What a sweet illustration of a girl, her cat to comfort her, book to ease her mind & tea to calm her soul ...I had a little dog he wasn't big & mighty but he had a big heart he'd lick my face when I'd cry..curl up behind me on the couch as if to say I'm here..when I couldn't sleep or breathe at night he knew & he would be right there at my feet to keep me calm so I didn't wake the house..he understood me..I'd make my tea to help me breathe & he would make this snuffle noise because he had trouble breathing too..sometimes our pet is the only friend we have..he was my first baby..the size of my slipper..I know because he slept in it once..
This made me weep suddenly, and fervently for a few minutes as I read your story and how it paralleled my own with my little dog. My little boy. This coming summer in July will be my second without him. And tonight, during this particularly alone moment, even with a kitty curled up in bed at my feet, I miss him. I am grateful I got to be his “momma” for 14 years. Thank you for sharing the story of your little dog and taking me back to the memories with mine.
Hi Stranger, It's 1 in the morning right now (again) and I am reminded of the thought about how amazing it is that we can all share a moment here while you are reading this comment. Hello to the people reading this months or years later. I hope you all live a happy life and get through whatever you are going through. Life can be amazing if we choose to be kind and considerate for other human beings. You are all loved and I am proud to have this moment with you ❤ - Tom
It's been a while... I went for a walk, I felt alone, lost, and looked up to find I was in front of my favorite cafe. A place I can come to , sit, and let go of my fears. I inhaled and exhaled and let the melody take me to a quiet place to rest. Still looking for that better day to come and I know it will. For all those who are fighting the darkness looking for the light, it's closer than we think, just keep going forward.
Whoever is reading this, may you have a healthy life and I hope that you are fine. Don’t be sad. I know somewhere out there you are making someone happy.
To everyone reading this and listening. Close your eyes, inhale and feel the air in your lungs give life to your beautiful soul. and as you exhale, release the tension in your shoulders, ease the tension in your neck and the back of your head. Allow peace to flow inside of every fiber and vein in your body. You are doing great. No matter what you are going through. You will be just fine. Hugs to you all..
All of these comments made me realize that human kindness still exist. Thank you. All of you. I'll listen to this and fight though the darkness because I'm not alone. No one is. If anyone reads this. Everything will be alright, there's light at the end of the tunnel. You can do it. Never give up 💖
Even how many sad and hopeless nights you need too fight trough you will find peace and rest in the end. Having trouble sleeping is much worst then people might believe. When everyone are asleep and you have no one to talk too and it gets very lonely. These comments are so sweet and warm and I’m really glad I get too read them. Scroll a little more and read a few until you start feeling sleepy then it’s time to say goodnight even if the night is almost over.
hi stranger, it's 5 : 13 AM here ! i just want you to know that i am so proud of you for being strong and independent. although, we got tired from things, let's do a hard work so it's all worth it ! don't fear mistakes, fear the regrets. enjoy your life, go choose the path that you always wanted, i am going to support you no matter what. i do feel the loneliness you feel. take your time to heal ! i love you ~ let's keep fighting everyone ! we deserved to be loved and happy. I want to see you all smiling happily and having fun in your life. hugs for everyone who fought every day and didn't achieve what they dreamed for. maybe it wasn't for you, pls don't give up. and hugs for everyone who is struggling right now. if you're tired, you can always rest, but still fighting. fighting ! - ella🌷
My prayers are lifted for all of the children in the world who are alone without a loved ones care. Without security, without a voice. May God Bless each and every one of His most precious people, every child young and old. No matter what and always 💕🙏🏼Amen
비가 하염없이 내리는 창가에서 귀여운 아기 천사 👼 와 아기 천사에게 어깨를 지긋~~이 기대는 냥이 🐱 의 모습에~~~ 서로 의지하며.... ^네가 행복했으면 좋겠어^ 라고 속삭 이는 모습~~~♡ 따뜻한 차한잔의 여유 로운 모습 또한 , 하루를 마감하고 지친 모든이들에게... Music Drawing 님의 피아노 🎹 소리와 함께 하루의 피로를 풀어 봅니다. 언제나 아름다운 음악 Music Drawing 께 감사 드리고 ,사랑합니다 💚🧡💙👍
I was in such turmoil when I came upon this video, but with a small nap while listening to this has taken most of the frustration and stress away. Yet while i was dreaming tonight I had realized something. My dreams mostly consist of me being lost somewhere. Doesn't matter what reasons why but I often find myself lost in a street, bus or inside an unfamiliar place or station. At first it always leave me in a sense of panic and unease, never knowing how to get home where my family are, never knowing if I chose the right route as my own doubts slowly eats me away. But overtime as I have these dreams I have come to embrace being lost. There are dreams where I do find my way home while most I've woken up in the middle of finding my way back. But what remains consistent to me was I often dreamt this small subway station that have showed up often on my dreams. On the route to heaven knows where I've been driven into this station several times now. Is nothing grand as it located to a middle of a very unfamiliar neighbourhood. Small and as thin as a single kitkat waver but always bustling with people as any normal station would. I've come to realized tonight it must have been my waypoint towards a destination my soul is needed. The place I found first very unfamiliar and eerie, I'm now thankful that it exist within my dreams and is now the one place I find familiar with overtime... Maybe this is not comment you expected but hopefully it distracted you a bit from your problems. I just feel the need to share this. I hope you all have pleasant dreams tonight~
Hola, son las 20 hs en Buenos Aires del día 25/06/2024 no sé cuando lo leerás, tú sí: TÚ...deseo para tí y para todos mucha salud, salud plena, alegría y sonrisas, tranquilidad en tu corazón y mente, paz infinita...toneladas de luz y amor...un vaso llenó de cosas positivas para tu vida...para sus vidas y que jamás, N-U-N-C-A, se encuentren solos❤❤ los Amo Siempre 😊❤
Здравствуй дорогой и добрый друг, тот кто читает это❤ у меня на часах сецчас 0:44 и мне хочется пожелать тебе бесконечного счастья🤗🙏❤️ мирного неба над головой 🙏❤️❤️ крепкого здоровья и исполнения всё самвх таоих заветных мечт. У тебя всё исполнится, даже не переживай, Вера надежда и любовь тебе в этом обязательно помогут ❤❤ улыбнись и ложись спать с мыслью что всё уже произошло❤❤ доброй ночи родной 😘
I only saw the recommended ones and between here... These months have been quite hard for me, I am a very sensitive person, very emotional, I cry too much for everything... And I feel more alone than ever. Listening to these melodies reassures me a lot while I draw, since due to my condition I tend to have attacks of depression and anxiety constantly. The sounds of rain and piano relax me a lot, the owner of the video I thank him with all my heart that he created this playlis
Beruhigende Musik. Ich kenne diese Gefühle auch, bin am liebsten zu Hause oder gehe mit meinem Hund spazieren, alles Liebe und Gute Grüße aus Deutschland ❤
I just wanna thank for this videos. This pictures are beautiful and make me feel safe comfy. This music is magical. I can feel my heart and your heart and all hearts here.
