VIVA LA VIDCON | Vidcon Vlog #3

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ryanabernice4349
    @ryanabernice4349 7 років тому +88

    I feel like the booktube community is the sweetest❤️

  • @autumnwelsh8944
    @autumnwelsh8944 7 років тому +18

    How is it possible for the ENTIRE booktube community to be so adorable, hard-working, gorgeous, and awesome?

  • @lmychocolate
    @lmychocolate 7 років тому +4

    I was holding my breath and like "GO GO GO GO OMG YOU CAN DO THIS!" when Christine and Sasha were doing that ninja thing!! Great job you guys!

    • @emilysuarez5581
      @emilysuarez5581 7 років тому

      Marina Li Omg I was doing the same:) hahaha

  • @jordangray8492
    @jordangray8492 7 років тому +39

    Natasha, I just wanted to say I really appreciate you filming/editing/uploading all of these wonderful vlogs. You do such a tremendous job, and they're one of the best parts of my week. Thank you 💖

  • @lost_in_the_forrest
    @lost_in_the_forrest 7 років тому +5

    You guys are so silly when you're tired. Especially Jesse and Christine. I can relate I get very floppy and silly when I'm super tired

  • @polandbananasBOOKS
    @polandbananasBOOKS 7 років тому +31

    that opening was beautifulllll XD

  • @deashiawilson01
    @deashiawilson01 7 років тому

    "It is lipstick" 😂😂😂Christine is hilarious I also like when she said"No I just grab them and break them" referring to my nails.Jesse is hilarious also 😂

  • @malisa9225
    @malisa9225 7 років тому +1

    I literally stop everything to watch Christine and you vlog or film anything. Love you guys. 💜💛

  • @lillyp6905
    @lillyp6905 7 років тому +4

    Jesse's "I just woke up voice" ♥️

  • @michellechen2950
    @michellechen2950 7 років тому +7

    You are all such beautiful, wonderful humans, I can't

  • @Xtinejay18
    @Xtinejay18 7 років тому +1


  • @winter9589
    @winter9589 7 років тому +25

    "You did great sweetie" XD

    • @winter9589
      @winter9589 7 років тому +3

      But I was impressed ;D

  • @erinmariecece
    @erinmariecece 7 років тому

    This vidcon look insanely cool! I can't get over how everything looks amazing! ALL OF THE PHOTOSHOOT OPPORTUNITIES!

  • @teatimewitht6937
    @teatimewitht6937 7 років тому

    I love the booktube community, it's so positive and filled with love

  • @vanessahansmann2465
    @vanessahansmann2465 7 років тому +4

    Christine's sunglasses are bomb

  • @thereal.alli_y
    @thereal.alli_y 4 роки тому

    the music at the beginning 😍 i got Shadowhunters feels ❤️❤️

  • @CharlotteEdmonds626
    @CharlotteEdmonds626 7 років тому

    I've watched the la la land video like 20 times! I love it! It's so good!

  • @calsreadingcorner8615
    @calsreadingcorner8615 7 років тому

    Natasha!!! When you were in the donut-hanging chair (idk the fluorescent tire-swing thing)-- YOUR DRESS LOOKED STUNNING!!! Such a gorgeous outfit :D I think what I look forward to the most from these vlogs is your outfits

  • @StarsAndEmbers
    @StarsAndEmbers 7 років тому

    The La La Land video was so good! You guys worked so hard and it turned out wonderfully!

  • @vanessahansmann2465
    @vanessahansmann2465 7 років тому +3

    I LOVE your hair and makeup, you always looks so perfect ❤️

  • @bookniche9678
    @bookniche9678 7 років тому

    i love seeing you all in a late night daze its SO funny

  • @dancelikeumathurman8092
    @dancelikeumathurman8092 7 років тому +2

    I LIVE for your vlogs tasha! They're so entertaining

    • @emilysuarez5581
      @emilysuarez5581 7 років тому

      DanceLikeUmaThurman same she actually made me want to start making vlogs so I did at vidcon:)

  • @khela2000
    @khela2000 7 років тому +24

    Natasha I hope that because you where able to post this vlog you are feeling better and less stressed.

    • @tashapolis
      @tashapolis  7 років тому +9

      Khela Friday I had this one edited last week, and finally have internet at Christine's to post.

