It's sad that he doesn't see the wicked changes in the kj bible, it's changing supernaturally but he has rewritten all the changes into his memory. I pray that you are aware of the changes. God bless you.
This is true BUT I have sisters and brothers in my church who have had dreams from God for specific purposes in their lives and they have come to pass. He still can use dreams. As a matter of fact he used a dream to speak to me to stop trying to guess the date of the rapture 😓
Had a dream I was outside the earth and the whole earth was on fire and I had the whole concept of time on my right hand. John 10:9 2 Peter 3:7 Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 Revelations 22:20-21
Galatians 3:28 GNB So there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles, between slaves and free people, between men and women... So I am wondering, God has told us in Galatians 3 that there is no difference and so this world include woman too as a human rather than an outsider to preach. I am so glad I met God in person and he truly loves EVERYBODY, not just men. Goodness, this is like when Anglo’s thought they were better than black people and slaved them. I suppose this ignorance continues toda; in all seriousness are equal.
Jesus answers my prayers, reveals things to me, guides me through the conscious contact with Jesus. When I ask for his care and protection, I receive this. Jesus reveals things to me in prayer, meditation, dreams and vision. But it's only for me, tailor-made for me and nobody else. Guided by Christ, let go and let God.
I've only experienced 1 thing, I was thinking about what I could do to help my papaw, he was having heart problems and getting upset when he got back from the dr, getting loud with my grandma and mad. It was upsetting me so I decided to pray, it felt like I fell asleep right when I closed my eyes to pray and before I could ask I saw a red flash and heard "MERCY".when I opened my eyes it was still echoing inside me. So that's what I did and he actually started changing, he gave me a hug for the first time in a long time and started saying I love you every time we left each other. Never used to do that.
James Ford ".. Appreciate your post! ... Thankyou for taking the time it Really blessed me! .. I'm 68 .. Can hardly believe it. Got a bad heart".. .. Got issues with some of my sons friends ". .. MERCY! is a word for me" .. Lots of young people Don't know APOSTLE PAUL!.. Sooooo".. .. I try to give a word of encouragement.. Now and then. .. ALL" just stare. .. Covid ".. shut down A local Rescue mission Where I would preach " .. Just left a pentecostal Church.. NO APOSTLE PAUL ". .. played in the Worship team.. Once and a while lead WORSHIP ". .. when ever I would bring up APOSTLE PAUL.. They would stare. .. MERCY " .. is a good Word ". Take care "..
Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. If any thing be revealed to another that sits by, let the first hold his peace for you may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted. And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets for God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. (1Cor 14:29-33)
@@inTruthbyGrace; blessing's, peace, grace. Judgement is coming. Two more Sabbath Day's unto the end. Alert.! For those with eye's too see. "Here is wisdom"! KJV Bible Strong's Concordance ... C- Ovid 19 > C = 3 = Abaddon (satan) Rev 9:11 ... Ovid ... From old Roman Latin = Sheep ... 19 = Slaughter. "Hence, satan, Sheep, Slaughter''! A rtifical Intellegence = A.I. = 19 = Slaughter. The 5G network. 5 G = 57 = Sorrow's Matt 24:8. The Fee Mason G = 7= perish, destruction. Exactly what's going too happen too this world, Our King Christ Lord Jesus Immanu- EL; us coming for His; people. Repent brother's, and sister's. Keep the Ten Commandment's, Especially the Fourth (Remember The Sabbath Day Keep It Holy).. Check out ... It's worth a 'Crown'! 2020 = " Deliverance "! Time is short. ''We are going home'' Amen.
yes, and Robert doesn't know the content of those dreams or visions and doesn't even have time to test them. If God wants to speak through someone, He does! Robert often feels superior to others because he is a teacher. The Bible teaches that if a dream and vision come true, it was true prophecy.
@@zs4855; blessing's, peace, grace. Seek the ''Truth'' ... Judgement is coming. Alert.! For those with eye's too see. "Here is wisdom"! KJV Bible Strong's Concordance ... C- Ovid 19 > C = 3 = Abaddon (satan) Rev 9:11 ... Ovid ... From old Roman Latin = Sheep ... 19 = Slaughter. "Hence, satan, Sheep, Slaughter''! A rtifical Intellegence = A.I. = 19 = Slaughter. The 5G network. 5 G = 57 = Sorrow's Matt 24:8. The Fee Mason G = 7= perish, destruction. Exactly what's going too happen too this world, Our King Christ Lord Jesus Immanu- EL; us coming for His; people. Repent brother's, and sister's. Keep the Ten Commandment's, Especially the Fourth (Remember The Sabbath Day Keep It Holy).. Check out ... It's worth a 'Crown'! 2020 = " Deliverance "! Time is short. ''We are going home'' Amen.
Very much needed this video! Get tired of people having so called rapture dreams and then rolling out of bed the next morning making you tube videos out of it!
@@larrycraddock3063 lol seriously I feel exactly the same way and video after video after video. It's like there possed. They don't even know that they've been wrong on every prediction. They completely forget about the bible. It's crazy to me
@@lifelife3061 Yes i know! I am a pastor myself, and when i try to show people that the Book of Acts is a transitional book, they simply will not believe. By Transitional i mean that it starts off with signs and wonders but ends with the APOSTOLIC gifts fading away! Pastor Breaker has a wonderful video about the Book of Acts being a Transitional Book as well.( Ever notice how their dreams and visions are posted after the event has already taken place? That is like saying I had a dream about 9/11 days after it occured)
@@larrycraddock3063 What about the testimonials that so many Muslims and Jews are having that Jesus came to them and then they believed and became Christian? I think yes Test the fruit and Nothing should supercede Gods word.
Amen, Pastor Robert Breaker! Blessings to you and your Lovely Wife and children. Right on again! I wish more people would read the Word and study and lean not unto their own understanding.
Good to hear someone speak the truth. Faith we were saved not by works. By trusting in the finished work of what Christ did for US on the cross. By his stripes we are healed. By his blood we are clensed, purchased.
I had dreams of the rapture that started at 4 years old for me. I was afraid to go to bed at night, was mocked and bullied because of these dreams. In 2019 had another “rapture” dream that led me to get saved. It was so horrific that I started asking questions (my relationship started to grow with Christ) Had that dream Oct 2019 and got saved Nov 2019. I truly believe the Lord gave me that specific dream I am now saved by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ alone and not of works. The Gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 We serve a loving and merciful God. God bless you brother Robert this video has helped me.
I was an agnostic. I had two dreams one night. As soon as I woke from the first I was crying uncontrollably and I couldn't calm myself down. I finally feel back asleep and after the second dream, when I woke up, I was still crying so hard I couldn't breathe. I dreamt I woke up in my bed next to my own skeletal corpse in my house that was in a 180 degree of disrepair where the roof has even been blown off. I was tortured by a demon not physically in the dream but in a mental way. Everyone had a face even the demons except for the one that spoke to me asking me for something because I tried to take an item out of the dream. I didn't take the item and i told the demon no. And i had a bible in my house the next day. I remember both dreams as if I just woke from them. Every time I would try to tell them to someone I would start crying to the point where I couldn't explain it to them because I would start crying so hard. I didn't believe in god. I denied him and cursed him. I was wrong. I know i was shown hell. And if there is a hell there is a heaven i had a bible I my house that I still should read more the next day. and I believe in the god of the bible. And I was purely agnostic.
Awesome testimony! Praise God for His mercy! I believe I had 1 short prophetic dream and I read something about prophetic dreams that lines up with my experience & with what you wrote. You never forget them & you remember them perfectly like you just had them. I didn't know what mine meant but then I saw someone who posted online who had the EXACT SAME DREAM that I did! It was about the judgement of God that is coming to this world.
My 22 year old son never believed in God, Jesus or the Bible as I had not truly believed as well. However, I later became a Bible Believing Dispensation Christian thanks to truthful Pastors Dr Gene Kim and Brother Breaker. I told my son everything I've learned, he still laughed at me. However, my son called me up one morning and said he had a bizzare dream that there were demons/monsters around him but they were not able to touch him, he was asking a demon "why cant you hurt me?" The demon said "because of who you belong too" and then my son said he was wisked up towards the sky. Now, my son believes in GOD and the Lord Jesus Christ. My 11 year old daughter has learned from me too and she prays everynight. Recently, our puppy ran away and she loves that puppy, she prayed for God to find her and she had 2 dreams showing her puppy wondering around looking lost but still alive. A week later, my husband saw the puppy wondering around just like my daughters dream. Because she is a child of God and she communicates regularly with God through prayer always in Jesus name, he answered that particular request and she hasnt even read the Bible ever. God Bless you Brother Breaker and the Church.
Hello Brother Breaker. Thank you for Showing that dreams and visions may come from satan other than God! I learned that 45 years ago, and I will Always go to my 1611 KJV Bible and not give much reverence to any dreams! We are now on March 08,2023 Quickly Coming Up To The Rapture, March 16th Is a Day of Equal Parts! Hallelujah Blessed Be Almighty God! May God Bless You and your family, In The Name Of Emmanuel, Yeshua Ha Mashiach, Jesus The Christ. Amen.
