I was really puzzled originally when you were talking about how INFPs want power and authority. I always looked at it as I didn’t want to be powerLESS-not in charge, just not reliant/burdensome. I’m really afraid of power because I know how subjective things can become based on how I feel… a lot of times I think I’m right when I’m so very wrong. Really humbling-you’re spot on.
I've been made aware as an INFP that not everyone suffers the same way I do, but many people don't like to open up about such things so it's hard to help others sometimes and tame Ti demon if we don't have correct info to fight it to convert to Ti angel. Can't help people achieve their dreams if they're not vulnerable enough to share them. Even when INFPs have the power and means to achieve dreams (theirs or others) but no one is willing to listen to them or take an INFP seriously, that's when we REALLY feel powerless. A trillionaire could throw an incredible, legendary party and set up everything perfect, but if no one shows up, having the money/power/influence doesn't mean as much all of the sudden. Because *no one cared* about the wealth you wanted to share, and it went to no use. No dream brought into reality. I have an ISTP friend whose life is a mess and is gonna get even messier if they don't wake up. I've tried giving them warnings and advice but they think it's all nonsense and every time they brush it off and keep going down the road to hell, I feel a special kind of sadness. Or... perhaps they do value it, and I haven't learned how to pick up on it yet because I'm not seeing their dream properly for what it is. How does an INFP find people who WANT their dreams made real? How do they find people who WANT the warnings and the wisdom INFPs can offer and will actually VALUE it?
i have been in your shoe with an istp and due to the continual discarded of my advices, i learned that sometimes if you deeply care for someone you should allow them to do mistakes, its the only way they can truly learn and be stronger, specially ISTP, they hardly listen if the advice is given on a golden platter, and many people too tbh, withhold your advices and point of views and go along with whatever logic they appear to have, ask them questions about their thoughts and next move maybe present an idea and when they agree on it make it look like its theirs ;) , and hold the urge to impose on their life choices, yes we can see through different scenarios and its terrifying to know the million outcomes of a single choice but to others this information overload is extremely stressful. To some they will reject it they are in denial and don't want to see the truth and To others its illogical because they don't understand how NE works so its not personal at all, what i started doing is, if i spotted someone in a mess after i listen to their problems i ask them if they want my insight or advice and i share it if they argued with the advice i take it back and let them do what they feel is right and simply wish them all the best and tell them i will be here if they needed me. if you were right chances are they will come back for another advice and this time wont argue. your opinion do matter but so do other people opinions and its their lives after all we need to respect that and not be blinded by our love to them or we will turn into an over-protective mother :)
@@emq5869 I am an INTP wife to a ISTP man. This situation turned my life upside-down. ISTP husband found my Ne useless and annoying. He just wanted to use my Si child for his sexual gratification and for submission and admiration which worked for me since his Se parent gave me loads of excitement a amazing experiences. But I also have a highly developed Ti and he hated me for it. Our epic Ti battles overwhelmed him and he ended up sore and violent towards me. my Fe was also well developed because we already had 3 kids and I became very considerate towards them as babies. Soon I saw myself taking people's perceptions into account and being empathetic through out everything I touched including my ISTP husband. Yet his Fe was still immature and brought out his Fi demon on the Daily. Just a bloddy mess I left him 3 years ago And frankly I am doing great being a dedicated mom and focusing on me. I tried to be and INTP bedrock to and ISTP But ultimately he cheated, lied, abused me and still wanted me to stay and continue giving my constant solidarity. But after reaching understanding of his behavior and his low level of consciousness I decided to leave him. My decision was well informed and based on a careful thorough study of our situation including my flaws and mistakes not only his. I realized he had a disordered character and that it created me a Codependency. I know he is a lone wolf these days But hey! He is an ISTP after all.
