• @markgt894
    @markgt894 11 днів тому +134

    Labour got only 33% of the vote on a turnout of less than 60% - voting system needs overhauling.

    • @isotropisch82
      @isotropisch82 11 днів тому +19

      They got a "thumping majority" within the voting system that we have, and that is what matters. Also, the British people voted very convincingly against PR in 2011, and you can't overturn referendums, ever... apparently.

    • @markgt894
      @markgt894 11 днів тому

      @@isotropisch82 thumping majority with less votes than Tories under Boris, and even less votes than Corbyn.

    • @Bruss390
      @Bruss390 11 днів тому +1

      @@isotropisch82adding that one to the repertoire lol

    • @darkdestroyer6634
      @darkdestroyer6634 11 днів тому

      funny how people only start complaining about vote share and electoral reform when the Tories suffer their biggest defeat in living memory....
      In case you'd forgotten we had a referendum in 2011 about electoral reform and the NO camp won by 67%
      As we know with referendums a result of 52% or more means we can never ever discuss the subject ever again and we cannot overturn "the will of the people".

    • @harrysmith3606
      @harrysmith3606 11 днів тому +10

      ​@@isotropisch82 That was "alternative vote" (AV), not proportional representation (PR) as you suggested. They're two different systems - the takeaway being that AV doesn't really work that well either lol

  • @user-kg9nd3vs6g
    @user-kg9nd3vs6g 11 днів тому +65

    Why are they talking about building prisons and houses. Stop people coming in!!!

    • @keithperks8773
      @keithperks8773 11 днів тому +4

      They will stop coming in if they think they will go to prison.

    • @jhunt5578
      @jhunt5578 11 днів тому +1

      We need all 3

    • @Abstractpossom
      @Abstractpossom 11 днів тому

      they're actually looking to free prisoners to free up space

    • @Jin-Ro
      @Jin-Ro 10 днів тому

      @@keithperks8773 Please explain how the UK has Prisons and no Criminals. I'm intrigued.

    • @jjefferyworboys8138
      @jjefferyworboys8138 10 днів тому

      We should also stop people having children.

  • @stevvieb
    @stevvieb 11 днів тому +53

    If we didn't have half the third world here living for FREE we wouldn't need to build a fraction of the homes.

    • @PaulJones-xl6xq
      @PaulJones-xl6xq 11 днів тому

      We wouldn’t need to build any at all zero we would have spare the white British population is shrinking. While they encourage it to do so while importing your replacement at your expense.

    • @azillliasmith2734
      @azillliasmith2734 11 днів тому +11

      True .......Been saying this for ages we don't need more homes we need less people......

    • @mellluscombe5409
      @mellluscombe5409 11 днів тому +11

      We the taxpayers need to stand UP against it by STOPPING our taxes being ABUSED and USED for these FREELOADERS!. STOP paying taxes and they will QUICKLY sort this BS out!!!

    • @mrspud2547
      @mrspud2547 11 днів тому

      We pay for these people to get priority over us while these rats smile with glee like it’s them who are doing the right thing they are taking from us!

    • @mellluscombe5409
      @mellluscombe5409 11 днів тому +2

      @@azillliasmith2734 , And "HOLIDAY HOMES" banned!. NOBODY should be able to buy a SECOND home to use ONCE a year whilst others are living on the damn streets because of it!!!

  • @marwenost
    @marwenost 11 днів тому +46

    Clueless labour will destroy the environment and landscape

    • @stonale736
      @stonale736 11 днів тому +1

      Come on stop the drama! And who’s the one with the clue then?

  • @Wearenotreallyhere
    @Wearenotreallyhere 11 днів тому +46

    Great idea let’s just ignore the elephant in the room (over population) and build more houses for more people, tarmac the green belt , more traffic congestion, more queues for GPs, over burdened NHS, full schools, more stress and lower quality of life for everyone under Labour.

    • @fasthracing
      @fasthracing 11 днів тому +1

      More more more

    • @FraserBailey-jm5yz
      @FraserBailey-jm5yz 11 днів тому

      Well if you have voted for any of the mainstream parties over the last 25 to 30 years you can't complain. They have all been committed to mass immigration, the inevitable consequence of which is the destruction of our 'green and pleasant land'.

    • @ragdollkid1338
      @ragdollkid1338 11 днів тому +2

      Obviously they haven't but Yvette Cooper is in charge of the Home office not Rachel Reeves so that will be a separate announcement.
      And as this describes its not about greenbelt but building on brown belt and grey belt land

    • @stonale736
      @stonale736 11 днів тому +4

      Seem to purposely ignore the fact it was the conservatives in charge for 14 years, yes??? Bigotry at its finest

    • @Caws_a_Bara
      @Caws_a_Bara 11 днів тому

      So over population is to blame for a severly underfunded and understaffed NHS, crumbling and understaffed schools, overworked GPs, and terrible public services and utilities not 14 years of Austerity, Brexit and the Tory's?

  • @A190xx
    @A190xx 11 днів тому +16

    I hope the media ask the following on her building plan:
    1. She said 1.5m homes will be built under Labour in the next 5 years, but how many of those were to be built anyway? The UK was building 200,000 per year, so it seems 500,000 extra.
    2. Who will build them? An extra 100,000 per year would need thousands of tradespeople. Are these people sitting around idle? Indeed, the figure will be higher, as any site given the go ahead will take 1-2 years before holes are dug in the ground.
    3. If these will be recruited and trained, from where? Will Labour reduce the 50% of children to university and instead encourage blue collar work? Will there be diversity targets for hod carriers?
    4. Will the new houses have ample hopsital and GP places, schools, roads and such services? The pesky planning rules that hold up large developments are usually because there is no infrastructure with developers preferring to build the homes and give cash to the council, so the residents move in and wait 5-10 years for the council to get enough money to build the infrastructure and staff to be trained. And developers prefer to over-develop cities and large towns rather than where councils are desperate for housing, which is why they want to destroy the green belt that surrounds London, but not touch unprotected land up North, the South West or Scotland.
    5. Much of the green belt supports wildlife and protected species, which the pesky planning rules protect. Will this be disregarded?
    6. If the UK has net migration of 750,000, but builds 300,000 homes (with mostly flats in urban areas) and UK average occupancy is 2.36, this will leave 42,000 homeless each year, so 210,000 over the 5 years. It will also block UK youngsters getting on the ladder. How will this be addressed?
    7. From where will the materials be sourced, especially for green energy? 78% of Co2 global emissions is from world freight and anything built in China ignores labour laws and Co2 targets, so will this count toward the 2030 net zero target for the UK?
    I suspect she will discover very quickly why house building has been low and why immigration needs to be tackled to enable the UK infrastructure to catch up.

    • @bobstirling6885
      @bobstirling6885 11 днів тому +4

      The extra builders needed....on top of the extra doctors, nurses, police, etc already promised to materialise miraculously.....

    • @beepositiveforever971
      @beepositiveforever971 11 днів тому

      Good points... Maybe time to reverse Blairs useless Mickey mouse degrees at Uni and make entrance to Uni on merit base, not the DEI box ticking it's become. Of course the whole purpose is to indoctrinate young minds the evolutionary Communist way.
      Instead, encourage apprenticeships, skills learning to the main stream, the youngsters will be 1000% better prepared for the world of work & life, let alone the boost it would give to the economy.

    • @NPC-st7zv
      @NPC-st7zv 6 днів тому

      The answer is immigration,
      Lots and lots of it.

  • @markmewordz6860
    @markmewordz6860 11 днів тому +10

    Labour did this in the 60's. What could possibly go wrong? :]

  • @mw89181
    @mw89181 11 днів тому +33

    Here’s a thought: if you hadn’t of imported millions and millions of people over the past 27 years, we wouldn’t need to concrete over our entire countrywide. Yet again, clue less ministers and their progressive, mass immigration agenda.

