What I did learn is that after years of therapy I still had a trauma bond with my father. I had already done quite some work but over the years more memories surfaced. Exactly through that connection to this man. He even looked like my dad. My father got shot to death in a back alley by some drug dealers. Very similar M.O.! So while I was taking my butt to therapy twice a week for a year. Doing hypnosis, EMDR, eft, working with an excellent healer, receiveing guidance and wisdom and healing from my lovely beings of light from the energy world. True power, freedom...he was playing his little freaking and freaky games and now looks at him. We were constantly on and off by his design. Thank you. 😂😂😂
What I did learn is that after years of therapy I still had a trauma bond with my father. I had already done quite some work but over the years more memories surfaced. Exactly through that connection to this man. He even looked like my dad. My father got shot to death in a back alley by some drug dealers. Very similar M.O.! So while I was taking my butt to therapy twice a week for a year. Doing hypnosis, EMDR, eft, working with an excellent healer, receiveing guidance and wisdom and healing from my lovely beings of light from the energy world. True power, freedom...he was playing his little freaking and freaky games and now looks at him. We were constantly on and off by his design. Thank you. 😂😂😂
Thank you for the truth ❤ your readings I am a Taurus woman
Thats exactly what I called him. I'm the ant. He's the grasshopper. I play chess, he plays checkers like all narcissists do.
Game over. Soul given to the devil .Only they can find themselves and take the lessons and grow
This is the same as Scorpio’s