@@damanodrama i am sorry you been through that, it makes my heart ache knowing what you been through isn’t something to be taken lightly, Ti function is so attached to the ego and when two Ti users tries to prove a point,man its a war zone so I totally understand what u been through, when u mentioned “Ne” i can understand that point of view it can be super disturbing to those who lack it, it overloads their mind to the point it becomes crippling,thats why they become so dismissive when dealing with it.. which then hurts us, my trick is when i am using Ne parent is to 1) be strategic about it 2)i only use my Ne parent when i feel crisis is near by, if so i present my fellow Ti users with two options ONLY A) worst case scenario and B) best case scenario and tell them what is the consequences of both choices are, and that i support them both ways, it works like a charm.. they will come back for more Ne wisdom ;). your Ne is a beautiful blessing but i learned it the hard way “when someone isn’t listening to you stop talking to them” when i implemented that people now believes in my Ne and seeks it to know what their infinite possibilities are which eventually help them make better judgement.. win/win situation
At first I took this as a little too harsh, but to be honest I have seen this from other self-identified "INFP"s where they allow themselves, however genuinely, to claim and suggest that they owe no consideration to the wishes of others. I think this view is usually expressed by people who embraced selfishness and entitlement after many years of being neglected, and in truth INFP seem to often have a common experience of having felt neglected in their childhoods and in their relationships. I think anyone who has had wrong done to them consistently can end up feeling as though they are a virtuous victim and that they are morally superior to others. But as an INFP myself who has been through that, and had done the introspective work to identify my own level of resignation with being victimized and mistreated, I do realize how capable all people, including myself, are of harm and neglect directed towards others. And I have personally found that I do my best work when I am helping someone else realize their own "dream", their own vision. Certainly I enjoy expressing myself, but personally what I find more fulfilling is being part of a shared dream or vision. I know that the stereotype of INFPs is that they only understand and care about their own feelings, but this has never been true for me. I've always seen the feelings of others as clearly as my own. There's a quote that means the most to me and it is this one by a man known as "Terence", a Roman African playwrite: "Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto", or "I am human, and I think nothing human is alien to me." I never presume that the limitations of my own experience are reflected in the experiences of others, or that my dreams or machinations could ever encompass the every need and desire of man, and to date I have never felt incapable of accepting or understanding the feelings, thoughts, reasonings or desires of someone else, even if I subjectively, morally, or logically disagreed with it.
This message that "your dreams aren't right for everybody" is applicable to intp's as well, reminds me of the show continuum where an intp takes over the world.
Dreams are meant for the individual Otherwise people will attempt to usurp and rob you of your dreams However like Joseph if your natural intuition is aligned with reality There's no stopping you.. God won't allow it, and if that's true Mother will the best of mankind
One person's utopia is another's hell. After all, pursuit of absolute perfection is a path to ruin. For all the greatest artists have to eventually accept their work and all its flaws as it is and put their signature to it. Look closely and you can see them, which will inform you, we are all only human. Once you accept that the world is an imperfect place and that nothing is permanent, true meaning can be found.
You really offer a lot of insight to understanding and I wanted to tell you that you have helped me understand so much about the people around me and myself! Also sandman is incredible and I'm glad you related infps to this story cause It showed me how to start viewing a path for shaping my own dreams! Truly thank you for the great work man!
If Infps were given the proper education, taking the time to process, constantly pushing to learn more, then maybe they would learn to seek objective thinking through the lens of rationality (Te), to which they'll find the ultimate path to understanding the world rather than just themselves.
Could it be that INFPs are really the powerful ones? We have great ideas and like you say we need those ideas to become reality. We have to be humble enough to accept that. We need help and have those people come into our lives.
We all need help, INFP’s included. We all need to be humble enough to accept that, INFP’s included ESTJ’s subconscious is the INFP, and their ego often truly lacks humility ánd the self-awareness to accept they actually need help themselves to accurately ‘label’ their feelings. If they don’t, they blame others. The Infp can be really powerful , but can also be destroyed by keeping the wrong company, like an ESTJ wife.
YES! That was awesome! Thank you for the new perspective on Joseph. Sometimes it doesn’t even take much to help someone with their dreams and goals. I am still thanked by a friend of mine for helping them organize game nights, and I don’t feel like I did much! But they needed someone there- infp’s can bring so much to people. THANK YOU CSJ for shaking up INFPs to action!
Beautifully put. I think that patience as well as slowly observing and seeking opportunities using Si, can lead to dreams becoming reality for an INFP.
The SJs see the NPs as a threat and make sure to other them from a young age so they don't realise they're the ones who have the power to change things
I don't think it's that deep. It's true that they point out what they perceive to be a problem early on but they just doing what they ought to from their perspective due to repressed Ni.
Many infps commenting about ourselves, not enough exaltation of your long-awaited mastery Chase. You rock my world ! The lead singer that pours out the most electric concoctive experience in the typology band that pierces bone and marrow. The humbleness and nuance you bestow is starved of, so keep up the sway with that glint in your eye. I know God wants to sharpen your sword. Let him. And I’ll just come to rule as that precious ruby…
yay. The authority intersecting with the dreams. Now we have the whole story of this type…thank you question asker and Answer-er. I also think you may be right about Joseph because it always bothered me that he had NF tendencies but then acted a little alien to them but in the end was transformed through his experiences into A type of Christ... Brothers who rejected their own not realizing he was the Messiah who would save them. In the end this is one of the powerful stories that will be used to fulfill Romans 10 and 11. One of my favorites!
Infps almost never have power in our society... or really even seek if from what I can see. What politicians are infps? We've had 46 presidents but not a single infp so far. Fi is very personal and tends to not have any interest in enforcing their values on others, unless people are acting in a way that's infringing on other people's human rights.
