An amazing movie about what is going to happen in the end, as believers in Jesus take a stand, while the unbelievers have no clue! I'm getting ready to watch Part 2. I will share both of these with my family & friends! I pray that NO ONE will turn Jesus away! It's a matter of Heaven or Hell!
Just realize its 7th day Adventist and some of their teaching is not correct. But a good movie if you know what not to believe in it like the saturday emphasis.
@@A-Grammie-On-the-ROCKActually, Sunday Laws will be enforced as it is already encouraged in Project 2025 Agenda. That will be the great test. God's HOLY Day (Saturday) as stated in the 4th commandment has NOT been changed. People will have to decide if they are going to follow TRADITIONS of MEN, or God's commandments. Just as the three Hebrew boys in the Book of Daniel had to make a decision and they stayed FAITHFUL to GOD!! Amen. May we all be found faithful to God always.
This film should act as a warning ⚠️ to all of mankind. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Jesus, the Lamb of God will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night. We need to be prepared. Great movie, thank you! 🌟
As Christians we must learn the word of God for any and all times of difficulty and in case we are persecuted because the word is Christ and those are the promises of God to us.
Jesus is the redeemer of the world that is God's son God used Mary as a vessel to bring about the light of the world the one who saves man kind from sin @ death we all need Jesus without him we have nothing we need to catch the Fire of the holy spirit to live for him our God is outstanding always. Graham
God does not just use women like humans do Mary was chosen because she is not as tacky and useless as most humans she wasn't like the blind leading the blind she was different so now you know and you can stop rambling
The Holy Spirit is a gift from Jesus and can not be caught. Jesus is salvation and to have eternal life, one must believe Jesus is The Savior and that by His grace alone is salvation and at the same time of belief in Jesus and His finished work on the tree/cross, His Holy Spirit dwells in the believer, which is His gift for believing. Not one soul is going to enter Heaven by self-righteousness or religion, because Jesus; His grace alone is the only way, Jesus is the truth way, the truth and the light, and salvation is a gift and never able to earn eternal life.
I love this! I replied to a post about Jesus being the Son of God and Our Messiah and I had a quick response that he was only a Prophet like Muhammad. All I could do was shake my head. It was really sad to get that response. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 for those searching. He is there. The Son Of God!
Yes you're correct Jesus is God and came in the flesh, defeated the devil in the flesh, He's the sacrificial Lamb who died on the cross and God the Father raise Him from the dead on the third day. Thanks for your comment and sharing the truth 🌿🌿🙏🏼🌿🌿
This series is way better than the ones made in USA. Much better realistic and better acting too. YESHUA is the way the truth and the life. All that is happening in the world is leading to this rendition of the end.
Time is almost up. Please give your life to Jesus Christ before it's too late. He is coming soon and tomorrow is promised to no man. Ask forgiveness for your sins and repent/turn away from sin, having a change of heart and mind. Seek the Lord with your whole heart and ask Him to fill you with the Holy Spirit and be baptized in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He loves you more than you can even imagine. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and give your heart to Him. Invite Him into your heart . Read His word daily. It is the sword of the Holy Spirit and the word cleanses and heals. And ask the Lord Jesus to lead you and guide you through the rest of your journey. Much love and many blessings!🙏🙏🙏💕👑👑👑👑👑
The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is His gift which He gives to anyone whom will believe that He is The Savior; that by His grace alone is salvation and not earned by our own filthy raggedy self, which is impossible to try to earn salvation because to have eternal life it requires for the soul to be perfect and none of us are able to be sinless. The whole reason Jesus our God came to earth in the flesh was to be the sacrifice for us and He alone was able to fulfill the whole law for us, which we could never do. To be caught up in the rapture and enter Heaven it requires that we have on the spotless garment from Jesus, which is His gift and not earned. Upon believing Jesus, that He is the Savior and washed away our sin with His perfect sacrifice for us, and in the same moment of believing Him that He is The Savior, Jesus sets upon the believer His Holy Spirit and His Spirit dwells inside, which is His gift and never earned. The New Testament of the Bible has hundreds of verses stating that salvation is by Jesus' grace alone. Our own self-righteousness is as a filthy rag in the sight of God and not one person will enter Heaven if the garment of Jesus is not on, which is a gift from Him upon believing Jesus is The Savior of our sin. May Jesus be the way maker for every heart across the world to receive His good news gospel; His amazing saving grace gift. Amen.
