2016 Petit Le Mans - Part 1

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jeremyj.5687
    @jeremyj.5687 8 років тому +23

    Thank you very much +IMSA Official for the upload! The Radio Le Mans guys are always the best choice, so good on you for going for them!

    • @TyXoXX
      @TyXoXX 8 років тому +2

      Radio Le Mans = Best commentary ever :P

    • @jeremyj.5687
      @jeremyj.5687 8 років тому +1

      TyXo TyXo, are you cheating on Sam and Will again by watching on the IMSA Official channel??? I can´t believe it.
      Love that I keep running into you guys wherever I go. Great community down at NISMO TV.

    • @TyXoXX
      @TyXoXX 8 років тому +1

      Jeremy J. Best community :D

  • @RickyBroshRacing
    @RickyBroshRacing 8 років тому +49

    Thank you IMSA!! Cant watch them where i live so this is awesome..

    • @giorx5
      @giorx5 8 років тому +8

      Second that!

    • @TOMMYCC73
      @TOMMYCC73 8 років тому

      RickyBrosh Racing ki

  • @MattHoffman333
    @MattHoffman333 8 років тому +15

    Thank you for getting these videos up so quickly this year IMSA, and for using the Radio Le Mans commentary! Hopefully it stays the same for next season

  • @DavidHaft1970
    @DavidHaft1970 8 років тому +1

    Thank you IMSA for the upload

  • @DemonSnake1968
    @DemonSnake1968 8 років тому +3

    was great being there! What an experience!

  • @jrjon738
    @jrjon738 8 років тому +3

    Thank you IMMA for porting this

  • @Brrnout
    @Brrnout 8 років тому +1

    Love Roof-Top Ray. True hero of the sport :D

  • @dustinr16
    @dustinr16 8 років тому +1

    Could you please get a camera to follow the pit lane reporter around? It's frustrating to only have the audio and no video of the drivers and teams being interviewed in the pits.

  • @basedneeble7350
    @basedneeble7350 8 років тому

    Thanks for uploading so many races!! I'm beginning to like this series even better =)

  • @dt7353
    @dt7353 8 років тому +9

    wow the video spazes out hard at 2 hours 36

  • @takenoprisoners6604
    @takenoprisoners6604 8 років тому +10

    The leader board system on the imsatv broadcasts stay on overall leaders way too much of the time I think. It should cycle through P class, GTLM, PC, and GTD all the time and once in a while show the overall leader board.

    • @ramdart74
      @ramdart74 8 років тому +7

      TakeNoPrisoners they need to go back to colors for each class. Gets confusing with just two.

    • @novareapergaming7701
      @novareapergaming7701 7 років тому +1

      I'd take FOX's leader board for many reasons. One being it doesn't get in the way being up on top.

    • @Ewane
      @Ewane 5 років тому +2

      TakeNoPrisoners I disagree becuase from the overall you can work out P,GTLM, PC and GTD. However, if you only have the class ones you cannot work out the overall standings.

  • @shughes6148
    @shughes6148 8 років тому +2

    I was supposed to be there to see this race. GO FORD! Well 2017 should be exciting.

  • @ravenknightyoshida7400
    @ravenknightyoshida7400 7 років тому

    glad i can watch what i missed. love this series of racing. sorry nascar, you have no lead on this.

  • @bobyoung1698
    @bobyoung1698 4 роки тому

    At 16:14, I no longer see the Deltawing. Where did it go?

  • @lewisrountreeiii2937
    @lewisrountreeiii2937 Рік тому

    Great commentating on this!

  • @steveo_80
    @steveo_80 8 років тому +2

    Thank you. Had to miss most of the race because mandatory overtime because people keep buying Honda Civics

    • @uwlwsrpm
      @uwlwsrpm 8 років тому +3

      You gonna cheer for the NSX next year?

    • @steveo_80
      @steveo_80 8 років тому

      Hah, may as well, with the Viper leaving and ending production lol

  • @alejandrobalds2292
    @alejandrobalds2292 7 років тому

    Al fin, siempre la quería ver y al fin pude. Le Mans

  • @swsephy
    @swsephy 8 років тому +7

    Thank you so much for uploading this and for doing it so quickly! Fox Sports is terrible.

  • @alexanderkahl1288
    @alexanderkahl1288 8 років тому

    I'm so proud of Christina Nielsen for winning the GTD class driver's championship.

  • @SuperMerlot
    @SuperMerlot 7 років тому +1

    What is that thing at [11:52] ?
    Looks like a tricycle car

    • @jasonlamgt180evo8
      @jasonlamgt180evo8 7 років тому

      SuperMerlot It a Deltawing DWC13, it not the best car for handing but it very good on the straight.

