Tokio Hotel TV Season 2 [episode 7]

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • Hairstyle Inspiration & Cooking Skills


  • @gmaine27s
    @gmaine27s 15 років тому +4

    they look so cool on TV and they're so cute in reality! look at the way they bully each other and the way bill shouts SO ADORABLE

  • @30Muffin04
    @30Muffin04 12 років тому +2

    Bill should do his hair like this again, that looks so great!!!

  • @xNinaPx
    @xNinaPx 13 років тому

    That Angela woman is coming to my country these days and when I heard it I automaticly remembered Georg and Tom! :D

  • @PutYourHeartsUp26
    @PutYourHeartsUp26 12 років тому

    I'm mesmerized by Bill's hair...

  • @radarlove6789
    @radarlove6789 14 років тому

    tom - HI! *hugs lady*

  • @GeneL89
    @GeneL89 15 років тому +1

    I can't wait to see the next episode ! O.O
    "HU-MA-NO-ID" They prepare their new show !!! =D

  • @xNinaPx
    @xNinaPx 13 років тому

    Interviewer: What are the most important things that you always bring in your suitcase?
    Me: Oh Tom's answer will be good!

  • @sweetkemaru89
    @sweetkemaru89 13 років тому

    4:46=poor KID n his GOOD friends~

  • @schavis2
    @schavis2 12 років тому

    "Raise your glass."
    *Raises RedBull*

  • @PutYourHeartsUp26
    @PutYourHeartsUp26 12 років тому

    2:41 Bill knew what Tom was going to say... LOL

  • @PutYourHeartsUp26
    @PutYourHeartsUp26 12 років тому

    Gustav also says "Hola!" every now and then, haha! :3

  • @kujo_cujo_bujo
    @kujo_cujo_bujo 12 років тому

    ShenklovesBill thanks so much! It had just completely gone out of my mind! ;) thanks!

  • @iemscoolas
    @iemscoolas 12 років тому

    that makes two of us ;) dreammy isnt he!

  • @billytommy1
    @billytommy1 14 років тому

    @Kyra172 lol that's my fav part because bill looks cool :D

  • @diariapoop67
    @diariapoop67 13 років тому

    I miss TH TV :\

  • @paraleaflight
    @paraleaflight 14 років тому

    LMFAO! It all depends on how he styles his pubic hair....You'll have a bald head next week. xD I love them.

  • @Bizarre89Alien
    @Bizarre89Alien 13 років тому

    I know right?! He always has something perverted and wise to say! I mean, how does he come up with this stuff in seconds???

  • @Madorim
    @Madorim 14 років тому

    they got clips from this for WBMW... i think... =)

  • @Morganator022
    @Morganator022 12 років тому

    @JeydonWaleFan123456 Maybe it's someone from the TH crew, maybe she's like a personal assistant? I have no clue >.

  • @sorandom0
    @sorandom0 13 років тому

    @iamthecooltype Yeahhh and there were like two other parts where Georg's girlfriend was with him so without thinking I "automatic"-ly ;) assumed it was one of those scenes

  • @xNinaPx
    @xNinaPx 13 років тому

    @Bizarre89Alien It's a gift :D He is the funniest guy that ever walked the Earth!

  • @Morganator022
    @Morganator022 12 років тому

    @KarolinaaTomKaulitz No I think that was Natalie.

  • @Isaabelitaa27
    @Isaabelitaa27 13 років тому

    in this video tokio hotel is in spain? because the airport is like the T4 of madrid

  • @PutYourHeartsUp26
    @PutYourHeartsUp26 12 років тому

    very much.

  • @sorandom0
    @sorandom0 13 років тому

    @iamthecooltype I didnt see which gurl u where talking about

  • @bronaghsuperstar
    @bronaghsuperstar 12 років тому

    Who's lying on the bed in the background at 4:04?

  • @feliciiaab
    @feliciiaab 12 років тому

    In one interview Tom says that he doesn't think love will happen to him. Anyone know what interview I mean and can give a link? can't find it :(

  • @KarolinaaTomKaulitz
    @KarolinaaTomKaulitz 12 років тому

    4:38 is it Ria there?!

  • @Isaabelitaa27
    @Isaabelitaa27 13 років тому

    the girl of the room whem Tom and Georg are playing is the girlfriend of Tom? and one of this part of this video os on the video of the song world behind my wall! OMG!