Just realized it's much easier to cast this message to my Roku and watch Brother Breaker on my actual TV. Just shows that God will speak through His men even over the enemy's airwaves. God Bless you, Brother Breaker, for preaching the uncompromised Gospel.
God uses his Holy Spirit also by thought of mind, and speaks audibly by voice not just by dreams, and visions, but by direction of thought. I myself testifying of this with the Holy Spirit inside me. Glory to God!
When I pray and ask for God to help provide me with clarity or his will on anything he always answers me in scripture. If I had written down every time this has happened to me I could literally write a book. I’m a nurse and I had a job that would have put me right square in the front lines of this pandemic. I was already stressed to the hilt with the job and my poor kids were getting none of my time and as a single parent it was awful. I was very clearly told (through my scripture reading) that I needed to quit that job for another one that pays a bit less, but MUCH less stressful, allowing for me to be there for my sons and not front line. I had no idea there was going to be a pandemic, but God knew what was coming and through his word instructed me to do something that all of my friends and coworkers thought I was nuts for doing. Now they are all telling me what a good decision I made and how did I know to do that. I just say God!
Pastor Breaker - MUCH respect to you & your ministry! Also much respect to the brothers & sisters in Christ who are making comments here. I ABSOLUTELY agree that the BIBLE is the final authority & the completed Word of God. But I have issues with some of what you are saying. In the 2 Peter chapter 1 passage, Peter cannot possibly be referring to the Bible when he is mentioning having a more sure word of prophecy because they didn't have the Bible and would not have it in a completed form like we do for about 300 years. In fact, in writing this passage, he was WRITING the Bible. On the Day of Pentecost Peter referred to the Joel 2:28 passage in Acts 2:17-18 "No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on My menservants and maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.…" This is IN THE BIBLE. It is promised to happen. So we MUST take GOD AT HIS WORD. "Let God be true and every man a liar" (Romans 3:4). Peter said in vs. 17 that it was to happen in the last days. I know that you believe that we are now in the last days. Peter said this & it was the first day of the church age - he was already considering it the" last days". Interesting, right? If that is true, how much further along are we now and how much more will this be happening? This argument aligns with your argument of following exactly what the Bible says. God can & will work however He wants & He has ALREADY TOLD US that these things will happen. OF COURSE we must measure any dream & vision by the BIBLE. We know that anyone who proclaims a different gospel must be accursed. We know that the measure of a prophet in the OT is that they must be 100% accurate or they were to be put to death. The Bible tells us to test the spirits to see if they are of God. But I am telling you - If God says that he will pour out His Spirit on ALL FLESH - then it is going to be HUGE! The problem with your attempt to explain away this passage at the end of the video is that Peter would not have used a passage that was only meant for Jews to address a mixed crowd of Gentiles & Jews on the first day the church age! All flesh is ALL FLESH - NOT all Jewish flesh. Also, remember that Gentile believers have been grafted in if that helps you. The mental gymnastics you use would have people trying to figure out the ancestry of the person conveying the dream or vision instead of simply testing the spirit of it as were are told to do in the Bible. The Day of Pentecost was the first step of Jesus reclaiming the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ, since many of the people who were saved that day were Gentiles who would have gone back to their respective lands to spread the gospel there. As far as interpretation - just as in the OT, God usually gives interpretation along with the vision. I agree 100% that people need to know their BIBLES FIRST!! This is sadly lacking But here in the last days God is working in MANY different ways. 80% of the underground church in the middle east have come to Christ because Jesus has been appearing to muslims in dreams & visions. Praise GOD!!! Read Dreams & Visions by Missionary Tom Doyle. Love you brother & love your videos & ministry!! God Bless You!!
Amen well said! I feel bad for people who don’t connect with God through dreams and visions. I have had my deepest revelations through dreams. But they always have lined up with his word. The most recent one was a rebuke to the church. The Holy Spirit led me to Amos 7:7. I am a watchmen in the house of the Lord and when I was born again on 7/7/19 and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and led me to Ezekiel 3 and confirmed what I was called to do. Then the next day, my five year old son (by the Holy Spirit) looked me in my eyes and said, “mom Jesus has given you the voice of a beautiful trumpet” and I know the Lord was telling me to blow the trumpet and that’s what I’ve been doing ever since. But the church refuses listen to me. The leaders are lukewarm and it grieves my heart. Jesus is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle and for a church who is worshiping him in spirit and in truth. He is coming back for a church that trusts in him and doesn’t put him in a box. 🤦🏽♀️
I love this teaching! You confirm my beliefs- and I am so very thankful to hear what you say and how deceitful these people are on UA-cam, either deceived themselves or both. It’s pretty frightening when someone doesn’t have the discernment to recognize…
The immense popularity of this subject shows how badly the Church needs rightly divided doctrine and dispensational teaching. Thank you Robert Breaker for your obedience
I love you, Robert Breaker! Hello from New Zealand! Thank you for your time and your ministry/bible classes - it's greatly appreciated! I've learned a lot from watching your videos!
I've got to say Brother Breaker I have personally experienced all 3 of the ways you say the Lord speaks, and here's the catch, the Lord has given me physical proof of His presence and works in my body backing my visions, and I've been trying to get someone to take a look for 20 plus straight weeks and sadly counting. The Lord has shown me that you tell them to stop being idiots and take a look !!! Prove me crazy or correct at the push of a button. Smh ............ JESUS IS MY KING 🤴 ❤ ♥ 💖 💕 🙌 🤴
The Lord has been showing these same people my ability to know the impossible about them for over an entire year and 20 weeks ago He blessed me with the physical proof and still no one will look to see.
I, just my opinion, feel like, I follow your thoughts and beliefs 💯 with how you interpret the Word, but my problem is, your interpretation places a limit or cut of on Our Father, and I strongly believe that is something we must not do to OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST AMEN!!!! For His love, power, ability, mercy and every thing else under the sun have no limits!!!!
This was an area I did not understand until the Holy Spirit got a hold of me and illuminated the word...I had dreams that came to pass, but I totally agree that it doesn't necessarily mean it's from God. I do not ask for dreams anymore and haven't had any since. I don't want to fall into mystecism but focus on the Word and learning more and more through scripture. The bible is SURE and brings me so much joy...waaaay better than being self deceived. I had to repent for my error of thinking and my ways...I became proud about getting dreams to my shame.
I learned more about the parable of the 10 virgins in the few seconds you spoke about it than hours of other sermons I've listened to ... RIGHTLY dividing the word of God is CRUCIAL. Thank you. I've been waiting for this for a long time.
Amen, God bless you brother Breaker, great video🙏🏾, Yes we must trust God's word we cannot put our faith solely on dreams. I have had dreams but my faith and trust is in the Lord🙌🏾, we cannot put anything above God and His word. Come Lord Jesus🙌🏾
The time I seemed to wander, I often dream that puzzled me for months. I was always left behind by a public bus, boat. At first, second dream they’re nothing i thought my mind just thinks hard while sleeping. It keeps on repeating the 5th time was very strange, the pilot of an airplane dropped me on top of a mountain and left. That very day, I opened & read my Bible and it feels right. I started reading and study the Bible again every night until I finished the whole Bible. One night, I dreamed again about a white car but this time, I am inside driving the car! The owner of the car walked while I drove his car, though he walked a mile he is there at the finish line when I arrived. Looking back, I understand it’s God way of calling me back to Him. I thank the Holy Spirit for rebuking me & praise God for not giving up on me during those dark times. Amen!
your messages, imho, are always spot on Mr.Breaker.....I have tried to send you emails, even tried to send you my testimony one day well over a year ago, it has only been lately that you have allowed messages on your videos and I am happy to say that I have been saved mostly to your messages in your videos.....preacxhing straight from the bible and never deviating from the word...and if you ever speculate, you say that you are speculating, and ALOT of other pastors will insert thier own belief system into tthe word of god, or twist the word to validate the way the pastor sees it....I have not seen or heard you ever doing this, and I have been watching you now for quite a few years, and like one of the many videos that you have made saying, that if you watched most of your videos one would have more knowledge than most people claiming to be pastors or even priets....and you sir are correct, through watching your videos and most the time having my own bible in hand makes things much more nice, and understandable. I will end with god bless you and your family and like you, I have to end with this just incase anyone maybe reading comments, and maybe they will be saved just by reading this and looking up the gospel, and that would be........1 Cor 15:1-4
I hear you Rider, A lot of brothers and sisters may or may not be hearing from God who "tole" them something just to find out later that it was not the right direction. Gods voice will not steer us in the wrong direction. THe real question is, are we meek enough to hear the still and inaudible voice of God Almighty? I pray that I am able to discern it from the stresses in my own mind, soul, and heart when the time comes to be a true soldier for or King and Father.
Lady in my prayers group , who has been leading this does this. A few weeks back, I was in alot of physical pain due to medical condition. It was so bad I was struggling to concentrate on prayer. She looks to me and tells me to out hands on someone's back , and pray healing on them cause God just told her to tell me. I didn't do it.
I had a dream which I actually remembered ( unusual for me ) . It was directly relevant to something that I had been praying about , and encouraged me a lot . I woke up , prayed about it , and thanked God for it , leaving it with Him . I am aware that the enemy can also give dreams , and am not now sure about what I dreamed.... so confusing . So many voices . . . Bottom line for me is to trust Christ ALONE , and I most certainly do .
