I tried daily affirmations for 7 days.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,2 тис.

  • @juliabrooks1203
    @juliabrooks1203 3 роки тому +5834

    It’s funny how talking negative to ourselves is normalized, but talking positively to ourselves is “cringe”

    • @BreatheandBloom
      @BreatheandBloom 3 роки тому +163

      Yess! Definitely something to think about

    • @work-in-progress
      @work-in-progress 3 роки тому +136

      this makes so much sense, i never thought this way. Thank you!

    • @XXXJuniior
      @XXXJuniior 3 роки тому +45

      I agree 100%, it's sad how society has certain people by their balls. 🤷‍♂️

    • @saumajitmalakar6795
      @saumajitmalakar6795 3 роки тому +10


    • @vaniduggal2457
      @vaniduggal2457 3 роки тому +8


  • @mszigetihu
    @mszigetihu 3 роки тому +2238

    Matt's daily affirmations: "my biceps are huge, my biceps are huge, my biceps are huge"

    • @AxxLAfriku
      @AxxLAfriku 3 роки тому +11

      Why is Donald Trump pretty and I am not? But why does he only have a wife but I have TWO HANDSOME GIRLFRIENDS who I show off in my masterpiece YT videos? Do you know the answer, dear mar

    • @SamMartinPeakPerformance
      @SamMartinPeakPerformance 3 роки тому +2


    • @vince-vh8ut
      @vince-vh8ut 3 роки тому +7

      Try it yourself! They grow even bigger

    • @paper2222
      @paper2222 3 роки тому +2

      @@I_Am_A_Ghost_42 WHAT

    • @sen2185
      @sen2185 3 роки тому +1


  • @7nns7
    @7nns7 3 роки тому +224

    Daily affirmations helped me get over my insecurities after a bullied childhood. I’m super confident now. Manifestation is really a thing.

    • @balthierludenberg7119
      @balthierludenberg7119 3 роки тому +2

      Can you recommend me any daily affirmations for self love? I listen to a youtube video about self love and beauty

    • @stanleyhood9873
      @stanleyhood9873 2 роки тому +6

      @@balthierludenberg7119 Try:
      I am beautiful.
      I love my self in a healthy way.
      God loves me.

    • @Virtual_Guy
      @Virtual_Guy 2 роки тому +1

      Nithin Brother please tell me how much time did you take?..and also did the affirmation helped in social anxiety too?

    • @kanha_._devotee
      @kanha_._devotee 2 роки тому

      @@stanleyhood9873 is ot true that self love n gratitude brings big manifestation in easier way?

    • @7nns7
      @7nns7 10 місяців тому +2

      @@HelloABCD2 It is not count based rather feeling based. Keep writing, doesn't matter if you miss a day in between, just keep at it.

  • @mandelbro1
    @mandelbro1 3 роки тому +538

    "If Avocados teach us anything, it's that you don't have to be rock hard to be delicious" OHHHH MY

    • @joshmoxey.
      @joshmoxey. 3 роки тому +2

      I loved this part hahaha

    • @blacksheep9772
      @blacksheep9772 2 роки тому +1

      Yep loved this one too. (And who doesnt love avocado?!)

    • @edattacks
      @edattacks 2 роки тому

      Read that last part in Zarbon's voice (Dragon Ball Z character)

  • @talliswinston5695
    @talliswinston5695 3 роки тому +1333

    Honestly, I really loved this video. Affirmations were really hard at the start but they have made such a big impact for me! (I started recording my own affirmations on my Selfpause app after seeing this video) thanks for the inspiration!

    • @raymondgerardcarls4741
      @raymondgerardcarls4741 Рік тому

      What kind of impact did it do to your life?

    • @littlemayo7136
      @littlemayo7136 9 місяців тому

      @@raymondgerardcarls4741 I'm going to use one of my experiences as an example when I started telling myself that I am really cute basically exaggerating that I'm so cute they even straight boys think I'm cute after telling myself that for a while
      Literally like 10 minutes cuz I was meditating that the very next day one of my male friends said that I looked really cute this was a friend that I already knew was of the heterosexual variety and then I started experiencing more proof of that has time went on
      Mind you before I started saying affirmation stopped cute and is in elevating that time so cute that blank happens I would just always tell myself that I'm ugly and then people would tell me that I'm ugly random people so it was a complete shift entirely and how my appearance look to other people

  • @daniilblagiy8741
    @daniilblagiy8741 3 роки тому +855

    "I'm struggling with perfectionism, so daily affirmations might help". Proceeds to try and create the perfect set of affirmations. 🤔

    • @numinuminixstix
      @numinuminixstix 3 роки тому +43

      Nah, I think he was just trying to figure out what affirmations worked for him. The ones he started out with were silly, but he ended on some great ones. No point in doing daily affirmations if they don't resonate with you.

    • @numinuminixstix
      @numinuminixstix 3 роки тому +22

      @Caydan Parker That can be part of it, but not the whole picture. Perfectionists often also spend too much time on a task (the whole product... not just the superficial details), double and triple check their work to hopefully prevent others from negatively critiquing it, and look back at their past work with a very critical eye.

