ASMR in Chinese
- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
- Hi Sunshines! Today I'll be doing an ASMR rambling in some mediocre Chinese with some mic brushing. I will be putting captions on the video so I hope you guys enjoy it. Thanks for watching!
Captions are a pain in the butt.
Instagram: / sunnysweetsasmr
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If any of you are interested in more videos like this one, check out my Chinese stuff playlist on my channel!
Did you know that a black man has created an AI overlay so that all photos/videos (like videos on Facebook and UA-cam) look and sound like being raped by a black man?
They literally stole your face and repurposed the video to make you a rape victim in AI generated hate rape porn...
I have evidence in the video that they make it look like there are black people in your video and your explicit behavior... :(
We want to inform creators that children's content is being used to create rape content for black people.
An hour after they threatened to kill me before making it look like a girl crying and being raped by a black man through one of the UA-cam videos I was watching, I was shot.
I was in the hospital for 7 months, permanently disabled and got a bullet in my chest.
I even use it to scream at a 2-year-old white toddler. It's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.
This entire video is of you graphically sucking black dick and talking dirty about black dick.
Your hair turns into detailed black cocks. Even crying and gagging
I’m learning Chinese and I’m TERRIBLE at the listening portion so this is actually really helpful
Saoirse - chinese is very hard on the listening side of things due to the sentence patterns ... and just everything to do with grammar. However it all comes with time very very easy
For me as a Chinese person who never learned it seriously, listening is what I’m best at 😂 my speaking is scuffed and reading writing is a nope
did ya learn it yet?
Chines is not difficult,you can do it bro
Oh l am a Chinese
The Chinese language is so relaxing to listen to, along with Japanese, Dutch, and Portuguese
Korean too
as a dutch person, i take that compliment to my heart
@@lollilop9477 Yes Korean is very relaxing Japanese isn't
고쎄스 whattt Japanese is so light and pretty how do u not think it’s relaxing
I’m actually learning Chinese, so not only is this video relaxing - it’s also good for practising listening comprehension 😂
omg same here!!!
Me too 😂😂
@@chaimaa8837 How is it? Is it really hard?🥺 I want to learn,too.
@@giz5697 Chinese language is my major at the university ~
This is my first time captioning a video and I just finished, but I think I put it in the wrong box so when I clicked finish it deleted all 2-3 hours of the captions I typed... Sorry for the lack of captions but I'm still working on it :(
Edit: There are subtitles now
Aww it‘s ok
你好!我叫穆子盈。I’ve been studying Chinese for almost two years now and it is great to know that my work is paying off. I can understand a lot of what you’re saying and it makes me happy, 谢谢!中文很漂亮!
that's a really nice Chinese name haha
你好, 我的名字是利沙!😊💖
I'm studying Chinese and I'm so happy to listen to this language while I can enjoy some asmr 😌 Best combo ever
Love her or hate her, she do be spitting facts😳😳
@@aubreymocherman3369 if you like her or you don’t like her, she’s not lying. She is speaking of truth hence “spitting facts”
@@aubreymocherman3369 spitting=speaking
I wouldnt really call this spitting facts its mostly just about her experience learning chinese more like storytelling not rhetoric
I'm Chinese and your accent is so cute had me smiling hahahaha Luv it!
Respect for putting subtitles in a nearly 30 minute video wow!!
I came to see if asmr in Chinese is relaxing and i fell in love with her 👁️👄👁️
Same 😭
Same 💀
You ever get so many tingles that your head feels tight and warm in a good way. Because that's me rn.
this video is so nice, it feels like a friend is talking to me like at a sleepover or we are just catching up. i love those types of asmr videos :)
Omg how are you this underrated? They don’t know what they’re missing out on!! Love every video ❤️
Although I can't understand a thing you're saying, I must say this is super relaxing hehe 💗💗
lol im writing subtitles but it takes so long ;-;
This was SO relaxing. I'm trying to brush up on my Mandarin and this is the perfect way to chill out while doing so. You're awesome!
The audio is so good Chinese gives me lots of tingles thank you
i love listening to languages other than english in asmr, especially chinese and japanese, because i dont really know what theyre saying and i dont have to focus on sentences, i can just sleep.
this video definitely helped, i do plan on coming back!
when you started speaking I KNEW YOU WERE TAIWANESE I love ur accent!! ❤️
Oh my gosh I love the whispering and mic brushing combo! Glad I found your channel 💜
I really love hearing Chinese like this. This video is why I subscribe. Keep up the great work and thank you
I love your whisper! So relaxing!! 😊
lol im gonna pretend I understood every word. mhmm 100% agree with what you are saying yep that's a great idea lol
Thanks for the video, trying to learn Chinese through my friends and through books but nothing beats spoken language. Keep it up!
You can bonjour all you want as long as its followed by the same cute giggle also thank you for the effort of translating everything in captions.
mandarin and spanish are my fav languages in asmr. thank you for the video, really relaxing
This girl is absolutely gorgeous im not lying
I am from America, but i live in Mexico with my family, so i grew up speaking two languages in my house (English & Spanish) And i'm learning chinese with your ASMR and i have to say, is my favorite part of the day! I listen to you one hour a day, and oh boy, it's helpful! Keep doing it, you are the best!