I love you brother. Thank you soo much for your sermons and teschings. I learn a lot from you about the word as im not the type to read i love your videos. Godbless you and your family my brother
It's so hard to find a church that not only teaches from the bible but also lives it. We have left 2 churches in the past 2 years because of this. We haven't walked into a church since before Christmas last year. Your channel has been such a blessing to me. My teen daughter has had such a hard time dealing with youth group kids. She stopped studying her bible. After hearing 2 of your sermons today and came to me and said she had studied her bible more today than she ever has. Thank you for continuing to teach the truth. This world has become such a dark place. We need God's word more than ever right now. God Bless you and your family.
Same here. It's extremely hard finding g a Bible believing, Bible OBEYING church. It's like that everywhere( i know this because i read A LOT of fellow believes comments all over youtube) This actually just backs up Bible prophecy . But channels like these and Charles Lawson ; gene kim.and Spencer Smith and street preaching channels lime Team Jesus Preachers more than make up for it. Hallelujah to Jesus Christ for ALWAYS finding us a way.
I had a dream not too long ago in the dream I saw the word returning and then I was lifted up I could see the ground shrinking beneath my feet and then I was in the clouds at a wedding also had another dream there was a line of people a sheep and a goat at the front of the line I saw Donald Trump walk to the front of the line I went to go shake his hand and he handed me a check this was before the pandemic it was a stimulus check that I got I can't read very good but I have watched your videos since 2017 and they have been a big help I understand it God bless you Robert breaker and God bless everyone
Quite a few times, I've seen future events relating to my life and decisions in my dreams, but it's not for a warning, because I don't realize it until after the event is over. I believe it's just God reminding me that I'm not alone ...or in charge.
@@Broken-Flesh No. Dreams with future events. I had a dream that I was on a grown up version of one of the old kids bouncy horses, with a giant rubber ball on bottom, but mine was an RV. I was bouncing higher each time and by the third bounce, I knew I'd have to bail out close to the ground, or die. So I bailed right before the fourth bounce. Three months later, a band that I was road manager for bought an old 1969 Dodge motor home for a tour from Detroit to Littleton, CO for a concert just 2 month before the first year memorial for the Columbine shooting. First appearance was St. Louis, we had just gotten about 3 hours from home when we broke down with wiring issues and sat on the side of I-65 South (on the blind side of right curve) and we rocked back and forth all night as the semis would blast by. It was pretty scary. We waited till daylight and fixed the issue by switching the auxiliary battery to start the RV. We got a few more miles and that battery died. We got a new one and headed out. Then about 2 hours later the defrost goes out and just to get off the road, I had to sit in front of the windshield scraping frost with my drivers license. When we finally got off the road, the band said, "Do we keep going, or bail?" I said, "bail". Even though what we were doing seemed like a good thing that God would want us to do, we all believed He was telling us to go home and get new transportation. Then get back to the tour. I didn't even occur to me until about a week after we got back. In my dream the last thing that happened was I told myself, "BAIL" like I was motivating myself to jump. Then they literally asked me, "keep going, or _bail?"_ That's God, not coincidence. Even though I know God's hand of protection is on me, it's still so humbling and amazing to me. There have been other dreams that had less happy endings, but fortunately all things work out for good, for those who love God. After actually driving through the Rockies later, I'm so glad we didn't try to take that clapped out RV through the Rockies in February!!!
I had such dreams as well many years ago when I was a young father. It got to a point that I could not deal with it, I prayed and prayed about and finally ask for them to stop and they stopped.I don't really like to think back on it.
Thank you for keeping the comments open. When you lose the ability to listen, you lose the ability to learn, and clearly you are still young in the spirit! Great lesson!
Luke Quoted this again in Acts. Lots of brothers and sisters are having visions and dreams. We have to take them for what they are. Until the Lord appears in the clouds to take us home, what do we do? Occupy and redeem the time!
I'm a born again believer in Jesus Christ. I have been given a few dreams,he does speak to his people this way at times even today,we must read our Bible and study ourselves approved. In one dream I was given an audible voice spoke from behind me saying " Come out of her my people!" I knew I had read this before in the Bible and it's in Jeremiah 51 and Revelation 18... It was a warning brothers and sisters in Christ. Read the bible,pray always and keep your eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ,look to the Heavenly ways not the earthly ways. God bless...Even so come Lord Jesus come.🙏👆👑❤️
i have had one dream from THE LORD about 4 years ago..i have been born again 5 years now.and my dream was the rapture,,and i remember it very well even now.
But if u have a millons dollars .He really do not have has amount of money to preach others what really The Holy Bible says. Remember one thing. We are not nothing but Jesús. T
Amen brother Breaker. Its always God's word in the KJV first. I have been studying John for a few weeks now & I had a dream of beautiful clear water flowing from my body. Which lines up perfectly with John 7:38 its only because of God's word I know he's helping me via the Holy spirit & not the dream but it was nice to have the dream as confirmation of the scripture.
Agreed about the Word of God aspect of your video, Bible is what we have from God and we cannot change it! However everyday people are touched by God not only through the Word of God, people have dreams and Vision directly from God, in man cases God help individuals by Vivid dream/vision, in many cases the is a direct supernatural, unexplained touch from God, angels etc.... God is working through Holy Ghost in many peoples lives, and they are experiencing God! In many cases Scriptures are only the confirmation of a true dream or Vision from God. God gave us Holy Ghost which is working inside us! In many different ways! Dreams and Vision from God exist 100% God can touch anyone he would like to touch anyway he wants! God Bless !
Thank you for the clarifications. I do believe some people's dreams and visions, but when they begin to have them on schedule every week, or even 'God spoke to me before today's Sunday sermon again this week' , I begin to question their words. And many times they are completely different than what the Bible says.
Thank you SO much! I had another dream a few weeks ago which is way below. I have had many dreams since March 2020. I had at least 4 different dreams where I was on my way too large gatherings with other Christians. I dreamt my son, James, told me to keep watch as we are all on active duty. I dreamt Jesus told me urgently to blow the trumpet and I woke up yelling prepare the way for the Lord. I fell back to sleep and the Lord showed me an ancient book and told me He is getting ready to open the Lamb's Book of Life. I dreamt Jesus showed me a newspaper headline that said Messiah is coming. I also dreamt I saw a mountain or tidal wave overtaking people. I dreamt I walked into a room and my father was there with a brother in Christ I new years ago named Jim Moses. They both passed away years ago so I was very happy to see them but was surprised. I then walked into another room and my grandson, Eli, was sitting on a chair. He turned and looked at me and all of a sudden there was a MIGHTY MIGHTY rush of wide blowing through the room. I was not afraid and neither was Eli. In my dream, I started yelling Jesus and woke up still yelling Jesus. My grandson, Jude spent the night last night and he woke up saying, "Nona" you were dreaming about Jesus! On May 29th, 2020 I had a dream and Jesus urgently said to me two times; BLOW THE TRUMPET! BLOW THE TRUMPET! I literally woke up sitting straight up in bed yelling, PREPARE THE WAY FOR THE LORD! I asked Jesus if it was okay for me to go back to sleep. I dozed off again and saw a table in front of me with an ancient book on it and the book was open. I asked the Lord what it was and He said it was The Lamb's Book of Life!
Pastor thank you for this message it makes all so much sense to me now For decades I have wondered why God has never spoken to me while others around me saying God speaks to them all the time While breaking all this down it definitely has shown a different story and light about this I've been following your channel for a couple of years now and it's my first post 🥳 That king James Bible just ain't no fairy tale book No milk preaching here just plenty of meat God bless you brother and your family Lots of love from northern Ireland
thank you very much brother for preaching us ,regarding dreams . now I know , their dreams don't line up with the bible.thank you.thank you JESUS.,OUR GOD. AMEN
I agree with what you’re saying about the majority of people claiming about dreams and visions but I do believe that GOD will at times still speak to people in dreams. He spoke to me in a dream and I remember it as if it just happened. I am 55 years old and what I’m speaking of happened to me when I was 17 years old, 1984. I’ll begin by explaining my childhood and relationship with my father. I grew up with an abusive alcoholic father that left my mother unable to actually be the mother that wasn’t what she
Sorry, tried to correct my last sentence and hit send instead, anyhoo, I’m sure , had my mother had a husband that wasn’t draining the life out of her, she would have been more present . I left home at 17 with my 23 year old boyfriend to another town. I just couldn’t stay another day with my dad. A few months after I left, I had a dream ( I’m a DEEP sleeper) . The dream started with me entering a dark smoky like room, kinda cave like. Their were people seated all the way around the edges of the cave. There was a feeling of sorrow and death. I was confused. There was a door that was closed but had a bright light shining through the cracks. I asked everyone why they weren’t going to the light? They told me that there was something evil behind that door. I thought that they were wrong. I told them that I was going through the door because I didn’t believe that evil was beyond the door. They were pleading with me not to. But, I did. As I opened the door I was immediately held by GOD. I never saw his face and although I felt his grasp I didn’t actually remember seeing his body, I just felt held and loved. It was beyond any understanding of peace and love I’d EVER experienced. I wanted to stay forever stay there with him but he said that I had to return to deliver a message to my earthly father but that I would always be welcome into his home. I had to return to tell my father to BELIEVE. I woke up the next morning and ran to the nearest pay phone and used every bit of coins I had to let my DAD know that he just needs to BELIEVE. When I was young my parents didn’t take me to church so I would walk or take the church bus. I would pray constantly. What helped me endure the abuse and neglect was praying to GOD but instead I called him daddy. GOD was and still is my daddy.I know for a fact that I was in the presence of GOD. I didn’t have this dream to save the world, just my dad. My dad had told me when I was young that he’d named me Angela Dawn because he thought that I looked like an angel and was born at the crack of Dawn. A little while after this dream I was waiting in line at the grocery store and picked up a little book about the meaning of names…. My name means “angel who delivers messages “ …. And I was born on Father’s Day 😊
nice to c u again teacher, i m learning book of james now (as always), i learnt many things from ur teaching in ur channel...Gbu Sir. ( with love from half globe away / Indonesia ) Sabbath Shalom.
