer et de protéger cet adorable singe/ très mignon et très intelligent/ je vous souhaite à tous les 2 une longue vie et beaucoup de bonheur.❤
Merci pour vos aimables paroles. J'aime toujours Bon et je prends soin de lui avec soin. Veuillez prendre soin de Bon afin que vous puissiez voir la vie heureuse de Bon chaque jour. 🥰🙈💖
Этому обезьяношу очень повезло. Он попал в хорошую семью. Очень понравилось как Бона учили лазить по деревьям. Когда он сидел в грейпфруте, он был похож на Дюймовочку.
Llamando a papa por que se hizo pipi ,Bon es admirable y muy inteligente ❤
Sí, Bon es muy inteligente y eso me sorprendió. 😊🐵❤
Because bd house is beautiful. A lot of trees 🌳, bushes, freshly veggies 🥦 he has everything lucky Bon. Are you are cute and good listening.
Poorly little monkey was very very hungry 😢😢😢 hi very thin hasn't enough energy 😢😢
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, Bon is very healthy and Bon is much fatter than when I first adopted him.❤❤😘😘😘
❤ I love the lil baby monkey
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, my dogs all love Bon and so does Bon 😘😘❤❤
Tem que abrir mais o buraco do bico da mamadeira.
Obrigada por amar o macaquinho Bon, o bico tem um buraco mas é um pouco pequeno e troquei por outro bico para o Bon agora que o Bon pode beber leite com mais facilidade. 😘😍😍
This baby is very small. The mom his stay with in her arms the all time. He is very baby to way for ... Thank you for your cute them.
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, wish you have a good day 😍😍❤❤
Nothing is more beautiful than a baby drinking his bottle!❤❤❤
That's right, Bon was able to hold the bottle and drink milk while his father was at work 🥰❤🐵
When was the last time that poor thing ate
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, Bon always eats well so please rest assured 😍😘😘😘
Bon is so little and sweet ❤❤❤❤❤
Alimenta al bebe con frecuencia se nota que no le das de comer muy seguido tiene mucha hambre ..ellos comen cada dos horas ..tienes que darle leche y algo de frutas ..caso contrario enferman y mueren ..asi que pomle mas atencion ..por favor es un hermoso bebe muy adorable ..❤❤❤
Gracias por amar al pequeño mono Bon, escucharé las opiniones de todos para poder cuidar mejor a Bon, siempre amo y cuido a Bon con cuidado ,😘😘😘😘 síganme para ver la vida feliz de Bon todos los días. 😘😊😊
He is secure and becoming more independent. Shows he’s not mistreated.
Такой крошечный ,а понимает и помогает своим поведением одеть памперс и
Кушают эти деточки с удовольствием и всегда голодные … а какают маленько и это хорошо и плюс еще они вегетарианцы 😅 уж такой потешный мальчик твой Бен , так и хочется потискать❤я ооочень завидую Вашей жизни с Беном и в 70 лет было бы нам весело с ним👍люблю его красавчика смышленного👍👍👍🌞🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
Lindo babie. Tem que tomar mais leite e mais frutas.❤😂😅
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, Bon always drinks milk and eats fruit many times a day so please rest assured. 😘😍😍
Beautiful property
Dad you take good care of Bon, thank- you for all you do for me.
Tiene dos tronos, uno hecho manualmente y otro es de fruta. Muy cuidado y mimado. Ha tenido suerte a pesar de no estar en su hábitat.
It's too little to be up that high and he's probably tired after eating
Responde en español q no te entiendo
He is so cute I wanna give him so many kisses and hugs
Apa nagyon gondoskodó ès szereti a kicsit, aki nagyon aranyos .Gratulálok Magyarországról❤❤❤
ดูไม่เบื่อ ขอบคุณที่มีรายการนี้ค่ะ
cưng bé Bon quá , ngày nào không xem nó chịu không nổi . Bé đáng yêu . Ba cũng giỏi , chăm con chu đáo . Chúc hai cha con luôn mạnh khỏe nha
cảm ơn bạn đã yêu quý khỉ con Bon ,tôi luôn yêu thương và chăm sóc Bon một cách cẩn thận ,bạn hãy theo dõi để thấy cuộc sống vui vẻ mỗi ngày của Bon nhé ❤❤❤❤❤
@@monkeybonfamily ba Bon tên gì ?
@NsLeTin2023 Thật là thất lễ, anh là một nghệ sĩ nổi tiếng, lúc đầu em không để ý. Chúc anh nhiều sức khoẻ nhé!
@@monkeybonfamily kg thấy clip bé Bon , nhớ bé
I love you Bon🐒 and Poppy❣️ He is such a sweet boy🥰 and you're a very sweet and loving Poppy❣️☺️ Have a Wonderful Day🌹 and a Great time 🌹 with your Sweet Baby Bon 🐒🥰🚒toys. God Bless Y'all 🙏🙏🙏, Millie 😊
Thank you for your best wishes to my family. I hope that good things and happiness will come to us. ❤🥰🐵
I Love the sound this baby makes!!!!❤❤❤❤
Did yyou drug him???
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, Bon being sleepy and falling asleep is normal, why do you think that Bon uses sleeping pills? 😢😢😢
Dale mucho cariño ellos son como los humanos si tu le hablas te entienden y se vuelven amigos inseparables y muy cariñosos ..❤❤❤ hasle dormir en su camita ..
Gracias por amar al pequeño mono Bon, siempre amo y cuido a Bon, así que ten la seguridad. 😘😘😊😍
@người dùng-jp7ms4ui7c
I will use this money to buy milk for Bon 😘😘😘😘
So gentle and soothing to the monkeys 🐒. ❤❤
Tanto amor Papai, isso mostra o seu coração 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Eu amo e sempre cuido de Bon com todo meu coração e alma 🐵❤❤🥰
Out of all the videos I've seen of monkeys this man truly seems that he really loves that baby monkey and the baby monkey loves his Poppy so much. He follows him everywhere and if he was afraid of him he would run away. But he doesn't because he loves him
Exactly. I just read some different very evil comments and was shocked, how dark some people can think and then hurt without any reason.
I can only see, what you also commented: The little Monkey is trusting fully. That shows very clear, that this youngh man is absolutly ok.
Thank you for loving little monkey Bon, I always love and take care of Bon carefully, please follow us to see Bon's happy life every day.❤😘😘
@@Mariam-mn7xethink so many babies been seriously abused traumatized and terrify to death what goes on behind closed doors no video on you never know I just pray he won’t be one return to jungle they always do as they age it’s natural male instincts to fight bite aggressive behavior learned behavior to become dominant over owners
Nope he is abusing them too. The baby is crying so it’s scared then it turns away from him monkey is scared!!!! So much goes on behind the scene. They keep these animals in a stressed state!
You drugged the baby to get her to lay just like you did! Report!
카메라 못찍게 앉은자리에서 뱅뱅 도네😂❤귀여워