    • @jcoulton4
      @jcoulton4 3 роки тому +14

      @Caydan Parker Sure, procrastination exists, but so does perfectionism. Building on from what Erica said, I myself spend too much time focusing on tasks (core and details), when I could easily have it completed sooner, but to a lesser standard. It takes me much longer than necessary to write a couple of paragraphs, for example. This was why other people always regarded me as smart in school, even though my exams said otherwise. It's not that I couldn't form great responses for essays, it's just that I didn't have enough time to form them. As for mathematics though, that was easy, since all I needed to do was think about how it needed to be solved, then write out the appropriate formula for it. The only way perfectionism factors in there, is making sure that the formulas are written in their entirety, which is quick to do.
      I will admit though, that lack of confidence can affect how long it takes me to do certain things, such as writing something that I know will be heavily scrutinised. It's still important to note that, while it can be a factor, it's still far from the whole reason.
      Another way that my perfectionism manifests itself, is through my OCD. My OCD requires me to make sure things are even and equal. I don't really want to say how a large part of this occurs, since you'll think I'm crazy (hey, disorder **is** in the name, I suppose), but as for the perfectionism side of things, an example would be making sure things are lined up of a shelf, evenly spaced and facing forward. This caused issues when I worked at a supermarket, since I would be slow with my tasks. The places where I had been would look immaculate, but of course my bosses would focus on the speed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
      I do understand the apprehension with people using perfectionism as an excuse though. For me, I am apprehensive whenever someone says that they have OCD because they like cleaning. Sure, OCD that results in cleaning exists, but unless you have an obsessive complusion to do it - that you need to do it at the expense of other, more important things - that you need to do it as much as you need to scratch that itchy scab - then it's not OCD. The majority of people I've seen that claim OCD for cleaning, seem like they just want to be quirky, without actually understanding what it entails.

    • @daniilblagiy8741
      @daniilblagiy8741 3 роки тому +3

      @@numinuminixstix Yeah, I was actually surprised when he started pulling them off the internet, as affirmations are supposed to be personal in some sense

    • @dragonwest5844
      @dragonwest5844 3 роки тому +4

      Yes kind of self-defeating. I feel like the root cause of perfectionism is fear of the unknown, confusion or of losing control. The only real way of healing in my mind is to let yourself feel and listen to this state of fear as well as the emotional pain it entails and then at some point clarity and confidence of what to do next will emerge eventually.

  • @ICEcoldJT
    @ICEcoldJT 3 роки тому +906

    “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle

  • @lilygurllovemuzic
    @lilygurllovemuzic 3 роки тому +341

    can we talk about how natalie didn't laugh at him when he told her about his affirmations, instead, she literally just affirmed him by saying "you ARE all of those things" relationship goals tbh

  • @LanaBlakely
    @LanaBlakely 3 роки тому +1564

    Haha! Was a joy seeing you do something you found to be so uncomfortable.

    • @Hubbabubba465
      @Hubbabubba465 3 роки тому +18


    • @blakelyduke1105
      @blakelyduke1105 3 роки тому +13

      Rarely ever see people named Blakely so had to say hi 👋😊

    • @madhavdaga
      @madhavdaga 3 роки тому +11

      I think you'll love Yes Theory

    • @mattdavella
      @mattdavella  3 роки тому +61

      Thanks, Lana :)

    • @rockylama4728
      @rockylama4728 3 роки тому


  • @girishgowda7661
    @girishgowda7661 3 роки тому +94

    "regardless of my previous actions, I believe I am worthy of love and self-compassion" my affirmation

    • @shirin8609
      @shirin8609 3 роки тому +2

      That is lovely, although I don't think you need to bring up your previous actions at all if they're irrelevant :)

    • @handledbymeeee
      @handledbymeeee 2 роки тому +3

      Hi Girish, this affirmation suits me to . My past relationship karma hitting me in current relationship, they’re saying i am not worthy for love, but i need love, i need respect, i want to be happy regardless of any mistakes unknowingly or knowingly. Will affirmation change thoughts on my self doubt, value n confidence? I am very low at this moment 😢

  • @Sasha-vs6sd
    @Sasha-vs6sd 3 роки тому +32

    My favorites are...
    “I see opportunity in every experience.”
    “I am surrounded by love.”
    “I choose my day.”

  • @_naneko
    @_naneko 3 роки тому +58

    The fact that most of us kind of cringe to words of positive affirmations really tell us how bad our self-love, self-worth and confidence really is as a whole society, and how it has become so accepted and even normalized in our everyday lives to the point that wishing ourselves happiness is uncomfortable

  • @rikindermahal32
    @rikindermahal32 3 роки тому +29

    Interesting to see someone like Matt so openly express insecurities. To the outsider, the guy kind of has it all. In great shape, has a great relationships, one of the most popular UA-cam channels, etc. But the guy still struggles with the same insecurities as a lot of us. Just love that kind of vulnerability!