  • @deathshock7739
    @deathshock7739 8 років тому +1

    Grand tour brought me here👍

  • @trwilliams22
    @trwilliams22 8 років тому +1

    For those that went to the race this year, you are welcome for the nice weather given I wasn't able to go.

  • @hayden4597
    @hayden4597 4 роки тому

    Was this the last ever sports car race with open cockpit prototypes?

  • @billenright2788
    @billenright2788 8 років тому +2

    What's the thing sticking-up out of the Porsche's hood?

    • @musicsnob4226
      @musicsnob4226 8 років тому

      as for squirting pesticides

    • @billenright2788
      @billenright2788 8 років тому

      HA! That's funny. Maybe something to kill all the kudzu grass they've got in Georgia.

    • @musicsnob4226
      @musicsnob4226 8 років тому


    • @musicsnob4226
      @musicsnob4226 8 років тому +2

      No it's actually a timing and scoring sensor they put it on the front of the car to give you just a little tens of thousands of a second quicker

    • @musicsnob4226
      @musicsnob4226 8 років тому

      God I miss driving

  • @uwlwsrpm
    @uwlwsrpm 8 років тому +5

    #FreeMagnusRacing, oh and GO CORVETTE!

  • @ethanlee2077
    @ethanlee2077 8 років тому

    lifelong nascar fan going to his first IMSA event next year, does anybody have tips about going to a live race? im new to this kind of racing

    • @localtoys73
      @localtoys73 7 років тому

      Ethan Lee its more about walking around and enjoying different view points no sitting in stands. its a complete blast been going to the 12 hours of, sebring and 24 hour of daytona forever

  • @DeathToRetro666
    @DeathToRetro666 8 років тому

    milka duno won the lmp 675 championship in 2001, but i'm not sure how much effort was hers or her codrivers, a bit before my time. well done Christina! also, didn't know she was am champion in adac gt, or that she shared rides with sean edwards and allan simonsen, two great sports car drivers sadly killed. over all great race

    • @Quintinohthree
      @Quintinohthree 8 років тому

      Her team came first but she herself didn't participate in the first three races, in which her team didn't participate in the first two. Only one other team competed in more than one race in LMP675, and in no race did more than five participate.

    • @DeathToRetro666
      @DeathToRetro666 8 років тому

      that's what i thought. kind of like jack miller winning a championship as he was the only car to compete in all the races. thanks for clearing it up!

  • @VaunShiz
    @VaunShiz 8 років тому

    So Chevy is out? Or are they replacing the corvette prototype

    • @48rulesall
      @48rulesall 8 років тому

      The Daytona Prototype is finished as a car. Next year IMSA is adopting the 2017 International LMP2 regulations for their Prototype class. The new Prototypes will be branded as DPi's or Daytona Prototypes International. Nobody really knows what Chevrolet are going to do or what any DPi is going to look like yet. Mazda are expected to stay, some rumors around a Cadillac DPi program, and also rumors that Mercedes AMG will build a DPi as well.

    • @Quintinohthree
      @Quintinohthree 8 років тому +1

      The Cadillac DPi will probably replace the Corvette DP's.

    • @kiwiracer6196
      @kiwiracer6196 8 років тому +1

      merc dosent look like it will make a DPi. Chev looks like its using Cadallic branding with the same engines as the Vette DP's. Mazda is definatly staying. Nissan joinging with ESM with 2 cars using ligiers I believe. A few of the 2017 LMP2/DPi have been released with makers body work (no DPi bodywork yet)

    • @Ewane
      @Ewane 5 років тому +1

      Clous von General Motors are replacing the Chevrolet Corvette C7 DP with the Cadillac DPi-VR

  • @csonkaperdido
    @csonkaperdido 5 років тому

    Gotta hand it to Mazda - whether it was these Lola chassis or the new Multimatic chassis - Mazda ALWAYS makes the best looking car.
    Not necessarily the fastest or best - but by far the sexiest. I absolutely love the closed top couple Lola prototypes from the late 2000's and early 2010's.
    I despise the boxy nosed Porsche 919, Toyota ts050, and the later audi R18's.
    The FIRST audi R18 was perhaps the best looking prototype ever... Or the Peugeot 908...
    Actually it was probably the Toyota ts020 (GT1)...
    ... But maybe it was the Jag XJR14?

  • @malachi..j
    @malachi..j 2 місяці тому

    9:48 Formation lap🙏🏾

  • @teamguinanaomotorsportsytc4253
    @teamguinanaomotorsportsytc4253 4 роки тому

    I love u Tristan Nunez!