    • @MrManny075
      @MrManny075 9 днів тому

      You seem to forget or ignore the reality people die, do you know how many people die each year? a close to one million each year in 27 years that is close to half of the population gone for good, without immigrant the birth will be a lot less than today, do the maths
      if you go to every construction that is happening right now you find the majority are immigrants working there, selfish people always point their fingers and can't think or see the bigger picture.

    • @Tamarlane389
      @Tamarlane389 7 днів тому

      @@mw89181 literally all of that drivel is bollox. You wouldn’t know a fact if you caught your mrs in bed with one

    • @stonale736
      @stonale736 4 дні тому +1

      Do you actually have a job? own a house? or just hatred of anybody different? Because this country has built on immigrants for the last 2 centuries my friend, if you are educated enough to know your history

  • @paulsmith1981
    @paulsmith1981 11 днів тому +11

    Labour has just given the illegal immigrants who arrived in small boats the right to apply for asylum. Its just like having the UCL student union in government.

  • @drundub73
    @drundub73 11 днів тому +35

    It was the same last time they got in " breath of fresh air " just wait ,come the next election you will be begging to get them out.

  • @user-bu9nb8wr6e
    @user-bu9nb8wr6e 11 днів тому +39

    Shut the border.

    • @dancoy09
      @dancoy09 11 днів тому


    • @dbarrett747
      @dbarrett747 11 днів тому

      Thank for your input I'm sure they hadn't thought of that.....cretin

    • @ragdollkid1338
      @ragdollkid1338 11 днів тому +3

      ​@@dancoy09its not open, never has been

    • @Tamarlane389
      @Tamarlane389 7 днів тому

      @@user-bu9nb8wr6e open the border to your brain

  • @justgeneric2876
    @justgeneric2876 11 днів тому +150

    Basically private developers have no interest in building non-profitable properties, They won't build schools, infrastructure, gp surgerys, hospitals, parks, social housing. They will build houses but not social housing. It is necessary to place onerous requirements, in reality failing to do so will result in no social houses or infrastructure.

    • @boota1979
      @boota1979 11 днів тому +10

      @justgeneric2876 The government have the answer to that right now, they control planning permission and if builders do not want to build infrastructure, they will be denied planning permission to build houses and without that they are stuffed.

    • @EzraMerr
      @EzraMerr 11 днів тому

      All the housing that gets built are not for profit via consumer market but for profit through government hedge funds it's a socialist corporation aka: fascism. If you're an ACTUAL private developer good luck trying to get permission to build hahaha

    • @IAmSoMuchBetterThanYou
      @IAmSoMuchBetterThanYou 11 днів тому +8

      Then it should be built by a government department and not farmed out to private business.

    • @travoltasbiplane1551
      @travoltasbiplane1551 11 днів тому +8

      ​@@boota1979 this never happens though. In west Sussex they build more and more houses and never touch the infrastructure. A 100 house development is currently being built. It's planning consent says this will only add an additional 17 cars using the road. It's pathetic. The public sector in this country in an embarrassment.

    • @nathansavage8692
      @nathansavage8692 11 днів тому

      Agreed, all builders are interested in are parasitic housing estates that leach off existing second and third places. I live in a village and there are 5 housing estates being built or recently finished. None of them have parks, shops, offices or schools

  • @keithwilkins1437
    @keithwilkins1437 11 днів тому +33

    "" Get Britain Building "" ? Every where I go I see new estates being built .Thirty years or so ago England was the most densely populated country in Europe by far . Big business building companies must be jumping for joy .WE NEED OUR OPEN SPACES .STOP IMMIGRATION FOR A DECENT QUALITY LIFE .The infrastructure cannot cope now .( Get a piece of turf now ,it could be a collective item !

  • @Walksfar64
    @Walksfar64 11 днів тому +27

    Ghettos she means like Belgium, Demark, Sweden that dont work and crime rate rises. Locals get ready.

    • @turokforever007
      @turokforever007 11 днів тому

      Well if they are for a certain type then ghettos for sure.

    • @dcanes5720
      @dcanes5720 11 днів тому

      People like nasty nimby Francis is kiss are that born people might get a home and be happy… those people can’t have that!

  • @BritguyQRO
    @BritguyQRO 11 днів тому +23

    Building for who exactly, not with my taxes they won't.

    • @jjefferyworboys8138
      @jjefferyworboys8138 10 днів тому

      Unfortunately none of us can choose what our taxes are used for.

    • @BritguyQRO
      @BritguyQRO 10 днів тому

      @@jjefferyworboys8138 Wrong I can.

  • @Taketimeout3
    @Taketimeout3 11 днів тому +53

    Who are they building them for?
    They have already filled existing buildings and pushed house prices up so it would be better to identify who these millions are before we decide if they should stay or return to their ccountries of origin.

    • @Shaun-e9y
      @Shaun-e9y 11 днів тому +12

      Local town ....Muslim landlords buying up terraces by the bucket load ..then partitioning into bedsits
      And then taking in housing benefit
      5 bedsits in a Terrace house ...nice little earner Terry ,my old son.

    • @ebnanaann5644
      @ebnanaann5644 11 днів тому +6

      @@Shaun-e9y Proves where the evil is

    • @Shaun-e9y
      @Shaun-e9y 11 днів тому

      @@ebnanaann5644 and the asylum types get citizenship .move in the bedsit rent payed by tax payer ...the types then bring over the wife from the so called war zone ...,then get a house and life on welfare because no understand English and wife is cousin with sickle cell or issues .
      It's a huge pyramid scheme scam that's out of control
      And govt hadn't the gonads to admit it or stop it.

    • @Shaun-e9y
      @Shaun-e9y 11 днів тому +5

      @@ebnanaann5644 Used use a little cal shop ...Asian owner ...flats above shop
      Ever time I went post office he'd be there with immigration forms for his cleaners ...evey month a new cleaner .

    • @user-kr6tk9vg3o
      @user-kr6tk9vg3o 11 днів тому +5

      Just what I was thinking

  • @johnsmith1423
    @johnsmith1423 11 днів тому +37

    They only got 1/3 of the votes but got 2/3 of the seats. Bring in proportional representation.

    • @biscuitbrakes8480
      @biscuitbrakes8480 11 днів тому +2

      Funny no one was calling for this when it was Conservatives who were in government with a minority of the public having voted for them!

    • @ChristineRead-ck1uq
      @ChristineRead-ck1uq 10 днів тому +3

      In 2019 the Tories got 43.6% of the vote on a 67.5% turn out. That is the equivalent of 29% of the electorate at that time. They got an 80 seat majority.
      This time, Labour got 33% of the vote on a 59% turn out. That is the equivalent of just 20% of the electorate. Yet they got a 174 seat majority.
      Many of us have been calling for PR for many years but neither of the two main parties will ever let us have it because if they do, they know they will probably never be fully in charge ever again.
      In 2011 we only got the offer because the LibDems who were then in coalition, demanded we have the choice to adopt PR. The version offered was not PR.

    • @Jin-Ro
      @Jin-Ro 10 днів тому

      @@biscuitbrakes8480 I'm traditionally Conservative (not necessarily a Conservative party voter). I've been calling for PR since 1988. We've got to a point where Labour and Tory expect to be in power. It's no longer a priveledge to them, it's a forgone conclusion.
      Left wing and Right wing need to come together on this, the system is broken and not fit for purpose. Personally I'd prefer Direct Democracy like Iceland or Switzerland, but I don't see that happening in my lifetime.

