Bro debería de poner las monturas y los offin y algunas cosa q se compre en oro no en tc así tibia recoje oro y los jugadores compran tc y por ley lo venden en el market para comprar su cosa pues..
Es complicado que regulen las cosas en el juego creo que todos arrastran el drama de lo que sucedía con cada juego Blockchain que salía simplemente se desangraba y desaparecía. Tibia tiene de dónde sostenerse pero personalmente haría algo para balancear a los niveles más altos en relación a lo que ganan al huntear y no tiene que ser simplemente bajar las ganancias de cierto lugar el detalle es el abuso debería haber contadores de tiempo como las mecánicas de hazard y lo que se usa en las warzones 7 8 9.
I think adding more gold sink options will help, most players in tibia make so much in profit now its hard to spend all the money to non players. I would suggest making the forge expand to all equipment to some degree, and possibly making lower tiers easier to obtain, making it less of a gamble. Adjusting blessing/imbue price would help as well, with the amount of money in the game now blessings should scale to max of 5-10kk, players can easily pay these now days. With imbues I would drastically increase the npc price of powerful imbues while leaving the lower tiers alone to keep from drowning new players.
I agree with blessings and the imbuimemts, sure... But don't forget the low lvl players... It will always affect them. I understand there are very old players with high lvl, but some lower ones are trying to actually enjoy the game...
I think they've shown in the past, some of their data analysis, so they should have control of every single gold spent in game, maybe it's just a tibia problem without solution, and they keep buffing and nerfing places to keep people playing. I'd like to think they have some control over it.
Theres a ton of issues regarding this, huge farm guilds that control spawns, more spawns with higher drops but ultimately tibia needs to piss the entire playerbase off and add something major that can't be ignored that consumes gold. Forge was a good step but you can go on a huge spree of enhancing items there and make everything back in a week and never need the forge again.
Make spawns with really good exp that you have to pay in order to hunt them so much gold in hour with really good exp and zero loot dropped! Top players who just want exp will hunt there !
Bro deberían de poner las monturas y los offin y algunas cosa más q se compre en oro y no en tc así controla la subida de las tc por ley los jugadores compra las tc y lo vende en el market para comprar sus cosa..
it laughable that they think increasing market fee is a way to reduce inflation (???) this does not reduce inflation whatsoever, it just make it more grindy for the buyer. If the seller wants to get 100k from an item, he will sell it for 100k, if you add 5% fee, then he will sell it for 105k to compensate the 5% fee, the buyer now will have to grind 5k more than previously, so how does it combat inflation?
Para mi es una solucion temporal, porque no es decir el level alto tal cosa o el level bajo tal cosa, total hoy en día todos los rangos de niveles hacen dinero y revientan los spawn, el problema esque no hagan respawn nuevos (no importa si son los mismos bichos viejos) y no arreglan los viejos que no va nadie porque no sirven ni de exp o loot, aunque nerfeen cosas digase un lvl 500 aun podra llegar a lvl 1000 y si a un level 2000 le nerfean igual el algun dia llegara a 3000, nerfean no ayuda a nadie ni le gusta a nadie, ahora si tampoco hacer respawn absurdos que hagas digase 15kk xp la hora al 500 o más profit que una full team hunt en un respawn solo, tiene que ir escalado, que un lvl 2000 hace más dinero que un 500, por mi esta bien, esa persona "se partio la espalda" literalmente para llegar ahi, sino que gracia tendria subir de nivel? tiene que ir todo escalonado, más lvl mas ganancia, ahora arreglar un poco todo lo que tenemos entre medio de respawn o lugares o nuevas posibilidades.
The beginning of the end, powerful players will take time to accept it, as well as nostalgic ones, but Tibia is heading towards a crisis with no solutions and the break is a matter of time, an announced tragedy.
@@Itexo Dude, Tibia is not a job, I'll probably be cursed for saying this, but the only way out from a practical point of view would be if Cipsoft could better control the black market of Tibia Coins, this spoils the game experience for those who don't make a living from it.
@@Itexo And it is more than evident that Cipsoft is a company that seeks profit above all else, most likely the practice of making Tibia a form of income, is without a doubt something extremely profitable for Cipsoft so I don't see them taking any decision in in that sense for now, despite thinking it would be the solution, what motivates players today to earn money in the game is being able to convert it into Tibia Coins and then sell it in exchange for real money.
There is no real way to do that, people will still farm and sell because there is no way to punish that. Cipsoft realized it and that is why they looked for a way to profit from it, after all, they are a business
@@Itexo maybe u can control black market if you put a fee on "gift tc" option, maybe even graduted fee.. first gift X % second gift Y%, and goes on... and for official resellers just put a script storage where u dont need to pay gift fees
La solución para la inflación en el mundo real es básicamente incentivar a la gente a gastar menos y ahorrar más, yo creo que tibia debería de desarrollar un sistema de intereses XD así es como funciona, en México, si Banxico sube la tasa de interés entonces la inflación empieza a controlarse, porque la gente deja de gastar y empieza a ahorrar
No creo que esa sea la solución, ya que con eso seguirías aumentando el dinero dentro del juego, ya que en algún momento vas a querer retirar las ganancias de tu inversión y gastar ese dinero, la solución aquí es añadir métodos para quemar gps o algo parecido
Eso no funcionaria porque en un pais el banco central es el que controla la impresión de billetes, es decir crea el dinero. En tibia cada quien puede '''crear'' su dinero iendo de hunt. Esa gran diferencia hace que la economia de tibia y la economia de un pais funcionen distinto.
