  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @immortal7506
    @immortal7506 3 роки тому +306

    ocean be looking like a college professor lecturing his students 😂

    • @ZeunixGaming
      @ZeunixGaming 3 роки тому +3

      Tribute to Jonathan and scout❤️🙂

    • @bestie7716
      @bestie7716 3 роки тому +2

      It his passion bro ❤

    • @Vexital75
      @Vexital75 3 роки тому +2

      @@ZeunixGaming There's nothing tribute to Jonathan and scout in that video. Stop spamming

    • @shahid1530
      @shahid1530 3 роки тому

      @@bestie7716 his*

    • @bestie7716
      @bestie7716 3 роки тому

      @@shahid1530 o sorry 😁

  • @Kingplayzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    @Kingplayzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 3 роки тому +207

    Right now in PEL see lgd gameplay they are just best right now and most aggressive team, Suki and Cheng c duo is the best right now

  • @mixpodcast8734
    @mixpodcast8734 3 роки тому +20

    Game sense:
    When to shoot, when to move(run, prone, crouch) etc. Paraboy is so good at this, its not about firepower, everyone shoot accurately if they have the timing, the right position to shoot.. And he rarely use bigger scope than red dot to spray using m4.. Because he priorities the vision around the target..

  • @qualcoStreaming
    @qualcoStreaming 3 роки тому +54

    This game is all about mind games , synergy , understanding ( gunpower aaj kal sabko OP hai ) btw big fan of XQF and 4AM

  • @perubisht29
    @perubisht29 3 роки тому +352

    Paraboy movement is slow but his accuracy is god level

    • @Allsides360
      @Allsides360 3 роки тому +59

      Accuracy is everything
      And Chinese players don’t go for close range often

    • @vaibhav2973
      @vaibhav2973 3 роки тому +30

      Accuracy hi chahiye, movement ka kya achaar daaloge jb aiming utni achi ni hogi to????

    • @tapanghosh7801
      @tapanghosh7801 3 роки тому +9

      Are you hecker??

    • @Allsides360
      @Allsides360 3 роки тому +5

      @@vaibhav2973 😂

    • @ravipattnaik3872
      @ravipattnaik3872 3 роки тому +7

      @@vaibhav2973 Game for peace is a different meta

  • @manthansharma5578
    @manthansharma5578 3 роки тому +36

    The G.O.A.T🐐💜

  • @KoNik_India
    @KoNik_India 3 роки тому +62

    FPP is true skills game.
    TPP me 1v3 or 1v4 is not very hard. But in FPP if you do this in Competitive you are a God.

    • @thenoobdashow7428
      @thenoobdashow7428 3 роки тому +2

      Coz of aiming fpp also become not much hard🙄

    • @ZeunixGaming
      @ZeunixGaming 3 роки тому +1

      Tribute to Jonathan and scout❤️🙂

    • @nothin_
      @nothin_ 3 роки тому +5

      @@thenoobdashow7428 bhai aap fpp Erangel hi khel lo bgmi me, phir pata chale

    • @Sforsanket
      @Sforsanket 3 роки тому +15

      Actually, FPP mai Sound sense Pro level ki ho ni chahiye

    • @xenji7121
      @xenji7121 3 роки тому +4

      @@thenoobdashow7428 lmfao crosshair in FPP is fvcking hard compare to TPP..

  • @PraTikOP14
    @PraTikOP14 3 роки тому +127

    1000frags not Joke broo ParaBoy the G.O.A.T ❤️

    • @whoami8247
      @whoami8247 3 роки тому +7

      That was at start of season 2😂😂 it's way more now

    • @Mr_Exposer17
      @Mr_Exposer17 3 роки тому +6

      @@whoami8247 lol do you even know what is PEL? It's the toughest tournament FPP+ hardcore advance room and Paraboy is the first player to achieve that milestone and 2nd is order with 900 kills

    • @whoami8247
      @whoami8247 3 роки тому +1

      @@Mr_Exposer17 ha dekha hai maine... Last year ka bhi pel dekha hai... Mujhe mat sikha😂😂

    • @rubalmalik5250
      @rubalmalik5250 3 роки тому +2

      @@Mr_Exposer17 koi Indian player chicken nikaal payega usme??