    • @jjefferyworboys8138
      @jjefferyworboys8138 10 днів тому

      Whilst FPTP isn't perfect it ensure stable governments. PR would be ok if you could guarantee that one party would always achieve an overall majority.
      The reality is that PR results in coalition governments, which tend to be short lived. Italy governments last on average 1.1 years and achieve very little.

    • @matthewsemple
      @matthewsemple 8 днів тому

      two things on that:
      1. From a position of opposition, political parties cannot change the voting system so they did what they could within the current system.
      2. Labour and Lib Dems got the majority of the votes and would simply be forming a coalition under PR with Starmer and his team as the major players in a very similar government.

  • @nowgrownup
    @nowgrownup 11 днів тому +33

    Listened to her a few times making exuses already worse mess that WW2 which is lies last labour government left a note stating no money in the treasury and sold off the UK gold reserves anc started an illegal war and Blair was to blame for mass immigration 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @markmewordz6860
      @markmewordz6860 11 днів тому

      Different coloured turds ... same latrine my friend

    • @ramsay9073
      @ramsay9073 11 днів тому +1

      The tories are a Tony Blair party they unfortunately died on that hill.

    • @crazycrentax
      @crazycrentax 9 днів тому

      @@ramsay9073 After Maggie Thatcher had finished Labour had to spend money. Over the Thatcher year many schools and Hospitals were in a terrible state. More social housing was needed because Maggie sold off thousands of council houses and for keep from raising the high tax limit by just 1%. And as for unemployment, that rocketed due to all the industry closing down. Someone really should have told her that everyone becoming a shopkeeper doesn't work, you just get thousands of bankruptcies and repossessions (although I shouldn't complain about that one, I was a Locksmith at the time with way too much work).

  • @Heretican
    @Heretican 11 днів тому +20

    Building more houses to house immigrants? NO

    • @margaretchapman8499
      @margaretchapman8499 11 днів тому +1

      So when you have built all these houses how will we grow food. Ha in window boxes. And will these houses be for the indigenous people or for immigrants.

    • @stonale736
      @stonale736 4 дні тому

      NO, to house the million of British people on council waiting lists and temporary accommodation all over the country

    • @margaretchapman8499
      @margaretchapman8499 3 дні тому

      @@stonale736 so how do we grow food to sustain these people, and when here does that mean there families can come over for us to keep while our people have no home and are living on the streets. These people are coming here illegally what is it you don’t seam to understand. If any Brit just went to another Country with no visa they would turn you around and put you on the first plane or boat out of the Country-its obvious this hasn’t sunk in yet so when will this happen (Any time soon, or what). We are full to the brim as it is and people who work are paying the very high price for something they don’t want. SORT IT!!!!!!!.,!!!!!!!!!!

  • @richardtuxford1812
    @richardtuxford1812 11 днів тому +92

    Fighting putting houses on old airstrips and previously developed land is ridiculous.

    • @allthingstravel8404
      @allthingstravel8404 11 днів тому

      Exactly, it used to be an airport FFS. . doesn't get any more polluting than that surely !? . If we build green / insulated housing surely that's a good thing ?? .. a new estate just went up near where I live and every house has solar built on it .. surely that's better than an airport !

    • @richardtuxford1812
      @richardtuxford1812 11 днів тому +16

      @abot5381 that will need regulation and control from the government rather than letting the private sector dictate

      @JJONNYREPP 11 днів тому

    • @forestsunset9617
      @forestsunset9617 11 днів тому

      @abot5381 All Labour are doing is creating assets only the rich can afford. The rich will buy them and rent them back to us. Meanwhile the rich will pay no tax and we will all continue to get poorer. none of these actions are drastic enough to tackle anything.

    • @Caws_a_Bara
      @Caws_a_Bara 11 днів тому +6

      1 million houses granted planning permission in the UK since 2015 remain unbuilt

  • @elizabethsamson5591
    @elizabethsamson5591 11 днів тому +40

    Let's face it- she won't be living anywhere near all the issues that she is proposing to fix! She won't be living near to large housing estates, won't be living in inner city Ghetto's, wont be living in the poor areas of the country- she will just make sure that more of these estates are built for the poorer of us. A NIMBY.. building for the poorer of us...Not In My Back Yard.. but we can live there if we can afford it...

    • @iand7475
      @iand7475 11 днів тому +5

      They won't be able to escape the crime though. They can hire private security but a time will come when it's too dangerous a job. Like the police are getting scared now.

    • @hangmanhands5826
      @hangmanhands5826 9 днів тому

      she lived in kirkstall in Leeds plenty close enough to poor inner city areas and I assume now she's in 11 downing street she'll be touring the country often

  • @unchattytwit
    @unchattytwit 11 днів тому +8

    Rachel Reeves and the Labour Party - absolutely clueless.

  • @WideCuriosity
    @WideCuriosity 11 днів тому +6

    Getting building boosted by tearing up the rulebook is not a wise move. The rules are there to stop inappropriate mass construction. And it is unacceptable that areas officially designated green field is simply used to boost the cost of building on it anyway. While some short term building to alleviate pressure is necessary, it is putting a plaster on the symptoms when one needs to fix the cause, which clearly is the population boom and the reasons for it.

  • @pty7968
    @pty7968 11 днів тому +31

    Build more houses > Bring in more immigrants > Build more houses > Bring in more immigrants > Build more houses > Bring in more immigrants > Build more houses > Bring in more immigrants. 🌹

  • @realMaverickBuckley
    @realMaverickBuckley 11 днів тому +7

    Building 'again' . England is a 1/4 the size of France. Literally everywhere i go there are 4 out or 5 rat mazes going up. 330,000 a year.
    Theres no point in just making our island a giant Grey Hostel. If you want to get young people on the housing ladder, why not just limit immigration to Blair levels (which were 20 times higher than any in history) rather than the 800,000 to 1.1 million a year we've seen for the last 5 years?
    Labour... no different to the Tories. None at all.

    • @ragdollkid1338
      @ragdollkid1338 11 днів тому

      Except they have already announced they will be bringing down immigration in parallel

    • @Lifelongloser
      @Lifelongloser 11 днів тому

      Because immigration is the easiest way to grow the economy. Politicians don’t actually care about the housing crisis. They just pretend they do to get votes. Labour can’t point build enough extra houses for even the 400,000 net immigration it will allow. But all it has to do is to be able to say tried at the next election and then blame others for preventing it.
      If you’re young in this country then unless you have wealthy parents or a very good job you’re probably better off leaving.

  • @unchattytwit
    @unchattytwit 11 днів тому +7

    You can't keep building without an infrastructure and investment by the state. What about non-privatized, accessible, decent schools, shops, surgeries, community facilities and transport - all these things are simply ignored as we can see in the past and present. Where's the available money for ordinary citizens if they're to live in such places. There are no decent jobs with decent sustainable conditions. It takes a lot of money to live somewhere without accessible public facilities. New build generally offers none of these things - they're simply spaces for the well off. There's simply no thoughtful, logical or humane intent. The end result is simply more roads, more traffic, more poverty, more destruction of the environment, more pollution, more anger. The public are being squeezed and squeezed until there's nothing left.

    • @johnwebster5005
      @johnwebster5005 11 днів тому

      This should be obvious. I'm a LP member. Letting the market rip is simply classic, build, build for more profit.

  • @unwing3437
    @unwing3437 11 днів тому +6

    So much for our "Green and Pleasant Land" it'll be a building sight as far as the eye can see. And we all know who'll be getting this housing with over a million and counting coming into the UK every year. How about Labour ask the British public if they want this unrestricted, unsustainable, destructive mass migration? I THINK ITS ABOUT TIME WE WERE ASKED!

  • @chrisfinn1
    @chrisfinn1 11 днів тому +8

    Housing for who? We need to understand and accept that we CANNOT simply build our way out of this - its impossible! The very idea that we should even attempt to house millions of people moving from other parts of the globe to this small island (let alone the required infrastructure) is absolutely ridiculous.