I don't think there is an easy solution to this problem, people play for profit these days. If cipsoft would take that away, people would quit. I think the problem arised with the char bazaar, it ruined the game. But Cipsoft will do anything for profit, just as players want the in-game profit.
la inflacion fue del 6% en mi world, de 27 a 30. luego de 30 a 32 a un 9%, sin embargo el precio del tibia coin se revalorizo, por lo tanto no hay nada grave. la razon mas importante de la subida del tc es porque han habido nuevas caves de profit y ya somos muchos lvls 1000+ asi que no veo nada de que preocuparse, simplemente el juego se estabiliza para los niveles altos. los niveles bajos son los unicos perjudicados. veo mucho alardeo por algo que cipsoft hizo intencionalmente.
What would happen if they made it so you cannot trade tibia coins in market? I dont know what the outcome will be im just curious. Will everything else be ruined? Will player base be reduced?
La solución es fácil que todas las muntura addons item rune ect del stores tenga precios en kk y en tc pero que comprándola en kk sea más barato que las tc y añadir cosas especiales como poder editar item ejemplo una rod destrucion se le pueda editar 1 ML con 10 o 20kk pero que se le pueda subir 1 de skills o defensa física o cosas así pero en kk
La solución siempre fue facil... Pero tibia nunca lo hizo.. que el respawn o te de experiencia o dinero. Nunca las 2. Los high level tendran que usar dinero para seguir upando , si siempre cazan en los respawn que les da experiencia y nivel. Nunca tendran la necesidad , solo los low levels porque estos respawn ya estan nerf y ellos se atoran porque tibia piensa que todos somos nivel 1600 y exprimiremos un respawb facil, pero si limitas a que un respawn sea solo dinero y muy baja experiencia, si el personaje muere no lo va a recuperar en la misma cave.
They should make instanced dungeons -> when you go down to the spawn allow people to choose instance, this would only be annoying in PvP worlds that you can't go into same instance that some other player is, but you could make it like "planes of existence" and allow the exiva to find on which plane the players are and allow to join same instance.
Fair point: Saying Tibia needs instanced dungeons is just moronic and there's literally ZERO reasons for it to implement it. It has NO benefits compared to what it is now. @@dwukropek
They already added sharding by introducing tibiadrome @@nimmha6708 it's same as hunting places, also you have form of sharding which is servers which is just permanent people distribution. If community aspect of that would be an issue we would see 'all chat' between all servers to keep community together which we don't. In terms of instanced dungeons it has at least few reasons - the letter system and demand of higher hunting places is just crazy to me. But it all doesn't matter, what you need to ask yourself from the company standpoint is one and only one question - will more people or less people play the game after introducing such change, and you will not predict that. And from player perspective the only question you can ask yourself is "will the game be more or less fun to play after introduction of such thing". I belive it would because I personally hate logging in only to find out that spot I wanted to exp in is taken. But I expect it heavily depends on what you want from the game, and it also changes with your situation. Thanks for good discussion, even though you could learn to be less condescending for points you are opposed to. Shouting loud will not win you any debate.
Tibia as it stands is too far gone. The developers of the game only partake in dealing out token punishments for rule violations as they don't want to scare off any of the long time invested players. Account sharing, RWT, botting, are all allowed with an unlucky few getting struck to provide the illusion of moderation. Even with character trading now being an official feature I can't see how there can even be a community aspect left to this MMORPG. The only way the game can be playable to anyone but the whales and those who effectively mine Tibia currency and trades it for real cash not unlike crypto would be a full reset. Servers with strict moderation with (paid) GMs like we had in the days of yore. No microtransactions whatsoever. No character trading, RWT, boosts, botting, bug exploitation. Zero tolerance policy for all rule violations. But most importantly, developers who care about the game and not about the profound profit they extract from it.
Did you just suggest to delete all micro-transactions while wanting them to hire more people to act as GM's ? So 2 big minuses to their revenue? Not happening. Go make a private OT server.
esto ya paso anteriormente cuando sacaban muchos item soulwar y como se regulo el mercado? facil gracias a axie jajajaajaj y ahora que ya no hay, o continuas o se van los farmer asi de simple
Cipsoft is the main reason for that. If it's hard to farm enough money to buy tibia coins, sooner or later sellers will be forced to lower their prices. But how can an average player get a lot of cash to buy huge amounts of tibia coins? Regular hunting? Nope wrong. It's farming bosses to loot high end items and selling them on market with insane prices. So thanks to bosses farming, we get a situation of cash hoarding. Instead of the cash being distributed evenly among players. Someone loots an item wanted by all player that cannot be obtained from a quest. He sells the item and he sucks all the cash. A player with tons of cash will have no problem buying tibia coins from the market despite their price. The higher the demand is, the higher tibia coins' price will be. One of solutions is to stop boss farming. And make all bosses' items to be quest rewards that can be obtained from a reward room. Everyone by then will have cash, everyone will afford forging, anfd sinking his cash to advance in the game. Forging is doing a great job as money sink.
