Sam Winchester "I'm not clean"

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • ○ if the video is blocked:
    ○ song information in the end of the video
    This project. I thought it would be death of me. I had this idea since 8x21 and now I can't believe I actually finished it. The rythm of the song is really difficult for me and I spent a lot of time building the storyline. Not like it's something completely unexpected for me, when I heard this song I knew it would be hard, but it's not a reason to refuse from the idea, right?
    I really feel like I need to explain what I wanted to show there, but I can't. There are so many thoughts in head and I can't sum up them in some proper discription. I wanted to show how Sam was always different from other people, how Lucifer tried to convince him to choose his side, the fight between good and bad in Sam, how his intentions were always good, his innocent side and that at the same time he could be such a badass. Something like this.
    I'm wondering when all of you will be tired of me vidding Supernatural? I mean a lot of vidders vid different fandoms and I'm with the same old spn.
    As always hope you enjoy! xx
    tumblr: alina0405.tumbl...


  • @deanwinchester7070
    @deanwinchester7070 8 років тому +220

    the fact that Sam never smiles is enough for me to break down

  • @bignaturalsenergy
    @bignaturalsenergy 7 років тому +107

    Also, Sam went from drinking demon blood to injecting his blood into demons... nothing else to add, just found that interesting.

    • @killagreg3
      @killagreg3 Рік тому +3

      Which caused Crowley to become addicted to human blood. An interesting cycle

  • @emiliapercival258
    @emiliapercival258 7 років тому +94

    Man...I love Sam so much it hurts in a level that I can't even explain

    • @cynthiaking9480
      @cynthiaking9480 7 років тому +2

      ya im the same way,i wish he were real,that it was all real,i role play him and my brother does Dean but mostly i rp him cause i feel i can relate to how out of place he feels but i also try to live by his example, to put others first and do the best i can i rp him because well,i cant date him hes not real lol as much as i wish he were

    • @sthephanygodoy
      @sthephanygodoy 6 років тому +1

      Emilia Percival sameeee

  • @joeyshuny5
    @joeyshuny5 10 років тому +136

    This was so perfectly done. Even though I call myself a Winchester girl I have always had this soft spot for Sam. For somebody so young it just seems that he has this incredible weight on his shoulders. He's had so much to deal with and he's dealt with everything somehow. His destiny to become dark and he overcame that. The way he is so desperate to earn his big brothers trust and respect. The fact that even after everything he's been through he's the one that actually see's the light at the end of the tunnel when Dean flat out refuses to see it and I can't blame Dean either. It just shows the amazing character that Sam has. Dean adores his little brother and Sam deserves it. Sam adores Dean too obviously. I think Sam feels he doesn't deserve the love he gets from Dean though which is too sad, Sam is not a simple character. He's extremely complex. He has many faults as they all do. He's stubborn and he can be bitchy when he wants to be. His flaws make me love him more though. Certain fans act like their boys have no faults or flaws. They act like their boy is always the victim and usually Sam is the bad guy. By far I think Sam is the least appreciated character on the show and I think that's crap. I also think Jared is the least appreciated actor on the show. I'm always hearing how brilliant Jensen and Misha are and I don't dispute that. What I do dispute is the way Jared gets ignored all the time. He's just as talented as the others. The scene in the church between Sam and Dean was heartbreaking. Then of course the scene where he told Dean he wasn't pure. I don't cry easily and I totally choked up. He should have not only been nominated for a Peoples Choice or Emmy but he should have won. But as usual he got completely ignored. I adore the other actors on the show so I'm not putting them down. I just appreciate Jared as well.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +15

      Jackie Vester I get everything you say about Sam. It always admires me how he after all this shit he's been through somehow he is still able to see hope in this life, to belive in something good and I mean he himself? After everything he manages to stay so amazingly kind,caring and patience person it's just nfjkdsn Sam Winchester is a wondeful character. Even I have a soft spot for Dean, I loooove this character with all my heart and vidding him is always very interesting for me.
      I need to say I've been kinda lucky and I haven't seen any Sam-hate or even under appreciation, but I see a lot of complaining like that, so guess this part of fandom exist, but I just haven't met it luckily.
      Same with Jared and Jensen. People I talk too appreaciate them both and really I can't imagine how someone can put one of them.

    • @joeyshuny5
      @joeyshuny5 10 років тому +17

      ***** I love all my boys even Crowley but I'll always be loyal to the brothers. I guess I feel like my soft spot for Sammy comes from the hate I've seen from some of the "fans" EVERYTHING he does or doesn't do pisses these people off. Dean is a saint and Sam is an ass. It gets old after a while. I'm pretty shocked you haven't seen any of the Sam hate cause it's huge out there. I love Dean but he ain't no saint. He has faults. He's done and SAID some horrible things to Sam. Throwing away the amulet?? Dick move. Telling Sam Benny was a better brother then Sam. It's a pretty long list and yet Sam still comes back for more. I know Sam isn't innocent. He's not even close. He's done some really crappy things. The demon blood, Ruby, Not looking for Dean while he was in Purgatory. I know all the things he's done and I don't act like he's perfect. Certain (Not all) Dean fans are horrible. They act like Dean can do no wrong. When Dean got the mark of Cain which nobody twisted his arm to do I read a comment that said that it was Sam's fault cause "Everything that happens I blame Sam" Seriously?? Sam didn't even know what Dean was going to do. How does that even work?? Anyway like I said neither brother is perfect. They've both screwed up and done things that they're not proud of. It's called being a human.
      The thing with Jared being completely unappreciated is so easy to see. Both Misha and Jensen have won multiple awards. Jared has won an award for best actor under 30 a couple years ago and he won a fan appreciation award from Jared fans. I really thought as many other fans that he would at the very least get the Peoples Choice Award for best actor for season 8 cause God knows he deserved it. He got nothing.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +12

