What culture? Your generation has destroyed our culture . Every generation of our people has created our own music and arts. What has your generation created? You have destroyed our culture.
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Saying Caribbeans built America because our ancestors passed through Caribbeans ports before they reach the mainland is ridiculous. You can say we're cousins. But the Caribbean slaves built the Caribbean islands and the American slaves built the United States.
Some slaves ships stop in the Caribbean to drop off non-hardy people before the coast of the American continent. Most ships came directly from Africa to the American continent.
When reparations are awarded to FBA. Caribbeans, Asians,Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, even some Caucasians and Native Africans are going to claim to have blood ties to us. Watch and see.
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We don’t care we are Foundational Black Americans and if you have a problem with us delineating from the diaspora fine. We don’t need her or anyone else, who think like her, because it’s off Code way of thinking. We are a delineating and this isn’t up for debate we are circling the wagons and protecting our culture and our lineage period.
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FBA is a hate group. Africans built America. Not African American or FBA. These Africans who built this country were never Americans, or accorded the privilege to be an American. They all died Africans. So, never you ever say you built America, You people destroyed it. You people only denigrate what my African ancestors built. You people turned into criminals, and thieves. Killers and Druggies. You destroyed the legacy of our African ancestors. You are an immigrant too, buddy. This is not your land. You and your people do not own this land. You are just and another immigrant. You are a disgrace.
Delineation became necessary because other groups deliberately backstabbed fba. So, we fbas had no choice but to delineate. It is a matter of self perservation.
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How did they stab you in the back. We fell asleep at the wheel, and the white people asserted themselves over us, i.e., We the People. The Civil Rights movement which was a Communist act is when American Moors or misnomered blacks gave up their birthright by integrating under the Roman seal of the United States of America instead of their own Egyptian/Phoenician/Carthaginian/Moorish Gentes seal which is the United States Great Seal. We have to stop blaming everyone because we're taking the black and being stateless. Our ignorance of truth allows every single thing to function in our estates.
Yet she’ll call herself African-American, in spite of the xenophobia coming from Africans. Saw a video of an African woman who grew up around FBAs in NYC. She overheard African braiders bashing FBA women clients in their language, who were being polite while getting braided, for no reason. They were shocked when she told them she knew what they were saying. She’s just the Silent generation types, who wanted to keep embracing the Negr0, in the late 60s and early 70s during the height of the Black Power movement. Unfortunately, Pan-Africanism was a failure, because it was one-sides. So now we must delineate again.
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It also failed because they are scared of caucasians and are underhanded with anyone that has melanin in their skin. Most actions are translated into the DNA therefore, their children and children's children will be the same way etc etc...
@ninocrown3247 She can't be an American only a dweller on American soil which is why she has the title African American meaning a dweller on the land. If we American Negroes get up and go right now. Guess What? That flag, land, and title of America goes with us. Why? We are the land aka property called America and the only true Americans. They can give it up!
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They hate it when we speak for ourselves and love ourselves as a race of people but they can come here and raise their flags, speak their language, dances, and have parades in celebration of their culture. America does this to us when things go wrong here or bad they easy to dump it on Black Americans since we ate the bottom of all economic wealth here and power.
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She never explained what was so divisive. We have a different history just like they do. Acknowledge of our roots, success, and lineage is always okay for the world, but when we do it, we're xenophobic, divisive, and there's no proof of the sort. We will never stay silent on how FBAs made it possible for the world to flee their homeland and have a better life over in America, all of our inventions, and creations of music. Stop telling us how we should present our lineage too, that in itself is an act of treating us like slaves, we're proud people who fought for the world when nobody else has, and still to this day there's no reciprocity, just silence and criticism. It's FBA all day over here, no hate at all. Ya'll going to have to stand on your own!
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I’m so sick of these people trying to tell us who tf we are! Damn, we FBA descendant of enslaved Africans! I’ve never heard any of my relatives speak of a relative living in Africa! I can go back at least 5 generations. We don’t have dual citizenship. We don’t have another country to flee to or be accepted!
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Lol, that is not who we are. FBA is something trademarked in 2019. Now, there is some truth to the acronym because, truthfully, we are the sanctoris of America as we did establish and ordain the Constitution for the United States of America and formed the United States by the uniting of our kingdoms, dominions and estates. FBA is just trying to reinvent the wheel when everything to be a true nation is already there.
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Leave the milk out of the pure Black Coffee, Don’t weaken the FBA’s, we already have the blue print of progress and success. Leave other collectives alone and focus on ourselves period!
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I only eat in our restaurants. I’ve stopped eating in those other groups. Why can’t a Black family drive nice cars and send their kids to Ivy League schools like those Asians do?! Let their people support their restaurants and our people support our. I have never in my entire life seen an Asian eating at a soul food restaurant. So.. it’s time to return that same energy. It’s not a boycott. It’s a preference.