You do realise INFPs have ESTJ subconscious right, oh and ENFJ unconscious. That's what INFPs present as in politics. Remember all it takes is a cause for the INFP and belief they are righteous and they become an ESTJ real damn quick. And sometimes not a good one
""My dear, In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. I realized, through it all, that… In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger - something better, pushing right back. Truly yours," Albert Camus
My dude that was really inspirational and accurate. I didn't agree with everything but it's a great jumping point for self reflection you fleshed out your ideas in a very wonderful way. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I really related with the creation of worlds and dreams. A few years ago I actually had a dream and world built from it. It was called Dreamscape, and in this world the whole population had been put to sleep and their consciousness divided into 12 parts and lived in this world comprised of various genres of fiction (science fiction, fantasy, horror, etc) manifested as territories that operated in their own seperate rules. Anyway my point is I had the desire to as you described to have the power to do that to create something where people could live in a dream world and be taken out of their current existence where they could have adventures and be who they wanted to be. And you are right that is a form of authoritarianism and not necessarily best for everyone but it is nice to think about at least, that we are not constrained to this world and the limits of reality. Hope you have a good day, you made mine a little better and left me with some stuff to think about.
I like your take on Joseph being an INFP. He was a loner that gave his brothers a bad Se experience. Also he made his brother's to go through hoops to get back to him. Like the Delta quadra does. 👏 Brilliant analysis.
The only time ive felt empowered and i didnt really i just felt stupid was when a magistrate tried to take away my rights when i was trying uphold my childrens and he jailed me for no reasonable grounds except to maintain his power and status. When our rights are abused it forces us to open our eyes and see the world for what it truly is. The idealist infp in me died then
What a title! As funny as it is possible. This was quite the interesting video. Makes sense when you take into account that utopian idealism is just colorful totalitarianism, lol. I might have to check out Sandman now 🤔
Gaiman’s work has always resonated with me in special ways, so I’m not surprised to find he has the same personality as me 😊. Haven’t read or watched the sandman yet. Thanks for the info, Chase!
It's interesting that Joseph's dream of his Father, Mother and Brothers bowing to him came true by him fulfilling the kings dream. Also how it brought him to be second in charge of the most powerful nation at that time. Cup of authority running over much. Fulling others dream(s) could bring yours to fulfillment. Sounds similair to what Zig Zoglar used to say. "You can have everything you want if you only help enough other people get what they want." Keep up the good work sir!!❤
How’s INFPs dreams or dreaming different from ISFPs ENTJs or INTJs or INFJs dreams or any other type? Bcuz as an INTJ i have big dreams too that i strive and work to achieve and i also daydream and envision it a lot. Now i could care less about power and authority tho. I care more about the money and the freedom factor like “being able to buy whatever the hell i cant and not depend on anyone”. But really hows INFPs dreams different from any other type dreams?
can you pls pls make a video on INFP careers? i have taken several tests over the years and mainly result is INFP but i am not creative. i have done masters in engineering which i didn't liked and i m stuck in my career and job for last 10 years. i don't know what to do. i want to do something meaningful but i am not good at anything, i don't like to read , write, comics, novels, i see magic is evil n demonic and i have a hard time finding what do i like and my interests but i am not clear at all. i want to work towards something and make my life more meaningful, respectful and independent. but the kind of interests INFP have, i don't have it. i have seen list of all movies INFP likes on imdb and many articles.. i don't like any of those too. i don't like cartoons, animations, disney or anything not real. can you pls pls make a video for it. i m literally watching your videos every single day for months now
What I don't get is how can you say they're not aware of others suffering just because it's in the nemesis slot. Can you elaborate on why that is and what purpose would it have as a function if it doesn't operate in the same way that it's defined? With that logic you could also say Ni nemesis is just pessimistic but can't use it for will power. Also there seems to be some empirical evidence within Dario Nardi's work. For example one of the 4 subsets for Infp's shows their brain region responsible for empathy to be very active and was one of the main descriptions of this subset. Also in general in Linda Beren's and Dario's work frequently describes the idealist temperament as empathetic.
@@CSJoseph I'm aware of you bringing up the trickster function, you also said they're not aware of what other people value basically due to the fact it's their nemesis while bringing up the fact they're not aware of others suffering.
Yes change everyone so they would stop acting like we can’t see the character they play, their fruitless effort to control as they blame innocent bystanders. I actually am tired if others imposing their boring realities that lack any adventure, authenticity or appreciation of our joyful desire for connection. Not everyone but I find family, after turning the other cheek so long, peg us as a scapegoat. Really you don’t want to celebrate one another, life and the moment. They’d rather resort to trauma response. I see it all the time. Only not in my long term best friends. They could be and I tell them to be coaches. I actually jump out of bed and have a full day of activities and once I feel supported even in one short conversation with someone to review a business plan/ grant I see the whole web in my mind and know what to do how to plan and the people i need Being a Jack of all trades and a visionary is a gift. We need to stop caring about what others think and absorbing their projections. Had I known that as a young infp. But it seems we go through hell on earth to figure out our worth and power. Others feel it and want to tear it down. Unfortunately even family.
