Catching Massive South Florida Stone Crabs!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @unky-duky7033
    @unky-duky7033 Рік тому +3

    Glad to see Meganzzle walking around and enjoying Life again !!....................Prayers Work !!!....................................

  • @michellestultz5529
    @michellestultz5529 Рік тому +3

    Yea!!!!! Megcizzle!!!!! Can't wait! So glad she's coming out! Fingers crossed crabs 🦀 for megs trip!!! Ps. U an Puddin b so cute! Sending ❤️

  • @gorillahd9247
    @gorillahd9247 Рік тому +1

    As always - great video! I just watched the video of your sister getting back on the boat. She is AWESOME! I will keep praying for her continued recovery. You guys loaded up on claws in BOTH videos. Very cool!

  • @MrGTO-ze7vb
    @MrGTO-ze7vb Рік тому +2

    Yummmmy... that HUGE claw is tasty...!!!

  • @brianjeffrey1790
    @brianjeffrey1790 Рік тому +6

    So glad your sister is doing so much better I know you were going to be thrilled to have her on the boat with you again I'm looking forward to and will continue to pray for her

  • @nikp3572
    @nikp3572 Рік тому +5

    I am so excited for Megzzle to come here to your show. I recently was thinking wonder how she was doing. Pudding we love all the videos. Include the crabbing ones

  • @lauragrace9818
    @lauragrace9818 Рік тому +2

    Icant wait to see megsizzle.Great day of crabbing. Maybe you guys could adopt me. peace

  • @jimzivny1554
    @jimzivny1554 Рік тому +1

    It's a day like this that makes up for the bad days, although there's no bad days fishing

  • @johnbubbajohnson5630
    @johnbubbajohnson5630 Рік тому +3

    Big big crabs today, great catch guys. Thank you for sharing. God bless you both and your whole family...🙏❤🙏❤🙏😊🙂😀

  • @reneap9049
    @reneap9049 Рік тому +1

    Those crabs are beautiful!! So big!!!

  • @reneap9049
    @reneap9049 Рік тому +4

    Hats off to your sister! I, too, am a TBI survivor. Car wreck when I was 13 yr old. Prayers for continued healing! It takes real courage and strength to get that far! Tears in my eyes, can’t wait to “meet” her on your videos!!

  • @robbbranche
    @robbbranche Рік тому +6

    It's gonna be sooooooooo good seeing your Sis again, so glad she's doing better! 🙌🙌💖💖🙌🙌

  • @ncoutdooradventures6148
    @ncoutdooradventures6148 Рік тому +2

    Really good to hear you're sister is doing so much better! Prayers for her continued progress!
    Did you eat the ribbonfish??

  • @ethanmcdowell9677
    @ethanmcdowell9677 Рік тому +1

    Monster crab! Way to go y'all!!!

  • @robk1310
    @robk1310 Рік тому +1

    "Watch my toes" - Brian 🤣🤣🤣

  • @timpowers7391
    @timpowers7391 Рік тому +2

    Hi, I met you at the Palm Beach Boat Show last year. Hope your doing good. It is nice to hear your sister is better. Looking forward to seeing her in your videos soon. If you need anything, please feel free to ask me.

  • @ronaldbeatty9423
    @ronaldbeatty9423 Рік тому +1

    You are so lucky to live in Florida😊

  • @doublecranch1
    @doublecranch1 Рік тому

    Your pants are PURPLE! Great job crabbing!

  • @jayhuber1744
    @jayhuber1744 Рік тому +1

    Awesome video. Hope you catch a bunch with Megan!

  • @klayd2929
    @klayd2929 Рік тому +1

    That bowline knot demo had me thinking about Capt'n Quint in Jaws. Good stuff lol

  • @kz750412
    @kz750412 Рік тому +2

    I've only had stone crab once. I can see why they're worth all that work. Delicious!

  • @darnelltobar9726
    @darnelltobar9726 Рік тому +3

    Nice haul of claws!🦀

  • @bradtatum6585
    @bradtatum6585 Рік тому +1

    Been waiting for a good stone crab video good job and awesome ribbon fish 2nd time here lately!

  • @TennesseeDudScratcher
    @TennesseeDudScratcher Рік тому

    Blue , gloves look purple , awesome work day , yall stay safe

  • @80884bpresley
    @80884bpresley Рік тому +2

    Awesome video guys!!!

  • @rickwatkins3160
    @rickwatkins3160 Рік тому +2

    love your crabbing videos

  • @randyvinson8487
    @randyvinson8487 Рік тому +1

    Megan it's going to be so good to see her

  • @jimlivingston7077
    @jimlivingston7077 Рік тому

    Stone crabs get stacked up next to sea wall, under Disney cruise ship dock at port Canaveral. Like a highway.

  • @steveokoren4059
    @steveokoren4059 Рік тому +1

    That's a big claw

  • @monicogalieto808
    @monicogalieto808 Рік тому

    P U R P L E ,!!! my favorite color hugs from Monico from Arizona

  • @trevorearl5876
    @trevorearl5876 Рік тому


  • @alalward2911
    @alalward2911 Рік тому +3

    ♥️nice work y’all

  • @blnfuse
    @blnfuse Рік тому +1

    i love crab but never had or could afford stone crab. its on mt bucket list. sorry to say that i wont have enough time to get it to the the top. love watching you two get it .

  • @paulbriggs8035
    @paulbriggs8035 Рік тому

    Can't wait to see Megan and got an update from her.

  • @alanwheelock1460
    @alanwheelock1460 Рік тому


  • @AKpickleMonster
    @AKpickleMonster Рік тому

    I was hoping to see a collab with Brooke crist outdoors!! Maybe one day 🤞🏻

  • @davidvarney6437
    @davidvarney6437 Рік тому +1

    Excellent job!!!