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@kevinmonk9491 Mostly, it comes from you FBA people that haven't studied or learned from history. Don't blame others when the world of knowledge is largely present on the internet.
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I am 64 years old and my family tree has been traced back to 1798 as of today, in this country. My great great grandfather was a buffalo soldier who won the Medal of Honor fighting the Indian wars, and he’s father and his son uncle brother fought in the civl war. I want to ask this question, “when did having pride in my family’s history become “DIVISIVE?”
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Sounds great my lineage goes back to the Jamaican maroons... The sky is still blue outside and the sun is still shining...see how nothing changed by me announcing it..¿
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I was born in the 1950s , and we were not calling ourselves blacks or African American people. In the 1970s, James Brown made a song called " Say It Loud."I'm black, and I'm proud. " And that's when being called black became popular. Then later , in the late 1980s , Rev Jesse Jackson pushed for our people to be called " African American ." When I grew up, we were labeled colored and negro but however we didn't classify ourselves by these labels and to this day I don't classify myself nor ascribe to any of them, negro , colored, black or African American.
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My parents told me they were never taught about Africa in school or was told they were African by my grandparents. My grandparents called themselves American
True. African American is a contemporary term. If you do your genealogy you will find that there is no historical document prior to the 1980’s that classifies blk Americans as African Americans. The historical documents list us as colored, black, negro and Freedman.
She's probably not FBA. A lot of THEM say im FBA, BUT They are like this, and they do that, othering themselves and when she brought in Carrabians for no reason shes Carrabian 😂
There’s a way I know who is who, Africans and Caribbean’s aren’t as violent as we are. Ask them to fight out of the blue, they will avoid the fight we as blacks won’t back don’t from a fight all we know is fighting to survive they never had to fight like us in their comfortable islands. Life is chill on the islands. They never been through race wars and hardcore racism and segregation.
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She sounds ignorant 🥴I could careless what any others think. I'm FBA all-day. They need to show us the same respect. Then I'll think about their feelings girl bye 👋🏾
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That part. ALL DAY EVERY DAY...some days I JUST SAY FBA, FBA, FBA, FBA, etc. Cuzzzz I TRULY LOVE MY PEOPLE. I think about solutions. I help when and where I CAN, even when unsolicited. I LOVE MY PEOPLE AND IT AIN'T SH***t YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! Now there! hahahahahaha
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I believe the word she’s looking for is Exclusivity. BP need to practice exclusivity and not inclusivity like these other groups out here. They’ve gotten too comfortable with being in our spaces and using our culture whenever it suits them. FBA isn’t a Trend!
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Thank you for keeping people on point and shutting down all the nonsense. We are making sure no one is getting free rides and we are taking back everything that was stolen from us.
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@@truthtella7642Hmmmm, 🤔 let’s see 👀 …our Ancestors, names, intellectual property, culture vultures who lie, and make it his>story. With no 🚫reference. acknowledgement or credit to the Black/African-American (including the diaspora) original Creative. Hence, the well known fashion houses, museums etc, who in recent years, fessing up to their thievery. Whether it began with their Ancestors, or the continuation of the lie. FBA/B1 🌺✊🏿💚 {…resonating in union with Light & Divine LOVE for Hue-manity} Asé Asé Asé
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What’s funny is that how can we hate on other groups when those other groups don’t even have anything for us to hate on ? Hating down makes absolutely no sense
It is interestinng how she is talking about the "divisiveness of it all." Lady black immigrants divide themselves from Black Americans all the time. But when we do so it is a problem and we are being hateful and xenophobic. Please. We are making the distinctions the same way y'all do. Also acting accordingly. That is it and that is all. What they are really mad about is the talk of reparations and how we are prioritizing ourselves.
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SMH. She doesn’t realize that she told on herself without doing it on purpose, and, once again, proving our point. Her using the word divisive in a certain way and saying that the Caribbeans had a hand in building the United States tipped me off that she isn’t truly down with FBAs. She has also proven why delineation was long overdue for FBAs. We call ourselves Foundational Black Americans to officially establish and maintain our unique lineage.
Which Caribbeans when? Before 1870? After 1965? Her statements are too general. And I frankly don't care whether she considers FBA xenophobic. That's her opinion and her perspective. Deal.
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They were used to our wanting to be africans and everbody else, and now we love our own culture its a major problem. Love yourself and now we are xenophobic. I love my FBA family
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Why are some so upset about delineatation when others were already doing it Haitians live among Haitians, Africans live among Africans and ect but now they upset because FBA is doing it ..