La soledad no es un ingrediente triste en la vida de los seres humanos ni de cualquier ser que puedas observar que va solo en la vida, si la observas y la conoces te darás cuenta que su presencia es admirable y sutil, te acompaña con su tibia presencia a tal grado que te consuela con su voz interior y te arrulla con palabras cálidas y llenas de gozo, te sorprenderás cuando descubres que te motiva y aún estando con mucha gente a tu alrededor, soledad es parte de ti, es aliada y consejera de tú paz interior ....sonríe aún cuando veas un día gris y te sientas sola, las gotitas de cristal te acariciaran al caer frescas en tu vida💙🐾
@@chicapoeta4 tienes razón, pero cuando alguien te hace conocer el Cielo con su sonrisa...y luego se marcha para allá, porque es su verdadero hogar. Te quedas tan sólo con su recuerdo, pero su ausencia duele mucho.🥺😞💔
@@PedroDrPerico Buenas noches caballero Pedro, entiendo su sentir e igual comprendo lo que se siente, perdí a alguien muy especial que ame mucho, pero se que aún en donde se halla su alma está en el lugar donde nada muere y solo existe la energía más hermosa y eterna que si ambos tuvieron la dicha de vivirla y sentirla con más razón seguirá siendo invaluable y eterna entre ustedes dos🙏💞 Gracias por compartirnos su sentir y espero mis palabras consuelen su alma para disfrutar esta vida en honor al amor que hay en usted y por aquel ser que le enseño el camino para llegar a vivir plenamente cada momento 💙
Me gustaría que sepas que yo estoy contigo. Sé que es la soledad y en la fe he encontrado consuelo. Te envío un abrazo grande, con mucho cariño desde Chile.
I finally found someone I like. He's just so amazing and he still continues to amaze me every time. I want the best for him and I also want to be there with him and watch him reach his goals in life. I want us to be together as we get what we've been longing to have. I just like him so much, I can't get enough of him.
What a beautiful playlist, and a beautiful comment section. The best of the internet is getting to share a small and peaceful space with people from around the world, all clicking on the same lovely video and commenting loving things towards strangers they don’t and may never know. Thank you all, you made me cry happy tears tonight :’)
Зашла послушать эту мелодию из-за красивого и уютного изображения, комментарии поразили своей добротой и теплотой, которая идет от сердца каждого к сердцам других. Человечество умеет бережно относится друг к другу и это дает надежду на то, что целый мир будет спасен и не угаснет, а наоборот расцветет от этой доброты❤️ спасибо всем и каждому🤗
@@pekorsik Так, я-украінка ! Дякую тобі ! В мене особисто і в моїй сім’ї все нормально! Але, кожного тижня ми одержуємо погані новини про загибель когось знайомого або незнайомого , або з нашого міста на фронті ! Це дуже тяжко ! 😔Сподіваюсь, в тебе все добре!
This music heals me emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This gives me hope as I battle my negative inner thoughts and emotions. A God sent music from heaven.
Life is so miserable and full of pain. But when i get though this deep tunnel, I'll see light, happiness. Everyone must have its own pain. I know. But you're the only one who can turn its pain to your one power, fertilizer. You can do it . We'll conquer it. I hope you all be happy in futuer!!! Fighting guys!
Son las 00:19 acá en Costa Rica. Deseo que sanes esas heridas de las que no hablas con nadie. Que te ames y respetes mucho. Que cuides tu corazón y nadie te quiera lastimar❤ Eres valios@, eres un/a campeón/ campeona de la vida❤ Cuando estés mal y pienses que ya no puedes recuerda cuántas veces haz estado mal y aquí estás luchando con todo ❤ Estoy orgullosa de cuánto has cambiado, que todo el esfuerzo que has hecho por ser mejor cada día. Deseo que nunca nadie borre esa sonrisa que da felicidad a los demás. Espero que sanes❤
Que você possa ser feliz com o frescor da água ,a água quente do chuveiro 🚿 descendo sobre você,o sorriso de uma criança e ao fazer carinho em um animalzinho..a felicidade é simples💐
To the person reading this message.. don't worry.. the pain you're feeling is temporary, close your eyes and remember tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start! Take deep breathes, your gonna be alright! I promise💫 Wishing you a lifetime of happiness, peace, and abundance! Namaste!❤
Cuando la tarde cae y en mi ventana veo como se va el último reflejo de la luz del sol y las nubes ocultan su presencia en las hojas del jardín, su colorido deja de brillar ante los rayos tibios que se despiden de mi mirar, las gotitas de cristal caen una a una danzando, queriendo suavizar el manto café que rodea mi hogar. Gotitas que despiertan el suave aroma de las flores y el inconfundible sonido de las ramas que se mojan y se mecen con las caricias que bajan del cielo, juguetean entre hojas, ramas y flores todos los seres diminutos felices en este lugar.. Gracias por esta hermosa melodía que me hizo imaginarme escribiendo nuevamente en mi árbol favorito un momento inolvidable donde mi única compañía siempre es la naturaleza y mis gotitas de cristal envueltas en la atmósfera de una bella melodía instrumental del alma .... Gracias caballero 💙 una pieza musical maravillosa
@@Cathy7167 linda tarde de lluvia, es muy amable en comentar mis pensamientos, me alegra que la magia de las notas musicales y la inspiración poética la llevaron entre cada gotita de cristal a un viaje con los latidos de su corazón a un momento especial con todos sus sentidos 💙😉
@@leidybravo222 linda tarde señorita Leydi, me imagino un momento inolvidable donde dejas que aquellas gotitas te envuelvan de vibrantes melodías que guardas en tu alma y hoy vuelves a recordarlas....💙
I am sending love to everyone who reads this. You are so special. Great things are coming to you. I can feel the energy just by typing this. You are great. you are good enough. Times are changing. You radiate love and compassion for the world. Believe in it. feel it. Live it.