      Jackie Vester again I agree with you here. I don't like when people try to make any of character flawless, because one of things I love about spn is exactly that these characters make mistakes. I don't think I would like them so much if they were just some superheroes always so right and always so innocent. How they struggling with thier mistakes, with their choices - that's what interesting for me, that's what keep characters realistic, because we all make mistakes, we all disagree with each other sometimes and stories where main characters are all just pure kindness, strength and righteous they aren't so captivating, because they are too far from the reality. Yes, there are moments when I'm angry with Sam's choice or Dean's choice, but it's just emotion. You can still understand brother's reasons and why they do what they do and for me not seeing or accepting all their wrong choices is just erasing all their strength, because without these bad desicions, regrets ect we can't appreciate how amazing they are
      about Jared, yes, it's all very unfortunate and I wish for him all the awards in the world, because he deserves it, really, but I'm happy and proud that this man doesn't seem to care about it. Of course I don't know him personal, but I feel like he doesn't need some thing to enjoy his profession . I just hope fans tell him at cons how great is he, because I think he values it much more than all these awards

    • @joeyshuny5
      @joeyshuny5 10 років тому +4

      ***** Exactly!!!! I love the flaws and mistakes. If they were always making the right choices who would buy it?? The show wouldn't have lasted 10 freaking seasons if they all made the right choices. If they all said and did the right things. It's crap. Hell even Cas has made some boner moves and he's a freaking angel. Cas even told Sam that he has made more mistakes then Sam and he was right. I won't lie. I've been livid at Sam for some of the things he's done but I still love him. He's human. He makes mistakes. He's had to deal with a lot. But like I said Dean is no damn saint. He's a great guy but he's made some dick moves. He's said some things to Sam that I could never imagine saying to my little brother which I have. Sam got off that one zinger this season where he told Dean he wouldn't do what Dean did for him and suddenly he's the most horrible human being ever. BTW he later said he lied which I totally knew he did to begin with. He was hurt and pissed and he wanted to hurt Dean back. Was he right in doing so?? Hell no. But when he get into fights with loved ones crap comes flying out of all our mouths. Trust me I have 6 siblings. We've said some horrible things to each other. It's called being a family.
      As for Jared never getting any appreciation in the form of awards I know he probably doesn't care much but you can't tell me it doesn't hurt a little. I mean what does the guy have to do to get a damn Peoples Choice Award?? Last year I truly believe that he and Jensen canceled each other out and the award went to the guy from the Vampire Diaries. I have nothing against that actor but he didn't deserve the award. There was a critic from the New York Times who was talking about Jared's performance in the season 8 finale. He called it "flawless" and "sheer perfection" and Jared got nothing. This wasn't the first time either. I think it just stuck out the most. Hopefully that will change. I kind of doubt it though.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +10

      Jackie Vester yeah, I guess family hurts us the most, because their opinion means the most to us
      yeah, it's all is unfair for sure..I hope it will change too! Jared deserves all the awards

  • @cynthiaking9480
    @cynthiaking9480 8 років тому +65

    Samgirl for life

  • @RomanceGirl6666
    @RomanceGirl6666 9 років тому +99

    How can anyone bash Sam so much in favor of Dean for god's sake? Neither are perfect. Dean's a whiny, self-righteous ass at times that can't see any other POV but his own and Sam's naïve and arrogant. Sam vs. Dean isn't a contest. We all have our preferences---I prefer Dean because of his complexity--- but I haven't forgotten the heart of show: Both Winchesters had made a ton of mistakes but they're still heroes that try their best. They're only human.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  9 років тому +7

      +RomanceGirl6666 well I didn't try to show Sam in negative light here. An opposite, I tried to show how much darkness how went though and still managed to resist it and even more

    • @RomanceGirl6666
      @RomanceGirl6666 9 років тому +8

      *****: I was referring to Sam bashers who compare him to Dean. I know what you meant by this vid and it was excellent. Great job! :)

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  9 років тому

      RomanceGirl6666 aah sorry, I misunderstood you:) thank you so much!

    • @gandrewlee3
      @gandrewlee3 9 років тому

      +RomanceGirl6666 I've been waiting so long for someone else to realize this.

    • @Juliana-sy6vp
      @Juliana-sy6vp 8 років тому +15

      I love both but I prefer Sam because of his character development and how every little aspect about him somehow all fits together. He's like an extremely hard equation in my opinion

  • @bignaturalsenergy
    @bignaturalsenergy 7 років тому +135

    Sam's self-hate makes me so sad.

    • @gulalatas9163
      @gulalatas9163 3 роки тому +6

      that's what makes him human.his self-esteem is low,not self hate.happens to all of us

    • @azahora22
      @azahora22 2 роки тому +5

      Well it doesn't help when you have family telling you you're bad.

  • @ashli674
    @ashli674 10 років тому +273

    Right here, right freaking here, is the reason why SPN is Jared's show. Jensen is absolutely lovely but Jared is amazing. (I am not knocking Jensen here.) Jared plays several different characters, several different shades of Sam, and he brings it full on every single time. You have captured everything from season 1 onto 9 of just how freaking amazing Jared's work is and the amazing character that is Sam. You have done a brilliant job. You should be proud.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +35

      I wouldn't say it's Jared's show, because for me it's always J2, but though I agree with your every word about Jared's acting! when I vid Sam I'm always like "how it's possible that this character isn't real?" because Jared shows every emotion so realistic, so true, it's difficult to accept that Sam doesn't exist in real world
      Thank you for your comment!

    • @ashli674
      @ashli674 10 років тому +12

      ***** You're right, it is J2. I am a bit of a Sam girl so I guess I'm biased. :)
      Do you take song suggestions for future vids?

