Dhani Harrison on Spirituality & Family Legacy

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jonathansteadman7935
    @jonathansteadman7935 4 місяці тому +115

    He sounds like his dad, without the Liverpool accent, but his phrasing and expression. Glad he's keeping George's legacy alive while putting his stamp on things.

    • @jacquismith3277
      @jacquismith3277 2 місяці тому

      ​@@omegajrz1269NO NO NO!

    • @henryb160
      @henryb160 Місяць тому +1

      @@jacquismith3277 In fact he does have something of a Liverpool accent: because that's how many people sound in the middle-class suburbs such as Woolton, Allerton, and Mossley Hill.

    • @Mary-t7i3g
      @Mary-t7i3g Місяць тому


    • @jamesbyersmusic
      @jamesbyersmusic 24 дні тому +1

      Yes, he speaks in exactly the same way, the speech patterns the intonation and inflections, all that's missing is the Liverpool accent.
      So like George, but at the same time very much his own man!

    • @jacquismith3277
      @jacquismith3277 24 дні тому

      @@jamesbyersmusic Absolutely.

  • @rick.enbacker
    @rick.enbacker 4 місяці тому +124

    It's hard not to like Dhani.
    You can see he is genuine & authentic.

    • @dionz.official
      @dionz.official  4 місяці тому +3

      We couldn't agree more!

    • @GaryMarkley-h3z
      @GaryMarkley-h3z 4 місяці тому +4

      Dhani's life is truly authentic and so very Conscious(*) which is quite contagious!

  • @ValerieAbbott-on1mr
    @ValerieAbbott-on1mr 3 місяці тому +26

    What a wonderful son. He has done his parents proud. 💖

  • @starswillfall.
    @starswillfall. 5 місяців тому +133

    This is the first dhani interview I've seen where the interviewer didn't pester him about his dad the entire time! This was a great one

    • @dionz.official
      @dionz.official  4 місяці тому +9

      Glad you enjoyed it!

    • @joedee9811
      @joedee9811 4 місяці тому +7

      Lets face it, the big reason a lot of people are interested in Dhani and an interview with him is because of his dad

    • @starswillfall.
      @starswillfall. 4 місяці тому +12

      @@joedee9811 yeah, but I do often wish people would take an interest in who he is rather than where he came from. He's a lovely guy and deserves to be recognised for him!

    • @RTA6226
      @RTA6226 4 місяці тому +2

      ​@@starswillfall.VERY well said!

    • @jasminemckinney9804
      @jasminemckinney9804 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@MyPronounIsGoddessthats not important dudr

  • @mrmillcake8525
    @mrmillcake8525 4 місяці тому +76

    It's very nice of George to leave us with Dhani. His Legacy is in best hands!
    ...and we all need more Harrisons.

    • @GaryMarkley-h3z
      @GaryMarkley-h3z 4 місяці тому


    • @chathammkm
      @chathammkm 3 місяці тому +1

      Olivia had a lot to do with it too 😉

  • @donaquinilator4959
    @donaquinilator4959 4 місяці тому +68

    Its great to know how Dhani is always trying to preserve George’s legacy through the years

  • @maudeboggins9834
    @maudeboggins9834 4 місяці тому +48

    What a lovely young man, he looks so like his father. Mr. Dhani Harrison is a credit to his parents.

    • @ThomasDunn-z7d
      @ThomasDunn-z7d 3 місяці тому +1

      Hi is not a young man, he is 46 years old

  • @cwgmama
    @cwgmama 3 місяці тому +27

    I love how Dhani refers to His Late father as “ when his Father left his Body” . I am grieving the loss of my 25 year old granddaughter. I will from this day forward say, “ When She left her body”. And Not say The D word.
    What a beautiful interview. I am so happy I came across this… I am very familiar with Darkhorse records. George sure left his heritage in the best hands and Dhani is sure keeping his Fathers legacy alive.
    My best wishes to Dhani and Olivia Harrison. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  • @ellenchavez2043
    @ellenchavez2043 4 місяці тому +46

    I saw Dhani play in the PBS special "A Tribute to George Harrison". It was a cavalcade of musicians who were contemporaries, admirers, or colleagues of his father. The last song was "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". Dhani was playing his father's music on his guitar, surrounded by these men, who kept checking in with him. Dhani was just coming into his own, surrounded by their care and support... incredible to see.

    • @maybeme94
      @maybeme94 3 місяці тому +1

      I never get tired of watching that….