  • @bronaghsuperstar
    @bronaghsuperstar 12 років тому

    Humanoid in German :))

  • @sorandom0
    @sorandom0 13 років тому

    @iamthecooltype I believe thats Georg's girlfriend :)

  • @Yaychelsea123
    @Yaychelsea123 14 років тому

    ....No comment :]

  • @docancuya1191
    @docancuya1191 11 років тому

    ahahah de lihjo nen vidio fiml

  • @petraelpunkt9720
    @petraelpunkt9720 3 роки тому


  • @Angelwings7deutschen
    @Angelwings7deutschen 13 років тому

    The woman at 1:41 is Angela Merkel! Our German chancellor! She's kinda like your....vice president ( is that what you call it?) :P

  • @DC-jn9cc
    @DC-jn9cc 5 років тому +1

    Hairstyle Inspiration & Cooking Skills! (Inspiração de Penteado e Habilidades de Culinária!)
    Tom: We're on the way to the beautiful Madrid. (Tom: Estamos a caminho da bela Madri.)
    Tom: Have you ever had an Eastpak Knapsack?
    Georg: Let me think ... no, i haven't. (Tom: Você já teve uma mochila Eastpak?
    Georg: Deixe-me pensar ... não, eu não tive.)
    Tom: I had one all the time. So you were basically the looser wearing a "4you" Knapsack that i grabbed at the top and ... (Tom: Eu tive uma o tempo todo. Então você era basicamente o perdedor usando uma mochila "4you" que eu peguei no topo e ...)
    ... threw you around in the air like a turtle. ;-) (joguei você ao ar como uma tartaruga. ;-))
    Georg: From, "4You" I switched right to these military bags ... what were those called? (Georg: De "4You" eu mudei para essas malas militares ... como foram chamadas?)
    Tom: Right, those existed as well ... the army knapsacks.
    Georg: Yes, the army knapsack - that's what i got. (Tom: Certo, esses também existiam ... as mochilas do exército.
    Georg: Sim, a mochila do exército - é o que eu tenho.)
    Tom: Everyone was allowed to sign Georg's bag.
    Georg: It was black so that didn't work. (Tom: Todos puderam assinar a mala de Georg.
    Georg: Era preto, então isso não funcionou.)
    Tom: Of course it did - with a white pen. You were so proud of it ... (Tom: Claro que sim - com uma caneta branca. Você estava tão orgulhoso disso ...)
    Tom: They wrote: "Hey Georg, HDGDL [=like you so much in German] - it was such a great time with you, looking forward to grade 6". (Tom: Eles escreveram: "Ei Georg, HDGDL [= gosto tanto de você em alemão] - foi um ótimo momento com você, ansioso para 6ª série".)
    Did things like LOL, giggles, ROFL, etc exist back then? I don't think so.
    Georg: ROFT only got invented later. (Coisas como LOL, risos, ROFL, etc existem naquela época? Acho que não.
    Georg: ROFT só foi inventado depois.)
    Tom: So what did they write? Only HDGDL?
    Georg: They also wrote "grins" ... (Tom: Então, o que eles escreveram? Apenas HDGDL?
    Georg: Eles também escreveram "sorrisos" ...)
    Tom: True, "grins" existed ... (Tom: Verdade, "sorrisos" existiam ...)
    Georg: Raise your glass! (Georg: Levante seu copo!)
    Georg: Angela [German chancellor] we wish you success for the next four years. (Georg: Angela [chanceler alemã] desejamos-lhe sucesso nos próximos quatro anos.)
    Bill: Angela is so sweet. Really, since this morning i think she's great.
    Georg: ... you're a very likeable person ... (Bill: Angela é tão doce. Realmente, desde hoje de manhã eu acho ela ótima.
    Georg: ... você é uma pessoa muito simpática ...)
    Bill: You're such an idiot.
    Georg: Playing tricks on you. Let's ... (Bill: Você é tão idiota.
    Georg: Pregando peças em você. Vamos ...)
    Bill: You dwarf! (Bill: Você é anão!)
    Gustav: Hola! (Gustav: Olá!)
    Interviewer: What are the most important things that you always bring in your suitcase? (Entrevistador: Quais são as coisas mais importantes que você sempre traz na sua mala?)
    Tom: Condoms!
    Gustav: Tom brings one suitcase that's only filled with condoms. (Tom: preservativos!
    Gustav: Tom traz uma mala só cheia de camisinhas.)
    Tom: Yes. (Tom: sim.)