    • @Mr_Exposer17
      @Mr_Exposer17 3 роки тому

      @@whoami8247 okay

  • @shatrudhanverma462
    @shatrudhanverma462 3 роки тому +62

    If Nova or 4AM understood hindi they will be like itna to hamne kabhi nahi socha

    • @vikrantdutta9407
      @vikrantdutta9407 3 роки тому +2


    • @areenbhalekar949
      @areenbhalekar949 3 роки тому +7

      😂 exactly, game hai, maarna hai,
      Itna bhi jyada dimag thodi lagata koi issme.
      Dimag to wo log rotations, strategy pe wagra lagayege na

    • @RohitPatel-bk8fo
      @RohitPatel-bk8fo 3 роки тому +6

      @@areenbhalekar949 ha yeh ocean pagal hain

    • @areenbhalekar949
      @areenbhalekar949 3 роки тому

      @Cz.yTechNO MN true👍

    • @muhdansar8032
      @muhdansar8032 3 роки тому +2

      😁😁😁😁 simple fight explained in a Money Heists style

  • @Sagittarius_ahmed
    @Sagittarius_ahmed 3 роки тому +13

    Paraboy no fancy moves just pure accuracy

  • @senaro5018
    @senaro5018 3 роки тому +97

    He is not one of the best in tournament **he is world best player in tournament** 🙂❤️

    • @j20-r3w
      @j20-r3w 3 роки тому +30

      Abb Kuch bacchey aaingay our Jonathan Ka nam suna hey bolengey

    • @senaro5018
      @senaro5018 3 роки тому +13

      @@j20-r3w yes although I'm jonathan fan but fact hai ki paraboy world best player hai

    • @senaro5018
      @senaro5018 3 роки тому +5

      @Prakhar Tandon yes BTR,NAVI,ZEUS in sab team ke bando ne khela hai chineese team ke against but apne entity ne nahi khela let's wait for PMGC

    • @j20-r3w
      @j20-r3w 3 роки тому +2

      @@senaro5018 btr is better than entity ..so you can guess

    • @senaro5018
      @senaro5018 3 роки тому +1

      @@j20-r3w when I said that entity is better than BTR ? BTR strategy,rotation and gunpower DAMNN!!!🔥

  • @KaiBaite
    @KaiBaite 3 роки тому +6

    No other teams around the world can compete to Chinese teams who prefers FPP rather than TPP. They give priority to FPP and so when the compete to other teams outside China, they always comes out with an impressive win

  • @rohitachi259
    @rohitachi259 3 роки тому +91

    He is not one of the best. He is the Best🔥

  • @OwnerOP
    @OwnerOP 3 роки тому +4

    Now people gonna start talking about Jonathan but it's just like shroud and GenG Pio . People watched shroud pubg moments while GenG Pio was world champion of pubg. He was way better than shroud but he didn't get much attention compared to shroud. Para boy is way better than Jonathan now let me tell you why .
    1st of all most people think being good in 1v1 tdm or specially in close range makes you a better player but that's a big fat lie . Classic is way different than Arena Wharehouse and being an all rounder matters more than being special in close range or just long range .
    2nd jiggle and fast movements doesn't really matter at all because they work against noobs . You aim accuracy your tracking matters more. I've seenany gameplays of paraboy and Jonathan but I've noticed one thing . Whenever Jonathan sees an opportunity to kill someone he always wants to show something off his skills or jiggle etc. But paraboy never does that . Paraboy stays and acts normal just like it doesn't really matter for him if he gets those kills. I've seen Jonathan die like a noob many times because of his show off. Once Jonathan with his team rushed on snax he was on roof of the building on the military bridge . Jonathan gave his best jiggle and damage do andr aao technique but snax knocked him like a bot also one time Jonathan killed whole looby and he and his 1 teammate was alive. There was last guy at the rock and they know his location Jonathan teammate got knocked but Instead of easy reviving and showing some teamwork Jonathan did the fool set emote and rushed and got killed like a bot buy him believe me if paraboy and his teammate was there they would have killed that guy without even loosing 1 HP . Everyone has there own skills and specialities but Paraboy is the benchmark of best pubg player.Because of him most of the players in the world knew the power of DP and started using it and then people started comparing those players with paraboy . Nova is the best team in the world because they don't show off . They play the game like it's meant to be played. But in India Pakistan and Bangladesh and nepal and Arab show off is liked more then real skills. I have seen many players getting famous just because they do crazy show off movements and kill noobs with with flying shots & jump prone tricks and through walls etc. I bet I'll give those players a million dollar if they they go and kill a team like nova or btr or any good competitive player with their flying sniper shots . Hahaha they'll get knocked mid air because show off doesn't work the the world of professional hardcore eSports. Real skills does.

