Millions of Americans Using Food Stamps

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • When the new U.S. Congress is sworn in in January, one of the first orders of business will be a new economic stimulus package. Legislators and analysts say a stimulus bill will likely include an increase in food assistance and food stamps. Jeff Swicord reports that the number of Americans in need of food assistance is at an all time high.


  • @MJFan625Moonwalker
    @MJFan625Moonwalker 11 років тому +23

    The first lady they showed is using her EBT correctly. She's earing a degree in order to get off the system. That's what it was meant for: to use for a short period of time.

    • @27273100
      @27273100 4 роки тому

      Oh, there are so far and few out there....I'm a taxpayer and I want my money used to feed those in need. If there is a god out there, he or she will ask outright how we treated our neighbor in their hour of need.

  • @charliekavabaghnsjfjwvz
    @charliekavabaghnsjfjwvz 7 років тому +20

    we love you steve from eco

    • @JackyCGuitarStrings
      @JackyCGuitarStrings 5 років тому +3

      Im hearing whisperers somewhere over there

    • @lxr1dr
      @lxr1dr 3 роки тому

      I'm a fresher in his eco class this year this is funny asf

  • @loreneknight9755
    @loreneknight9755 5 років тому +25

    You know what? We don't know what people are going through. I used to be in the system a long time ago. It humbled me, profoundly. Today, I'm working full time, bought & paid for my house & my car. I have savings, c.d.s, some stocks. I made some bad decisions then, but now I've learned, I've grown. I'm debt free. Such freedom...we do not know what people are going by through.

  • @lulumalulu8751
    @lulumalulu8751 5 років тому +6

    At least this woman is trying to become a professional. I would not mind if these people get help as they go to college. At least she will one day be independent and will contribute to this country.

  • @MeezerGurlMakes
    @MeezerGurlMakes 12 років тому +3

    Amen. Its easy for people to judge when they have not gone thru hard times. And eventually we will all suffer a major crisis in our lives. So be kind now to might need that kindness in the future.
    I really like your comment!

  • @gmx1100
    @gmx1100 13 років тому +6

    My brother’s last night in town, and at dinner he begins bragging about his Food Stamp card. Great way to ruin an evening. He casually told us that he doesn’t really need the Assistance (“but hey, I qualify, so what the hell”). Then he explained how he loves to buy luxury foods and how he used $80 worth of government money to make a “raw” apple pie. Yes, one pie. He basically admitted to us, with no shame, that he’s abusing the welfare system. He is 34 and able-bodied, just lazy.

  • @mary5709
    @mary5709 7 років тому +18

    Make chili it lasts for 3 to 4 days

  • @ghostchips7204
    @ghostchips7204 11 років тому +9

    STEVE AGNEW!!!! we love you ;)

  • @jefforr1091
    @jefforr1091 5 років тому +4

    What ever happened to child support,if you can’t feed them kids then don’t make em

  • @hrobbins
    @hrobbins 14 років тому +3

    It took a war and a draft to bring us out of the great depression. What we need is for everyone person 18 - 40, those on welfare, or those who volunteer to be drafted into jobs. Just like people were drafted into military service, the gov should draft people into filling jobs.

  • @Goblues1980
    @Goblues1980 14 років тому +2

    i am disabled and get 200 a month in food stamps and most times i run out of food all together about 3 or 4 days before my stamps get here so i often go 2-3 days without food. i pay 25/month for my internet and 600/rent and 300/other mis. household stuff that leaves little room for food so not all people who get stamps are bums

  • @spikefivefivefive
    @spikefivefivefive 14 років тому +2

    "We got hot dogs...we got pop, we got some hamburgers and stuff there."
    He doesn't sound too ashamed to me, sitting on newer furniture and watching a big screen TV and eating junk food.

  • @wardcasey5703
    @wardcasey5703 5 років тому +3

    If the United States really wanted to help welfare people they would make them earn them

  • @maxisdownbytheriver
    @maxisdownbytheriver 7 років тому +13

    Chicken leg quarters are cheap and go along way.

  • @savecoupons
    @savecoupons 11 років тому +8

    somoene need to teach them, how to budjet ,save, built an emergency saving, use coupons ,

  • @Sychonesis
    @Sychonesis 13 років тому

    Prices on food are so fucked up, the businesses must think that if you are not on food stamps you are either rich or well off...

  • @Takaya64
    @Takaya64 14 років тому

    What I don't get is why people are allowed to buy stuff like candy, chips, and soda with fs. A steak and some veggies and juice is cool, but 50 bucks worth of Doritos and candy? (seriously wtf)? They're starting to ban those vending machines in public schools, so why are they still letting people get it tons of it through a fed program?

