I worked with a wealthy woman who owned a collection of "suluxs" and "luxury" handbags. Somewhere is real, somewhere is a replica, you honestly can't tell the difference. She taught me how to mix and match, she taught me to buy bags at *condup* , especially trendy bags, instead of spending $5,000 on something that will be out of style next year.
Love the new styling. I was going to get the smaller size last year but I watched another UA-camr review and she frankly said it looked like something you’d find at Target… OMG! Also, it was pretty pricey last year. Anyway, I’ll probably buy the new *amzrepe* replica again because I really like the added chain… Have fun!
such a gorgeous bag 😍 been on my wishlist for so long. Great colour!
Thanks for tuning in, yes, it's a keeper.
Beautiful bag however your videos even more beautiful and very detailed. Love it ❤
Thank you for tuning into my channel!
I worked with a wealthy woman who owned a collection of "suluxs" and "luxury" handbags. Somewhere is real, somewhere is a replica, you honestly can't tell the difference. She taught me how to mix and match, she taught me to buy bags at *condup* , especially trendy bags, instead of spending $5,000 on something that will be out of style next year.
Beautiful color, congratulations so pretty❤!!
Thanks for checking out my channel. I love this bag.
this is the best bag video I've ever seen. We can see every detail from above like a user. Also thanks for the size differences picture
Thank u for turning in!
Such a very detailed review! Thank you ❤
thanks for tuning in!
I have a teen Jodie in Aloe color it’s such a gorgeous bag.
I love this color too!
Your bag is beautiful 😍 it is a nice size ❤I like that you can take the strap off ❤
Is this in Aloe? I don’t think I heard you say.
Yes, that's the color.
Does an A4 notebook fit?
It should fit because the A4 notebook is smaller than my 13 inch laptop which fits into this bag as well.
Love the new styling. I was going to get the smaller size last year but I watched another UA-camr review and she frankly said it looked like something you’d find at Target… OMG! Also, it was pretty pricey last year. Anyway, I’ll probably buy the new *amzrepe* replica again because I really like the added chain… Have fun!
Looks like a bayong???
I'm not sure what bayong is?