La soledad no es un ingrediente triste en la vida de los seres humanos ni de cualquier ser que puedas observar que va solo en la vida, si la observas y la conoces te darás cuenta que su presencia es admirable y sutil, te acompaña con su tibia presencia a tal grado que te consuela con su voz interior y te arrulla con palabras cálidas y llenas de gozo, te sorprenderás cuando descubres que te motiva y aún estando con mucha gente a tu alrededor, soledad es parte de ti, es aliada y consejera de tú paz interior ....sonríe aún cuando veas un día gris y te sientas sola, las gotitas de cristal te acariciaran al caer frescas en tu vida💙🐾
week 36 pregnant. no sleep, no proper rest, gall bladder stone inflammation attacks, thyroid is high, blood pressure is low 😢 But found your channel tonight and calmed me. The remaining weeks of my pregnancy will be filled harmonious with your music.❤
اعتقد اني العربية الوحيدة المشاركة بالقناة هذه💗🌷 ادخل اسمع اغلب الموسيقى الموجودة بالقناة قبل النوم واشعر انها تأخذني الى افكار جميلة قبل النوم 🌷💗احب صورة الرسمة والكتابة وصوت المطر في اغلب المقطوعات الموسيقية معبرة وتاخذني الى غير عالم🌷 💗 بلا شك تساعدني على الاسترخاء والكتابة 💗🌷و اليوم اجيت دانام ولكيت التعليقات فقط 56 تعليق واني يمكن تعليقي حيكون ال 57 لان من 11 ساعة بس نازلة الموسيقى 🌷💗 واني فرحانة لان بعد كم سنة اتوقع رح اجي على هذه المقطوعة الموسيقية واقرا تعليقي موجود بعده 💗🌷 المصادف ليلة الثلاثاء3\5\2022 ليلة عيد الفطر 💗🌷 A.j 🥰
Доброй ночи 😊 представляете вы оставили комментарий, и написали что вы араб, а я начала неделю назад изучать арабский язык. Просто так почему то очень захотелось и думала а нужно ли мне это и тут как такой ответ от высших сил, ваш комментарий .😊😊😊
You make a lot of people happy with your music! Thank you for the love and joy you share! Tonight is going to be one of the nights that your music will keep me company in my dreams! 🫶🌸😊
I am tired, and it seems everyone around the world is also tired. It's a funny thing, the reason for our exhaustion is each other. I take comfort in the hope that the source of consolation for us is also from each other. To anyone reading this right now who's having a tough time, I hope you find respite in the music. And for a few minutes, rest your weary soul and just be. It will be okay, I promise. 🥰🥰
I had a very good friend. He felt alone too, I think. He lives in memories now, in smiles, and jokes, and phrases I've stolen from him. He wasn't alone. I hope he knows that now.
I am surrounded by people who I think probably love me. But I wish I could feel it from them or someone at least once, because I haven't ever felt loved my whole life
I once heard there are many types of love but never the same love twice. These people probably love you but in different ways. Sometimes we have an image in our mind of how love should feel and be shown. Its usually a preconceived notion or only one certain way or feeling we expect to feel but there are many types of love. Take comfort in knowing that you do have people who love you even though it might not be or feel the exact way you expect it to but at least you are shown love where many others have none at all. Time changes just like the forms of love we have in our life so enjoy what you have at this very moment and most importantly love yourself.
Yo cuando he tenido un día no tan bueno ,pienso en todo en como mi Padre Celestial Jehová me a bendecida ✨😊y me recupero y me siento feliz , gracias por hacerme recordar ✨😊✨✨✨🤗
Желаю всем людям на планете доброго счастливого состояния. Пребывать в гармонии с собой и миром вокруг. Любите всё что вас окружает. Это ключ к счастью! 😊
Hi stranger, its 2.51 am here. I was waking up from sleep and listening to this while scrolling down the warm comments. I just had my interview test a day ago and still waiting for the result. Btw i hope that you passed your tests well, wish you luck and always. 💓🌸😊
Selam dostum, burada saat 22.45 birazdan yemek yiyip uyuyacağım. Benim de 3 gün sonra Türkiye'deki birçok gencin girdiği üniversiteye giriş sınavım var. Yorumuna denk geldim, 1 yıl önce yazmışsın ama şu an nasılsın acaba? O sınav çoktan geçmiş yerine başka sınavlar gelmiştir eminim ki önemli olan sensin. Bu sınavlar geçiyor. Kendine iyi bak.🤍
No sé cómo encontré este video, el algoritmo a veces nos trae a lugares agradables me sentí tan en serenidad con tan linda música vengo padeciendo mucho stress y ansiedad desde niña ahora soy una mujer de 48 años estoy recuperando mi salud y mi vida me da un gusto ver todos los comentarios amorosos y positivos de gente de todas partes Yo también les deseo que encuentren alegría dicha salud y la capacidad de disfrutar la vida es tan sencillo como respirar pero nos complicamos la vida con pensar solo lo negativo y el mundo ahora es un lugar donde es difícil tener paz lucidez y fe para vivir pero hay que hacer pausa y encontrar ese espacio, este espacio donde recargar energía, alegría y fé en la Vida. Gracias ❤ Espero encuentren mucha Luz y sus vidas sean Plenas y puedan compartir eso mismo 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
What a sweet illustration of a girl, her cat to comfort her, book to ease her mind & tea to calm her soul ...I had a little dog he wasn't big & mighty but he had a big heart he'd lick my face when I'd cry..curl up behind me on the couch as if to say I'm here..when I couldn't sleep or breathe at night he knew & he would be right there at my feet to keep me calm so I didn't wake the house..he understood me..I'd make my tea to help me breathe & he would make this snuffle noise because he had trouble breathing too..sometimes our pet is the only friend we have..he was my first baby..the size of my slipper..I know because he slept in it once..
