Since WT 2 by Randy Dongseu broadcasted 4 days ago.. many youtuber outside Indonesia doing reaction on that Randy’s video.. but reaction from Daniel and Natalia is the BEST !.. always happy and excited when see their reaction..
I'm so proud with Randy who can sing in several languages. To Pall Family > You have to come to Indonesia in this year. Indonesia is so large with many interesting places and the delicious culinary.
humblenya rhandy often say that this song is popular in Indonesia, and it makes them proud of their country, even though the song is not popular in Indonesia, that's simple ways to make other people proud of their country, how about us??
well... that's one of the advantages of us (Indonesians)... Our tongues are used to different accents... here in Indonesia, we have 718 main regional languages and when combined with other sub regional languages it will have more than 1000 languages. We are very proud to be Indonesian
Pal family,Indonesia love you....!!
Thank you Pall family for reaction....🙏🇮🇩❤️❤️
Thanks for the video of Randy dongseu 👍❤🇲🇨😇🙏👍
Randy Dongseu mantap keren the best 👍👌
Yyy,, kalian memang harus mencoba traveling ke Indonesia... Pall family naisss
Terimakasih sudah reaction Randy...good..👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
Terima kasih PF sudah reaksi video Randy mantap mantap.
Salam dari indo 🇮🇩🇮🇩 MBK bule anda beautiful
Indonesia 🇮🇩 My Beautiful Country and The Land of Talent...❤️🔥
Reaksi yang sangat bagus ..terima kasih
Super paket conplit
I Love your reaction Palm family❤❤thx for reaction randy dongsue👍🙏
TERIMA KASIH, Saya sangat menyukai reaksi keluarga pall. Anda sangat baik.
Yah lanjut ajah biar keren Tur Nuhun Bro
Semangat terus Aa Randy, sehat selalu dan sukses selalu... Aamiin ya robbalamin 🙏
Salam Indonesia cinta damai
Thank you for u nice reaction. Love from 🇮🇩
Mantab 👍🇮🇩
sehat selalu dan sukses 👍👍👍
Naiss naiss Randy talent
Good reaction, good job, thanks brp🙏
Nonton nya harus sambil ngopi ini mah panjang banget video nya....kopi mana kopi mana
Teruskeun. . Rand. Hebatlah . . .uwa respeks pisan. . .!!!
Top markotop, mantab uncle🔥🔥👍👍
Randy is the best singer from indonesia !
Reaksi paling mantap.
Randy the best ... Good job randy ...semoga murah rezeki ya randy buat anak nya.... Amin🇲🇾
I love Randy you know..
Good luck 👍💙🙏🙏🙏
tayang bagus sekali dapat mengedukasi masyarakat indonesia
Thank you for you
Yaass i soo like and happy see your reaction guyss
I love Randy... 👍👍🌹🌹❤❤
Selamat pagi sahabat ku yang baik
Kopi mana kopi brother sister
tq u my bro n sis.... lov u in the word my hart... see you...
Thank you for your both reaction to Randy's video. That's awesome 👍👍
Saya dari indonesia
Sehat selalu ya om tante hehe
Thanks to reaction Randy dongseu, big love from 🇮🇩
I like the way you react to this video... Randy Dongseu is very talented I'm proud of Randy Dongseu.. as an Indonesian citizen
Mr. Pall and family, saya senang dengan reaction kalian berdua,. Senang mendengar kalian ingin ke indonesia. Kami tunggu kalian di indonesia.
Amazing for both of you Pall family ....Indonesia love you all...
Good mantap
Reaction netizen for randy dongseu its cool. Congrats from bogor city, indonesia,
Thanks Reaction....
I really like natalia's reaction when Randy sing Romanian song, it's like a child just get new toy. Awesome!
Yeah I think it was the best moment I wished he'd go easier on her. I think they are Romanians, right? Definitely subbed.
Nice ....reactor...