  • @setlam2
    @setlam2 3 роки тому +282

    “It’s fine, it’s fine. This is cool. Nobody is going to laugh at me”.
    Those should have been your daily affirmations. Those should be everyone’s daily affirmations 😂

    • @thebonniewong
      @thebonniewong 3 роки тому +12

      I love this. My kind of affirmation 😛

  • @TylerSinden
    @TylerSinden 3 роки тому +65

    She was so supportive when you told her your affirmations!

  • @manishamishra1661
    @manishamishra1661 3 роки тому +248

    I loved how Matt laughed at himself for saying 'I am strong beautiful and confident' but Natalie was like 'But you're!!!!'.... It's easier to be kind to others than you're to yourself. 🦋🌼

    • @allika2627
      @allika2627 3 роки тому +7

      the last sentence hit me! that would be my affirmation

    • @hollyeve2465
      @hollyeve2465 Рік тому +1

      yea and he actually manifested that cuz she literally said the affirmation. proof it works! :)

  • @champagne483
    @champagne483 3 роки тому +98

    My mother taught me a mix of affirmations and manifestations when I was a child, saying I must speak positively of myself and whatever things and qualities I want I must say it often specially while I am eating or drinking water and bathing. And I also read it in one of the Hindu scriptures (I forgot the exactly which one). Just makes me want me to go back to these books again since they hold so much timeless wisdom.

    • @thefrustratedneetaspirant7777
      @thefrustratedneetaspirant7777 3 роки тому +2

      Are you talking about Bhagwat Geeta ?

    • @excelsior8682
      @excelsior8682 3 роки тому +7

      The subconcious affiliation with eating and taking in water is actually brilliant, and the habit means everytime you eat or drink or bathe you are also triggered subconciously to feel those things :3

    • @yu12769
      @yu12769 2 роки тому +5

      Such a precious wise mother! My mother made me think so negative of myself that even at age of 27 im still a victim of that thinking...

    • @champagne483
      @champagne483 2 роки тому +3

      @@yu12769 I am so sorry you had to go through that, I wish you healing. It's so sad that a healthy upbringing, which every child deserves, is actually a privilege and a blessing that only few get.

    • @littlemayo7136
      @littlemayo7136 9 місяців тому +1

      This was super smart of her to teach you because whenever you're doing something like eating are bathing that's when you start having internal dialogue because what you are doing does not require a lot of thoughts since it's a manual process

  • @TheRealGuywithoutaMustache
    @TheRealGuywithoutaMustache 3 роки тому +1084

    "I'd rather do cold showers every day for an entire year"
    It's not that bad to take cold showers honestly

    • @noddlelebowski1074
      @noddlelebowski1074 3 роки тому +14

      You are here as well, why am I not surprised

    • @fadiorsth3907
      @fadiorsth3907 3 роки тому +28

      you're either an alien or your shower isn't that cold
      either way you should be feared

    • @simon1016
      @simon1016 3 роки тому +9

      i agree after some time you just get used to it lol

    • @Estefany_Estrella
      @Estefany_Estrella 3 роки тому +6

      I live in a really hot place so cold showers are a blessing!

    • @Anthony-jx6fz
      @Anthony-jx6fz 3 роки тому +10

      I live in england and its like 1 degree in winchester over winter
      been taking cold showers every morning for the past 4 years. its great

  • @JackTheFenris
    @JackTheFenris 2 роки тому +15

    Rappers poets and lyricist are masters at this. I found the best way to really go about it is to write a rap of the things that you want and spit that rhyme to yourself repetitiously like it was something that was on the radio.

  • @SteAndRach
    @SteAndRach 3 роки тому +181

    So interesting to see how even people like Matt, that are so successful and inspire so many people, still struggle with negative voices and doubts about their path. Self belief really is a habit that can be developed over time!

    • @numinuminixstix
      @numinuminixstix 3 роки тому +5

      I would imagine that sometimes the more successful you become -- and the more eyes that are on you -- the more pressure you can feel to continue that success. And that can perhaps lead to a "deer in the headlights" kind of reaction where you just freeze and feel confused about where to head next. And then you start to lose motivation, feel down, etc. I bet it's tough.

    • @TilikaVispute
      @TilikaVispute 3 роки тому +1

      Yes.. it really helps one understand that it’s okay to be vulnerable and talk about what’s going on regardless of how successful one is.. ✨✨☺️☺️

    • @SteAndRach
      @SteAndRach 3 роки тому +2

      @@numinuminixstix Yess, we can totally imagine that- it makes a lot of sense and we've heard many creators talk about that kind of pressure. I guess there are just different levels to it and those doubts never really go away but just adjust to where you are at in life.

    • @SteAndRach
      @SteAndRach 3 роки тому +1

      @@TilikaVispute So true, this is something we are trying to bring more to our channel as well!

  • @b2instructor166
    @b2instructor166 3 роки тому +65

    Matt: trying to overcome internal perfectionist through daily affirmations.
    Also Matt: Spent several days to find the best affirmations ever.