Hahah I watched the sandman too was so good. Could straight away tell Morpheus was an infp and so fitting he is the king of dreams Is Lucienne an ESTJ? She does seem systematic, her loyalty also indicates it (but I’m terrible at typing). If so it’s amazing writing that he ends up sharing his authority with her at the end
I think C.S.Joseph read the biblical version of PROPHET JOSEPH and that lead to his conclusion for him being an INFP. I would suggest you also read the Islamic historical version of PROPHET JOSEPH (In Islam he is called YUSUF).
A year later and this is EXACTLY why Project 2025 is an insufferable concept, although it’s interesting now thinking an INFP can hyper conservative 🤔. The problem is we’re playing a tug of war with what dreams we want to bring into reality, I guess negotiation is inevitable, but I don’t think it’s possible if Christianity promotes an all in or all out concept.
oh yeah baby burn the world down and build it up again by my rules, kinda like thanos. Jokes apart u helping people realize their dreams can help u get help from them to realize yours -INFP
Hi Chase, its particlarly great because i have recently typed a close family member after being wrong for a decade. And your anecdotes are an exact match. This is really helpful for me to understand them and to help them in their interactions, i'm very greatful to you for this.
Judger as opposed to Perceiver. He's very strict and self-contained. He sticks strongly to rules and obligations, clearly views the Dreaming as a kingdom he needs to rule accordingly, and he prefers to come to a solid and strong conclusion as opposed to keeping his options open as... (from personality-cafe) that resonate from what I saw... INFP are dreamers fine but he's managing the realm of others dreams as an end.
His actions strike me as being more logical than emotional (see "A Game Of You" for reference to this, in which Dream uncreates an entire realm he created because it fell out of logical balance. He grants a boon to its princess and leaves (personalitycafe)...
He needs to be taught by others how to make friends and maintain relationships and he focuses on more intellectual pleasures than sensory ones - he is hardly ever seen indulging in food, drink, sex, and general hedonism. This fits with his inferior Se. Therefore, I would ultimately argue that Morpheus is an INTJ.
I agree with your overall message and appreciate it. However, I need to ask, was Joseph really an INFP? He was entitled, yes, which is proven by him wearing his colorful coat (a symbol of preeminent status!). And he undoubtedly had high morals. But I doubt that he was constantly dreaming. When he was a slave, he ended up running the entire household. When he was in prison, he ended up running the prison. And finally he ended up running the country of Egypt! So he must have had outstanding organisation and leadership abilities. And he also was hard-working. It seems to me that power and authority for him was nothing he desperately sought but rather something that came naturally to him. So I would rather say that Joseph was an ExTJ.
INFP doesn't sound unusual to me, considering he would be forced to use his Te from the whole being a slave thing. Notice he wasn't known for any of those things beforehand.
Constructive criticism from trusted people that know me or total strangers are basically the only criticism I will accept. Its true I do not like it. Especially from Se dominant folk.
I was really puzzled originally when you were talking about how INFPs want power and authority. I always looked at it as I didn’t want to be powerLESS-not in charge, just not reliant/burdensome. I’m really afraid of power because I know how subjective things can become based on how I feel… a lot of times I think I’m right when I’m so very wrong. Really humbling-you’re spot on.
thank you for this man. 25 year old male infp here and have been watching youfor years. you have helped me out so much in my development.
I've been made aware as an INFP that not everyone suffers the same way I do, but many people don't like to open up about such things so it's hard to help others sometimes and tame Ti demon if we don't have correct info to fight it to convert to Ti angel. Can't help people achieve their dreams if they're not vulnerable enough to share them. Even when INFPs have the power and means to achieve dreams (theirs or others) but no one is willing to listen to them or take an INFP seriously, that's when we REALLY feel powerless. A trillionaire could throw an incredible, legendary party and set up everything perfect, but if no one shows up, having the money/power/influence doesn't mean as much all of the sudden. Because *no one cared* about the wealth you wanted to share, and it went to no use. No dream brought into reality. I have an ISTP friend whose life is a mess and is gonna get even messier if they don't wake up. I've tried giving them warnings and advice but they think it's all nonsense and every time they brush it off and keep going down the road to hell, I feel a special kind of sadness. Or... perhaps they do value it, and I haven't learned how to pick up on it yet because I'm not seeing their dream properly for what it is.