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I think people don’t even know what FBA means… especially Africans from the continent. 1. FBA is a term we created for those who’s been here for 400 years, F.B.A (Foundational Black Americans) its not a term outsiders can use. Sure you can claim african American that’s why we created FBA to distinguish because anyone can be “African American” Elon musk is a Caucasian African and he can use African American that’s problematic. We are a distinct group of people you all can’t call yourself what we are we don’t go to Kenya and say no I’m Kenyan because I want to join y’all. It don’t work like that so Africans worldwide you can’t join this wagon! Hundreds of years we have wanted y’all to join up with us and NOW sentiments are changing? Nahh we remember when we reached out to y’all and all we got was disrespect y’all done 0 for us but speak down on us and follow with yt supremacy so nahh we remember and we tired.
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We should work to lighten the load of mankind, Imagine if we did... Would love to hear from your positive notes 🤍🤍sᴇɴᴅ🤍🤍ᴍᴇ🤍🤍ᴀ🤍🤍ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛ🤍🤍ᴛᴇxᴛ🤍±𝟷𝟼𝟶𝟸𝟾𝟺𝟸𝟾𝟿𝟼𝟹😇😇.
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She is most likely not F.B.A. at all, she was probably born here and calls herself "african American." Too many of these folks lime to cosplay as B.A's when its converted to them.
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Thanks Brother Phil for your Podcast , you couldn't have said it any better about delineation bc it has become detrimental for our Communities survival 👍
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We should work to lighten the load of mankind, Imagine if we did... Would love to hear from your positive notes 🤍🤍sᴇɴᴅ🤍🤍ᴍᴇ🤍🤍ᴀ🤍🤍ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛ🤍🤍ᴛᴇxᴛ🤍±𝟷𝟼𝟶𝟸𝟾𝟺𝟸𝟾𝟿𝟼𝟹🔝.
Well, if she prefer the corny term "African American", that's her right. However, I, and most others Black Americans prefer to be called "Black American" because that's who we are👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻!!!!! FBA all the way, everyday🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻!!!!! Akin🔥.
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We should work to lighten the load of mankind, Imagine if we did... Would love to hear from your positive notes 🤍🤍sᴇɴᴅ🤍🤍ᴍᴇ🤍🤍ᴀ🤍🤍ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛ🤍🤍ᴛᴇxᴛ🤍±𝟷𝟼𝟶𝟸𝟾𝟺𝟸𝟾𝟿𝟼𝟹🔝
Exactly Phil , Outside of South Africa, Bahamas, Belize, Name other countries were the majority are Black people , that's doing anything to welcome FBA on a large scale..
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Look. I am of Caribbean heritage and I say FBA - support them in whatever comes against them. I never heard a Caribbean person rundown FBA's. NEVER. Maybe the ones that do are just after what you got. Stand strong hopefully repatriation will come to FBA's soon and don't believe Caribbeans are against you - maybe Africans but not my people.
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We should work to lighten the load of mankind, Imagine if we did... Would love to hear from your positive notes 🤍🤍sᴇɴᴅ🤍🤍ᴍᴇ🤍🤍ᴀ🤍🤍ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛ🤍🤍ᴛᴇxᴛ🤍±𝟷𝟼𝟶𝟸𝟾𝟺𝟸𝟾𝟿𝟼𝟹😇...
We should work to lighten the load of mankind, Imagine if we did... Would love to hear from your positive notes 🤍🤍sᴇɴᴅ🤍🤍ᴍᴇ🤍🤍ᴀ🤍🤍ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛ🤍🤍ᴛᴇxᴛ🤍±𝟷𝟼𝟶𝟸𝟾𝟺𝟸𝟾𝟿𝟼𝟹🔝.
This to me has more to do with the growing popularity of the term FBA. Some black Americans are terrified of the term FBA replacing African-American. They understand that most black Americans do not like the term African-American. These folks are have been constantly defending the African-American term for years, but FBA term is growing with popularity.
Africans do not like us calling ourselves Africans. Jamaicans ? WOW we are the inclusive ones. So please that is a fact. I have been told by other cultures that we are the nice ones. We are just disappointed in the treatment we are receiving from immigrants now.
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If you listen closely, that young lady is not FBA, she was about to slip up and say "Carribeans, we...". This is another reason we need to deliniate. Her argument/position is in bad faith. This is a pivotal point for us as a group, we are making a choice to name ourselves collectivley and not leaving it to others.
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We should work to lighten the load of mankind, Imagine if we did... Would love to hear from your positive notes 🤍🤍sᴇɴᴅ🤍🤍ᴍᴇ🤍🤍ᴀ🤍🤍ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛ🤍🤍ᴛᴇxᴛ🤍±𝟷𝟼𝟶𝟸𝟾𝟺𝟸𝟾𝟿𝟼𝟹🔝..
🤦 oh yeah? Which ones and where? Where the receipts where the ship? Y'all believe anything white people come out with wasn't never no ship, these yt ppl lie too much. Greek slaves 🙄 the Greeks were the slaves! Man they lie so well 🤣😆
At the same time that this conversation is going on, there are more and more AA or FBA seeking and gaining citizenships in Africa. Isn't that something?
