Aunt Helen owning an ill-prepared, manipulative hypocrite. It's amazing how someone like Max can get so much mileage in media spewing out garbage, but it's satisfying to see him squirm under proper interrogation by a skilled journalist. I disagree with the comment that Aunt Helen is being aggressive. For all intents and purposes, she's exercising remarkable restraint. Perfectly balanced.
Excellent Helen and Max, I really enjoyed this 'potgooi'! We need these open and frank discussions so much in SA at the moment. I truly think the differences among the vast majority of law-abiding, tax-paying South Africans can be overcome through open discussions and mutual understanding.
Max has survived by rolling onto his back and showing his soft underbelly but as soon as you turn your back he yaps like a little dog. Helen has survived by running head on, chest out and barks as loud as she can. I admire Helen even more now after this "debate". Max, I have never liked or respected and If anything, I feel a little sorry for him after watching this, as he is a school yard bully when he has a pen in his hand and a column to fill, but everywhere else he appears to be a scared, insecure, fragile little man who is more worried about how he is perceived than what he believes in.
I don't think he's a liar as in telling intentional lies with the motive to deceive. I think he just has no commitment to principles (or fewer than he likes us to think he does) and is driven 99% by expediency. Under those conditions it's unavoidable to "lie", because your opinions get blown around in the winds of circumstance. There's little that anchors his views so "telling the truth" would require remembering every position he's ever advanced as a disconnected fact. Naturally he can't do this, so he (presumably unconsciously) retroactively edits his memories of what he wrote/said into something else.
Bernd Jendrissek I would be more inclined to accept what you posit if Du Preez wasn’t so aggressive in his “mis- remembering. It would be so easy to extricate oneself by simply saying “In hindsight my wording was clumsy, I could have stated my position better, let me do so now” instead he got irate and accused Zille of lying about his writings. He opened the door to the accusation of lying and was quite prepared to besmirch Zille’s integrity so the label liar when describing Du Preez is accurate and well earned. The interesting thing about this series of interviews is just how ill informed the subjects have been thus far. Ill informed but not shy to prescribe to everybody else. Zille is in another league when compared to her guests. Enjoyable listening
@@tomsawyer4321 I would agree with you if I still held a more naive view of how human minds work. The naive view where people hold beliefs and change them based on what facts they're exposed to, and accurately remember the past. But no, the brain doesn't work like that. It makes some decisions almost willy-nilly, and then makes up reasons for it *after the fact*. Including editing the person's memories to make them consistent with the new belief. I think he genuinely believes he did write things he didn't, or believes he didn't write things he did. He misremembers because what he did in fact do in the past is not consistent with whatever position he's holding now. And it seems aggressive because he does so much of that, and he does so much of this retconning of what he thinks he wrote because he isn't anchored in [m]any principles - he's just a slave to pragmatics. But I'm certainly open to Max simply being an outright liar. I just don't think that's very probable compared to the alternative I've stated.
Do you realize that by saying Afriforum is a cultural organization then saying it is nonracial is contradictory? You must be smoking whatever Max is on
Dear Helen Zille you are wrong about the constitution @ 1:07:36 - as it does allow racism to exist. Point (5) in Equality (9) in Chapter 2 of the Bill of Rights clearly states: "Discrimination on one or more of the grounds listed in subsection (3) is unfair unless it is established that the discrimination is fair" In other words if you can prove for example being racist against whites as fair due to historical reasoning then its constitute as fair discrimination. This is the basis which BBBEE and other form of discrimination is allowed.
I think Maxie's children must put him in an old age home.. His condition is making him "make an arse of himself" You have reached THAT stage of your life old man..
The sweetest irony is when you make a living from destroying people's reputation by posturing as morally virtuous, with little consideration that you are doing the greatest disservice to your own profession...people like you have completely murdered journalism Max, well done Mr Woke.
Interview started off quite abrasive and hostile (especially from Max), but ended on a more friendly & common ground standpoint from both. Props goes to Max who came onto the show to defend his point of view. Helen definitely did her homework on this one though and called him out on many claimed fallacies.