How does an INFP find people who WANT their dreams made real? How do they find people who WANT the warnings and the wisdom INFPs can offer and will actually VALUE it?
i have been in your shoe with an istp and due to the continual discarded of my advices, i learned that sometimes if you deeply care for someone you should allow them to do mistakes, its the only way they can truly learn and be stronger, specially ISTP, they hardly listen if the advice is given on a golden platter, and many people too tbh,
withhold your advices and point of views and go along with whatever logic they appear to have, ask them questions about their thoughts and next move maybe present an idea and when they agree on it make it look like its theirs ;) , and hold the urge to impose on their life choices, yes we can see through different scenarios and its terrifying to know the million outcomes of a single choice but to others this information overload is extremely stressful. To some they will reject it they are in denial and don't want to see the truth and To others its illogical because they don't understand how NE works so its not personal at all, what i started doing is, if i spotted someone in a mess after i listen to their problems i ask them if they want my insight or advice and i share it if they argued with the advice i take it back and let them do what they feel is right and simply wish them all the best and tell them i will be here if they needed me. if you were right chances are they will come back for another advice and this time wont argue.
your opinion do matter but so do other people opinions and its their lives after all we need to respect that and not be blinded by our love to them or we will turn into an over-protective mother :)
@@emq5869 I am an INTP wife to a ISTP man. This situation turned my life upside-down. ISTP husband found my Ne useless and annoying. He just wanted to use my Si child for his sexual gratification and for submission and admiration which worked for me since his Se parent gave me loads of excitement a amazing experiences.
But I also have a highly developed Ti and he hated me for it. Our epic Ti battles overwhelmed him and he ended up sore and violent towards me.
my Fe was also well developed because we already had 3 kids and I became very considerate towards them as babies. Soon I saw myself taking people's perceptions into account and being empathetic through out everything I touched including my ISTP husband. Yet his Fe was still immature and brought out his Fi demon on the Daily.
Just a bloddy mess
I left him 3 years ago
And frankly I am doing great being a dedicated mom and focusing on me.
I tried to be and INTP bedrock to and ISTP
But ultimately he cheated, lied, abused me and still wanted me to stay and continue giving my constant solidarity.
But after reaching understanding of his behavior and his low level of consciousness I decided to leave him.
My decision was well informed and based on a careful thorough study of our situation including my flaws and mistakes not only his.
I realized he had a disordered character and that it created me a Codependency.
I know he is a lone wolf these days
But hey! He is an ISTP after all.
@@damanodrama i am sorry you been through that, it makes my heart ache knowing what you been through isn’t something to be taken lightly, Ti function is so attached to the ego and when two Ti users tries to prove a point,man its a war zone so I totally understand what u been through, when u mentioned “Ne” i can understand that point of view it can be super disturbing to those who lack it, it overloads their mind to the point it becomes crippling,thats why they become so dismissive when dealing with it.. which then hurts us, my trick is when i am using Ne parent is to 1) be strategic about it 2)i only use my Ne parent when i feel crisis is near by, if so i present my fellow Ti users with two options ONLY A) worst case scenario and B) best case scenario and tell them what is the consequences of both choices are, and that i support them both ways, it works like a charm.. they will come back for more Ne wisdom ;). your Ne is a beautiful blessing but i learned it the hard way “when someone isn’t listening to you stop talking to them” when i implemented that people now believes in my Ne and seeks it to know what their infinite possibilities are which eventually help them make better judgement.. win/win situation
At first I took this as a little too harsh, but to be honest I have seen this from other self-identified "INFP"s where they allow themselves, however genuinely, to claim and suggest that they owe no consideration to the wishes of others. I think this view is usually expressed by people who embraced selfishness and entitlement after many years of being neglected, and in truth INFP seem to often have a common experience of having felt neglected in their childhoods and in their relationships. I think anyone who has had wrong done to them consistently can end up feeling as though they are a virtuous victim and that they are morally superior to others. But as an INFP myself who has been through that, and had done the introspective work to identify my own level of resignation with being victimized and mistreated, I do realize how capable all people, including myself, are of harm and neglect directed towards others. And I have personally found that I do my best work when I am helping someone else realize their own "dream", their own vision. Certainly I enjoy expressing myself, but personally what I find more fulfilling is being part of a shared dream or vision. I know that the stereotype of INFPs is that they only understand and care about their own feelings, but this has never been true for me. I've always seen the feelings of others as clearly as my own. There's a quote that means the most to me and it is this one by a man known as "Terence", a Roman African playwrite: "Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto", or "I am human, and I think nothing human is alien to me." I never presume that the limitations of my own experience are reflected in the experiences of others, or that my dreams or machinations could ever encompass the every need and desire of man, and to date I have never felt incapable of accepting or understanding the feelings, thoughts, reasonings or desires of someone else, even if I subjectively, morally, or logically disagreed with it.
This message that "your dreams aren't right for everybody" is applicable to intp's as well, reminds me of the show continuum where an intp takes over the world.
Dreams are meant for the individual
Otherwise people will attempt to usurp and rob you of your dreams
However like Joseph if your natural intuition is aligned with reality
There's no stopping you.. God won't allow it, and if that's true
Mother will the best of mankind
One person's utopia is another's hell. After all, pursuit of absolute perfection is a path to ruin. For all the greatest artists have to eventually accept their work and all its flaws as it is and put their signature to it. Look closely and you can see them, which will inform you, we are all only human. Once you accept that the world is an imperfect place and that nothing is permanent, true meaning can be found.