I’m a New Testament woman. I observe Sunday and every day to worship the Lord. His Spirit is with me always. Paul basically says don’t get hung up on the day of the week. Some will have a holly day on one day and some will worship on another. And some will have no special day. Jesus never mentioned that law over again but said to love people and love God. It’s a daily thing just as Adam and Eve walked with the Lord so do we in Spirit.
GOds Word With MY GREAT power and outstretched arm I made the earth and its people and the animals that are on it And I give I to anyone I Please. Thankyou JESUS
Interesting that the mean ppl are the arrogant ones, and they shift the blame to the ones who love God & abide in His commandments. This is truly an eye opener, because i do foresee those who don't know God or Yeshua/Jesus will be persecuting God's children.
In Colossians 2:16-17, the apostle Paul declares, “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.” Similarly, Romans 14:5 states, “One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.” These Scriptures make it clear that, for the Christian, Sabbath-keeping is a matter of spiritual freedom, not a command from God. Sabbath-keeping is an issue on which God’s Word instructs us not to judge each other. Sabbath-keeping is a matter about which each Christian needs to be fully convinced in his/her own mind.
So you follow your christ Paul but my Christ Jesus says Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven..............Therefore, it is necessary to appreciate the abiding truthfulness of the law of Moses because Jesus is the fulfillment of this law (Matt. 5:17; see Rom. 10:4). Jesus does not nullify it, but comes so that everything in it will be accomplished (Matt. 5:18). He does this through His entire representative obedience. Thus, though the teaching of Jesus is challenging to the core, Jesus did not come to encumber us with impossibly heavy burdens (Matt. 11:28-30; see Matt. 23:4). Only Jesus, the last Adam and perfect Son of God, is able to fulfill God’s law perfectly (Matt. 3:15) and therefore is able to pour out His blood for the forgiveness of sins (Matt. 26:28; see Matt. 1:21; 20:28). This does not mean Christians should have no concern to follow God’s law. Christ frees us to obey it. Jesus’ disciples are called to a genuine love of God and neighbor (Matt. 22:37-40; see Matt. 7:21). This is a lofty calling, but Jesus Himself embodied it throughout His life. Through His obedience, Jesus releases us from the burden of trying to earn our salvation. We are to be merciful because of the mercy Jesus has shown to us (Matt. 5:7; 9:13; 12:7; 23:23; see Hos. 6:6; Matt. 18:33). In sum, the law of God is an abiding witness to the person and work of Christ, and through Him we are able to call this law our delight.
Finally some believe 🙌 what the word read 📚 🙌 and Except what is written and explained by the Holy Spirit revealed It's truths 👏 Glory LORD Jesus 🙌 BLESS 🙌 YOUR HOLINESS CHRIST JESUS AMEN 🙏
Glory to Jesus for He alone was able to fulfill the law perfectly and being the perfect sacrifice upon that tree/cross, thus saving sinners like us by His grace. If God' law was not fulfilled by Jesus our God, then there would be no soul saved for all are filthy rags in the sight of God without His righteous covering our soul. 🤍🕊️🤍
We must keep everyday holy and do what is right before our God Jesus is Lord of the sabbath . Sunday is the first day of the week and Jesus rosed from the dead I bless my food and give thanks an eat The most important thing is to accept Jesus Christ as your LORD and only savior
1/10. God came to earth as Jesus and the whole point of God coming to earth in the form of mankind and being called Jesus is because to save humanity from our sin and give us eternal life.
2/10. The moment that Jesus went upon that tree/cross and was the perfect sacrifice for our sin, which needed to be to satisfy the debt we owe for our sin, then Jesus passed from life and after three days He rose to Heaven to be back on His throne, on the throne of God.
