Natasha, I just wanted to say I really appreciate you filming/editing/uploading all of these wonderful vlogs. You do such a tremendous job, and they're one of the best parts of my week. Thank you 💖
"It is lipstick" 😂😂😂Christine is hilarious I also like when she said"No I just grab them and break them" referring to my nails.Jesse is hilarious also 😂
Natasha!!! When you were in the donut-hanging chair (idk the fluorescent tire-swing thing)-- YOUR DRESS LOOKED STUNNING!!! Such a gorgeous outfit :D I think what I look forward to the most from these vlogs is your outfits
the dance section in the video is the same routine from the film, I just learned it and taught it to everyone, Mandy Moore (dancer not the singer) choreographed for lalaland =)
I feel like the booktube community is the sweetest❤️
How is it possible for the ENTIRE booktube community to be so adorable, hard-working, gorgeous, and awesome?
I was holding my breath and like "GO GO GO GO OMG YOU CAN DO THIS!" when Christine and Sasha were doing that ninja thing!! Great job you guys!
Marina Li Omg I was doing the same:) hahaha
Natasha, I just wanted to say I really appreciate you filming/editing/uploading all of these wonderful vlogs. You do such a tremendous job, and they're one of the best parts of my week. Thank you 💖
You guys are so silly when you're tired. Especially Jesse and Christine. I can relate I get very floppy and silly when I'm super tired
that opening was beautifulllll XD
"It is lipstick" 😂😂😂Christine is hilarious I also like when she said"No I just grab them and break them" referring to my nails.Jesse is hilarious also 😂
I literally stop everything to watch Christine and you vlog or film anything. Love you guys. 💜💛
Jesse's "I just woke up voice" ♥️
You are all such beautiful, wonderful humans, I can't
"You did great sweetie" XD
But I was impressed ;D
This vidcon look insanely cool! I can't get over how everything looks amazing! ALL OF THE PHOTOSHOOT OPPORTUNITIES!
I love the booktube community, it's so positive and filled with love
Christine's sunglasses are bomb
the music at the beginning 😍 i got Shadowhunters feels ❤️❤️
I've watched the la la land video like 20 times! I love it! It's so good!
Natasha!!! When you were in the donut-hanging chair (idk the fluorescent tire-swing thing)-- YOUR DRESS LOOKED STUNNING!!! Such a gorgeous outfit :D I think what I look forward to the most from these vlogs is your outfits
The La La Land video was so good! You guys worked so hard and it turned out wonderfully!
I LOVE your hair and makeup, you always looks so perfect ❤️
i love seeing you all in a late night daze its SO funny
I LIVE for your vlogs tasha! They're so entertaining
DanceLikeUmaThurman same she actually made me want to start making vlogs so I did at vidcon:)
Natasha I hope that because you where able to post this vlog you are feeling better and less stressed.
Khela Friday I had this one edited last week, and finally have internet at Christine's to post.
I'm less than a minute in but already Natasha's outfit, hair and makeup are giving me serious Maria Reynold vibes
Natasha all your makeup looks are on point, please do a tutorial if you can! love you! ^_^
Patrícia Alves Marques I totally agree:)
Your outfit was everything! And im so sad i missed you at comic con!
Oh my God, the song that is playing at the beginning reminds me of Jace playing the piano in City of Bones
Joana Gato You're not wrong, it is from the City of Bones movie..
OMG jesse hhhhhhh "get in there" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂i'm dead
I love that "you did great sweetie" moment haha
I thought you guys did a fantastic job on the La La Land video.... And you too Jesse. haha :)
I feel like Jesse is always done first when him and the other girls get ready. I mean he only has to like shower, dress, and fix his hair.
Nelson Geraldes He's the most patient! WE TAKE FOREVER!
Natasha you always look so gorgeous teach me your ways! >.
Hey you all look very beautiful
Loving these vlogs! Booktube really is the best
Yeyyyy!!! Love these vlogs!!!
This is perfection!
Great video! I freaking love Christine! She's so competitive, even when her opponent is a wall🙌🏼😂
Did Kat just make a Jack & Dean reference at 1:07?? 😱
HAHAHAHA Jesse kills me 😂
Jesse's donut looks like snot
Adelina 😂😂😂🙌🏼
Christine was so Jace on the ninja warrior wall
Does the opening piano song instantly remind anyone else of the City of Bones movie? Anyone?
omg Jesse at 0:30... NO HATE... BUT ITS FUNNY
just got a wisdom tooth pulled out and those doughnuts look like amazing food that I sadly cannot eat :(
I'm early af !!!
Who did the choreography for Christine's video? It was amazing !!!
the dance section in the video is the same routine from the film, I just learned it and taught it to everyone, Mandy Moore (dancer not the singer) choreographed for lalaland =)
You're so beautiful😍😍😍
Early af