Uma solução simples seria usar os cards de Prey e a primeira boost diária somente por kk’s e não coins ! Desta forma o valor atribuído ao coin despenca pela procura menor em boosts e cards ficando mais para segundas compras de cards do dia e ou as outras duas boost dessa forma o valor do coin abaixa! O erro do Tibia foi implementar coisas essenciais no end game por Tibia coin e não por moedas do jogo ! Você obtém Muitas moedas e gasta pouco !
mas o objetivo é aumentar o custo da tibia coin, fazendo as pessosas comprarem mais tibia coin da cip e menos com os revendedores. vejo isso claramente;
This is not a problem, the problem is not solvable cause a lvl 1000 with an avalanche does a lot more damage than a lvl 100. The solution would be to have level for runes and cap the damage of each one, this way the rune for high levels would cost more and even if the mobs dropped more gold the amout of profit/hour would be the same for a lvl 300 and a lvl 1000. Any other solution would be disastrous, cause you can't* regulate the market, not even the market of a mmorpg, the market regulate itself, lesson 1 of economics.
Makes sense. If not npc prices, the runes would be 1gp already. Tiered runes would give some spacing. Recently we see forge, but no limit for SD for highest levels...
@@acid8147 yes, it does, I simply didn't break it down cause i thought it would be obvious, but clearly some people dont understand the concept of damage/gold lol
I think probably an efficient way to limit tc price would be to forbid players from selling TC:s for IRL money. And add an AI based surveillance to flag accounts for repeated suspicious transfer of TC:s. I think many people are just hardcore gold farming with the intent of buying TC:s for gold, which they will then sell for IRL cash. Forbidding selling of TC:s for IRL cash would reduce gold farming and hence reduce gold inflation.
its not tibia coins but i have idea for video content. there is this achievement gold digger. you dig at certain spots in ankrahmun desert sometimes you dig scarab coing for achievement but most of the time you dig scarab. on busy server do not kill scarabs. leave them hanging there. doing this all day you get hundreds of scarabs all around desert. some on way to djins... guess what happends there :3 i had a lot of fun with this.
a mi se me ocurren muchas pero bueno , primeramente las bless o que les cuesten mas o literalmente que las quiten , Otra que los monstruos en general respawns aparte de bosses escalen Daño y defensa que sean mas fuertes entre mas lvl tengas etc "ajustar" los respawn en gral no sirve ya lo vieron ahora como metieron asi a los bosses que apartir del 500 suban aqui deberian hacer eso en los monstrous otra cosa puertas de nivel o requerimiento de LVL para zonas de hunt es demasiado facil ya llegar a lvl 300 en cuestieon de dos meses ya pegas 300 con boost etc
Yo tengo las siguientes dos ideas: - Agregar nuevas vocaciones: Existe gente de años buscando una nueva vocación que sea creativa, como fue el caso de Necroxia OT, que crearon un Dual Blader, usando dos armas. Esto podrían integrarlo cómo sea, pero haría que cosas cambiaran. Incluso dos escudos, darle función a los otros skills, como fist, fishing o incluso crear otro skill. - Los addons y mounts de store con gold coins.
No porfavor, eso de las vocaciones nuevas no sirve de nada, solo miren al maplestory como quedó después de años se volvió un nuego de un solo jugador como 50 vocaciones y antes estaba bien con sus 4 que tenía. Da hueva
The solution is easy. There are mutch more GP than TC. We need more ways to make GP desappear in biggest ammounts and make mutch harder to profit at higher levels. make some monsters give less lot and make the best imbuiments last less time.
my bro i think cipsoft would get more money from new players by providing a server to oceania instead of getting prices higher , open the goddam player base by one server in oce to test
Si quieres bajar el precio de las tc, debes bajar la oferta de dinero, ya sea nerfeando los respawns (lo considero injusto), o permitir comprar con dinero de tibia directamente objetos que hoy solo se pueden comprar con tc, en la medida que existan mecanismos que retiren dinero del juego, la oferta de dinero se mantendrá controlada, de caso contrario, las TC seguirán subiendo.
Nerfear más soul war y nomprona y bajas el % de caída de ítems de los BOSS.. se a echo tan fácil sacar dinero que asta con un level 8 haciendo cupcakes saque 45kks
Do you think Tibia needs more features that you can buy for Tibia coins? For example 250 tc for 1% od permanent damage reduction to elements max 5%? That would make some of the tc dissappear ;) 7x5x250=?
Start deleting those 1k+ charlovers that hunt for hours every day and farm in the most profitable spot. Also increase the exp required to level up by 10
no entiendo porque si la mayoria que te vemos hablamos en castellano haces el video en ingles mejor lo pones en español y la traduccion en ingles dios D:
@@theforgottenbrawlers ofc it will. Only some % of players want to keep tc price low, cause they can turn tjeir gp into $. But tc prices goes up, I've noticed that too. To much money in economy always brings problems. Tibia was more fun when you had to respect every gp
Tibia has more player NOW than ever before???? Is this sarcasm? How old are you, 16? Tibia had the most players in 2005-20012 more or less, Damn we couldn't enter Honera (Yes, Honera, you don't know that existed) even being premium because of 1000+ players online PER SERVER. Shut up... Let Itexo do what he likes to.
