@lindafaz16 hello, ann stated that her mother was raised catholic. please listen to the video again. i am sorry you felt like she was making a statement about the catholic faith...i am almost positive she isn't doing that. only trying to help a sister out. with kindness and love
Thanks for sharing these moments with the rest of us. Grateful for the gift!
Beautiful. Thanks PHCollege for clearing up the link.
Anne....you are so sincerely loving!! Thank you Jesus for this precious daughter of yours💕
great interview! can't wait to read the book (=
Ann, I love your humble heart ....find the promotion as another gift from God! love you.
blessed is she that comes in the name of the lord. humility personified what an example.
Subtitulos por favor
@lindafaz16 hello, ann stated that her mother was raised catholic. please listen to the video again. i am sorry you felt like she was making a statement about the catholic faith...i am almost positive she isn't doing that. only trying to help a sister out. with kindness and love
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