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +2

      aah I see :)
      I do take song suggestions, but I need tto warn you that I vid really slow and I don't promise anything, I can't say that there's 100% I'll do it or won't do it, because it depends on inspiration, you know? sometimes I LOVE the song, but I just don't see a way to vid it. but yes, I'm open to new suggestions, so as you want :)

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +2

      btw as you're a bit a Sam girl maybe you'd like to watch my other Sam video? I don't promote myself or anything and you don't have to write a comment of course, I just thought maybe you could like it Sam Winchester • I'll never be your chosen one

    • @ashli674
      @ashli674 10 років тому

      ***** One song I adore is 'Charlie Brown' by Coldplay. I don't know but I think it could definately be a good one just for Sam and Dean and their journey. It could also work for the rest of the group too, the whole family.
      And another one that I LOVE is 'Glory and Gore' by Lorde. I think this song works so much for the boys as well as everyone else. Especially with a line 'you can try and take us, but we're the gladiators'
      Sorry, when I get excited or passionate, I rant.
      Thank you for taking my suggestions! :)

  • @magiv4205
    @magiv4205 8 років тому +38

    This is bonechillingly, heartwrenchingly beautiful.
    After way too long, I finally came back to this masterpiece and it is even better than I remembered💔💔💔❤❤❤❤

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  8 років тому +2

      when I come back to my vids they usually worse than I remember:) thank you very much!

  • @MarvelousJo
    @MarvelousJo 10 років тому +26

    Beautiful video. Great voiceover choices, great transitions. Love your work... I just have to say one thing:
    If Sam Winchester is dirty than I don't want clean.

  • @erudicke2899
    @erudicke2899 9 років тому +27

    That was probably the most intense thing I've ever watched in my entire life

  • @irisanddaisy
    @irisanddaisy 6 місяців тому

    That memory of childhood & that line “I’m not clean” broke my heart. Because I know child abuse survivors watching this know exactly the feeling he’s talking about. Really powerful.

  • @queenrenren4601
    @queenrenren4601 10 років тому +1

    I love the brotherly love I can't stop watching this video

  • @nightwhelmed
    @nightwhelmed 10 років тому +6

    Don't do that, i'm never tired of your videos, this is masterpiece, really. Everything is perfect, the clips put at the right places and the voiceovers. Sam is such an amazing character and so misunderstood. I can't believe how much hate he got through the seasons. Your video is definitely perfect, and the fact that you put such a hard work on it make it even better. Definitely goes on my favorites =) (Sorry for my bad english)

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +1

      Thank youuu thank you so much for your words!!
      and don't apologize for it, english isn't my native language too :)

  • @FireflyFanatic3
    @FireflyFanatic3 10 років тому +3

    This video is phenomenal. You really captured all the feelings of inadequacy and how dirty and out of place Sam's always felt. Words could never describe how much I love Sam or just how much he means to me. He's always felt out of place, never believed he was good enough, and all this time just tried so desperately to do what's right. And he's vilified for every decision he's ever made and ugh.... yes this video is amazing, I will never get tired of you vidding Supernatural! x

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      Thank youuu, thank you very much!! and agree with you about Sam!

  • @azahora22
    @azahora22 2 роки тому +1

    This video has been up for quite a long time but I've never seen it before. This is a good Sam one (and I think we all know there seems to be so many more dean ones). This really shows how much Sam has been used and manipulated. And it makes me angry at azazel and the others involved. It's amazing all their evil plans for and he still turned out good. I love Sam! Always have always will..❤

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  2 роки тому +1

      hi! Sorry for the late reply! It really is a fascinating story when you see all the ways which could've lead Sam into being evil and he turned out so good and kind despite all of that

  • @bernardking9603
    @bernardking9603 7 років тому

    Very few videos capture just how hard life has been on Sam as well as this one. One of my favs on UA-cam

  • @CityofJade
    @CityofJade 9 років тому +23

    Just listening, looking at it from an outsiders point of view it sounded a bit like. . . a different storyline of sorts.
    As if Sam is finding out that he has the demon blood, and how all these powerful baddies have such big plans for him.
    And then he denies it, trying to stay true to his humanity.
    And then he gets sucked into the darkness anyway.

    • @lovedrreid1
      @lovedrreid1 8 років тому +5

      youre almost compdletely spot on. he hasnt really turned darkside. yet. but there are theories about that one.

    • @magiv4205
      @magiv4205 8 років тому +12

      +Mikayla Heiden That's the thing. I don't think it would make sense for Sam to go darkside now. Because his story was exactly about that. Despite EVERYONE, even the angels saying he'd go darkside and would let Lucifer destroy the world, HE DIDN'T! He slapped it back into all their faces. He beat his darkness in the end, he beat the Devil himself, and stayed true to his humanity. And to this day, he has not given up hope that everybody else can do the same. That even monsters can change.
      Or, to put it into his own words:
      "There is this deep, dark pit inside you. I know. Believe me, I know. But you don’t have to fall into it. _It doesn’t matter what you are, it only matters what you do._ You don't have to be a monster."
      (P.S. I know this comment is a bit older, but I just wanted to add that this here, because from a storyteller PoV, it wouldn't make sense.)

  • @bean9619
    @bean9619 Рік тому +5

    Jared keeps breaking my heart over and over. God I love him.

  • @sparksfly221
    @sparksfly221 10 років тому +24

    wow this is amazing *___* thank you for making this masterpiece of sam! vids of him are so rare lately :/ ADORE your editing here woooooah

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +1

      oh, Anja, I would be a liar if I said that comment from such vidder as you means nothing special to me! Thank you very much!!

    • @coolsousou9able
      @coolsousou9able 6 років тому

      Omg ikr! He is my fav! But most videos are about Dean! i mean I LOVE DEAN but i just need my Sammy videos

  • @emilyharper5122
    @emilyharper5122 9 років тому +15

    well that was emotionally crippling

  • @jimdonthelpher2245
    @jimdonthelpher2245 8 років тому +15

    He never wanted this life, what made his life so happy, jessica then amalia, he can never find happiness, all he knows is his brother needs him, he always wanted out, he never wanted such a life, where everyday he's willing to die for everyone, he never wanted to be any of this, the demon blood. He has had his life chosen out for him, by his dad his brother, the demons. He's just wanted to feel normal...

    • @BPEntertainment1
      @BPEntertainment1 5 років тому

      If Dean didn't come back & pull him back in, Azazel would have forced him back anyway when that thing killed Jessica. John knew his family was in danger the second Azazel walked into that nursery & claimed Mary's life. The family is stronger together & vulnerable apart. Sure he handled it badly when Sam went off to Stanford but Dean admitted that John used to spy on Sam a lot to make sure he was Safe.