  • @joeysanchez6777
    @joeysanchez6777 3 роки тому +210

    This reminds me of the Spongebob episode when he keeps yelling “I’m ugly & I’m proud” lol

    • @totoro-chan7700
      @totoro-chan7700 3 роки тому +8

      I like the version of Joey Tribbiani's in Friend "I'm curvy, and I like it!" XD

    • @steffe9051
      @steffe9051 3 роки тому +1


  • @ree4033
    @ree4033 3 роки тому +1

    “You are a beautiful strong confident “she is so supportive ☁️☁️☁️

  • @zeg2651
    @zeg2651 3 роки тому +222

    Matt D'Avella: "I'm going to a period of lack of motivation, self doubt (...)"
    Also Matt D'Avella: I'll make a really cool video anyway

    • @EinzigartigesLeben
      @EinzigartigesLeben 3 роки тому +4

      yeah,that was my first thought as well, but we aren't living his live, and it doesn't have to be visible to us viewers, if or when he is having a hard time. so i don't believe that we can judge from a video (which obviously gives us a skewed perspective on his life) how matt is feeling.

    • @mattdavella
      @mattdavella  3 роки тому +32

      The real plan to get out of my funk was to try to make a cool video :)

  • @TheGroovyGuitarDude
    @TheGroovyGuitarDude 3 роки тому +254

    Loved this! I feel embarrassed by things like saying affirmations out loud too, even though my girlfriend is just as into these sorts of things as I am. We actually have talked about how much we miss talking to ourselves out loud, because we both don’t do it as often since we moved in together 😅 Sort of in the same vein!

    • @hanswoast7
      @hanswoast7 3 роки тому +1

      Maybe it is time for a challenge where you do this stuff together to tear down the walls :)

    • @carlos_1uptrades892
      @carlos_1uptrades892 3 роки тому

      days ago Really want to thank bernardmoore_official 0"'n !'g who made it possible for me to be who i am today I started as a novice but now a pro trader!!

  • @TheWitchOfWonderlust
    @TheWitchOfWonderlust 3 роки тому +2698

    "I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am rich, I am that bitch." 🙏🏼

    • @mattdavella
      @mattdavella  3 роки тому +249

      Yeah you are!

    • @nzkid2599
      @nzkid2599 3 роки тому +24

      Lol crack up

    • @Quest-Nix
      @Quest-Nix 3 роки тому +34

      Flo Milli 🙏🏿. I love this song also.

    • @JIDE.O
      @JIDE.O 3 роки тому +9

      this. this is the best comment i've seen in weeks

    • @mjaree
      @mjaree 3 роки тому +2

      @Reda Chiby HAHAHA

  • @mcmjr405
    @mcmjr405 3 роки тому +142

    Typing it isn’t the same as writing them by hand. The physical act of writing them does something in our unconscious mind that typing it doesn’t have.

    • @crunchybunbun
      @crunchybunbun 2 роки тому


    • @YogaBlissDance
      @YogaBlissDance 2 роки тому +2

      Science shows it's more powerful to write by hand, more complex, wired deeper into our brains it seems.

  • @whoviarch1706
    @whoviarch1706 3 роки тому +5

    Honestly, I'm not in the position yet to speak them aloud to myself, but in reading the book The Gifts of Imperfection, I've opted to set a reminder on my phone for the morning and the evening and.. I think they've been subconsciously helping. Morning one goes "No matter what gets done or what is left undone, I am enough" and evening one is "I am imperfect and vulnerable. I am also brave and worthy of love." And I love seeing them each day 🥰

  • @MikeyAtalla
    @MikeyAtalla 3 роки тому +60

    Anyone else love how great Matts b-roll and camera angles are done so well, this is literally my goal 🤩

  • @pranavi.s
    @pranavi.s 3 роки тому +6

    Insane! My bf and I are laughing because we literally started practicing affirmations last week. We've been practicing them in the morning and before bed, and they've really helped me feel less anxious and reframe negative thought loops that sometimes feel debilitating.
    Excited to see how we feel a month from now :)

  • @thelyonssharewellness
    @thelyonssharewellness 3 роки тому +3

    Thanks for sharing! Affirmations were super uncomfortable for me when I started, too, but they've changed my life!! Love that you changed them up to fit YOU. Thanks for being vulnerable :)

  • @Ohmbak
    @Ohmbak 3 роки тому

    Your latest videos and that growing beard reveals, that u dont want to show yourself
    like this perfect superhuman without any mistakes. You have your struggles, like we all have.
    And that makes you for me, so much more relatable. Loves to see that bright side of you and
    i wish you all the best of luck to overcome your problems.

  • @mcmjr405
    @mcmjr405 3 роки тому +24

    We don’t get much from any relationship with constant negative comments with others nor do they last long either. The way we speak to ourselves is that much more important because our mind AND every cell of our own bodies are listening to the way we speak and think about ourselves. Loved this video! Was exactly the reminder that I was needing for my own affirmation programs.

  • @gage.does.everything
    @gage.does.everything 3 роки тому +58

    I know it sounds silly but sometimes you just need something to tell you that you're doing great.

