Around the kitchen table The Aunties talked over coffee and ciggarettes. Grandma stood by the stove drinking her tea, listening. If a child was quiet she could stay. She remembers this around the. autum campfires.
Or they're honoring a legendary actor who has portrayed a large number of Natives in American film and television at a time where there were few Natives actors who could feed themselves if they chose to become actors because of how limited the roles still are. An actor whose career has spanned almost three decades. An actor who started working around the same time as Meryl Streep. With more credits and career successes than very likely you have who despite his extensive career in many well known films is only remember as "that guy" because he mainly just played supporting Native roles. Good as those performances were.
Lol great introduction! Bingo caller is my favourite
Around the kitchen table
The Aunties talked over coffee and ciggarettes.
Grandma stood by the stove drinking her tea, listening.
If a child was quiet she could stay.
She remembers this around the. autum campfires.
"Political correctness" is paramount to this organization, as they serve their moneyed masters.
Or they're honoring a legendary actor who has portrayed a large number of Natives in American film and television at a time where there were few Natives actors who could feed themselves if they chose to become actors because of how limited the roles still are. An actor whose career has spanned almost three decades. An actor who started working around the same time as Meryl Streep. With more credits and career successes than very likely you have who despite his extensive career in many well known films is only remember as "that guy" because he mainly just played supporting Native roles. Good as those performances were.
It's really not.
Yeah Doug..sure thing.