Maybe sometime you could take the 2021 lock apart and show us all the parts that’s in the inside of it. I think it would be a pretty good interesting thing.
This isn’t my lock so I’m not going to do that on this one. But if I find one I can buy at the junkyard I will do that. Although between the Lishi and the code being on it taking them apart shouldn’t be necessary.
No I haven’t. Black widow can cut them. Xhorse probably can too. 2mm cutter and slow it down maybe. I’d charge them a ton for it since its probably one and done for the cutter
@@BoredLockpicker Exactly , it seems design to be difficult for picking, i manage to open one using other method instead of lishi, still deciding on investing in this or not. Just seems too much hassle to pick.
And I understand about you don’t have one of your own so I guess you don’t want to take this one apart I get that. I was thinking of a junkyard one as well just to show an illustration of the parts that were inside was what I was thinking. Being that they’re using a steel key and only being cut so that the key only works on one side. I was thinking maybe they might have special parts inside they might be interesting to see.
They have steel key blanks and steel wafers. Not sure what Honda was thinking on that. I stock the brass insert keys. Not real interested in tearing up cutters on the steel blanks although the black widow can cut them. And when I see one at a junkyard I’ll grab. There’s only two junkyards here with online inventory and you don’t see a lot of really stuff at either one.
Maybe sometime you could take the 2021 lock apart and show us all the parts that’s in the inside of it. I think it would be a pretty good interesting thing.
This isn’t my lock so I’m not going to do that on this one. But if I find one I can buy at the junkyard I will do that. Although between the Lishi and the code being on it taking them apart shouldn’t be necessary.
Have you tried milling the OEM key on an Xhorse, I have a client who wants an OEM key.
No I haven’t. Black widow can cut them. Xhorse probably can too. 2mm cutter and slow it down maybe. I’d charge them a ton for it since its probably one and done for the cutter
@@BoredLockpicker Thanks, where are you getting the aftermarket brass blades from?
Item 14971 on American key supply
Ever try picking it on the car? will the door handle will block the tensioner ?
Not yet. On the car the lock is under the handle and angle toward the ground. You need a wedge or third hand to keep it out the way
@@BoredLockpicker Exactly , it seems design to be difficult for picking, i manage to open one using other method instead of lishi, still deciding on investing in this or not. Just seems too much hassle to pick.
And I understand about you don’t have one of your own so I guess you don’t want to take this one apart I get that. I was thinking of a junkyard one as well just to show an illustration of the parts that were inside was what I was thinking. Being that they’re using a steel key and only being cut so that the key only works on one side. I was thinking maybe they might have special parts inside they might be interesting to see.
They have steel key blanks and steel wafers. Not sure what Honda was thinking on that. I stock the brass insert keys. Not real interested in tearing up cutters on the steel blanks although the black widow can cut them. And when I see one at a junkyard I’ll grab. There’s only two junkyards here with online inventory and you don’t see a lot of really stuff at either one.