  • @dominiccarranza2184
    @dominiccarranza2184 8 років тому +2

    that was fast

  • @Brrnout
    @Brrnout 8 років тому +1

    .65 of a second between all GTLM cars in quali, amazing.... and people say BOP is bull.

    • @1979-b9t
      @1979-b9t 8 років тому

      Brrnout Bop makes things seriously tight, but it's artificial. It penalizes the faster teams that worked hard to get there so that the slower teams are not left too much. They want to give that epic dimension to endurance racing, with incredible battles that you'd find in sprint racing. But that's not how it should be, I'm sorry.

  • @almor619
    @almor619 8 років тому +3

    f1 take note ... been watching fore imsa than f1 ... just saying

  • @pierrelukusa5645
    @pierrelukusa5645 8 років тому

    Bizarre c'est aux États-Unis mais le gars chante la Marseillaise faut m'expliquer

    • @1979-b9t
      @1979-b9t 8 років тому

      Pierre Lukusa Petit Le Mans, ça ne vous évoque rien ? C'est dans l'esprit des 24 heures, ça l'a toujours été depuis que l'American Le Mans Series a été créé. C'est tout l'intérêt de cette course, c'est un honneur aux 24 heures du Mans.

  • @bruckenpfeiler6550
    @bruckenpfeiler6550 8 років тому +1

    3:09 :D thats not france flag :D

  • @SouthernYankee10000
    @SouthernYankee10000 8 років тому +3

    video goes wonky at 2:36

    • @BollocksUtwat
      @BollocksUtwat 8 років тому

      They probably save these races from the cloud rather than from the source meaning if there's any sort of broadcast interruption in the stream its preserved in the upload here.

  • @donavin86ify
    @donavin86ify 8 років тому +1


  • @federicoharo
    @federicoharo 8 років тому

    Well done IMSA!!!

  • @gary9170
    @gary9170 8 років тому +1

    Can't wait to see the 350R's

    • @MikeAnnarose
      @MikeAnnarose 8 років тому

      Maybe in CTSC, never in Weathertech.

    • @tokenride04
      @tokenride04 8 років тому

      yeah but he has to wait longer for them to post that race because of broadcasting rights. it was just posted yesterday. This series gets posted right after the race ends or the next day.

  • @JonCannon
    @JonCannon 7 років тому

    The last stand of the Deltawing. :(

  • @Hunne2303
    @Hunne2303 7 років тому

    I knew something was terribly wrong when I heard that anthem...must´ve taken a wrong turn...that ain´t france! ;)

  • @teamguinanaomotorsportsytc4253
    @teamguinanaomotorsportsytc4253 5 років тому

    Ganbarou! Mazda! Ganbarou Nippon!

  • @erickcampillo3771
    @erickcampillo3771 8 років тому +2


  • @Draco_Alpha
    @Draco_Alpha 8 років тому

    I like this track better than Le Mans. Sorry France.

    • @1979-b9t
      @1979-b9t 8 років тому

      Iagi Flamevictor The bad thing about the Circuit de la Sarthe is that it is permanently closed since it runs on departemental roads. But it is fairly unique.

  • @khoahi7044
    @khoahi7044 8 років тому +1

    P vs PC GTLM vs GTD

  • @teamguinanaomotorsportsytc4253
    @teamguinanaomotorsportsytc4253 4 роки тому

    Zoom Zoom Zoom..Mazda Ganbarou!

  • @csonkaperdido
    @csonkaperdido 5 років тому

    They showed the Russian flag when he was singing the national anthem of France.
    In French 😂

  • @teamguinanaomotorsportsytc4253
    @teamguinanaomotorsportsytc4253 4 роки тому

    Let's go MAZDA!

  • @hansolo1935
    @hansolo1935 7 років тому

    I hope UA-cam comes up with a "mute commentary" feature! Shut up and let me listen to the engines and exhausts!

  • @zukuntftkid3453
    @zukuntftkid3453 7 років тому

    Fffffast 💖🇩🇪

  • @MisterBenne
    @MisterBenne 8 років тому +1

    ey you Yankee nuts...at 3:08 while singing the French Anthem you shown the netherland flag!! National flag and Color is called Trikolore and has VERTICAL stripes in Bleu Blanc Rouge, which means blue white red...back to school, learn your lessons! this is a shame for a channel who wans to be a global player

  • @deadwarsaxe3384
    @deadwarsaxe3384 8 років тому


  • @hjembrentkent6181
    @hjembrentkent6181 8 років тому +2

    Holy shit that new ford is ugly. Went from the best looking car to the worst looking smh

    • @whackablemole
      @whackablemole 7 років тому

      From the back, it looks like the pigs from Angry Birds.

  • @gkess7106
    @gkess7106 4 роки тому

    Announcer Johnny? sucks.