Thank you very much for expounding from your other teaching by explaining and clarifying about dreams and visions with respect to the Bible. It is helpful and I agree that dreams and visions are not to supersede or challenge the authority of the Bible in anyway. My experience with dreams and visions have been for the Lord to show me something for my personal healing or a type of prophecy or a type of word of knowledge either for myself or others. Then I would pray into that revelation and pray for myself or others. My experiences are one way I hear from the Lord as He speaks to us with the voice of His Holy Spirit as well. I like that you emphasized that dreams and visions to not trump the authority of the Bible. That is important to remember for believers experiencing dreams and visions. A believer must discern and understand that there is the revelation then the interpretation then the application of what the Lord is showing someone. I see dreams as either from our soul, from the demonic and from the Lord. I have experienced them all and we must discern. The ones from the Lord I still remember vividly even after many years. I enjoy your teachings and just want to encourage you in your calling and helping others learn the bible and the important basic doctrines for the body of Christ. God Bless you and your family.
God spoke to me in a dream. I was standing in my church and he told me to Write his words on a piece of paper and fold it and when I did that I was supposed to read the word of the Lord to the church. But the church was so distracted by me folding the paper that they did not want to hear the word of the Lord anymore. And when I woke up, I immediately prayed and asked God what that meant and he spoke Amos 7 into my spirit. I knew The dream was from God so I wrote it down and went back to sleep. When I woke up I opened Amos 7 on my Bible app and started to read it but my phone was dying so I decided to use my Bible. I grabbed my Bible and decided to read something else and I decided that I would save Amos 7 for later. I read three chapters in Joshua and closed my Bible but when I closed it I felt like I had left something unfinished and I didn’t have peace about it so I grabbed my Bible again and it immediately opened to Amos 7 and the page was folded on the 7th verse. It was about God’s judgment on Israel and he used a thing called a plum line as the tool in which he would use to judge them. Then I still didn’t grasp what the Holy Spirit was saying so I began to research what this plum line thing was and found a Messianic Jew explaining Amos 7 and he had a replica of what an ancient Egyptian plum line looked like. Then, the very next day, as I was driving to pick up my son, I came to a red light and there was a pick up truck in front of me and it had a plum line in tow!! I had never seen one of those things until God showed me. Then last night, I found one in the basement of my 110 year old house!! I am 100 percent sure that I heard God’s voice via the still small voice after I woke up from the dream that I KNOW he gave me at 3:38 am on 3/28/22. I believe God gave me this dream to warn the church because there is much sin in the church and God’s judgment is starting in the house of God per the scriptures!
Yes I agree there are many on You Tube who claim to speak for the Great I Am of Heaven, but there is no evidence to back up their claims. We are in a time of great confusion in this matter and must consult the Holy Spirit on all of these claims. My whole testimony hinges on words that the Holy Spirit spoke into my spirit years ago. The words were: "If you continue to live this way, you are not going to heaven." There was no one in the room and no one had ever spoken to me in this way. Also there was no mistaking who was speaking to me. I was caught up in a sinful lifestyle, yet thinkin I was a good person compared to others. But the Lord showed me that His ways are not my ways and I had a choice to make. One thing I always knew was I wanted to go to heaven when I died. So I asked forgiveness of my sins, and the Lord drew me like a magnet to His powerful Word. He showed me in Ephesians Chapter 5 what His requirements are for anyone to be accepted into His heavenly Kingdom. I was wondering why no one ever showed me this before and so many living around me did not follow these guidelines for righteous living. Believe me I know who hunted me down and saved my soul, and no man gets the credit, only God the Father does. This must be how he wanted it. Those who are filled with the Holy Spirit cannot lie about dreams and visions or their encounter with the One True God of Heaven, because that would be like Him lying against Himself. But we have too many that do not understand that in order to hear from Him, they must turn to Him, ask forgiveness of their sins, turn away from their sins, take up their cross, face the same persecution, rejection, and misunderstanding that His Son did when He walked the earth. Otherwise we simply cannot relate to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and how valuable it is to us. He also showed me that His Word is His Last Will and Testimony sealed in His blood. In other words it is a legal document and it is our evidence that He exists. We must fight to defend it even with our lives. As you know they are trying to replace it with beliefs from the Talmud called the Noahide laws. Most Americans do not even know that our laws came from the Ten Commandments and this is why so many are being led to the slaughter. The Bible has been made into an unimportant book instead of our lifeline to Jesus Christ. It seems like so many want to make merchandise of God's people, instead of leading them to the fountain of Salvation in God's Word. The God of Heaven speaks long messages into my spirit on a daily basis so I know He is alive and well, and available to any who will choose Him. I have a message he downloaded called: Salvation is a Choice. We must understand the Holy Spirit is a gentleman and forces Himself on no one, we must swallow our pride and go to Him. Don't put it off, anyone who is does not know Him, because you will regret it. Call upon the name of Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness of your sins, and He will be right there for you no matter where you are or what you've done. Jesus said: "You will die in your sins if you refuse to come to me." Sorry this is so long, but I do get wordy when speaking on this essential subject. May you be blessed always for the blessings you give to others.
Chapter 23 of Jeremiah sure hits the nail on the head. One verse said, the so called prophet has said I had a dream, I had a dream. .Reminds me of someone today who goes on you tube A LOT.
Amen! Most of the people who claim to have dreams and visions claim that since they are having dreams and visions that they are MORE SPIRITUAL than you are. It actually causes a lot of division in the true church!
If you want to hear from God read the Bible, if you want to hear him in a Audible voice, read it out loud...✅
I don't think Breaker is a fan of Peters.... LoL
I just want to let you know that your channel has been such a blessing
Seriously ♥️🙏
It's sad that he doesn't see the wicked changes in the kj bible, it's changing supernaturally but he has rewritten all the changes into his memory. I pray that you are aware of the changes.
God bless you.
A real example of a called man of God
Bro Robert your teaching is a blessing to me. Thank God for inspiring you with the truth.
God speaks to man today through His word the Bible.
This is true BUT I have sisters and brothers in my church who have had dreams from God for specific purposes in their lives and they have come to pass. He still can use dreams.
As a matter of fact he used a dream to speak to me to stop trying to guess the date of the rapture 😓
Had a dream I was outside the earth and the whole earth was on fire and I had the whole concept of time on my right hand.
John 10:9
2 Peter 3:7
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
Revelations 22:20-21
@@Dexion845 perhaps you might've been getting into divination... read Acts 16:16-18
Galatians 3:28 GNB
So there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles, between slaves and free people, between men and women...
So I am wondering, God has told us in Galatians 3 that there is no difference and so this world include woman too as a human rather than an outsider to preach. I am so glad I met God in person and he truly loves EVERYBODY, not just men. Goodness, this is like when Anglo’s thought they were better than black people and slaved them. I suppose this ignorance continues toda; in all seriousness are equal.
Isaiah 40:22
Job 26:7
Proverbs 8:27
Job 26:10
Revelations 7:1
Jesus answers my prayers, reveals things to me, guides me through the conscious contact with Jesus. When I ask for his care and protection, I receive this. Jesus reveals things to me in prayer, meditation, dreams and vision. But it's only for me, tailor-made for me and nobody else.
Guided by Christ, let go and let God.
I've only experienced 1 thing, I was thinking about what I could do to help my papaw, he was having heart problems and getting upset when he got back from the dr, getting loud with my grandma and mad. It was upsetting me so I decided to pray, it felt like I fell asleep right when I closed my eyes to pray and before I could ask I saw a red flash and heard "MERCY".when I opened my eyes it was still echoing inside me. So that's what I did and he actually started changing, he gave me a hug for the first time in a long time and started saying I love you every time we left each other. Never used to do that.
James Ford, that was a vision you had.???
James Ford "..
Appreciate your post!
Thankyou for taking the time it Really blessed me!
I'm 68 ..
Can hardly believe it.
Got a bad heart"..
Got issues with some of my sons friends ".
is a word for me"
Lots of young people
Don't know APOSTLE PAUL!..
I try to give a word of encouragement..
Now and then.
ALL" just stare.
Covid ".. shut down
A local Rescue mission
Where I would preach "
Just left a pentecostal
played in the Worship team..
Once and a while lead
when ever I would bring up APOSTLE PAUL..
They would stare.
MERCY " ..
is a good Word ".
Take care "..