Finally putting my chinese 2 skills to work 😼
To me as an European, chinese sounds like inaudible whispering 😅 but its so tingly
Wow I'm so glad I found your channel! It's the kind vibes you give out combined with the good audio quality that makes this exceptionally good. Thank you!
I’m a chinese who knows mandarin and cantonese and english well and i would say that ur chinese pronunciation is rlly good ;) i can understand all of them of what u are talking about and good work!! BTW i am self-learning korean on my own way hehe,learning new languange is rly something fun and interesting:) keep fighting in learning chinese >< plus i got a lot of tingles in this vid hehe
Your chinese is so good! I have been learning chinese 9 years!
I love thisss, I think Chinese, Vietnamese, and Filipino are such relaxing languages
Actually Chinese make me sleep in no time, I'm forcing myself to watch the full asmr even though it's making me so sleepy, because I find your topics fun, dun wanna miss
I’m really in love with your channel can’t wait to see you blow up soon you deserve it 💯
Mi chino es poco, solo por ahora, pero un día regresare a este video para entender el video entero sin subtítulos y no solo identificar unas cuantas palabras 👁
Me gusta mucho el chino y me interesa mucho aprenderlo, me gusta mucho tu interés por los idomas
Gracias 🙏🏼
Your situation with Chinese learning is really similar to mine and I’m Chinese myself too! I sometimes forget words or don’t know how to say things in Chinese but we all are like this sometimes and I wanna say 中文很好哦!对一个在外国学外国的语言呢么久,中文还一直保持的呢么好,我非常显目。Keep up the good work!
your voice is so comforting. thank you.
Thanks for subtitling and thanks for making these videos 🙌, I discovered you recently and now that I am learning Mandarin, these videos are a real gift 💗. Please could you do more ? 🥺 ( only if you want to of course)
There are multiple Chinese videos on my channel. Feel free to check them out!
I really want to learn Chinese with their accents (maybe that would be difficult 😂) but it sounds really beautiful and i want to learn more languages beside Spanish, English (i like Aussie accent the most), French (basic-medium), Japanese (basic-medium)and i guess a little bit of Korean. I'm also learning Sign Language and i want to learn German for my sister.
This helped me so much, thank you.
Edit: I see that you like food of different countries so this is my recommendation if you want to visit Mexico.
Tacos- a lot of people wants to try tacos, i recommend you to search a place/store that you haven't visited or a place that is like the typical grocery, that peoole around know and go for their tacos. There are sometimes that the "street tacos" are more delicious than the "tiuristic tacos" (i dont how to explain it sorry 😅)
Mole/Mole con pollo/Enmoladas- it's the most delicious thing in my opinion, you can put a lot of things on it, the Mole that comes from a little town is the best.
Enchiladas- another thing i adore, you can put a lot of things on it and really tastes good.
For desserts i recommend you:
Arroz con leche: It's rice with milk literally, it's sweet and is very delicious, you can eat it when is still hot or when it's cool.
Tamales: A lot of people have the tamales for breakfast, i recommend you that if you don't eat that much in morning you shouldn't eat them because sometimes it's very "heavy" for some stomaches. It's delicious anyways.
Fresas con crema: This dessert is everything, it's sweet but strawberries make it more juicy. Just prove it if you haven't.
Hope you like them.
I’ve heard of all them! I’ve tried street tacos in Mexico and they were very good! I’ve also tried arroz con leche and fresas con crema. They’re both delicious 🤤. I reallllyy want to try mole.
I just recently found your channel, thanks so much for the awesome content and the subtitles.
I’m Taiwanese American and I also live in California; I relate so much to your experiences lol, video was so relaxing but I wanted to stay awake bc i adore your vibes
2 years ago
I’m actually learning Chinese, so not only is this video relaxing - it’s also good for practising listening comprehension 😂
I accidentally fell asleep while working. To be honest, definitely worth it. Thanks for the tingles! 💯
Ooh so perfect, thank you so much for this video in this beautiful language, greetings from Mexico 🇲🇽
I don’t understand it but its satisfying
Came from gibi and I don’t regret at all these are some great videos keep it up
I'm a 36 y/o white guy, and about 6 years ago, I left China. I lived there for 8 years. I'm REALLY glad I still understand 99% of the Chinese in this video
can u make more chinese asmr please, your voice is soo tinglyy
I abosolutely love your vibe! You seem like such a sweet friend, I loved this video, it helped me study Chinese and relax! Keep the good work
你做得很好! 我喜欢说中文,我已经学习了十年!!!
This is so relaxing I love asmr in different languages
Pfft yeah, Chinese School is hell on earth.