Im soo much dissapointed in cipsoft what they did to Tibia. Cipsoft is only counting money income from the game. 999 Banuta doors is perfect example of how creative is Cipsoft. At least we have some ots.
Una de las cosas que tibia debe hacer es que en ninguna criatura o boses puedas dropear posiones de cura ya que no tiene logia q en market hay muchas y a menor precio q en el npc. todo lo q tu personaje necesite para curarse solo puedan ser compradas en npc, la idea es hacer que el dinero que sacas cazando en kks vayan directo a tibia y no a otro jugador
My idea is two: 1) higher lvl hunt with better exp but big waste like “ravenous lava lucker” for 1k lvl a good exp with full waste best exp in tibia but full waste. 2) reduce loot for single player hunt…. As in pt you have exp bonus, use pt to 100% loot.
Ah yes make it even harder for people who don't buy chars or spend 500 bucks on TC's... I want one fcking imbuement, but can't because I need supplies, and because of that, I can'T afford imbue's. And so on. So the only way to get PROFIT IN GAME, is to BUY TC'S, sell them, get imbuements, go hunt, then be lucky with loot. And you want to make loot even worse? ... Only the high lvls have too much loot, the lower levels from 1 to like 300 don't.
BRO im so sad to see you not making tibia videos anymore. You make so cool stuff all the time my favourite for sure!
it's just to be able to use boost and prey in gold that will reduce the inflation of tibia coins, even better to use boost if charged per level.
Y yo volviendo a Tibia a mis 34años xd y viendo como Itexo ahora no esta casi activo. Tibia 2004, 7.4. Saludos
Saludos! nunca es tarde para volver
Bro debería de poner las monturas y los offin y algunas cosa q se compre en oro no en tc así tibia recoje oro y los jugadores compran tc y por ley lo venden en el market para comprar su cosa pues..
This is the same for me xD
Es complicado que regulen las cosas en el juego creo que todos arrastran el drama de lo que sucedía con cada juego Blockchain que salía simplemente se desangraba y desaparecía. Tibia tiene de dónde sostenerse pero personalmente haría algo para balancear a los niveles más altos en relación a lo que ganan al huntear y no tiene que ser simplemente bajar las ganancias de cierto lugar el detalle es el abuso debería haber contadores de tiempo como las mecánicas de hazard y lo que se usa en las warzones 7 8 9.
I think adding more gold sink options will help, most players in tibia make so much in profit now its hard to spend all the money to non players. I would suggest making the forge expand to all equipment to some degree, and possibly making lower tiers easier to obtain, making it less of a gamble. Adjusting blessing/imbue price would help as well, with the amount of money in the game now blessings should scale to max of 5-10kk, players can easily pay these now days. With imbues I would drastically increase the npc price of powerful imbues while leaving the lower tiers alone to keep from drowning new players.
Yeah, blessing price needs to scale with level. It removes gold from the Tibia world and makes deaths hurt more.
I agree with blessings and the imbuimemts, sure... But don't forget the low lvl players... It will always affect them. I understand there are very old players with high lvl, but some lower ones are trying to actually enjoy the game...
I think they've shown in the past, some of their data analysis, so they should have control of every single gold spent in game, maybe it's just a tibia problem without solution, and they keep buffing and nerfing places to keep people playing. I'd like to think they have some control over it.
Theres a ton of issues regarding this, huge farm guilds that control spawns, more spawns with higher drops but ultimately tibia needs to piss the entire playerbase off and add something major that can't be ignored that consumes gold. Forge was a good step but you can go on a huge spree of enhancing items there and make everything back in a week and never need the forge again.
Make spawns with really good exp that you have to pay in order to hunt them so much gold in hour with really good exp and zero loot dropped! Top players who just want exp will hunt there !
Bro deberían de poner las monturas y los offin y algunas cosa más q se compre en oro y no en tc así controla la subida de las tc por ley los jugadores compra las tc y lo vende en el market para comprar sus cosa..
it laughable that they think increasing market fee is a way to reduce inflation (???) this does not reduce inflation whatsoever, it just make it more grindy for the buyer. If the seller wants to get 100k from an item, he will sell it for 100k, if you add 5% fee, then he will sell it for 105k to compensate the 5% fee, the buyer now will have to grind 5k more than previously, so how does it combat inflation?