3/10. Jesus our God fulfilled the law and the law of God is not like it was given to mankind in the days of old. The law of God shows us whom Jesus is and that we have no hope without the grace of Christ; His finished work which Jesus fulfilled perfectly.
4/10. Religions have twisted the Word of God so much and are totally missing the point of why God had given the law and why He had fulfilled the law. From the beginning mankind could not keep the law and ordinances of God, so it is why God came to earth, to change everything and the law was fulfilled by Him.
It was the shepherds in the fields, tending their flocks, who were visited by an Angel and told to follow the Star. They listened to the Angel and followed that Star that led them to Bethlehem and the infant Jesus, Mary and Joseph. They recognized Jesus as their living Messiah and put down their idols. The three Kings were Herod's astrologers who didn't tell Herod what kind of King Jesus is. They travelled to Bethlehem and didn't need the Star. They told Mary and Joseph that Herod will kill Jesus and they took another way home because they would be killed. The three Kings recognized Jesus as their living Messiah and put down their idols 🌹✝️🌹
Jesus our God is the only Savior, anything else is idolatry; a false conversion which really is the most grievous thing to have on the soul. Sadly many christians will face being left behind for the anti-christ years. Surely the bride of Christ will be caught up before the anti-christ years are upon the earth, so now is the time for any unbelievers to step away from religion and step onto the solid foundation which is Jesus Christ; believing Jesus is The Savior; that by His grace alone is salvation, thus be sealed by Holy Spirit the moment of belief. Jesus is God; The Father and Holy Spirit, The Three in One. Now is the time to believe Jesus and have His gift for salvation.
@ritabrandow1318 Nowhere in the bible does it say Mary is a co-redeemer The bible warns against adding and removing from the bible which is the true word of God
They are using the Catholic Bible. Please read 2 Cors 11:1-6. Warning the are preaching a different, God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Though out the whole bible, it is all because of Jesus and what He did on the cross. The Pope een daus. JESUS BLOOD didn't complete what Jesus did on the cross, and his blood isn't good enough. He just said it about a months ago. TWO weeks ago he opened 5 doors to get to heaven. This is totally against the true Word of God. Please ask the Precious Holy Ghost to reaveal the truth to you. Please read and study Hebrews 12:6 for yourself. Your life in everyway depends on te truth
Ephesians 5:1-18 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them. For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
Jesus is the only way humbly ask God to reveal himself to you and he will. Eternity is a long time to be in the lake of fire when all you have to do is humbly ask
It is a lot more denominations than the RCH HOWEVER THE 19 commandments have never changed. Moses laws were abolished by Yeshua’s sacrifice. Right after the curtain tore top to bottom at 3pm, time of afternoon sacrificing of the lamb.
Jesus is False messiah.YaHUsHa Hamshiach only came from his farther's name of YaHUaH.we need real name baptism also for our Salvation.we need to pray with real name of YaHUsHa to YaHUaH aba. Find about YaHUaH & YaHUsHa. Time is over. Shalom.💖
This movie was long and drawn out. It took me 5 days to watch. The voices didnt "fit" the characters at all. I rather read the subtitles. Its seems like SDA propaganda.
Since this is a Spanish film, where is mother Mary the co-redeemer??😢. the co-savior of the world. Why aren't they praying to her?? Why aren't they saying 7 our fathers and 20 hail Marys??
Your believing in the doctrine of devils. Mary was a trick. There should be NO IDOLS BEFORE HIM... NO WORSHIP OF ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE FATHER. PERIOD.. SORRY catholic doctrine is evil. Run from it and read only the KJV Bible.. hurry! 🙏
@@preppingforendtimessurviva6326 No we are not watching a religious film. Religion has nothing to do with this. Jesus was from the Tribe of Juda, He had no religion. However, we can have a relationship with Jesus without religion because religion is man made. It took me years to understand this because I was raised Catholic..left and never returned but have walked with the Lord for 50 years.
AMEN 🙌 One Father, one Son, one Spirit and no Queen of Heaven!!!
💯 percent true
An amazing movie about what is going to happen in the end, as believers in Jesus take a stand, while the unbelievers have no clue! I'm getting ready to watch Part 2. I will share both of these with my family & friends! I pray that NO ONE will turn Jesus away! It's a matter of Heaven or Hell!
