Received one yesterday. I can't pair the controller and the drone. I fully charged both controller and the drone. The 4 blue LEDs are constantly on. However, I suspect that the drone was not really powered on as no other LED was on. I took out and re-inserted the battery firmly several times but no help. The other LEDS on the drone never turned on.
Thanks man, got a new drone yesterday been having trouble getting the propellers to work this helped a lot.
Is there Turkish language support (in the application and in the user manual)?
เยี่ยมมาก ให้ข้อมูลดี ขอบคุณมากๆ
Pairing also done but not getting started can u plz help
Received one yesterday. I can't pair the controller and the drone. I fully charged both controller and the drone. The 4 blue LEDs are constantly on. However, I suspect that the drone was not really powered on as no other LED was on. I took out and re-inserted the battery firmly several times but no help. The other LEDS on the drone never turned on.
Do I have to charge the controller/ remote?
How do I connected the wifi to the app. Can you make a video with English phone language
What is the app I'm supposed to use for this drone? My son lost the paper with that info of course 😒🤦🏼♀️
@@thatonegirl1586 😊😊
@@thatonegirl1586 Rx drone
@@chuckmaster9190 thank you so much!
Can i see the actual video that this drone are running it looks like the video is not steady.
How many battery in this drone?
Could any one help this drone image quality Better than Lm 12 pro or no?
Does anybody know how to switch the damn thing off?
Just hold the close button💀💀
@@vonrith1103 😁
Ada ngga jual baterai nya drone ini dan berapa harganya
Having trouble calibrating