@@Sunda_Dutch 333333333333313333333333333333333333333333333333323333333333333313333133333333333331312131311331333331331313133333331113333333333333333333333133313331313133333313333333313333331333333333333333333313313133333333333333331333333333133313333333333331333331133133311333133313131313333333333333313331333313133331333333313133333333111133333333333333133313333331333313313331133133331133133133133333333331333313333333331313333333333133333313333333311333333333333333133333333333331333333333333333131333333333333331333333333111133333313111131333331133311333133331113333333131331333331333333133333331331333313331331333333333313333133333333333333331133313133333333313333333333333313133133311333113113133111331113313133113311133333333111331133331333133311333333333311133333333313133233331313332333133123333333313131131331113333313313131311331333333311333333311331133313333313133333333331333313313333313333333333311313332333331313211333333131333333313133333333333333311333333311113333331313331331131131313333133311333333133313313113133333133333331333331333333333333333313313313331333331133333133331313313131313333331313133131313131133333331133131113331333133133313333133313331333331333131333333331313333113131131333333333331133131313133313333331333313313133333331133313333333333333133311333331131331333331331331133313311333311331131133133333331333131333333331331131311331333113311133313313213113333131323111313113313331311313311111113131331313313311331331113112311333133131313331111133133331313333331131333133331131313333313133131131313113113123111311311113113131131311313313133132111333131313331133313131311333133333131333311133333313333311133333131333133131311333331333333133331333333133313133113111111131313333131331311311131331113131131333333131113333313111113131333331131311133313133331133131133133333333331311131313133311313313133113131313233133313311331113313331333131313131131111131131331131313331113131133133313311313333313111333133111331333133331313133333113313331313131133331313133313131313322313313131313111313311331311333333131121331331313312131111131133133133113133131313333313131311313131131113133331311313311333311313133113131133131331333331313331133313331113133131331133133311313131333313133331331133313311133133113131131313133311133333133333333131133313113131313133131313133311331313111333313133333333333313313313333133333333333333333333331333111333113133113313313111313111313313131131333111333333111333311313111313333133331333331331131331333131331331313311131313131311333313133133311313331133113131331313131311313113331331313331331131113131133333333131331331133133133133313113113131311133233133113113113131333131311113133133131311313311131331133313213113131131331311311113111311333313131131133311313133333333133313133331313131131111331331313113313131313131131333133313131331313111131333113123133133331313131113113313331313113333113313133113313131133133313333131313133113131113313113323313111311313113133133131331131313111333133313313131313313313133131313133313133111313333313313113133131133333333131333313133331333311333133111123131313311311331333131131111313131331311313133313313311131331311313131331133131133311331131313113333333133131331313331131313131313131113131133131331313113331131131333311311113131113113131311311333131313113113133111311313131131331311313113311333121313313131131313131131313313333131131113113333311113331311313113111311333111313313113333133113131131133133331313131333133113111131333133313333133333313313133311333311313313131333333113333313133131333331331313133111113131133111311313113313133313131333333313331313331333131131311311111113311311311331313131131333131311131113133131331313113113313331123131113311111313131333133131133131331313333131231111311311113333133333113113313331331313131131131131313
Semoga pall family sehat selalu. Aamiin.
3 Times i watching this reaction....and i always like this couple...naisssss
Mantab bro........indonesia hadir
Mantab...respect for yourreaction..tnx.. really happy...
Mksh atas reaksen nya Rendy dongsu ya bro 👍👌
Since WT 2 by Randy Dongseu broadcasted 4 days ago.. many youtuber outside Indonesia doing reaction on that Randy’s video.. but reaction from Daniel and Natalia is the BEST !.. always happy and excited when see their reaction..
randy mantap
Always support to you 👍👍😍🤩☕☕
24:00 yeaahhhh lagu rumania berdendang....
I'm so proud with Randy who can sing in several languages. To Pall Family > You have to come to Indonesia in this year. Indonesia is so large with many interesting places and the delicious culinary.
Selamat kenal saudara q....
Km ganteng d cantik
🇮🇩 🇮🇩 🇮🇩 #LOVELYCOUPLE 🇮🇩 🇮🇩 🇮🇩 #GREATREACTION 🇮🇩 🇮🇩 🇮🇩
Good job of the best....from Malaysia with love....
Lets come to Indonesia... You both are so very very nice person.. Peace and love from Medan Indonesia
Mantap 👌
Randy dongsu ❤️🔥
Natalie.... Mantap👍🇮🇩
Sangat keren brow
Good bro Randi,,,,,mantap
awesome .....thanks for ur reaction pall family ......greet from indonesia
Long duration.but im enjoing...
From indonesia stay tune.. 🙂
Wawww 👍👍🤩🇮🇩
Respect for y'all guys...
Ouwwhh... Well done Rendy👍👏😆... And teuibesc of u r guyss😜🤗🤭👍🙏
Nice reaction,,long video no cut,,,mantaaaaap pall family,,
Finally 🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍
Randy amazing 👍👍👍
Thank's for pell family to good reaction RANDY DONGSEAU.We feel so nice to see your react video.from indonesia👏👏👏
Very nice thanks👍
humblenya rhandy often say that this song is popular in Indonesia, and it makes them proud of their country, even though the song is not popular in Indonesia, that's simple ways to make other people proud of their country, how about us??
well... that's one of the advantages of us (Indonesians)...
Our tongues are used to different accents...
here in Indonesia, we have 718 main regional languages and when combined with other sub regional languages it will have more than 1000 languages.
We are very proud to be Indonesian
First..thank u
i'm glad u re gived Randy Pal'.. awesome 👍🤩
Pal family nice couple hansom and preety
Great great reaction 👍
as soon as as posible....lets go bro. ayo gas pol
Mantap reaction bro.....kopi mana kopi....!!!
Halo pall family... Apakabar.. Salam dari Indonesia🙏 ❤💯🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
Randy 👍
Naiss randy 👏👏
Nice reacion 👍 👍 👍 big love from Indonesian ❤️❤️❤️
"Definitely he doesn't know something else,,
Ohh, he know something else,,"
Durasi nya 1 jam nice nice nice 👍👍👍👍👍
Randy Dongseu