  • @boizchannilzz
    @boizchannilzz 6 років тому +3

    Mrs hooha what a name

  • @Atheist2006
    @Atheist2006 13 років тому

    This could be a coverage about the German welfare system just as well. Those food banks we call "Tafeln" (dining table, festive meal). Since the social security reforms in 2005 also such people go to see them who have never sought help before.

  • @Timskees2003
    @Timskees2003 13 років тому

    This government program along with Social Security is in jeopardy due to the ridiculous government spending and rising rates of student loan defaults, housing crisis and higher costs for food!!!

  • @edwardd6681
    @edwardd6681 12 років тому +1

    better feeding people then war

    @SEAWEEDER1 13 років тому

    I work full time in local goverment and have no debt, I needed dental treatment the total bill would have been £679, I fought for my rights and i got all my dental work done for nothing even though i had savings, I buy cheap low price goods and food, i don't care what people think of me in the shops. The money i save i help sponser a young lad in my area who has little and needs a little support and all he does is walk my dog wash the car and cut the grass.

  • @countryhorsefive
    @countryhorsefive 15 років тому

    He is right.

  • @52shuman
    @52shuman 13 років тому

    There are 310 million souls in the US and 200 million are all alone, no real friends, no family who will speak to them. We have become alone for one reason. Because of our transgressions against others. Not because our coworker is different and we can not tolerate him. That is the side effect of the transgressions against humanity. And because we have become disconnected from others and find everyone else wierd or moronic or just different, we are alone and man can not fend for himself alone.

  • @52shuman
    @52shuman 13 років тому

    This is where 75% of the foodstamp people are and they gotthat way first by not making something go right in their life in gave up. They then found someone to feel sorry for them and make it okay that they failed. then they didnt have to try so hard to succeed because it was okay that they failed. Someone comes along like Rev Jackson or Al Sharpton and tells them its okay to be a victim, that the establishment owes you a living or owes you a new home (Katrina vistims). Their failures are OK

  • @blink56k
    @blink56k 14 років тому

    It's a give and take system because my parents' tax money helped subsidize govt services we never used (such as public education, since I went to private elem+hs, and welfare) and never complained about it. Now that I need the help too and am working toward a degree to becoming a giving member of society, I don't see it as such a crime. For those that complain it's your tax money (actually it's our tax money alltogether, since I'm req. to work too), just know I'd feed you too if you went hungry.

  • @FengFox19
    @FengFox19 13 років тому

    I guess everything they've got there are on credit... They can use those but those are not theirs.

  • @chicagolowe
    @chicagolowe 12 років тому

    Hello do you have an update on this matter. Millions are out of work, and 11% are unemployed is what we ear but it's higher and people are struggling, losing closings you get sick and all your savings are gone. it's hard out there. Stay strong it must get better soon.

  • @mburch1974
    @mburch1974 14 років тому

    what i dont like is when they buy ribeyes, crab and energy drinks with it. then break their $100 bills with a pack of gum!

  • @09CHAPINA
    @09CHAPINA 15 років тому

    i agree with you, they buy alot of junk food, that fs does cover, and oh the even worse part is they share the foodstamp card with family and friends as well!

  • @erinmammi
    @erinmammi 14 років тому

    I am a woman who has been on food stamps. No it was not a choice, and actually was a little embarassing. Especially because I am a black woman who is typically judged and thrown into that "category". Unfortunatelly I didnt have parents to pay my living expenses while I went and received a degree in college...But now Im greatful to have a career in the field of nursing. But successful or not, I am not going to judge anyone who I see who needs a helping hand. I've been there!!

  • @HM3Johnsgirl
    @HM3Johnsgirl 14 років тому

    I used to live in Kentucky with my mother, my father was no where to be seen since they had gotten a divorce. She took two jobs just to pay me and her and even that wasn't even enough. Ask anyone waitresses and factory workers don't get enough even working both. She would cry at night knowing that she couldn't even afford to feed us and had to rely on the state. We had a house yes but that had been in our family for years.We looked middle income but we weren't, things can look high but be cheap

  • @inkey2
    @inkey2 14 років тому +1

    @aggierose86 the time to sock away money is when you "are" employed. Too many people think things are going to be fine forever. When the money is "coming in" is the time to live like you have no money. Always live way under your means, keep that old car serviced and in good shape, don't have more than 2 children (or none), do you really need a $5 cup of coffee each day? Find a place to live near public transportation (if possible) so you don't need a, save, save

  • @WrathofAqua
    @WrathofAqua 13 років тому

    I'm white and my family is on food stamps, shit were so poor we don't even buy the food we just eat the stamps.