Just realize its 7th day Adventist and some of their teaching is not correct. But a good movie if you know what not to believe in it like the saturday emphasis.
@@A-Grammie-On-the-ROCKActually, Sunday Laws will be enforced as it is already encouraged in Project 2025 Agenda. That will be the great test. God's HOLY Day (Saturday) as stated in the 4th commandment has NOT been changed. People will have to decide if they are going to follow TRADITIONS of MEN, or God's commandments. Just as the three Hebrew boys in the Book of Daniel had to make a decision and they stayed FAITHFUL to GOD!! Amen. May we all be found faithful to God always.
This film should act as a warning ⚠️ to all of mankind. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Jesus, the Lamb of God will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night. We need to be prepared. Great movie, thank you! 🌟
As Christians we must learn the word of God for any and all times of difficulty and in case we are persecuted because the word is Christ and those are the promises of God to us.
Very very dedicated movie of Lord Jesus Christ as Our Lord and saviour, No one is greater greater greater than Him, King Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the redeemer of the world that is God's son God used Mary as a vessel to bring about the light of the world the one who saves man kind from sin @ death we all need Jesus without him we have nothing we need to catch the Fire of the holy spirit to live for him our God is outstanding always. Graham
God does not just use women like humans do Mary was chosen because she is not as tacky and useless as most humans she wasn't like the blind leading the blind she was different so now you know and you can stop rambling
The Holy Spirit is a gift from Jesus and can not be caught. Jesus is salvation and to have eternal life, one must believe Jesus is The Savior and that by His grace alone is salvation and at the same time of belief in Jesus and His finished work on the tree/cross, His Holy Spirit dwells in the believer, which is His gift for believing.
Not one soul is going to enter Heaven by self-righteousness or religion, because Jesus; His grace alone is the only way, Jesus is the truth way, the truth and the light, and salvation is a gift and never able to earn eternal life.
I love this! I replied to a post about Jesus being the Son of God and Our Messiah and I had a quick response that he was only a Prophet like Muhammad. All I could do was shake my head. It was really sad to get that response. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 for those searching. He is there. The Son Of God!
Yesss the Fire of the Holy Ghost!! Praise God!! We all need that fire!!
Yes you're correct Jesus is God and came in the flesh, defeated the devil in the flesh, He's the sacrificial Lamb who died on the cross and God the Father raise Him from the dead on the third day.
Thanks for your comment and sharing the truth
Amen. Great movie. Jesus is coming soon.
Good movie. We need more like this series.🙏
Beautiful movie 🎥 Praise God 😊😊😊
Only one God Jesus he is the Christ he will be coming very Soon
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Ame ❤
This series is way better than the ones made in USA. Much better realistic and better acting too.
YESHUA is the way the truth and the life. All that is happening in the world is leading to this rendition of the end.
I LOVE YOU❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ AMEN❤❤
Amen Amen Jesus is the only hope we have Come Jesus Come
Praises to GOD! Hallelujah!
Time is almost up. Please give your life to Jesus Christ before it's too late. He is coming soon and tomorrow is promised to no man. Ask forgiveness for your sins and repent/turn away from sin, having a change of heart and mind. Seek the Lord with your whole heart and ask Him to fill you with the Holy Spirit and be baptized in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He loves you more than you can even imagine. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and give your heart to Him. Invite Him into your heart . Read His word daily. It is the sword of the Holy Spirit and the word cleanses and heals. And ask the Lord Jesus to lead you and guide you through the rest of your journey.
Much love and many blessings!🙏🙏🙏💕👑👑👑👑👑
Amen 🙏🙏🙏 we must repent before it to late 😢😢😢
Thank you for this message.Its very important.Amen
The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is His gift which He gives to anyone whom will believe that He is The Savior; that by His grace alone is salvation and not earned by our own filthy raggedy self, which is impossible to try to earn salvation because to have eternal life it requires for the soul to be perfect and none of us are able to be sinless.