    • @TedThomasTT
      @TedThomasTT 11 днів тому +1

      Ok lets just become an extremely poor country instead then

    • @AlTarif
      @AlTarif 11 днів тому

      @@TedThomasTT Or you know we could cut immigration to essential immigrants and build housing. The mistake of mass immigration is done we have to stop it and make the best of it now.

    • @chad01
      @chad01 10 днів тому

      Housing should go to those that need it most. Just because you were born in this geographic area does not entitle you to special treatment.

    • @balthus9105
      @balthus9105 10 днів тому

      @@TedThomasTT Have you been outside lately, we already are.

    • @TedThomasTT
      @TedThomasTT 10 днів тому

      @@balthus9105 things can always get worse...

  • @user-ol6rd7pl5t
    @user-ol6rd7pl5t 11 днів тому +251

    In just 3 days Labour has taken the country further in the right direction than the Tories managed to do in 14 years.

    • @brscot
      @brscot 11 днів тому +25

      I totally agree! It’s sad though that this is worthy of comment. We pay their wages! This should have been the norm

    • @wokenessiscancer2176
      @wokenessiscancer2176 11 днів тому

      Watch your kids!! Mark these words illegals will have them

    • @mrmeldrew693
      @mrmeldrew693 11 днів тому +16

      @@user-ol6rd7pl5t with words.......Boris 'promised' 40 new hospitals.
      This is the same.

    • @RobertPeters-mo6fj
      @RobertPeters-mo6fj 11 днів тому

      Wouldn't be necessary if we hadnt imported millions of people

    • @Millennial1993
      @Millennial1993 11 днів тому +4

      ​@mrmeldrew693 well said no talk about ridiculous energy prices we are facing just speech

  • @c.c.8841
    @c.c.8841 11 днів тому +43

    it should be council homes with UK citizens prioritised.

    • @darkeye306
      @darkeye306 11 днів тому +3

      What a preposterous statement. Anyone should be entitled to housing as long as they're paying taxes.

    • @mkirwan7165
      @mkirwan7165 11 днів тому +20

      ​​@@darkeye306. UK citizens first priority,

    • @lervish1966
      @lervish1966 11 днів тому +7

      Labour always put foreigners first.

    • @jamesart6568
      @jamesart6568 11 днів тому +10

      Labour never pioritsed UK citizens or England

    • @chad01
      @chad01 11 днів тому +1

      @@darkeye306 Paying taxes should not be a prerequisite for owning or living in a property. It is a human right, we have people fleeing wars, are you suggesting they pay taxes?

  • @reamoinmcdonachadh9519
    @reamoinmcdonachadh9519 11 днів тому +51

    And stand up to the Building Firms and Developers and lay down the rules for them. Why subsidize an industry that will not co operate with social obligations?

    • @EzraMerr
      @EzraMerr 11 днів тому +6

      Naive 😂, the whole reason why this mess started was because socialist policies put in place by labour 80 years ago

    • @jeffsterling2809
      @jeffsterling2809 11 днів тому +9

      @@EzraMerr It actually started in the 80s when social housing stopped being built. Our grandparents only got such affordable housing because of the post-WW2 government housing boom.

    • @greyvoice7949
      @greyvoice7949 11 днів тому

      Suggest you go and do some research... No new housing projects in your area I guess too as they would have to interact with your community and there is a requirement for a certain number of houses to be social housing in any new housing project... Fact is that it is almost a wonder we have any new housing being built at all given the requirements , but not a wonder when you look at the cost of houses...

  • @apemoon1731
    @apemoon1731 11 днів тому +53

    I've been in my town for 15 years and over that time there have been tens of thousands of houses and flats built.
    We need infrastructure first

    • @boota1979
      @boota1979 11 днів тому +10

      Back in the day when new housing estates were built, there was always shops, doctors, dentist, schools, bank, post office etc. It's what helps make a community thrive.

    • @apemoon1731
      @apemoon1731 11 днів тому +7

      There have been several huge estates built around my town.
      There are two presently being built within a stone's throw of my house. One of 500+ houses, the other if 1000+...... absolutely no mention of schools, doctor's surgeries, dentists, etc. not to mention the impact of all those new houses flushing sewage into the existing infrastructure.

    • @boota1979
      @boota1979 11 днів тому +4

      @@apemoon1731 It's the same where I live, it's utterly ridiculous!

    • @kevwalker5714
      @kevwalker5714 11 днів тому +2

      @@boota1979 it is the same in every single city in the entire country already

    • @Poultrymad
      @Poultrymad 11 днів тому +1

      Same where I live. Since mid 1980's they've never stopped building & still are. 🤬

  • @Britain4775
    @Britain4775 11 днів тому +18

    Sunak let in 2.5 million. The economic growth promised by these floods of foreigners never materialized, and now we need to house them somewhere.

    • @ebnanaann5644
      @ebnanaann5644 11 днів тому +1

      They are living very well on our tax money stop te welfare state

    • @margaretchapman8499
      @margaretchapman8499 11 днів тому +1

      In France would be good as they get a tent there.

  • @riksstuff.6429
    @riksstuff.6429 11 днів тому +6

    Absolute cobblers.
    We have massive building where I live.
    No-ones standard of living has improved.
    Public services have got worse - no new surgeries/bus routes/leisure facilities so more people using the same services.
    More houses does not naturally = better life.
    But said in a convincing way fools the fools.

    • @susanwestern6434
      @susanwestern6434 11 днів тому

      But it is better for migrants from 3rd world countries.

  • @pnsenga6578
    @pnsenga6578 11 днів тому +136

    U can not whinge about a housing crisis and then also whinge about home building!! More affordable accommodation is desperately need all over the country!!

    • @RobertPeters-mo6fj
      @RobertPeters-mo6fj 11 днів тому

      No housing crisis...uncontrolled and unplanned population explosion. Close the borders and deport..problem solved

    • @cmmgray
      @cmmgray 11 днів тому +4

      For a few more years then we back at square one.

    • @user-bo2se8ml4l
      @user-bo2se8ml4l 11 днів тому +39

      2 million migrants in 2 years like to see this government build a million homes in a year....ask the question...why aren't our homeless put in these hotels where the ILLEGAL immigrants are housed.....scandoulous

    • @neelamacwan7670
      @neelamacwan7670 11 днів тому +20

      Building for who. Where us the money coming from?
      The first issue is to deal with migrants and their deportation.

    • @kzm1934
      @kzm1934 11 днів тому +21

      We wouldn’t have had to build so many houses on the countryside if the population hadn’t expanded so much in the last 20 years due to immigration.

  • @jayseabie215
    @jayseabie215 11 днів тому +10

    I like the way none of them address the root cause of the problem. Why do we have a 'housing crisis'? Why is our infrastructure not able to cope? Why is there not enough of this and not enough of that? Hmmm, couldn't be the fact that over 2.5 million people net have been let into this country over the last 2 years? And what will Labour do about that? Just carry on making it worse - that's what!

  • @ukwatotskuhide270
    @ukwatotskuhide270 11 днів тому +165

    Don't forget the Greenbelt was never about saving the environment. It was about constricting cities so they don't sprawl outwards. Well, if you lock cities into a small area and give no new land for construction of new homes, what did you think would happen to housing availability?

    • @mrmeldrew693
      @mrmeldrew693 11 днів тому

      The environment goes out the window because people don't want to have the conversation about immigration.

    • @stevenesbitt3528
      @stevenesbitt3528 11 днів тому +26

      Yeah that and millions of people turning up of course

    • @lazrseagull54
      @lazrseagull54 11 днів тому +21

      More low density sprawl will just lead to more car dependence.