Max is the world's fastest blocker of ANYONE who takes even polite issue with his points of view on Twitter. He's way too insecure to engage in debate. He made a fool of himself in this debate because she quotes his own book right back at him.
Hahaha. Shame man I actually feel sorry for the man, his ego is causing him to defend the indefensible. I was looking forward to intellectual debate and exchange of ideas on ideology, he is just sitting there like a batsman protecting wickets to avoid losing a test match. His behaviour unfortunately just made him look like Carl's brother, maybe it's the glasses. I hope your next guest will be more mature in exchanging opposing views. So much self loathing
A journalist reports the Truth as it happened, not Max. He wants to be to politically correct. The reason why he can't remember what he wrote. Journalists are messangers not pleasers.
Max; "I like the idea of minorities being represented in the anthem, English, Afrikaans etc," Afrikaans is not a minority language in ZA, 3rd most spoken language.
For someone who loves virtue signalling, Maxie sure seems to mansplain a lot in this conversation. Note his real-life version of the Twitter block: the "stop" hand.
It looks like Max doesn't realise his strategy of "speaking respectfully" has reached its sell-by date. The very approach he prides himself nowadays dovetail too easily with identity politics and knee-jerk leftism and it will be dangerous if identity politics becomes an entrenched way of engaging with difficult issues.
Super disappointed in Max on this debate. I left understanding very little about his reasoning and wondering whether he even understands his reasoning. I almost feel like he is another hired media goon after this.
Helen we really appreciate having a place to listen to your ideas and analysis of our country. Hope you have read Cafe de move on Blues by Christopher hope.
This is an excellent forum. Keep it up, Helen. As for Max du Preez, I'm still unsure of what he stands for. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth. What an awful performance on his part. Unless he is senile, or just a condescending misogynist, how can he be in denial of so much that he has written? It's no wonder many thousands of us have either been blocked by him or have stopped reading his drivel.
Thank you Helen for standing up to protect Afriforum against the warped idea Max tried to spread about it. Max is an absolute expert in applying double standards and he clearly sees no problem with it. I have found new respect for your intellect and preparation Helen. Journalism is your forte. You are a natural. You are too honest to be a politician. You can still do a lot for SA. You go girl!!!
Imagine if Zille had a printer next to her - printed out and shuffed the proof in his face - his reaction seeing his own words would have been priceless! LOL
My many thanks go to Du Preez who availed himself to this eye-opening meeting. Mr Du Preez is one of impressive journalists of the time during our track towards our democracy. I used to admire his column stance which expressed favour of political change in our country. Now of late, if I may admit, I've been failing to follow Du Preez's line of thinking. All the time I've been tolerant telling myself, I perhaps missing something. Thanks to you too Zile, that you've successfully exposed what in Du Preez's journalistic mind is. I now know and am relieved to learn that my suspicion has not been uniquely irrational. I'm not alone in the lost in Du Preez's journalistic line of agenda 😂
Thank you Max providing plenty of material for my next column. Now I know why you block so many people on Twitter. the way....a great PW Botha impersonation too. Love that finger wagging.
Madam Zille would’ve been a brilliant advocate. Max on the other hand can’t even engage in an adult, clear, coherent debate. Ironic how he starts the debate chastising Helen’s career path ending poorly yet he is destroying his own career in this interview.
Helen, I am concerned that you are being too aggressive in your style of conversation here. As someone who consumes large amounts of long-form media, I fear that your adversarial style is going to scare off many of the most interesting guests. One of the key critiques of the social justice movement is that it fundamentally fails to account for the nuance and context underpinning an individual's ideological position; rather preferring to see the world through a binary lens. I know that you are against this style thinking, but then surely this has to have implications upon yourself and how you interact with your guests. As someone who is equally appalled by the ideology of identity politics, my constructive critique to you would be to try your level best to start from the assumption that Max, Farial, even Eusebius (if that ever happens), are genuinely good people with generally good intentions. Give them the benefit of the doubt, rather than trying to put words in their mouths, and allow them to explain their positions as honestly and non-defensively as possible. One of the wonderful traditions of liberal thinking, that we seem to be perilously close to losing, is the idea of being able to disagree with one-another while still remaining courteous and civil, and not writing the person off in binary terms. I would love to see you carrying this tradition forward.