The whole reason Jesus our God came to earth in the flesh was to be the sacrifice for us and He alone was able to fulfill the whole law for us, which we could never do. To be caught up in the rapture and enter Heaven it requires that we have on the spotless garment from Jesus, which is His gift and not earned.
Upon believing Jesus, that He is the Savior and washed away our sin with His perfect sacrifice for us, and in the same moment of believing Him that He is The Savior, Jesus sets upon the believer His Holy Spirit and His Spirit dwells inside, which is His gift and never earned.
The New Testament of the Bible has hundreds of verses stating that salvation is by Jesus' grace alone. Our own self-righteousness is as a filthy rag in the sight of God and not one person will enter Heaven if the garment of Jesus is not on, which is a gift from Him upon believing Jesus is The Savior of our sin.
May Jesus be the way maker for every heart across the world to receive His good news gospel; His amazing saving grace gift. Amen.
like it.. you can see this starting to happen..calling evil good and good evil.
Looking forward to seeing this movie just watching x
Wow , great movie ,thanks for sharing 🙏
Tell the Church to wake up.
Tell the Pastors to wake up and get rid of the prosperity gospel and start preaching repentance.
Praise the Lord for He is real and trustworthy, who ever is ready He will save❤awesome movie for the family and friends to watch
Thank you for sharing. Great movie. Blessings
God warns us in the book of Isaiah so be careful who you worship!
I’m a New Testament woman. I observe Sunday and every day to worship the Lord. His Spirit is with me always. Paul basically says don’t get hung up on the day of the week. Some will have a holly day on one day and some will worship on another. And some will have no special day. Jesus never mentioned that law over again but said to love people and love God. It’s a daily thing just as Adam and Eve walked with the Lord so do we in Spirit.
Amazing 😢😮🙏🏽
GOds Word
With MY GREAT power and outstretched arm
I made the earth and its people and the animals that are on it
I give I to anyone I Please.
Thankyou JESUS
It is all about Jesus. When we are faithless He is faithful. We can't earn it EPHESIANS chapter 4
We are living in the very last days till Jesus return. Be ready
Interesting that the mean ppl are the arrogant ones, and they shift the blame to the ones who love God & abide in His commandments. This is truly an eye opener, because i do foresee those who don't know God or Yeshua/Jesus will be persecuting God's children.
In Colossians 2:16-17, the apostle Paul declares, “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.” Similarly, Romans 14:5 states, “One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.” These Scriptures make it clear that, for the Christian, Sabbath-keeping is a matter of spiritual freedom, not a command from God. Sabbath-keeping is an issue on which God’s Word instructs us not to judge each other. Sabbath-keeping is a matter about which each Christian needs to be fully convinced in his/her own mind.
So you follow your christ Paul but my Christ Jesus says Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven..............Therefore, it is necessary to appreciate the abiding truthfulness of the law of Moses because Jesus is the fulfillment of this law (Matt. 5:17; see Rom. 10:4). Jesus does not nullify it, but comes so that everything in it will be accomplished (Matt. 5:18). He does this through His entire representative obedience. Thus, though the teaching of Jesus is challenging to the core, Jesus did not come to encumber us with impossibly heavy burdens (Matt. 11:28-30; see Matt. 23:4). Only Jesus, the last Adam and perfect Son of God, is able to fulfill God’s law perfectly (Matt. 3:15) and therefore is able to pour out His blood for the forgiveness of sins (Matt. 26:28; see Matt. 1:21; 20:28).
This does not mean Christians should have no concern to follow God’s law. Christ frees us to obey it. Jesus’ disciples are called to a genuine love of God and neighbor (Matt. 22:37-40; see Matt. 7:21). This is a lofty calling, but Jesus Himself embodied it throughout His life. Through His obedience, Jesus releases us from the burden of trying to earn our salvation. We are to be merciful because of the mercy Jesus has shown to us (Matt. 5:7; 9:13; 12:7; 23:23; see Hos. 6:6; Matt. 18:33). In sum, the law of God is an abiding witness to the person and work of Christ, and through Him we are able to call this law our delight.
