Warlords of Draenor Soundtrack (Complete)

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @baroness94m52
    @baroness94m52 7 років тому +10

    My favourite expansion theme wise. I was looking forward to fight Grom (as they stated during blizzcon that he will be the final boss) but then they cancelled it along with many...many other content.
    Such wasted potential to be the greatest expansion..

  • @preds43
    @preds43 7 років тому +16

    WoD had good music/art, but shit content. Legion has the good side of BOTH qualities...so...YAAAYYY!!!!! :)

    • @bazinwaz6883
      @bazinwaz6883 7 років тому

      Legion has great music and shit content, shittier content than WoD had. The endgame is appalling, and so is the PvP most of all.

    • @gheorghievstefan21
      @gheorghievstefan21 7 років тому +3

      Shittier than WoD?Shittier than apexis?Are you drunk?

    • @preds43
      @preds43 7 років тому +4

      Go back to ya swamp, ya filthy tree ogre....

    • @preds43
      @preds43 7 років тому +1

      I've completed NH Heroic, thank you very much.

    • @gheorghievstefan21
      @gheorghievstefan21 7 років тому +2

      what's the point of your comment polpol?

  • @skirdus367
    @skirdus367 7 років тому +4

    content (sans raiding): 👎
    music: 👍

  • @sonia417
    @sonia417 7 років тому +12

    I freakin LOVED every single second of this expansion ! ! ! Don`t care what people say about it XD I loved it !!!! It was beautiful, gorgeous zones, spectacular music - it has the most amazing piece done by Neal Acree - Light in the Darkness - and just the whole feel of this expansion, and the atmosphere....one of my absolute favorites. Can`t wait to go back in those zones,to do some fishing or literally whatever ! Just to be there...Love it
    Tnx for posting this

    • @preds43
      @preds43 7 років тому +3

      I agree with what you said. However, I judge things by its CONTENT, not by looks. While I do agree that WoD was beautiful in terms of Art/Music, it lacked in content. Tanaan showed NOTHING, 6.1 was the selfie patch, there was nothing to do in PVP other than Ashran, everyone did PvE, it wasn't balanced in most cases, the game...felt..boring..and...wasteful...

    • @tnecniw
      @tnecniw 7 років тому +1

      Jupp, Wod was beautiful in both sound and visuals.... but it was so bad when it came to content...
      At a point there was LITTERALLY nothing to do unless you were raiding. and that "point" came really quickly.
      Tho it was a good time for me to go and finish All of pandaria xD

    • @okmate
      @okmate 6 років тому

      Sonia You know, the expansion itself was nice, good looking zones, nice art, new character models and gorgeous soundtrack, but the content... oh boy the content. It was nothing and boring, they didn't give an ant's right nutsack about the PvP and it became really unbalanced.

  • @Franciaeregimaxima
    @Franciaeregimaxima Рік тому

    We'll be Conquerors.. Khadgar.. Sacrifices.. Iron Dawn.. LifeBlood.. it'not msic fam, this is god speak

  • @rakeras1124
    @rakeras1124 3 роки тому +2

    Hate the Expansion, love the songs

  • @ltg8382
    @ltg8382 6 років тому +1

    One of the only good things about this expac

  • @rexnoct5810
    @rexnoct5810 7 років тому +1

    no matter how shitty this expansion was, it was very much a decent expansion due to the story in each lvling zone, music and raiding. without those, this expansion would've made me quit. I honestly have so many good memories in this expansion and I do sometimes miss being on draenor. I dont like saying I miss it but I do.

    • @Franciaeregimaxima
      @Franciaeregimaxima Рік тому

      you are a man of culture sir , and a clever one, Art is blowing in every little details of the living world of Draenor; the music, characters and stories, 'm old player i quit back juste before Cataclysm in 2010 13 years later rejumped into wow just 3 month ago after listened to WOD music, what ignorant i was , Blizz Music Team in my heart for eternity

  • @alimirza2973
    @alimirza2973 7 років тому +1

    hi could you do a full acherus the ebon blade full soundtrack ?

  • @Randall_Kildare
    @Randall_Kildare Рік тому

    12:05 The Homeworld Beckons, is my favorite piece of music in the entire game.
    I fly out to Nagrand just to listen to it.
    Honestly, all of WoD's music is amazing. It's a very close second to BFA for best OST in the game.