Can I suggest that you have the relevant quotes that you bring up on hand for people like Max to rub his nose in it. The same way one does with a dog who shits in the house.
To some, like Max du Preez, you need a firmer yank to his leash to bring him under control. His years of vitriol has rendered him more insensitive and disrespectful than the usual decent journalist. It's even better when a woman does it, just to demonstrate how formidable women can be. Good job, Auntie Helen.
@@EbenJ2010 you have a point. If you watch from the start, I try to get into a constructive discussion but he keeps on wanting to read from his script and avoid the discussion. So I took him on at his own game after which we could move on and become more constructive. But you have a valid point.
Max showing the world how he can talk, complain and back paddle about himself and his position. All this while trying and failing to dictate the narrative, to a lady. It honestly begs the question. Since he clearly doesn't even understand what identity politics are. Why is he still a thing?
I am currently in Rwanda. This is the best outcome for any African country. Very safe and good, but not at all at the level of SA in the 90s. If you think that if the ANC stops existing and things will get better, you are sorely mistaken.
Bless ol' Max for his terrific Vryeweekblad years, his courage and his bloody mindedness. He's not reverted to his pre anti apartheid youth, he's just a crabby, old man with a touch too much ego and perhaps a smidgeon of Boer attitude of, "ek sal die donerse braai doen, vroutjie, gaan jy net terug kombuis toe en was die skottels."😉
Wow. This was instructive (and probably the craziest interview I've seen). Normally wokists are very smooth and impenetrable in their rhetoric. Max was fumbling and crude in his responses it was easy to see the gaping holes in his logic and understanding. He has clearly not thought through the ideas he claims to support here (to the point of at least being able to articulate them clearly when under pressure).
Methinks the reason the ANC don't uplift all African citizens, is because they employ lottery politics (this is where the poor majority are given the chance to become super-rich overnight. But only the ANC has the political-backing to do this, allowing the ANC to use the SOE's and the treasury to fund this lottery). This is also the reason why the majority poor Africans keep on voting ANC.
Helen Zille probably didn't mean to rip him apart, but she did. She is a well-read woman and people should start recognising this and start looking past her white skin.
Max, perhaps this interview was your rubicon moment.....time to retire......or go to an optometrist so you can see things more clearly. It's amazing how a journalist can be so clouded by their own fragile ego. Desperate man.
I lked what both Max and Helen had to say. I think Max should be given a chance on his memory lapses. Helen has given Max an account of how he comes across in his writing and an opportunity for Max to revisit. Both Helen and Max have different approaches to matters that would have different outcome in practice rightly or wrongly.
Helen I just love these conversations. Peter Bruce was great. Dear Max, so thin skinned and defensive, and a bit more selective in what he remembered. I found that this was more like bickering. Things got a bit shrill. Tip for you, lower the tone of your voice. It worked for Margaret Thatcher, after she was coached. Gave her more gravitas. I do love you though. Keep this up.
Shew.... 18 minutes into the video and my respect for Max has absolutely plummeted to the pits. What a petty, sensitive, impolite and rude human being. Sies!
I don't understand? Max said that she should post where he said what he said. If she did not post these banners confirming what he said the viewer would have to leave wondering who was lying. Thanks for the post debate banners.
@@EbenJ2010 She quotes him on what he has written himself, but then he denies it. Is she now in the wrong for having done proper research? I can agree that she might have given him a bit of a heads-up prior to the "debate" about what she was going to be quoting him on, but as for the fact that she placed her evidence regarding his writings post debate was most helpful for me as the viewer.
The first 15-20 minutes was torture and a disappointment. I definitely expected more from Max. He looked either very scared or very angry when he came, did not make one viable argument and only accusations. The last half was better and I could actually listen to what both said.