  • @Thetaylorsarehere
    @Thetaylorsarehere 7 років тому

    THE GREATEST SAMMY VIDEO THAT HAS EVER BEEN MADE. MY GOD!👊👀 I think people forget how badass & dangerous Sammy really is..

  • @Marianne_L
    @Marianne_L 10 років тому +2

    Brilliant! So so perfect, I can't express how awesome I think you and your videos are

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      aww thank you so much for your kinds words!

  • @daniellahosni9505
    @daniellahosni9505 8 років тому +16

    im literally in awe of how good this is ,, so perfect ,, just ... i have no words ,, well done sooo well done oh bo y

  • @tmrchpmn
    @tmrchpmn 4 роки тому +2

    Bullsh*t, Sam. You ARE Sir Galahad, the PURE of heart. I remember thinking that before I ever saw this scene - that Sam is so pure of heart, like Arthur's knight, Sir Galahad, the only one incorrupt enough to actually see & find the holy grail. Sam is the opposite of his circumstances, and anyone who can't see that is only seeing what's on the surface, how things APPEAR to be....while underneath, there is so much more going on, and Sam is really as close to a saint as I can imagine a man ever being.

  • @EmeraldWings90
    @EmeraldWings90 10 років тому +7

    This is unspeakably perfect. Oh, Sam... It's amazing how *good* a person he is in spite of all the _taint_ in him.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +1

      Thank you very much!!
      yeah, that amazes me too! how can he be so kind and so caring after all he's been though? oh sammy!

  • @TFW_Lasha
    @TFW_Lasha 8 років тому +4

    The best video of Superantural

  • @Feleciapink22
    @Feleciapink22 10 років тому +4

    Literally watched this 3 times in a row

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +1

      Feleciapink22 woah thank you so much!! I've been working on this vid for a few months and tried really hard, so I'm very happy you like it that much! :)

  • @jamieh0810
    @jamieh0810 9 років тому

    people need to understand sam has gone through way more bullshit that dean has. this was a beautiful edit explaining that.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  9 років тому

      Jamie Hoffmann I wouldn't say people need to understand it,because well, they don't. I think it's pretty pointless to try people understand something you consider as a right thing. Everybody has thier own opinion and what's the point to make everyone think alike? Let's just enjoy the show. And thank you for your comment, I'm glad you like the video!

  • @gracetaylor2015
    @gracetaylor2015 10 років тому +5! It brought back all of the feels...! Amazing job, keep up the great work!!!!!!!!

  • @hannah69243
    @hannah69243 10 років тому +6

    YES!! This is amazing. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Dean but Sam has always been my favorite character and I think it's great that you showed all his struggle and all the emotion in just one video :) :) Outstanding job!!! :)

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +2

      Thank you very much!!:) Sam is very complex character so it's always very interesting to vid him and find some new moments in his storyline

  • @SophiaBellamy2
    @SophiaBellamy2 10 років тому +13

    silence this video and play doll house instead, and It lined up perfectly I mean it was almost freaky Sam was frowning and then the song was like "smile for the picture" and he SMILED and when it said "I see things that no body else see's near the end, Sam had a premonition and omg it was cool

  • @elenherrete16
    @elenherrete16 10 років тому +8

    Omg i loved this... I always liked sam over dean but since souless sam idk i felt strange about him but this made me realise how much he has suffered and that he's actually broken... Amazing job.
    Btw, if you're a destiel shipper it would be really nice if you could make a video with the song burn with you by lea michele! I'm sure you'll do it great. Xx

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      Thank you very much!!and I'm very flattered that you made me this suggestion, but I don't ship destiel, sorry!

  • @priannfranco1606
    @priannfranco1606 8 років тому +8

    Why do I feel like he's going to break to the point of no return, like he's going to try to off himself no matter how strong he is. I feel like he's going to break even more bc it's like him vs the world, and he may lose (himself). Great now I'm bawling 😭😭😭😭

    • @nbtry2334
      @nbtry2334 7 років тому +1

      Sam would never kill himself. He isn't that selfish. He know it would break Dean's heart.

  • @m.b.0310
    @m.b.0310 8 років тому +14

    nOOO my poor baby :'(

  • @Gemishell25
    @Gemishell25 8 років тому +3

    Sam is my favorite. Great video. Great editing.

  • @spnlover7
    @spnlover7 10 років тому

    OMG!!!! This is amazing!!! I have goosebumps!

  • @rebeccabubbles
    @rebeccabubbles 10 років тому

    I love the voiceovers you choose the Sam one another masterpiece by you :))

  • @PandarChu
    @PandarChu 10 років тому +1

    Oh shit this is so freaking perfect HELP WOW

  • @MazeMemory
    @MazeMemory 9 років тому +6

    Everything fits so well !
    The music, your editing, the pictures....
    Every time I watch this it gives me chills. One of the best Supernatural videos

  • @ima4569
    @ima4569 Рік тому +2

    The cleanest sweetest character on SPN!

  • @padafamfans
    @padafamfans 10 років тому

    I love it!! I feel sad because of him, all that he ever want was a normal life... Maybe someday he will have it...

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      Thank you!
      I would love a normal life for both boys, but I'm afraid this isn't how this story gonna end..

  • @kittygatsby2024
    @kittygatsby2024 8 років тому +9

    This made me cry. You did such a brilliant job. So sad...poor Sammy. :'(

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  8 років тому +3

      +Kitty Gatsby Thank you so much! yeah Sammy's had enough in this world :(

  • @AlexProdz89
    @AlexProdz89 10 років тому +1

    holy shit you killed me ____________________________________________ srsly i'm out of words, this is beyond amazing, so gorgeous, so unbelievably good, that i'm totally speechless, you showed Sam's character in a perfect way, you chose great scenes, great voiceovers, spn characters are very complex but you did excellent work here, its the best Sam video i've seen and your editing, omg, sooo brilliant!!

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +1

      Aleeeeeex you will kill me with your awesome comments one day I swear!! all that you said - just huge huuuuuge compliments for me! Thank you so so much, girl!! I'm very very flattered!!