Black Americans aren't accepted in Africa. Our cultures are extremely different. We're seen as outsiders there. We have different expectations and life experiences. All the arguing.
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We should work to lighten the load of mankind, Imagine if we did... Would love to hear from your positive notes 🤍🤍sᴇɴᴅ🤍🤍ᴍᴇ🤍🤍ᴀ🤍🤍ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛ🤍🤍ᴛᴇxᴛ🤍±𝟷𝟼𝟶𝟸𝟾𝟺𝟸𝟾𝟿𝟼𝟹🔝.
They dont like us holding the line on our culture
THEIR LIES lie. Them leeches only showed up when we started talking about OUR REPARATIONS.
FBA is xenophobic
People see the wrong black men and women doing crazy things and they look at it as the culture.
What culture? Your generation has destroyed our culture .
Every generation of our people has created our own music and arts.
What has your generation created?
You have destroyed our culture.
How can a lineage be xenophobic? What is wrong with these weirdos?
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They want to take our spot so bad in America and the world stage that's why they acting crazy because they stick out now. 😂
They’re mad, and we didn’t care🖤🇺🇸♾️
Just say you're you're Caribbean, darlin'.
We know y'all's taking points.
U right so obvious
So easy to tell...😂
That PART.
Right 😅
They still worried about how other people feel instead of getting on code
@@FbaCookOut this is the problem
@@angelahampton5730facts 😂😂😂
That's why men are in the lead.
Interesting how FBA can only get on code against other black people. You're so not a dumbass...
Us Black Americans being on code is what scares every other community.
We should work to lighten the load of mankind, Imagine if we did... Would love to hear from your positive notes 🤍🤍sᴇɴᴅ🤍🤍ᴍᴇ🤍🤍ᴀ🤍🤍ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛ🤍🤍ᴛᴇxᴛ🤍±𝟷𝟼𝟶𝟸𝟾𝟺𝟸𝟾𝟿𝟼𝟹🔝.
We are getting there.
They get scared quick
I doubt she is even FBA anyway.
she not at all
Using terms like 'divisive'....I doubt it.
I was thinking the same thing
Right l was saying the same thing
Me too.
She’s not FBA😂
My thoughts exactly
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Probably ain't for real. 😂💯
She's got that mammy complex😂
Neither are you.
That was a carribean lady not FBA
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How you know? Don't go gaslighting - Caribbeans have issue with FBA - but the one's from the Spanish speaking islands (3).
At 1:42 .. she says "we", then "they" ..
Correct. And FBA woman would not say that unless co-op.
She can’t be FBA.
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She's not 🤣
@@brandonleemoss She ain't an American either. Only a label dweller called African in America.
@@respiratoryed She probably has A ZADDY, HERSELF.
Saying Caribbeans built America because our ancestors passed through Caribbeans ports before they reach the mainland is ridiculous. You can say we're cousins. But the Caribbean slaves built the Caribbean islands and the American slaves built the United States.
I've heard that and had to correct them. They wanna be us and them at the same time. It's infuriating.
Some slaves ships stop in the Caribbean to drop off non-hardy people before the coast of the American continent. Most ships came directly from Africa to the American continent.
When reparations are awarded to FBA. Caribbeans, Asians,Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, even some Caucasians and Native Africans are going to claim to have blood ties to us. Watch and see.
I didn't get that either? I've never heard of no Caribbeans building America? So I don't know where she's coming from?
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We don’t care we are Foundational Black Americans and if you have a problem with us delineating from the diaspora fine. We don’t need her or anyone else, who think like her, because it’s off Code way of thinking. We are a delineating and this isn’t up for debate we are circling the wagons and protecting our culture and our lineage period.
Most diaspora don't give a rat ass if you delineate
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@@MONSOONFBA You sound ridiculous! What culture? Your culture is trashy. Garbage.
You don't even show respect for yourselves.
What culture twirking ? 😅
Why are FBAs always top of mind for these black immigrants??
@@SARAHPomy exactly
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FBA is a hate group. Africans built America. Not African American or FBA. These Africans who built this country were never Americans, or accorded the privilege to be an American. They all died Africans. So, never you ever say you built America, You people destroyed it. You people only denigrate what my African ancestors built. You people turned into criminals, and thieves. Killers and Druggies. You destroyed the legacy of our African ancestors.
You are an immigrant too, buddy. This is not your land. You and your people do not own this land. You are just and another immigrant. You are a disgrace.
What is FBA? Foolish black Americans?
Because we the dopest people on the planet... And they hate us cuz they ain't us 💯
That lady is a foreigner. She almost consider herself a Caribbean. She almost slipped up.
She didn't almost slip up; she did slip up.
Delineation became necessary because other groups deliberately backstabbed fba. So, we fbas had no choice but to delineate. It is a matter of self perservation.
