HAM RADIO: Get Your Ham Radio Licence!

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Do NOT be put off from gaining your Foundation amateur radio licence if you read scare stories on social media about the bullying of foundation licence holders. It’s a rare occurrence, and if it happens you can easily learn to deal with it.
  • Наука та технологія


  • @M0RMY
    @M0RMY 4 роки тому +11

    Well said Tim. One of the reasons to "do" radio is to communicate so, the more we do, the better. I for one, would like to see an official retort to the attitudes apparent in the minority of idiots who belittle newcomers. Not printing their letters in Radcom would be a start!! The good thing is that they are - literally - dying out as a breed and the fresh blood will outlast them. The vast majority are welcoming and more than happy to help, advise or just chat.

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому +1

      Agree wholeheartedly Tom. Thankfully It’s a very rare thing to encounter someone who is so unhinged in their approach to the hobby.

  • @mike-M0MSN
    @mike-M0MSN 4 роки тому +7

    This is so true Tim, you have hit the nail squarely on the head.. Simple message to all whom are thinking about taking the Foundation, GO FOR IT.... the vast majority of Ham are welcoming and want to chat with everyone.

  • @ZL1BQDRoly
    @ZL1BQDRoly 4 роки тому +6

    I actually go out of my way to work a 'newbie'. I can actually hear the excitement in their voices particularly if i am on a DX-pedition somewhere. We were all 'newbies' at one time.............

  • @mikes6844
    @mikes6844 4 роки тому +4

    I was one of the very first G6 B licence holders and was blocked on the airwaves, as for some, there was no way I was a legitimate licence holder,. I then became a M0, tried to continue my CW and had difficulty as again to some I must have been a pirate. So to all you new guys, Welcome! If you find yourself calling out on 2 meters with no response don’t be disheartened, I call out most days, plenty around but no response. It’s not you. I’m an instructor and all I’ve ever wanted is for students to enjoy the hobby as much as I do. Don’t give up, nerves soon wear off. 73 de M0AZE Mike

  • @pauledwards7544
    @pauledwards7544 4 роки тому +6

    Good video, got my license 5 weeks ago, and everyone I've spoke to has been really helpful, and heard a few M7's putting calls out as well, if I do come across any unhelpful people I'm just going to ignore them, like you said, 99.9% want to talk and want to help you,

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому +3

      Welcome to the hobby and it’s great to hear you have had a good time since licenced 73

  • @OnTheMicwithMike
    @OnTheMicwithMike 4 роки тому +3

    Most excellent once again.
    The only time I experienced it was a few weeks after getting my M7 licence back in 2018. But I remained polite and respectful of the hobby and wished everyone well who actually returned to me on the repeater. And moved on... like you said, chances of encountering something like that is slim.
    I've never since experienced negativity and gaining the foundation is the best thing in radio I ever did and will be the same for others into the radio hobby (maybe coming from 11m).
    We as amateurs now have the chance to almost rid the hobby of 'foundation snobbery' (as I've heard it called) in moving forward and in the future.
    I for one will be progressing the hobby as one encounter hasn't put me off one bit and in future I will be welcoming all to have a QSO with me. It would be an honour to be someone's first confirmed contact on amateur radio from my point of view.

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому +1

      Great account of real life experience Mike. Resilience is as important as anything, as you clearly describe.

  • @martindrury9740
    @martindrury9740 4 роки тому +6

    Got my foundation on the 10th July. ( M7MGD) not on air yet due to been let down by a supplier. Getting your foundation is a great idea.

    • @martindrury9740
      @martindrury9740 4 роки тому +1

      I am worried about making mistakes but after watching this I feel more confident about making my first call.

    • @andrewnorthall
      @andrewnorthall 4 роки тому +2

      @@martindrury9740 Make sure you tell them it is your first ever QSO. They will be over the moon. I have been someone's first QSO twice and it is a true honour.

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому +2

      Totally agree. Working newcomers is a great honour indeed. Look forward to hearing you Martin 73

    • @martindrury9740
      @martindrury9740 4 роки тому +3

      @@timg5tm941 Cheers. Hope to make contact with you at some point. Your videos are much appreciated.