I ended up quitting halfway through though, so my Chinese is pretty mediocre. Which is, not great, for when I want to speak to my extended family... but it works.... somehow
I really love the video because I rarely get to speak to my extended family and thus hear Chinese in a setting where I feel safe. So I've been looking for asmr videos in Chinese, and this was very comforting for me. :))
okok so I got to the bit where you mention The Monkey King, and mmh I love that show so much.
New subscriber! You’re amazing and we’re so similar I’m actually scared lol
We speak the same languages and I also wanted to learn French for so long but I was waiting to level up on Japanese so finally this year I went for it ☺️ I’m so happy I found this channel
Keep up the asmr videos they’re really helpful and relaxing . When I have anxiety and can’t sleep like tonight (It’s 3 am where I live) this videos help me out so much, so thx!
even though = 虽然
I’m a chinese born in italy so I completely feel you sis💖
Wow very nice video! Greetings from Peru 🇵🇪
I'm learning Chinese right now, and I'm only about six months in. Listening is the hardest part for me, so I can't understand a whole lot, but I think just having it playing and being exposed to it helps even if I don't pick up a lot. It seems like it helps with my tones
i zoned out half way through and forgot you were speaking Chinese lol 😭😭 i was like why dont i understand what she is saying? then i realized lmao. Great vid btw!
I made myself dedicate to at least learn a little 👌🏼 bit of Chinese over the winter break, I am currently only fluent in Eng and Swahili (I grew up in Kenya🇰🇪🤭) So your videos really help me a lot now Thankyou ☺️
I know this video came out a while ago but I speak Chinese and English; am learning Spanish, and want to learn Hindi and Arabic, you seem really cool!!
Yeeeeesssss we need more ASMR in Chinese. I'm learning the language and it's so relaxing 😴💤
I like the language so much i wish to learn it someday!
okk, im so in love with Chinese language
I can tell she is a English speaker that learned Chinese during her early life and she definitely didn't grow up there cause than she would already know Chinese and have the accent. That's how it works with every other languages
I've become interested in Hong Kong ever since my mother told me that we had east asian heritage. Great video also 👍🏿
My dad’s side is Chinese and my mom’s side is Japanese, but I grew up in the US, so my Chinese is at like the perfect level to understand this video 😂😂
omg your video such a treasure🥺🥺
This was incredible!!! Keep up the good work❤
This is my 4th language, and I'm learning Chinese through high school but for some reason I just feel like I can't pick up the pace when it comes to listening, but this video is making me feel better about myself.
I learn chinese at Uni and this was actually super helpful! recommended to my friends.
Plotwist shes pointing out all of our problems and laughing at them
Girl omggg I was bored so wanted to listen to ASMR & was interested in this video. When you started talking about Youth With You I was like YESS I watched it too & it was so interesting. & I had also planned going to Korea but it got cancelled for the same reasons :( it was in the plans to even maybe go to Japan after Korea 😭 it’s okay tho, things will get better and eventually we will be able to go! ☺️
Sunrise ASMR yeaaa hopefully soon 🙏🏼
I am french and I think the chinese is the most relaxing language
I'm so happy that someone finally used chinese instead of Korean or english since mostly all asmr people use those two languages I would say your chinese might be better than mine then since I like to speak english more chinese and now I suck at it I grew up and my mom always told me to speak chinese since she didn't understand english lol
I didnt understand a word she said, but beauty is a language that speaks to all whom behold.
There are subtitles!
I saw tingting speak a little Chinese in her asmr roleplay and found that part really tingly so now I’m here. This was a great video :)
I love tingting 🥰I miss her videos 😭
This was super relaxing!
You spoke Chinese very well and I love your brush! I hated Chinese school too when I was growing up
I loved this vid and i think Chinese sounds quite good in asmr, and i speak my first language Finnish and i speak English and little bit Swedish + im learning Spanish
姐姐你好可爱呀!sis u r sooo cuteee i love ur accent whatever Chinese or English and ur brushing triggers is nicee as well that sounds sooo relaxing
I've just loved the video. What a beautiful smile.
I didn't realize how prominent the S/Sh/Ch type sounds are in Chinese until listening to this. Maybe spoken Chinese sounds angry but whispered Chinese is nice👍
also chinese but in a different way:
I speak that
@@inactive1271 係咩?
@@LemonadetvYT mhm
@@LemonadetvYT 係
i was born in china, came to us 2 years ago and i love this one, very good chinese, new sub
Love your whispering !
Kiss from France 😉
Your videos are so relaxing I can't even get up from my bed❤❤😅😅😊
It feels soo good to know the words meaning 😌
i just came upon your channel and clicked on it i subscribed to you, you are fantastic dear lady 💖
It's been a hot minute since I've practiced my Chinese, so I was very happy when I realized I could still understand a pretty decent amount of what you were saying here.
Also this just happens to be one of my favorite ASMR videos ever, so chill.
This is sooooo relaxing
Loved the vid so im subscribing. Keep it up!
我真的可以听懂啊!哈哈...just some of it and it made me feel good lol. I used to live in Qingdao^^. Great video, chill & tingly~
I wanna learn Chinese so bad it’s such a beautiful language but I have no clue where to start