तमोरकरिडोरTamor corridor From Panchtharको माजीटार To Taplejung Doban Eastern Hills to Global Markets

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • Tamor coridoor तमोर करिडोरले पूर्वी पहाडका ताप्लेजुङसहित धनकुटा, पाँथचर, तेह्रथुमका गाउँलाई सहरसँग जोडेको छ।तमोर करिडोरले २ सय ७० किलोमिटरमै चीनको सीमा टिपताला भञ्ज्याङ र रानी भन्सार जोड्छ।तमोर नदीको किनारै किनार भएर जाने हुनाले यसलाई तमोर करिडोर नाम दिइएको हो। विभिन्न खण्डमा यसको निर्माण भइरहेको छ। पाँचथरको माझीटारदेखि तल्लो खण्ड मध्यपहाडी राजमार्ग योजना कार्यालय पाँचथर र त्यहाँबाट माथि ओलाङचुङगोलासम्म ताप्लेजुङस्थित उत्तर-दक्षिण दोभान-ओलाङचुङगोला कार्यालयले निर्माण गरिरहेका छन्।धनकुटाको मूलघाटदेखि ताप्लेजुङको दोभानसम्म सडकको ट्र्याक खुलिसकेको छ।
    यसरी हेर्दा ओलाङचुङगोला जोडिन अब ५ किलोमिटर मात्रै छ। त्यहाँबाट टिपतालासम्म भने यसअघि नै सडक निर्माण भइसकेको छ।
    मूलघाटदेखि पाँचथरको माझीटारसम्मको ७५ किलोमिटरमा नियमित सवारीसाधन चल्न थालेका छन्।
    तमोर करिडोर सञ्चालनमा आएपछि प्रदेश १ कै समृद्धि हुने देखिन्छ ।यसले प्रदेश १ लाई छोटो दूरीमा दुई छिमेकी मुलुकसँग जोड्ने मात्र होइन, बंगलादेशसँग नजिकमा रहेको काँकडभिट्टा नाकालाई पनि एउटै सडक सञ्जालमा जोड्छ, त्यसैले तमोरको तिरैतिरको यो सडक व्यापारका दृष्टिले त्रिदेशीय महत्वको हुनेछ।Tamor corridor, a fast track connecting the eastern hilly districts with neighbouring India and China, has opened from Mulghat in Dhankuta to Panchthar. This corridor spans a distance of 270 kilometers and links China's border to Bhanyang and Rani Bhanjyang. It derives its name from the Tamor River, which runs alongside it. The construction of this corridor is underway in various sections. The planning office for the mid-hill highway project, located in Panchthar, has constructed the Uttar-Dakshin Dobhan-Olangchunggola office, which extends from the center of Panchthar to Olanchunggola. The track from Dhankuta's Mulghat to Taplejung's Dobhan is accessible. From Olanchunggola, the distance to Tipatals is only 5 kilometers, and road construction has already been completed before this point. Regular transportation facilities are available within a 75-kilometer stretch from Mulghat to Panchthar. The operation of the Tamor corridor is expected to bring prosperity to Province 1. It not only connects Province 1 to two neighboring countries at a short distance but also links the Kakadbhitta border crossing with Bangladesh through a single road network. Therefore, the Tamor corridor holds regional importance from a trade perspective.The corridor has facilitated transportation for the people living near the Tamor River, reducing their travel time to access transportation by at least three hours. It has not only made transportation more accessible but has also boosted the agricultural business in the area. Local resident Narendra Yakha from Mulghat expressed delight over being connected to major market areas through the road. This corridor provides the shortest route for hill districts, including Dhankuta, Panchthar, Terhathum, and Taplejung, to connect with the plains. After the opening of the 52-kilometer track from Mulghat to Sawakhola, several small vehicles have started operating.Connect Mulghat in Dhankuta to Tibet in China via Majhitar in Panchthar, Suketar in Taplejung, and Olangchunggola.From Barahachhetra to Chatara in Sunsari, along the Tamor River. Moreover, a 140-kilometer road from Suwangkhola in Panchthar to Chatara will be constructed . The construction cost of the road from Mulghat to Taplejung was Rs 650 million.Transport entrepreneurs have reported that it takes more than eight to ten hours to reach the Tarai districts from Taplejung and six hours from Panchthar via Ilam. However, with the construction of the corridor, the Terai districts can be reached within four to five hours. The Tamor corridor has significantly improved transportation connectivity and has opened up new opportunities for trade and commerce in the region.Tamor corridor, a fast track linking the eastern hilly districts with neighbouring India and China, opened from Mulghat in Dhankuta to Panchthar. Earlier, people living in the proximity of Tamor River had no alternative but to walk at least three hours to access transportation facility. With the track opening, it has not only become easy for people to have access to means of transport, but it has also helped boost the business of agro products, said Narendra Yakha, a local at Mulghat. “We are elated at being connected with major market areas through road,” said Yakha. The corridor is the shortest route connecting hill districts, including Dhankuta, Panchthar, Terhathum and Taplejung to districts in the plains. Dozens of small vehicles have started their service after the 52-km track from Mulghat of Dhankuta to Sawakhola of Panchthar opened. Tamor Corridor Project Chief Kuber Nepali said they were working to connect Mulghat of Dhankuta to Tibet of China via Majhitar of Panchthar; Suketar of Taplejung and Olangchunggola. He also said they were preparing to sign a contract for construction of a road from Barahachhetra to Chatara of Sunsari along the Tamor River within a month; and a 140-km road from Suwangkhola of Panchthar to Chatara would be constructed soon Belibridge.