Roblox Studio - Building Tutorial | Advanced
- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
- Hi! thank you for watching this video, I hope you learnt something from it.
Please be sure to share this with any friends who may need help with learning the advanced tools of building in Roblox studio.
I plan on making more episodes increasing in difficulty.
You can contact me on Twitter or Discord for individual support
Twt @ Urellity
Dc @Jupitahhh
Disclosure, the voice overlay in this video is AI text to speech. I did my best to convey ideals and education through this, and I feel I did a pretty decent job at doing do, let me know if this is a viable option or if you would just prefer text.
I've been here since the first tutorial, I'd love to see your channel become as big as some other devs on youtube.
Keep it up with this high-quality content 💪💪
BONES MY GOAT 🐐 😭🙏. I'll become as good as you one day 😌
@@Vegattack12345 that’s the point of these tutorials! :D
I really wish I found tutorials that are as good as these tutorials when I first started building around 3 years ago, good job man, I really do like how your making these easy to learn tutorials for more newer people, hell ill even watch them to see if I can learn something new that I never discovered on my own! :D
wowzers such a delightful tutorial
DUDE these are the best building tutorials ive ever seen in my life.
I love all your videos they are very helpful, thanks for making them! ^-^ I hope you can grow a lot on youtube
Your helping with my buildings and everything on roblox studio thank you
Love these videos so much. As a roblox builder and making my own game, This is helped me alot. Thank you so much man!
im trying to get into building and ill say it is HARD but your videos help me out ALOT and i just wanted to say this is so wholesome "are you proud of your self? well i am"
I'm glad!! :D
If there is anything else you would like me to cover let me know! :3
@@bone_blox i will do!
12:10 Oh hell no💀
Great tutorial by the way
I'm so excited for new vid!
This is the best person in the world🎉
this is very epok build 👍
"bricced up with briccs, it's bricced"- BONES
I love your tutorials, they helped me a lot, thank you.
I stop what im doing to watch ur vids
Decent tutorial, the bridge came out neat and detailed. I'm a little confused on the two terminologies used. Modular - means a chunk of something can snap to its self or other chunks and be seamless. Kind of like legos. They link together to form something larger without noticing there are multiple pieces. Baking - You said was basically optimizing to have less parts in a solid version of the bridge. IDK who named it that in Roblox, but it's just simply, optimizing/ lowering polycount.
@@pineappleparty1624 the baking term is just a personal thing I call it since it’s kinda “setting the bridge” in stone, it’s not easily editable after doing so
@@bone_blox oh ok , thanks for pointing that out. That makes a lot of sense.
LETS GO A NEW EP also what texture did u use for the bridge?
my goat 🙏
I’m going to be spending 10000 Robux to advertise a survival game, this is EXACTLY what I needed!🔥
Hey, how far along is your development of that survival game?
I love your Videos, I've notice when you try changing your rotation to local, you always have to do extra steps to get there, but an easier way is by clicking ctrl + L
Its way easier and faster :D
@@Jah4zi3l I’m aware! It’s just habit, control L is further away for me, I’ve recently rebinded one of my side mouse buttons to axis change, thanks though!
Forgot to mention I have a full video about every keybind in roblox 😓 I just felt it was easier to click
@@bone_blox oh okay 👌
Another major reason is my keyboard key logger doesn’t actually have L on it, so I make it easier for viewers to see how I do it (this is my excuse answer so I sound cooler and informative)
@@bone_blox bruh 😅😅
yet i still self taught myself building, im still watching this lol
Ngl I needed this one, thanks
very good tutorial
Interesting video am impressed
fire vid once again
all this without a blender is a w
I want to become an awesome builder like you man :) BONES
At 8:18, instead of unioning you can use 2 wedges to fill that angle
that would still lead to an uneven angle, thats not how geometry works, good job though
@@bone_bloxYeah, if the back parts were more aligned it would be fine ❤
Nevermind they are pretty aligned! Should be good 👍
@@masterthaxx1630 Using unions in this case is a surefire way to have a flush obtuse angle with no feathering, and unions in this case also aren't negative, as its just 2 wedges. this way is much easier than trying to angle another wedge in there :D
@@bone_blox Ok 👍
BONES omg i still can’t beleave your games are not number 1 they are too good!!!!
Would love to see a tutorial on the waterfall and waterfall material.. can you please also guide on how to make material variations non glossy.. I've tried the black map and white map but no matter what I do, everything turns glossy.
BONES is the uprising of Roblox Studio Education
This is cool
no way a real builder instead of a dude like ele that just takes random pbr models and copy/pastes them around a boring and bland map
Thanks! if you have any requests or ideas for future videos let me know! - (I'm kinda dry on content here...) mostly because I'm not entirely sure what people want to learn...
@@bone_blox no problem! probably not applicable for a full length video, but in your broken water wheel build they meshes for the wood was very nice, just wanted to ask did your modeller/you use brushes to make those meshes or without brushes
absolute cook bridge
“Its bricked”- bones
Would love yo see some speedbuilds after those tutorials
give me a theme 😉😉 we'll make it work
Roses, can be temple, can be a garden, anything, no meshes challenge 😉
where do you get your textures
Does bones actually have bones though? Or are you like ditto from Pokemon?
How do your rotate something so majestically
Ctrl R / Ctrl T, and just generally having a good understanding on which way my parts will be facing. keep in mind that using ctrl T will tilt them according to your camera angle
It is Z-Index not Zindex. TTS sucks, talking is not hard. Just make a script and read it.
😂 I appreciate your opinion however I'd rather keep my voice off the internet, its a personal thing and i don't really want to do it. so far you're one of the only people who has had a problem with the TTS.
almost every Roblox developer pronounces it as Zindex anyway. rolls off the tongue better
Thank you for your opinion!
you still understand it, so it doesnt matter
Maaan im too lazy
Bones Im gay for you
@@vegitodev thank you
that was awkward ngl