I am a 44 year old man from Sweden and I fell in love with Steves music when I heard "The Devil's Right Hand" 25 years ago, since then he has been a favourite and I also love Justins music and I think it's a shame that more people don't listen to Steve, I try to spread his music as much as I can. Thank you America for legends like Steve Earle 🙏🏼🇺🇲🇸🇪
This Sunday night (6-9) Capital Theater Clearwater Fl, we get to see this amazing artist again. Seriously hope to hear "I don't want to lose you yet", we just can't get enough Steve Earl!
Well, I hope Steve is satisfied with the artwork on his albums. They are beautiful, engaging, mysterious to me. I'm happy there is a new Steve Earle album to look forward to!
Once heard Steve Earle song on radio station, I know enjoy his music and first other albums. Got on cds and albums. And cassette tapes. Amazing song . Name my Son Earl. My daughter name was girl was babysitting her name Sara . My high school days
@SteveEarleofficial0 if this is really Steve, hello! Hope you are taking care of yourself. Saw video recently and you looked rough. Grief can take a toll on us sometimes 😞
@SteveEarleofficial0 been a fan a long time , been to lots of shows, maybe have seen you more than any other artist. You are a classic American music artist, hope to see a show again!!! So, please take care of yourself!
We all know that Steve Earle is a true legend and icon ... even if too many people in this country have never heard of him.
I am a 44 year old man from Sweden and I fell in love with Steves music when I heard "The Devil's Right Hand" 25 years ago, since then he has been a favourite and I also love Justins music and I think it's a shame that more people don't listen to Steve, I try to spread his music as much as I can. Thank you America for legends like Steve Earle 🙏🏼🇺🇲🇸🇪
Well after 30+ years ya went and made this song even better with age.
Steve is right up there with Dylan when it comes to singer song writing...
Steve is so much better than Bob Dylan
well true...
I am an old school metal head but I will never ever get enough Steve Earle
Yaaaassssd! We need more Steve live!
Well I am sometimes satisfied, for a minute, because i can listen to Steve Earle music.
This Sunday night (6-9) Capital Theater Clearwater Fl, we get to see this amazing artist again. Seriously hope to hear "I don't want to lose you yet", we just can't get enough Steve Earl!
I see him tonight 6-8 in Stuart.
This is excellent! I love Steve's music so much. I've been to several of his concerts in Nova Scotia and twice in Sweden.
Awesome! I'm a young teen from Nova Scotia, and I get to see him for the first time in Halifax this summer!
@@Daughter-of-an-outlaw So exciting! I hope you have a really good time.
Steve Earle has been a favorite of mine for 30+ years. These new acoustic versions of my old favorites are absolutely amazin'.
Well, I hope Steve is satisfied with the artwork on his albums. They are beautiful, engaging, mysterious to me. I'm happy there is a new Steve Earle album to look forward to!
Just saw Steve in Bristol, TN. He played this. Steve is the best!!
My gosh; I just love your singing and music! Thank you for this song! ❤️❤️❤️
Looking sooooo forward to July 6 Hamilton Ontario ! Never miss him when he tours 😍
Great song, takes me back, thanks Steve.
This is great. Looking forward to seeing him at City Winery in ATL in 2 weeks!
I get to see Steve Earle next week in MONTREAL
cant wait to see you Saturday night in Huntsville, driving over from Atlanta
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Good to see Steve back to his grass roots....
Here we go
Once heard Steve Earle song on radio station, I know enjoy his music and first other albums. Got on cds and albums. And cassette tapes. Amazing song . Name my Son Earl. My daughter name was girl was babysitting her name Sara . My high school days
You know what I despise? When folks compare a musical genius with another one. Please, never ever compare an artist with another
yes ma'm
Well his son kicks his ass😎
@@robertjaneski4618 both of them would think you a fool for saying that.
@@ptv8113 nah
@@robertjaneski4618 yah
Hello, Steve! You and I grew up together! Just in different parts of the country! Love your music!
Whoa those words struck deep
Thank You Steve Earle🪶☝🏼❤️🔥🤘🏼
Fantastic, saw this tour last year in Edinburgh. Look fwd to the full album.
I enjoy your music, Steve!! It's refreshing and real!
Hope you concert was filmed and we will see a dvd cd combination.
I hope you play this on your upcoming tour
A good place to visit glad you here old boys gone and we really need it 💯♥️🔥🎣🎊🎉🎈
@SteveEarleofficial0 if this is really Steve, hello! Hope you are taking care of yourself. Saw video recently and you looked rough. Grief can take a toll on us sometimes 😞
@SteveEarleofficial0 been a fan a long time , been to lots of shows, maybe have seen you more than any other artist. You are a classic American music artist, hope to see a show again!!! So, please take care of yourself!
Anyone knows where this is recorded?
No song of his will ever top Copperhead Road
love & miss you Steve, hugs
Just saw Steve in Bristol, TN. He played this. Steve is the best!!