Xbox Emulation on Windows! Xemu Setup Guide and Tutorial for 2024!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TonyGearSolid
    @TonyGearSolid Місяць тому +16

    With Xemu making some good progress and Insignia reviving online functions for many games, it's been a great couple of years for the OG Xbox.

    • @VideoGameEsoterica
      @VideoGameEsoterica  Місяць тому +2

      Def been getting a lot better recently and I love to see it

    • @JayrosModShop
      @JayrosModShop 10 днів тому

      Agreed, I can finally play Burnout 3 Takedown with very minimal performance stutters at 4x internal scaling with a puny 6GB 1060, and all is well. :)

  • @Myako
    @Myako Місяць тому +5

    Now that I think about it, do you think a video about the current state of Spectrum emulation would be interesting?

  • @Jabjabs
    @Jabjabs Місяць тому +4

    Xemu did the one thing I wanted and that was to bring Jet Set Radio Future in HD. Managed to play it through entirely without issue on Linux via Wine. A testament to the Xemu and Wine team for having such robust programs nowadays.
    Also as for the particle effects at higher resolution, the original xbox struggled with that stuff as well simply due to the additional bandwidth needed on the frame buffer. Some things never change. :D

    • @VideoGameEsoterica
      @VideoGameEsoterica  Місяць тому +1

      Yes the particle effects are the biggest pain point even today

    • @matheuskiskissian
      @matheuskiskissian Місяць тому +1

      Xemu has a flatpak and an AppImage, you don't need wine

    • @Jabjabs
      @Jabjabs Місяць тому

      @@matheuskiskissian You are right but I think I was having some issue with Flatpak possibly so I just went with the Wine route. This was a few years back.

  • @Myako
    @Myako Місяць тому +3

    (I'm super annoying today😅)
    This would be a great opportunity to curate ourselves a list with:
    * Best XBox exclusives.
    * Best XBox multiplats (clarifying if you're considering PCs when doing the comparison or not).
    * Best system limit-pushers (graphics, gameplay, music, technical achievements, etc), doesn't matter if the game themselves are not good.
    * Best homebrew games (are there any?).
    * Best scene demos (same criteria as system-pushers).
    * Best prototypes and unreleased games.

  • @electrosphere5581
    @electrosphere5581 Місяць тому +2

    Excited to try out Dead To Rights with this, seems like Xemu is running it almost perfectly.

    • @VideoGameEsoterica
      @VideoGameEsoterica  Місяць тому +1

      Depending on the game it can be very close to perfect

    • @Myako
      @Myako 29 днів тому

      @@electrosphere5581 I'm very interested in trying out Buffy 1 and Ninja Gaiden Black.

  • @victorromero8010
    @victorromero8010 Місяць тому +4

    I hope the Vulcan update will improve it. The only game that I’ve got running smoothly is WWE Raw 2. Other games I’ve tried (which I don’t have many) are sluggish, but it’s mainly because I have an ARM PC.

  • @rgm4646
    @rgm4646 Місяць тому

    Great video!! Windows 22H2 is end of life btw.

    • @VideoGameEsoterica
      @VideoGameEsoterica  Місяць тому +2

      I won’t change til they force me

    • @rgm4646
      @rgm4646 Місяць тому

      @@VideoGameEsoterica haha i get it lol

  • @EreeGoog
    @EreeGoog Місяць тому +2

    There's a namco pcb on ebay if I join your tier can you guide me how to play on my pc monitor

  • @neogiu000
    @neogiu000 Місяць тому

    Way easier than I thought, gotta give NInja Gaiden Black a try

  • @CWT-op3ty
    @CWT-op3ty День тому

    light gun support will be nice ( virtua cop 3 )

  • @Anormal_Activity
    @Anormal_Activity Місяць тому +3

    Virtua cop 3

  • @Myako
    @Myako Місяць тому

    I'm surprised they haven't implemented something like pre-caching shaders or hybrid ubershaders. Maybe it can't be done?

  • @NinjaShadow2298
    @NinjaShadow2298 20 днів тому

    So i finished installing xemu on my laptop and idk why, but its choppy as hell when it comes to the fps I'm getting like 12 to 10 fps literally impossible to play anyway I can make more smoother?

    • @VideoGameEsoterica
      @VideoGameEsoterica  19 днів тому

      What specs? What game? Def makes a diff in what I’d recommend next

  • @arnoldbeast2111
    @arnoldbeast2111 16 днів тому

    Where are you supposed to get all the files from? I don't have any of those in my Zip file that was downloaded

  • @jessragan6714
    @jessragan6714 Місяць тому

    What's minspec for Xemu? And is it available for the Xbox Series S?

    • @VideoGameEsoterica
      @VideoGameEsoterica  Місяць тому

      Decent GPU and a CPU with four cores minimum. Not sure on Series S

  • @METR0lD
    @METR0lD Місяць тому

    I recently got Xbox emulation set up on my Steam Deck to play Burnout 3, only to find out that game isn't compatible yet! The PS2 version also isn't compatible on PS2 emulation! Apparently that game just can't be emulated yet, at least on Steam Deck...😩

  • @NinjaShadow2298
    @NinjaShadow2298 20 днів тому

    My Laptop is a Dell XPS 13, it has an intel core i7 1250U Processor 32GB Memory 1TB SSD and a Intel R Iris Xe Graphics .

    • @VideoGameEsoterica
      @VideoGameEsoterica  19 днів тому

      Haha and now I see this. Which game? May be the Iris gpu cores

    • @NinjaShadow2298
      @NinjaShadow2298 19 днів тому

      @VideoGameEsoterica I the games that I downloaded was Blood Rayne and Kakuto Chojin

  • @ImmortalDestructor
    @ImmortalDestructor Місяць тому

    At the end, your copyright says 2023 instead of the 2024

  • @DefaultUsername0001
    @DefaultUsername0001 Місяць тому


  • @JayrosModShop
    @JayrosModShop Місяць тому

    I personally pronounce it as "zee-mue"

    • @VideoGameEsoterica
      @VideoGameEsoterica  Місяць тому +3

      Let’s start calling it Zeebo haha

    • @AJ-po6up
      @AJ-po6up 11 днів тому

      I called it that for many years too until it clicked in my head that is called "X"emu because of "X"box duh 😅

    • @VideoGameEsoterica
      @VideoGameEsoterica  11 днів тому

      Haha it’s all confusing

  • @Myako
    @Myako Місяць тому

    Weeeeee, how could i forget this one!! Definitely one of the least intuitive ones, what with the HDD and firmware requirements.
    By the way, will you talk about Xenia Manager when you get to XBox360?

    • @VideoGameEsoterica
      @VideoGameEsoterica  Місяць тому +1

      I swear everyone is looking over my shoulder when I work 🤣 Xenia Canary with Xenia Manager tutorial was uploaded Friday and will probably show next Sunday or the Sunday after that

    • @Myako
      @Myako Місяць тому

      @VideoGameEsoterica nah bro, it's just that great minds think alike. 😉💪🏻

    • @VideoGameEsoterica
      @VideoGameEsoterica  Місяць тому +1

      Haha well it’s made and ready. I’m trying to get through all mainline consoles (minus Nintendo. Not touching that) and then I’ll go to deeper cuts

  • @Ragesauce
    @Ragesauce Місяць тому +1


    • @VideoGameEsoterica
      @VideoGameEsoterica  Місяць тому +2

      Someone wants the VGE branded fanny pack

    • @Myako
      @Myako Місяць тому +1

      Technically, VGE was first. 😝