marvel cast moments that have no logical explanation(+ eternals cast)

  • Опубліковано 28 гру 2024


  • @MaxiEdits_
    @MaxiEdits_ 3 роки тому +11244

    The Marvel cast gives off the same energy as me at 2am

  • @lperino07
    @lperino07 3 роки тому +9223

    “i have mjölnir in my pants.”

    • @muharrizal3646
      @muharrizal3646 3 роки тому +47

      But why there's no song about it?

    • @spongebob4904
      @spongebob4904 3 роки тому +14

      @@muharrizal3646 what?

    • @reedean
      @reedean 3 роки тому +34

      He has his own true love

    • @ahsoka_edits
      @ahsoka_edits 2 роки тому +20

      Who doesn't???

    • @addy2484
      @addy2484 2 роки тому +72

      Tom Hiddleston
      *cake lover*

  • @memegoddess8014
    @memegoddess8014 3 роки тому +6282

    “Sometimes I wish I could just disappear”
    He’s Brocken guys😔🥀🖤⚰️

    • @sofia2356
      @sofia2356 3 роки тому +119

      He’s br(ok)en 😥💔⛓

    • @arya_crab955
      @arya_crab955 3 роки тому +30

      @@sofia2356 it’s supposed to be spelled brocken

    • @riveringleaf5568
      @riveringleaf5568 3 роки тому +53

      @@sofia2356 He's bren 😭😢

    • @sofia2356
      @sofia2356 3 роки тому +14

      @@riveringleaf5568 🥺🤧💔⚰️

    • @asher0o043
      @asher0o043 3 роки тому +20

      Don’t hit him up only the real ones know😢💔🥀⛓

  • @user-vo1yu6hb1v
    @user-vo1yu6hb1v 3 роки тому +8771

    2:50 "Snitches end up in ditches", I love that Lizzie join when he says ditches

    • @aubrey5720
      @aubrey5720 3 роки тому +154

      Omg I thought I was the only one who realized this 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @user-vo1yu6hb1v
      @user-vo1yu6hb1v 3 роки тому +106

      @@aubrey5720 I always noticed, She do that in lot of interviews !

    • @nataliyaa3
      @nataliyaa3 3 роки тому +10

      Omg lol I just noticed that

    • @sophiaantunes5492
      @sophiaantunes5492 3 роки тому +5

      where is that video from???

    • @user-vo1yu6hb1v
      @user-vo1yu6hb1v 3 роки тому +13

      @@sophiaantunes5492 James Corden bus tour with avengers cast it is not available in all countries

  • @user-vo1yu6hb1v
    @user-vo1yu6hb1v 3 роки тому +3502

    4:45 Nebula and Gamora drunk at 3am

  • @fandomcomics8702
    @fandomcomics8702 3 роки тому +9154

    0:40 I love that Chris Evans was joking but he was also being respectful to Hayley when that reporter objectified her.

    • @olivetomatopizza
      @olivetomatopizza 3 роки тому +277


    • @mackenziehouser9943
      @mackenziehouser9943 3 роки тому +333

      Who said he was joking though-? Lmao. No but honestly 👏👏👏

    • @NicPTheMeme
      @NicPTheMeme 2 роки тому +74

      That reporter is an _ew man_

    • @Asteroid44yay
      @Asteroid44yay 2 роки тому +53

      I mean was he joking??
      I mean I wouldn't have been hehe

    • @kckennedy1325
      @kckennedy1325 2 роки тому +45

      calling someone hot isn't objectifing them, yall throw that word around too much

  • @sho_otingstars
    @sho_otingstars 3 роки тому +6083

    “Oh it’s full on in love, we’re getting married!” “WHERES MA HUSBAND”
    Had me shook 😭

  • @apeout6733
    @apeout6733 3 роки тому +2926

    5:19 the fact that this is an actual scene in the movie makes it funnier

  • @francescabyhozier
    @francescabyhozier 3 роки тому +1053

    Tom Hiddleston talking about eating cake makes me so happy

    • @KelenYoru
      @KelenYoru 2 роки тому +26

      Tom and cake It's like two sinful pleasures together xD

    • @gabchetoo444
      @gabchetoo444 2 роки тому +15

      Me: strats smiling like and idiot when I rewatch this moment for a milionth time

    • @KelenYoru
      @KelenYoru 2 роки тому +9

      @@gabchetoo444 not only you, my dear, not only you...