Para mi es una solucion temporal, porque no es decir el level alto tal cosa o el level bajo tal cosa, total hoy en día todos los rangos de niveles hacen dinero y revientan los spawn, el problema esque no hagan respawn nuevos (no importa si son los mismos bichos viejos) y no arreglan los viejos que no va nadie porque no sirven ni de exp o loot, aunque nerfeen cosas digase un lvl 500 aun podra llegar a lvl 1000 y si a un level 2000 le nerfean igual el algun dia llegara a 3000, nerfean no ayuda a nadie ni le gusta a nadie, ahora si tampoco hacer respawn absurdos que hagas digase 15kk xp la hora al 500 o más profit que una full team hunt en un respawn solo, tiene que ir escalado, que un lvl 2000 hace más dinero que un 500, por mi esta bien, esa persona "se partio la espalda" literalmente para llegar ahi, sino que gracia tendria subir de nivel? tiene que ir todo escalonado, más lvl mas ganancia, ahora arreglar un poco todo lo que tenemos entre medio de respawn o lugares o nuevas posibilidades.
hace falta gente que de verdad quiera jugar y no hacer dinero de tibia!
The beginning of the end, powerful players will take time to accept it, as well as nostalgic ones, but Tibia is heading towards a crisis with no solutions and the break is a matter of time, an announced tragedy.
I wouldn't be so dramatic but it is clear to me that the underlying problem with inflation is still there
@@Itexo Dude, Tibia is not a job, I'll probably be cursed for saying this, but the only way out from a practical point of view would be if Cipsoft could better control the black market of Tibia Coins, this spoils the game experience for those who don't make a living from it.
@@Itexo And it is more than evident that Cipsoft is a company that seeks profit above all else, most likely the practice of making Tibia a form of income, is without a doubt something extremely profitable for Cipsoft so I don't see them taking any decision in in that sense for now, despite thinking it would be the solution, what motivates players today to earn money in the game is being able to convert it into Tibia Coins and then sell it in exchange for real money.
There is no real way to do that, people will still farm and sell because there is no way to punish that. Cipsoft realized it and that is why they looked for a way to profit from it, after all, they are a business
@@Itexo maybe u can control black market if you put a fee on "gift tc" option, maybe even graduted fee.. first gift X % second gift Y%, and goes on... and for official resellers just put a script storage where u dont need to pay gift fees
La solución para la inflación en el mundo real es básicamente incentivar a la gente a gastar menos y ahorrar más, yo creo que tibia debería de desarrollar un sistema de intereses XD así es como funciona, en México, si Banxico sube la tasa de interés entonces la inflación empieza a controlarse, porque la gente deja de gastar y empieza a ahorrar
No creo que esa sea la solución, ya que con eso seguirías aumentando el dinero dentro del juego, ya que en algún momento vas a querer retirar las ganancias de tu inversión y gastar ese dinero, la solución aquí es añadir métodos para quemar gps o algo parecido
Eso no funcionaria porque en un pais el banco central es el que controla la impresión de billetes, es decir crea el dinero. En tibia cada quien puede '''crear'' su dinero iendo de hunt. Esa gran diferencia hace que la economia de tibia y la economia de un pais funcionen distinto.
Let me first buy spiritthorn set and naga amulet fur my real money, and right after that you can lower the TC prices :-) you have my blessing, guys
i'm happy to hear that because we hard to buy anything from buy offer
we hate the stupid reseller
good job cipsoft
y donde sales como official reseller? que no te veo en la pagina
I don't think there is an easy solution to this problem, people play for profit these days. If cipsoft would take that away, people would quit. I think the problem arised with the char bazaar, it ruined the game. But Cipsoft will do anything for profit, just as players want the in-game profit.
la inflacion fue del 6% en mi world, de 27 a 30. luego de 30 a 32 a un 9%, sin embargo el precio del tibia coin se revalorizo, por lo tanto no hay nada grave. la razon mas importante de la subida del tc es porque han habido nuevas caves de profit y ya somos muchos lvls 1000+ asi que no veo nada de que preocuparse, simplemente el juego se estabiliza para los niveles altos. los niveles bajos son los unicos perjudicados. veo mucho alardeo por algo que cipsoft hizo intencionalmente.
What would happen if they made it so you cannot trade tibia coins in market? I dont know what the outcome will be im just curious. Will everything else be ruined? Will player base be reduced?
Gold will be traded illegal
La solución es fácil que todas las muntura addons item rune ect del stores tenga precios en kk y en tc pero que comprándola en kk sea más barato que las tc y añadir cosas especiales como poder editar item ejemplo una rod destrucion se le pueda editar 1 ML con 10 o 20kk pero que se le pueda subir 1 de skills o defensa física o cosas así pero en kk
relmente esta es la mejor solucion
La solución siempre fue facil... Pero tibia nunca lo hizo.. que el respawn o te de experiencia o dinero. Nunca las 2. Los high level tendran que usar dinero para seguir upando , si siempre cazan en los respawn que les da experiencia y nivel. Nunca tendran la necesidad , solo los low levels porque estos respawn ya estan nerf y ellos se atoran porque tibia piensa que todos somos nivel 1600 y exprimiremos un respawb facil, pero si limitas a que un respawn sea solo dinero y muy baja experiencia, si el personaje muere no lo va a recuperar en la misma cave.