    • @ParaquatSC
      @ParaquatSC 11 днів тому +2

      @@lazrseagull54 perfect for helping bolster and justify the electric vehicle infrastructure then woo

    • @RobertPeters-mo6fj
      @RobertPeters-mo6fj 11 днів тому +18

      Control the borders...that will help

  • @howmanybeansmakefive
    @howmanybeansmakefive 11 днів тому +33

    People go on about the concrete council monstrosities, but the quality of so many of these new builds are absolutely dire, not just aesthetically but in terms of the actual construction, sprawl, workmanship and literal structural stability. The whole construction industry has been incentivised over decades to be as cost-cutting and negligent as possible, and skills have degraded with it. I really hope Labour doesn't call on these same cowboy corporate developers. I would prefer state built housing, but if they really are allergic to it, I hope at the very least they form new public/private investment vehicles with sig/maj public stakes, rigorous procurement, negotiations, local apprenticeships, warranties, and muscular legal enforcement of duties. The profits would not be as eye-watering as before, but as long as there is some profit (which housing will always provide given the particularly high/captured demand), there will always be people that want to invest, as long as it's stable and thought through (which in itself would also encourage more long-term/thoughtful investors).
    Also help-to-buy has been an absolute disaster for mega-inflated house-prices/mortgages and creating a stratified/captive market for the overpriced shoddy new builds. It needs to be scrapped, or totally reworked

    • @michaelbrown865
      @michaelbrown865 11 днів тому

      I remember the days when local councils did all their own housing, new builds and maintenance, and they took on apprentices of all trades. The private sector builders have been filling their boots. Don't forget the Tory PFI which Labour took to a whole new level. Both as bad as each other, and rotten to the core. Money talks down to politics and down to both main parties.

    • @BlueFish-g5u
      @BlueFish-g5u 11 днів тому +1

      'buy to rent' was a very bad idea.

    • @Luton-Mick
      @Luton-Mick 11 днів тому +1

      Indeed, I wouldn't swap my humble but venerable 1970s one bed flat for a new build death trap. They're diabolical polished turds.

  • @ascgazz
    @ascgazz 11 днів тому +124

    Great speech.
    Much more professional than we’ve seen for a long, long time.

    • @TimComley
      @TimComley 11 днів тому +8

      If you like daleks

    • @neilpike6758
      @neilpike6758 11 днів тому +4

      Now all they have to do is show the brilliant results before the next election.

    • @marilynkick2956
      @marilynkick2956 11 днів тому +3

      I think they should always be sure the percentage of Social Housing, in any development is adhered to. That was the rule with the last Labour Govrnment. The Torys let that rule slip, the developers convinced them not to!

    • @leecudmore-ray6697
      @leecudmore-ray6697 11 днів тому +6

      @@TimComley got anything intelligent to say?

    • @ascgazz
      @ascgazz 11 днів тому +3

      @@neilpike6758 they’re starting, and there’s 5 years left.
      I hope you’re taking notes. 👍🏻

  • @NicholasBrakespear
    @NicholasBrakespear 11 днів тому +8

    "We're definitely not full. We definitely don't have too many people here. We need to save the environment, we're polluting too much. We need to build millions of new homes because there aren't enough homes for people, but we're definitely not full, even though we literally don't have enough homes for people. Also we need to save the environment, but we need to pave over the environment. We need to not have so many cars, but we need to have more roads to connect more homes and have more people commuting and have more cars, because we're definitely not full and we're going to save the environment with more cars and roads."
    We really have entered an Orwellian realm of doublethink haven't we?

    • @ebnanaann5644
      @ebnanaann5644 11 днів тому +4

      Love this reply you forgot to add with our use of technology Google has significantly increase its carbon footprint 5 mins on the internet uses more carbon the travelling 1 km in a car yet you never here this mentioned

  • @rogerwilson6367
    @rogerwilson6367 11 днів тому +6

    They are going to have to put all the immigrants and prospective labour voters somewhere. Have they mentioned services for all these people they are going to import. I doubt it. Perhaps politicians should address the question of over population,

    • @Helpmboab-ue5ck
      @Helpmboab-ue5ck 11 днів тому +1

      Labour may hope that but I'm guessing going forward that sectarianism via Islam will rise, not Labours votes

  • @scottmarsha11
    @scottmarsha11 11 днів тому +70

    Francis is the worst type of person

    • @ape72patch1
      @ape72patch1 11 днів тому +6

      Francis a country 😂

    • @lervish1966
      @lervish1966 11 днів тому +4

      Serial killers are worse.

    • @attackman4458
      @attackman4458 11 днів тому

      @@ape72patch1 wtf r u on? France is a country, Francis is a name. And that rich selfish women is called Francis. 🤤

    • @ribz747
      @ribz747 9 днів тому

      Frances' real name is Karen.

    • @ape72patch1
      @ape72patch1 9 днів тому

      ​@@ribz747the whole country or you mean Francis ? 😂

  • @marklastname1993
    @marklastname1993 11 днів тому +4

    It really doesn't matter how many houses we build. If net migration stays at 750k or more, it'll literally be impossible to supply that many houses.

  • @tal-lancer
    @tal-lancer 11 днів тому +11

    Labour, Tory it doesn't matter. The UK is on an inescapable downward spiral, heading in the same direction as Italy, also once a proudly successful nation. Now they're just content with saying the country works, more or less.

  • @isotropisch82
    @isotropisch82 11 днів тому +46

    What is this madness... a politician actually answering questions. Well I'll be. Its been a while.

    • @unchattytwit
      @unchattytwit 11 днів тому +6

      Same old waffle, BS and lies with any real content.

    • @ianrobinson9547
      @ianrobinson9547 11 днів тому +2

      Didn’t see Jonathan Ashworth 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @RobertPeters-mo6fj
    @RobertPeters-mo6fj 11 днів тому +12

    With a declining indigenous population who is all this expense for? Their next round of imported voters I think.

    • @davidreed9671
      @davidreed9671 11 днів тому +1

      Shame they vote for themselves and not Labour!

    • @RobertPeters-mo6fj
      @RobertPeters-mo6fj 11 днів тому

      @@davidreed9671 Either way...were screwed!

  • @lesmaddison5680
    @lesmaddison5680 11 днів тому +5

    What are they going to do about our unwelcome visitors who are destroying the future of our kids

    • @lervish1966
      @lervish1966 11 днів тому

      They are going to give them homes and benefits.

    • @rikkidrake4801
      @rikkidrake4801 11 днів тому

      They will become leagal uk citizens given a house and even more benefits at the cost of the tax payer all whilst the tax payer gets nothing

  • @lonniei1606
    @lonniei1606 11 днів тому +103

    Hello reader. The tories have played a long lie on the public. GREEN belt and BROWN belt land was held back to artificially increase the price of property. It has worked but typical tory greed its gone too far. If 1.5 million homes are built with many council it will lower the cost of the average home. Lets see how much fight Labour put in to this.

    • @EzraMerr
      @EzraMerr 11 днів тому

      So what you're saying is socialism has destroyed the economy with government regulations and other socialist policies? , let's not forget it was the socialists in the 60s that made sure new development had to run a gauntlet of red tape

    • @boota1979
      @boota1979 11 днів тому +10

      We have Thatcher to thank for removing all rent controls and allowing builders a free for all on house prices and charging what their greedy hearts desire.
      Half the proceeds of the sales were paid to the local authorities, but the government restricted authorities' use of most of the money to reducing their debt until it was cleared rather than spending it on building more homes.
      The Treasury has made £47bn from Right to Buy and done what with it precisely?

    • @markgt894
      @markgt894 11 днів тому

      Don't be so idiotic, the Green Belt is there to protect against urban sprawl and to protect the environment.