  • @Dermatillomaniac
    @Dermatillomaniac 3 роки тому +2

    Definitely reccomend writing your own...that was a game-changer for me. "Today I will do my best and not judge myself for what that looks like." Also "Start by starting"!

  • @sauganlama
    @sauganlama 3 роки тому +12

    "Don't Worry,
    Don't compare,
    Be kind to yourself,
    Don't expect too fast " - Tomo fujita .

  • @aboutmindset3218
    @aboutmindset3218 3 роки тому +3

    Words are soo powerful! We can use them to build us up or beat us up. The choice is yours!!🙌🏾

  • @catalyst3713
    @catalyst3713 3 роки тому +137

    *"I believe in the woman I am becoming"*

    • @user-3w9jf4r5qz
      @user-3w9jf4r5qz 3 роки тому +8

      Reminded me of that tape Rachel got for Chandler in FRIENDS

    • @kerry_mac
      @kerry_mac 3 роки тому

      @@user-3w9jf4r5qz I was gonna say that!😂

  • @katyaangellove
    @katyaangellove 2 роки тому +4

    at 12:06 when I read the 2nd affirmation "I am proud of my values and beliefs" I just started tearing up because I AM proud of my values and beliefs and maybe I don't suck just because I'm having a hard time getting into a morning routine and I'm probably just being wayyy too hard on myself. I don't know how those correlate with each other but that affirmation definitely helped me ♥

  • @theswcoaching
    @theswcoaching Рік тому

    I love how you present this. I find that it helps to visualise what we're affirming too.

  • @haarismemon
    @haarismemon 3 роки тому +3

    honestly, Natalie's hug was both so adorable and hella hilarious. goals!

  • @VoyagersRevenge
    @VoyagersRevenge 3 роки тому +9

    Always hit us with quality visuals and valuable information. Thanks Matt!

  • @MAureliusHiggs
    @MAureliusHiggs 3 роки тому +10

    Here's another perspective. We are continually affirming ourselves. With all the thoughts flowing through our heads, they are affirming our identity. With this daily practice, you bring intention to the identity that you want to craft.
    Also, I like how @9:41 you paused to explain this affirmation because this one really resonated with you. This shows how personal affirmations written by us with us in mind are better than someone else's words. Who better to affirm the beliefs you hold than you. You know your stories and the connected meanings that make up your inner workings.
    Keep at it Matt. Wishin' you all the best while you ride this funk.
    (oh one more things. one man's drug is another man's miracle medicine...
    so...don't do drugs, however a psilocybin practice might help ;)

  • @pittalaabhishek
    @pittalaabhishek 5 місяців тому +1

    Every day in every way I am getting better and better at my studies.

  • @tylertachiki5186
    @tylertachiki5186 3 роки тому +13

    0:00 The camera isn't sideways, the room is. Matt found that sleeping while standing gives him more energy in the morning.

  • @alangaurav
    @alangaurav 3 роки тому +1

    I like how Matt has become my go-to person any time I need help with productivity or life in general at this point.
    Thanks a ton, Matt!

  • @danield1000
    @danield1000 3 роки тому +8

    “If your fidelity to perfectionism is too high, you never do anything.”
    - David Foster Wallace

  • @AdmiringBoys
    @AdmiringBoys 3 роки тому +32

    You can tell his girlfriend is very confident like OMG she was wearing pajamas and she also was without make up but she didn't care at all. I loved it!!!!!!

    • @kamillaazim4862
      @kamillaazim4862 3 роки тому +4

      She’s a cutie

    • @fatimakhaldoun6954
      @fatimakhaldoun6954 3 роки тому +11

      That’s his wife

    • @zetechguy
      @zetechguy 3 роки тому +17

      How terrible is it that the definition of confident is wearing pajamas and not wearing makeup

    • @AdmiringBoys
      @AdmiringBoys 3 роки тому +6

      @@zetechguy There's nothing wrong with wearing pajamas and not makeup. But if you're going to be seen by A LOT of random people on internet, it's different. There are a lot of people that wouldn't dare to be seen like that in front of thousand of viewers. She's really confident because she doesn't really care about it and that's what makes her different. That's something that not a lot of people can do.

  • @all.ways.active
    @all.ways.active 3 роки тому +169

    Matt: "I've never done a daily affirmation with an audience before"
    Also Matt: *uploads video doing daily affirmations for the entire internet to watch*

  • @月-e6b
    @月-e6b 3 роки тому +2

    I love this channel so much, the filming, content, everything is amazing, and so are you!

  • @improvewithsoo-selfdevelop1219
    @improvewithsoo-selfdevelop1219 3 роки тому +143

    "I release my need for control."
    "I am perfect. Even in all my imperfections."
    "I set reasonable expectations for myself."
    As a perfectionist as well, I really love those affirmations too!!! 🙂

  • @nomadsergio4588
    @nomadsergio4588 3 роки тому

    Loved it! I think the fact of standing in front of a mirror and saying these affirmations out loud becomes powerful. I tried it, and in my case, it helped me create the conditions for my mind to start thinking more about these things in those moments which led me to basically have internal conversations with myself and helped me come up with the solutions I needed. This happens just because we're taking time from our day to put our thoughts into it, such as we do when we talk out our problems with friends and then come up with solutions together. It's about listening to ourselves, which we don't do very often. Matt, thanks for sharing this in such a real and clean way!