    • @karthikdvn7121
      @karthikdvn7121 2 роки тому

      don't know why this comment got only 2 likes , wonderful comparision

  • @rudhrarekapally3330
    @rudhrarekapally3330 3 роки тому +16

    This is more interesting than my online class ❤️ ...
    This man deserves much more ❤️
    Ocean , Salute man ✌️

    @CREATORTGOFFICIAL 3 роки тому +61

    If Chinese players plays world league lobby will be at different level

    • @rakeshchintu2349
      @rakeshchintu2349 3 роки тому +13

      Lol chinese are already world champions

    • @fighterjazz619
      @fighterjazz619 3 роки тому

      @@rakeshchintu2349 💯

    • @xenji7121
      @xenji7121 3 роки тому +14

      Last time 6 Chinese teams joined a global tourney and they were all in the top ranking 😂 1st to 6th all Chinese teams🤣🤣

    • @jaipawar5479
      @jaipawar5479 3 роки тому +1

      @@xenji7121 pmgc ?

    • @draken1709
      @draken1709 3 роки тому +9

      @@jaipawar5479 pmgc only had 2 Chinese teams 4AM and NV... 4AM was league Champions and NV was Finals Champion.
      Chinese teams took 1st and 2nd position in the Finals.

  • @Paragod.
    @Paragod. 3 роки тому +10


    • @archanabharati2726
      @archanabharati2726 3 роки тому +2

      Tum mujhe harr jagah dikhte ho, chahe news channels, higlights, Live Streams..lol 😂

    • @BoloJaiShreeRamsabhi
      @BoloJaiShreeRamsabhi 3 роки тому +3

      @@archanabharati2726 wo para ka fan hai samjha 😠😠

    • @BoloJaiShreeRamsabhi
      @BoloJaiShreeRamsabhi 3 роки тому +1

      @@mdzufien1459dhol fan se baat nii karna chahiya 😭😭😭 maaf karna warna apne rakhi guttal ki gatha gaane lagte hai 😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣

    • @exonysis8252
      @exonysis8252 3 роки тому +1

      @@BoloJaiShreeRamsabhi 😂😂🕉😂

    • @BoloJaiShreeRamsabhi
      @BoloJaiShreeRamsabhi 3 роки тому

      @@exonysis8252 dhol fans bohot lode hote hai🤮🤮

  • @viruop1926
    @viruop1926 3 роки тому +7

    Kid's be like : Jaldi jaldi doodh pee leta hu
    Chat me 'Jonathan ka naam sunna hai ' bhi toh likhna hai 😂🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @simxhub
    @simxhub 3 роки тому +14

    Paraboy Fast movement and Aim Transfer taught/motivated me to keep practicing and rise & shine like a star. Love from Low End Device Player ★🇮🇳🇮🇳

  • @aiming9011
    @aiming9011 3 роки тому +20

    Unarguable Best Player in the World likely to say Faker of GFP 🔥🔥🔥🔥

    • @perubisht29
      @perubisht29 3 роки тому +1


    • @praveenmolli.5
      @praveenmolli.5 3 роки тому +7

      1) #4 top fragger and #3 damage dealer in PMCO GLOBAL FINALS 2019
      2) #1 Top fragger in PMPL league's
      3) #2Top fragger in PMPL finals[missed #1 by 1 kill]
      4) #1 Top fragger in PMIS[Both in Finals and semifinals]
      5) #2 Top fragger and #1 damage dealer in PMWL 2020 overall.
      6)#5 fragger in PMWL finals.
      7) Back to back MVP in PMWL week 2 and 3
      8) Only Indian competitive esports Athlete to achieve 150+kills in international PUBG MOBILE Tournaments.
      9) highest individual kills in a match in an official tournament(16 kills -PMIS)
      10) JONATHAN was one among the top 7 PUBG MOBILE eSports athletes in the world in the year 2020.(source- esports gen)

    • @ryuga8701
      @ryuga8701 3 роки тому +12

      @@praveenmolli.5 he is good but not close to paraboy 🙄

    • @paramjitbhowmik
      @paramjitbhowmik 3 роки тому +3

      @@praveenmolli.5 y r u bringing jonathan here
      He's good on his own
      But paraboy is different