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      oh and I'm very glad you like the beginnig!!:)

    • @AlexProdz89
      @AlexProdz89 10 років тому

      ***** you're very welcome hun, the beginning is awesome, that was excellent idea, love that quote and young sammy was soo cute xD

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +1

      haha young sammy is very cute indeed x)

  • @valerievzqz
    @valerievzqz 10 років тому


    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      awww thank you so much!!! it's so sweet of you! I will keep vidding it for sure! :)

  • @akyratea
    @akyratea 10 років тому

    this is my favorite video OF ALL TIME
    the music, how well the videos goes with it, the concepts...soooo good

  • @SecretlyToDream
    @SecretlyToDream 10 років тому

    со стоп кадрами хорошо пошло в начале)) и название песни доставляет )) и сээээммммме. прям аж наконец-то самой захотелось по спнщине сделать видос ^^

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      спасииибо!^^ да, название песни собственно и подтолкнуло к идее)
      и конечно я было бы в восторге от нового видео по спн от тебя!! так что надеюсь, что найдешь вдохновение :)

  • @missmia196
    @missmia196 10 років тому

    Oh my god, that was an experience.

  • @FATE522
    @FATE522 10 років тому +1

    This is the first video I saw of yours and I'm surprised I didn't comment on it. Honestly you understand the characters in who they really are. How they feel about everything they go through and you make every fan envy (in a good way) of your creativity.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      Thank you very much!! It's a huge compliment for me!!

  • @borutouzumaki9878
    @borutouzumaki9878 7 років тому

    the sammmmmmmmmmy is cuteeeeee

  • @SilentxRaindrop
    @SilentxRaindrop 10 років тому +1


  • @Nessainthebuilding
    @Nessainthebuilding 7 років тому

    Ack! Sam! My heart...

  • @mart2077
    @mart2077 7 років тому

    Holy crap this was stunning. Mind Blown

  • @rozyy15
    @rozyy15 9 років тому +5

    Jared and Jensen are amazing actors as we all know. They put their heart and souls into Sam and Dean. You get that feeling when you hear them talk at conventions about how much they put themselves into Sam and Dean's headspace. Jared mentioned one time about how filming the season 8 finale was a rough couple of days for him and how he put everything into that performance. And man, does it show! But for me, one of my absolute favorite scenes of Sam from Jared is the scene at the end of Mystery Spot when Sam is begging the Trickster to bring back Dean. The way he says, "please" and the look on his face the whole scene just....floored me when I watched it the first time and every time since then. There are plenty of performances by both Jared and Jensen that have amazed me of course. What are some of you guys' favorites???

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  9 років тому +2

      rozyy15 yeah, these guys rock! And Jared's season 8 finale scene will definitely make in my top favourite performances! Also I really like 4x21 episode. I can't even say certain speech, but how he acted when he was locked up in bunker, his short dialog with Bobby when it was "let me go or shoot me" thing and of course the finale dialog between brothers, how Sam begged Dean to trust him, to believe in him and how he heard that his brother called him a monster - the whole episode Jared was showing 110%! I'm not saying Jensen is worse or anything, but just Sam's moments are really epic there! As for Jensen I definitely like his speech in the end of 4x10, always breaks my heart and for sure such moments as Sam's death in 2x21 and his monologue in 2x22 - absolutely stunning performance! I could've named so many many more, honestly, this cast is a treasure in any possible way

    • @rozyy15
      @rozyy15 9 років тому +1

      ***** Oh yes, I 100% agree with you! The way he says "Don't say that to me. Don't *you* say that to me" when the Dean in his head says Sam's nothing to me. I also loved gosh... when Sam and John are fighting in 1x20 and 2x01, Sam and Dean arguing in Everybody Loves a Clown, Oh my gosh all of A Very Supernatural Christmas. And Jensen, there're so many. His speech in 2x22, telling Bobby why he sold his soul for Sam, all of 6x01, telling to Mary leave John in 5x13, and so many more.
      Both of them in 7x02 when dean is trying to convince sam he's real. Both in Swan Song. Both at the end of 2x22 when Sam finds out Dean sod his soul.
      The fact that we could probably keep going on and on is just a testament to how brilliant they are and how great the show is! :) Great casting team.
      P.S. Just followed you on Tumblr :)

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  9 років тому

      rozyy15 totally agree with you!
      oh okay, thank you :) my blog is a mess though, so I'm warning just in case that I won't be offended if you'd like to unfollow one day ;)

  • @Luna-96sh
    @Luna-96sh 6 років тому

    Im crying so hard

  • @Socandpaf
    @Socandpaf 8 років тому

    woah this is awesome !!! i love videos with the phrases from the videos and the music in background and this is so well done !

  • @stergianiarvaniti6069
    @stergianiarvaniti6069 10 років тому +6

    Oh my God!! This is a masterpiece, I love everything about this video! It shows how wonderful Sam's character is, and despite the fact that he's been through a lot of horrible things he's still strong and ready to do a fresh start and to fix his mistakes!

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      stergiani arvaniti thank you so much! that was a goal of this vid!

    • @stergianiarvaniti6069
      @stergianiarvaniti6069 10 років тому +1

      ***** You're welcome! You've achieved your goal, be sure for that and I love your work!

  • @cemetrygatecrasher
    @cemetrygatecrasher 10 років тому

    I am normally not someone who likes fanvids. But this is....amazing. I mean seriously seriously well done.

  • @ThePankee
    @ThePankee 10 років тому +2


    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      what are you sayyying stop it I'm already like tomato

    • @ThePankee
      @ThePankee 10 років тому

      ***** No no no it truly is! Gooosh. I will be back. Later. I need some time to… get myself under control...

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      okay .. even I'm a little scared of what you will say when you'll be back :)

  • @miah6414
    @miah6414 10 років тому +2

    One of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE Supernatural videos on UA-cam. Simply fantastic.

  • @cainfox1855
    @cainfox1855 9 років тому +5


  • @AngelaQi
    @AngelaQi 7 років тому +3

    Who's a Sam girl?