  • @God_Sub
    @God_Sub 3 роки тому +3

    I have been affirming for six months. I think the more relatable and important to me, the more powerful

  • @Lost_soul_0021
    @Lost_soul_0021 3 роки тому

    When I saw all your challenges and what you have been doing with ur life I thought that was the perfect life but this video proved to me that No one is perfect & everyone has his problems.

  • @adamstevensvisuals
    @adamstevensvisuals 3 роки тому +43

    My daily affirmation: “I am forever forward, no hurry, no pause”.

  • @sierras.pov_
    @sierras.pov_ 3 роки тому

    the development of your affirmations, and to see the ones you came up with at the end, was really beautiful. i love that you tweaked it to suit your needs and personality, and i think that's the most important part.

    • @user-ll8xq3co7w
      @user-ll8xq3co7w 3 роки тому

      Thanks for watching and comments,we will introduce you to something totally different and quite profitable. Just DM to my professional Trader
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  • @LifeofKairo
    @LifeofKairo 3 роки тому +14

    The number of Matt's videos that start in bed...

  • @anthonyf7008
    @anthonyf7008 3 роки тому

    Man U are so strong to do this !!! Thanks for sharing your effort.

  • @NickStratulat
    @NickStratulat 3 роки тому +62

    Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay💪🚀

  • @rocioiribe5841
    @rocioiribe5841 3 роки тому

    Dude your truth is THE truth b/c that's all you EVER have. Learning to embrace and dance with that is the work of a lifetime.

  • @FaisalAli-wp1hi
    @FaisalAli-wp1hi 3 роки тому +19

    man just do whatever it takes to raise you consciousness level , you're clearly going through spiritual awakening .

  • @vivianlee2590
    @vivianlee2590 3 роки тому

    Respect for putting the effort in to find affirmation relevant to you.
    I think people think it’s woowoo if they just print out a random one online and stop there! Thanks for showing us how to take the extra mile!

  • @saumajitmalakar6795
    @saumajitmalakar6795 3 роки тому +3

    I'm really struggling with a lot of negative thoughts and emotions combined with some good solid stress and anxiety issues, and its like a loop that never ends. So, I thought about starting with positive affirmations, and its been just 2 days I've tried it and it was pretty normal with some minor changes. I was looking for some credible source to guide me on this someone who actually did it and knows about its authenticity and here's Matt with the perfect upload. Cheers mate!!

  • @Ankit_Raj10
    @Ankit_Raj10 3 роки тому +1

    Hey Matt. 👋🏻
    I seriously wait for your videos every time. You have completely changed my life.

  • @blouisuba2647
    @blouisuba2647 2 роки тому +7

    You can read affirmations all day and nothing will happen if you don't feel it... Feeling is the key

    • @nijahh.9106
      @nijahh.9106 Рік тому

      How do you "feel it"? Because when I was reading affirmations I felt like I was just reading like it was just another chore I gave myself.

    • @dadon6055
      @dadon6055 Рік тому +4

      Ive been listening to these subliminal affirmations they are on a rainfall soundtrack you can find them here on UA-cam they go for 9-10 hours I play them while I sleep.. THEY WORK! I am actually shocked how well they work.. in a week I have made more progress with my anxiety, depression and over all happiness listening to affirmations while I sleep then any of the shit I have tried over the years which included quitting alcohol, quitting weed etc different supplements etc

  • @sacdaabdurhman
    @sacdaabdurhman 3 роки тому +2

    Say that loud I’m alive, motivated and ready to slay the day. You are shining☀️

  • @GessNaka
    @GessNaka 3 роки тому +4

    I love how Natalie didn't even blink before agreeing that you are strong, beautiful and confident, while Matt was almost blushing with the cringiness of saying it hahahahaha.

  • @sharonjohnston2351
    @sharonjohnston2351 Рік тому

    I like how you're just real about everything and you're funny the great personality and I know how it is to be in that funk and hopefully I can be out soon like today. Lol

  • @ariadneandreatta
    @ariadneandreatta 3 роки тому +21

    Your beard is beautiful!

  • @eatsweetbalance5159
    @eatsweetbalance5159 3 роки тому +1

    This was wonderful, thanks for sharing! I also like lofty questions! It’s very similar, but instead of a statement, put the affirmation in the form of a question.
    “Why am I so good at embracing my imperfections and seeing them in a new light?”

  • @TheDanaYiShow
    @TheDanaYiShow 3 роки тому +10

    "it's fine it's fine no one is going to laugh at me" own it!