@@johnmorgan692 AWESOME
That's awesome James. Our Holy Father God works in mysterious ways.
I believe in many ways. And in these last days it will be miraculous.
Dreams and visions are real but of course everything needs to line up with God’s word.
Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. If any thing be revealed to another that sits by, let the first hold his peace for you may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.
And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets for God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. (1Cor 14:29-33)
@@inTruthbyGrace; blessing's, peace, grace. Judgement is coming.
Two more Sabbath Day's unto the end. Alert.! For those with eye's too see. "Here is wisdom"!
KJV Bible Strong's Concordance ... C- Ovid 19 > C = 3 = Abaddon (satan) Rev 9:11 ... Ovid ... From old Roman Latin = Sheep ... 19 = Slaughter. "Hence, satan, Sheep, Slaughter''!
A rtifical Intellegence = A.I. = 19 = Slaughter. The 5G network.
5 G = 57 = Sorrow's Matt 24:8. The Fee Mason G = 7= perish, destruction. Exactly what's going too happen too this world, Our King Christ Lord Jesus Immanu- EL; us coming for His; people.
Repent brother's, and sister's. Keep the Ten Commandment's,
Especially the Fourth (Remember The Sabbath Day Keep It Holy)..
Check out ... It's worth a 'Crown'!
2020 = " Deliverance "! Time is short. ''We are going home''
yes, and Robert doesn't know the content of those dreams or visions and doesn't even have time to test them. If God wants to speak through someone, He does! Robert often feels superior to others because he is a teacher. The Bible teaches that if a dream and vision come true, it was true prophecy.
@@zs4855; blessing's, peace, grace. Seek the ''Truth'' ...
Judgement is coming. Alert.! For those with eye's too see. "Here is wisdom"!
KJV Bible Strong's Concordance ... C- Ovid 19 > C = 3 = Abaddon (satan) Rev 9:11 ... Ovid ... From old Roman Latin = Sheep ... 19 = Slaughter. "Hence, satan, Sheep, Slaughter''!
A rtifical Intellegence = A.I. = 19 = Slaughter. The 5G network.
5 G = 57 = Sorrow's Matt 24:8. The Fee Mason G = 7= perish, destruction. Exactly what's going too happen too this world, Our King Christ Lord Jesus Immanu- EL; us coming for His; people.
Repent brother's, and sister's. Keep the Ten Commandment's,
Especially the Fourth (Remember The Sabbath Day Keep It Holy)..
Check out ... It's worth a 'Crown'!
2020 = " Deliverance "! Time is short. ''We are going home''
I think people really needed this video.
Very much needed this video! Get tired of people having so called rapture dreams and then rolling out of bed the next morning making you tube videos out of it!
@@larrycraddock3063 lol seriously I feel exactly the same way and video after video after video. It's like there possed. They don't even know that they've been wrong on every prediction. They completely forget about the bible. It's crazy to me
@@lifelife3061 Yes i know! I am a pastor myself, and when i try to show people that the Book of Acts is a transitional book, they simply will not believe. By Transitional i mean that it starts off with signs and wonders but ends with the APOSTOLIC gifts fading away! Pastor Breaker has a wonderful video about the Book of Acts being a Transitional Book as well.( Ever notice how their dreams and visions are posted after the event has already taken place? That is like saying I had a dream about 9/11 days after it occured)
our dreams are our great hope of his coming to rescue us from this evil world. i don't agree with date setting what dreams are left in this world.
@@larrycraddock3063 What about the testimonials that so many Muslims and Jews are having that Jesus came to them and then they believed and became Christian? I think yes Test the fruit and Nothing should supercede Gods word.
Amen, Pastor Robert Breaker! Blessings to you and your Lovely Wife and children. Right on again! I wish more people would read the Word and study and lean not unto their own understanding.
Good to hear someone speak the truth. Faith we were saved not by works. By trusting in the finished work of what Christ did for US on the cross. By his stripes we are healed. By his blood we are clensed, purchased.
Man ive watched like 6 of your videos from start to finish today lol. Keep em coming!
@Badger †
- If this is the 1st intro to Robert, I would suggest going back to 2015..Robert teaches the way I was taught...
@Badger †- I forgot something, I strongly recommend Robert..
Or les feldrick
@@denisefoster704 - how about Spencer Smith..
@@marklester9679 and Mike Hoggard & charles Lawson ;-)
I had dreams of the rapture that started at 4 years old for me. I was afraid to go to bed at night, was mocked and bullied because of these dreams. In 2019 had another “rapture” dream that led me to get saved. It was so horrific that I started asking questions (my relationship started to grow with Christ)
Had that dream Oct 2019 and got saved Nov 2019. I truly believe the Lord gave me that specific dream I am now saved by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ alone and not of works. The Gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
We serve a loving and merciful God. God bless you brother Robert this video has helped me.
Amen Brother Robert Breakre thank you for preaching and teaching the KJV bible only love you and your family praying for you all 🙏💖......
I was an agnostic. I had two dreams one night. As soon as I woke from the first I was crying uncontrollably and I couldn't calm myself down. I finally feel back asleep and after the second dream, when I woke up, I was still crying so hard I couldn't breathe.
I dreamt I woke up in my bed next to my own skeletal corpse in my house that was in a 180 degree of disrepair where the roof has even been blown off.
I was tortured by a demon not physically in the dream but in a mental way. Everyone had a face even the demons except for the one that spoke to me asking me for something because I tried to take an item out of the dream.
I didn't take the item and i told the demon no. And i had a bible in my house the next day.
I remember both dreams as if I just woke from them. Every time I would try to tell them to someone I would start crying to the point where I couldn't explain it to them because I would start crying so hard.
I didn't believe in god. I denied him and cursed him. I was wrong. I know i was shown hell. And if there is a hell there is a heaven
i had a bible I my house that I still should read more the next day. and I believe in the god of the bible. And I was purely agnostic.
Awesome testimony! Praise God for His mercy! I believe I had 1 short prophetic dream and I read something about prophetic dreams that lines up with my experience & with what you wrote. You never forget them & you remember them perfectly like you just had them. I didn't know what mine meant but then I saw someone who posted online who had the EXACT SAME DREAM that I did! It was about the judgement of God that is coming to this world.
Your explanations are so clear it leaves no unanswered questions. God has given you a wonderful gift of teaching.
You're the best brother Robert Breaker , I love you brother
My 22 year old son never believed in God, Jesus or the Bible as I had not truly believed as well. However, I later became a Bible Believing Dispensation Christian thanks to truthful Pastors Dr Gene Kim and Brother Breaker. I told my son everything I've learned, he still laughed at me. However, my son called me up one morning and said he had a bizzare dream that there were demons/monsters around him but they were not able to touch him, he was asking a demon "why cant you hurt me?" The demon said "because of who you belong too" and then my son said he was wisked up towards the sky. Now, my son believes in GOD and the Lord Jesus Christ. My 11 year old daughter has learned from me too and she prays everynight. Recently, our puppy ran away and she loves that puppy, she prayed for God to find her and she had 2 dreams showing her puppy wondering around looking lost but still alive. A week later, my husband saw the puppy wondering around just like my daughters dream. Because she is a child of God and she communicates regularly with God through prayer always in Jesus name, he answered that particular request and she hasnt even read the Bible ever. God Bless you Brother Breaker and the Church.
Hello Brother Breaker. Thank you for Showing that dreams and visions may come from satan other than God!
I learned that 45 years ago, and I will Always go to my 1611 KJV Bible and not give much reverence to any dreams!
We are now on March 08,2023 Quickly Coming Up To The Rapture, March 16th Is a Day of Equal Parts! Hallelujah Blessed Be Almighty God! May God Bless You and your family, In The Name Of Emmanuel, Yeshua Ha Mashiach, Jesus The Christ. Amen.
Just realized it's much easier to cast this message to my Roku and watch Brother Breaker on my actual TV. Just shows that God will speak through His men even over the enemy's airwaves. God Bless you, Brother Breaker, for preaching the uncompromised Gospel.
God uses his Holy Spirit also by thought of mind, and speaks audibly by voice not just by dreams, and visions, but by direction of thought. I myself testifying of this with the Holy Spirit inside me. Glory to God!
God does not speak to us in an audible voice!
When I pray and ask for God to help provide me with clarity or his will on anything he always answers me in scripture. If I had written down every time this has happened to me I could literally write a book. I’m a nurse and I had a job that would have put me right square in the front lines of this pandemic. I was already stressed to the hilt with the job and my poor kids were getting none of my time and as a single parent it was awful. I was very clearly told (through my scripture reading) that I needed to quit that job for another one that pays a bit less, but MUCH less stressful, allowing for me to be there for my sons and not front line. I had no idea there was going to be a pandemic, but God knew what was coming and through his word instructed me to do something that all of my friends and coworkers thought I was nuts for doing. Now they are all telling me what a good decision I made and how did I know to do that. I just say God!
Thanks for sharing this.
You are a blessing. I’ve been following you for about 4 yrs now and am grateful to God for leading me to your channel.
Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17 !!!!!!!!!
God, does speak to us through dreams and visions, Acts 2:17 clearly teach that for the end times, but so long as it lines up with the word.
