Switch EiV 22 - Mumbai's new electric double decker bus driven | Feature | Autocar India

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @mackisbrocklesnar
    @mackisbrocklesnar Рік тому +117

    perfect combination of old nostalgic double deckers of Mumbai and the ones in London. absolutely love it

  • @sushimshah2896
    @sushimshah2896 Рік тому +140

    Proud to be working at this company!!

  • @neel3297
    @neel3297 Рік тому +56

    Nostalgia. Reminds me when we used get so excited to seat on the top deck

  • @DildarHussain-le8qp
    @DildarHussain-le8qp Рік тому +37

    Switch mobility mai security ka kaam karta hoo mai...I'm proud ki switch itna aage jaraha hai 😊😊😊

  • @HappiestLife
    @HappiestLife Рік тому +30

    I Saw this Beauty in Mumbai ♥️♥️

  • @siddheshshanbhag
    @siddheshshanbhag Рік тому +56

    I traveled in this DD bus yesterday and one thing i found was that conductors don't allow standing passengers on the upper deck. You are allowed to go to the upper deck only if a seat is vacant.

  • @deepakmurali2007
    @deepakmurali2007 Рік тому +38

    Another gem from Ashok Leyland ❤

  • @kiranm6749
    @kiranm6749 Рік тому +31

    Old beauty of Bombay with new twist

  • @taranshupattnaiktp3335
    @taranshupattnaiktp3335 Рік тому +18

    Woooww...This double decker bus is so modern. Full of tech....I have been in local buses in my city Bhubaneswar and it is good to have a ride, but this bus is really great.

  • @andreajesuspirlo
    @andreajesuspirlo Рік тому +284

    Speed breakers are going to be its kryptonite. That ground clearence worries me. 😮

    • @anilkhade489
      @anilkhade489 Рік тому +29

      After seeing those high volt wires I am worried in rainy season 😢

    • @Xeyz46
      @Xeyz46 Рік тому +51

      That's y it has air suspension to uplift and make ground clearance higher 😒😒
      Thank me later

    • @shree397
      @shree397 Рік тому +7

      speed. Because I'm not the problem by any means, it's does creators that form after monsoon.
      Also the waterline in monsoon will be above its battery area, so need to see what that would be

    • @buri_buri_Z
      @buri_buri_Z Рік тому +10

      Ground clearance looks small because of it's massive size . Otherwise it should be high enough .

    • @WeKnowIslam94
      @WeKnowIslam94 Рік тому +3

      Because the centre of gravity is very good then it's not a problem bro...

  • @HonestSatish
    @HonestSatish Рік тому +33

    I took this bus for Heritage ride in April. My daughter liked it so much that the attendant were happy to watch and care her throughout the ride.
    Great suspension, good stability for the height, large tinted glasses with panoramic views, decent build quality and the good conditioned SoBo roads all made for that ₹150 per person 45 mins ride. The bus is silent inside, well maintained temperature, working cameras, crew was supportive. I liked this bus more than the Mumbai heritage buildings being announced on the way.

  • @i.m_ironman
    @i.m_ironman Рік тому +16

    In my area (Chennai, Tiruvottriyur) Ashok Leyland manufacturing plant is there so they tested this switch ev in my area

  • @dineshhaldawnekar8542
    @dineshhaldawnekar8542 Рік тому +10

    The monsoon season will be the real test of these buses. Hope they survive the road conditions and water logging

  • @ameyaathavale801
    @ameyaathavale801 Рік тому +2

    I really appreciate the fact that the video is made in English but also make these videos in Marathi, Hindi and other Indian languages. This is just a friendly suggestion so that every citizen can understand the content that's shared.

  • @yoppindia
    @yoppindia Рік тому +8

    Hope they have taken care of Mumbai's monsoon roads.

  • @ktwei
    @ktwei Рік тому +22

    Autobus India

  • @dailydrivingindia
    @dailydrivingindia Рік тому +52

    The question is whether the electric battery pack area would be able to withstand the inevitable flooding of the roads in Mumbai every year.

  • @Abhishek28Yadav
    @Abhishek28Yadav Рік тому +8

    Can it run through waterlogged road of Mumbai during monsoon ?