  • @heathermarie3672
    @heathermarie3672 6 років тому

    'You're nothing to me.'
    'Don't say that to me!'
    I wonder if Sam ever realized that wasn't really Dean.

  • @ThePankee
    @ThePankee 10 років тому +4

    I can't even comment on this video properly because there's literally nothing I can say that can explain how amazing it is and how I'm feeling about it. I still can't form good sentences in my head to describe any of it. Or the things I wanna tell you. You might say you left me speechless.
    **ten minutes later**
    I mean what the hell? This song must have been so freaking hard to work with. And you nailed every second of it. You OWNED it. The song was never too strong or too much for your editing if you know what I mean? I can't really explain it but the song and your editing was just one and it blows my mind alright? And I loved the song. But your editing was just… Holy mother of! I can't analyze this in any way cause I would just be too amazed by your skills. I mean I can't go into detail cause I would be up all night admiring every single sequence.
    Every second was so interesting and well done and I couldn't look away for four minutes! (But I had to pause the video once in a while cause it was too much for me to handle!) Your storyline! O.m.g. The dynamic of it all. I can't even believe you. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOMAN. Your scene choices…!?!?! You must be getting tired of hearing it but your scene choices are just out of this world and you say you have trouble remembering scenes?? Either you remember more than you let on or you are reeeeally good at searching episodes and finding the perfect clips. And the time you must have put into this!? Did I ever tell you that I admire you? Pft no I don't admire you. I freaking adore you. And now it just feels like "aaand there she went over the edge" I don't know what edge but some edge alright? Like you just ended up on the wall of fame or something in my book. Commenting on this makes me feel like I'm an overly excited fangirl talking to their biggest idol which would explain why my mind keeps shutting down, but then I remember… wait.. Alina is my friend. And I just explode with pride. It's like.. I don't know what it's like okay? I DON'T UNDERSTAND. Anything. My mind is like a… I can't find any words! Fuck. Okay so I can't explain what I'm thinking, I'm just rambling. What is this knot in my gut? I think I might puke from feels. Ugh that was meant as a compliment but it came out gross. You'll have to excuse me I take no responsibility for my utter lack of appropriate ways to express myself, because of the emotional state YOUR videos leave me in. Again, another compliment. Okay here are some straight forward compliments: you are *amazing*, *brilliant* and my absolute *favorite vidder*. Your talent is just crazy. Give me one drop of your talent pleeeease? That would just rock my world.
    You outdid yourself with this one. And looking back at this comment I just wanna erase it all cause it's a lousy comment. It doesn't explain what I wanted said but I don't know what I wanted said cause I can't get a grip of it. Does that make any sense? I just know that I was internally screaming through the entire video. In a good way… I think. You showed Sammy's journey perfectly to say the least. This is now my favorite Sam Winchester video ever. Wait… don't make me chose between this and broken crown cause I adore that video too ^^ I just know that this is one of the best videos I have EVER seen. I stand by that. The fact that you don't have 20 000 subs already is nuts. Note that I said "already" meaning that I have all the faith in the world that you could have that many subs if you want and keeps this up. Amazing!
    Oh and I will never be tired of you vidding Supernatural. If you wanna vid other fandoms you should, I would watch every single vid and undoubtedly freak out on them, but you are the queen of supernatural. You vid it sooooo well. Never ever stop making them as long as you have the inspiration for it.
    Okay I'm done. **dies**

    • @TheJessy34
      @TheJessy34 10 років тому +1

      Okay can i say im totally agree with you and copy your comment pls?! hahah :) cuz everything you said ARE SOOOOOOOO TRUE, EVERY WORDS and i so dont know what to say! GOSH SHE IS A KILLER HUN, BADASS AND FLAWLESS VIDDER :)) *not finish*

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      you don't know what to say?? I'm sitting here trying to find a proper answer to her for about 20 minuts!! I am the only one who don't know how to reply to your awesome comments!!!

    • @ThePankee
      @ThePankee 10 років тому

      TheJessy34 Hahahaha thanks Laetitia ;) I know right!?! It's so frustrating to wanna just say how incredible something is and not finding the words to do so. Doesn't happen to me that often… xD Agree! ;D

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      and you, young lady, you wait here! sooner or later but I will find some words to answer you!!

    • @TheJessy34
      @TheJessy34 10 років тому

      ***** oh please happen to me everytime i watch your videos, this is why i do not comment so fast, you would never beat me LOL BUT YOU CAN AT VIDDING, IM ALREADY KO SINCE A LONG TIME AGO #ugh *I HURT* xD

  • @xnataliegrey
    @xnataliegrey 10 років тому

    this is... give me a sec, I need to dry my eyes.. and woah.. all over my skin.. goosebumps. I guess this is one of your best vids you made so far. the whole storytelling, the whole editing. You did a great job with this little effects and the music is just.. all the voiceovers.. woah, alina, I don't find the right words to describe this masterpiece.. srsly... this is.. I dunno how I can describe it.. it's...
    damn girl, you made me really speechless. stunning, amazing, great, awesome... full of emotions..
    oh my god, I'm dead...
    and again: AWESOME

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      aww Nathiii thank you so so much!! now I'm speechless too!

  • @jarellzwifey
    @jarellzwifey 10 років тому +3

    Thank you for doing a video just on Sam, such an amazing and touching video. That's why I love and adore Sam, he has gone through everything and yet he always seems to do good to help people and save the world.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +1

      yeah, that amazes me about Sam! I mean, after all he's been through he could have been just some reserved angry man and this would be understandable, but Sam still has such a warm heart! He is still so soft when he's talking with some victoms and he still is so caring, still finds strength to move on and does the best he can.
      Thank you very much for your comment!

  • @ThePankee
    @ThePankee 10 років тому +6

    Rewatching this makes me wanna just... do something drastically like driving off a cliff or... AGAIN I can't find any words! This is too amazing for my poor brain to comprehend. This is one of the best videos on youtube. If not the best. I was wrong. THIS is my favorite of yours.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +1

      what are you doinggg in that time when I try to heal from the awesomeness of your comments you just go and leave a comment to my previous vids! how dare youuuu
      seriously, thank you very much, Agneta! I'm very very flattered!!