This made me weep suddenly, and fervently for a few minutes as I read your story and how it paralleled my own with my little dog. My little boy. This coming summer in July will be my second without him. And tonight, during this particularly alone moment, even with a kitty curled up in bed at my feet, I miss him. I am grateful I got to be his “momma” for 14 years. Thank you for sharing the story of your little dog and taking me back to the memories with mine.
May your sweet dog's memory be blessed❤ I wish you many more tender moments with a real friend 🙏🌻💗
Hi Stranger,
It's 1 in the morning right now (again) and I am reminded of the thought about how amazing it is that we can all share a moment here while you are reading this comment.
Hello to the people reading this months or years later. I hope you all live a happy life and get through whatever you are going through. Life can be amazing if we choose to be kind and considerate for other human beings. You are all loved and I am proud to have this moment with you ❤ - Tom
I love you too
Hello Tom, thank you so much for the reminder. We love you too ❤️
I adore this. We can all use a little more love and appreciation of the moment. Sending love
It’s 1am for me too
Tom, the number one
It's been a while... I went for a walk, I felt alone, lost, and looked up to find I was in front of my favorite cafe. A place I can come to , sit, and let go of my fears. I inhaled and exhaled and let the melody take me to a quiet place to rest. Still looking for that better day to come and I know it will. For all those who are fighting the darkness looking for the light, it's closer than we think, just keep going forward.
Keep going , keep hoping that day is coming my friend ❤
when you feel alone in this world remember that the sun is alone and it still shines
Gracias 😢
:/ its doesnt help me feel better
@@MyPersonalDarkLand i hope you find peace ❤️🩹
Whoever is reading this, may you have a healthy life and I hope that you are fine. Don’t be sad. I know somewhere out there you are making someone happy.
Ohnn how cute 🥰 🥹
i wzajemnie wszystkiego najlepszego
To everyone reading this and listening. Close your eyes, inhale and feel the air in your lungs give life to your beautiful soul. and as you exhale, release the tension in your shoulders, ease the tension in your neck and the back of your head. Allow peace to flow inside of every fiber and vein in your body. You are doing great. No matter what you are going through. You will be just fine. Hugs to you all..
You are very sweet ☺️☺️☺️☺️thank you so much. This rose is for you 🌹
Thank you 🙏 pleasant dream"s
Thank you for this beautifully comment ❤
All of these comments made me realize that human kindness still exist. Thank you. All of you. I'll listen to this and fight though the darkness because I'm not alone. No one is. If anyone reads this. Everything will be alright, there's light at the end of the tunnel. You can do it. Never give up 💖
Благодарю Благодарю Благодарю Вас 🙏🙏 пусть и у вас будет всё замечательно 🙏
Existe luz. Ela começa dentro de você. Abraços
Благодарю! 🙏 Как прекрасно, что живут на свете такие люди и ты чувствуешь, что не одинок...
Not always
Even how many sad and hopeless nights you need too fight trough you will find peace and rest in the end.
Having trouble sleeping is much worst then people might believe. When everyone are asleep and you have no one to talk too and it gets very lonely. These comments are so sweet and warm and I’m really glad I get too read them. Scroll a little more and read a few until you start feeling sleepy then it’s time to say goodnight even if the night is almost over.
The people here are very nice and make you feel warm when you read what they say 😊
다같이 행복하자.
hi stranger,
it's 5 : 13 AM here ! i just want you to know that i am so proud of you for being strong and independent. although, we got tired from things, let's do a hard work so it's all worth it ! don't fear mistakes, fear the regrets. enjoy your life, go choose the path that you always wanted, i am going to support you no matter what. i do feel the loneliness you feel. take your time to heal ! i love you ~ let's keep fighting everyone ! we deserved to be loved and happy. I want to see you all smiling happily and having fun in your life. hugs for everyone who fought every day and didn't achieve what they dreamed for. maybe it wasn't for you, pls don't give up. and hugs for everyone who is struggling right now. if you're tired, you can always rest, but still fighting. fighting !
- ella🌷
fighting fighting 💪💪💪
Thank you, my tears fell when I read this, I hope lots of good things come❤
This is beautiful. Thank you Ella
You're so sweet. Thank you⚘️
To anyone reading this, please pray for my recovery and send positive vibes my way.
Semangat. Semoga kamu segera pulih dan dapat menjalankan aktivitasmu kembali dengan baik dan ceria 😊
Wtf is positive vibes?
Como você está? Deus te abençoe 🙏
Muita luz na tua vida 😊
누가 나에게 행복해지길 바란다는 말보다는
그 사람이 내 행복이 되어주었으면 좋겠다는 생각이 듭니다
Quizás esa persona quiere que seas feliz por ti mismo, y eso es muy bueno 😍
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤как вы это великолепно сказали... Спасибо🙏💕
The last advice my dad gave me before passed away, never search happiness in people or material things, happiness is inside of you , state of spirit
My prayers are lifted for all of the children in the world who are alone without a loved ones care. Without security, without a voice. May God Bless each and every one of His most precious people, every child young and old. No matter what and always 💕🙏🏼Amen
Ate a full meal today, I’m proud of my self, even though it was hard I did it! :)
I am proud of you❤
Também foi difícil comer fiquei quase um mês sem comer hoje eu comi mais como meu estômago está fraco eu não aguentei e vou no médico 😢
비가 하염없이 내리는
창가에서 귀여운 아기 천사 👼 와
아기 천사에게 어깨를
지긋~~이 기대는
냥이 🐱 의 모습에~~~
서로 의지하며....