  • @durgeshkoppikar2156
    @durgeshkoppikar2156 6 місяців тому +1

    Hey ... I saw Leyland logo on steering wheel .. any connection between leyland n switch ?

  • @bobbyisac
    @bobbyisac Рік тому +18

    That front wheel was almost in air when cornering!

  • @Kiranraj_86
    @Kiranraj_86 Рік тому +9

    Another wall for the advertisement 😅

  • @ateequrrahman4684
    @ateequrrahman4684 Рік тому +3

    That gear lever and the smooth gearbox in the BEST busses

  • @jayanthj9693
    @jayanthj9693 Рік тому +37

    Hope this comes to Bengaluru!

    • @vijayvijay17aprilomm61
      @vijayvijay17aprilomm61 Рік тому +6

      That's bus not world level standard.!
      bangluru sould incrduct VOLVO 's BZL DD.. Electric

  • @aravindkvb
    @aravindkvb Рік тому +11

    This was first introduced in Hyderabad and running on Hyderabad roads from long time ago.

    • @prince_maula
      @prince_maula Рік тому +8

      No brother, first vehicle launch in Mumbai....
      18 August 2022...🎉

  • @nikhil1267
    @nikhil1267 Рік тому +10

    What about wheelchair ramp for disabled people uk buses has that

  • @octo3010
    @octo3010 Рік тому +1

    Haven't seen any auto channel show me driving a bus

  • @ShriRam_P1_Dalal
    @ShriRam_P1_Dalal Рік тому +4

    Loved this video..!! Very thoughtful one

  • @mrinalsood6402
    @mrinalsood6402 Рік тому +2

    Please don’t discontinue the old one I still love that

  • @_pr0mZ
    @_pr0mZ Рік тому +4

    You have driven it without payload at top and bottom Shapur, that’s why you felt it stable at corners.

  • @Surajjoshi85
    @Surajjoshi85 Рік тому +3

    Damn you Leyland!!.. awesome!

  • @polyglot52
    @polyglot52 Рік тому +3

    Building the bus body is a craft and art work which will take sometime for Indian bus bodybuilders. The body works is not at par with that of European buses. Also while picking the color one needs to know that you have to pick the colors shade which is low on chromatic scale so that it doesn’t hit your eyes and senses. It’s not just about picking any color or red color but ensuring the color is not very bright to the eyes and picking color shed low on chromatic spectrum.

  • @anilkhade489
    @anilkhade489 Рік тому +7

    After seeing those high volt wires I am worried in rainy season 😢

  • @user-pm4pl5hh9m
    @user-pm4pl5hh9m Рік тому +4

    Would have been nice if BEST had retained the blood red color. The one on this bus seems to have a faded shade that would soon look old ... even when new. As in London, BEST is best with the original red.

  • @manjunathams8865
    @manjunathams8865 Рік тому +2

    We need this in Bangalore😍

  • @vivekanandan5093
    @vivekanandan5093 Рік тому +3

    Who else is waiting for Independence Day spl drive review of Mahindra ALSV 😍😍😍 KALYANI M4 was ❣️ now mahindra ALSV should be driven😍

  • @sauravkr
    @sauravkr Рік тому +3

    And, no thoughts went into adding 360 cam view. It's not just about internal cameras, the streets are always crowded and flooded with jaywalkers, and 360 view camera is must have for a country with cattles on streets.

  • @kirtanpai3786
    @kirtanpai3786 Рік тому +7

    Beautiful bus

  • @gauravingale4666
    @gauravingale4666 Рік тому +11

    Everything is great, except those seats. They should have introduced better luxury seats with head rest, arm rest n individual USB port like in UAE.

    • @mackisbrocklesnar
      @mackisbrocklesnar Рік тому +17

      This mass transport for Mumbai, leather seats won't last a month. These seats look good that they get spoiled easily

    • @DeletedAccountForSure
      @DeletedAccountForSure Рік тому +9

      Seats are good enough for a public transport vehicle

    @ARZYXO Рік тому +2

    And the main question arrives.
    This is Mumbai, can it SWIM?!

  • @soumyadeepbose5053
    @soumyadeepbose5053 Рік тому +1

    What about battery short circuit in flood like situation in roads?