    • @karenchapmannewton3081
      @karenchapmannewton3081 3 місяці тому +1

      He’s so down to earth, and surely possesses knowledge 💛

  • @pallhe
    @pallhe 3 місяці тому +33

    Nice guy. The Beatle people tend to be sane and grounded despite all the success.

    • @nigefal
      @nigefal 2 місяці тому

      Not too sure about that Ringo's son (Zak - heavy user of drugs alcohol) had his issues in the past, as did Ringo himself (Alcoholism used to beat his wife Barbara Bach). Lennon was a Heroin junkie for while and hid from the world. George Harrison was a well known womaniser etc etc.
      Let's not rewrite history just because of a halo effect due to their fame/musical success.

  • @alone15151
    @alone15151 4 місяці тому +50

    Love that he got his spirituality from his dad and is just as cerebral.

    • @mr.snicker-doodles7081
      @mr.snicker-doodles7081 4 місяці тому +2

      And his MONEY...

    • @tt-du6vc
      @tt-du6vc 4 місяці тому

      Isn’t a pity that he is rubbish at writing songs?

    • @Celticcross688
      @Celticcross688 4 місяці тому +1

      All things must pass

    • @Bangkoksteeler
      @Bangkoksteeler 3 місяці тому

      His father’s “spirituality” made him chainsmoke himself to death and have an affair with Ringo’s wife and take heaps of cocaine for decades. None of it makes any sense.

    • @jacquismith3277
      @jacquismith3277 2 місяці тому

  • @suzanneja710
    @suzanneja710 3 місяці тому +21

    Loved this interview. Dhani is such a positive, interesting and likeable person. The fact that he’s honoured his father’s legacy in the humble, dedicated and intelligent way he has shows that he is exactly the right person born to the role.

  • @lynnemayer3628
    @lynnemayer3628 10 днів тому +2

    Dhani is special. His sense of responsibility and dedication regarding his father's legacy is beautifully intense.

  • @ralex3697
    @ralex3697 4 місяці тому +20

    His resemblance to his father is uncanny. Speaks like him too.
    I’m sure his interviews are often plagued by questions regarding his dad. It’s nice to see an interviewer focused on Dhani and not his famous father.

    • @dionz.official
      @dionz.official  4 місяці тому +3

      Glad you enjoyed it! DIONZ's founder and host of the podcast, Elena Zafirova, wants to bring a safe space to the interviewees to be their authentic and genuine version so they can share in a candid way. We appreciate you took notice. Thank you.

    @CONNIECOLVIN-wg8bq 3 місяці тому +7

    I love Dhani. He’s so much like his dad. George Ida lucky that he had such a great son to guard his legacy. He’s wonderful.

  • @petesacco3255
    @petesacco3255 4 місяці тому +31

    My brother was involved with Badfinger and went to the Bangladesh concert with Mr Harrison my brother said he was a very very nice man

    • @michaelharris5370
      @michaelharris5370 4 місяці тому +3

      Loved Badfinger so sad as to what happend to that great band .

    • @noeldsouza412
      @noeldsouza412 3 місяці тому +2

      Oh yes, I remember Badfinger too....loved their music and lots of favourite songs among them...Come and get it, No Matter what, Day after Day my all time favourite.... Peace and love from Noel...India ☮️✌️❤️

  • @ginamilite1256
    @ginamilite1256 4 місяці тому +28

    George Harrison was such a beautiful soul and highly evolved and loving I really loved his music

    • @Phyllida-r7n
      @Phyllida-r7n 3 місяці тому +1

      He was no saint.

    • @rebeccabledsoe4550
      @rebeccabledsoe4550 2 місяці тому

      I took lessons at self-realization fellowship so peaceful met his sister a year later she gave me a hug and said this hug was from george to me louise and I cried as we hugged each other

    • @tbeau6663
      @tbeau6663 Місяць тому

      @@Phyllida-r7n .....what's the thinking behind your judgement? George never tried to be a saint. He was living the excesses of the rock music industry at the age of 22 in 1965 - then through people like Ravi Shankar found another world. Getting out of one car and into another isn't easy. George was the one Beatle who changed the most, followed by John. The other two live in the past and are are shallow by comparison.

  • @theavannooijen6621
    @theavannooijen6621 2 місяці тому +5

    He makes his parents proud,is a genuine person. His father looks at him from Heaven. May God bless you Dhani!❤❤❤

  • @johncrowder5505
    @johncrowder5505 3 місяці тому +6

    Dhani Is always as cool as it gets. What a perfect set up for life.