Pastor Breaker - MUCH respect to you & your ministry! Also much respect to the brothers & sisters in Christ who are making comments here. I ABSOLUTELY agree that the BIBLE is the final authority & the completed Word of God. But I have issues with some of what you are saying. In the 2 Peter chapter 1 passage, Peter cannot possibly be referring to the Bible when he is mentioning having a more sure word of prophecy because they didn't have the Bible and would not have it in a completed form like we do for about 300 years. In fact, in writing this passage, he was WRITING the Bible. On the Day of Pentecost Peter referred to the Joel 2:28 passage in Acts 2:17-18 "No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on My menservants and maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.…" This is IN THE BIBLE. It is promised to happen. So we MUST take GOD AT HIS WORD. "Let God be true and every man a liar" (Romans 3:4). Peter said in vs. 17 that it was to happen in the last days. I know that you believe that we are now in the last days. Peter said this & it was the first day of the church age - he was already considering it the" last days". Interesting, right? If that is true, how much further along are we now and how much more will this be happening? This argument aligns with your argument of following exactly what the Bible says. God can & will work however He wants & He has ALREADY TOLD US that these things will happen. OF COURSE we must measure any dream & vision by the BIBLE. We know that anyone who proclaims a different gospel must be accursed. We know that the measure of a prophet in the OT is that they must be 100% accurate or they were to be put to death. The Bible tells us to test the spirits to see if they are of God. But I am telling you - If God says that he will pour out His Spirit on ALL FLESH - then it is going to be HUGE! The problem with your attempt to explain away this passage at the end of the video is that Peter would not have used a passage that was only meant for Jews to address a mixed crowd of Gentiles & Jews on the first day the church age! All flesh is ALL FLESH - NOT all Jewish flesh. Also, remember that Gentile believers have been grafted in if that helps you. The mental gymnastics you use would have people trying to figure out the ancestry of the person conveying the dream or vision instead of simply testing the spirit of it as were are told to do in the Bible. The Day of Pentecost was the first step of Jesus reclaiming the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ, since many of the people who were saved that day were Gentiles who would have gone back to their respective lands to spread the gospel there. As far as interpretation - just as in the OT, God usually gives interpretation along with the vision. I agree 100% that people need to know their BIBLES FIRST!! This is sadly lacking But here in the last days God is working in MANY different ways. 80% of the underground church in the middle east have come to Christ because Jesus has been appearing to muslims in dreams & visions. Praise GOD!!! Read Dreams & Visions by Missionary Tom Doyle. Love you brother & love your videos & ministry!! God Bless You!!
Amen well said! I feel bad for people who don’t connect with God through dreams and visions. I have had my deepest revelations through dreams. But they always have lined up with his word. The most recent one was a rebuke to the church. The Holy Spirit led me to Amos 7:7. I am a watchmen in the house of the Lord and when I was born again on 7/7/19 and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and led me to Ezekiel 3 and confirmed what I was called to do. Then the next day, my five year old son (by the Holy Spirit) looked me in my eyes and said, “mom Jesus has given you the voice of a beautiful trumpet” and I know the Lord was telling me to blow the trumpet and that’s what I’ve been doing ever since. But the church refuses listen to me. The leaders are lukewarm and it grieves my heart. Jesus is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle and for a church who is worshiping him in spirit and in truth. He is coming back for a church that trusts in him and doesn’t put him in a box. 🤦🏽♀️
Amen🙏 If It Ain't Written 📖...I Ain't Listening 💯. Blessings N JESUS Precious Name💌
I love this teaching!
You confirm my beliefs- and I am so very thankful to hear what you say and how deceitful these people are on UA-cam, either deceived themselves or both.
It’s pretty frightening when someone doesn’t have the discernment to recognize…
The immense popularity of this subject shows how badly the Church needs rightly divided doctrine and dispensational teaching. Thank you Robert Breaker for your obedience
God is the same forever and always he is sovereign
I love you, Robert Breaker! Hello from New Zealand! Thank you for your time and your ministry/bible classes - it's greatly appreciated! I've learned a lot from watching your videos!
I've got to say Brother Breaker I have personally experienced all 3 of the ways you say the Lord speaks, and here's the catch, the Lord has given me physical proof of His presence and works in my body backing my visions, and I've been trying to get someone to take a look for 20 plus straight weeks and sadly counting. The Lord has shown me that you tell them to stop being idiots and take a look !!! Prove me crazy or correct at the push of a button. Smh ............ JESUS IS MY KING 🤴 ❤ ♥ 💖 💕 🙌 🤴
The Lord has been showing these same people my ability to know the impossible about them for over an entire year and 20 weeks ago He blessed me with the physical proof and still no one will look to see.
I, just my opinion, feel like, I follow your thoughts and beliefs 💯 with how you interpret the Word, but my problem is, your interpretation places a limit or cut of on Our Father, and I strongly believe that is something we must not do to OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST AMEN!!!! For His love, power, ability, mercy and every thing else under the sun have no limits!!!!
Just in time ♥️I watch your videos literally every night there blessings to me !
So very true brother. The WORD OF GOD is revealed through HIS scriptures. Keep preaching truth.
This was an area I did not understand until the Holy Spirit got a hold of me and illuminated the word...I had dreams that came to pass, but I totally agree that it doesn't necessarily mean it's from God. I do not ask for dreams anymore and haven't had any since. I don't want to fall into mystecism but focus on the Word and learning more and more through scripture. The bible is SURE and brings me so much joy...waaaay better than being self deceived. I had to repent for my error of thinking and my ways...I became proud about getting dreams to my shame.
I learned more about the parable of the 10 virgins in the few seconds you spoke about it than hours of other sermons I've listened to ... RIGHTLY dividing the word of God is CRUCIAL. Thank you. I've been waiting for this for a long time.
I appreciate you sir. You seem to be much more relaxed and gentle natured outside. Makes sense for a godly man. ❤️🙏🏽
Right on pastor breaker.
Glory be to God
Amen, God bless you brother Breaker, great video🙏🏾, Yes we must trust God's word we cannot put our faith solely on dreams. I have had dreams but my faith and trust is in the Lord🙌🏾, we cannot put anything above God and His word. Come Lord Jesus🙌🏾
Good teaching! Keep up the good works brother. We all should be praying for this man and his family.
so thankful for WORD Preachers like Robert Breaker.
Very much blessed for you, Robert Breaker. Always an eye-opening learning through you. Thank you for sharing with us the Truth with Truth.
Thank you Robert breaker
Brother Breaker thank you so much for taking the time to give us a message of hope through JESUS CHRIST. GOD bless!!🙏🙏🙏
The time I seemed to wander, I often dream that puzzled me for months. I was always left behind by a public bus, boat. At first, second dream they’re nothing i thought my mind just thinks hard while sleeping. It keeps on repeating the 5th time was very strange, the pilot of an airplane dropped me on top of a mountain and left. That very day, I opened & read my Bible and it feels right. I started reading and study the Bible again every night until I finished the whole Bible. One night, I dreamed again about a white car but this time, I am inside driving the car! The owner of the car walked while I drove his car, though he walked a mile he is there at the finish line when I arrived. Looking back, I understand it’s God way of calling me back to Him. I thank the Holy Spirit for rebuking me & praise God for not giving up on me during those dark times. Amen!
your messages, imho, are always spot on Mr.Breaker.....I have tried to send you emails, even tried to send you my testimony one day well over a year ago, it has only been lately that you have allowed messages on your videos and I am happy to say that I have been saved mostly to your messages in your videos.....preacxhing straight from the bible and never deviating from the word...and if you ever speculate, you say that you are speculating, and ALOT of other pastors will insert thier own belief system into tthe word of god, or twist the word to validate the way the pastor sees it....I have not seen or heard you ever doing this, and I have been watching you now for quite a few years, and like one of the many videos that you have made saying, that if you watched most of your videos one would have more knowledge than most people claiming to be pastors or even priets....and you sir are correct, through watching your videos and most the time having my own bible in hand makes things much more nice, and understandable. I will end with god bless you and your family and like you, I have to end with this just incase anyone maybe reading comments, and maybe they will be saved just by reading this and looking up the gospel, and that would be........1 Cor 15:1-4
Trust the scriptures, not dreams. Got IT!
I've known people who would use "God tole me" in order to push their opinions and wants, sometimes to control others. I got sick of that.
I hear you Rider, A lot of brothers and sisters may or may not be hearing from God who "tole" them something just to find out later that it was not the right direction. Gods voice will not steer us in the wrong direction. THe real question is, are we meek enough to hear the still and inaudible voice of God Almighty? I pray that I am able to discern it from the stresses in my own mind, soul, and heart when the time comes to be a true soldier for or King and Father.
Yes nothing to do with God's real word.
Lady in my prayers group , who has been leading this does this. A few weeks back, I was in alot of physical pain due to medical condition. It was so bad I was struggling to concentrate on prayer. She looks to me and tells me to out hands on someone's back , and pray healing on them cause God just told her to tell me. I didn't do it.
I had a dream which I actually remembered ( unusual for me ) . It was directly relevant to something that I had been praying about , and encouraged me a lot . I woke up , prayed about it , and thanked God for it , leaving it with Him . I am aware that the enemy can also give dreams , and am not now sure about what I dreamed.... so confusing . So many voices . . . Bottom line for me is to trust Christ ALONE , and I most certainly do .