    • @aiming9011
      @aiming9011 3 роки тому +1

      @@praveenmolli.5 did u see paraboys achievements 😂😂😂

  • @vickypanwar1612
    @vickypanwar1612 3 роки тому +10

    Soul will Rise❤️

    • @abhisheksonbarse3916
      @abhisheksonbarse3916 3 роки тому +1

      1 saal hogya ye bolte bolte 😂😂😂😂
      Nhi kr sakti rise teri soul the T10 team 😂😂

    • @tokoagu6997
      @tokoagu6997 3 роки тому

      @@abhisheksonbarse3916 1 saal? 6 month bhi nahi huva wo naye soul ki baat kar raha hai

    • @MukeshKumar.19
      @MukeshKumar.19 3 роки тому

      @@tokoagu6997 are bhai aur kitna time lagega bhai. Itna time thodi lagta hai synergy banane mein..

    • @MukeshKumar.19
      @MukeshKumar.19 3 роки тому

      @@tokoagu6997 voh bas call nahi ki koi kya bol rha hai team mein

    • @abhisheksonbarse3916
      @abhisheksonbarse3916 3 роки тому +1

      @@tokoagu6997 new soul ho ya old soul will never rise 😂😂😂😂 yaha sab teams ka gunpower aaacaha hai yaha tak 8bit walo ka bhi aur tum Noobs 😂😂😂😂

  • @jaigaming1991
    @jaigaming1991 3 роки тому +4

    3 finger god - paraboy

  • @vinsonmassif5071
    @vinsonmassif5071 3 роки тому +2

    Who watched yesterday's match ?
    4am Hasaki 1v2 clutch LGD & won chicken in Miramar. Hasaki close range god

  • @umangabadal7700
    @umangabadal7700 3 роки тому +15

    Paraboy ain't one of the best player in the world.....he is "THE BEST PLAYER IN THE WORLD"💯

    • @nihalbhamrah4726
      @nihalbhamrah4726 3 роки тому +1


    • @energygaming4571
      @energygaming4571 3 роки тому

      Point hai👍🏻

    • @NVrder-ui2gf
      @NVrder-ui2gf 3 роки тому +7

      @@nihalbhamrah4726 what

    • @paraboythealltimegreatest3651
      @paraboythealltimegreatest3651 3 роки тому +5

      @@nihalbhamrah4726 well he is the most consistent and the highest fragger in world so he deserved to be called best player of world don’t be jealous maybe you are fan of Jonathan am I right ? 😜

    • @TheonlyX77
      @TheonlyX77 3 роки тому

      @@NVrder-ui2gf he is saying no one is best but one of the best

  • @FactosBro856
    @FactosBro856 3 роки тому +10

    And Some guys compare johnny to Paraboy 🤡😂😂😂
    Johnny is great too but can't be compared to PB

    • @rishuedits4116
      @rishuedits4116 3 роки тому +1

      yes kisi ko kisi se compare nii krna chiye sbb apni jagah achee h

    • @asn3069
      @asn3069 3 роки тому +6

      @@rishuedits4116 yes Paraboy world pe best hai aur Johny India me best hai

    • @vivekrawat1274
      @vivekrawat1274 3 роки тому +1

      Jonny india m best h aur paraboy world m best h 🔥🔥

    • @hitman1598
      @hitman1598 3 роки тому +3

      Who the fuck compared Johnny with Paraboy you Dhol fan?

    • @ace_z3us278
      @ace_z3us278 3 роки тому +1

      @@hitman1598 Yes bro only dhol fan's compare and spread hate because there dad is rakhi

  • @jeke08
    @jeke08 3 роки тому +2

    Paragod 🔥💜

  • @millliondollararea
    @millliondollararea 3 роки тому +3

    If You Think There are Players Better Than Paraboy, You Are Wasting Your Time! LmaOO

    • @stonecold9586
      @stonecold9586 2 роки тому

      Bhai humare yaha ke bacche nahi manenge unhe self proclaimed universal mvp duniya ka best player lagta hai😭😂

  • @_timox
    @_timox 3 роки тому

    Big Fan Broo... Take Love From Bangladesh 🇧🇩🖤

  • @GAURAV-yn7iq
    @GAURAV-yn7iq 3 роки тому +1

    1:40, Battle dekhne ko miling. Wah wah wah 🤣🤣🤣

  • @sarojpradhan1329
    @sarojpradhan1329 3 роки тому +7

    Paraboy on of the my favorite plyer.