  • @BiffMacnona
    @BiffMacnona 4 місяці тому +14

    Dhani is a brilliant person of great spirituality and talent… he was raised by a very classy mother and father…. and I think of all the Beatles children he is by far the most intelligent and unassuming…!

    • @juliekay6527
      @juliekay6527 3 місяці тому +1

      I totally agree with you.

  • @giri.goyo_yt
    @giri.goyo_yt 4 місяці тому +17

    When Dhani speaks music, responsibility of energy, source and legacy he sounds just like Sean. The children of The Beatles are all so talented and giving.

  • @DodgerFanAD_23
    @DodgerFanAD_23 4 місяці тому +20

    I LOVE the fact that they Kept All of George’s Og Music equipment and Guitars. 🥺❤️

  • @annanardo2358
    @annanardo2358 3 місяці тому +12

    Father and son looked like twin reflections of each other. 😊 Thank knows his father was much loved..... Bless his dear father.❤

    • @SoGorgeous-ju8jn
      @SoGorgeous-ju8jn День тому

      A lot but Dhani is shorter, smaller than his father was.

  • @GabrielaAna24
    @GabrielaAna24 4 місяці тому +12

    Dear Dhani, you have and continue to work so hard to honour the legacy of your father, of your family, of the Beatles. Feeling deep respect for you. It is beautiful that you are so aware of, fully appreciate, and embrace the profound emotion, beauty, and greatness that you have been given, but also that you are innately a part of. You ARE the continuation. Nobody else ever could have done what you have done. You are living your dharma. Great respect Dhani. Love to you. Love to your beautiful mother. Love to your father in Heaven. 🙏

  • @malcolmwain3451
    @malcolmwain3451 2 місяці тому +3

    What an incredible young man. Very interesting, intelligent and well-spoken. A credit to his parents.

  • @judithwinkler1553
    @judithwinkler1553 5 місяців тому +24

    Loved hearing about Dhani's journey and vision, how it flows and intermingles with George's journey and Olivia's journey but Dhani brings his unique talent, intellect, and humility to the work he is so passionate about. Would love to have a chat with Dhani myself.

  • @JohnLee-mk1tj
    @JohnLee-mk1tj 4 місяці тому +13

    Loved the interview and Dhani is making his family proud. 👏👏👏

  • @julesjma
    @julesjma 4 місяці тому +13

    Saw him and his band prior to COVID, as they opened for ELO. Fantastic. Heavier than i expected and very enjoyable.

  • @shawncohen4133
    @shawncohen4133 3 місяці тому +16

    Dhani is so grounded, so awake, and a chip off the old block! God Bless him and Olivia and of course George! Hari Krishna! 💖💞🙏

    • @gore1089
      @gore1089 3 місяці тому

      George wasn't so impressed with yogis, maybe in the beginning he was, but he moved on. He knew that meditation wasn't the method and not recommended in this age of Kali the age of quarrel and hypocrisy that is Kali Yuga.
      The process of the chanting of the holy names of the Lord is the the only way and the Lord repeated it three times so people would be absolutely clear on this issue.
      George knew that and he carried his bead bag with him.
      John and George ounce chanted the Maha mantra all day long.
      George saved thousands of lives including his own and the world is indebted to him and as Krsna says, although he is impartial, these devotes are very dear to him.

    • @shawncohen4133
      @shawncohen4133 3 місяці тому +2

      @@gore1089 although it is not MY way, like all paths of the seeker, it is a way and whatever way George did it, he brought meditation and yoga to the west and for that you are right, he has perhaps unknowingly helped thousands and for his music, he has helped millions. God Bless George, well loved and well missed, RIP.