Thankyou pastor Breaker, i am learning so much from your teachings God bless you and your family 😁
I love you brother. Thank you soo much for your sermons and teschings. I learn a lot from you about the word as im not the type to read i love your videos. Godbless you and your family my brother
It's so hard to find a church that not only teaches from the bible but also lives it. We have left 2 churches in the past 2 years because of this. We haven't walked into a church since before Christmas last year. Your channel has been such a blessing to me. My teen daughter has had such a hard time dealing with youth group kids. She stopped studying her bible. After hearing 2 of your sermons today and came to me and said she had studied her bible more today than she ever has. Thank you for continuing to teach the truth. This world has become such a dark place. We need God's word more than ever right now. God Bless you and your family.
Same here. It's extremely hard finding g a Bible believing, Bible OBEYING church. It's like that everywhere( i know this because i read A LOT of fellow believes comments all over youtube) This actually just backs up Bible prophecy . But channels like these and Charles Lawson ; gene kim.and Spencer Smith and street preaching channels lime Team Jesus Preachers more than make up for it. Hallelujah to Jesus Christ for ALWAYS finding us a way.
Amen pastor Breaker thank you for this teaching.
God is giving us visions and revelations today that line up with scriptures.
I had a dream not too long ago in the dream I saw the word returning and then I was lifted up I could see the ground shrinking beneath my feet and then I was in the clouds at a wedding also had another dream there was a line of people a sheep and a goat at the front of the line I saw Donald Trump walk to the front of the line I went to go shake his hand and he handed me a check this was before the pandemic it was a stimulus check that I got I can't read very good but I have watched your videos since 2017 and they have been a big help I understand it God bless you Robert breaker and God bless everyone
Dreams and visions are from God. Not all. See Joel2:28 and Acts 2:17. With love.
Yes, you channel is a learning, teaching work from God… I have learned and mutual from this channel
Quite a few times, I've seen future events relating to my life and decisions in my dreams, but it's not for a warning, because I don't realize it until after the event is over. I believe it's just God reminding me that I'm not alone ...or in charge.
Kind of like deja vu?
@@Broken-Flesh No. Dreams with future events. I had a dream that I was on a grown up version of one of the old kids bouncy horses, with a giant rubber ball on bottom, but mine was an RV. I was bouncing higher each time and by the third bounce, I knew I'd have to bail out close to the ground, or die. So I bailed right before the fourth bounce. Three months later, a band that I was road manager for bought an old 1969 Dodge motor home for a tour from Detroit to Littleton, CO for a concert just 2 month before the first year memorial for the Columbine shooting. First appearance was St. Louis, we had just gotten about 3 hours from home when we broke down with wiring issues and sat on the side of I-65 South (on the blind side of right curve) and we rocked back and forth all night as the semis would blast by. It was pretty scary. We waited till daylight and fixed the issue by switching the auxiliary battery to start the RV. We got a few more miles and that battery died. We got a new one and headed out. Then about 2 hours later the defrost goes out and just to get off the road, I had to sit in front of the windshield scraping frost with my drivers license. When we finally got off the road, the band said, "Do we keep going, or bail?" I said, "bail". Even though what we were doing seemed like a good thing that God would want us to do, we all believed He was telling us to go home and get new transportation. Then get back to the tour.
I didn't even occur to me until about a week after we got back. In my dream the last thing that happened was I told myself, "BAIL" like I was motivating myself to jump. Then they literally asked me, "keep going, or _bail?"_ That's God, not coincidence. Even though I know God's hand of protection is on me, it's still so humbling and amazing to me. There have been other dreams that had less happy endings, but fortunately all things work out for good, for those who love God.
After actually driving through the Rockies later, I'm so glad we didn't try to take that clapped out RV through the Rockies in February!!!
I had such dreams as well many years ago when
I was a young father. It got to a point that I could not deal with it, I prayed and prayed about and finally ask for them to stop and they stopped.I don't really like to think back on it.
Thank you for your clear teaching of God's Word. We are in a Bible study and the scriptures are opening wide for all of us. God bless you.
Hi, Brother Robert, it is great to see you today!
DIOS bendiga su ministerio y familia mi hermano Robert
Thank you Robert Breaker , your messages are always good and have learned alot from them.
I love uour teaching shared it to my friends thanks for your patience and perseverance..
Thank you for keeping the comments open. When you lose the ability to listen, you lose the ability to learn, and clearly you are still young in the spirit! Great lesson!
Luke Quoted this again in Acts. Lots of brothers and sisters are having visions and dreams. We have to take them for what they are. Until the Lord appears in the clouds to take us home, what do we do? Occupy and redeem the time!
I'm a born again believer in Jesus Christ. I have been given a few dreams,he does speak to his people this way at times even today,we must read our Bible and study ourselves approved. In one dream I was given an audible voice spoke from behind me saying " Come out of her my people!" I knew I had read this before in the Bible and it's in Jeremiah 51 and Revelation 18... It was a warning brothers and sisters in Christ. Read the bible,pray always and keep your eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ,look to the Heavenly ways not the earthly ways. God bless...Even so come Lord Jesus come.🙏👆👑❤️
i have had one dream from THE LORD about 4 years ago..i have been born again 5 years now.and my dream was the rapture,,and i remember it very well even now.
I had a dream we were in the clouds looking down on the earth. That's the truth!!
@@weshenderson8281 when in the clouds continue looking up why looking back?
@Forg1ven S1nner at the time I had my dream I never knew about the Rapture! I was new in the church and it was a few weeks after my baptism.
@@maridonis6308 I don't know the reason why! I was dreaming lol.
@Forg1ven S1nner agree
Mr. Breaker thank you for taking the time out of your life to make these videos.
If I had millions of dollars I would bless this preacher with so much money because I know he will use it to bless many more 💯💯💯
But if u have a millons dollars .He really do not have has amount of money to preach others what really The Holy Bible says. Remember one thing. We are not nothing but Jesús.
Amen brother Breaker. Its always God's word in the KJV first. I have been studying John for a few weeks now & I had a dream of beautiful clear water flowing from my body. Which lines up perfectly with John 7:38 its only because of God's word I know he's helping me via the Holy spirit & not the dream but it was nice to have the dream as confirmation of the scripture.
Thank you for your sermons! I read my bible all the time, but sometimes I have a hard time knowing what it means. This helps so much!
Agreed about the Word of God aspect of your video, Bible is what we have from God and we cannot change it! However everyday people are touched by God not only through the Word of God, people have dreams and Vision directly from God, in man cases God help individuals by Vivid dream/vision, in many cases the is a direct supernatural, unexplained touch from God, angels etc.... God is working through Holy Ghost in many peoples lives, and they are experiencing God! In many cases Scriptures are only the confirmation of a true dream or Vision from God. God gave us Holy Ghost which is working inside us! In many different ways! Dreams and Vision from God exist 100% God can touch anyone he would like to touch anyway he wants! God Bless !
Amen, absolutely true. God bless you brother/pastor Robert - Maranatha!
Thank you for the clarifications. I do believe some people's dreams and visions, but when they begin to have them on schedule every week, or even 'God spoke to me before today's Sunday sermon again this week' , I begin to question their words. And many times they are completely different than what the Bible says.
I'm glad you clairfied we don't need dreams because we have the complete word , 1611 of God.
Thank you SO much! I had another dream a few weeks ago which is way below. I have had many dreams since March 2020. I had at least 4 different dreams where I was on my way too large gatherings with other Christians. I dreamt my son, James, told me to keep watch as we are all on active duty. I dreamt Jesus told me urgently to blow the trumpet and I woke up yelling prepare the way for the Lord. I fell back to sleep and the Lord showed me an ancient book and told me He is getting ready to open the Lamb's Book of Life. I dreamt Jesus showed me a newspaper headline that said Messiah is coming. I also dreamt I saw a mountain or tidal wave overtaking people.
I dreamt I walked into a room and my father was there with a brother in Christ I new years ago named Jim Moses. They both passed away years ago so I was very happy to see them but was surprised. I then walked into another room and my grandson, Eli, was sitting on a chair. He turned and looked at me and all of a sudden there was a MIGHTY MIGHTY rush of wide blowing through the room. I was not afraid and neither was Eli. In my dream, I started yelling Jesus and woke up still yelling Jesus. My grandson, Jude spent the night last night and he woke up saying, "Nona" you were dreaming about Jesus!
On May 29th, 2020 I had a dream and Jesus urgently said to me two times; BLOW THE TRUMPET! BLOW THE TRUMPET! I literally woke up sitting straight up in bed yelling, PREPARE THE WAY FOR THE LORD! I asked Jesus if it was okay for me to go back to sleep. I dozed off again and saw a table in front of me with an ancient book on it and the book was open. I asked the Lord what it was and He said it was The Lamb's Book of Life!
Pastor thank you for this message it makes all so much sense to me now
For decades I have wondered why God has never spoken to me while others around me saying God speaks to them all the time
While breaking all this down it definitely has shown a different story and light about this I've been following your channel for a couple of years now and it's my first post 🥳
That king James Bible just ain't no fairy tale book
No milk preaching here just plenty of meat God bless you brother and your family
Lots of love from northern Ireland
Yes pastor I have had many rapture dreams but I mostly keep them to myself
I’ve had one and it was years ago but has been the only dream ever to stick with me. YOurs that way?