    • @ks-eq3yx
      @ks-eq3yx 11 днів тому +2

      We will need more houses than this! We have floods of immigrants coming.

    • @MrManny075
      @MrManny075 11 днів тому +4

      If the housing collapses everything follows including the banks it's the BOE's job to artificially increase the price of properties because they are the major way to create money that is why raising the interest rate affects mortgages more than any others, this is how the system works and Labour are no different they can't afford to lower the prices or stop them from raising, Also mortgages keep the slaves at their jobs for a long time

  • @terencemullins1422
    @terencemullins1422 11 днів тому +4

    Concrete ghettos on the way, utter madness

  • @user-zs6mt2fl3l
    @user-zs6mt2fl3l 11 днів тому +17

    The building of new houses she's referring to is not for British citizens but to house migrants

  • @aleccap5946
    @aleccap5946 11 днів тому +9

    No more small boats coming here. Stammer will have them coming here via P&O remember this is what labour supporters wanted

  • @neelamacwan7670
    @neelamacwan7670 11 днів тому +16

    Undeserved victory. Nothing to be proud of. Shameless labor.

  • @martinkiely3147
    @martinkiely3147 11 днів тому +27

    The finances of the country were just as fucked when the Conservative Party took over 14 years ago and will still be the same when labour are voted out in five years time

    • @ragdollkid1338
      @ragdollkid1338 11 днів тому +6

      Look at the facts in the public domain. Even with a global crisis Labour paid down the natuonal debt and left less debt than they inherited. In the last 14 years its tripled to an all time high and yet public services are in ruins

    • @eddakendrick445
      @eddakendrick445 11 днів тому

      A lot debt came with Corvit. People claimed money through fraud and the people in charge did not checked the claims. But their housing building will be for the boats people and not our people Hopefully the green belts will not dissarpear because we nerd them for climate.

    • @PhilipOwen-zw4sc
      @PhilipOwen-zw4sc 11 днів тому

      ​@@ragdollkid1338 What was the global crisis ?

    • @PhilipOwen-zw4sc
      @PhilipOwen-zw4sc 11 днів тому +2

      The global financial crisis.
      A lot of the wealth/tax spent by Labour turned out to be 'fools gold". Whoever won the 2010 election was going to have to make reductions in public spending.
      The cuts made by the coalition were larger than necessary because of the increase in the foreign aid budget. This budget was increased due to the Labour Party putting political pressure on the Tories.
      To deal with the pandemic the Government borrowed 400 billion.
      To deal with the consequences of Russias invasion of Ukraine the Government borrowed 100 billion.
      The higher interest rates we now have is costing the Government billions every year.

    • @user-yi6ui6pn4i
      @user-yi6ui6pn4i 11 днів тому

      Deficit today is £ was £160B.

  • @lescallus7865
    @lescallus7865 11 днів тому +3

    Why don’t they use old buildings? Refurbish all of them? There are loads in London are empty standing doing nothing. Refer them tournament into apartments flats whatever that will save loads of money and it’s better for the environment not to keep pulling buildings down.

    • @Steven-vo4ee
      @Steven-vo4ee 11 днів тому

      The whole country is in need of more housing, in particular more affordable ones.

    • @ebnanaann5644
      @ebnanaann5644 11 днів тому

      Many London homes foreign owned and empty for 90% if year

  • @rogermarsh9806
    @rogermarsh9806 11 днів тому +2

    I do not think we should hold our breath when we are promised a massive house building program. The last thing builders want is an over supply of houses . Think back 30 years when we had a glut of apartments for sale in Birmingham, shock horror prices had to be lowered.

  • @genniferpaulgomez3028
    @genniferpaulgomez3028 11 днів тому +48

    That speech feel like a promising breath of fresh air, as a previous comment mentioned. That guy not only speak fluently but convincingly, that is the kind of leaders we need. Bless him.🙏🏽

  • @odeode4338
    @odeode4338 11 днів тому +12

    I‘m sure half the supportive comments here would have criticised the Tories if they would have proposed building on the old airfields 😂

    • @jamessouth3808
      @jamessouth3808 11 днів тому +4

      Hypocrisy is the only thing guaranteed here.

    • @DrSim-md3jk
      @DrSim-md3jk 11 днів тому +1

      Yes I would they have allowed the import of millions of people without whom we wouldn't need to build anywhere near as many

  • @patrickdegenaar9495
    @patrickdegenaar9495 11 днів тому +3

    Density is more important than space. The big problem in the UK is a phobia of building up. Furthermore, social housing needs to be commissioned by government

    • @Steven-vo4ee
      @Steven-vo4ee 11 днів тому +1

      New housing is already tiny and on top of each other.

    • @beepositiveforever971
      @beepositiveforever971 11 днів тому

      Not where I live... We've had so many high-rise esthetically depressing communist Eastern Europe style drab buildings put up, Commie filth are well engrained. Other houses for sale are being advertised in China !!

  • @garyhaynes2433
    @garyhaynes2433 11 днів тому +2

    If we sent all the immigrants back that come off the boats, we would not be in this problem, building houses

  • @Doomedcreatures
    @Doomedcreatures 11 днів тому +82

    feel like they have done more in 30 minutes than the last 3 years of torys

    • @neilpike6758
      @neilpike6758 11 днів тому +3

      We can look at the actual results in five years, no excuses, no blaming anyone else for what they choose to do.

    • @shinyjohn6568
      @shinyjohn6568 11 днів тому +10

      They've done nowt yet...all their doing is still slagging the Tories 🤣🤣

    • @thestarshavefallen
      @thestarshavefallen 11 днів тому +1

      14 years*

    • @nigelhart3897
      @nigelhart3897 11 днів тому +2

      Let's be fair. There's plenty of scope when it comes to slagging off lying criminals sorry, the Tory party.

    • @marktrotter8971
      @marktrotter8971 11 днів тому +4

      @@neilpike6758 Have to accept they are starting from the armageddon (and steep downwards direction of travel) they inherited though - so stopping the rot followed by quite modest gains and improvements and an upwards trajectory would be a fantastic achievement in 5 years.

  • @johnnagle7702
    @johnnagle7702 11 днів тому +13

    She is a fool and her economics will lead us further into bankruptcy

  • @JurassicRod
    @JurassicRod 11 днів тому +22

    This is what I dreaded with Labour. The countryside obliterated, bulldozed and concreted over to build endless high density housing estates whilst they also pretend they're so concerned about the environment.

    • @PaulO-se6nl
      @PaulO-se6nl 11 днів тому +2

      WEF orders

    • @brendaparsons2026
      @brendaparsons2026 11 днів тому +5

      You haven’t travelled the UK. Field upon field has been covered with concrete and houses. Almost none are social housing when this type of housing is desperately needed.

    • @FlourishPorridge
      @FlourishPorridge 11 днів тому +1

      The reason you build high density housing is because it takes up less space - so it isn't "endless"

    • @JurassicRod
      @JurassicRod 11 днів тому

      @@FlourishPorridge Yet they are endless. They're being erected everywhere and have winding roads seemingly designed by a child scribbling. I've done delivery work so spent a lot of time driving around these awful places. They are high density, houses packed on top of each other with little garden or parking space, in very oppressive and claustrophobic designs yet to sprawl out endlessly with new streets constantly added.

    • @FlourishPorridge
      @FlourishPorridge 11 днів тому

      @JurassicRod sounds interesting, can you tell me the address of one of these places? Just for my own personal research.

  • @mitchmichaelcoburn1577
    @mitchmichaelcoburn1577 11 днів тому +18

    Build millions of houses for millions of migrants to live in, but build nowhere for those millions to work.
    Excellent plan...not.

    • @isobelmiddleton6353
      @isobelmiddleton6353 11 днів тому +2

      That's exactly who they are for.