The constitution guarantees equal rights to all south africans- if I need to get to the back of the queue- happy to do same- but then I want to pay a tax commensurate with that- my 43% should be pegged at around 10% then… maybe 5% would be fair
The issue is not there is an increase in identity politics. it is the systematic using of left wing liberal thinking, that victimizes any idea of minority groups, have now got such a loud voice.
This is the problem with journalists. They have a monologue and as such do not realize how little their opinion is worth. This is why they hate to debate, because then all doubt is removed as to how dumb they really are.
Congratulations and best wishes with your new project, new life and grand motherhood. I still have a wonderful bronze figurine of you...... and others. "Radikali - Zille the Thriller" which I would still like you to see and tell of the wonderful comments thereof.
One has to wonder whether Max reviewing this interview might give him to understand exactly WHY it is that he is considered an idiot by anyone with 3 braincells and a working synapse?
I deleted all my comments. Why? Because I am so gatvol with white liberals and blacks in general and I don't give a damn anymore. It's such a waste of time reallly. One cannot argue with blacks and liberals in general. How ever Helen in my eyes is a liberal, but I think she has changed over time because she has realized the nature of the beast. She makes more logical sense these day's And yes Helen is sharp and clever. But even her liberalism didn't help her in the end.
Helen is brilliant please come back. So glad Helen is 100 steps ahead of these old male farts. Please delete this interview its very embarrassing for Max he forgot what he wrote.
Aunt Helen owning an ill-prepared, manipulative hypocrite. It's amazing how someone like Max can get so much mileage in media spewing out garbage, but it's satisfying to see him squirm under proper interrogation by a skilled journalist. I disagree with the comment that Aunt Helen is being aggressive. For all intents and purposes, she's exercising remarkable restraint. Perfectly balanced.
Excellent Helen and Max, I really enjoyed this 'potgooi'! We need these open and frank discussions so much in SA at the moment. I truly think the differences among the vast majority of law-abiding, tax-paying South Africans can be overcome through open discussions and mutual understanding.
This guy is even less intelligible in person than in print
Helen is serving the tea boiling hot in this episode! Max was ripped to pieces by Helen!
Max has survived by rolling onto his back and showing his soft underbelly but as soon as you turn your back he yaps like a little dog. Helen has survived by running head on, chest out and barks as loud as she can. I admire Helen even more now after this "debate". Max, I have never liked or respected and If anything, I feel a little sorry for him after watching this, as he is a school yard bully when he has a pen in his hand and a column to fill, but everywhere else he appears to be a scared, insecure, fragile little man who is more worried about how he is perceived than what he believes in.
Ryan, loved your assessment. Spot on, imo.
Max du Preez is either going senile a liar or both. I say he’s a liar
Yup a liberal liar horrible man.
I don't think he's a liar as in telling intentional lies with the motive to deceive. I think he just has no commitment to principles (or fewer than he likes us to think he does) and is driven 99% by expediency. Under those conditions it's unavoidable to "lie", because your opinions get blown around in the winds of circumstance. There's little that anchors his views so "telling the truth" would require remembering every position he's ever advanced as a disconnected fact. Naturally he can't do this, so he (presumably unconsciously) retroactively edits his memories of what he wrote/said into something else.
@@bpj1805 Damn, well said. Political expediency, spot on.
Bernd Jendrissek I would be more inclined to accept what you posit if Du Preez wasn’t so aggressive in his “mis- remembering. It would be so easy to extricate oneself by simply saying “In hindsight my wording was clumsy, I could have stated my position better, let me do so now” instead he got irate and accused Zille of lying about his writings. He opened the door to the accusation of lying and was quite prepared to besmirch Zille’s integrity so the label liar when describing Du Preez is accurate and well earned.