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How did they stab you in the back. We fell asleep at the wheel, and the white people asserted themselves over us, i.e., We the People. The Civil Rights movement which was a Communist act is when American Moors or misnomered blacks gave up their birthright by integrating under the Roman seal of the United States of America instead of their own Egyptian/Phoenician/Carthaginian/Moorish Gentes seal which is the United States Great Seal.
We have to stop blaming everyone because we're taking the black and being stateless. Our ignorance of truth allows every single thing to function in our estates.
So you European now ?
@@mansamusa3677no we're our own people. Elon Musk is African American.
@deehoward2351 Exactly. Delineation is absolutely essential for our healing and survival.
Yet she’ll call herself African-American, in spite of the xenophobia coming from Africans. Saw a video of an African woman who grew up around FBAs in NYC. She overheard African braiders bashing FBA women clients in their language, who were being polite while getting braided, for no reason. They were shocked when she told them she knew what they were saying. She’s just the Silent generation types, who wanted to keep embracing the Negr0, in the late 60s and early 70s during the height of the Black Power movement. Unfortunately, Pan-Africanism was a failure, because it was one-sides. So now we must delineate again.
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It also failed because they are scared of caucasians and are underhanded with anyone that has melanin in their skin. Most actions are translated into the DNA therefore, their children and children's children will be the same way etc etc...
@ninocrown3247 She can't be an American only a dweller on American soil which is why she has the title African American meaning a dweller on the land. If we American Negroes get up and go right now. Guess What? That flag, land, and title of America goes with us. Why? We are the land aka property called America and the only true Americans. They can give it up!
Africa is not a country nor a monolithic space brother
It’s about time FBA’s stop including every other culture into what we got going on…it’s about time💪🏽💪🏽
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Either you’re going to stand on code or you’re not you can’t straddle the fence
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She isn’t FBA
They hate it when we speak for ourselves and love ourselves as a race of people but they can come here and raise their flags, speak their language, dances, and have parades in celebration of their culture.
America does this to us when things go wrong here or bad they easy to dump it on Black Americans since we ate the bottom of all economic wealth here and power.
Kujichagulia!!! 🌺✊🏿💚
I guarantee you she is a Caribbean talking like that or got a foreign background
I bet you 20 bucks!
I thought the same thing, she's Cosplaying as FBA
Yep.thats why she brought up the Caribbean lol.
She is Caribbean that’s why she feels that way . She wouldn’t be able to latch on to us if we are call FBA
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@ that’s true but our government use immigrants of melanin to undermine us it’s all over UA-cam
Tell her to tell them to put down their flags and their "Little XYZ" sections
She never explained what was so divisive. We have a different history just like they do. Acknowledge of our roots, success, and lineage is always okay for the world, but when we do it, we're xenophobic, divisive, and there's no proof of the sort.
We will never stay silent on how FBAs made it possible for the world to flee their homeland and have a better life over in America, all of our inventions, and creations of music.
Stop telling us how we should present our lineage too, that in itself is an act of treating us like slaves, we're proud people who fought for the world when nobody else has, and still to this day there's no reciprocity, just silence and criticism. It's FBA all day over here, no hate at all. Ya'll going to have to stand on your own!
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She's clearly Caribbean
I’m so sick of these people trying to tell us who tf we are! Damn, we FBA descendant of enslaved Africans! I’ve never heard any of my relatives speak of a relative living in Africa! I can go back at least 5 generations. We don’t have dual citizenship. We don’t have another country to flee to or be accepted!
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Same here.
Preach sista. FBA all the way. Keepin it 💯
I support you 🙏
Lol, that is not who we are. FBA is something trademarked in 2019. Now, there is some truth to the acronym because, truthfully, we are the sanctoris of America as we did establish and ordain the Constitution for the United States of America and formed the United States by the uniting of our kingdoms, dominions and estates. FBA is just trying to reinvent the wheel when everything to be a true nation is already there.
Delineation got people upset
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Real talk
People are not upset, they are just pointing out your ignorance. What can you offer for someone to be upset about?
@@alokobaju8288 y'all are mad at us fba we not African haters😂😂
@@alokobaju8288why are you here?? Answer that question 🇺🇸
Leave the milk out of the pure Black Coffee, Don’t weaken the FBA’s, we already have the blue print of progress and success. Leave other collectives alone and focus on ourselves period!
lol what blueprint? Lol
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Omg we are really coming around here ! GOD please allow us to continue to reach the unity we as FBAs need to help unite this world !!!!
You have nothing. Most Blacks don't agree with your statement. Most have never heard of you, nor do they care.
@@Yafeelme510what blueprint? Y da hell would we tell you 😂😂nothing don’t even worry about it
I only eat in our restaurants. I’ve stopped eating in those other groups. Why can’t a Black family drive nice cars and send their kids to Ivy League schools like those Asians do?! Let their people support their restaurants and our people support our. I have never in my entire life seen an Asian eating at a soul food restaurant. So.. it’s time to return that same energy. It’s not a boycott. It’s a preference.
