Her voice just hits differently, like she's telling a story. And I get drawn everytime. She puts her emotions in delivering each lyrics. I can't wheeinaaa :( I just keep falling in love with you over and over again, the world needs to hear your voice and witness your pupness hahahah but seriously the people who haven't heard her sing are missing out fr.
울 휘니는 노래를 정말 잘하고 노래를 어떻게 불러야 하는지를 정확히 알고 있고(그래서 다른사람 모창도 잘함) 장르 구분없이 모든 종류의 노래를 할 수 있고 가성 믹스보이스 소리를 너무 잘 내지만 파워 진성도 쌉가능하고 유행을 타지않는 클래식한 보컬 같지만 자기만의 유니크함 때문에 트랜디함까지 갖췄고 박자감이 굉장히 좋아 인간 매트로놈 해도될 지경이고 음감도 좋아서 피아노랑 맞짱 떠도됨 기복이 없고 꾸준히 잘하는 와중에 최근에 행사를 쉬면서 목이 더욱 좋아짐과 동시에 실력이 또 늘었음 당연히 여러곳에서 피쳐링 제안이 굉장히 많고 실제로 많이함 센스와 음악성이 좋아서 노래추천도 개잘함
Nope, she is not underrated, maybe International but not in South Korea. She is 3rd in Best Vocalist of South Korea (Female) according to 1thek, I forgot the link. Producers and the staff always compliment her for her vocal skills. Many singers want to collab or feature her on their song, but because Wheein is somewhat anxious because of her past experiences. RBW respect her decisions.
Her voice is perfect for every style of songs a real eargasm
She got so far the best voice in the kpop industry I really hope she got the recognition she deserves
Wheein's voice is so beautiful !!
Her voice just hits differently, like she's telling a story. And I get drawn everytime. She puts her emotions in delivering each lyrics. I can't wheeinaaa :( I just keep falling in love with you over and over again, the world needs to hear your voice and witness your pupness hahahah but seriously the people who haven't heard her sing are missing out fr.
Wheepups voice makes my soul melt, it calms my soul.
byulie always looking so proud of our wheeinie
Wheein is a splendid singer. 💚
울 휘니는 노래를 정말 잘하고 노래를 어떻게 불러야 하는지를 정확히 알고 있고(그래서 다른사람 모창도 잘함) 장르 구분없이 모든 종류의 노래를 할 수 있고 가성 믹스보이스 소리를 너무 잘 내지만 파워 진성도 쌉가능하고 유행을 타지않는 클래식한 보컬 같지만 자기만의 유니크함 때문에 트랜디함까지 갖췄고 박자감이 굉장히 좋아 인간 매트로놈 해도될 지경이고 음감도 좋아서 피아노랑 맞짱 떠도됨 기복이 없고 꾸준히 잘하는 와중에 최근에 행사를 쉬면서 목이 더욱 좋아짐과 동시에 실력이 또 늘었음 당연히 여러곳에서 피쳐링 제안이 굉장히 많고 실제로 많이함 센스와 음악성이 좋아서 노래추천도 개잘함
I guess the reason I rewatched mama moo performance in that competition toremake old song is because her voice. It’s sooo shooting ❤️
Canta tan hermoso .. ♡
This is the video I loking for..
I'm curious, why this queen of vocal so underrated asf. don't sleep at her😭😭
btw, wholo is coming
Nope, she is not underrated, maybe International but not in South Korea.
She is 3rd in Best Vocalist of South Korea (Female) according to 1thek, I forgot the link. Producers and the staff always compliment her for her vocal skills. Many singers want to collab or feature her on their song, but because Wheein is somewhat anxious because of her past experiences. RBW respect her decisions.
@@r0me0iii97 yes i know that but i mean it in international...
@@r0me0iii97 oh I'm so glad she actually does get the recognition she deserves at least locally. I was worried she didn't lol
@@r0me0iii97 sadly she is
I've been looking days for the presentation at 3:24 because the melody was stuck in my head and finally I know where is from, thanks
Where is it from?
@@fatoumad-w9e it’s a show called Immortal Songs
Thank you for the video! It's a good compilation
tysm for this
So good
wheein please sing hello mama
Non-moos should stop sleeping on wheein
REDD is coming ❤️
My baby
Do you know where i can find the 1:38 video?
can anybody help me? Looking for the full video of the song at 0:31 pls!!
I have been searching for it too, thanks a lot!!
What show is 0:40 ?
0;46 she fits this hairstyLe
Link for the second video plssss
whats name of the second song?
Jung In-rainy season😍
@@아에이오우-b1z thank you💚
2:35 music name?