^네가 행복했으면 좋겠어^ 라고 속삭
이는 모습~~~♡
따뜻한 차한잔의 여유
로운 모습 또한 ,
하루를 마감하고 지친 모든이들에게...
Music Drawing 님의
피아노 🎹 소리와 함께 하루의 피로를
풀어 봅니다.
언제나 아름다운 음악
Music Drawing 께
감사 드리고 ,사랑합니다 💚🧡💙👍
Life is very stressful, but it is also very beautiful. Let's have a good night rest everyone!! Fighting!!
You too! 💛
Fighting 💪
Why do we have to constantly fight . For what. life shouldn't be this hard for anyone
Amen 🙏😴😇
thanks alot for encouraging💪🏽
I was in such turmoil when I came upon this video, but with a small nap while listening to this has taken most of the frustration and stress away. Yet while i was dreaming tonight I had realized something.
My dreams mostly consist of me being lost somewhere. Doesn't matter what reasons why but I often find myself lost in a street, bus or inside an unfamiliar place or station. At first it always leave me in a sense of panic and unease, never knowing how to get home where my family are, never knowing if I chose the right route as my own doubts slowly eats me away. But overtime as I have these dreams I have come to embrace being lost. There are dreams where I do find my way home while most I've woken up in the middle of finding my way back. But what remains consistent to me was I often dreamt this small subway station that have showed up often on my dreams. On the route to heaven knows where I've been driven into this station several times now.
Is nothing grand as it located to a middle of a very unfamiliar neighbourhood. Small and as thin as a single kitkat waver but always bustling with people as any normal station would. I've come to realized tonight it must have been my waypoint towards a destination my soul is needed. The place I found first very unfamiliar and eerie, I'm now thankful that it exist within my dreams and is now the one place I find familiar with overtime...
Maybe this is not comment you expected but hopefully it distracted you a bit from your problems. I just feel the need to share this. I hope you all have pleasant dreams tonight~
Hola, son las 20 hs en Buenos Aires del día 25/06/2024 no sé cuando lo leerás, tú sí: TÚ...deseo para tí y para todos mucha salud, salud plena, alegría y sonrisas, tranquilidad en tu corazón y mente, paz infinita...toneladas de luz y amor...un vaso llenó de cosas positivas para tu vida...para sus vidas y que jamás, N-U-N-C-A, se encuentren solos❤❤ los Amo Siempre 😊❤
Es un hermoso deseo que nunca estemos solas. Vivamos la vida con valentía y mucha Fé.
13 juillet 2024. France. Plein d'amour et de joie. Soyez heureux et en paix 🏕🌟🧸
Стелла! Вы Прекрасны ❤🏡🪄🌌🍀🤗🙏❤🌞🥳🌼🏵️🌻💓🧡🚩💚🥰 Да уберегут Вас Всевышние Силы от всех невзгод! ❤
Здравствуй дорогой и добрый друг, тот кто читает это❤ у меня на часах сецчас 0:44 и мне хочется пожелать тебе бесконечного счастья🤗🙏❤️ мирного неба над головой 🙏❤️❤️ крепкого здоровья и исполнения всё самвх таоих заветных мечт. У тебя всё исполнится, даже не переживай, Вера надежда и любовь тебе в этом обязательно помогут ❤❤ улыбнись и ложись спать с мыслью что всё уже произошло❤❤ доброй ночи родной 😘
Gratidão 😊 Igualmente pra Você 😊
Спасибо большое 🥰! И вам, всего самого прекрасного ❤️❤️❤️🙏!
И вам я всего самого доброго желаю! ❤❤❤
🕊❤️✨️Thank you
Q lindas palabras, sentí tan bonito aun que ni te conozco ni me conoces, gracias.
I only saw the recommended ones and between here... These months have been quite hard for me, I am a very sensitive person, very emotional, I cry too much for everything... And I feel more alone than ever.
Listening to these melodies reassures me a lot while I draw, since due to my condition I tend to have attacks of depression and anxiety constantly. The sounds of rain and piano relax me a lot, the owner of the video I thank him with all my heart that he created this playlis
Hola, no sé quién eres, pero te mando un fuerte abrazo. 🫂✨
Beruhigende Musik. Ich kenne diese Gefühle auch, bin am liebsten zu Hause oder gehe mit meinem Hund spazieren, alles Liebe und Gute
Grüße aus Deutschland ❤
너도 행복했으면 좋겠어...❤
I just wanna thank for this videos. This pictures are beautiful and make me feel safe comfy. This music is magical. I can feel my heart and your heart and all hearts here.
If anyone feels the same loneliness, I hope they will be healed together 💕🤗🍀🌟
La soledad no es un ingrediente triste en la vida de los seres humanos ni de cualquier ser que puedas observar que va solo en la vida, si la observas y la conoces te darás cuenta que su presencia es admirable y sutil, te acompaña con su tibia presencia a tal grado que te consuela con su voz interior y te arrulla con palabras cálidas y llenas de gozo, te sorprenderás cuando descubres que te motiva y aún estando con mucha gente a tu alrededor, soledad es parte de ti, es aliada y consejera de tú paz interior ....sonríe aún cuando veas un día gris y te sientas sola, las gotitas de cristal te acariciaran al caer frescas en tu vida💙🐾
@@chicapoeta4 tienes razón, pero cuando alguien te hace conocer el Cielo con su sonrisa...y luego se marcha para allá, porque es su verdadero hogar. Te quedas tan sólo con su recuerdo, pero su ausencia duele mucho.🥺😞💔
@@PedroDrPerico Buenas noches caballero Pedro, entiendo su sentir e igual comprendo lo que se siente, perdí a alguien muy especial que ame mucho, pero se que aún en donde se halla su alma está en el lugar donde nada muere y solo existe la energía más hermosa y eterna que si ambos tuvieron la dicha de vivirla y sentirla con más razón seguirá siendo invaluable y eterna entre ustedes dos🙏💞
Gracias por compartirnos su sentir y espero mis palabras consuelen su alma para disfrutar esta vida en honor al amor que hay en usted y por aquel ser que le enseño el camino para llegar a vivir plenamente cada momento 💙
@@chicapoeta4 muchas gracias por tus palabras de consuelo, te abrazo con el corazón.💙💙
같은 외로움을 느끼는 사람이 있다면 함께 치유되기를 💕
Me gustaría que sepas que yo estoy contigo. Sé que es la soledad y en la fe he encontrado consuelo. Te envío un abrazo grande, con mucho cariño desde Chile.
