Hey Spartan S06 thanks! It's an interesting one, I've been producing for around 10 years or so but have never been at a point where I can say I can make a solid living off it. I wouldn't call myself "famous" or that that is the only goal for me really. Maybe if I stuck to a more consistent release strategy with carefully thought out strategic collaborations with well known artists and releases that followed trends then I would be more "successful". Personally that's not all I want my music to be about though I guess.
I know it's very complicated to make a melody with the bass beat, but you can improve the ending by putting a more melodic bass with instruments, because at 1:50 the song picks up rhythm and when it gets to the last drop, I could do something more strategic with more melody matching the sound gain, it was a little without bass and without melody in the last drop 3:14, fix this last part that will be perfect it will be very good, I'm a big fan of yours
You are the big bro !
Why you are not famous? Your songs are so good
cos thats not how it works. Most producers nowadays have a bigger chance to make it as a ghost writer than as an actual artist.
Hey Spartan S06 thanks!
It's an interesting one, I've been producing for around 10 years or so but have never been at a point where I can say I can make a solid living off it. I wouldn't call myself "famous" or that that is the only goal for me really. Maybe if I stuck to a more consistent release strategy with carefully thought out strategic collaborations with well known artists and releases that followed trends then I would be more "successful". Personally that's not all I want my music to be about though I guess.
@@koregmusic Yo, when u gonna make a song in the style of your Still Falling For You Remix. Thats one of my favorite songs ever
This is amazing track🔥
🔥 as always
Ay now that is head bangin material
Hey brother, nice to see you still here ❤
wow this is awesome
Extended Version please
I know it's very complicated to make a melody with the bass beat, but you can improve the ending by putting a more melodic bass with instruments, because at 1:50 the song picks up rhythm and when it gets to the last drop, I could do something more strategic with more melody matching the sound gain, it was a little without bass and without melody in the last drop 3:14, fix this last part that will be perfect it will be very good, I'm a big fan of yours
the last part of the sound has to match the 1:50