  • @badal4107
    @badal4107 3 роки тому

    Gun power
    Game sense

  • @godlenz9977
    @godlenz9977 3 роки тому +4

    Plz make video on ORDER ❤🔥

  • @lakshyachetia9243
    @lakshyachetia9243 3 роки тому +1

    After watching paraboy this video-----he think "aye BC ye sab kob socha maine"🤣🤣

  • @parwindersharma1605
    @parwindersharma1605 3 роки тому

    I support u from the start of your career we love u

  • @Gughgcufg8gig
    @Gughgcufg8gig 3 роки тому +2

    We want Mavi vs paraboy friendly tdm match

  • @shampakundu6659
    @shampakundu6659 3 роки тому +2

    Ump becomes somewhere powerful in close range and long range fights 👍

  • @CarnageOP6T9
    @CarnageOP6T9 3 роки тому

    Okay so finally ocean k dhamakedar analysis regular aa rahe h

  • @Watermelon_cat0053
    @Watermelon_cat0053 3 роки тому

    In this gaming community doesn't give chance for underdogs like scrims tournament

  • @sydexyt4409
    @sydexyt4409 3 роки тому +5

    If 33svan hai full health Rather then 70% he would have kill paraboy
    Btw both are grate player❤️

    • @1v69jod6
      @1v69jod6 3 роки тому

      Ya bro both are op .. But remember first bullet svn connected to paraboy still paraboy killed

    • @sydexyt4409
      @sydexyt4409 3 роки тому

      @@1v69jod6 you dum paraboy was in full hp and svan was in 60 to 70 hp

    • @1v69jod6
      @1v69jod6 3 роки тому +1

      @@sydexyt4409 Abe Chomu maine kab bola health kai bare mai... Mai apna point diya ki paraboy nai thoda badiya khela yaha par ... ocean is expert jab vo khud bolra hai ki para played well ..video dang sai deka kaar beta ❤

  • @honeyarora9131
    @honeyarora9131 3 роки тому +2

    Paragod ❤

  • @__aspirant.
    @__aspirant. 3 роки тому +5

    PARAGOD >>>>>>> entire VE SCRIMS lobby 😌

    • @incnomercy6573
      @incnomercy6573 3 роки тому +1


    • @Mr_Exposer17
      @Mr_Exposer17 3 роки тому

      No bro you are just misguided paraboy is the best player but that doesn't mean he alone will wipe a whole T1 lobby it is stupidity to even think also. Teamwork id important Jimmy, paraboy and order are together for almost 3 years so their synergy is better than any team in world

    • @incnomercy6573
      @incnomercy6573 3 роки тому +2

      @@Mr_Exposer17 achievements bolte bro paraboy vs entire ve lobby😄

    • @Mr_Exposer17
      @Mr_Exposer17 3 роки тому

      @@incnomercy6573 bro Indian BGMI eSports is still in developing state give them time❤️

  • @latifsensei866
    @latifsensei866 3 роки тому +3

    For me
    Indian player's Jod.. ❤️❤️
    Scout, Jonathan and others

    • @wick8070
      @wick8070 3 роки тому +3

      Not at all. Xqf proved that in pmgc

    • @godlPatrickBateman
      @godlPatrickBateman 3 роки тому

      @@wick8070 lode wait for 🇮🇳 teams in pmgc
      Tsm was #5 in pmco global.
      Which proved , ye achhi takkar denge Chinese ko

    • @gamingboys7181
      @gamingboys7181 3 роки тому +2

      @@godlPatrickBateman indian teams ko invite bhi nai mila pmgc ka lol

    • @hitman1598
      @hitman1598 3 роки тому +2

      @@VishvendraSingh-go3zd My favourite player is Jonathan but the truth is He is nothing infront of Paraboy 🙂

    • @hitman1598
      @hitman1598 3 роки тому

      @@VishvendraSingh-go3zd Bro I am a fan of Jonathan and Team Tapatap. But there are many other players and teams better then them like Xqf 4AM BTR.

  • @himanshu1265
    @himanshu1265 3 роки тому +2

    Paraboy op

  • @Riddhi011-v5j
    @Riddhi011-v5j 3 роки тому

    Ocean simple video ko bhi complicated bana kar samjhata h😁😁😁 🙏

  • @FLAME5656
    @FLAME5656 3 роки тому +25

    Paraboy is not one of the best .. paraboy is world best player bro ..