    • @stevemahonphoto
      @stevemahonphoto 4 роки тому +3

      Spot on Tim. I've been licenced since 84. This is about enjoying what we do, making, talking, finding out and fixing... Let me tell you, I have no time for bullies. Yes I did a year of study, yes I did my morse, things change. I also felt nervous. I support what you say Tim, just enjoy it and ignore any idiots.
      Good the chat with you today, portable to portable.
      Steve G0MQF

  • @alanjones3873
    @alanjones3873 4 роки тому +5

    When I was M6 I had one bad experience that upset me. Turned out he was wrong, I was right as regs had changed re /M. Anyway a couple of weeks before I tried again, then heard a club at a steam fair and was invited to visit them. A few years later I am now M0 and club secretary😁. Some of the diehard CW now do ft8! Find your niche. I love special events but cant be bothered with competitions. Others are absolute opposite. I like HF but loads like VHF. A beauty of the hobby , do it alone - join a club - choose when - choose your mode, how many hobbies offer that?

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      Absolutely it’s a broad church for sure

  • @lesb6542
    @lesb6542 4 роки тому +5

    Yes well said Tim, I welcome all new blood into my hobby. G4JDC

  • @union310
    @union310 4 місяці тому +1

    As a Freemason we have what we affectionately call the "tutters or back benchers" they sit in the background tutting. They have forgotten that they were once new to the hobby.

  • @mattc3656
    @mattc3656 4 роки тому +2

    Got my test on Friday, cant wait. Got a Yeasu 897 and a couple of mobile antennas. Been listening for a couple of weeks. Very hard to resist PTT so left the mike at home!! Couldn't care less if sad little people who are scared by newbies. I would put money on the fact that they wouldn't say it to my face! Bit like road rage, they will scream through the windscreen but they wont get out! Great vid........73

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      Best of luck Matt I’m sure you’ll be fine and thank you for commenting 73

    • @mattc3656
      @mattc3656 4 роки тому

      @@timg5tm941 Thanks for the informative vids, im still trying to get my head round antennas for home and so going mobile to sttart. You explain stuff really well so thank you aand keep it up.

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      MATT C thanks Matt that will keep me going mate. Appreciated 73

    • @M0RSF
      @M0RSF 4 роки тому

      Good luck for Friday Matt. 73 Chris M0RSF

  • @walesunt
    @walesunt 4 роки тому +4

    Good wee video Tim had a few encounters over the airwaves with bad apples in the hobbie imbeciles 😀
    but had a lot more good experiences on the airwaves and shall always enjoy the radio hobbie as have done over 32 years on/off
    Stay well stay safe
    DE Mw6hnn

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому +2

      Cheers Darren. So many good people in this hobby I totally agree. 73

  • @ianxfs
    @ianxfs 4 роки тому +2

    Good one Tim! I think it is the minority and a very very small proportion of licensed amateurs. A general reflection of life. I recall a similar situation in the early 1980s when the G1s were coming out with a lot coming from the newly legalised CB bands.....like me! I've never come across any derogatory remarks on the air personally, so word-of-mouth and social media merely serves to amplify "grumpy sods" who's outlook on life in general will be the same as their persona on the air. Enjoy your radio! Ian.

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      Spot on Ian couldn’t agree more! 73

  • @MikeM0XMX
    @MikeM0XMX 4 роки тому +3

    I had the privelidge of working 2x M7s last sunday during my live stream from on top of a hill. The first I was his FIRST contact since he got his licence the day before. The second chap, I was his 2nd contact. When I am calling out I will always try and take Foundation licences first, followed by /P & /M. There are many dinosaurs that hate to think we have licences off the back off a cornflake box! I, you Tim believe we need to lead by example and rather than poisoning people with negativeness, we believe in encouraging and demonstrating the fun in radio. F@#K the FB & YT haters, cyber-stalkers, dionsaurs, idiots, IQ0s, viscous people. Resiliance as you say Tim, is the key. Its YOUR hobby, within YOUR licence conditions, enjoy YOUR hobby. 73 Mike M0XMX.

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      Agree 100%. The hobby is a very broad church of modes and people. Working new licence holders is one of the very best parts of the hobby. 73

  • @AndyWragg
    @AndyWragg 4 роки тому +1

    Well said Tim. Its really sad that some operators feel they can behave like this. I've even been deliberately keyed over whilst in QSOs with M7s, the same has happened to my club mates. We think we know who it is. One day we will catch him in the act and that will be an interesting exchange.