    • @najrenchelf2751
      @najrenchelf2751 2 роки тому +8

      To be fair... eating cake was kind of nice last time I checked. :)

    • @evabebcakova6286
      @evabebcakova6286 2 роки тому +5

      I'm going to eat some cake tomorrow and it's going to make me a smiling mess. And I don't care because someone said it's good to eat cake.

  • @cirinalucas8126
    @cirinalucas8126 3 роки тому +2414

    4:10 I miss Chadwick so much 🙁

    • @detectivedianka7485
      @detectivedianka7485 2 роки тому +99


    • @enti
      @enti 2 роки тому +29

      Same, he was the best

    • @mrs_seo.bang_
      @mrs_seo.bang_ 2 роки тому +12

      @@detectivedianka7485 SAME😭

    • @eloisebarbosa2649
      @eloisebarbosa2649 2 роки тому +18

      @@detectivedianka7485 same here, i had the biggest smile in my face until i realised and started to cry...

    • @reader7098
      @reader7098 2 роки тому +3

      insert Crying Pedro Pascal meme

  • @user-vo1yu6hb1v
    @user-vo1yu6hb1v 3 роки тому +4735

    3:21 "I think they look great especially after peel their skin out of their body and use them as coats"
    This is even scary because she can actually do that

    • @Wolfynaw7
      @Wolfynaw7 3 роки тому +124

      She is scary 😅💀💀

    • @ellycepearlbaguio3400
      @ellycepearlbaguio3400 3 роки тому +34


    • @MichaelPasaribu
      @MichaelPasaribu 3 роки тому +76

      YASS QUEEN LIZZIE another day another slayyy:))

    • @valeaves
      @valeaves 3 роки тому +17

      @@MichaelPasaribu another day, another Doug

    • @user-vo1yu6hb1v
      @user-vo1yu6hb1v 3 роки тому +24

      @@valeaves "Hey bud, my name is Korg Iam made of rocks as you can see"

  • @Xplr42
    @Xplr42 3 роки тому +1398

    My theater teacher: “Yeah I knew RDJ when he was a weird teenager. I’m sure he’s matured now”
    RDJ: “Hey hunny bunnies”

    • @thenightfury8
      @thenightfury8 11 місяців тому +14

      Don't ever grow up, RDJ 😂

    • @mondaypanther4598
      @mondaypanther4598 6 місяців тому +4

      the deep side of this comment is that when he was a teen he was not in a good mental state. I’m so happy he’s living a great life now ❤

  • @jiselleh6490
    @jiselleh6490 3 роки тому +1270


  • @youlaughedmf
    @youlaughedmf 3 роки тому +2150

    1:07 me replaying every loki scene

  • @natt3153
    @natt3153 3 роки тому +4286

    the fact tom was 20 when he met jake makes 'all too well' make more sense😭

    • @mercn6624
      @mercn6624 3 роки тому +229

      "lets call it what it is" hmmm....

    • @sarah-tp5ly
      @sarah-tp5ly 3 роки тому +12


    • @muffinator1239
      @muffinator1239 3 роки тому +138

      Please don’t bring that Taylor drama into this comment section please.

    • @AnnaStyles-r8o
      @AnnaStyles-r8o 3 роки тому +6


    • @donagorali5950
      @donagorali5950 3 роки тому +113

      @@muffinator1239 it's just a joke no hate or sincerity heeere

  • @coolperson3946
    @coolperson3946 2 роки тому +644

    7:25 the fact that they looked at the same spot PERFECTLY makes this even better.

  • @projecthopesandwich8365
    @projecthopesandwich8365 3 роки тому +608


    • @Axralliiq
      @Axralliiq 9 місяців тому +3

      Zendaya’s face was literally : 👁️👄👁️

  • @jenniflower6569
    @jenniflower6569 3 роки тому +517

    How to properly announce someone:
    " Tom Hiddleston: *c a k e l o v e r* "

    • @evabebcakova6286
      @evabebcakova6286 2 роки тому +8

      You know you are going to get along with someone if their title is cake lover.