Good idea. It's not nice to other players when Tibia thinks we are all high level
Me parece que eso ya lo hicieron hace dos años con el ajuste de respawn
They should make instanced dungeons -> when you go down to the spawn allow people to choose instance, this would only be annoying in PvP worlds that you can't go into same instance that some other player is, but you could make it like "planes of existence" and allow the exiva to find on which plane the players are and allow to join same instance.
no, go play wow
@@nimmha6708 Such a constructive criticism
Fair point: Saying Tibia needs instanced dungeons is just moronic and there's literally ZERO reasons for it to implement it. It has NO benefits compared to what it is now. @@dwukropek
And you just basically already added sharding.. Kill the community sense of the game just like they did on wow, very bad idea. @@dwukropek
They already added sharding by introducing tibiadrome @@nimmha6708 it's same as hunting places, also you have form of sharding which is servers which is just permanent people distribution. If community aspect of that would be an issue we would see 'all chat' between all servers to keep community together which we don't.
In terms of instanced dungeons it has at least few reasons - the letter system and demand of higher hunting places is just crazy to me. But it all doesn't matter, what you need to ask yourself from the company standpoint is one and only one question - will more people or less people play the game after introducing such change, and you will not predict that. And from player perspective the only question you can ask yourself is "will the game be more or less fun to play after introduction of such thing". I belive it would because I personally hate logging in only to find out that spot I wanted to exp in is taken. But I expect it heavily depends on what you want from the game, and it also changes with your situation.
Thanks for good discussion, even though you could learn to be less condescending for points you are opposed to. Shouting loud will not win you any debate.
I mean they could make new potions / runes and price them way higher than the current ones. They'd have to put really high level requirements though.
are yoi ever going to come back to tibia?
é só por pra poder usar boost e prey em gold que vai diminuir a inflação do tibia coins, melhor ainda usar boost fosse cobrado por nivel.
hermano una pregunta para que sirve el main chart eso q se cambia con 250 tibia coins es algo que aun no entiendo
es el personaje que se muestra primero en tu cuenta, como tu presentación, no es importante del todo
Por que no hacer el video en español????
Problem lies with the core concept of tibia: infinitely scaling player character powerlevel
Always quality videos 🤌
Vuelve, extraño entrar en la friend list de tibia y ver que subiste de nivel :(
ya no vas a subir videos itexo?
En un futuro si, ahora estoy retired
love people farming and controlling markets on a game to resell tibia coins illegally because they are lazy as hell to get a job irl
You've just defined exactly what ruins the game, if people didn't confuse Tibia with a real job, our in-game experience would be much better.
Bro, have you tried controlling the markets? Harder than an actual slave wage job
@@sercho9499 No, my real life job and family matter more than a video game lmao
@@Demolish17 Good for you my man, greetings to your wife and kids, have a nice day!
Tibia as it stands is too far gone. The developers of the game only partake in dealing out token punishments for rule violations as they don't want to scare off any of the long time invested players.
Account sharing, RWT, botting, are all allowed with an unlucky few getting struck to provide the illusion of moderation.
Even with character trading now being an official feature I can't see how there can even be a community aspect left to this MMORPG.
The only way the game can be playable to anyone but the whales and those who effectively mine Tibia currency and trades it for real cash not unlike crypto would be a full reset.
Servers with strict moderation with (paid) GMs like we had in the days of yore. No microtransactions whatsoever. No character trading, RWT, boosts, botting, bug exploitation. Zero tolerance policy for all rule violations.
But most importantly, developers who care about the game and not about the profound profit they extract from it.
Actually one of the only games where I wanna talk to people. The test of the mmos are one player games with dudes around you.
Did you just suggest to delete all micro-transactions while wanting them to hire more people to act as GM's ? So 2 big minuses to their revenue? Not happening. Go make a private OT server.
Me encantaria ver a itexo regresar
Itexo hablando de inflación de tc en inglés? A un gringo ni le interesa el precio de las tc además entre más caras mejor para ellos que compran tc
Itexo pls back !
esto ya paso anteriormente cuando sacaban muchos item soulwar y como se regulo el mercado? facil gracias a axie jajajaajaj y ahora que ya no hay, o continuas o se van los farmer asi de simple
now the price for the blessing has been recalculated and cost more
la leyenda itexo retired 😥 que sigue ? que Nightmare se jubile tambien? 😭 no porfavor !!
He'll be back, we hope, someday
@@Mgis90 hope so man, he was an inspiration for some people , and he is a really good player 😥
No te preocupes lleva diciendo eso desde años, está atorado toda su vida a este juego
Entonces es hora de gastarme mis 150 pesitos mx para venderlos en el market por 8 millones y levelear como cerdo :D
jajaja puedes subir bastante con 150 pesos
Cipsoft is the main reason for that.
If it's hard to farm enough money to buy tibia coins, sooner or later sellers will be forced to lower their prices.
But how can an average player get a lot of cash to buy huge amounts of tibia coins? Regular hunting? Nope wrong. It's farming bosses to loot high end items and selling them on market with insane prices.
So thanks to bosses farming, we get a situation of cash hoarding.
Instead of the cash being distributed evenly among players. Someone loots an item wanted by all player that cannot be obtained from a quest. He sells the item and he sucks all the cash.
A player with tons of cash will have no problem buying tibia coins from the market despite their price.
The higher the demand is, the higher tibia coins' price will be.
One of solutions is to stop boss farming. And make all bosses' items to be quest rewards that can be obtained from a reward room.