The interesting thing about this series of interviews is just how ill informed the subjects have been thus far. Ill informed but not shy to prescribe to everybody else. Zille is in another league when compared to her guests. Enjoyable listening
@@tomsawyer4321 I would agree with you if I still held a more naive view of how human minds work. The naive view where people hold beliefs and change them based on what facts they're exposed to, and accurately remember the past. But no, the brain doesn't work like that. It makes some decisions almost willy-nilly, and then makes up reasons for it *after the fact*. Including editing the person's memories to make them consistent with the new belief. I think he genuinely believes he did write things he didn't, or believes he didn't write things he did. He misremembers because what he did in fact do in the past is not consistent with whatever position he's holding now. And it seems aggressive because he does so much of that, and he does so much of this retconning of what he thinks he wrote because he isn't anchored in [m]any principles - he's just a slave to pragmatics.
But I'm certainly open to Max simply being an outright liar. I just don't think that's very probable compared to the alternative I've stated.
Washing the floor with Max.
Afriforum doesn't stand for identity politics. They are a cultural organisation and nonracial. Max is completely confused about what they stand for.
Max couldn't 'remember' what he wrote in his column or book... expecting him to remember what Afriforum stands for is asking too much.
Do you realize that by saying Afriforum is a cultural organization then saying it is nonracial is contradictory? You must be smoking whatever Max is on
@Thabang Manyana Makgowa a tena monna 🤣
Dear Helen Zille you are wrong about the constitution @ 1:07:36 - as it does allow racism to exist.
Point (5) in Equality (9) in Chapter 2 of the Bill of Rights clearly states: "Discrimination on one or more of the grounds listed in
subsection (3) is unfair unless it is established that the discrimination is fair" In other words if you can prove for example being racist against whites as fair due to historical reasoning then its constitute as fair discrimination. This is the basis which BBBEE and other form of discrimination is allowed.
Max encounters someone who read his book and suddenly does not remember what he wrote.🤣🤣
who wrote this book? 🤔🙈🤣
This man is a joke and a complete scumbag. A two headed snake if a ever saw one.
I think Maxie's children must put him in an old age home.. His condition is making him "make an arse of himself" You have reached THAT stage of your life old man..
Helen is class...Max is a clown...cant even remember what he had for lunch....
Tough neighborhood, tough discussion. Another insightful discussion. Thank you for bringing it to us. Looking forward to the next one.
The sweetest irony is when you make a living from destroying people's reputation by posturing as morally virtuous, with little consideration that you are doing the greatest disservice to your own profession...people like you have completely murdered journalism Max, well done Mr Woke.
Max appears to be forgetting a lot
Never argue with a fool. He'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience! Helen out debated Max!
It always takes two fools to argue - two wise men will not argue. One wise man will not argue with a fool, therefore it takes two fools to argue
Ek dink oom max het dalk Alzheimers
Bernard T Britz defnatief
Interview started off quite abrasive and hostile (especially from Max), but ended on a more friendly & common ground standpoint from both. Props goes to Max who came onto the show to defend his point of view. Helen definitely did her homework on this one though and called him out on many claimed fallacies.
I am trying to figure out a way to duplicate Helen. We need far more people like her in SA
Max is the world's fastest blocker of ANYONE who takes even polite issue with his points of view on Twitter. He's way too insecure to engage in debate. He made a fool of himself in this debate because she quotes his own book right back at him.
Only in about 4min and Max is already being extremely rude
Yes, covering for his wickets.
This was a no holds barred interview between the two of them
Hahaha. Shame man I actually feel sorry for the man, his ego is causing him to defend the indefensible. I was looking forward to intellectual debate and exchange of ideas on ideology, he is just sitting there like a batsman protecting wickets to avoid losing a test match. His behaviour unfortunately just made him look like Carl's brother, maybe it's the glasses. I hope your next guest will be more mature in exchanging opposing views. So much self loathing
A journalist reports the Truth as it happened, not Max. He wants to be to politically correct. The reason why he can't remember what he wrote. Journalists are messangers not pleasers.
1978 was 41 years ago....or am I losing my mind?
If you accept your invite to Tea, you better have all your ducks in a row!
Best comment
Malema saw this...! He thought....instead of Tea I'd rather have Moët
I love this, Aunti Zille, you are amazing!!!!! Amandla Helen Zille :)
This guy would sell out every person in this country to "save democracy"
He's a disgrace to his race. Back stabber.
