vertikutace trávníku a topdressing. scarify your lawn.

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Menší ruční úprava trávníku a dorovnání zeminy k terase a dorovnání k obrubníkům.
    Vertikutace, aerifikace dutými hroty, zhruba 11 tun zeminy, 3,5 tun topdressingu, 25 kg travních semen a hnojivo.
    Práce mi dala zabrat komplet celý víkend a pondělí - 3 dny.
    Minor manual lawn care and leveling of the soil to the terrace and leveling to the curbs.
    Verticulation, aerification with hollow points, about 11 tons of soil, 3.5 tons of topdressing, 25 kg of grass seed and fertilizer.
    The work took me the entire weekend and Monday - 3 days.


  • @Whack.Attack
    @Whack.Attack Місяць тому

    What is that burgundy piece of equipment are you using to apply the topdressing? The brand appears to be DAKR, but I can't find reference to it online. Any help would be appreciated!

    • @sekanitravy5954
      @sekanitravy5954  Місяць тому

      topdressing - soil, compost, siliceous sand (sand) Dakr - handles pisek and topdressing, there are two versions 70 cm and 40 cm. I have the bigger version. You need to be strong for it, when it is full, it weighs about 200 kg, good for larger areas, the smaller version is good for smaller areas. Czech manufacturer.