The pyromancer is way too broken for this game mode, for me changes needed are to reduce the time of the eco bonus, and up the difficulty ramping, 25 waves for a slow boss (1600 health) are too many waves. As a bonus permit other difficulties as fallen and intermediate.
The pyromancer is way too broken for this game mode, for me changes needed are to reduce the time of the eco bonus, and up the difficulty ramping, 25 waves for a slow boss (1600 health) are too many waves. As a bonus permit other difficulties as fallen and intermediate.
1 strat that is very fun is placing the defence at the back so breakers spawn behind enemie's line
Golden pyromancer is also great, since you can use it in early game to not die to your enemy's brutal enemy spam
buddy he literally used it in the video :skull:
jester is actually meta if you set to strongest for wave 1
g cow + g pyro and u just win automatically
Use My Loadout, Its Great: G Soldier, Engi, Comm, Warden And BLANK
no please don’t spoil the frost meta noooo