Great show. SA needed this.
Max; "I like the idea of minorities being represented in the anthem, English, Afrikaans etc,"
Afrikaans is not a minority language in ZA, 3rd most spoken language.
For someone who loves virtue signalling, Maxie sure seems to mansplain a lot in this conversation. Note his real-life version of the Twitter block: the "stop" hand.
It looks like Max doesn't realise his strategy of "speaking respectfully" has reached its sell-by date. The very approach he prides himself nowadays dovetail too easily with identity politics and knee-jerk leftism and it will be dangerous if identity politics becomes an entrenched way of engaging with difficult issues.
Well that was downright embarrassing...! 🎳
Super disappointed in Max on this debate. I left understanding very little about his reasoning and wondering whether he even understands his reasoning. I almost feel like he is another hired media goon after this.
Helen we really appreciate having a place to listen to your ideas and analysis of our country.
Hope you have read Cafe de move on Blues by Christopher hope.
This is an excellent forum. Keep it up, Helen. As for Max du Preez, I'm still unsure of what he stands for. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth. What an awful performance on his part. Unless he is senile, or just a condescending misogynist, how can he be in denial of so much that he has written? It's no wonder many thousands of us have either been blocked by him or have stopped reading his drivel.
He stands for nothing, that's what I got out of this. His views get blown around like leaves in the winds of political circumstance.
Thank you Helen for standing up to protect Afriforum against the warped idea Max tried to spread about it. Max is an absolute expert in applying double standards and he clearly sees no problem with it. I have found new respect for your intellect and preparation Helen. Journalism is your forte. You are a natural. You are too honest to be a politician. You can still do a lot for SA. You go girl!!!
Imagine if Zille had a printer next to her - printed out and shuffed the proof in his face - his reaction seeing his own words would have been priceless! LOL
My many thanks go to Du Preez who availed himself to this eye-opening meeting. Mr Du Preez is one of impressive journalists of the time during our track towards our democracy. I used to admire his column stance which expressed favour of political change in our country. Now of late, if I may admit, I've been failing to follow Du Preez's line of thinking. All the time I've been tolerant telling myself, I perhaps missing something. Thanks to you too Zile, that you've successfully exposed what in Du Preez's journalistic mind is. I now know and am relieved to learn that my suspicion has not been uniquely irrational. I'm not alone in the lost in Du Preez's journalistic line of agenda 😂
Thank you Max providing plenty of material for my next column. Now I know why you block so many people on Twitter. the way....a great PW Botha impersonation too. Love that finger wagging.
Max should learn to code...
He's too old for that. He should just book himself into an old age home
Madam Zille would’ve been a brilliant advocate. Max on the other hand can’t even engage in an adult, clear, coherent debate. Ironic how he starts the debate chastising Helen’s career path ending poorly yet he is destroying his own career in this interview.
Good for you Helen.
Thanks for another very interesting chat; always so good to learn and broaden your understanding whenever you can......
Max likes to act all high and mighty...
I wonder how much money Max got from the Soviets for his role in the subversion of SA.
#BlockedByMax did not know what identity politics was until this interview. WOW!!!!
I'll be interacting on this platform, live, for a while.
Helen, I am concerned that you are being too aggressive in your style of conversation here. As someone who consumes large amounts of long-form media, I fear that your adversarial style is going to scare off many of the most interesting guests. One of the key critiques of the social justice movement is that it fundamentally fails to account for the nuance and context underpinning an individual's ideological position; rather preferring to see the world through a binary lens. I know that you are against this style thinking, but then surely this has to have implications upon yourself and how you interact with your guests. As someone who is equally appalled by the ideology of identity politics, my constructive critique to you would be to try your level best to start from the assumption that Max, Farial, even Eusebius (if that ever happens), are genuinely good people with generally good intentions. Give them the benefit of the doubt, rather than trying to put words in their mouths, and allow them to explain their positions as honestly and non-defensively as possible. One of the wonderful traditions of liberal thinking, that we seem to be perilously close to losing, is the idea of being able to disagree with one-another while still remaining courteous and civil, and not writing the person off in binary terms. I would love to see you carrying this tradition forward.