Finally some believe 🙌 what the word read 📚 🙌 and Except what is written and explained by the Holy Spirit revealed It's truths 👏 Glory LORD Jesus 🙌 BLESS 🙌 YOUR HOLINESS CHRIST JESUS AMEN 🙏
Jesus already Fulfilled the prophecy
Glory to Jesus for He alone was able to fulfill the law perfectly and being the perfect sacrifice upon that tree/cross, thus saving sinners like us by His grace.
If God' law was not fulfilled by Jesus our God, then there would be no soul saved for all are filthy rags in the sight of God without His righteous covering our soul.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15
Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!
The bible tells us there is only one god . One faith one baptism. One hoy ghost .
Crazy how it talks about cleansing the earth with fire and all many massive fire have breaking down in the world, such as Los Angeles, Australia etc
If you read and study the bible. That is when Jesus makes a New Heaven and a New Earth.
We must keep everyday holy and do what is right before our God Jesus is Lord of the sabbath . Sunday is the first day of the week and Jesus rosed from the dead
I bless my food and give thanks an eat
The most important thing is to accept Jesus Christ as your LORD and only savior
Saturday is the day of worship but many years ago one of the Popes changed it from Saturday to Sunday .
1/10. God came to earth as Jesus and the whole point of God coming to earth in the form of mankind and being called Jesus is because to save humanity from our sin and give us eternal life.
2/10. The moment that Jesus went upon that tree/cross and was the perfect sacrifice for our sin, which needed to be to satisfy the debt we owe for our sin, then Jesus passed from life and after three days He rose to Heaven to be back on His throne, on the throne of God.
3/10. Jesus our God fulfilled the law and the law of God is not like it was given to mankind in the days of old. The law of God shows us whom Jesus is and that we have no hope without the grace of Christ; His finished work which Jesus fulfilled perfectly.
4/10. Religions have twisted the Word of God so much and are totally missing the point of why God had given the law and why He had fulfilled the law. From the beginning mankind could not keep the law and ordinances of God, so it is why God came to earth, to change everything and the law was fulfilled by Him.
I. Love. This ❤❤❤
Maranatha! ✝️
🙏🙏 Keep looking up, Jesus is coming very, very soon 🙏🙏
It was the shepherds in the fields, tending their flocks, who were visited by an Angel and told to follow the Star. They listened to the Angel and followed that Star that led them to Bethlehem and the infant Jesus, Mary and Joseph. They recognized Jesus as their living Messiah and put down their idols.
The three Kings were Herod's astrologers who didn't tell Herod what kind of King Jesus is. They travelled to Bethlehem and didn't need the Star. They told Mary and Joseph that Herod will kill Jesus and they took another way home because they would be killed. The three Kings recognized Jesus as their living Messiah and put down their idols 🌹✝️🌹
Jesus already told us through Peter that all is now clean to eat.
I subd from part 3. Now I am at pt 1
Jesus our God is the only Savior, anything else is idolatry; a false conversion which really is the most grievous thing to have on the soul. Sadly many christians will face being left behind for the anti-christ years.
Surely the bride of Christ will be caught up before the anti-christ years are upon the earth, so now is the time for any unbelievers to step away from religion and step onto the solid foundation which is Jesus Christ; believing Jesus is The Savior; that by His grace alone is salvation, thus be sealed by Holy Spirit the moment of belief.
Jesus is God; The Father and Holy Spirit, The Three in One. Now is the time to believe Jesus and have His gift for salvation.
Why are they not referring to" revelations"? Using "apocalypse" Instead is odd.
In the French version of the Bible, the book of revelations is actually called apocalypse
@liyahweh ok thanks for clarifying.
It is a Catholic movie. When they say ( Mary is the co-redeemer?