    • @jacquismith3277
      @jacquismith3277 2 місяці тому

      ​@@shawncohen4133He has helped me, no doubt about it. ❤

  • @SanAntoneRose
    @SanAntoneRose 4 місяці тому +15

    Years ago I attended the spiritual church of Yogananda in Mountain View, CA. On one occasion, two spiritual beings (I cannot describe them in any other way) were guests of the church. One was male and one was female. Both were tall, silent, and looked transcendent in white robes. I remember both were African American, as well. We formed a line and met each, individually, and as we did, in silence, one laid a hand on my shoulder. I wasn’t expecting anything but in the moment I was touched I felt this incredible, indiscernible feeling- electric perhaps? And the next thing I knew, I was on my knees. Mind you, I was NOT a hugely spiritual person, just curious, and that’s why I went to the church. It was perhaps, the 3rd time I had attended. The touch, and its effect on me, shook me to my core. The two guests were scheduled to be there the next weekend, so I had to return, just to see if what had happened was real… could I explain it? I was sure I must have just been nervous, and a second visit would certainly be different. So I went back. To my surprise, the exact same thing happened again, as soon as I was touched. I remember looking up at this tall, beautiful being who literally glowed under the lights, with perfect skin, eyes in some mystic meditation. I have never forgotten the experience. It was one of those things in life that just can’t be explained. I still wonder who they were. This video reminded me of it.

  • @julieross652
    @julieross652 4 місяці тому +12

    George would be so proud of his son.

    • @Mary-t7i3g
      @Mary-t7i3g Місяць тому


  • @lynnedanieli2537
    @lynnedanieli2537 4 місяці тому +12

    Dhani is a great musician in his own right. What a fantastic interview. He's had great role models' in his Dad and Mum. ❤❤❤

  • @christinefrattin17
    @christinefrattin17 4 місяці тому +14

    Beautiful interview,
    Thank you

  • @xandra7986
    @xandra7986 4 місяці тому +6

    Saw Dhanni play a tiny gig last year in London. Stunning

  • @merrillegray8871
    @merrillegray8871 5 місяців тому +15

    Enjoyed every minute of this interview…

  • @prointernational3351
    @prointernational3351 4 місяці тому +13

    Fabulous interview with Dhani. So much like his father on so many levels. 🕉💜🙏

  • @lindylufromoz5111
    @lindylufromoz5111 4 місяці тому +6

    This is the best interview with Dhani that I've seen, and I've seen a lot of them. We, the public, are the lucky ones to have been gifted the continued presence of George, whose spirit lives on in his son, just as both Dhani & George wanted it to be.
    Aunty Linda / LindyLu from Oz

  • @ebeyslough
    @ebeyslough 3 місяці тому +12

    Out of all the Beatles offsprings, Dhani looks the most like his father.

    • @SoGorgeous-ju8jn
      @SoGorgeous-ju8jn День тому

      It sure isn’t James McCartney. What does that guy do all the live long day? Unfortunately, he inherited his mother’s depressive genes.
      Sean Lennon looks a lot like John.

  • @jamess7626
    @jamess7626 4 місяці тому +13

    This is one of the best interviews of anyone I've ever seen. Of course, the subject matter is close to many of our hearts. But the questions were so insightful and you gave space for Dhani to really answer on such a profound and self aware level. I'm so impressed with both of you. And I didn't think I could be anymore impressed than I already am with George Harrison, but this interview made it happen. 108 Thank yous. 🕉️🙏🏻

    • @dionz.official
      @dionz.official  4 місяці тому +1

      Thank you very much, we appreciate it!

  • @AntonioShropshire
    @AntonioShropshire 4 місяці тому +11

    All l can say is...George Harrison's spirit lives on through within the heart of his son,Dhani. I know what Dhani is speaking about. We as humans need to take time for some form of meditation. So sad that we're caught up in the " material world "& not knowing what the true raum of "spiritual dimensions "of heavenly existence. Many people would laugh at such theory of life. George was "gifted "perhaps maybe ahead of his time. But God decides who is to be chosen & who is not. When man learns that he is not the master,but merely the disciples,the children of the true master of all life & all that exist within this world & beyond, then man will truly understand what the Father in Heaven,the true Father of us wants from us all,then finally as John Lennon once said....Give Peace a Chance, We will finally come together,maybe before it's too late. Antonio---ATL.GA.😇🙏✌️🧘‍♂️

  • @markwilliamevans
    @markwilliamevans 7 місяців тому +15

    Fantastic and insightful interview. Great work

  • @gmf668
    @gmf668 3 місяці тому +6

    Beautiful interview and beautiful human.

  • @gregorheinrich
    @gregorheinrich 3 місяці тому +4

    Dhani is a lot older now than George was when the Beatles split and perhaps the age of George at "Traveling Wilburys". Shows what a great act the Beatles and George was. But nice to see that Dhani turned out to be a decent, well spoken man, and not having his father's fame get into his head.