  • @stephpiano2908
    @stephpiano2908 7 років тому

    I'm less than a minute in but already Natasha's outfit, hair and makeup are giving me serious Maria Reynold vibes

  • @patriciaalvesmarques5947
    @patriciaalvesmarques5947 7 років тому +1

    Natasha all your makeup looks are on point, please do a tutorial if you can! love you! ^_^

    • @emilysuarez5581
      @emilysuarez5581 7 років тому +1

      Patrícia Alves Marques I totally agree:)

  • @valesbookshelf7205
    @valesbookshelf7205 7 років тому

    Your outfit was everything! And im so sad i missed you at comic con!

  • @joanagato619
    @joanagato619 7 років тому

    Oh my God, the song that is playing at the beginning reminds me of Jace playing the piano in City of Bones

    • @miriamortmann306
      @miriamortmann306 7 років тому +1

      Joana Gato You're not wrong, it is from the City of Bones movie..

  • @afafnj
    @afafnj 7 років тому +1

    OMG jesse hhhhhhh "get in there" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂i'm dead

  • @sandyreadsalot
    @sandyreadsalot 7 років тому

    I love that "you did great sweetie" moment haha

  • @miafireheart7
    @miafireheart7 7 років тому +3

    I thought you guys did a fantastic job on the La La Land video.... And you too Jesse. haha :)

  • @nelsongeraldes7673
    @nelsongeraldes7673 7 років тому +45

    I feel like Jesse is always done first when him and the other girls get ready. I mean he only has to like shower, dress, and fix his hair.

    • @tashapolis
      @tashapolis  7 років тому +36

      Nelson Geraldes He's the most patient! WE TAKE FOREVER!

  • @Hailey-bv5es
    @Hailey-bv5es 7 років тому

    Natasha you always look so gorgeous teach me your ways! >.

  • @seemadesai5472
    @seemadesai5472 7 років тому +1

    Hey you all look very beautiful

  • @onceuponatime101
    @onceuponatime101 7 років тому

    Loving these vlogs! Booktube really is the best

  • @saraviegas2141
    @saraviegas2141 7 років тому

    Yeyyyy!!! Love these vlogs!!!

  • @winter9589
    @winter9589 7 років тому +1


  • @allytheimmortalreader5082
    @allytheimmortalreader5082 7 років тому

    This is perfection!

  • @bennyboii13
    @bennyboii13 7 років тому +1

    Great video! I freaking love Christine! She's so competitive, even when her opponent is a wall🙌🏼😂

  • @GirlWithTheBook
    @GirlWithTheBook 7 років тому

    Did Kat just make a Jack & Dean reference at 1:07?? 😱

  • @marianarobles9605
    @marianarobles9605 7 років тому


  • @JayGTheAwkwardBookworm
    @JayGTheAwkwardBookworm 7 років тому

    HAHAHAHA Jesse kills me 😂

  • @adelina5741
    @adelina5741 7 років тому +7

    Jesse's donut looks like snot

    • @bennyboii13
      @bennyboii13 7 років тому +1

      Adelina 😂😂😂🙌🏼

  • @rachelalexander7762
    @rachelalexander7762 7 років тому

    Christine was so Jace on the ninja warrior wall

  • @bookedonafeeling
    @bookedonafeeling 7 років тому

    Does the opening piano song instantly remind anyone else of the City of Bones movie? Anyone?

  • @owen4017
    @owen4017 7 років тому

    omg Jesse at 0:30... NO HATE... BUT ITS FUNNY

  • @katinhattalks5546
    @katinhattalks5546 7 років тому

    just got a wisdom tooth pulled out and those doughnuts look like amazing food that I sadly cannot eat :(

  • @Xtinejay18
    @Xtinejay18 7 років тому +7

    I'm early af !!!

    • @Xtinejay18
      @Xtinejay18 7 років тому +2


    • @Xtinejay18
      @Xtinejay18 7 років тому +2

      Who did the choreography for Christine's video? It was amazing !!!

    • @polandbananasBOOKS
      @polandbananasBOOKS 7 років тому +3

      the dance section in the video is the same routine from the film, I just learned it and taught it to everyone, Mandy Moore (dancer not the singer) choreographed for lalaland =)

  • @Kvarterx
    @Kvarterx 7 років тому

    You're so beautiful😍😍😍

  • @owen4017
    @owen4017 7 років тому


  • @PipinhoSnow
    @PipinhoSnow 4 роки тому


  • @m.a7167
    @m.a7167 7 років тому

    Early af