I had a vision 12/17/17 and I will NEVER forget it. The heavens opened for three day and it was marvelous.
Had too few months ago, but i don't trust dream can be tricky...
Keep them and not feed others you may not receive another one .
@@jesussavesletyourgooddeeds3623 what
Finally I agree with something this guy talks about.
thank you very much brother for preaching us ,regarding dreams . now I know , their dreams don't line up with the bible.thank you.thank you JESUS.,OUR GOD. AMEN
Yes brother breaker I think my dream is just because I've been looking for jesus so I had that dream
I agree with what you’re saying about the majority of people claiming about dreams and visions but I do believe that GOD will at times still speak to people in dreams. He spoke to me in a dream and I remember it as if it just happened. I am 55 years old and what I’m speaking of happened to me when I was 17 years old, 1984. I’ll begin by explaining my childhood and relationship with my father. I grew up with an abusive alcoholic father that left my mother unable to actually be the mother that wasn’t what she
Sorry, tried to correct my last sentence and hit send instead, anyhoo, I’m sure , had my mother had a husband that wasn’t draining the life out of her, she would have been more present . I left home at 17 with my 23 year old boyfriend to another town. I just couldn’t stay another day with my dad. A few months after I left, I had a dream ( I’m a DEEP sleeper) . The dream started with me entering a dark smoky like room, kinda cave like. Their were people seated all the way around the edges of the cave. There was a feeling of sorrow and death. I was confused. There was a door that was closed but had a bright light shining through the cracks. I asked everyone why they weren’t going to the light? They told me that there was something evil behind that door. I thought that they were wrong. I told them that I was going through the door because I didn’t believe that evil was beyond the door. They were pleading with me not to. But, I did. As I opened the door I was immediately held by GOD. I never saw his face and although I felt his grasp I didn’t actually remember seeing his body, I just felt held and loved. It was beyond any understanding of peace and love I’d EVER experienced. I wanted to stay forever stay there with him but he said that I had to return to deliver a message to my earthly father but that I would always be welcome into his home. I had to return to tell my father to BELIEVE. I woke up the next morning and ran to the nearest pay phone and used every bit of coins I had to let my DAD know that he just needs to BELIEVE. When I was young my parents didn’t take me to church so I would walk or take the church bus. I would pray constantly. What helped me endure the abuse and neglect was praying to GOD but instead I called him daddy. GOD was and still is my daddy.I know for a fact that I was in the presence of GOD. I didn’t have this dream to save the world, just my dad. My dad had told me when I was young that he’d named me Angela Dawn because he thought that I looked like an angel and was born at the crack of Dawn. A little while after this dream I was waiting in line at the grocery store and picked up a little book about the meaning of names…. My name means “angel who delivers messages “ …. And I was born on Father’s Day 😊
nice to c u again teacher, i m learning book of james now (as always), i learnt many things from ur teaching in ur channel...Gbu Sir. ( with love from half globe away / Indonesia ) Sabbath Shalom.
Thank you very much for expounding from your other teaching by explaining and clarifying about dreams and visions with respect to the Bible. It is helpful and I agree that dreams and visions are not to supersede or challenge the authority of the Bible in anyway. My experience with dreams and visions have been for the Lord to show me something for my personal healing or a type of prophecy or a type of word of knowledge either for myself or others. Then I would pray into that revelation and pray for myself or others. My experiences are one way I hear from the Lord as He speaks to us with the voice of His Holy Spirit as well. I like that you emphasized that dreams and visions to not trump the authority of the Bible. That is important to remember for believers experiencing dreams and visions. A believer must discern and understand that there is the revelation then the interpretation then the application of what the Lord is showing someone. I see dreams as either from our soul, from the demonic and from the Lord. I have experienced them all and we must discern. The ones from the Lord I still remember vividly even after many years. I enjoy your teachings and just want to encourage you in your calling and helping others learn the bible and the important basic doctrines for the body of Christ. God Bless you and your family.
Amen Preacher ✝️ Blessings to you and your family! Mrs Mike ❤
God spoke to me in a dream. I was standing in my church and he told me to
Write his words on a piece of paper and fold it and when I did that I was supposed to read the word of the Lord to the church. But the church was so distracted by me folding the paper that they did not want to hear the word of the Lord anymore. And when I woke up, I immediately prayed and asked God what that meant and he spoke Amos 7 into my spirit. I knew The dream was from God so I wrote it down and went back to sleep. When I woke up I opened Amos 7 on my Bible app and started to read it but my phone was dying so I decided to use my Bible. I grabbed my Bible and decided to read something else and I decided that I would save Amos 7 for later. I read three chapters in Joshua and closed my Bible but when I closed it I felt like I had left something unfinished and I didn’t have peace about it so I grabbed my Bible again and it immediately opened to Amos 7 and the page was folded on the 7th verse. It was about God’s judgment on Israel and he used a thing called a plum line as the tool in which he would use to judge them. Then I still didn’t grasp what the Holy Spirit was saying so I began to research what this plum line thing was and found a Messianic Jew explaining Amos 7 and he had a replica of what an ancient Egyptian plum line looked like. Then, the very next day, as I was driving to pick up my son, I came to a red light and there was a pick up truck in front of me and it had a plum line in tow!! I had never seen one of those things until God showed me. Then last night, I found one in the basement of my 110 year old house!! I am 100 percent sure that I heard God’s voice via the still small voice after I woke up from the dream that I KNOW he gave me at 3:38 am on 3/28/22. I believe God gave me this dream to warn the church because there is much sin in the church and God’s judgment is starting in the house of God per the scriptures!
Yes I agree there are many on You Tube who claim to speak for the Great I Am of Heaven, but there is no evidence to back up their claims. We are in a time of great confusion in this matter and must consult the Holy Spirit on all of these claims. My whole testimony hinges on words that the Holy Spirit spoke into my spirit years ago. The words were: "If you continue to live this way, you are not going to heaven." There was no one in the room and no one had ever spoken to me in this way. Also there was no mistaking who was speaking to me. I was caught up in a sinful lifestyle, yet thinkin I was a good person compared to others. But the Lord showed me that His ways are not my ways and I had a choice to make. One thing I always knew was I wanted to go to heaven when I died. So I asked forgiveness of my sins, and the Lord drew me like a magnet to His powerful Word. He showed me in Ephesians Chapter 5 what His requirements are for anyone to be accepted into His heavenly Kingdom. I was wondering why no one ever showed me this before and so many living around me did not follow these guidelines for righteous living. Believe me I know who hunted me down and saved my soul, and no man gets the credit, only God the Father does. This must be how he wanted it. Those who are filled with the Holy Spirit cannot lie about dreams and visions or their encounter with the One True God of Heaven, because that would be like Him lying against Himself. But we have too many that do not understand that in order to hear from Him, they must turn to Him, ask forgiveness of their sins, turn away from their sins, take up their cross, face the same persecution, rejection, and misunderstanding that His Son did when He walked the earth. Otherwise we simply cannot relate to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and how valuable it is to us. He also showed me that His Word is His Last Will and Testimony sealed in His blood. In other words it is a legal document and it is our evidence that He exists. We must fight to defend it even with our lives. As you know they are trying to replace it with beliefs from the Talmud called the Noahide laws. Most Americans do not even know that our laws came from the Ten Commandments and this is why so many are being led to the slaughter. The Bible has been made into an unimportant book instead of our lifeline to Jesus Christ. It seems like so many want to make merchandise of God's people, instead of leading them to the fountain of Salvation in God's Word. The God of Heaven speaks long messages into my spirit on a daily basis so I know He is alive and well, and available to any who will choose Him. I have a message he downloaded called: Salvation is a Choice. We must understand the Holy Spirit is a gentleman and forces Himself on no one, we must swallow our pride and go to Him. Don't put it off, anyone who is does not know Him, because you will regret it. Call upon the name of Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness of your sins, and He will be right there for you no matter where you are or what you've done. Jesus said: "You will die in your sins if you refuse to come to me." Sorry this is so long, but I do get wordy when speaking on this essential subject. May you be blessed always for the blessings you give to others.
Thank you for clarifying that with us. 💕🕊️
Chapter 23 of Jeremiah sure hits the nail on the head. One verse said, the so called prophet has said I had a dream, I had a dream. .Reminds me of someone today who goes on you tube A LOT.
Jesus takes to me and healed me brother.
Debra Waters>> Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve been binge watching Roberts videos today.
Sure glad to hear this right to the end. Totally helped.
Well done brother Breaker!!! Love your work. I'm glad your eye is better!
Thank you Robert!
God bless you brother Breaker.
You are such a great teacher and I enjoy listening to you and I do learn a lot
Thank you for this video!! I'm learning so much from you. You are a true blessing!
Thx Robert!! God Bless you brother
Thanks for your insight about visions and dreams. I was wondering the clarification on it myself
Amen! Most of the people who claim to have dreams and visions claim that since they are having dreams and visions that they are MORE SPIRITUAL than you are. It actually causes a lot of division in the true church!
You have taught me so much!
Sending our love from California Brother Breaker.
Thank You so much, you are such a blessing to the body of Christ.