I finally found someone I like. He's just so amazing and he still continues to amaze me every time. I want the best for him and I also want to be there with him and watch him reach his goals in life. I want us to be together as we get what we've been longing to have. I just like him so much, I can't get enough of him.
That’s amazing ❤️
Vay be gerçek aşk varmış
Is he your Grandson xxxx
No estas solo, Dios Todopoderoso, está contigo y quiere que confíes en Él. Qué Dios te bendiga y dé paz y amor que tanto necesitas, Amén
ليلة سعيدة أيها العالم.. آمل أن نصبح على واقع أفضل وأجمل للإنسانية جمعاء!
محبات وقبلات 💜🙏🏾💋 💌🌸💫💖
Доброй ночи 🙏
Amén.. así.sea..para todos los hombres de buena voluntad..!!❤❤❤❤❤
Благодарю за заботу о человечестве.
Моё желание взаимопонимание и взаимоуважение между всеми живущими землянами.всем сладких снов.
💗예쁜 말한마디에 웬지 행복해지는 하루 예쁜인사말 건네보세여 안녕💗
What a beautiful playlist, and a beautiful comment section. The best of the internet is getting to share a small and peaceful space with people from around the world, all clicking on the same lovely video and commenting loving things towards strangers they don’t and may never know. Thank you all, you made me cry happy tears tonight :’)
모닥불 타는 소리, 빗소리, 백색소음 다 들어봐도 역시 잔잔하고 힐링되는 음악은 못 이기나 봐요 오늘 영상은 유독 마음이 포근해 지네요 오늘도 모두 다 안녕히 주무세요🌙💤
좋은 밤 되세요 :3
Зашла послушать эту мелодию из-за красивого и уютного изображения, комментарии поразили своей добротой и теплотой, которая идет от сердца каждого к сердцам других. Человечество умеет бережно относится друг к другу и это дает надежду на то, что целый мир будет спасен и не угаснет, а наоборот расцветет от этой доброты❤️ спасибо всем и каждому🤗
Посоветую вам найти врача Клевцова Д.А. ❤
У него есть сайт
Очень рекомендую!👌
정신적으로 넘 힘들때 마다 꼭 찾게 되네요 음악소리가 제 정신을 마사지 해주는거 같아요 편안..
igual a mi 😌♥️
このコメントを読んでいるすべての人があなたの人生で幸せで幸運で成功することを願っています ❤️💖💖
Tu también, que seas muy feliz, dichoso, y que tu vida esté llena de amor y paz por siempre ❤
Дякую тобі ! Нехай в тебе все буде чудово! 🌾
@@--galina--6820 как твои дела на сегодня? Что произошло за два года? Ты с Украины?
С тобой все нормально? Благослови тебя Бог.
@@pekorsik Так, я-украінка ! Дякую тобі ! В мене особисто і в моїй сім’ї все нормально! Але, кожного тижня ми одержуємо погані новини про загибель когось знайомого або незнайомого , або з нашого міста на фронті ! Це дуже тяжко ! 😔Сподіваюсь, в тебе все добре!
Amém 😊
난 원하는걸 이룰거고 난 꼭 행복해 질거야
시원한빗소리 에 피아노소리 너무잘어울려 가슴을 적시네요~~
뮤직드로잉님도 여기오신분들도 문득문득 행복해서 웃었으면 좋겠어요..ㅎ
this made me smile :) that's rare, thank you. really.
Thank u🙏💕 igualmente para ti!
아 ㅠㅠ 고마워요 ~
와...배경..진짜..넘넘 좋아요.
음악도 물론이지만😊😊😊😊😊
好棒喔 好像基督信仰的理念
Paz e luz para o planeta !!! Deus abençoe todos q estão aqui 🙏❣️🌹🥰
This music heals me emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This gives me hope as I battle my negative inner thoughts and emotions. A God sent music from heaven.
Life is so miserable and full of pain. But when i get though this deep tunnel, I'll see light, happiness.
Everyone must have its own pain. I know. But you're the only one who can turn its pain to your one power, fertilizer. You can do it . We'll conquer it. I hope you all be happy in futuer!!! Fighting guys!
내 행복을 바라는 사람이 얼마나 있을까
일단 저 1명이요 행복하셨음 좋겠어요ㅎㅎ
Если вы на этом канале,вы уже в объятиях счастья.Плюс комментарии трогательные,поддерживающие,светлые.
Живите в радости.
I will take joy instead
반복되는 음악이 듣기 좋아요! 네가 정말 행복했으면 좋겠다는 소리에 우리의 행복이 찾아온 느낌
Son las 00:19 acá en Costa Rica. Deseo que sanes esas heridas de las que no hablas con nadie. Que te ames y respetes mucho.
Que cuides tu corazón y nadie te quiera lastimar❤
Eres valios@, eres un/a campeón/ campeona de la vida❤
Cuando estés mal y pienses que ya no puedes recuerda cuántas veces haz estado mal y aquí estás luchando con todo ❤
Estoy orgullosa de cuánto has cambiado, que todo el esfuerzo que has hecho por ser mejor cada día.
Deseo que nunca nadie borre esa sonrisa que da felicidad a los demás.