Everyone by then will have cash, everyone will afford forging, anfd sinking his cash to advance in the game.
Forging is doing a great job as money sink.
Make it so the drop is guaranteed after certain numbers of kills
Itexo eres el mejor 👍💯
1 año y itexo sin subir videos :(
@@Itexo XD
Uma solução simples seria usar os cards de Prey e a primeira boost diária somente por kk’s e não coins ! Desta forma o valor atribuído ao coin despenca pela procura menor em boosts e cards ficando mais para segundas compras de cards do dia e ou as outras duas boost dessa forma o valor do coin abaixa! O erro do Tibia foi implementar coisas essenciais no end game por Tibia coin e não por moedas do jogo ! Você obtém
Muitas moedas e gasta pouco !
mas o objetivo é aumentar o custo da tibia coin, fazendo as pessosas comprarem mais tibia coin da cip e menos com os revendedores. vejo isso claramente;
This is not a problem, the problem is not solvable cause a lvl 1000 with an avalanche does a lot more damage than a lvl 100. The solution would be to have level for runes and cap the damage of each one, this way the rune for high levels would cost more and even if the mobs dropped more gold the amout of profit/hour would be the same for a lvl 300 and a lvl 1000. Any other solution would be disastrous, cause you can't* regulate the market, not even the market of a mmorpg, the market regulate itself, lesson 1 of economics.
doesnt make any sense bro
apparently the only lesson you took of economics huh
Makes sense. If not npc prices, the runes would be 1gp already. Tiered runes would give some spacing. Recently we see forge, but no limit for SD for highest levels...
@@khalira1 yeah, a random communist moron on the internet knows about economy 🤡
@@acid8147 yes, it does, I simply didn't break it down cause i thought it would be obvious, but clearly some people dont understand the concept of damage/gold lol
I think probably an efficient way to limit tc price would be to forbid players from selling TC:s for IRL money. And add an AI based surveillance to flag accounts for repeated suspicious transfer of TC:s.
I think many people are just hardcore gold farming with the intent of buying TC:s for gold, which they will then sell for IRL cash. Forbidding selling of TC:s for IRL cash would reduce gold farming and hence reduce gold inflation.
where are you ?
its not tibia coins but i have idea for video content. there is this achievement gold digger. you dig at certain spots in ankrahmun desert sometimes you dig scarab coing for achievement but most of the time you dig scarab. on busy server do not kill scarabs. leave them hanging there. doing this all day you get hundreds of scarabs all around desert. some on way to djins... guess what happends there :3 i had a lot of fun with this.
guess what happens there? Someone with GFB's will have good exp for your work, thanks. Nobody is going to die because of some scarabs.
a mi se me ocurren muchas pero bueno , primeramente las bless o que les cuesten mas o literalmente que las quiten , Otra que los monstruos en general respawns aparte de bosses escalen Daño y defensa que sean mas fuertes entre mas lvl tengas etc "ajustar" los respawn en gral no sirve ya lo vieron ahora como metieron asi a los bosses que apartir del 500 suban aqui deberian hacer eso en los monstrous otra cosa puertas de nivel o requerimiento de LVL para zonas de hunt es demasiado facil ya llegar a lvl 300 en cuestieon de dos meses ya pegas 300 con boost etc
Tc price is still 42k on Refugia lol
volta a fazer vido mano saudades
Yo tengo las siguientes dos ideas:
- Agregar nuevas vocaciones: Existe gente de años buscando una nueva vocación que sea creativa, como fue el caso de Necroxia OT, que crearon un Dual Blader, usando dos armas.
Esto podrían integrarlo cómo sea, pero haría que cosas cambiaran. Incluso dos escudos, darle función a los otros skills, como fist, fishing o incluso crear otro skill.
- Los addons y mounts de store con gold coins.
No porfavor, eso de las vocaciones nuevas no sirve de nada, solo miren al maplestory como quedó después de años se volvió un nuego de un solo jugador como 50 vocaciones y antes estaba bien con sus 4 que tenía. Da hueva
Inflation, hoeflation and now we even see tibflation... when do we say enough is enough??
They should tax the dice :D
lobera tc price is 25k each coin
not anymore lol
@@wilfredv1930 43k each
The solution is easy. There are mutch more GP than TC. We need more ways to make GP desappear in biggest ammounts and make mutch harder to profit at higher levels. make some monsters give less lot and make the best imbuiments last less time.
They fucked up giving a free double experience for just being in a party. Parties should be profitable not XP activities.
No entiendo para que pone el título en español y habla en inglés
I don't see like a real problem, on higher level you can farm it anyway.
Basically, Tibia Coins are real Life Gold, and Tibia gold is real life American Dollar :)
wait so you buy tibia coins as well for real money? i want to sell my char lol whats your website?
only people who want to pay real money will spend in TC. they will continue to go up regardless this game has no level cap
Creo que deberían de hacer un market en el que podamos oferta tanto la compra como la venta en TC y obviamente ellos cobrar la comisión en TC
Oye pero que no es eso el market? Ahi pones TC a vender o la compras y te cobran impuesto tibia. Eso ya existe amigo
my bro i think cipsoft would get more money from new players by providing a server to oceania instead of getting prices higher , open the goddam player base by one server in oce to test
Yeah make a server for 1000+ players
entonces este morro se retiro porque ya no puede vivir de tibia? o porque no sube videos
Siempre sacan algun nuevo respaw y hacen clean a las TC... de alguna forma y bajan de precio...