  • @janefriel6895
    @janefriel6895 3 місяці тому +4

    So very attractive. Intellectually and all other ways.❤

  • @kylemoran4343
    @kylemoran4343 4 місяці тому +22

    If you haven't heard their album "Brainwashed," you NEED to ! I still listen to it on many occasions. He (George) is spot on with his title track. He took a microscopic look at were us humans are, and are heading, and he encapsulated it into an unbelievable song ! I've listen to that song so many times, and still can't believe mankind has lost OUR way. Thanks for finishing your Dad's work Dhani !

    • @dodgedandle8311
      @dodgedandle8311 4 місяці тому +3

      Fantastic Record, George was a Visionary , Bless Him 🙏❤️👍🏻

    • @jacquismith3277
      @jacquismith3277 2 місяці тому +2

      Fabulous album, I agree. ❤❤❤

  • @helenmoreno5631
    @helenmoreno5631 2 місяці тому +3

    I love Dhani so much! ❤ Such a great interview. Love and light to that darling boy. 🕉️

  • @georgemendezjr.2353
    @georgemendezjr.2353 4 місяці тому +6

    Extraordinary interview with a very Blessed and extraordinary Soul🙏🦢🙏

    • @dionz.official
      @dionz.official  4 місяці тому +1

      Thank you very much! Glad you enjoyed it!

  • @cassiusklaymusic
    @cassiusklaymusic 5 місяців тому +13

    Inspiring dialogue! Dhani Harrison speaks from the heart, an admirable person and artist! It's great to hear these stories and thoughts ⚛️🕉️🌄🎸🔥

  • @ScottMasson
    @ScottMasson Місяць тому +1

    What a cool dude. As a musician, artist, and spiritual person myself, I feel like Dhani and I would get along great, and have a really good conversation.

  • @Sicilian687
    @Sicilian687 3 місяці тому +5

    What a lovely interview and what an amazing person Dhani turned out to be (a credit to his parents) 🥰
    George was WAY ahead of his time and it was such a sad loss that he left us far too soon but he has obviously left a wonderful legacy and he lives on in his son, not only in the beautiful person he is but also so like his dad physically and even the sound of his voice 🥰 I live very close to Arnold Grove and am forever proud of the fact that the Beatles came from my home town 🥰🙏xxx

  • @priscillachapman9145
    @priscillachapman9145 3 місяці тому +3

    Dhani is a wonderful person. To love preserving what his dad left physically as well as spiritually. I’m so glad to see this interview of Dhani as an adult. George is so proud. I loved his reference to his dad as Obe won Kenobe.

  • @Ad.Dd.James.
    @Ad.Dd.James. 2 місяці тому +1

    I'm so happy for you Dhani that you now have control over your Dads music catalog. Many fans of George Harrison are looking forward to seeing his back catalogue being released in super deluxe editions.

  • @Tonetwisters
    @Tonetwisters 3 місяці тому +6

    Love that this young man took on much of his father's personality. It is all about Jesus. And time is running out. Choose LIFE. Choose Jesus. NOW. While you can. God bless.

    • @franciscoarzaga4384
      @franciscoarzaga4384 3 місяці тому +2

      Why ? He didn’t say anything about Jesus

    • @KittyBeans369
      @KittyBeans369 3 місяці тому +4

      Exactly! George was not a Christian. He may have considered Jesus to be an Ascended Master, but not his “Savior” in the Christian way.

    • @lolodee3528
      @lolodee3528 3 місяці тому +2

      😂😂😂😂😂😂self-absorbed “christians”🤣🤣😂

    • @timmellin2815
      @timmellin2815 3 місяці тому

      Check my reply about his Church school upbringing and tht he bought his place from the Catholic Bosco nuns. Interesting tie in there. Could be the Christian Sanctifcation through those things has influenced Dhani's spirit.

    • @franciscoarzaga4384
      @franciscoarzaga4384 3 місяці тому

      @@timmellin2815 nah not a bit the Beatles are not a big fan of catholics

  • @LaurenPassarelli
    @LaurenPassarelli 5 місяців тому +7


  • @peacetree5000
    @peacetree5000 Місяць тому +1

    His Father's knowing has kept him centered.

  • @kellyalamanou5185
    @kellyalamanou5185 4 місяці тому +4

    What an interesting,endearing,personality he has!He continues his parents legacy,adding his own personal touch. George wherever he is ,he will be very proud of his son!ॐ ❤ 🙏
    And what a talented and audacious musician he is!!