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Man me homeboys been saying this for years about them Chinese restaurants !!! Plus they serving pigeon
So true!!! The Asians in California don’t even hire Black Americans🤦🏾♀️ I been done with them💯
FBA have Delineated from the African and Caribbean for Ever and Ever 💯💯👌🙏
Until the next black panther movie comes out, then you're wearing kente talking the blackity black ish
That's a fictional character! The above post is right... Now move on and go fix your homeland@@fightsims1252
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Exactly. Its your perogative. Now why is Scott in denial of the obvious fact it's a breakaway from other Blacks "now and forever".
So, you are not Black? You are European now? That is how you act, so I guess so.
Oftentimes, the hate comes from African and Caribbean immigrants
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@kevinmonk9491 Mostly, it comes from you FBA people that haven't studied or learned from history.
Don't blame others when the world of knowledge is largely present on the internet.
It really jealously
All the best to the FBA community.
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Afro-American sounds better than FBA, FBA sounds too muck like NBA.
@inigomulaisho2809 They don't want to be known or related to our ancestors. They want to be European.
@@inigomulaisho2809Call yourself what you want. We are FBA.
@@inigomulaisho2809 Afro/African doesn't sound better, Black sounds better.
She sound crazy.
I am 64 years old and my family tree has been traced back to 1798 as of today, in this country. My great great grandfather was a buffalo soldier who won the Medal of Honor fighting the Indian wars, and he’s father and his son uncle brother fought in the civl war. I want to ask this question, “when did having pride in my family’s history become “DIVISIVE?”
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Sounds great my lineage goes back to the Jamaican maroons... The sky is still blue outside and the sun is still shining...see how nothing changed by me announcing it..¿
@@Rio-uv1gsIt must of bothered you enough to respond. Are you in Jamaica now?
You can tell her parents are NOT descendants of the slaves IN America by how she said things
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They’re speaking their mind as usual. Now we are speaking ours and they don’t like it.
They who?
@@master-oppressorBACKSTABBERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@master-oppressor All of you who hate us, that's who, dumbass.
She can call herself whatever, we don’t care. We said what we said & we stand on it. FBA ✊🏾
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LMBAO! LOL! At age 73 I'm a Foundational Black American! ASE!
Me too at 71 years old 🫡👑✨👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾💯🅱️1️⃣FBA born and raised 🔥🇺🇸
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Leave us alone and you're not entitled to reparations period.
@hxycdsa576 .....go sit down and keep crying.
Asé Asé Asé 🌺✊🏿💚
They hate FBA because we are proud of who we are .
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FBA is linage..why does that upset them so ..
I was born in the 1950s , and we were not calling ourselves blacks or African American people. In the 1970s, James Brown made a song called " Say It Loud."I'm black, and I'm proud. " And that's when being called black became popular. Then later , in the late 1980s , Rev Jesse Jackson pushed for our people to be called " African American ." When I grew up, we were labeled colored and negro but however we didn't classify ourselves by these labels and to this day I don't classify myself nor ascribe to any of them, negro , colored, black or African American.
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Right for real !!! We FBA and we are black and proud !!!!
My parents told me they were never taught about Africa in school or was told they were African by my grandparents. My grandparents called themselves American
True. African American is a contemporary term. If you do your genealogy you will find that there is no historical document prior to the 1980’s that classifies blk Americans as African Americans. The historical documents list us as colored, black, negro and Freedman.
Or POC! It’s just an upgraded way to call us colored.
She's probably not FBA. A lot of THEM say im FBA, BUT They are like this, and they do that, othering themselves and when she brought in Carrabians for no reason shes Carrabian 😂
Y'all sound stupid with that FBA talk and causing more divide with black people when Indians, Asians, hispanics and whites just at us all as black
There’s a way I know who is who, Africans and Caribbean’s aren’t as violent as we are. Ask them to fight out of the blue, they will avoid the fight we as blacks won’t back don’t from a fight all we know is fighting to survive they never had to fight like us in their comfortable islands. Life is chill on the islands. They never been through race wars and hardcore racism and segregation.
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Caribbean* 😂
She sounds ignorant 🥴I could careless what any others think. I'm FBA all-day. They need to show us the same respect. Then I'll think about their feelings girl bye 👋🏾
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FBA don't deserve respect. Respect is earned, not given.
Earn our respect.
That part. ALL DAY EVERY DAY...some days I JUST SAY FBA, FBA, FBA, FBA, etc. Cuzzzz I TRULY LOVE MY PEOPLE. I think about solutions. I help when and where I CAN, even when unsolicited. I LOVE MY PEOPLE AND IT AIN'T SH***t YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! Now there! hahahahahaha
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@mflournoy2971 You can't love your people if you don't love all of us. We all came from the same people. So either fix your comment or quit lying.
