NO LIMIT Wrestling Show Episode 12: The Best of Arisa Nakajima !



  • @connerhuston2613
    @connerhuston2613 3 місяці тому

    Good podcast, Thanks

  • @alexrichards7446
    @alexrichards7446 3 місяці тому

    Alex says "I told you so" on Avid Rival

  • @meta3628
    @meta3628 3 місяці тому

    On the Subject of Final Boss themes a la Miracle Passion (Nanae) and Involve All (Kagetsu). I'm pretty confident in saying Crusade (Utami) is on that level. Legitimately I think her entrance theme got me into the company

  • @connerhuston2613
    @connerhuston2613 3 місяці тому

    Yeah, Scott, i totally agree that Kana vs. Arisa Nakajima match was brutal/ stiffThey beat each other up for nearly 30 minutes.

  • @connerhuston2613
    @connerhuston2613 3 місяці тому

    Unless I missed it , too bad we never got a best friends vs Thunder rock (io shirai/Mayu iwatani ) tag match. That would have been wild .

  • @connerhuston2613
    @connerhuston2613 3 місяці тому

    Yeah , that io shirai vs Arisa Nakajima match was very good IMO it didn't quite reach the level of the Kana match. Nonetheless, it was very good
    Too bad they only had 1 match.