  • @martinmcgrath1985
    @martinmcgrath1985 2 місяці тому +2

    What a talent Dhani is.

  • @lennonjohn3796
    @lennonjohn3796 2 місяці тому +2

    ❤❤❤ he is his dad's son truly x

  • @ronrouyer2069
    @ronrouyer2069 3 місяці тому +3

    Wonderful time. Interviewer sublime. Dhani's a Ninja. Dad so proud. Nice to see the vision carried forth. Stevie Nicks sold her catalog you bought your dad's back. Great groove.

  • @janebraun4482
    @janebraun4482 4 місяці тому +3

    Amazing how much he sounds just like his Dad. Dhani lucky to have had someone like his Dad, so rich ( not in money terms) but rich in life interests, so much to do and learn from. I so get it, when you have a special soul, or who happened to be your parent, I get it. I wanted to do all that regarding my own set of parents, aggressive siblings (& greed) in the way, and Lucky he's an only child.

  • @alexisr5199
    @alexisr5199 4 місяці тому +2

    I just love that young man. Seeing ELO. in like 3 weeks. Final Tour.

  • @susanderbacher8227
    @susanderbacher8227 4 місяці тому +4

    Wonderful interview. Dhani is true to self as his parents and shares his thoughts with care and wisdom.

  • @dixiefallas7799
    @dixiefallas7799 2 місяці тому +2

    Lovely fella as was his dad.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

  • @stephaniepace3176
    @stephaniepace3176 4 місяці тому +7

    A really really interesting interview. I really look forward to seeing what he does next!

  • @JadeLiz74
    @JadeLiz74 3 місяці тому +2

    Such a dear dear man. I can see & hear his father in him so much.
    Great interview!

  • @mickduffy
    @mickduffy 4 місяці тому +15

    What a brilliant young man.

  • @heritagehomesJapan
    @heritagehomesJapan 3 місяці тому +4

    Thank you so much for this! It’s fascinating to get to know George’s son.

  • @amour4all
    @amour4all 4 місяці тому +5

    What a fantasticaly interesting interview! Wow! First Time I hear Him talking, including spirituality, arts and more.... What a blessing! Love Love Love ++++

  • @Water_is_Sacred777
    @Water_is_Sacred777 4 місяці тому +2

    One of my favorite music photos is of Dhani as a very small boy holding a guitar that engulfed him. He's sitting in a room where these music legends are gathered including George-which may have been the Wilbury's. He has this focused look on his wee face as if he knows exactly why he's there and who he is though he didn't have a clue outside of energetically. It's as if Dhani's attempt to hold up that huge guitar spelled out his trajectory in life and his destiny. I regret failing to get a screen shot of the photo though I have looked for it since. No one but Dhani could do what his destiny had called him to and how lucky are we that he followed the call.

  • @andydixon2980
    @andydixon2980 4 місяці тому +12

    It's now 50years since George's 1974 American Tour. How about a documentary production/release of this, before all those musicians from that tour have passed on and we won't have their stories told. It would be a great thing for George's fans to experience despite the tour being underwhelming for George. Call Peter Jackson, Dhani.....;)

  • @rubyjames3105
    @rubyjames3105 4 місяці тому +4

    I know this is overstated all the time but damn, is he ever like his father! Makes me miss George less when I listen to Dhani.

  • @dianewallace993
    @dianewallace993 Місяць тому +1

    what a sensible and lovely young man

  • @tbeau6663
    @tbeau6663 Місяць тому

    Great interview with Dhani. He offered some great advice to musicians in the last few minutes

  • @larrywhipper1787
    @larrywhipper1787 4 місяці тому +12

    The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree (Ashvatta)🕉

  • @airmark02
    @airmark02 4 місяці тому +36

    I would like to hear him talk a little about his Mother's influence on his life.

  • @Gino-p1x
    @Gino-p1x 4 місяці тому +3

    This interview is an another gem from Elena and DIONZ! I highly recommend you to watch/listen. A short and concise dose of knowledge and inspiration! Dhani truly embodies the ideals of the podcast, PATH, PURPOSE and PASSION🍀. And the host never disappoints. It’s incredibly inspiring! Looking forward to the next one!

  • @trevorgwelch7412
    @trevorgwelch7412 4 місяці тому +3

    It must be freezing cold in the house - dressed for winter .... ✨🎸✨🏄🏽‍♀️☮️🤩 Dhani is a true intellect . Great musician . Does he beleive in the ancient astronaut theories . ?