Espero que sanes❤
Que você possa ser feliz com o frescor da água ,a água quente do chuveiro 🚿 descendo sobre você,o sorriso de uma criança e ao fazer carinho em um animalzinho..a felicidade é simples💐
Здесь так принято,такие милые комментарии и музыка красивая спасибо большое за это🦊🌸
To the person reading this message.. don't worry.. the pain you're feeling is temporary, close your eyes and remember tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start! Take deep breathes, your gonna be alright! I promise💫 Wishing you a lifetime of happiness, peace, and abundance! Namaste!❤
Thank you, pleasant dream's
Amen 🙏
Namaste друг...😢😊🙏☺️🕊️🌿
On rainy days, I hope the sound of rain is gentle and soft for you to sleep well.
Cuando la tarde cae y en mi ventana veo como se va el último reflejo de la luz del sol y las nubes ocultan su presencia en las hojas del jardín, su colorido deja de brillar ante los rayos tibios que se despiden de mi mirar, las gotitas de cristal caen una a una danzando, queriendo suavizar el manto café que rodea mi hogar.
Gotitas que despiertan el suave aroma de las flores y el inconfundible sonido de las ramas que se mojan y se mecen con las caricias que bajan del cielo, juguetean entre hojas, ramas y flores todos los seres diminutos felices en este lugar..
Gracias por esta hermosa melodía que me hizo imaginarme escribiendo nuevamente en mi árbol favorito un momento inolvidable donde mi única compañía siempre es la naturaleza y mis gotitas de cristal envueltas en la atmósfera de una bella melodía instrumental del alma ....
Gracias caballero 💙 una pieza musical maravillosa
Beautifully written
Wuauu q lindo escribes
@@Cathy7167 linda tarde de lluvia, es muy amable en comentar mis pensamientos, me alegra que la magia de las notas musicales y la inspiración poética la llevaron entre cada gotita de cristal a un viaje con los latidos de su corazón a un momento especial con todos sus sentidos 💙😉
@@leidybravo222 linda tarde señorita Leydi, me imagino un momento inolvidable donde dejas que aquellas gotitas te envuelvan de vibrantes melodías que guardas en tu alma y hoy vuelves a recordarlas....💙
Je veux que tu sois heureux 💜✨
오늘 저의 숙면을 책임질 음악이에요ㅎㅎ 좋은 음악 만들어주셔서 감사합니다! 모두들 행복한 밤 되세요!
I am sending love to everyone who reads this. You are so special. Great things are coming to you. I can feel the energy just by typing this. You are great. you are good enough. Times are changing. You radiate love and compassion for the world. Believe in it. feel it. Live it.
Que liiiindo... Amo vc! Mesmo sem conhecer.. hahaha Deus te abençoe muito. :)
La soledad no es un ingrediente triste en la vida de los seres humanos ni de cualquier ser que puedas observar que va solo en la vida, si la observas y la conoces te darás cuenta que su presencia es admirable y sutil, te acompaña con su tibia presencia a tal grado que te consuela con su voz interior y te arrulla con palabras cálidas y llenas de gozo, te sorprenderás cuando descubres que te motiva y aún estando con mucha gente a tu alrededor, soledad es parte de ti, es aliada y consejera de tú paz interior ....sonríe aún cuando veas un día gris y te sientas sola, las gotitas de cristal te acariciaran al caer frescas en tu vida💙🐾
Bellisimas palabras💗
Te felicito
@@esposadebrianjohnson7190 es muy amable señorita, espero sigamos disfrutando de tan bellas melodías y nos animen.
Pase bonita noche 💙🌻
Très jolie ! Merci
Don't worry - you are safe here. The lofi community is non-toxic
마음이 몽글몽글 편안해지네요. 다들 편안한 하루 보내시길❤
I’m so excited for this one! I love the drawing❤️ hope everyone who see this can sleep well and let all your worries fade away!
The melody make me feel somewhere in forest house with my dogs surrounded by beautiful nature, so peaceful moment 🌲🌳☘️
Good night 😴 beautiful people …God bless
The one I liked it very much. Thanks it moved me.
Момент счастья,покоя и причастности к Высшему. Всем доброй ночи.
Buenas noches 🤗
@@chicapoeta4 🤗❤🤗
내가 당신을 가장 필요로 할 때 당신은 항상 나타납니다, 감사합니다
week 36 pregnant. no sleep, no proper rest, gall bladder stone inflammation attacks, thyroid is high, blood pressure is low 😢
But found your channel tonight and calmed me. The remaining weeks of my pregnancy will be filled harmonious with your music.❤
Is baby born?
@@msch7620 yes thank you 😊
اعتقد اني العربية الوحيدة المشاركة بالقناة هذه💗🌷 ادخل اسمع اغلب الموسيقى الموجودة بالقناة قبل النوم واشعر انها تأخذني الى افكار جميلة قبل النوم 🌷💗احب صورة الرسمة والكتابة وصوت المطر في اغلب المقطوعات الموسيقية معبرة وتاخذني الى غير عالم🌷 💗 بلا شك تساعدني على الاسترخاء والكتابة 💗🌷و اليوم اجيت دانام ولكيت التعليقات فقط 56 تعليق واني يمكن تعليقي حيكون ال 57 لان من 11 ساعة بس نازلة الموسيقى 🌷💗 واني فرحانة لان بعد كم سنة اتوقع رح اجي على هذه المقطوعة الموسيقية واقرا تعليقي موجود بعده 💗🌷 المصادف ليلة الثلاثاء3\5\2022 ليلة عيد الفطر 💗🌷 A.j 🥰
هاي برنساس اليوم سبت ٢٠٢٣ /٢/١٨ بقى شهرين على دخولك للقناة
Доброй ночи 😊 представляете вы оставили комментарий, и написали что вы араб, а я начала неделю назад изучать арабский язык. Просто так почему то очень захотелось и думала а нужно ли мне это и тут как такой ответ от высших сил, ваш комментарий .😊😊😊
Aujourd'hui pour moi C'est 00: 42 30/05/24, en compagnie de cette musique....je suis en train de guérir mon ❤
Boa noite onde você estiver. Vamos ter fé, fazer o bem, que coisas boas acontecem .