  • @insurancegame
    @insurancegame 12 років тому

    Just keep in mind that some people have injuries and weren't compensated by the insurance companies, The taxpayers foot the bill while the greedy insurance companies keep the money for them and their investors.

  • @hiiamrick
    @hiiamrick 15 років тому

    What trips me out is people getting welfare that show up in private jets.

  • @marcysere1081
    @marcysere1081 5 років тому +1

    Stop pooping out babies.

  • @emeraldkimble7602
    @emeraldkimble7602 2 роки тому

    Unemployment benefits are two thirds of previous job assuming one paid into systemic ly good fir a quarter thirteen weeks

  • @sandraburke2403
    @sandraburke2403 4 роки тому


  • @52shuman
    @52shuman 13 років тому

    Now take regular people walking down the same street. a higher percentage will help than of those in DC pretending to be our servants. Not a lot higher because we as a people have become disconnected from one another. I had to spread sand on an icy road to get my RWD vehicle out of my neighborhood. Most everyone was home but NO ONE came out to help me. I was helping them be able to get their own car out of the neighborhood. Most didnt even look. No one said thank you for and one girl smiled. Sad

  • @theonesdg
    @theonesdg 15 років тому

    Are you kidding me? If you can't put food on the table and you have a HUGE TV, SELL YOUR TV! Nice furniture too. SELL IT! Two dogs too? Eat them!
    Have a yard sale, sell all the expensive stuff you bought when you had the great job.

  • @jenniferashley99
    @jenniferashley99 15 років тому

    Alright people buy crockpots. It will change how you eat and food last longer. It has changed everything for me!!!

    • @lindsayschutz
      @lindsayschutz 4 роки тому

      I have a Crock-Pot and use it (especially now since the weather is getting colder), but it's not the panacea that you're making it out to be. Making soups or stews in big batches in the slow cooker is a great way to economize, but it takes a lot of time to shop/plan/prepare, things that people working and going to school don't often have. Oh and it takes having a well equipped kitchen to dice up veggies and cook the meat for stew, which not a lot of poor people have.

  • @meinside99
    @meinside99 15 років тому

    I swear if people in this country would stop having so many kids, filling their lives with so many other unneeded problems in life and actually saved money during good economic times this "recession" wouldn't be a problem for so many Americans.

  • @jakehjk3
    @jakehjk3 13 років тому

    @cassandrabadie I don't get scared by people who claim to know it all but do nothing but badger and throw out other topics off topic to stir things up.

  • @crogger321
    @crogger321 13 років тому

    food stamps are a life line for single people too I am a young professional who is unemployed and I have food stamps so I can feed myself. people are not lazy I search for work daily and i have a bachelors degree.

  • @letgo8118
    @letgo8118 3 роки тому

    What is that on the back of the baby left hand.

  • @camtheiler7951
    @camtheiler7951 12 років тому

    My brother calls his food stamp card the BBQ card.

  • @rodneyjohnston6280
    @rodneyjohnston6280 5 років тому +1

    That is her fault why he then that it document she Shutting have Spread her legs and made a baby if you could not afford it As a Tax pair I don't know want to pay for itThat's her fault where is the husband

  • @anyname666
    @anyname666 12 років тому

    actually they did not resemble postage stamps
    the were more like specialized dollar coupons

  • @jakehjk3
    @jakehjk3 13 років тому

    @cassandrabadie Wow, you go from being Mean,hateful and condemning to sweet as pie? Amazing!!

  • @Goblues1980
    @Goblues1980 13 років тому

    @TheUnmaskedMagician read my previous comments before commenting on irrelevant subject matter. Thank you though for your words of wisdom.

  • @alphasight2077
    @alphasight2077 12 років тому

    Do you garden? I do and it's not possible to grow enough food to support your self unless you have a ton of farm land and farm animals

  • @Etrain-gt8cq
    @Etrain-gt8cq 3 роки тому +1

    Steve from Eco the goat

  • @FunfettiGirl1987
    @FunfettiGirl1987 14 років тому

    I am on food stamps and I also have a job. I agree, people that are working should get help if they need it. I applied for Medicaid here in Michigan and have been denied twice, because they say they aren't enrolling new people. Yet they let pregnant women get on Medicaid and have their kids on it til they're 5.

  • @chriswf
    @chriswf 12 років тому

    Wrong. Usually the more rich you are, you LIKELY have found ways to write off as MUCH expenses as you can, to the point where you don't pay taxes.
    Even as a foreclosure inspector, I earned 60k a year. 42k after expenses. I paid 0 dollars on my taxes. Sometimes even got money back. Gas, print outs for work, envelopes, etc... All write offs.
    That's just as a SMALL contracted inspector for mortgage companies.
    BIG rich corporate company owners, don't pay shit. Think about it.