Can I suggest that you have the relevant quotes that you bring up on hand for people like Max to rub his nose in it. The same way one does with a dog who shits in the house.
To some, like Max du Preez, you need a firmer yank to his leash to bring him under control. His years of vitriol has rendered him more insensitive and disrespectful than the usual decent journalist. It's even better when a woman does it, just to demonstrate how formidable women can be. Good job, Auntie Helen.
#maxdupreez triggered
@@EbenJ2010 you have a point. If you watch from the start, I try to get into a constructive discussion but he keeps on wanting to read from his script and avoid the discussion. So I took him on at his own game after which we could move on and become more constructive. But you have a valid point.
Respect Auntie Helen, I may take you on, on Twitter. I guess that is what it is for. Keep it up.
lesson: Do not lie... Then you do not have to remember what you said earlier... Sorry Max
I have lots of respect for both of you. thank you for a great, open and sometimes brutally honest discussion. That is how it should be done.
Max showing the world how he can talk, complain and back paddle about himself and his position. All this while trying and failing to dictate the narrative, to a lady. It honestly begs the question. Since he clearly doesn't even understand what identity politics are. Why is he still a thing?
Jammer maar hierdie ou man is nogal HEEL fokken besete! Daars fout. Regtig.
Max Du Preez, is like the "Broederbond", very useful where-ever it suits the pocket.
Now I love you even more Helen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A good, civil discussion - dankie Helen (though Max got off lightly) - Ek sien uit na baie verdere gesprekke
I am currently in Rwanda. This is the best outcome for any African country. Very safe and good, but not at all at the level of SA in the 90s. If you think that if the ANC stops existing and things will get better, you are sorely mistaken.
Deliciously ironic for Max to complain of being paraphrased in a way which completely distorts what he actually expressed.
Max had a bit of competition. He is used to having the podium for his monologue. Auntie Zille owned him
Great interview. Has Max du Preez recovered from his burn wounds?
I really dont have any time for Max but you got ripped on this one fok Max...i cringed for your sake...
Some nice evidence of Max playing to the audience. Thanks for staying true to non racialism Helen. You will leave an extraordinary legacy.
Bless ol' Max for his terrific Vryeweekblad years, his courage and his bloody mindedness.
He's not reverted to his pre anti apartheid youth, he's just a crabby, old man with a touch too much ego and perhaps a smidgeon of Boer attitude of, "ek sal die donerse braai doen, vroutjie, gaan jy net terug kombuis toe en was die skottels."😉
#maxdupreez doesn't match #HellenZille intellect...why so nervous Max?...
Wow!! Such an amazing talk show. It’s so real.. Helen is amazing
Wow. This was instructive (and probably the craziest interview I've seen). Normally wokists are very smooth and impenetrable in their rhetoric. Max was fumbling and crude in his responses it was easy to see the gaping holes in his logic and understanding. He has clearly not thought through the ideas he claims to support here (to the point of at least being able to articulate them clearly when under pressure).
This was embarrassing. Max has lost it big time. I need to unfollow him now
Just block him on Twitter.
He is so out dated and trying desperately to be relevant. Blah blah Maxie, just stop, please my ears....
Methinks the reason the ANC don't uplift all African citizens, is because they employ lottery politics (this is where the poor majority are given the chance to become super-rich overnight. But only the ANC has the political-backing to do this, allowing the ANC to use the SOE's and the treasury to fund this lottery). This is also the reason why the majority poor Africans keep on voting ANC.
Helen Zille probably didn't mean to rip him apart, but she did. She is a well-read woman and people should start recognising this and start looking past her white skin.
Max, perhaps this interview was your rubicon moment.....time to retire......or go to an optometrist so you can see things more clearly. It's amazing how a journalist can be so clouded by their own fragile ego. Desperate man.
I lked what both Max and Helen had to say. I think Max should be given a chance on his memory lapses.
Helen has given Max an account of how he comes across in his writing and an opportunity for Max to revisit.