주파수가 맞아 듣게되는데 진짜 엄마뱃속에 있는기분 감사합니다 ^^행복하세요
You make a lot of people happy with your music! Thank you for the love and joy you share! Tonight is going to be one of the nights that your music will keep me company in my dreams! 🫶🌸😊
You doing great, pls never give up I wish you the best ;)
제목에 한 번 노래에 또 한 번 행복해지네요~^^ 감사합니다~^^
Buenas noches! Paz y amor para todo el 🌎 💞💜💞💜💞💜💞
Aunque todavía no voy a dormir, pero la estoy escuchando y me parece genial. Gracias por tan hermosa creación.
También jeje
I am tired, and it seems everyone around the world is also tired. It's a funny thing, the reason for our exhaustion is each other. I take comfort in the hope that the source of consolation for us is also from each other. To anyone reading this right now who's having a tough time, I hope you find respite in the music. And for a few minutes, rest your weary soul and just be. It will be okay, I promise. 🥰🥰
마음이 너무 힘들때 음악으로 위로가 되는게 처음이에요
너무 감사합니다
It really makes me cry, sad, broke, but at the same time a comfort...
Your beautiful words, image and music come together as one. I hope you are happy too Music Drawing 🎶 🎵 ❤ 🫂🙏
Was für eine wunderschöne Musik.
Sanft und friedlich.
Danke auch für den schönen Text 🙏🙌❤️
2주전부터 자기전에 항상 이노래를 틀고 잡니다
마음이 안정되는것 같고 잠도 전보다 빨리 드는거같아요
mỗi khi buồn, và cảm thấy cần được an ủi...ko hiểu sao m lại nhớ tới kênh này. cảm ơn bạn vì đã mang lại những giai điệu ấm áp và dịu dàng như vậy
Simplemente hermosa melodía. Una bella tarde de relajación. Saludos desde la calurosa ciudad de Cancún México.
@@user-eb9ef8bz7g Saludos.. media noche aqui en Cancún
현현작가님의 ‘파리에 비가오면’으로 그라폴리오 그림을 접하게되면서 전 수채화로 따라 그리곤했는데 그림보면서 애니메이션으로 나오면 좋겠다라는 생각많이했어요 지브리처럼
I had a very good friend. He felt alone too, I think.
He lives in memories now, in smiles, and jokes, and phrases I've stolen from him.
He wasn't alone. I hope he knows that now.
thank you for these beautiful words❤️
lovely and thank you for sharing this beautiful music and writing...it brings wonders
진짜 잘때마다 듣고자는데 잠이 안와도 이분 음악만 틀면 5분안에 잠들어요👍👍
이제 이분 음악 없으면 잠이 안와요ㅎ
계속 꾸준히 좋은음악 내주셔서 감사합니다~!♥
뮤직드로잉님 고마워요 이거 틀고 잘 자볼게요! 오늘은 모두 고민 좀 덜하고 행복한 하루가 되길💕
I am surrounded by people who I think probably love me. But I wish I could feel it from them or someone at least once, because I haven't ever felt loved my whole life
I once heard there are many types of love but never the same love twice. These people probably love you but in different ways. Sometimes we have an image in our mind of how love should feel and be shown. Its usually a preconceived notion or only one certain way or feeling we expect to feel but there are many types of love. Take comfort in knowing that you do have people who love you even though it might not be or feel the exact way you expect it to but at least you are shown love where many others have none at all. Time changes just like the forms of love we have in our life so enjoy what you have at this very moment and most importantly love yourself.
Dios te creo y te ama❤
Thanks. The world is unfair sometimes. But other people are suffering even more. So keep your head Up, wait for the Lord 🙏
I really love the raining sound 🥰
Muito bom, relaxante e traz uma paz ❤
J aime super agréable relaxe à fond jolis dessins merci bisous Marie france❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Yo cuando he tenido un día no tan bueno ,pienso en todo en como mi Padre Celestial Jehová me a bendecida ✨😊y me recupero y me siento feliz , gracias por hacerme recordar ✨😊✨✨✨🤗
Aveces te sientes solo, pero no estás solo... Esa frase me ayudó muchooo
Gracias 💗
Желаю всем людям на планете доброго счастливого состояния. Пребывать в гармонии с собой и миром вокруг. Любите всё что вас окружает. Это ключ к счастью! 😊
Hi stranger! 3:50 am here and I’ve got two tests tomorrow.. and can’t sleep.
Anyways, enjoy this wonderful music and get some well deserved rest!
Hi stranger, its 2.51 am here. I was waking up from sleep and listening to this while scrolling down the warm comments. I just had my interview test a day ago and still waiting for the result. Btw i hope that you passed your tests well, wish you luck and always. 💓🌸😊
Selam dostum, burada saat 22.45 birazdan yemek yiyip uyuyacağım. Benim de 3 gün sonra Türkiye'deki birçok gencin girdiği üniversiteye giriş sınavım var. Yorumuna denk geldim, 1 yıl önce yazmışsın ama şu an nasılsın acaba? O sınav çoktan geçmiş yerine başka sınavlar gelmiştir eminim ki önemli olan sensin. Bu sınavlar geçiyor. Kendine iyi bak.🤍
No sé cómo encontré este video, el algoritmo a veces nos trae a lugares agradables me sentí tan en serenidad con tan linda música vengo padeciendo mucho stress y ansiedad desde niña ahora soy una mujer de 48 años estoy recuperando mi salud y mi vida me da un gusto ver todos los comentarios amorosos y positivos de gente de todas partes
Yo también les deseo que encuentren alegría dicha salud y la capacidad de disfrutar la vida es tan sencillo como respirar pero nos complicamos la vida con pensar solo lo negativo y el mundo ahora es un lugar donde es difícil tener paz lucidez y fe para vivir pero hay que hacer pausa y encontrar ese espacio, este espacio donde recargar energía, alegría y fé en la Vida.
Gracias ❤
Espero encuentren mucha Luz y sus vidas sean Plenas y puedan compartir eso mismo 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