  • @loveface43
    @loveface43 15 років тому

    This program is beneficial to those who really need the help. The main problem that I when the women are trying hard to educate themselves. These males who keep dating them, are rushing to the V.A. Hospital & pantries to snatch-up all they can get. Before the women & children had ever had a speedy chance to. These are the same males who get up real early in the morning to drink liquor, get high, and harass every female they see...coming out of residences and walking. Loveface43

  • @MalcolmS428
    @MalcolmS428 15 років тому

    the usa always want to just help out foreign countries but before u try to fix someone elses situations u need to fix home first. people who were i the military,get injured come home and cant even get health insurance by their government. working families are health insured but their insurance company charges them crazy fees still so they're really underinsured portraying welfare like its just black folks when its black and whites. becuz welfare been out since the 60s and blacks couldnt get it

  • @robertmasina4610
    @robertmasina4610 4 роки тому

    How would one like to live in this country in the 1950's when the words food stamps were unheard of.

  • @Atheist2006
    @Atheist2006 13 років тому

    The Internet is too important to waive.

  • @wardcasey5703
    @wardcasey5703 5 років тому +4

    Conditioned learning mommy and daddy never go to work

  • @luke666808g
    @luke666808g 14 років тому

    she doesn't need food stamps, it says so right here on the video, what's wrong with night school? Small stuff? You have no idea how much social programs like this cost do you?

  • @suganolan1
    @suganolan1 12 років тому +1

    Wanna know how to get them i could tell you funny thing about being poor is the poor find ways nobody else thinks of to survive

  • @blink56k
    @blink56k 14 років тому

    I'm a full time grad student who may have to go on food stamps if scholarships and loans don't help me make ends meet. I might feel guilty or humiliated for it, but thinking about it more closely, I probably shouldn't because (1) I may genuinely need it and (2) it's a mutual give and take system, not a simply a free loading system. I'll explain why, at least as it pertains to my case: (continued below)

  • @andresrivasmacias3145
    @andresrivasmacias3145 5 років тому

    Yo Michael i feel You man

  • @TheRagev3
    @TheRagev3 13 років тому

    @cotterfour You do realise people have come back from war with both of their legs blown off and the gov has yet to give them they're check right?

  • @gmx1100
    @gmx1100 12 років тому

    @Lydianne1992 Yeah, no doubt!

  • @TheMrjonesOf2010
    @TheMrjonesOf2010 13 років тому

    1:50 mandy bawhoha?????? lololololololololololololololololol

  • @Atheist2006
    @Atheist2006 13 років тому

    I don't put down stray dogs.

  • @ihyperizei
    @ihyperizei 12 років тому

    Every week I get 10 "naked juices'" they are 3.98$ each that's about 40 bucks just in juice lol

  • @edwardd6681
    @edwardd6681 12 років тому

    a good portion of the problem is outsourcing

  • @wardcasey5703
    @wardcasey5703 5 років тому +1

    Where's the shame

  • @FunfettiGirl1987
    @FunfettiGirl1987 13 років тому +1

    @isanchezflus you could always try contacting your local Department of Human Services office. I work and am on food stamps, the guy who lives downstairs does NOT work, has food stamps, and tries to SELL his food stamps to neighbors in exchange for booze or cigarettes. Pathetic.

  • @Maine24512
    @Maine24512 12 років тому

    This is why we should test everyone for drugs monthly that get them

  • @wolftreetree
    @wolftreetree 13 років тому

    @52shuman I hope things don't come to that, and if things get real bad I hope we can find ways to share.

  • @edwardd6681
    @edwardd6681 12 років тому +1

    food stamps are good

  • @ItsMokka
    @ItsMokka 12 років тому

    @Tatt2edWarrior Do you know this lady? I don't think so! She's trying to get a nursing degree (to earn more) and has a job. She takes good care of her children, as you can see. Maybe the father of her children died in a car accident! Don't judge others without knowing them. She needs temporarily help to get her degree. After that she probably earns enough to make it on her own. Without help of the state she couldn't have this oppertunity to make life better for herself&children.

  • @madgoldnz
    @madgoldnz 12 років тому

    Only in the USA......

  • @jakehjk3
    @jakehjk3 13 років тому

    @cassandrabadie and here is another one for you- I don't even consider you an enemy.