    Bill: Since we're barely at home we basically bring our entire household with us ... that means laptops, DVDs, simply everything. (Bill: Já que mal estamos em casa, basicamente trazemos toda a nossa casa conosco ... isso significa laptops, DVDs, simplesmente tudo.)
    We're basically equiped for any situation, it's kind of like a long camping trip. (Estamos basicamente equipados para qualquer situação, é como uma longa viagem de acampamento.)
    Interviewer: Will your new look stay like this now or can we expect something different for the tour? (Entrevistador: Seu novo visual vai ficar assim agora ou podemos esperar algo diferente para a turnê?)
    Bill: Maybe ... it might change. I had dreadlocks before, now they're short ... I can't really predict it since i'm always deciding spontaneously ... (Bill: Talvez ... isso possa mudar. Eu tinha dreadlocks antes, agora eles são curtos ... Eu não posso prever isso desde que eu estou sempre decidindo espontaneamente ...)
    Tom: Actually it all depends on how Georg styles his pubic hair. Bill always adapts that on his head. (Tom: Na verdade, tudo depende de como Georg estiliza seus pêlos pubianos. Bill sempre se adapta a isso em sua cabeça.)
    Bill: Exactly! (Bill: Exatamente!)
    Georg: I guess next week you'll have a bald head, my friend! (Georg: Eu acho que na próxima semana você vai ter uma careca, meu amigo!)
    Bill: You can pull on these ...
    Georg: Are you nuts? (Bill: Você pode puxar estes ...
    Georg: Você está louco?)
    Bill: Get away, Georg! Be careful, i'll spill all of this on me ... you stupid idiot. (Bill: Afaste-se, Georg! Tenha cuidado, eu vou derramar tudo isso em mim ... seu idiota estúpido.)
    Georg: Watch it, my friend! (Georg: Assista, meu amigo!)
    Tom: Can you dance with them fast? (Tom: Você pode dançar com eles rápido?)
    Georg: You'll break one in a second. (Georg: Você vai quebrar um em um segundo.)
    Tom: Check it out! ... not everyone can do that. (Tom: Confira! ... nem todo mundo pode fazer isso.)
    Tom: We can play the game again ... (Tom: Podemos jogar o jogo de novo ...)
    Georg: Tom! Come on ... ouch!
    Tom: I'll prick you! (Georg: Tom! Venha ... ai!
    Tom: Eu vou picar você!)
    Georg: Tom!
    Tom: I'm not even looking anymore. (Georg: Tom!
    Tom: Eu nem estou mais olhando.)
    Georg: Watch out, watch out.
    Tom: Here you go ... (Georg: Cuidado, cuidado.
    Tom: Aqui vai você ...)
    Bill: Guys, are you crazy?! (Bill: Gente, você é louco ?!)
    Bill: Now i'll kick you! (Bill: Agora eu vou chutar você!)
    Tom: What happened there ...
    Bill: ... parts of the wall are coming down. (Tom: O que aconteceu lá ...
    Bill: ... partes da parede estão descendo.)
    Georg: Gustav, that's your room.
    Bill: I'll get bruises all over ... you're so stupid. (Georg: Gustav, esse é o seu quarto.
    Bill: Eu vou ficar com hematomas por toda parte... você é tão estúpido.)
    Let's go! (Vamos lá!)
    Bill: Now we'll get on a funny TV show. We'll cook today ... our yummy pasta! (Bill: Agora vamos entrar em um programa de TV engraçado. Vamos cozinhar hoje ... nossa massa gostosa!)
    Tom: The "Tokio Pasta". (Tom: A "Massa Tokio".)
    Bill: You know what, i totally want to eat it after ... there's nothing else here that i like. (Bill: Você sabe o que, eu quero totalmente comê-la depois ... não há mais nada aqui que eu goste.)

  • @kujo_cujo_bujo
    @kujo_cujo_bujo 12 років тому

    Song at 4:23 ?? I have completely lost track of what song this is :O thanks so much!!!

  • @vendelaholmesson
    @vendelaholmesson 12 років тому

    I think it's Natalie Franz, their makeup artist ^^

  • @mancity4ever13
    @mancity4ever13 15 років тому +1

    love these guys. tokio hotel is awesome!

  • @Shutitnavi
    @Shutitnavi 13 років тому

    ...Who did Tom hug at 1:39 ...?

  • @mvrtomkaulitz
    @mvrtomkaulitz 14 років тому

    Tom is so cute!

  • @marlene670
    @marlene670 11 років тому

    XDDD bill nennt georg "dumme nutte"

  • @ShenklovesBill
    @ShenklovesBill 12 років тому

    humanoid ;)

  • @kaulitz190
    @kaulitz190 12 років тому

    I always love this EPISODE!!!! Tom's really Pervert! O.O