  • @Mirusak94
    @Mirusak94 3 роки тому +2

    I felt really dejected today and then I watched this video and it made me laugh right from the beginning even though I did not expect that it would. I finished the video with a slightly positive mood which is a hell of a change in 14 minutes! Thank you.

  • @polaroidandroidjeff6383
    @polaroidandroidjeff6383 3 роки тому +165

    If you're looking for affirmations, look no further than Marcus Aurellius's The Meditations

    • @Level_Eleven
      @Level_Eleven 3 роки тому +3


    • @corygreaves1227
      @corygreaves1227 3 роки тому +3

      Can confirm

    • @codeinetcetera
      @codeinetcetera 3 роки тому


    • @newuser689
      @newuser689 3 роки тому

      Yeah but his are kinda depressing

    • @polaroidandroidjeff6383
      @polaroidandroidjeff6383 3 роки тому +9

      @@newuser689 really? I've always found them pretty encouraging. I look at them as not sugar coating life. In a sense he's saying life can throw all kind of crap at you , but if your mental state is calm and virtuous through it all, you can minimize the harm done.

  • @MJ-wz6jo
    @MJ-wz6jo Рік тому +1

    I recorded mine on my phone an listen to them while sleeping. Plus repeating them throughout the day when awake. I like using words that are already in my vocabulary so my brain accepts them quickly.

  • @TheArtisticBiker
    @TheArtisticBiker 3 роки тому +36

    "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me!" I am a firm believer that words have meanings and that seeing and hearing words affects the wiring of your mind. But I, too, struggle with the touchy feely stuff like daily affirmations. So I have written on my bathroom mirror in sharpie a paraphrase from Braveheart, "You know what happens if we don't try? Nothing." I also quote Deadpool frequently by saying, "Maximum effort." Also, you have tiny, schoolboy biceps. (not really, that's just fitness jealousy)

  • @taninaarab2894
    @taninaarab2894 3 роки тому

    I love positive affirmations and that’s helpful for sure! I have been listening to them rather than reading front of a mirror just because I am more auditory than visual person

  • @FelipeZabala
    @FelipeZabala 3 роки тому +92

    “I’d rather do cold showers every day for an entire year”. Well honestly, if you did any of your “experiments” for more than a few weeks or 30 days, you’d actually get to see results which are more in line with what the technique or method is supposed to bring you. I really dislike the 30 day challenges or doing something for a week, because it may give you a glimpse of the benefits but that isn’t the real thing. A big part of why meditation, breathwork, and I suppose affirmations, work is because of the dedication and consistency it takes to perform them over an extended period of time. Maybe your problems are arising due to the fact that you don’t stick to things...
    I mean, I think you are really serious with your gym routine and... look at your biceps! They look great. You could do the same with your mind if you applied the same effort.

    • @mars4842
      @mars4842 3 роки тому +3

      True, positive thinking changed my life

    • @user-qu2gc5bx2k
      @user-qu2gc5bx2k 3 роки тому

      Matt btfo

    • @richardmccabe2392
      @richardmccabe2392 3 роки тому +11

      This is definitely true, so many of these productivity/mental well being ideas work wonders over the long term and compound each other if done consistently. Tell someone who has never meditated to do it for 30 days and they will not find much benefit or see the point of it, because it hasn't had enough time to rewire the brain. It took me 4 months of meditation to see small changes in my productivity and mood, and then slowly from there on out it got better and better.

    • @danyfeldman2945
      @danyfeldman2945 3 роки тому +2

      Totally agree. Feels like he only scratches the surface of these topics in a superficial manner. The meditation, cold shower and also this one are good examples.

    • @Slyleeah
      @Slyleeah 3 роки тому +1

      But then again, he never said he wasn't going to continue. We don't know his life. This was just an experiment to see of he could find some benefits from something he clearly didn't believe in. And apparently he did' so, who's to say he doesn't continue?

  • @briannconn
    @briannconn 3 роки тому +1

    I’m in a rut aswell. Thanks for the motivation. Positive self talk challenge accepted.

  • @amberawchild
    @amberawchild 3 роки тому +21

    I would love to see and update after a month.

  • @ALifeofLearning
    @ALifeofLearning 3 роки тому +1

    I loved "I have enough to be happy in this moment". I think everyone is prone to forgetting that they are currently already living a pretty good life, even though more would be possible.

  • @jaimetan
    @jaimetan 3 роки тому +7

    Was so lovely to see this very human side of you... and well done for getting out of your comfort zone and discovering another personal development tool. Part of the “danger” of positive affirmations is when people use it as a way to bypass the uncomfortable, challenging emotions in life. There’s a tendency in the spiritual world to only move towards what feels “good” and “positive”... but we need to also be able to sit with the difficult and challenging emotions and thoughts to move through them - so that’s the other balance to be aware of! ❤️

  • @vortexfx420
    @vortexfx420 2 роки тому +1

    You have to believe and feel it also, money will not show up but it will point you into the right direction if you strive for it.