    • @ThePankee
      @ThePankee 10 років тому +1

      ***** Haha yes I needed some alina-video feels so I just rewatched a whole bunch of them ^^ You know since spn is not on I don't get my full weekly dose of Winchester. You're welcome

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +1

      ahah I get you! but for now I'm full of 'moondust-video-feels' ;)
      actually, yes! this preview from the tag video - this video will be finished soon! :)

    • @ThePankee
      @ThePankee 10 років тому

      ***** Aww you! :] Good >:)

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      and it's good to vid something not so heartbreaking, you know? I almost forgot what it's like to vid and not suffer in the heart

  • @heathermarie3672
    @heathermarie3672 7 років тому +1

    Does anyone happen to remember if Sam ever talks to Dean about his hallucination that Dean tells him that he's nothing to him? Does anyone remember if he ever realizes that Dean never said that?

  • @ArmagonAuthor
    @ArmagonAuthor 9 років тому +3

    One of the best Sam videos that i've seen in ages! Thanks for sharing your art with us.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  9 років тому

      ArmagonAuthor and thank you for this comment! I'm very flattered!

  • @Laurelin70
    @Laurelin70 10 років тому +3

    Others said what I could say about this video. I can just add that at some point along the video I found myself in tears, because, though I love so much BOTH brothers and used to think that I was a Deangirl, lately I realized that I "feel" Sam's character from the inside, in a sense. Like he and I are very much alike. I never had any problem to understand his reasons and motivations (a bit more difficult lately), him seeing himself as a "freak", his need of being accepted, acknowledged, or of "fitting in the normal" he so craves. And even when I was aware he was going in the wrong direction, I couldn't help but weep about him, like the tragic hero he was.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +2

      you know, in this sense, I think that's what really "Deangirl", "Samgirl" means. I hope you guys see in my vids that I truly love Sam's character, but I think I could say I'm a Deangirl, because of the same reasons that you're closer to Sam. I think it's all about relating to the character. When you see some part of you in the character, it's something personal and it creates a stonger connection, you know what I mean? so I get you in this "feel the character" thing

  • @novihartati7820
    @novihartati7820 10 років тому

    wow ..
    aku tetap menyukai Sam winchester ♥♥♥

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      mm I didn't understand you, but thank you for the comment anyway :)

  • @strong.connection
    @strong.connection 10 років тому +1

    ОПЯТЬ! опять ты это делаешь со мной! потрясающая работа! нет слов о-о

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      ахах) спасибо большое!!

  • @azahora22
    @azahora22 2 роки тому +1

    ...and it's so sad he thinks he's bad or "unclean" or anything like that.

  • @kaisiadams1293
    @kaisiadams1293 10 років тому +1

    Sammy is such a sad story, and I love him so much. It's like I'm past the point of fangirling and I truely love him..(thats bad 0.0) anyway, this is so moving and amazing. I love it.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      Thank you very much!I get you here! I think when a character exists for so long, he becomes very real. I mean, you see him laugh, cry, see when he's angry, when he's hurt or when he's happy ect, so he purchased all spectrum of human emotions and then it's hard to believe that he's not real and you really start to attached to him. Actually, I think it's very good, when a character can cause such deep connection to the audience. And Sam is such a beautiful character, how can you not love him?

  • @lilamigo521
    @lilamigo521 9 років тому +2

    Absolutely incredible video! Sam is one of my favorite Characters on television ever. Wierd question, do you know what episode exactly that that scene sam raised his gun when it said "you're getting stronger sam" was from

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  9 років тому

      lilamigo521 Thank you! yeah, Sam is an amazing character for sure!
      it's from 4x15

  • @Sylwinka1991
    @Sylwinka1991 10 років тому +2

    Wow! I`m speechless! You perfectly show Sam`s feelings about his "difference".
    It`s very tough topic and I`m so sad that he sees himself as some kind of freak or something. I know it`s because he has demon blood in his veins but he shouldn`t feel like worse man ;(

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +1

      Thank you very much!
      uugh yeah, get you here! :( it's so sad that he fel this way since very young age! this scene where he has understood he has demon blood always breaks my heart, because he knew he was different, that his family never will be like usual ones, but demon blood.. "a whole new level of freak". But like you said, it's also very sad that he think of himself as not a good person (one day I should vid this theme too). I mean.. he has a gold heart! full of kindness, empathy and bravery and in a fictional world and in real life too it always the saddest thing for me, when a really good person can't be happy with himself

  • @00avc1
    @00avc1 9 років тому +9

    yellow eyed demon disliked it

    • @00avc1
      @00avc1 9 років тому

      ok he would not even dislike something like that.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  9 років тому

      Rueya Wood ahah :) but come on, considering this crazy amount of views it's even strange there's only one dislike

    • @00avc1
      @00avc1 9 років тому

      ***** having haters means that you are good so keep going :D

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  9 років тому +1

      Rueya Wood thank you so much, you're awesome :)

    • @00avc1
      @00avc1 9 років тому

      ***** :]

  • @Nobody-ui1hn
    @Nobody-ui1hn 8 років тому +6

    oh my god this is perfect:(

  • @bellarose9971
    @bellarose9971 10 років тому +2

    *weeps* SAMMY!!! I didn't ask for these feels!! Omgosh, I'm in pain! :''( Heartbreaking yet Beautifully done. You nailed it again.

  • @jeffersonstarships1674
    @jeffersonstarships1674 10 років тому

    I can't tell you how this video makes me feel. I truly love your videos but saying that it's just not enough. The way you edit them is just.. awesome. I admire you and all of your work! I was wondering what editor do you use? Just curious. Keep going, you rock!

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      Thank you so much for your words! I'm very flattered!!
      I use Sony Vegas 10 pro
      btw love your nickname!