You really offer a lot of insight to understanding and I wanted to tell you that you have helped me understand so much about the people around me and myself! Also sandman is incredible and I'm glad you related infps to this story cause It showed me how to start viewing a path for shaping my own dreams!
Truly thank you for the great work man!
If Infps were given the proper education, taking the time to process, constantly pushing to learn more, then maybe they would learn to seek objective thinking through the lens of rationality (Te), to which they'll find the ultimate path to understanding the world rather than just themselves.
Could it be that INFPs are really the powerful ones? We have great ideas and like you say we need those ideas to become reality. We have to be humble enough to accept that. We need help and have those people come into our lives.
No we are not the powerful ones.
Yes IMO, we have enormous power, but only if we work on ourselves, we must become humble, love ourselves, etc., etc. A lot to write.
We all need help, INFP’s included. We all need to be humble enough to accept that, INFP’s included ESTJ’s subconscious is the INFP, and their ego often truly lacks humility ánd the self-awareness to accept they actually need help themselves to accurately ‘label’ their feelings. If they don’t, they blame others. The Infp can be really powerful , but can also be destroyed by keeping the wrong company, like an ESTJ wife.
YES! That was awesome! Thank you for the new perspective on Joseph. Sometimes it doesn’t even take much to help someone with their dreams and goals. I am still thanked by a friend of mine for helping them organize game nights, and I don’t feel like I did much! But they needed someone there- infp’s can bring so much to people. THANK YOU CSJ for shaking up INFPs to action!
Beautifully put. I think that patience as well as slowly observing and seeking opportunities using Si, can lead to dreams becoming reality for an INFP.
Just don’t marry an ESTJ woman.
The SJs see the NPs as a threat and make sure to other them from a young age so they don't realise they're the ones who have the power to change things
I don't think it's that deep. It's true that they point out what they perceive to be a problem early on but they just doing what they ought to from their perspective due to repressed Ni.
Many infps commenting about ourselves, not enough exaltation of your long-awaited mastery Chase. You rock my world ! The lead singer that pours out the most electric concoctive experience in the typology band that pierces bone and marrow. The humbleness and nuance you bestow is starved of, so keep up the sway with that glint in your eye. I know God wants to sharpen your sword. Let him. And I’ll just come to rule as that precious ruby…
yay. The authority intersecting with the dreams. Now we have the whole story of this type…thank you question asker and Answer-er. I also think you may be right about Joseph because it always bothered me that he had NF tendencies but then acted a little alien to them but in the end was transformed through his experiences into A type of Christ... Brothers who rejected their own not realizing he was the Messiah who would save them. In the end this is one of the powerful stories that will be used to fulfill Romans 10 and 11. One of my favorites!
Infps almost never have power in our society... or really even seek if from what I can see. What politicians are infps? We've had 46 presidents but not a single infp so far. Fi is very personal and tends to not have any interest in enforcing their values on others, unless people are acting in a way that's infringing on other people's human rights.
You do realise INFPs have ESTJ subconscious right, oh and ENFJ unconscious.
That's what INFPs present as in politics. Remember all it takes is a cause for the INFP and belief they are righteous and they become an ESTJ real damn quick. And sometimes not a good one
Also Fi always comes with Te, so yes, you do want to enforce action on people if your Fi value feels important
INFP needs to be aware of this to avoid projecting his/her suffering to others. INFP should be raised in a healthy environment.
That was awesome! Thank you for putting things into perspective.
I have to sincerely say that listening to your videos has greatly benefited me. Thank you for doing this.
Chase you have personality type insights unmatched.
""My dear, In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. I realized, through it all, that… In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger - something better, pushing right back. Truly yours,"
Albert Camus
Thank you so much for helping INFPS like me!
This may be one of your best videos yet, can't wait for more.
That seems frightening , their heaven is our hell .
Keep going chase, thank you for everything
This video makes me understand Si-Ne user better.
My dude that was really inspirational and accurate. I didn't agree with everything but it's a great jumping point for self reflection you fleshed out your ideas in a very wonderful way. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I really related with the creation of worlds and dreams. A few years ago I actually had a dream and world built from it. It was called Dreamscape, and in this world the whole population had been put to sleep and their consciousness divided into 12 parts and lived in this world comprised of various genres of fiction (science fiction, fantasy, horror, etc) manifested as territories that operated in their own seperate rules. Anyway my point is I had the desire to as you described to have the power to do that to create something where people could live in a dream world and be taken out of their current existence where they could have adventures and be who they wanted to be. And you are right that is a form of authoritarianism and not necessarily best for everyone but it is nice to think about at least, that we are not constrained to this world and the limits of reality. Hope you have a good day, you made mine a little better and left me with some stuff to think about.
By dreams I thought you were taking abt Vision/Goal. Now I get it well, thanks for that example
Thank you so much CS Joseph, you are amazing
I like your take on Joseph being an INFP. He was a loner that gave his brothers a bad Se experience.