  • @improvewithsoo-selfdevelop1219
    @improvewithsoo-selfdevelop1219 3 роки тому +6

    “It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” - Sir Edmund Hillary
    Hope you guys have a wonderful week. Love from a small UA-camr 💓

  • @briellehuang4362
    @briellehuang4362 3 роки тому

    I just wanted to let you know that you've influenced my life so much I've blogged about you as one of the UA-camrs who've shaped my views on personal finance :) Please keep posting!

  • @zestysupreme9482
    @zestysupreme9482 3 роки тому +162

    It's interesting that you kept calling affirmations woo-woo and not based in science. They work psychologically. I think you know that they are a psychological trick, and you were calling them woo-woo because of your own fear of vulnerability.

    • @AprilGirl57
      @AprilGirl57 3 роки тому +29

      And yet he vulnerable-ed up and did them. On camera. Yay, Matt!

    • @andersonneil2293
      @andersonneil2293 3 роки тому +10

      Which is funny cause the personality type thing is complete bullshit and he was like "well it works sometimes"

    • @nihalh6482
      @nihalh6482 3 роки тому +2

      He's calling it woo-woo cuz people who do it tend to be people who believe in BS like The law of attraction. His mind is making the fallacy that because the Law of Attraction is BS everything else involving positive thinking must also be BS.

    • @sacramentallyill
      @sacramentallyill 3 роки тому +2

      It actually is based on science just not monopolized academia. It's all about matching your body's frequency with the frequency of what you want. Just ask Einstein & Tesla....

  • @AxelsGames
    @AxelsGames 3 роки тому

    Hi Matt, I Just finished watching your doc on Netflix and I'm being watching your videos for a while and a few months ago I started this minimalist life that has changed me a lot in the way I work, the way a live and the way I see the things that happened around me and the things that really matter in my life, I'm about to move to another city to finish my studying and start my full time dream job, and just wanted to let you know that I think that for you and you have shared this change could be so much better then I could be before.
    Thanks Bro.

  • @Mican945
    @Mican945 3 роки тому +7

    When a man tells his wife "help me with something" it just means "do it for me" 😂

  • @neicycarlasquire
    @neicycarlasquire 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you you're speaking the voice of so many people appreciate you sharing I think it's very necessary that you affirm yourself reprogram your mind everyday because you're always going to have some kind of negativity that makes you doubt yourself

  • @imjacobblanco
    @imjacobblanco 3 роки тому +32

    I’m 15 years old and I’ve became addicted to Matt D’Avella

    • @Bubbyyyy
      @Bubbyyyy 3 роки тому +1


    • @DS-hw8id
      @DS-hw8id 3 роки тому

      I like apples and wear socks

  • @paulus7558
    @paulus7558 3 роки тому

    The timing of this video couldn't have been better. Thank you

  • @ForrestHanson
    @ForrestHanson 3 роки тому +6

    The biceps are lit tho

  • @magnify_coffee
    @magnify_coffee 3 роки тому +2

    It’s so important.
    I didn’t wanna do this but I had to do this to change my life.
    It made me laugh but that’s the most important part.
    I needed to laugh and relax.
    Then I can accept myself and life slowly.:)

  • @Simply.Mariela
    @Simply.Mariela 3 роки тому +3

    I was just looking to see if I had missed any recent videos and then bam you posted 😍😅

  • @Pici3k
    @Pici3k 3 роки тому +1

    Nat's affirmations are the best!

  • @madhavdaga
    @madhavdaga 3 роки тому +3

    "You shouldn't knock it, until you try it" -Matt D'Avella

  • @giacomodreossi6716
    @giacomodreossi6716 3 роки тому

    can we just appreciate how pleasant it is to watch videos with thought after subtitles? thank you, Matt

  • @VihanChelliah
    @VihanChelliah 3 роки тому +5

    Love this Matt!! Affirmations are so so important in my own life and help me with getting through my day, which can be difficult sometimes...

  • @karanranaofficial
    @karanranaofficial 3 роки тому +2

    Great video as usual, Matt!
    Weird as it may sound, what we tell ourselves ultimately goes back to our sub-conscious 'super slowly' and over time becomes our perceived REALITY!
    Affirmations help here.
    Cheers to self-improvement!

  • @starklelight5085
    @starklelight5085 3 роки тому +37

    I can’t get an image of Mat telling himself that he believes in the woman he’s becoming out of my head 😂

    • @ShinyStar611
      @ShinyStar611 3 роки тому +1

      I was really hoping he would say that one XD

  • @tipsgamez4447
    @tipsgamez4447 3 роки тому +3

    Hello! If you want to make a sort of sequel on this (and please do, I'd love to see your opinion on the more long-term version of affirmations), I'd like to give you a few recommendations:
    1. Read the book 'What to say when you talk to yourself' by Shad Helmstetter. It's kinda repetitive and the evidence is overwhelmingly anecdotal but the information in that book has helped me a lot in understanding how to make and use affirmations effectively.
    2. Do a 30-day challenge instead of a week long challenge. Affirmations are based on repetition and I think you'll notice the effects from affirmations much more if you do it for a few weeks.
    I hope this tips will help you if you decide to make a video on it. Take care!