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      Always the odd bad apple Andy. I’m sure he’ll get DF’d soon and the exchange won’t be a simple 5 and 9! 73

  • @chazrw2chz290
    @chazrw2chz290 4 роки тому +1

    I'm 51 yrs.. the OM's don't bother me much at all. But I can certainly see where it would discourage younger new hams.
    (Licensed in January 2020 myself.. still learning)
    To the young ones.. Carry on and transmit. 👍👍
    Like the part on "thick skin"
    Great vid Tim

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому +1

      Great stuff! Hope to work you some day 73

    • @chazrw2chz290
      @chazrw2chz290 4 роки тому

      @@timg5tm941 same here.. I'm stateside.. but it CAN happen. 👍

    • @chazrw2chz290
      @chazrw2chz290 4 роки тому

      @@timg5tm941 W2CHZ.. I'll be listening.

  • @boxingday11
    @boxingday11 4 роки тому +1

    Nice one Tim, all I can say is don't let anyone put you off getting your license, they must have an agenda if they try to do that .

  • @Andy2e0ree
    @Andy2e0ree 4 роки тому +4

    Well said @Tim we have to start some were

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks Andy totally agree.

  • @tristan4777
    @tristan4777 4 роки тому +1

    Nice video Tim. I didn't have too many problems starting out as an G7, maybe the odd 'A' Class licensee suggesting that passing a morse test made them superior in every way. But only the odd one. The vast majority as you say have been absolutely ok, no problem at all. The hobby has ALWAY been evolving with new modes, technology and techniques coming out all the time. There is a generous amount of the RF spectrum allocated to us. So there is space for everyone to do their 'thing', it's every ham's choice what they choose to explore (and when). Ignore the idiots. Enjoy the parts of the hobby that interest you.

  • @leeclift4666
    @leeclift4666 4 роки тому

    Well said Tim to be honest when l got my M3NVO foundation licence. I was a bit nervous but l went along to my local radio club Gloucester amateur club and was made to feel so welcome. I haven't been on the air for a while but making moves to get back on. Always remember my first HF Contact not to far away in Germany so chuffed. Stick at it 👍👍👍👍

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому +1

      Brilliant Lee it will be good to hear you

  • @robinedminson6461
    @robinedminson6461 4 роки тому +2

    In the month and a bit since I picked up my M7 I have had nothing but welcome and helpful hams. Both locally on 2m and worldwide via DMR hotspot. De M7EDM

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      Brilliant Robin that’s great to hear

  • @M0RSF
    @M0RSF 4 роки тому

    Very well put Tim. Activity in my area has definitely increased and I have logged plenty of new M7 licensees. Last weekend I had an hour on 2M FM and I logged three SOTA summits, two of those were new M7 call signs. And don't get me started about those that bash the RSGB yet they're not members!!! Keep up the good work. 73 Chris M0RSF

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      You too Chris thank you! 73

  • @mickeyb2434
    @mickeyb2434 4 роки тому

    Great video Tim, I got my M7 3 weeks ago and personally I haven't received any negativity yet but it's the same in any hobby, people fear change. I have been a Vespa rider for almost 35 years and when they bought out the new automatic Vespas in around 2003 the "Geared" Scootering world went potty, people were spouting all sorts of hate and physically shunning these auto riders. But now It's enriched the scene and more of us are travelling all over Europe and beyond and it's bought youngsters into the hobby which has got to be a good thing. Keep up the good work. 73's Mick M7VCB ( VCB.... Vespa Club of Britain👍 )

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      Good comparison Mickey thanks! 73

  • @TomG2NV
    @TomG2NV 4 роки тому

    Personally I've never encountered anything other than a warm welcome in my four years being licenced, but I know others have! As I've only ever used HF I can't comment on the higher bands but in a hobby which will certainly vanish without fostering interest from new people I find it quite bizarre some are less than welcoming to those who have recently taken the trouble to take up our wonderful hobby. Your bang on though Tim, to anyone who has been discouraged by rudeness, DON'T BE!! spin the VFO safe in the knowledge that those types are incredibly rare and thankfully getting rarer by the day!
    I worked an M7 last week on 40m on his first outing /P on the yorkshire moors on a Clansman 320. proper nice guy and we enjoyed a great chat. I was so pleased to work another new station taking to the air, the future and a bright one at that! 73 Tom.

  • @ae1tpa92gwtom2
    @ae1tpa92gwtom2 4 роки тому

    Hi Tim, if Im working a pileup from Bahrain, and I hear an M7,6 Call, I ask everyone to stand down, so I can work this weak station, and can imagine the thrill on the other end,.., but we have all been talked down too, let it slide n move on,.. cheers n 73

  • @paulsnape2241
    @paulsnape2241 4 роки тому

    Well said Tim. I've only tx'd 3 times so far. I lost a QSO while I was talking to a station in Kent which was a bit disappointing, but, so far everyone has been very supportive. MM7PRJ

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      Good stuff Paul enjoy the bands!