  • @danwilson6999
    @danwilson6999 Рік тому

    You did catch some big effing crabs, didn't you! Nice!

  • @rccalhoun
    @rccalhoun Рік тому

    puddin has so many chances to push darcy overboard.

  • @yorukkizigeziyor
    @yorukkizigeziyor Рік тому +1

    Very beautiful video 🌺☺

  • @kyletracey5819
    @kyletracey5819 Рік тому

    If you come to ontario canada i can take girl for a ride on a skidoo out to the portable hut and get some ice fishing in 😉
    We dig how excited you get hauling em in. You are like a young kid whos caught their first fish everytime. We all can feel that excitement

  • @brandoblack7376
    @brandoblack7376 Рік тому

    Brians short pant Screamin God Bless the USA 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

  • @clarenceburton9654
    @clarenceburton9654 Рік тому

    Awesome 😎 !!!!

  • @redorrick427
    @redorrick427 Рік тому

    glad you told me what color,cuz i went color blind at age 48. im 67 rite now,and i love to fish.when i cant fish,iwatch fishing vids,so keep the vids comming.

  • @bradjones9634
    @bradjones9634 Рік тому

    Nice haul!

  • @wonderchild53
    @wonderchild53 Рік тому +2

    Question: do the Crabs grow their Claws back as Crusher and Tearing does it ut always one and the other???

  • @heaven-is-real
    @heaven-is-real Рік тому

    follow your dreams and keep on catching (blessed)

  • @russ517
    @russ517 Рік тому

    Closer to the camera the bigger the claw😂😂🤣😆

  • @jeffrogala9038
    @jeffrogala9038 Рік тому

    Great video, can't wait to see your sister.

  • @1mrflo
    @1mrflo Рік тому

    Their white and gold like that dress 😁

    @TULUSRECORD Рік тому

    Good fish

  • @johnnyblaze522
    @johnnyblaze522 Рік тому

    This is tha Life!

  • @Walkswithone-2841
    @Walkswithone-2841 Рік тому

    Great video but I would love a blue crab video

  • @toddwrice5143
    @toddwrice5143 Рік тому

    yeah Boynton

  • @danward8720
    @danward8720 Рік тому


  • @jeanettejack2152
    @jeanettejack2152 Рік тому

    Ist i've seen a ribbon fish. Looks like party glitter!

  • @franiannarone8196
    @franiannarone8196 Рік тому

    Cool video ❤️

  • @brianhartley7384
    @brianhartley7384 Рік тому

    Looks sooooo good , I Bet they taste Great !!!!

  • @FormerSuspect317
    @FormerSuspect317 Рік тому +1

    Puddin said the wind was blowin 20 nuts into your face" Cizzle!!!!

  • @the03mach1
    @the03mach1 Рік тому

    Wish I was y'all's neighbor....😃

  • @jeffmorris1823
    @jeffmorris1823 Рік тому

    How do the traps have plastic bottles in them?

  • @rccalhoun
    @rccalhoun Рік тому

    go get some wahoo! best tasting fish IMO. hawaiians agree----they call them ono (ono=great taste)

  • @hudsonvalleyrailandriverandair

    Do you think that the hurricanes brought up a new batch of food that the crabs followed?

  • @daveb1870
    @daveb1870 Рік тому

    Puddin, id of thrown it over that building over there lol!

  • @lindabennett226
    @lindabennett226 Рік тому

    Lol pants are purple 😂

  • @alanleduc8034
    @alanleduc8034 Рік тому

    Hey cizzle, I've watched all of your FB videos. I know you have explained many different things about your crab traps but why do some of your traps have bottles or cans in the bottom of them?

  • @andysmith819
    @andysmith819 Рік тому

    Hi, Great footage - Why do you put a drink bottle in your pot? Regards, Andy

  • @donhouser6201
    @donhouser6201 Рік тому

    The pants are BLUE.

  • @mobiltec
    @mobiltec Рік тому

    That's a load of crab meat.

  • @Ralphieisthegreatest
    @Ralphieisthegreatest Рік тому

    Binging... lol

  • @derekdavis8054
    @derekdavis8054 Рік тому

    You should go collab with dibs on bottom...

  • @knutkverneland9786
    @knutkverneland9786 Рік тому

    The weight on the rope is probably to keep it out of props

  • @thomasthornton5737
    @thomasthornton5737 Рік тому


  • @jamesmabry6277
    @jamesmabry6277 Рік тому

    Girl goes out for boat ride, should've said put out or swim

  • @stanleybennett8879
    @stanleybennett8879 Рік тому


  • @ultraflem
    @ultraflem Рік тому

    Thought you kids gave up crabbing?

  • @godofplumbing
    @godofplumbing Рік тому


  • @toddramsay977
    @toddramsay977 Рік тому

    I only hope Brian gets as much, Oh My God when making sweet love to her, LOL

  • @jamieblack9349
    @jamieblack9349 Рік тому

    Stop saying its a work day. We aren't stupid

  • @RBLVentures
    @RBLVentures Рік тому

    And the clown made it in the screen with in 5 secLOL

  • @LiLJESS.
    @LiLJESS. Рік тому

    Did your sister have her baby ? I remember she was pregnant at the time

  • @artkeyes
    @artkeyes Рік тому

    you keep calling onGOD he might answer you. He is real!

  • @drowan22
    @drowan22 Рік тому +1

    I love you guys. Good job with the stone crabs. I have fished my whole life and always learn something from you, especially the deep water and surf episodes. But Brian, every time you refer to Darcy as “girl” and reference her bikini, I cringe and feel embarrassed for her.

  • @giancarloleon5873
    @giancarloleon5873 Рік тому

    Yo stop with faking throwing the 2nd claw out your ridiculous with the acting