Guiding Light - 12/04/84 - pt. 3

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @mereloaded05
    @mereloaded05 Рік тому +2

    The scenes with Alexandra and Brandon are so powerful!

  • @Aquaria
    @Aquaria 14 років тому +7

    Yeah, and Mary Kay Adams was stunning in her bridal attire.

  • @millfred123
    @millfred123 6 років тому +9

    Phillip still holds the record for most loveless marriages in one year on GL

  • @peachmarie6079
    @peachmarie6079 11 років тому +4

    Love India's bridal outfit. It fits great with the season at the time.

  • @ozzielee9058
    @ozzielee9058 3 роки тому +2

    Wow. How did we get here? India and Phillip getting married? Lujack giving India away? There are gaps in Beth & Phillips story that I missed. I was young when this was initially broadcast.

  • @JoeP19771
    @JoeP19771 Рік тому +1

    Beverlee McKinsey is simply incredible

  • @Laura-tp8wz
    @Laura-tp8wz Рік тому +1

    Anyone else notice there are alot of motherless characters on GL?

  • @fousies
    @fousies 6 років тому +2

    I don’t remember Brandon coming back!