  • @ianharling9569
    @ianharling9569 4 роки тому

    Wise words Tim.I welcome new people into this amazing hobby of ours.Catch you on the air again sometime.73 G7HFS.☺📻

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      Thanks Ian hope to work you soon mate 73

  • @utkf16
    @utkf16 3 роки тому

    Thanks Tim. Current situation with lockdowns means newbies like me have only books and YT to get our heads around the hobby so Im finding your channel here really useful. If you are looking for more ideas can I suggest some basics on connecting the radio, antenna and PSU up. Then powering up and using the basic functions to improve the recieve and transmit along with any do's and don't's such as not to try and transmit with an unattached antenna.

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  3 роки тому

      Thanks for the suggestions 73

  • @TheArtofEngineering
    @TheArtofEngineering 2 роки тому

    Here here.......agree thoroughly! The bands are ultimately "use it or lose it".....with no new blood the bands die and they will be reduced or completely taken away! The hobby should be about learning and SHARING!!! 73 tusu ar....:)

  • @philipgriffiths7129
    @philipgriffiths7129 4 роки тому

    Hi Tim I have just passed my foundation exam on Monday thanks for your advice looking forward to going on the air,excellent advice regards a Philip

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      Philip that is fantastic to hear. Looking forward to working you very soon. Glad you have found the videos useful! 73

  • @Martin_PA0KGB
    @Martin_PA0KGB 4 роки тому

    Very well said, Tim. We have a similar situation in The Netherlands, we have two licenses Novice and Full, I am a Novice (PD1AJE) and I notice some older full license holders don't speak with Novice holders.. To bad, then not, there are worldwide enough people to speak with.

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      Exactly Martin. Spin the dial and find another frequency! 73

  • @BarefootBeekeeper
    @BarefootBeekeeper 4 роки тому +1

    M7AXE not put off by GOM who do nothing but complain and talk about the "good old days", but would like more conversations and less "train spotting" of call signs.

  • @matknight
    @matknight 2 роки тому

    I got bashed by two particular individuals on facebook for raising the question. It was a valid question having witnessed it on air myself. The question went on to get over 260 replies of which over 80% agreed there were underlying problems with new licence holders. Not everyone admitted but most agreed they had seen something.

  • @johnstrunck3659
    @johnstrunck3659 4 роки тому +1

    You are right, the hobby is full of them. Even in the A,K,N,W land. Lol If you don't believe me try 14.313 or 7.200.
    Best thing to do is spin the vfo knob in the middle of thier transmission.
    Newcomers to the hobby is the only way it will survive. Just keep in mind that anyone who belittles you had to start from foundational license also.
    Study hard and get your foundation license because we need more DX contacts here in the states!
    All kidding aside, we look forward to hearing you on the bands!
    I primarily work cw, but sometimes hear an occasional ssb signal.
    73 es gud dx
    de kc5ngx

  • @cooldad4
    @cooldad4 10 місяців тому

    I'm coming up to my mock Foundation exam with Ham Train; should have have done this long ago, at 68 I feel a bit old!

  • @nigelbennetts2448
    @nigelbennetts2448 4 роки тому +3

    Made a few silly mistakes in my exam , it hasn’t put me off, book’ed again for early Aug so fingers crossed for then. Looking forward to getting my M7 and found your videos really helpful. Thanks

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому +1

      Good on you Nigel and I’m sure you’ll get the pass next time. 73

    • @markg6jvy135
      @markg6jvy135 4 роки тому +1

      Nigel Bennetts stick with it, we’ve all made mistakes ..work you on the bands soon 👍

  • @union310
    @union310 4 місяці тому

    Resilience isn't measured in Ohms, that made me laugh out loud.