    • @metlinematt
      @metlinematt 11 днів тому

      Those migrants you talk of are doing the hard jobs - fruit pickers, cleaners, hospitality etc - that British people won't do because they think they are above those jobs.

    • @geegod9122
      @geegod9122 11 днів тому +2

      ​@@metlinematt Brits don't think they are above those jobs, locals just don't want to toil for 50 pence and hour to be evicted out of un affordable homes, travel, bills, cost of living

    • @eddiedaly2777
      @eddiedaly2777 11 днів тому +1

      None of those jobs are hard. More like hardly pay

    • @Helpmboab-ue5ck
      @Helpmboab-ue5ck 11 днів тому +1

      ​​@@metlinemattI see you are in favour undermining of the working class with v cheap labour

  • @DannyMercer1993
    @DannyMercer1993 11 днів тому +64

    Christ. They’ve had their decades. Defeat the NIMBYS.

    • @lervish1966
      @lervish1966 11 днів тому +5

      Build a house on top of you.

    • @bushwhackeddos.2703
      @bushwhackeddos.2703 11 днів тому +2

      We currently im port 75% of our food, year zero lib real thinking.

    • @fredgillespie5855
      @fredgillespie5855 11 днів тому +1

      It might not be Nimbys that defeat them, it may be a shortage of building tradesmen.

    • @leethrelfalllt
      @leethrelfalllt 11 днів тому

      Get them all in the south and leave the north untouched and glorious...😂😂

    • @jjefferyworboys8138
      @jjefferyworboys8138 10 днів тому

      One day you too may be a NIMBY ! I brought the land to control my immediate environment.

  • @California265
    @California265 11 днів тому +3

    88% of the country didn’t vote for labour

    • @jjefferyworboys8138
      @jjefferyworboys8138 10 днів тому

      An even greater percentage didn't vote for any of the parties either. How does this help ?

  • @andrewpemberton7295
    @andrewpemberton7295 11 днів тому +15

    I'll believe it when I see it.
    Didn't take long for Labour to say "We've looked at the books and it's much worse than we thought "
    Stand by for tax increases.

    • @tomlangdonec
      @tomlangdonec 11 днів тому

      Tax increases needed. I hope they do it.

    • @baron5747
      @baron5747 11 днів тому +4

      Yep, now they are in No. 10. The backtracking has begun, with the sentence 'the tories fault' echoed at every opportunity as an excuse.

    • @TayWoode
      @TayWoode 11 днів тому

      That’s their way of warning us they’ll be taking a lot of our money to give to other people

    • @bonglandgreg
      @bonglandgreg 11 днів тому

      The last time labour got in, I got stuck on minimum wage, cheers labour for my pay cut. Also they increased NI contributions and tax so I was loosing a quarter of my wages going straight to the treasury before I'd even got it in my hands. They also made sure I couldn't get another job by flooding my area with mass migration, which was seen as more alluring to HR than natives born here.

    • @bonglandgreg
      @bonglandgreg 11 днів тому

      ​@@tomlangdonecso pay cuts then? Are you off your fucking Meds?

  • @Steven-vo4ee
    @Steven-vo4ee 11 днів тому +2

    “I’m not a NIMBY” says the NIMBY.

  • @CB1000FP1
    @CB1000FP1 11 днів тому +2

    No she won't, the labour party will achieve what it always achieves, absolutely nothing and the UK public will pay for it as usual

  • @nicci24
    @nicci24 11 днів тому +20

    She's standing in a field. A monoculture field which has no biodiversity. Build houses and communities with infrastructure and design in wild spaces.

    • @bobstirling6885
      @bobstirling6885 11 днів тому +1

      Wild spaces in communities attract crime and many ghettos do you want?

  • @davefish8107
    @davefish8107 11 днів тому +2

    Got to make homes for our new neighbours, UK , The gift that keeps giving

  • @user-wq6sz7vt3w
    @user-wq6sz7vt3w 11 днів тому +2

    She has always had her head in the clouds

  • @_Tony.Montana
    @_Tony.Montana 11 днів тому +3

    That Labour government won't last.

    • @jjefferyworboys8138
      @jjefferyworboys8138 10 днів тому

      Not more than another 5 years as a minimum.

    • @_Tony.Montana
      @_Tony.Montana 10 днів тому

      @@jjefferyworboys8138 + so labour is going to resolve the economic problems and reduce your bills?

  • @tylou4479
    @tylou4479 11 днів тому +73

    Wow, they are in beast mode. Can't remember any government moving this fast and so professionally. Bravo!

    • @jjefferyworboys8138
      @jjefferyworboys8138 11 днів тому

      They had no other choice.

    • @echobanger
      @echobanger 11 днів тому +1

      It's their job they have all our tax payments in their 80k+ salaries+minister duties salary. If they don't get on with their job we the people make sure to kick them out as the government is made to help society not use society as it has been doing so let's hope they get on with it and stop blaming but get cracking on as we as a country voted them to do their job not to complain what we had already

    • @LincolnshireRailMonkey
      @LincolnshireRailMonkey 11 днів тому +8

      What do you mean? They haven’t done anything yet 😂

    • @ww2musicmann990
      @ww2musicmann990 11 днів тому

      You won't ne the only one saying that after they release pedos who have spent about 40% of their prison sentence touching other inmates. Poor government with poor solutions.

    • @emcarver8983
      @emcarver8983 11 днів тому +4

      You need to see a psychiatrist.

  • @abercass4683
    @abercass4683 11 днів тому +1

    New UK chancellor vows to 'get Britain building' . Sadly not for us Brits more for the new folk.

  • @Pange3
    @Pange3 11 днів тому +1

    If Labour are allowing 100,000 illegal immigrants asylum to clear the backlog the. We can assume they will be top of the list for housing, just like now. Without vetting them and proper processing, how many do you think could be criminals, drug dealers, murderers, rapists, etc. how many do you think will be engineers, doctors , surgeons, qualified tradesmen etc. ?

  • @vjamesg100
    @vjamesg100 11 днів тому +9

    A load of rubbish yet again.

    • @jogreeen
      @jogreeen 11 днів тому +3

      15 years of Labour, get used to a better UK. If you don't like it....leave. 🤣

  • @maverick4177
    @maverick4177 11 днів тому +11

    Never mind building SHUT our borders and get our NHS straight THEN worry about building

  • @tinadeelite.author9412
    @tinadeelite.author9412 11 днів тому +2

    Building for immigration so get your cardboard box really for your kids.

  • @jeremiahscanlon5047
    @jeremiahscanlon5047 11 днів тому +11

    What, housing for illegal immigrants?

    • @chad01
      @chad01 11 днів тому

      No immigrant is illegal, you are probably an immigrant yourself. Britons are either documented or not.

  • @Raven431
    @Raven431 11 днів тому +6

    Builders are currently going broke from high rates materials and labour. in its latest quarterly Red Flag Alert - issued today (22 January) - the insolvency practitioner added that 83,332 construction companies were in “significant financial distress”. Now they are being asked to build for cheaper? Good luck

  • @samhodgins9804
    @samhodgins9804 10 днів тому +1

    Five days in and Labour are showing thst they are an utter disaster

  • @koorob
    @koorob 11 днів тому +1

    Retrofitting 25,000,000 homes and building another 1,500,000 😂

  • @aindriubradleymarshall6226
    @aindriubradleymarshall6226 11 днів тому +3


  • @RobbieRobRS
    @RobbieRobRS 11 днів тому +60

    Rachel Reeves is an excellent chancellor. She will do a great job because she is responsible, experienced and logical

    • @TimComley
      @TimComley 11 днів тому +10

      Dalek dalek dalek

    • @neilpike6758
      @neilpike6758 11 днів тому

      We will watch the wealth figures very closely over the next five years to hold them to account if they are full of BS like the last Uniparty gang. Results will be compared to the big talk promise.

