Charmed 5x02: A Witches Tail: Summoning Phoebe

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ladenise86
    @ladenise86 11 років тому +390

    Phoebe and Cole should have stayed together, IMO. Whenever I watch season 5, I feel so sorry for Cole :(

  • @OurGodReigns
    @OurGodReigns 15 років тому +216

    Phobe and Cole started out so great!
    She loved him and helped and supported him even though he was still Balthazor. I think that was my favourite period of their relationship!
    Then when he became fully human that period was just cute and cool. Even though he struggled with it at first.
    Then when the Source possessed him that period was just vile and rubbish.
    When he managed to get out of the underworld that period was really sad :( :(

  • @emilish624
    @emilish624 9 років тому +293

    I love Phoebe/Cole and I was so sad when she ended it here. I thought this would prove they belonged together

  • @bluc3cl0ud
    @bluc3cl0ud 15 років тому +125

    you're right. Cole's love for Phoebe is adorable. Love him

  • @Hartbrother3
    @Hartbrother3 16 років тому +135

    I feel so sorry for cole!!!

  • @Zarkon619
    @Zarkon619 15 років тому +213

    if they became a couple back again then,everything would be ok now,
    I cant stand how Phoebe hated cole for been the source,while she was the one who stopped him for giving away his source`s powers

  • @movieholic-92
    @movieholic-92 16 років тому +76

    I love this scene too. I love them all, but he looks so adorable.

  • @HappyBunny1231345
    @HappyBunny1231345 14 років тому +82

    Even though its cute and sad at the same time..
    Its funny wen phoebes like" This isnt happening! This cant be happening! THIS GOES BEYOND STALKING!!"
    Phole 4ever:)

  • @Sandreich
    @Sandreich 16 років тому +37

    this is so good
    i really love this scene
    and cole:D

  • @princeenvy1986
    @princeenvy1986 8 років тому +146

    Fun fact: When Disney was making little mermaid they used Alyssa Milano's Image for princess Ariel!

  • @NB1111
    @NB1111 15 років тому +27

    A Gorgona & Her Prince...They Have A Connection.

  • @emilyaddison-ni8qi
    @emilyaddison-ni8qi 8 років тому +19

    Watch supernatural