  • @SAMUEL-bb2ig
    @SAMUEL-bb2ig 2 роки тому +287

    4:11 Chadwicks laugh is so beautiful, May he Rest in Peace

  • @aditideo7009
    @aditideo7009 3 роки тому +4988

    someone: * tries to talk about scarlett *
    chris evans: CHRIS HEMSWORTH THO
    * tries to talk about hayley *
    hes got his priorities right, thats for sure

    • @iamgroot2810
      @iamgroot2810 3 роки тому +239

      If Sebastian Stan was my co-star, he'd be my priority too

    • @elizamay590
      @elizamay590 3 роки тому +227

      Also like turning down sexism, which is great

    • @ryleekabacinski9904
      @ryleekabacinski9904 3 роки тому +26

      I was trying to press read more and then I kept disliking the comment. so then I liked it... well

    • @olivetomatopizza
      @olivetomatopizza 3 роки тому +34

      @@elizamay590 hell yeah that's why he's amazing :)

    • @losersclub3693
      @losersclub3693 3 роки тому +3

      1.5k like

  • @dustandsmokes
    @dustandsmokes 3 роки тому +457

    6:04 god I love Richard haha, his publicist is like “nope”

    • @brooklynvienna
      @brooklynvienna 2 роки тому +21

      Do you know why she made him leave lmaoo djdjdjdj

    • @dustandsmokes
      @dustandsmokes 2 роки тому +18

      @@brooklynvienna no I’ve been wondering that for awhile though haha

    • @dino-man5475
      @dino-man5475 4 місяці тому

      i’m so confused what even happened

  • @ot7biasedmashups
    @ot7biasedmashups 3 роки тому +874

    “Oh I thought you meant Sebastian”
    Entire mood right there 💀

  • @Jherbo233
    @Jherbo233 3 роки тому +1499

    That was so weird how that woman pulled Richard away after the bond question lmao

    • @lollabunyxxx
      @lollabunyxxx 3 роки тому +107

      honestly, i the interviewer was making fun of him for some reason idk, that clip is so confusing

    • @ColderDay
      @ColderDay 3 роки тому +70

      Can't let Icarus fly too close to the sun for this one

    • @emmarosier9335
      @emmarosier9335 3 роки тому +6

      @@ColderDay did u take that out of Percy Jackson?

    • @navyabhat1209
      @navyabhat1209 3 роки тому +15

      @@emmarosier9335 no lmao its an eternals reference

    • @emmarosier9335
      @emmarosier9335 3 роки тому +1

      @@navyabhat1209 ye ik now

  • @larasljukic7526
    @larasljukic7526 3 роки тому +161

    6:50 this poor interviewer thought they were talking Abt actually hammers 😭🙏

    • @oliviaball1152
      @oliviaball1152 2 роки тому

      Lmao that poor interviewer has a very clean mind, unlike dirty little tommy 🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🍆

  • @bethanyturner822
    @bethanyturner822 3 роки тому +393

    Timothee: swish!
    Zendaya: 🙂k

  • @AIVILO_444
    @AIVILO_444 3 роки тому +734

    No but the way I love this cast so much. I love the way they treat each other like family and they’re just so chaotic I love

  • @Tobee2017
    @Tobee2017 3 роки тому +277

    That's literally a whole wattpad story in 1 minute 😥💀

  • @_becky_ym3583
    @_becky_ym3583 3 роки тому +410

    6:14 why did they just walk away 😭✋🏽

    • @erin_bluee
      @erin_bluee 3 роки тому +106

      richard's still processing the question face makes me crack up

    • @pineddew
      @pineddew 3 роки тому +54

      HE WAS LIKE: 😃😅😐👋🏻

    • @honeypielyrii299
      @honeypielyrii299 2 роки тому +12

      You can hear his manager dragged him away before he could sey something 😅 6:10

  • @liviashasikirana477
    @liviashasikirana477 2 роки тому +281


  • @marvelpotterhead1762
    @marvelpotterhead1762 2 роки тому +190

    5:48 I love how Chris still doesn’t believe that’s Guacardo’s butt 😂😂

  • @kingsleytheking
    @kingsleytheking 3 роки тому +321

    Elisabeth Olsen’s face at 4:43 😐 I almost died 😂🤣😂🤣😂

  • @KingJH0510
    @KingJH0510 3 роки тому +309

    Gemma fangirling over alvin is the most adorable thing ever

  • @sinebachrenleff847
    @sinebachrenleff847 2 роки тому +140

    "Loki doesn't have his own hammer" this always has me in stitches! The poor innocent interviewer LMAO