Please: make one video teaching us How to defeat de Boss of worzone 5, with a team of 4 players and ALL the players lvl 200 please!!!!
nobody plays the game for fun anymore, only buying and selling coins
supongo que los venezolanos volveremos a trabajar normalmente
Porque no haces uno hablando en español
pagale paque lo valga es facil pedir sin aportar nada
Faz um video de EK na Soulwar, volta pelo amor de deus
Maszynka do prania pieniędzy więc co ty chcesz by to zatrzymać
Si quieres bajar el precio de las tc, debes bajar la oferta de dinero, ya sea nerfeando los respawns (lo considero injusto), o permitir comprar con dinero de tibia directamente objetos que hoy solo se pueden comprar con tc, en la medida que existan mecanismos que retiren dinero del juego, la oferta de dinero se mantendrá controlada, de caso contrario, las TC seguirán subiendo.
Nerfear más soul war y nomprona y bajas el % de caída de ítems de los BOSS.. se a echo tan fácil sacar dinero que asta con un level 8 haciendo cupcakes saque 45kks
Make same as ragnarok, take the money out from the loot kkkk
Inflation is only bad for high lvls
Do you think Tibia needs more features that you can buy for Tibia coins? For example 250 tc for 1% od permanent damage reduction to elements max 5%? That would make some of the tc dissappear ;) 7x5x250=?
Doesnt more dps mean more loot/gold will come ingame
Just cut all gold on all servers that exists by 50%, every year
The store ruined tibia for that extra buck in their pocket
ye righto eh
itexo no somos gringo saca video en español
Existe algo llamado «subtítulos».
Start deleting those 1k+ charlovers that hunt for hours every day and farm in the most profitable spot. Also increase the exp required to level up by 10
what? Don't do drugs.
no entiendo porque si la mayoria que te vemos hablamos en castellano haces el video en ingles mejor lo pones en español y la traduccion en ingles dios D:
¿Has visto las estadísticas de donde la gente mayormente lo ve?
Dude, you rarely playing anymore, stop making clickbait videos...tibia has more players than ever before and more people joining so this is BS....
What it has to do with economy going down?
@@griphex nothing, the game will prevail like it always did , this is a clickbait video.
@@theforgottenbrawlers ofc it will. Only some % of players want to keep tc price low, cause they can turn tjeir gp into $. But tc prices goes up, I've noticed that too. To much money in economy always brings problems. Tibia was more fun when you had to respect every gp
@@griphex when you went to kill bugs cause they gave 3 gold, those were the times
Tibia has more player NOW than ever before???? Is this sarcasm? How old are you, 16? Tibia had the most players in 2005-20012 more or less, Damn we couldn't enter Honera (Yes, Honera, you don't know that existed) even being premium because of 1000+ players online PER SERVER. Shut up... Let Itexo do what he likes to.
Im buying and selling Tibia coins everyday for profit and it actually is stopped at a really average price since a year ago
Im soo much dissapointed in cipsoft what they did to Tibia.
Cipsoft is only counting money income from the game.
999 Banuta doors is perfect example of how creative is Cipsoft.
At least we have some ots.
Una de las cosas que tibia debe hacer es que en ninguna criatura o boses puedas dropear posiones de cura ya que no tiene logia q en market hay muchas y a menor precio q en el npc. todo lo q tu personaje necesite para curarse solo puedan ser compradas en npc, la idea es hacer que el dinero que sacas cazando en kks vayan directo a tibia y no a otro jugador
@Itexo Si entiendes mi idea sobre lo que digo comentaselo a cipsoft ya que tu eres un duro y te paran mas que ami :P
En vez de que no las dropeen sería que las pociones no puedan ponerse en el market
No te entendí ni madres
My idea is two:
1) higher lvl hunt with better exp but big waste like “ravenous lava lucker” for 1k lvl a good exp with full waste best exp in tibia but full waste.
2) reduce loot for single player hunt…. As in pt you have exp bonus, use pt to 100% loot.
Yeah reducing loot would be nice
So you force people to teamhunt, which is not for everyone and not even possible on many servers. Solos are a big part of this game!
@@matthiasvockel9524 only if ppl play only for money
Ah yes make it even harder for people who don't buy chars or spend 500 bucks on TC's...
I want one fcking imbuement, but can't because I need supplies, and because of that, I can'T afford imbue's. And so on.
So the only way to get PROFIT IN GAME, is to BUY TC'S, sell them, get imbuements, go hunt, then be lucky with loot.
And you want to make loot even worse? ... Only the high lvls have too much loot, the lower levels from 1 to like 300 don't.
Isso não funciona pra inflação, dificultar drop raro sim
No entendí ni verrga, habla en Español me da weba leer 😂
Tibia es un juego tóxico no hay más
quit tibia?
play2farm, play2sell