  • @KC-wi4gh
    @KC-wi4gh 4 місяці тому +3

    Great interview and i think Dhani appreciated he wasn't asked the stock questions a Beatle child would be asked . Very interesting and spiritual guy in his own right .

  • @LathenGriffiths
    @LathenGriffiths 3 місяці тому +1

    Fantastic interview, well worth a watch

  • @Chris-gp5yq
    @Chris-gp5yq 2 місяці тому +1

    Amazing interview. Just letting the man speak. This is one of the best interviews i have ever seen of Dhani. Thank you!

  • @tomcanseco
    @tomcanseco 4 місяці тому +6

    I always wondered if George was a Kriyaban. So happy to hear this verified 🙏🙏

  • @theresaheyer537
    @theresaheyer537 4 місяці тому +2

    have "brainwashed"..............very very interesting and truthful!love George and love Dhani.thank you so much for doing this interview.music rules all frequencies.

  • @gailfg2211
    @gailfg2211 5 місяців тому +6

    Lovely video, thank you!

  • @greteringgaard3528
    @greteringgaard3528 4 місяці тому +8

    This was amazing thank you ❤️

  • @lorrainbow7
    @lorrainbow7 4 місяці тому +4

    Really lovely interview! Nice questions, and so special to hear more about Dhani's journey. Love him so much.

  • @blackdot3538
    @blackdot3538 4 місяці тому +4

    Great interview. Thank you.

  • @lyndarosborough869
    @lyndarosborough869 3 місяці тому +1

    This is a wonderful interview- thank you !

  • @TheMartinick
    @TheMartinick 4 місяці тому +3

    He seems to have personae much like his father. I’m sure his mum is a very smart intelligent lady as well or she wouldn’t have been with George. Lovely, intelligent, D’Hani.

  • @tmind1
    @tmind1 4 місяці тому +2

    Thank you for sharing this

  • @david.leikam
    @david.leikam 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you. 🙏🏼

  • @arudy1947
    @arudy1947 3 місяці тому +3

    This guy rocks

  • @amcreative3784
    @amcreative3784 4 місяці тому +2

    Thankyou. ❤

  • @OTseven
    @OTseven 4 місяці тому +2


  • @marklatkowski9327
    @marklatkowski9327 4 місяці тому +3


  • @whispjohn
    @whispjohn 3 місяці тому +2

    Dhani's mother Olivia is a follower of Prem Rawat. I know that from some musicians friends in LA who knew Olivia and got George to record their band Jiva, they are followers of Prem Rawat too. This was all in the 1970s and one of those musicians sent me a nice story about recording with George in LA and a pary at Ringo's house where he met Peter Sellers and had a riot with him. Being a Beatle's son must have had some challenging moments for Dhani in his life.

    • @robbrown4621
      @robbrown4621 3 місяці тому

      Prew Rabat has some quite excellent YT videos if anyone might have an interest in hearing him speak. I first saw him speak in 1974 in NYC. Long time ago... :)

  • @AndreaHausberg-yt5qx
    @AndreaHausberg-yt5qx 4 місяці тому +2

    Thanks for the nice things you said about growing into being a musician. Very motivating to go on with the practice. And it's true, if you're around the people already doing it, you'll grow into it without realizing. And nice interview questions, very thoughtful. ❤

    • @dionz.official
      @dionz.official  4 місяці тому +1

      Glad you enjoyed it! DIONZ's founder and host of the podcast, Elena Zafirova, wants to bring a safe space to the interviewees to be their authentic and genuine version so they can share in a candid way. We appreciate you took notice. Thank you.

  • @webkinzgirl2405
    @webkinzgirl2405 4 місяці тому +3

    So proud!

  • @DaveFrank
    @DaveFrank 4 місяці тому +4

    Your amazing father single handedly (in a sense) changed the Western world! His introduction to the West of Paramahansa Yogananda and similar teachings turned all of us on to the Great teachings of the East and gave us a beautiful path of life to walk on forever. Yay George and YAY Yogananda my Great Guru! Thanks Dhani for everything.

  • @karenboromeo899
    @karenboromeo899 4 місяці тому +4

    Just like his dad "He definitely doesn't shut up lol"😂
    The "Quiet Beatle was not true".
    A great interview with Dhani.🌿💚🙏

  • @janesaunders8835
    @janesaunders8835 4 місяці тому +2

    ❤🙏🙏 om Shanti Dhani 😊