@mflournoy2971 FBA isn't a solution. Read and learn from history, and you will possibly understand this.
I believe the word she’s looking for is Exclusivity. BP need to practice exclusivity and not inclusivity like these other groups out here. They’ve gotten too comfortable with being in our spaces and using our culture whenever it suits them. FBA isn’t a Trend!
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Just like the Europeans, telling people they can leave something you don't own.
@@truthtella7642 We own this land. We're the only non deportable ppl on this land.
@@truthtella7642Actually we do OWN our lineage. Why are you here🤷🏾♀️
@@truthtella7642you can leave
Thank you for keeping people on point and shutting down all the nonsense. We are making sure no one is getting free rides and we are taking back everything that was stolen from us.
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Yeah, right. You ain't doing squat except making a fool of yourself.
@PugilismCompany What was stolen from you?
@@truthtella7642Hmmmm, 🤔 let’s see 👀
…our Ancestors, names, intellectual property, culture vultures who lie, and make it his>story.
With no 🚫reference. acknowledgement or credit to the Black/African-American (including the diaspora) original Creative.
Hence, the well known fashion houses, museums etc, who in recent years, fessing up to their thievery. Whether it began with their Ancestors, or the continuation of the lie.
FBA/B1 🌺✊🏿💚
{…resonating in union with Light & Divine LOVE for Hue-manity}
Asé Asé Asé
FBAs distinguishes those of us that have blacken skin w legacy to the American plantations
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What’s funny is that how can we hate on other groups when those other groups don’t even have anything for us to hate on ? Hating down makes absolutely no sense
I like the way you put it into words so matter of factly
It is interestinng how she is talking about the "divisiveness of it all." Lady black immigrants divide themselves from Black Americans all the time. But when we do so it is a problem and we are being hateful and xenophobic. Please. We are making the distinctions the same way y'all do. Also acting accordingly. That is it and that is all. What they are really mad about is the talk of reparations and how we are prioritizing ourselves.
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this woman doesn't know our history. xenophobic, how can that be when our history is known.
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SMH. She doesn’t realize that she told on herself without doing it on purpose, and, once again, proving our point. Her using the word divisive in a certain way and saying that the Caribbeans had a hand in building the United States tipped me off that she isn’t truly down with FBAs. She has also proven why delineation was long overdue for FBAs. We call ourselves Foundational Black Americans to officially establish and maintain our unique lineage.
It’s called delineation it’s a nationality too just exposing alot phill.
Which Caribbeans when? Before 1870? After 1965? Her statements are too general. And I frankly don't care whether she considers FBA xenophobic. That's her opinion and her perspective. Deal.
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They sold ppl back abd forth among plantations, not just in America but the Caribbean too
@@SpannaBanna-e4ereally oh please 🙄 Any carribiens who came before 1870 would have been a slave. After 1900s they were an immigrants.
@@SpannaBanna-e4ethis is fba ( case closed)
They were used to our wanting to be africans and everbody else, and now we love our own culture its a major problem. Love yourself and now we are xenophobic. I love my FBA family
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fba b1 north carolina
They didn’t push back.
Something was off.
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Why are some so upset about delineatation when others were already doing it Haitians live among Haitians, Africans live among Africans and ect but now they upset because FBA is doing it ..
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The real reason FBA delineation hurts more because FBAs have the favor of God on them! These groups know we would do amazing on our own from them!!
Brother Phil, you done said it best: SELFISH FOR SELF-PRESERVATION 🗣️
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These people need to stop coming to other peoples countries and telling the natives how to be.
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Another great broadcast Brother Phil, believe me that so called lady isn't even fba! Best wishes for you and your family... ❤️💯👊🏾
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These people are really pissed that we are delineating. Wow.
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I think people don’t even know what FBA means… especially Africans from the continent. 1. FBA is a term we created for those who’s been here for 400 years, F.B.A (Foundational Black Americans) its not a term outsiders can use. Sure you can claim african American that’s why we created FBA to distinguish because anyone can be “African American” Elon musk is a Caucasian African and he can use African American that’s problematic. We are a distinct group of people you all can’t call yourself what we are we don’t go to Kenya and say no I’m Kenyan because I want to join y’all. It don’t work like that so Africans worldwide you can’t join this wagon! Hundreds of years we have wanted y’all to join up with us and NOW sentiments are changing? Nahh we remember when we reached out to y’all and all we got was disrespect y’all done 0 for us but speak down on us and follow with yt supremacy so nahh we remember and we tired.
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Elon Musk is not an African American he's of European descent as all white South Africans are.
Yep just like that
💣💣💣💣💥💥💥💥💥💯💯💯💯💯👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏VERY WELL STATED!!!!