Also he made his brother's to go through hoops to get back to him. Like the Delta quadra does.
👏 Brilliant analysis.
Really valuable lesson. Thank you.
The only time ive felt empowered and i didnt really i just felt stupid was when a magistrate tried to take away my rights when i was trying uphold my childrens and he jailed me for no reasonable grounds except to maintain his power and status. When our rights are abused it forces us to open our eyes and see the world for what it truly is. The idealist infp in me died then
What a title! As funny as it is possible. This was quite the interesting video. Makes sense when you take into account that utopian idealism is just colorful totalitarianism, lol. I might have to check out Sandman now 🤔
One of the best INFP content
You clicked bait INFP for views your a smart guy. You knew this would up the views cause INFPs are fool of themselves. Cheers.
Gaiman’s work has always resonated with me in special ways, so I’m not surprised to find he has the same personality as me 😊. Haven’t read or watched the sandman yet. Thanks for the info, Chase!
Definitely watch the Netflix show, it's very high quality, it really blew me away.
@@knifeyonline thanks! I will!
Everytime I want a honest opinion on infps I come to CSJ
It's interesting that Joseph's dream of his Father, Mother and Brothers bowing to him came true by him fulfilling the kings dream. Also how it brought him to be second in charge of the most powerful nation at that time. Cup of authority running over much. Fulling others dream(s) could bring yours to fulfillment. Sounds similair to what Zig Zoglar used to say. "You can have everything you want if you only help enough other people get what they want." Keep up the good work sir!!❤
I really enjoyed this video Chase. Keep it up.
How’s INFPs dreams or dreaming different from ISFPs ENTJs or INTJs or INFJs dreams or any other type? Bcuz as an INTJ i have big dreams too that i strive and work to achieve and i also daydream and envision it a lot. Now i could care less about power and authority tho. I care more about the money and the freedom factor like “being able to buy whatever the hell i cant and not depend on anyone”. But really hows INFPs dreams different from any other type dreams?
And because Joseph responded wisely to Pharaoh's dream (I really can't say he helped it come true) own dream came true.
Thank you for the response on this video!
Fascinating video! Will there be a "16 Personalities Meets Biblical Figures" series?
Anybody else pause the video to watch the series? I'm halfway through Sandman lol
How was episode with death? :)
@@haihai5293 I loved the series!
@@shannen271 :)
How would you know if you're an INFP with some sort of emotional PTSD or an INTP whose thinking too much.
can you pls pls make a video on INFP careers? i have taken several tests over the years and mainly result is INFP but i am not creative. i have done masters in engineering which i didn't liked and i m stuck in my career and job for last 10 years. i don't know what to do. i want to do something meaningful but i am not good at anything, i don't like to read , write, comics, novels, i see magic is evil n demonic and i have a hard time finding what do i like and my interests but i am not clear at all. i want to work towards something and make my life more meaningful, respectful and independent. but the kind of interests INFP have, i don't have it. i have seen list of all movies INFP likes on imdb and many articles.. i don't like any of those too. i don't like cartoons, animations, disney or anything not real. can you pls pls make a video for it. i m literally watching your videos every single day for months now
But Joseph's dream did come true! In fact his dream needed to come true first in order to put him in position to help pharaoh with his.
By Joseph you are talking abt prophet Yusuf (pbuh), that's a great thing that he was an INFP.
What I don't get is how can you say they're not aware of others suffering just because it's in the nemesis slot. Can you elaborate on why that is and what purpose would it have as a function if it doesn't operate in the same way that it's defined? With that logic you could also say Ni nemesis is just pessimistic but can't use it for will power. Also there seems to be some empirical evidence within Dario Nardi's work. For example one of the 4 subsets for Infp's shows their brain region responsible for empathy to be very active and was one of the main descriptions of this subset. Also in general in Linda Beren's and Dario's work frequently describes the idealist temperament as empathetic.
You mean the trickster slot
Also, Se trickster is physical suffering, pay more attention
@@CSJoseph I'm aware of you bringing up the trickster function, you also said they're not aware of what other people value basically due to the fact it's their nemesis while bringing up the fact they're not aware of others suffering.
Yes change everyone so they would stop acting like we can’t see the character they play, their fruitless effort to control as they blame innocent bystanders. I actually am tired if others imposing their boring realities that lack any adventure, authenticity or appreciation of our joyful desire for connection.
Not everyone but I find family, after turning the other cheek so long, peg us as a scapegoat. Really you don’t want to celebrate one another, life and the moment. They’d rather resort to trauma response. I see it all the time. Only not in my long term best friends. They could be and I tell them to be coaches. I actually jump out of bed and have a full day of activities and once I feel supported even in one short conversation with someone to review a business plan/ grant I see the whole web in my mind and know what to do how to plan and the people i need Being a Jack of all trades and a visionary is a gift. We need to stop caring about what others think and absorbing their projections. Had I known that as a young infp. But it seems we go through hell on earth to figure out our worth and power. Others feel it and want to tear it down. Unfortunately even family.