  • @davidkerr6175
    @davidkerr6175 4 роки тому

    Absolutely right Tim. I have had my M7 for just over one year now, and luckily have only experienced one person who was very rude and patronising. Every other contact has been polite, friendly and supportive. Maybe us M6/M7 operators should have our own net once a week, maybe on 20m?
    Take care and thanks for your interesting and informative videos.
    De M7DKS

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      Not a bad idea. Maybe 80m? 73

  • @richylad
    @richylad 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks Tim, I hadn’t realised intermediate was online now, have just booked mine, thanks for heads up 👍🏻👍🏻

  • @mplmpl7780
    @mplmpl7780 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks Tim great video, if you remember we spoke on 20m when we where both out /p about 5 mouths ago and I was next to the sea . I must say I have had all positive as far as I remember and I passed oct 19 with the FPARC (great member's btw) , I am finally booked up for the intermediate online ,I did the practicals at the start of the year but miss an exam due to the lockdown. I am already looking forward to the advanced . I think I will miss being an M7 as we get treated like the (baby's) in a good way😊 ...
    All the best mate

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      I remember you Martin. You work very well by the sea and I’m sure you’ll fly the next step or two up the licence ladder. Take care mate 73

  • @robgibbsofficial
    @robgibbsofficial 4 роки тому

    excellent video Tim - I passed the foundation exam this morning!

  • @markg6jvy135
    @markg6jvy135 4 роки тому

    Great advice, well said Tim and good timing 👍
    Sadly your young artist in residence has missed all that whiteboard real estate behind you 🤦‍♂️ 😉

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      Thanks mark and she’ll be back drawing soon! 73

  • @phillipsiviter2024
    @phillipsiviter2024 4 роки тому

    Words of wisdom Tim, thankyou.

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you Philip that’s much appreciated 73

  • @duncangm5jet916
    @duncangm5jet916 4 роки тому +1

    An excellent video Tim and one full of wise words!
    One thing that crosses my mind with this is that the holder of a licence other than a full licence can, on one hand, be shot down for not having "a real licence" when operating with their own callsign but can then have a perfectly reasonable QSO with the same idiot under the supervision of a full licence holder and using their callsign, having changed neither power nor equipment. The idiots are not clever enough to notice the difference and are then full of praise and the joys of spring!
    I would say that, as with all hobbies, there are minorities of bad apples on all sides of the story but I would certainly advocate your position regarding resilience. Perhaps full licence holders that may be aware of foundation and intermediate licence holders that have suffered poor treatment may consider finding a solution where they could operate under supervision to see what the "end game" (in licensing terms) looks and feels like to help with building that resilience?
    All the best,
    Duncan MM3VRT

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому +1

      Some great points here Duncan. Thank you for contributing

  • @andygee873
    @andygee873 4 роки тому

    Nice one Tim. I’m a new M7(LCY) and have still to jump in a do a voice tx. Been playing with FT8 though and loving that. As you and others have said, there are so many routes to follow in amateur radio, you can’t get bored. I’ve got a 2m antennae to build. Whilst on that subject, I could only get 2cm pipe, will that alter any of the other measurements? Finally, where’s the cat gone? Cheers

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      Ft8 is fine Andy the hobby is a broad church for all modes. The 20mm pipe should be ok and as for Alvin.. he was having a hard afternoon’s sleep! 73

  • @andy8315
    @andy8315 3 роки тому

    very well said tim and also good point about it being in other hobbies..

  • @Ei2iP
    @Ei2iP 4 роки тому +2

    Great to have new licensees, but my advice is to anyone coming from a 11M background, please drop the 11M lingo, and speak plain english..
    Other than that, enjoy the hobby, any new blood is welcome.

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому +1

      Yes there’s always stuff to learn in terms of operating practise. 73

  • @battlestarone
    @battlestarone 4 роки тому

    Very good advise for new hams,,,catch you all on the air,73s de Brian gm7jds.

  • @ytwatch1000
    @ytwatch1000 4 роки тому +2

    Hi Tim,
    Good video, thanks for doing it. 73 Nigel G3YSW RSGB Deputy Regional Manager DR103

  • @alih9804
    @alih9804 4 роки тому

    I'm a newbie from Australia not new to uhf but new to hf and want to get mine soon