I'd simply put her in the don't wanna be saved category...not to mention that they want to be us until it's time to be us 🤷🏾♂️
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When someone says anything about the j folk it's called out. Aggressively.... Remember why Mrs Tubman carried that gat. FBA 🖤
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They aren't FBAs, why non-FBAs always want to speak for us? This is why we seriously have to delineate, tired of being misrepresented!
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We're not asking for "Members". 😒 I get sick of people saying it's FBA's causing the division 😠😠. It's a flat out lie!
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She is most likely not F.B.A. at all, she was probably born here and calls herself "african American." Too many of these folks lime to cosplay as B.A's when its converted to them.
I think her back ground is caribbean she is definitely not FBA and bringing up the caribbean gave it away that she's not FBA .
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When he said we're now "taking an inventory"... exactly right
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Them being upset changes nothing, we will not go backwards and we don't care about these types of women's opinions
!!FBA!!! for real
She’s not FBA! She is either African or Caribbean being mad at us for delineating from the diaspora 😂😂.
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Thanks Brother Phil for your Podcast , you couldn't have said it any better about delineation bc it has become detrimental for our Communities survival 👍
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This woman is not FBA, she cosplaying 😂😂😂
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Well, if she prefer the corny term "African American", that's her right. However, I, and most others Black Americans prefer to be called "Black American" because that's who we are👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻!!!!! FBA all the way, everyday🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻!!!!! Akin🔥.
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@PhilipScott-i3g Get real!!!!!
B1 💯💯💯💯💯
People really don't listen, or they don't believe what was said.
Lot of black immigrants and other immigrants 😊are just jealous of FBA.
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Yep, That's all that it is.
The lady speaking who stated she didn’t identify as FBA is from Caribbean descent. Listen to her, she almost told on herself but corrected herself.
Exactly Phil , Outside of South Africa, Bahamas, Belize, Name other countries were the majority are Black people , that's doing anything to welcome FBA on a large scale..
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Who cares what these people think! We are FBAs, we are standing proud in our lineage and theirs nothing anyone can do about it.
Look. I am of Caribbean heritage and I say FBA - support them in whatever comes against them. I never heard a Caribbean person rundown FBA's. NEVER. Maybe the ones that do are just after what you got.
Stand strong hopefully repatriation will come to FBA's soon and don't believe Caribbeans are against you - maybe Africans but not my people.
@@rosahacketts1668 everybody against us FBA in we don't care
@@JessicaBoyd-v1useek therapy you're severely delulu.
Great discussion and podcast today brother Phil 💪💯
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She said that they helped build America Caribbean's. They're finding a way into reparations.
She wants to be called African American… 2 continents named after 2 Italians.. Leo Africanus and Americo Vespucci
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I agree it is a bit divisive. I see them attacking all other black folks but not the real enemy
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What Caribbeans built the U.S. ?
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This to me has more to do with the growing popularity of the term FBA. Some black Americans are terrified of the term FBA replacing African-American. They understand that most black Americans do not like the term African-American. These folks are have been constantly defending the African-American term for years, but FBA term is growing with popularity.
Africans do not like us calling ourselves Africans. Jamaicans ? WOW we are the inclusive ones. So please that is a fact. I have been told by other cultures that we are the nice ones. We are just disappointed in the treatment we are receiving from immigrants now.
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Excellent analysis and well said Uncle Phil ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾
There is nothing excellent in his analysis! In the last few weeks, he has been using his platform to spread hatred among us…
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" We can not change the past but we can change our BLINDNESS to the PAST"
If you listen closely, that young lady is not FBA, she was about to slip up and say "Carribeans, we...". This is another reason we need to deliniate. Her argument/position is in bad faith. This is a pivotal point for us as a group, we are making a choice to name ourselves collectivley and not leaving it to others.
FBA is not a Group nor have a Leader You don't need a Leader for a Lineage and Culture
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She/ they / just wants excuses when they/ them/ sides with other group's ( slyly) against FBA's.
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I don’t think she’s FBA
We standing on Business…. B1✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿
You're right 💯💯💯💯💯
We're not African American or black
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Thanks, Phil. 🎉
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Some of the Africans sold us to the Grecians the seller is just as guilty as the buyer
🤦 oh yeah? Which ones and where? Where the receipts where the ship? Y'all believe anything white people come out with wasn't never no ship, these yt ppl lie too much. Greek slaves 🙄 the Greeks were the slaves! Man they lie so well 🤣😆
At the same time that this conversation is going on, there are more and more AA or FBA seeking and gaining citizenships in Africa. Isn't that something?
Black Americans aren't accepted in Africa. Our cultures are extremely different. We're seen as outsiders there. We have different expectations and life experiences. All the arguing.
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We have no been calling ourselves African since we got here. That started in the 70s/80s
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The vast majority of us have never called ourselves Africans.
And also no historical documents prior to the 1980’s classified us as African American.