    • @PoliticsAndCoffee_1865
      @PoliticsAndCoffee_1865 11 днів тому +2


    • @josephlennon8475
      @josephlennon8475 11 днів тому +6


    • @leecudmore-ray6697
      @leecudmore-ray6697 11 днів тому

      @@TimComley tw@

  • @1Thedairy
    @1Thedairy 11 днів тому +1

    It seems crazy to me to build houses in areas where services are vastly overstretched and cannot meet the demand. In a very small town in the SW the council have been given permission to build 400 houses where there is a tiny high street, one DR’s surgery, one primary school and little parking. Why don’t they address these issues first?

  • @davidrowles3515
    @davidrowles3515 11 днів тому +2

    Building on green fields is a bad move more green fields building is less food for everyone

  • @allenpayne6893
    @allenpayne6893 11 днів тому +15

    Population density of England is 426 square km, population density of France is 118 square km, that is the real problem not ruining the environment.

    • @jjefferyworboys8138
      @jjefferyworboys8138 11 днів тому

      Im pleased my house with over 2 acres.

    • @jebbo-c1l
      @jebbo-c1l 11 днів тому +2

      there are plenty countries which are more dense than the UK. The space is just used inefficiently

    • @MA-jz4yc
      @MA-jz4yc 11 днів тому

      Japan has a higher population density than the UK and more difficult land to build on yet they manage. It's not really an excuse.

    • @travoltasbiplane1551
      @travoltasbiplane1551 11 днів тому +5

      ​@@MA-jz4ycoh yeah they're doing great with their generational mortgages and a disaffected youth that's given up breeding.

    • @kaya051285
      @kaya051285 11 днів тому

      People don't live spread out like that. Even france towns and cities are around 5,000 perspns per square km same as the UK and most of Europe

  • @Yui-ip7cd
    @Yui-ip7cd 11 днів тому +3

    Reeves , all of your group looks more like a UK controller.

  • @damianbutterworth2434
    @damianbutterworth2434 11 днів тому +1

    I`m sure builders love building houses for free. Why don`t Labour ask the nurses to work for free?

  • @royellis983
    @royellis983 11 днів тому +1

    1.5 million homes in five years? Good luck with that.

  • @kerryfry1857
    @kerryfry1857 11 днів тому +56

    Only 4% of the landmass of Britain is housing. About the same as golf courses and parks. There's loads of land. It's nimby homeowners that's the problem.

    • @mrmeldrew693
      @mrmeldrew693 11 днів тому +19

      Flood prone areas.
      Ancient woodlands.
      Farmland, (we need food).
      Stupid percentages are stupid.
      Stop it.

    • @campbell4show
      @campbell4show 11 днів тому +8

      @@mrmeldrew693 Tell them, they just don't fucking get it!....

    • @lonniei1606
      @lonniei1606 11 днів тому

      ​@@mrmeldrew693wow you'd think there was not a bit of land that was not on a hill, in a valley or on the coast! Get a grip! UK farmers were being paid to not farm land to keep the eu food market in balance. The tory government made sure we import more than we produced. Now you have land owners buying unused land speculatively ready for the big sell off.

    • @persperspersp2866
      @persperspersp2866 11 днів тому +8

      @@mrmeldrew693 even with all that there is plenty of room for housing. Even if you got rid of all the "illegals" the current supply is NOT ENOUGH for even native born Britons. Housing MUST BE BUILT.

    • @mrmeldrew693
      @mrmeldrew693 11 днів тому +7

      @persperspersp2866 yes, I agree we need more houses for the native population.
      The issue of mass migration not being addressed by red/blue still stands. Its almost like they are getting their orders from above......

  • @MsZeeZed
    @MsZeeZed 11 днів тому +3

    8:10 - Property developer clearly lying about welcoming the decrease in value of things they sell and then saying they’ll crash the policy in their own interest. Not fooled.

  • @Treker-yv7nz
    @Treker-yv7nz 11 днів тому +1

    No building or migrant camps in her back yard

  • @robertbrown1627
    @robertbrown1627 11 днів тому +2

    and where is she going to build these new slums ?? not near her i bet ?

  • @jamesofarcadia
    @jamesofarcadia 11 днів тому +5

    We need to block Thatchers right to buy scheme, at least for a percentage of housing. A refugee, or vulnerable person may need a flat in Westminster today, but in ten or twenty years they may be in a very different financial situation, the fact that the system rewards them, and not other vulnerable people, and gives them an advantage, is just wrong!

  • @user-bw5pn4qv9i
    @user-bw5pn4qv9i 11 днів тому +12

    My old boss used to tell me when I was a young man, "To reignite the economy the Government just need to build more houses, roads etc". BTW, he wasn't a Labour fanboy.

    • @zinjanthropus322
      @zinjanthropus322 11 днів тому

      It's obvious to everyone but that doesn't translate into action.

    • @ebnanaann5644
      @ebnanaann5644 11 днів тому +1

      Did he mention the population explosion and where an island can find more land (in the sky?)

    • @ragdollkid1338
      @ragdollkid1338 11 днів тому

      Worked at the end of WW2

    • @ragdollkid1338
      @ragdollkid1338 11 днів тому

      ​@@ebnanaann5644they can reduce the numbers of visas they allow to reduce immigration

  • @mup_pet
    @mup_pet 11 днів тому +16

    I still can't get used to this. So used to have narcissists and children in charge, it's going to take some time to become accustomed to the reality of adults running the country once again.

  • @matthewbaynham6286
    @matthewbaynham6286 11 днів тому +8

    Probably should start with building reservoirs and water treatment facilities. Most summers the UK has hose pipe bans because the current stock of reservoirs are enough and global warming will make that worse, population growth will also make that worse.
    But then again the water sector have been privatized for many years, so they can either nationalize it again, or use billions of pounds of tax payers money to build reservoirs in order for private businesses to make profit from.
    It's funny that Britain is a small island with massive amounts of rain but not enough water coming out of peoples taps, so that the entire country has hosepipe bans.

    • @jamesart6568
      @jamesart6568 11 днів тому +1

      Now we out of EU we can get rid of their laws, like the postal directive for example, that make these businesses unaffordable for a goverment to hold. Labour wont do that.

    • @matthewbaynham6286
      @matthewbaynham6286 11 днів тому +2

      @@jamesart6568 your reply has absolutely nothing to do with what your replying to.

    • @clivewilliams3661
      @clivewilliams3661 11 днів тому

      The country doesn't all have hosepipe bans on some areas. Our supply company STW has not had a hose ban for years and created Carsington Water a few years ago to increase supply. If the Govt, as owners of the water companies in 1970 had created a national grid of water as promised by Dennis Howell, the drought minister in 1976 after that hot summer then we probably wouldn't have a problem.
      Interestingly, UK has as much rainfall per head of population as Saudi Arabia.

    • @jamesart6568
      @jamesart6568 11 днів тому

      @@matthewbaynham6286 Yes it does, You did mention"renationalizing" so yes it has to do with that, To "Renationalize" we got to get rid of those EU laws that make it easy for corporations to profit from.

    • @matthewbaynham6286
      @matthewbaynham6286 10 днів тому

      @@jamesart6568 sounds like some nonsense that any brexit nutter would go on about. Has it been fact checked by anyone credible?

  • @grahamesykes4929
    @grahamesykes4929 11 днів тому +1

    More & more houses……enter millions & millions of uninvited guests….. what could possibly go wrong… 🤔

  • @julie8521
    @julie8521 11 днів тому +2

    There are plenty of empty shops and other buildings in the cities that could now be repurposed. Get people living in towns and the businesses around them will thrive. Unfortunately that isn’t as profitable as building on green belt or farmland.