  • @BoB4jjjjs
    @BoB4jjjjs 4 роки тому

    They appear to forget that they were new to Amateur radio at one time. Yes there are those that think we have it to easy these days, but they forget most stuff in bought off the shelf these days. There are operators and there are builders, I have no interest in building a radio, even if I could I have no interest in doing so. I have heard it on the air loads of times and to be honest, I think they should ave their licence revoked if they can't be civil to others, they forget others can hear them. I encountered more than my fair share of idiots on CB and if I can deal with them then I will just shrug my shoulders and not bother answering them again.
    It is easier to get into Amateur Radio now, but it soon gets harder if you want to progress.
    Anyway, I don't know if I even want to bother anymore, I have problems getting to put up aerials and there is no trees around I can hide one in, I am not going out in a car either to sit on a hill, it would need to be warm. Did it in CB days and don't want to do it again. I went to a club years ago, most of them there were fine but there was a few that turned up their noses at any Cb'er that bothered to go there. I was a member for a few years and should have gone through back them, I would have got to a full licence in no time, the only stumbling block was Morse. I still struggle with it yet, but it was what got me interested in it in the first place, back in primary school. So I am at a cross roads at the moment and not sure what I want to do anymore. I can't even get a CB aerial up, I have to put it up and take it down again and it is on the ground, not ideal, but got into Sweden the other day on FM and the other week got into Puerto Rico on SSB. But I hear loads of others I have no chance to get into as everyone is stronger and more power! I have no SSB set here now as it went back to its owner. :-(( It was a legal set as well CEPT type.

  • @RonanCantwell
    @RonanCantwell 4 роки тому

    Sound advice, particularly on working /P.

  • @stuart19760191
    @stuart19760191 4 роки тому +1

    Well said Tim m7 lives matter , we have been saying for ages and ages that there is not enough people coming into the hobby , why on earth would anyone want to trip people up before they even get running sort of thing , welcome them , educate them , share with them , they may even give you basic knowledge youd forgot yourself it has been that long since you did your exam , or they come from a background where its second nature to them , I love the m7 idea and want more and more and work the m8s very soon

  • @mully89
    @mully89 4 роки тому

    Good Advice thanks Tim

  • @JamesDC42
    @JamesDC42 3 роки тому

    All I've heard is scare stories about how the 'old timers', 2E0 and M0 always treat Foundation licence holders like crap on the repeaters.

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  3 роки тому

      Never heard it myself and even less so on HF. 73

    • @JamesDC42
      @JamesDC42 3 роки тому

      @@timg5tm941 I don't quite believe it. No hobby can be that bad. I think what would concern me most would be mic fright.

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  3 роки тому

      That’s very understandable James. Are you licensed at the moment?

    • @JamesDC42
      @JamesDC42 3 роки тому

      @@timg5tm941 No, Sir. Trying to learn all I can at the moment.

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  3 роки тому

      I wish you well. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the amateur bands once you pass your license. Good luck with your studies 73

  • @wisteela
    @wisteela 3 роки тому

    Great advice
    73 M7TUD

  • @chazrw2chz290
    @chazrw2chz290 4 роки тому

    I just wonder about the mindset of the 3 twits (substitute vowels at your own discretion) that gave a thumbs down

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Chaz they are my three trolls who follow me everywhere lol. Two of them give me a thumbs down within 30 seconds of a video being published. Good news is that yt sees it as activity so pushes it up the ladder for suggested vids for others to watch. What can you do eh? 73 and thanks for stopping by 👍

    • @chazrw2chz290
      @chazrw2chz290 4 роки тому

      @@timg5tm941 well.. at least they are loyal followers 😛😛
      I really like your channel.. keep up the good work. 👍

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks Chaz really appreciated 👍 73

  • @desbelfastireland9982
    @desbelfastireland9982 3 роки тому


  • @alih9804
    @alih9804 4 роки тому

    What's a m6 ECT?

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому

      Sorry I’m not sure? Where did I say that?

  • @nikwilliams4927
    @nikwilliams4927 4 роки тому +2

    Great video, and very well put Tim. A lot of people have also put forward some very positive comments, some of which, like Mike M0MSN and Mike on the mic, have their own very good channels.
    That's three of you that take the time to help others in the hobby and cover a whole array of subjects. I know Cal has strong views on this too, and indeed has been discussed. So between you, you are, IMO, creating a positive environment for newcomers and maybe people returning to the airwaves.
    I'd like to think there are more helpful than unhelpful people out there as you alluded to. Some of the M7's of today will one day be very knowledgeable and experienced operators, and I hope some old school users respect that!
    I think what you have mentioned needed saying by the sounds of it, so good on you for sticking your neck out as it were!
    Nik, soon to be M7🤞

    • @timg5tm941
      @timg5tm941  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you Nik. Its good fun producing content that helps people a little and I also learn loads from others as I do it too. Look forward to working you some day 73

    • @nikwilliams4927
      @nikwilliams4927 4 роки тому

      @@timg5tm941 likewise Tim, stay safe, and look forward to your videos. 👍