B-737NG landing Rwy.26 at LRCL/CLJ - Cluj Someseni Airport

  • Опубліковано 2 січ 2025


  • @Gamesinnersofficial
    @Gamesinnersofficial 4 роки тому

    nice landing Iron Bird :)

  • @innersilencedotcom
    @innersilencedotcom 13 років тому

    perfect! brilliant landing on the radiator :) you guys make it look so simple...

  • @bicu77
    @bicu77 13 років тому

    Multumesc !

  • @tomcataircraft
    @tomcataircraft  13 років тому

    @ymmjR1221: Yes, the rwy. at Cluj is shorter and in bad conditions. But the autobreaks
    somehow must be disengaged at a given time or the airplane will break nasty. As you can see I was in the jump seat...

  • @tomcataircraft
    @tomcataircraft  13 років тому

    @bicu77 Adevarat a inviat! ILS-ul poate fi urmat atit manual cit si cu pilotul automat cuplat. Sigur cu A/P cuplat face singur toata treaba pina la minima sau in cazul in care se face autoland pina dupa touchdown. In cazul Cluj, datorita performantei proaste a GS-ului, acesta oscilind tare, pilotii prefera sa decupleze A/P si sa urmeze panta manual dupa indicatiile GS. Autobrake-ul se foloseste mereu! Trenul poate fi scos oricind sub viteza de 270kts. Recomandarea este sa fie scos la GS alive.

  • @ryanmd11fan
    @ryanmd11fan 13 років тому

    cel mai bun video de pana acum, am ramas fara cuvinte, multumim ca ne-ati ascultat rugamintea:D spotterii erau la datorie? cer senin!

  • @HotDog12ist
    @HotDog12ist 13 років тому

    and one more question, why so much fuel left do you had strong tailwind or its for roundrip? :) thanks

  • @neveneffect1
    @neveneffect1 13 років тому

    what was the A/P warning for?:)

  • @alex74jenx
    @alex74jenx 12 років тому

    Interesting. They turned of AP at about 3000 ft BARO. Usually they do it at about 1000 ft BARO. It's an ILS approach...why did they turn off AP at 3000 ft? Did they decide to do a visual?

  • @princegabytv7251
    @princegabytv7251 5 років тому +1

    Was it hardlanding. Or the camera was shaking during landing??😊

  • @GonteanuPaul
    @GonteanuPaul 10 років тому

    De la G/S manual. Foarte frumos.

  • @neveneffect1
    @neveneffect1 13 років тому

    @KLMAirSwan Ok, thanks!:)

  • @777Plox
    @777Plox 13 років тому

    How did you get the camera to not shake on the landing? Great video!

  • @ymmjR1221
    @ymmjR1221 13 років тому

    Saw that you had to override the autobrakes and brake a little harder... thats a short runway, nice work! Were you left or right seat or just riding in the jump seat?

  • @HotDog12ist
    @HotDog12ist 13 років тому

    Very nice video, but the runway at LRCL is terrible :)) they should do some maintenance work on it... thanks for sharing

  • @tomcataircraft
    @tomcataircraft  13 років тому

    @HotDog12ist Round trip! Return gas... Just 40 min. flight time...

  • @bicu77
    @bicu77 13 років тому

    Hristos a inviat ! M-am zapacit un pic cu videoul asta...ati interceptat glideslope apoi ati dezactivat ap ? Daca il dezactivati , va mai ajuta glideslope ? Sau ea se intercepteaza oricum...am crezut ca doar la autolanding se urmareste , si ati facut si un autobrake , de ce ? Nu va puteati opri in timp util ? La ce viteza e safe sa cobori landing gear ? Am vazut ca l-ati coborat la 176 kt... scuze pt intrebari ! Va multumim !!!

    • @SilkWayFan
      @SilkWayFan 7 років тому

      trenul se poate cobora oricind sub 270kts,la Cluj G/S e f prost si oscileaza,deci pilotii decupleaza pilotul automat si il urmeaza manual

  • @andreasdamhaug4420
    @andreasdamhaug4420 10 років тому

    was it a fast landing or was it short rwy?

  • @tomcataircraft
    @tomcataircraft  13 років тому

    @KLMAirSwan ?!

  • @planespottingoliver7317
    @planespottingoliver7317 8 років тому

    what was the airline

  • @xcriss2898
    @xcriss2898 11 років тому


  • @tomcataircraft
    @tomcataircraft  13 років тому

    @neveneffect1 Auto/Pilot disconect warning

  • @VxMAX
    @VxMAX 13 років тому

    Deci, ca si piloti, aveti voie sa vb. in limba romana la aeroporturile din Romania dar nu aveti voie sa mergeti peste checklist of take off and landing in romana, correct? Tre. sa ziceti in engleza?

    • @SilkWayFan
      @SilkWayFan 7 років тому

      checklistul tre zis in engleza dar ai voie sa vorbeasca intre ei in romana