  • @veronicaalexandra9846
    @veronicaalexandra9846 8 років тому +3

    this video gets me so emotional oml

  • @a-jbroussard6422
    @a-jbroussard6422 9 років тому +1

    DUDE THAT WAS AMAZING...slightly depressing.....but AMAZING
    Good Job

  • @RomanCopy1C
    @RomanCopy1C 9 років тому

    Not fond of the background music, but the editing and clip choices were excellent! Well done!

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  9 років тому

      RomanCopy1C Thank you so much! to be honest I'm not a fan of such music either, but I though it would be good for this certain idea

  • @TheTwins90
    @TheTwins90 10 років тому

    We can`t.... we can`t even describe it! How did you do that?! It`s a MASTERPIECE!
    WOW, girl, you`re AMAZING VIDDER! We can`t find a proper words to tell how much we love your videos! HOW MUCH PERFECT THEY ARE.
    We just can`t. *head down*

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      awwww thank youuuu thank you very much!!

  • @mayus_
    @mayus_ 9 років тому +1

    Ah this video gives me chills every time I watch it (it's like 23rd time I've watched). It's absolutely beautiful!

  • @mermaidisrael
    @mermaidisrael Рік тому +1

    This is freaking phenomenal

  • @naimasophie
    @naimasophie 10 років тому +1

    nope don't you dare stop vidding spn , a lot of people stopped vidding it after s5 ( i understand why , hard to be inspired when the show lost its focus on the brothers ) and you have a particular editing , it's like a metavid !
    sigh , beautiful , perfect but most of all you made me FEEL the emotions you wanted to convey for almost 4 min and that's the whole point isnt ? :))

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      you're totally right!:) and I'm very flattered that you feel it!! Thank you so much!!:)

  • @Dalskidj
    @Dalskidj 10 років тому +1

    My Chuck, can we just take a moment to realize how BRILLIANT of an actor Jared Padalecki is, just, my Chuck, he is SOO PERFECT.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      he is brilliant actor indeed!! how he played Sam through all these years.. just no words!

  • @IOweyoUSoMuch77
    @IOweyoUSoMuch77 10 років тому +1

    Wow .. this editing ..
    It's the best Sam video I've ever seen. It was perfect ! Perfectly done ! Each details, every parts and the voiceovers are in harmony with the music. And the music .. Beautiful choice. It's so nice, a pleasure for our ears and our eyes. I got chills. Really. Wonderful.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      woow!! Thank you very much! I'm very flattered!!

  • @irldisneyprincess
    @irldisneyprincess 10 років тому +2

    my precious baby

  • @mathewsfamilymadness
    @mathewsfamilymadness 10 років тому +1

    I've been having trouble sympathizing with Sam recently - you fixed that problem. :) Amazing vid, like usual.

  • @jessikacecchini8111
    @jessikacecchini8111 9 років тому +2

    HOW CAN YOU MAKE SUCH GOOD VIDS seriously this is more than perfect I can't even believe it

  • @schmeisfliege1
    @schmeisfliege1 10 років тому +2

    Beautiful vid!! Especially one with Sam, thank you!!

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +1

      Thank YOU for watching and commenting!!

  • @schempgirl1
    @schempgirl1 10 років тому +1

    Were you in my head? When Sam said because he's not clean. I thought oh snap he means the demon blood.
    Great job. Sam's my fav of the brothers'.
    I just wish that they can get past their anger towards each other and be brothers

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      Thank you very much!
      yeah, I can't wait them to move on from these lies and fights!

  • @July8thprod
    @July8thprod 10 років тому +1

    i got tired of the show but i'll never get tired of your videos, you have phenomenal sense of creativity / editing skills

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      wow! Thank you so much! It's a big compliment for me!

  • @destinyawaitsx3
    @destinyawaitsx3 9 років тому +3

    Poor Sammy. His intentions are good but sometimes things ends up turning out wrong. Does anyone know if it is possible for Sam to be cleanse of his demon blood or is he forever stuck with it?

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  9 років тому

      destinyawaitsx3 someone wrote me on tumblr that Robert Singer said on one of the cons that Sam doesn't have demon blood in him anymore (though I don't understand why)

    • @destinyawaitsx3
      @destinyawaitsx3 9 років тому

      ***** Do you know which con it was? Was it because of the trials or an angel possessing him trying to heal sammy? If this is true, i am happy for Sam but part of me feels like the demon blood made up 1/2 of sam's badassery lol.

    • @destinyawaitsx3
      @destinyawaitsx3 9 років тому

      ***** oh and btw amazing video!! :D

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  9 років тому

      destinyawaitsx3 Thank you! :)

    • @wa6280
      @wa6280 8 років тому +2

      +Panda Christina no god only detox the blood he drank from ruby but there is still demon blood in him and he never finished the trial so it didn't get the blood out of sam

  • @LietRuss
    @LietRuss 10 років тому +1

    Okay, first of all, how dare you. Secondly, HOW DARE YOU. Third, this made me want to cry. You're incredibly talented, this is one of the best vids I've seen in a long time. I get so emotional about Sam, and when you put all the crap he's been through all together in a vid like this (this isn't even all of it!) it's just incredibly sad. Sometimes I just want to smack the writers upside the head until they give him something good, like a puppy. I think a puppy would be good. Sam deserves a puppy. He deserves a hundred puppies.

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому

      Thank you very much!! and fore sure he does!! Sam's been through so much crap, that he deserves all the puppies in the world!

    • @joeyshuny5
      @joeyshuny5 9 років тому

      I'll give him a puppy if I can come live with the boys and the puppy. I mean somebody has to give the puppy kibble when the boys are out hunting all the evil in the world right?? It's a win win.🔯

  • @ItsJohannaaa
    @ItsJohannaaa 8 років тому +1

    Awesome video! you did a great job of portraying what he must be feeling.

  • @queenrenren4601
    @queenrenren4601 10 років тому +1

    I love this video almost cried SAMs reaction on dean saying your nothing to me well it wasn't really dean but still

    • @Alina0405video
      @Alina0405video  10 років тому +1

      but Sam didn't know that. "Dean" told this pharse to him and only later Sam understood that he wasn't real. but anyway I think the most important in this scene is sam's reaction, as you said
      Thank you for your comment!