    • @ZyliceLiddell
      @ZyliceLiddell Рік тому +1

      Watch Thor 1 BTS and Thor 2 deleted ‘coronation’ scene. 😉

  • @thescorpion7848
    @thescorpion7848 2 роки тому +398

    Anthony's laugh at 4:43 has me 🤣💀

    • @KelenYoru
      @KelenYoru 2 роки тому +28

      I don't know what is funnier, her face or his laugh

  • @Kilathasaurus
    @Kilathasaurus 3 роки тому +178

    5:24 Druig looks so done😭

  • @lxyzielatibule
    @lxyzielatibule 3 роки тому +253

    ( 3:27 )PLEASE! that small villainous smile she gives at the end😂

  • @joshestoque1284
    @joshestoque1284 3 роки тому +608

    Imagine nebula and gamora really being like that in the movie

  • @annabanana3079
    @annabanana3079 2 роки тому +75

    3:15 I can’t- The way Lizzie said that so calmly-

    • @CharzzTheAnimated
      @CharzzTheAnimated 4 місяці тому +3

      The way she smiles innocently ‘:)’ like she didn’t say any of that

  • @ellasiegumfeldt8587
    @ellasiegumfeldt8587 3 роки тому +286

    1:54 interview was hilarious, it was so hard to stop laughing

  • @isabellaguerrero9770
    @isabellaguerrero9770 3 роки тому +252

    3:51 are we not gonna talk about the fact that she said she had a crush on Alvin?

    • @aayushishirke3209
      @aayushishirke3209 3 роки тому +8

      Like, I kind of understand and to each their own, but like... what?!
      Also, I just want to say.... YOONGI 💜

    • @isabellaguerrero9770
      @isabellaguerrero9770 3 роки тому +3

      @@aayushishirke3209 YUP

    • @notaseat5934
      @notaseat5934 Рік тому

      It’s the personality ya know

    • @Good_vibezz319
      @Good_vibezz319 4 місяці тому

      Who is she? She's beautiful

    • @Jimayaaa
      @Jimayaaa 3 місяці тому +1

      @@Good_vibezz319 Gemma Chan :)

  • @svgstarlight
    @svgstarlight 3 роки тому +121


  • @bfdeebo937
    @bfdeebo937 2 роки тому +147

    4:37 has got to be the funniest thing I’ve seen all year

  • @KelenYoru
    @KelenYoru 3 роки тому +354

    5:10 - love her voice ❤
    Especially after (and while) trying to define those weird movements as drums kk

  • @blaireroseforbes9551
    @blaireroseforbes9551 3 роки тому +289

    "i think they're great, especially after I peel their skin off their bodies and use them as coats" I was not ready for that lizzie-

  • @physucks
    @physucks 3 роки тому +79

    "Are you frozen or what just happened?"

  • @caitlindavids2471
    @caitlindavids2471 3 роки тому +115

    I didn't see any comments about Chadwick... So here it is I miss him and his smile so much

  • @sollenbergerchildren1969
    @sollenbergerchildren1969 Рік тому +16

    2:50. love how anytime someone has an opportunity to spoil something paul reminds them 😂

  • @crxzyari
    @crxzyari 2 роки тому +83

    0:22 this is just iconic 😂😂😂

  • @dustandsmokes
    @dustandsmokes 3 роки тому +85

    3:42 Gemma is so pure omfg

  • @Ji-zt7ny
    @Ji-zt7ny 3 роки тому +112

    Gemma having a crush on Alvin I-
    Ma'am. Thank you

  • @KelenYoru
    @KelenYoru 3 роки тому +174

    "I HAVE Mjolnir on my pants" - I knew it! I knew that would come out from Tom's mouth!!!! 🤣😍🤣🤣🤣