I've often wondered if Daniel was also an INFP. His story has many similarities to Joseph's.
Amazing video.Thank you C.S Joseph again.
19:30 but what if their dreams are something that would harm them?
Is Daemon from House of the Dragon an INFP gone wrong?
Hahah I watched the sandman too was so good. Could straight away tell Morpheus was an infp and so fitting he is the king of dreams
Is Lucienne an ESTJ? She does seem systematic, her loyalty also indicates it (but I’m terrible at typing). If so it’s amazing writing that he ends up sharing his authority with her at the end
I think C.S.Joseph read the biblical version of PROPHET JOSEPH and that lead to his conclusion for him being an INFP. I would suggest you also read the Islamic historical version of PROPHET JOSEPH (In Islam he is called YUSUF).
another infp video lets goooo !
Okay but Neil Gaiman also is the author of Coraline , Why would be her MBTI type ?
This one's great.
Also, Endless typing. Curious what y'all think.
Dream - INFP
Death - ENFJ
Desire - ESFP
Despair - ISFJ/ENTP?
Would love to see a whole fictional typing on the Sandman series. would love to see more fictional typings in general tbh
what do infjs truly truly desire out of life
missed your content yesterday
A year later and this is EXACTLY why Project 2025 is an insufferable concept, although it’s interesting now thinking an INFP can hyper conservative 🤔. The problem is we’re playing a tug of war with what dreams we want to bring into reality, I guess negotiation is inevitable, but I don’t think it’s possible if Christianity promotes an all in or all out concept.
Maybe there is a dream that we all share.
Brainstorm and Dreamscape⚕️⚔️👁️♾️👣🏴☠️
oh yeah baby burn the world down and build it up again by my rules, kinda like thanos. Jokes apart u helping people realize their dreams can help u get help from them to realize yours -INFP
Cognitive functions of INFP
Introverted Feeling
Extroverted Intuition
Introverted Sensing
Extroverted Thinking
Intriguing... What does this all mean, please?
That was great
Hi Chase, its particlarly great because i have recently typed a close family member after being wrong for a decade. And your anecdotes are an exact match. This is really helpful for me to understand them and to help them in their interactions, i'm very greatful to you for this.
I should have kept these all together but then the parent becomes plural he wrote a champion inferior to Savior parent to parents child to hero
I was thinking that sandman was a INTJ ...on personnality data-base. Ni-Te-Fi-Se... Seems a fit with 9w1.
No he’s INFP
...no he's an INTJ ?
Judger as opposed to Perceiver. He's very strict and self-contained. He sticks strongly to rules and obligations, clearly views the Dreaming as a kingdom he needs to rule accordingly, and he prefers to come to a solid and strong conclusion as opposed to keeping his options open as... (from personality-cafe) that resonate from what I saw... INFP are dreamers fine but he's managing the realm of others dreams as an end.
His actions strike me as being more logical than emotional (see "A Game Of You" for reference to this, in which Dream uncreates an entire realm he created because it fell out of logical balance. He grants a boon to its princess and leaves (personalitycafe)...
He needs to be taught by others how to make friends and maintain relationships and he focuses on more intellectual pleasures than sensory ones - he is hardly ever seen indulging in food, drink, sex, and general hedonism. This fits with his inferior Se. Therefore, I would ultimately argue that Morpheus is an INTJ.
jumpscare at 1:10
Oh my god I didn’t even notice! Good eye wow 😮 My Se trickster is gonna kill me one day 😂
Reality Reject! (Reference to my favorite anime, chuunibyo)
I agree with your overall message and appreciate it. However, I need to ask, was Joseph really an INFP? He was entitled, yes, which is proven by him wearing his colorful coat (a symbol of preeminent status!). And he undoubtedly had high morals. But I doubt that he was constantly dreaming. When he was a slave, he ended up running the entire household. When he was in prison, he ended up running the prison. And finally he ended up running the country of Egypt! So he must have had outstanding organisation and leadership abilities. And he also was hard-working. It seems to me that power and authority for him was nothing he desperately sought but rather something that came naturally to him. So I would rather say that Joseph was an ExTJ.
INFP doesn't sound unusual to me, considering he would be forced to use his Te from the whole being a slave thing. Notice he wasn't known for any of those things beforehand.
No, still INFP.
You look like Altaïr with that hood
No such thing as a mature INFP. They never receive criticism, therefore never grow. I know it’s stereotypical, but it’s honestly that bad.
I am an infp. And i receive criticism whenever necessary to achieve my goals.
For example, my parents told me the things that hinders me from achieving my goals. Including my attitude towards life. One step at a time always.
I received your criticism.
Constructive criticism from trusted people that know me or total strangers are basically the only criticism I will accept.
Its true I do not like it. Especially from Se dominant folk.
The One Piece is real!
Infp politician?? Really?