Both Helen and Max have different approaches to matters that would have different outcome in practice rightly or wrongly.
Helen I just love these conversations. Peter Bruce was great. Dear Max, so thin skinned and defensive, and a bit more selective in what he remembered. I found that this was more like bickering. Things got a bit shrill. Tip for you, lower the tone of your voice. It worked for Margaret Thatcher, after she was coached. Gave her more gravitas. I do love you though. Keep this up.
hello from australia
Max writes some hot garbage, you have to wonder if he even cares about SA
Max is a first class poes.
Jislaaikit, ek kry so skaam vir Max se gedrag dat ek die venster minimize en afscroll sodat ek minder van die 'cringe' kan voel.
Lol, aaklig om te kyk! Hy is so 'n snowflake!
Shew.... 18 minutes into the video and my respect for Max has absolutely plummeted to the pits. What a petty, sensitive, impolite and rude human being. Sies!
I note that Max is the first guest to drink the tea during the debate....and then he performed better afterwards. Whats in it Helen?
Great stuff again Helen, I really learnt some stuff. Drop the post debate comment banner though, it's unfair on the interviewee.
I don't understand? Max said that she should post where he said what he said. If she did not post these banners confirming what he said the viewer would have to leave wondering who was lying. Thanks for the post debate banners.
@@Stephanlosmyhart Simple-Max cannot challenge what Helen posted as a banner. That's not fair.
@@EbenJ2010 She quotes him on what he has written himself, but then he denies it. Is she now in the wrong for having done proper research? I can agree that she might have given him a bit of a heads-up prior to the "debate" about what she was going to be quoting him on, but as for the fact that she placed her evidence regarding his writings post debate was most helpful for me as the viewer.
I have never been a great Helen Zille supporter, but this one went six-luv to you, Ma'm! What a completely disgraced dipstick MadMax shows to be
The first 15-20 minutes was torture and a disappointment. I definitely expected more from Max. He looked either very scared or very angry when he came, did not make one viable argument and only accusations. The last half was better and I could actually listen to what both said.
The constitution guarantees equal rights to all south africans- if I need to get to the back of the queue- happy to do same- but then I want to pay a tax commensurate with that- my 43% should be pegged at around 10% then… maybe 5% would be fair
Max. Bitter. Out of touch with reality. Sad.
Thank you to the debaters
Someone needs to moderate these discussions.
The issue is not there is an increase in identity politics. it is the systematic using of left wing liberal thinking, that victimizes any idea of minority groups, have now got such a loud voice.
I love how the English people debate. I know their from South Africa.
Next time get Renaldo to mediate
That's just one doos too many,
This is the problem with journalists. They have a monologue and as such do not realize how little their opinion is worth. This is why they hate to debate, because then all doubt is removed as to how dumb they really are.
Helen exposed this guy badly!
This debate😂😂😂😂😂
I can hear Max's brain shutting down slowly, shame he should go live on a mountain far away from any social media #gotosleepmax
No old people were harmed during the making of this video.
Max dink hy alleen weet wat is die beste vir swartmense.
I enjoyed this, i love Hellen alot
You're a clown
Congratulations and best wishes with your new project, new life and grand motherhood. I still have a wonderful bronze figurine of you...... and others. "Radikali - Zille the Thriller" which I would still like you to see and tell of the wonderful comments thereof.
One has to wonder whether Max reviewing this interview might give him to understand exactly WHY it is that he is considered an idiot by anyone with 3 braincells and a working synapse?
I deleted all my comments. Why? Because I am so gatvol with white liberals and blacks in general and I don't give a damn anymore. It's such a waste of time reallly. One cannot argue with blacks and liberals in general. How ever Helen in my eyes is a liberal, but I think she has changed over time because she has realized the nature of the beast. She makes more logical sense these day's
And yes Helen is sharp and clever. But even her liberalism didn't help her in the end.
Ouch, max is bleeding.
Helen is brilliant please come back. So glad Helen is 100 steps ahead of these old male farts. Please delete this interview its very embarrassing for Max he forgot what he wrote.