  • @flaccid_pancake9774
    @flaccid_pancake9774 3 роки тому +59


  • @-topic9506
    @-topic9506 3 роки тому +157

    Anthony Mackie has to be one of the funniest people ever, he gets me every single time😭

  • @green5219
    @green5219 2 роки тому +20

    ‘I was trying to wave to u but it’s black’
    ‘Wait- what did u say abt me’
    Elizabeth Olsen’s expression was everything, lmao Anthony messing with her is so funny 😂

  • @kenji_is_bored
    @kenji_is_bored 3 роки тому +47

    "most likely to keep up with the kardashians?"
    "me. yeah, wAssUp, KHLoE, hAh hUh HAh- yEAH"
    "most likely to tweet a shirtless selfie?"
    * josh wheezing*
    "yeah. wAssUp KHLoE- yEAH"

  • @arissarodriguez6765
    @arissarodriguez6765 3 роки тому +129

    4:14 it starts 4:20 my favorite quote
    6:08 HE JUST WALKED AWAY☠️☠️ plz Richard say ONE WORD, MUMBLE, say something 😭😭

    • @alejandravelez8313
      @alejandravelez8313 3 роки тому +20

      Im very confused with why he walked away tho like what was wrong with the question lol

    • @kimberlynguyen1818
      @kimberlynguyen1818 3 роки тому +11

      I think the manager just dragged him away before he could process it 😂

  • @wendyrodriguez7463
    @wendyrodriguez7463 3 роки тому +50

    3:42 HAHSHAHSHHAHSHAHS I love her

  • @femkekeys8808
    @femkekeys8808 3 роки тому +80

    chris’ “well this is awkward” face is my favourite thing in the universe

  • @87P13
    @87P13 3 роки тому +65

    They are so chaotic, i didn't regret being a fan 😭

  • @stxrsforaub
    @stxrsforaub 3 роки тому +62


  • @christinac6617
    @christinac6617 3 роки тому +35

    6:12 the way he just walked away 😭🖐

  • @munisapulatova5490
    @munisapulatova5490 3 роки тому +43

    The slowed down and reverbed Brie's "wobbledy wobbledin" as the outro IM DEAD OMG

  • @liaistotallyfine
    @liaistotallyfine 3 роки тому +53

    I love how it's just an universal truth that Kevin will in fact come for you and your loved ones if you even attempt to say anything related to Marvel

  • @meidalukosiute6511
    @meidalukosiute6511 2 роки тому +39

    Honestly that video of benedict gets me every time and the fact that his wife was watching him film. 😂

  • @ines868
    @ines868 3 роки тому +63

    the outro music-
    *thank you for that my ears are literally blessed every time*

  • @dyandracannalinsetyanto7651
    @dyandracannalinsetyanto7651 3 роки тому +40

    3:58 /Windows shutdown sound

  • @jelou840
    @jelou840 3 роки тому +196

    Brie singing gets me everytime

    • @kendradavis3137
      @kendradavis3137 Рік тому

      What timestamp does that happen in this video?

  • @Giraffes4life
    @Giraffes4life 11 місяців тому +2

    "There you go Anthony"
    "Thanks man"
    He is so precious i cant 😂❤

  • @soymoi5396
    @soymoi5396 3 роки тому +47

    1:17 wassup Khloe JAHSJAHA

  • @aly5s1a
    @aly5s1a 3 роки тому +108

    I actually love them all so much

  • @Nightowl_s
    @Nightowl_s 3 роки тому +35

    5:02 he’s adorable ☺️

  • @bellastark6978
    @bellastark6978 3 роки тому +68

    Eternals cast: sry since its marvel im sworn to secrecy I’m scared for the lives of me family
    Tom: SiDerMaNs iN SPacE!
    The hulk(lol forgot his name it’s like 2am): oh wait till u see this next on EVerYboDy DieS...