@ritabrandow1318 Nowhere in the bible does it say Mary is a co-redeemer
The bible warns against adding and removing from the bible which is the true word of God
Anyone know the song playing at 48 mins when they’re by the fire I’ve tried playing it on every ap and can’t get an answer
They are using the Catholic Bible. Please read 2 Cors 11:1-6. Warning the are preaching a different, God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Though out the whole bible, it is all because of Jesus and what He did on the cross. The Pope een daus. JESUS BLOOD didn't complete what Jesus did on the cross, and his blood isn't good enough. He just said it about a months ago. TWO weeks ago he opened 5 doors to get to heaven. This is totally against the true Word of God. Please ask the Precious Holy Ghost to reaveal the truth to you. Please read and study Hebrews 12:6 for yourself. Your life in everyway depends on te truth
Tell ya thanks for i thought about donating to you and still would has, just didn't have a separate card besides my personal one anyway keep inspiring
Jesus is our salvation
It looks great, but the voices are dubbed over ❤
Ephesians 5:1-18 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children;
And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.
But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;
Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.
For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:
(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)
Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
God has been trying to get people's attention to wake them up. But they have turned the dead ear against him.
Jesus is the only way humbly ask God to reveal himself to you and he will. Eternity is a long time to be in the lake of fire when all you have to do is humbly ask
Acts 2:38 repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the holy Ghost.
No está esta película en español?
Texas Loves u
If you still believe we live on a globe and infinite universe then Satan has done his job. Learn the truth and be set free from this world.
He is using scriptures for the Jewish people and putting other people in its place. It is in Revelation
Loved movie, however far too many adds
@53:49 is Truth!
This "Sabbath" position is a battle of doctrinal position between the SDA and the Catholic Church.
It is a lot more denominations than the RCH HOWEVER THE 19 commandments have never changed.
Moses laws were abolished by Yeshua’s sacrifice. Right after the curtain tore top to bottom at 3pm, time of afternoon sacrificing of the lamb.
@@RUGRAF-rf8fi19 commandments not 10???
NOT Moses laws but rather Gods written laws we're abolished. The 10 commandments we're written with Gods very own finger
it shdnt be. the 7th day is the Sabbath the Day Adonai set for man to worship Him and rest.
no SDA no catholic church needed!!!!!
so man destroyed Gods laws cuz well u know man knows more then God 😳😳😳
Jesus is False messiah.YaHUsHa Hamshiach only came from his farther's name of YaHUaH.we need real name baptism also for our Salvation.we need to pray with real name of YaHUsHa to YaHUaH aba.
Find about YaHUaH & YaHUsHa.
Time is over.
This movie was long and drawn out. It took me 5 days to watch. The voices didnt "fit" the characters at all. I rather read the subtitles. Its seems like SDA propaganda.
7th day Adventists . No thanks.
Another false doctrine movie.
Old testament against new... new always wins.
The voice over is horrible and makes this unwatchable
Yes, it took almost 5 days to watch. I'd rather read the subtitles than listen to voice over.
Phew. Poorly done.
Uma lástima filmes deste tipo proliferarem. Uma bosta de filme de crente do pior naipe.
Wow , you’re a special kind of stupid aren’t you. 🙏 for you to get to know JESUS ☮️
Since this is a Spanish film, where is mother Mary the co-redeemer??😢. the co-savior of the world. Why aren't they praying to her?? Why aren't they saying 7 our fathers and 20 hail Marys??
F🎉1😮 2:42 Q+
Mary didn't die on the cross for your sins and rise on the third day and walk among about 500 witnesses. Read your Bible. Only Jesus can save you.
Mary is no redeemer
Your believing in the doctrine of devils. Mary was a trick. There should be NO IDOLS BEFORE HIM... NO WORSHIP OF ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE FATHER. PERIOD.. SORRY catholic doctrine is evil. Run from it and read only the KJV Bible.. hurry! 🙏
Mary was a human pray to God only pagan.
Dont put religious stuff in film comments! It sucks!
Um, you are watching a religious film .
@@preppingforendtimessurviva6326 No we are not watching a religious film. Religion has nothing to do with this. Jesus was from the Tribe of Juda, He had no religion. However, we can have a relationship with Jesus without religion because religion is man made. It took me years to understand this because I was raised Catholic..left and never returned but have walked with the Lord for 50 years.
Oh give us a break!!!!!!!
@jennermundua4849 you give me a break..I guess you guys think it's just another church... Come on
this is a seventh day Adventist movie…and I’m a solid Catholic …..
To pasty God doesn’t need our help. His WORD speaks for itself.🙏✝️🩸