  • @shalinmodi6748
    @shalinmodi6748 7 місяців тому

    We have same bus in ahmedabad and it runs so well on all kind of rough roads.....

  • @AeZothesh
    @AeZothesh Рік тому +7

    Rather ordering so many they should have introduced iterations to understand real time problems and then bring out huge order for the best variant fitting with all the needs

  • @canardeur8390
    @canardeur8390 2 місяці тому

    As an IMC trolleybus and the possibility for wheelchair to get in, it would have been perfect.

  • @banditonehundred
    @banditonehundred 11 місяців тому +1

    This bus has more space than a luxury house in Mumbai. People should just buy one and live in it.

  • @chi4829
    @chi4829 Рік тому +2

    5:29, is it just me or the bus seems tilted to the left?

  • @Musicrunchy
    @Musicrunchy 8 місяців тому

    Is there any route in Sounth Mumbai on which this bus runs?

  • @nujjigram
    @nujjigram Рік тому +4

    Why doesn't the driver get surround camera view?

  • @rhtblf1
    @rhtblf1 Рік тому +7

    Great review Shapur sir👍...enjoyed every bit of this iconic vehicle review ❤

  • @vik_red
    @vik_red Рік тому +4

    All important question: what's the range?

  • @Karan-o3f6i
    @Karan-o3f6i Рік тому +1

    Finally govt is doing something about public transportation. Current buses are of stone age.

  • @epicaffairs
    @epicaffairs Рік тому +1

    Hope they keep it clean and glossy.

  • @abhigawade4864
    @abhigawade4864 Рік тому +1

    What about the road water hitting battery pack in rain

  • @skg901
    @skg901 Рік тому +1

    Imagine this bus's underwater battery pack in Mumbai floods

  • @devisinghthakur9086
    @devisinghthakur9086 Рік тому +1

    Hyderabad has same Ev double decker buses which are operational now.

  • @Reddylion
    @Reddylion Рік тому +2

    Good job chennai switch. And pune

  • @bobbyeapen6049
    @bobbyeapen6049 Рік тому

    What happens during a monsoon season... how will the undercarriage hold up during water under neath etc..

  • @leswall3061
    @leswall3061 3 місяці тому

    I like the Leyland badge on the steering wheel

  • @kskarthikkeyan
    @kskarthikkeyan Рік тому +2

    Ashok Leyland 🎉🎉

  • @sumitron2k
    @sumitron2k Рік тому +4

    What happens when Mumbai gets waterlogged. As battery and other electric are located so low these will be quickly out of commission.

  • @corporal7721
    @corporal7721 Рік тому

    Even TSRTC going to start these soon in Hyderabad

  • @harishreddy7986
    @harishreddy7986 Рік тому +2

    Already in bangalore switch electric buses providing service

  • @dhirenderkumarcarandgadget5520

    Add some efficient solar for extra juice

  • @ajaybudarapu
    @ajaybudarapu Рік тому +1

    Yes, this is made in Ch…
    not China. Chennai

  • @TechReviewInsider
    @TechReviewInsider Рік тому +1

    I was going to buy Activa but this vehicle intrigued me and now I'm confused what to buy.

  • @vachan7069
    @vachan7069 Рік тому +1

    Water wading, Mumbai being a monsoon enemy for roads

  • @sanjay59741
    @sanjay59741 Рік тому +1

    When Mumbai floods, these batteries will short. Also, has it been tested against Mumbai's speed brakers??

  • @abhijeetmane8175
    @abhijeetmane8175 Рік тому

    What's the real world range with passengers in mumbai traffic....??

  • @nkrish9232
    @nkrish9232 Рік тому +1

    Nowadays Chennai manufactures many things

  • @sanathishaan418
    @sanathishaan418 Рік тому

    Seeing this since 3 months in Hyderabad

  • @Keylevitation
    @Keylevitation Рік тому

    With such a big battery, all of mumbais roads will be 95% potholes

    @DJVSTAR1 Рік тому +1

    Bus looks cool but if only ppl keep it clean plus

  • @sj1802
    @sj1802 Рік тому

    Why am I watching bus videos at 7am????

  • @Akshay-nq5fb
    @Akshay-nq5fb Рік тому

    Switch EiV22 will not put out any "LOCAL EMISSIONS"?