  • @groot3737
    @groot3737 7 років тому +1

    The only good thing about the expansion

  • @markosskace514
    @markosskace514 6 років тому

    I liked this expansion. Not as much as TBC or MOP, but the next best after those two.
    All initial zones and music and atmosphere are excellent.
    All the initial quest themes and stories (draenei, arakkoa, ogres, elementals) were equally among the best. Orc story(ies) didn't do much for me - the best were those crazy Laughing Skull - Xut it :), Frostwolf clan less, but the game somehow didn't get me involved with the Warsong clan or the chieftains.
    Also plenty of very nice side thing to do - treasure hunting, mount hunting, pet hunting, legendary quests, main garrison quest line, searching for followers, various garrison quests for all different classes, hunter secret pet...
    Two things I intensly disliked were 1. the "alternative universe time-travel" concept, I wish this would be done without time travel and 2 garrison wasn't shared among all the alts (still hate Blizzard for it - Legion class halls are the same crap).
    Not really a big raider, but I did some raiding as well, up to the Tectus heroic at the start and then the last raid towards the end of the expansion. I understand that many people are upset because of the raid contents, but I don't care much about that.

  • @beccamaroney3782
    @beccamaroney3782 Рік тому

    I absolutely love the bit starting 46:14, especially 46:37.

  • @DanielDriverFreeman
    @DanielDriverFreeman 5 років тому

    Why last minute sounds like Witcher 3?

    • @stormssc
      @stormssc 2 роки тому

      it really does!

    • @sprucemoose6311
      @sprucemoose6311 10 місяців тому

      This expansion came out before witcher 3

  • @loiuhuiygny7guyguiygk
    @loiuhuiygny7guyguiygk 6 років тому

    @46:13 just brilliant!

  • @b0ring476
    @b0ring476 7 років тому

    why does this kinda sound like legion login screen at the start? i do not know

  • @RaxoFilms
    @RaxoFilms 7 років тому +1

    Acid to my ears

  • @bazinwaz6883
    @bazinwaz6883 7 років тому +4

    The expansion that marked the downfall of WoW, ever since the game has been shit so far.

    • @MostaphaE
      @MostaphaE 7 років тому +4

      that expansions was cataclysm, everything during and after cataclysm was the beginning of the end

    • @bazinwaz6883
      @bazinwaz6883 7 років тому +1

      Legion is one of the worst expansions yet.

    • @alial-lamy4042
      @alial-lamy4042 7 років тому +1

      Care to elaborate ?
      So far, the public opinion seems mostly positive, you're just talking out of youre ass lol.

    • @bazinwaz6883
      @bazinwaz6883 7 років тому +5

      The public opinion seems negative really. Firstly, the only thing the game has to offer now is end-game. The leveling part is non-existent now which is a bad thing. So now that the game only has end-game, it has to be good right? Wrong. Legion's endgame is horrible. Artifact Power is one of the worst things ever brought into the game, pointless and just a timesink. Gear is also, like in WoD, terrible again. You are spoiled with loot and the only way to upgrade in the end is by getting lucky from RNG and receiving titanforged gear. Also, Legendaries are retarded, they are not legendary anymore and everybody has one. Week after week you are doing the exact same shit with no diversity at all. The game becomes stale for the majority of people after 2 weeks of endgame. The game is just a fragment of what it used to be now.

    • @MostaphaE
      @MostaphaE 7 років тому +4

      its not about doing only great, world of warcraft fking had 12 million players during wotlk, since cata it all went downhill, it doesnt matter if its doing great, its still worse than it was.

  • @Renthar
    @Renthar 7 років тому +11

    wierd how i enjoyed WoD more than Legion actually lol i love Demon hunters and all but the simple content of WoD was great tbh theres too much to do in legion, i could level my alts and raid with them without feeling the stress of fking artifact power

    • @Reloading26
      @Reloading26 7 років тому +3

      Ren WoW players will never be happy. WoD: There's not enough content! Legion: There's too much content! Make up your minds!

    • @preds43
      @preds43 7 років тому

      See this, kids? ^
      Up there, we have a person with no time in their hands, AT ALL! Considering the fact that Concord is easy AF to get...
      And that Gear is ALSO easy to get...

    • @Renthar
      @Renthar 7 років тому

      I have all the time in the world im ilvl 905 on my main and i never said it was hard by simple i mean there was less to do. Its not fun to repeat the AP grind on alts! would much rather get weapon drops now that shit is satisfying and much more alt friendly

    • @rexnoct5810
      @rexnoct5810 7 років тому +1

      Ren no lie, wod was actually the only time that allowed me to go back to older content and do older things to get more shit. I honestly kinda enjoyed the low content just bc I got to do older content.