  • @edwardd6681
    @edwardd6681 12 років тому

    and food prices never been higher

  • @wardcasey5703
    @wardcasey5703 5 років тому +2

    Conditioned learning mommy and daddy's paycheck comes in the mail and they get to eat lots of food and never go to work

  • @ItsMokka
    @ItsMokka 12 років тому

    @caporojiazul Taxes go to all kinds of things. Without taxes the infrastructure would slowly collapse, 'cause there is no government to fix putholes, build new roads etc. Without taxes hospitals would close, people would get sick and die. Without taxes there wouldn't be police&firefighters&ambulances. The government would fall apart and people would become their own 'judge'. Taxes don't go to lazy assholes who leach of the state. It only goes where it is needed. Educate yourself.

  • @jakehjk3
    @jakehjk3 13 років тому

    @crogger321 You are a case where I do feel bad for, and don't blame you for needing to use foodstamps. You tried to better you life by going to school. Most people don't do that when they take advantage of the system.. The people that take advantage are single mothers getting basically free rent having 5 kids, foodstamps, and have their baby daddy living with them, even though they shouldn't. He's selling drugs, and they all wearing designer clothes, cell phones..

  • @7thSmurf
    @7thSmurf 12 років тому

    OMG ..Take in these figures : The video says in Sep. 2008 they had 31. 5 Million Americans on food stamps !! TODAY : The number is 46891620 !! Thats in increase of 15 Million US Citizens on food stamps. And 3 days ago it was 46888320 !! A THOUSAND PPL more on Food stamps every day now ??? How long do you think we still have till shit tons hit the turbo props ! its not a lil shit in the fan.. oh will get messy..verry messy

  • @chriswf
    @chriswf 12 років тому

    I guess? Seeing how I now fall in the category of "poor". I know what it's like. I'm losing my nice place to live, going to have to sell my nice cars.
    I have a car I restored from the ground a up, and was working on with more progress to be made.
    Has to be sold. I can't even live the life of a middle class person.
    I say, everyone who isn't rich, suffers. Yeah, I'm poor now. But ALL I do is eat, sleep, and apply for jobs and make interviews.
    I can't enjoy hobbies, the outdoors, everything costs $

  • @chriswf
    @chriswf 12 років тому

    Eating decent foods with food stamps isn't living the life.
    Lower class/poor class is just as screwed man.

  • @suganolan1
    @suganolan1 12 років тому

    Just because someone needs help doesnt mean that they cant have something nice in fact poor ppl are more incline to take care of whatever they do get better then a weathy person because it might be the only chance to have something poor ppl are just like anyone else we want nice things too every now and then God allows us to have something we other wise wouldnt be able to have doesnt make us any less poor and if these devil worshippin political ppl would stop there greedy ways make it fair

  • @suganolan1
    @suganolan1 12 років тому

    If they paid decent wages ppl wouldnt need foodstamps

  • @you831able
    @you831able 12 років тому

    Isn't It Ironic? The food stamp program, part of the Department of Agriculture, is pleased to be distributing the greatest amount of food stamps ever. Meanwhile, the Park Service, also part of the Department of Agriculture, asks us to "please do not feed the animals" because the animals may grow dependent and not learn to take care of themselves.

  • @acajudi100
    @acajudi100 5 років тому

    I suggested the card, but I suggested work.

  • @hectordelgado6179
    @hectordelgado6179 5 років тому

    2009? MAN WE ARE WELL PAST THAT YEAR.........

  • @Sistarovat
    @Sistarovat 13 років тому

    Ron Paul 2012! He'll end this madness.

  • @gubment0cheese
    @gubment0cheese 15 років тому

    Oh! Our Dear Precious Government ! Seeing that all our needs are met. Soon, Obama will take office, and then we shall have utopia.

  • @brythonicman3267
    @brythonicman3267 12 років тому

    Maybe if America stopped spending $3 billion pa to fund prosperous Israel it might mean a little more for it's own citizens.

  • @jakehjk3
    @jakehjk3 13 років тому


  • @k3304
    @k3304 13 років тому

    dependence is what Barry Obama is all about

  • @timmarshall3575
    @timmarshall3575 7 років тому

    steve don't do it m8 the kiddies will be scarred

  • @jehovahuponyou
    @jehovahuponyou 12 років тому


  • @gmx1100
    @gmx1100 13 років тому

    @DanSaw120285 Been supporting myself for 20 years and I fully understand how hard it is in the real world....I'm poor financially......but i'll never go on the government's teat.

  • @CarlosMendez003
    @CarlosMendez003 13 років тому

    @questionauthoritah Oh damn, that was a good deal!!

  • @bluediamond2077
    @bluediamond2077 12 років тому

    yep when the dollar becomes worth less and everyone is starving the shit talkers will see how it feels