  • @rajanjacob2577
    @rajanjacob2577 Рік тому +1

    Made in chennai ❤

  • @sumangoswami9885
    @sumangoswami9885 Рік тому +4

    Why it has Ashok Leyland steering ?

    • @SussegadGoykar
      @SussegadGoykar Рік тому +8

      Ev brand of Ashok leyand

    • @gtcdon
      @gtcdon Рік тому +8

      Switch mobility is the ev subsidiary of Ashok Leyland

    • @mohanvarma7733
      @mohanvarma7733 Рік тому +1

      Switch is a subsidiary of Ashok Leyland.... basically their electric division

    • @soorajkrishnaa.m5408
      @soorajkrishnaa.m5408 Рік тому

      Switch Mobility parent company is Ashok leyland

    • @JvcBusChaser
      @JvcBusChaser Рік тому

      It has partnered in India with Ashok Leyland

  • @freedom3040
    @freedom3040 Рік тому +2

    By 2025, All Busses in india should become EV. By 2025 All Trucks should Run on Hydrogen.
    All sates and centre should make a Policy to achieve it with multiple Giga factories & network.

  • @sandeshprabhu8047
    @sandeshprabhu8047 Рік тому

    Please give a try on KSTRC Airwat once

  • @wclifton968gameplaystutorials
    @wclifton968gameplaystutorials 7 місяців тому

    This bus design has been making the Switch brand look really bad in the UK, no wonder their sales have been tanking. Nice to see that the Empire is still somewhat alive.
    Bit surprised that Optare/Switch has approved the use of their brand on a non-wheelchair accessible bus of which they probably didn't even design.

  • @siddhantjain9940
    @siddhantjain9940 Рік тому

    What is the range of the bus ?

  • @OP-yw3ws
    @OP-yw3ws Рік тому

    it looks beautiful

  • @tintin97803
    @tintin97803 Рік тому

    fan is running no AC??

  • @mounikapothuraju9292
    @mounikapothuraju9292 Рік тому

    Why is the steering from layland

  • @anuraggorkar5595
    @anuraggorkar5595 Рік тому +3

    Bahar se jitni lal hain utni andar se bhi ho jayegi

  • @PervinIrani
    @PervinIrani Рік тому +2

    Nice one

  • @deepayanandroid
    @deepayanandroid Рік тому

    What about the Mumbai flash floods?

  • @songstravelfoodwith5567
    @songstravelfoodwith5567 Рік тому +2

    Still miss the old diesel Double-deckers they where more comfortable🙊 Sorry #greenevi

  • @임진영
    @임진영 Рік тому


  • @KingAlphaOmega
    @KingAlphaOmega Рік тому +1

    First Ban speed beakers in India! And fix traffic problems like maintaining vehicles spaces at respecting lanes.

  • @adityadange954
    @adityadange954 Рік тому

    Excellent 👌🏼👍🏼❤

  • @heyiamsreenath
    @heyiamsreenath Місяць тому


  • @mosesImmanuel-sc6zy
    @mosesImmanuel-sc6zy Рік тому

    What is the range

  • @asadshaikh7860
    @asadshaikh7860 Рік тому

    Did I just watch complete review of a bus?

  • @gurusathyaprasadh
    @gurusathyaprasadh Рік тому

    I'm worrying about the tyres; these are similar to regular buses, but they are going to carry double of regular load

  • @dangernp
    @dangernp Рік тому

    How come not a low floor?

  • @RoodeMenon
    @RoodeMenon Рік тому

    Dibs on the front seat on top deck.

  • @paragshinde3438
    @paragshinde3438 Рік тому

    Why is the seatbelt so slack? Already modified to suit local drivers (Taxi driver style)

  • @subhadipbhowmick4866
    @subhadipbhowmick4866 Рік тому

    Think about Mumbai monsoon

  • @jithin3624
    @jithin3624 Рік тому +1

    Switch city public transport to ev bus soon

  • @amit_rahi
    @amit_rahi Рік тому

    What will be scenario in heavy monsoon ? When roads will become rivers…😃as batteries are underneath…

  • @ajithrairai2424
    @ajithrairai2424 Рік тому +1

    Nah..would prefer the old Leyland with hino engine❤..