    • @mariael2620
      @mariael2620 3 роки тому +1

      Mark dude 🤣

    • @tlepageart
      @tlepageart 2 роки тому +1

      Xochitl: yeah.. but Kevin’s over there 👈👀

  • @v9gels
    @v9gels 3 роки тому +49


  • @sesebloup1056
    @sesebloup1056 3 роки тому +69

    I love the way everiday i discover new Marvel cast video than i didn't already watch
    and that's make my day

  • @joskyrafernandez5989
    @joskyrafernandez5989 11 місяців тому +3

    I love when Anthony says eBay and chrises face is priceless when he does😂😂

  • @Dollness_xoxo
    @Dollness_xoxo Рік тому +14

    4:03 will always be my favorite I love chadwick he's such a gem

  • @isabellahayes337
    @isabellahayes337 3 роки тому +92

    This had me dying of laughter 🤣😂 1:06

  • @user-vo1yu6hb1v
    @user-vo1yu6hb1v 3 роки тому +81

    Simu Liu look like the coolest person

  • @stellaclermont9228
    @stellaclermont9228 3 роки тому +68

    I can’t wait to see Will’s character I love him so much omg

  • @livbrock2359
    @livbrock2359 3 роки тому +21


  • @iamlaisgrosman
    @iamlaisgrosman 2 роки тому +24

    5:19 Angelina popping the chips and having a heart attack. Hahahahahahahahaha

  • @kylee757
    @kylee757 3 роки тому +33

    “It’s still hot” literally me😭

  • @Urfellowreader
    @Urfellowreader 11 місяців тому +5

    Seeing Chadwick just honestly broke my heart

  • @ektathakker8607
    @ektathakker8607 3 роки тому +38

    1:57 is what you came here for 🤣

    • @KelenYoru
      @KelenYoru 2 роки тому +2

      Of course

    • @ZyliceLiddell
      @ZyliceLiddell Рік тому +2

      @@KelenYoru”Come on. What did you expect?”

  • @hafsarehman4913
    @hafsarehman4913 3 роки тому +36

    0:53 I’ll get older, but your lovers stay my age.

  • @ItzCrystalizedLol
    @ItzCrystalizedLol 3 роки тому +21


  • @caitlindavids2471
    @caitlindavids2471 3 роки тому +23


  • @spinzy5990
    @spinzy5990 3 роки тому +21

    Marvel has a knack for casting charming people

  • @jaymo8582
    @jaymo8582 3 роки тому +10

    i love marvel cast they’re just soo ICONIC

    • @aayushishirke3209
      @aayushishirke3209 3 роки тому +2

      Yeah I just never get bored watching them!
      Also just have to say... NAMJOON 💜

    • @jaymo8582
      @jaymo8582 3 роки тому

      @@aayushishirke3209 yeah you never get bored!
      and yes that man is my bias 💜

  • @macadiehibonne3688
    @macadiehibonne3688 3 роки тому +60

    They're always watching out for kevin 😭💀its so funny

    • @kendradavis3137
      @kendradavis3137 Рік тому

      Especially with that actress around the three minute timestamp and who is she?

  • @へりを
    @へりを 2 роки тому +12

    I love your method of subtitles!
    It makes easier to understand for non- English speaker like me what actors talking about
    thank you for sharing🥰🥰🥰

  • @toomanyobsessions9910
    @toomanyobsessions9910 Рік тому +1

    Chris Pratt: *very meaningfully signs a toy for Anthony.*
    Anthony: EBAY!!!!!

  • @Vortx.
    @Vortx. 3 роки тому +31

    That final clip of cumberbatch was a little “strange”

  • @araarzen
    @araarzen 2 роки тому +2

    4:15 "i love eating cake 🍰" - Tom Hiddleston the cake lover

  • @narqotics
    @narqotics 2 роки тому +28


  • @ctrlkzha
    @ctrlkzha 3 роки тому +32

    [1:28] - Yelena and Alexei irl:

  • @Sómaisumguri
    @Sómaisumguri 7 місяців тому +3

    Doctor Stange: Serious character who defends all reality
    Beneditc Cumberbach: Oh my nose... MY TEETH ARE FALLING OUT! *AAAAAAAAA*

  • @jeromeanderson5338
    @jeromeanderson5338 2 роки тому +14

    POV: Getting eaten by Benedict Cumberbatch-> 7:33

  • @maheenhamidkhan
    @maheenhamidkhan 3 роки тому +50

    davinci is sweating right now

  • @iluvmarvel252
    @iluvmarvel252 3 роки тому +67

    I quote these sooo much ❤❤
    Btw idk when unit 100k but congrats on 100k