    • @sparkey9475
      @sparkey9475 3 роки тому


    • @jaipawar5479
      @jaipawar5479 3 роки тому +6

      kha likha jonathan he? paraboy ka name chlta he duniya me ,jhony ka abhi bs india and indonesia tk hi seemit he

    • @louki3284
      @louki3284 3 роки тому +2

      @@sparkey9475 NO

    • @ayush4325
      @ayush4325 3 роки тому +1

      @@sparkey9475 In india yes

    • @MadhurNegi12
      @MadhurNegi12 3 роки тому

      Jonathan is worlds best player

  • @user-de4rl5bf9r
    @user-de4rl5bf9r 3 роки тому +1

    hello sir hee is paranormal person ❤paraboy❤

  • @shubhamwalunj1486
    @shubhamwalunj1486 3 роки тому +1

    Ocean & paraboy oppp🔥🤙

  • @Hacker-oj3ux
    @Hacker-oj3ux 3 роки тому +2

    Now pel is interesting than bgmi😅😅

  • @ajendrayadav3718
    @ajendrayadav3718 3 роки тому +2

    Do Indian teams play PMGC 2021? Please reply

    • @yuvraj748
      @yuvraj748 3 роки тому +2

      Not confirmed by officials just wait😄

    • @frieza7570
      @frieza7570 3 роки тому

      @@psvikasreddy5296 yes. Probably top 2 teams will get direct invitation & teams from no.3 to no.5 will play prelims to qualify for pmgc

  • @lwithwsaboro5351
    @lwithwsaboro5351 2 роки тому

    Mah fav compatative plyer Jonny & paraboy ❣️

  • @phenom0269
    @phenom0269 3 роки тому

    Bro maximum pel players ka sound sense aur gamesense next level hota h....ye koi badi baat nhi h

  • @mcuxspyder3122
    @mcuxspyder3122 3 роки тому

    10 second ka futage ko 10 min ka video bana diya op analys

  • @owaisaliyt1403
    @owaisaliyt1403 3 роки тому +6

    Swan was low on hp thats why

  • @singhisking1031
    @singhisking1031 3 роки тому

    Ultra legend pro player ocean 😂😂

  • @sarabjeetgaming4105
    @sarabjeetgaming4105 3 роки тому +5

    indian compi matches me fpp hardcore aa jae kash
    maza aae jae ga :)

  • @dynoxyz8228
    @dynoxyz8228 3 роки тому

    Pel Better Than All Global Tourneys

  • @POD_SHORT__
    @POD_SHORT__ 3 роки тому +1

    Jldi jaldi se Paraboy prr video bana deta hun...fir views bhi to chapne hai

  • @gohan8922
    @gohan8922 3 роки тому +2

    One of the best analyst analysing the god ❤️

  • @VishalSingh-pu1zb
    @VishalSingh-pu1zb 3 роки тому

    Ok soo this is Gamingpro Ocean 🔥

  • @zeshanmunir10
    @zeshanmunir10 3 роки тому

    Great vedio bro lekin pochna tha ke in ke health bar ke neeche konsi bar hoti

    • @neoxz1039
      @neoxz1039 3 роки тому +1

      In Chinese version u don't losse health by zone

    • @neoxz1039
      @neoxz1039 3 роки тому +1

      When you boost up u get shield when shield get over u die directly

    • @neoxz1039
      @neoxz1039 3 роки тому +1

      BTW shield is only for play zone it doesn't help in close range

  • @Moneh751
    @Moneh751 3 роки тому +3

    And Some noontuber said better than Chinese pro LMAO 😂💔

  • @L0RDgamingYT
    @L0RDgamingYT 3 роки тому

    Lgd bhi boht acha khel rahi h .
    Cheng C god level gameplay

  • @thegrtnick
    @thegrtnick 3 роки тому +1

    That indian teacher pe live kab?🙂🤧

  • @basbakchodiofficial
    @basbakchodiofficial 3 роки тому

    kuch nahi smjha bhai par maza aaya

  • @RyugAslive
    @RyugAslive 3 роки тому +1

    Ocean Sir In GAME FOR PEACE there is no crossair while hitting the player it's only The blood shed where they shoot

    • @kushsharma5706
      @kushsharma5706 3 роки тому

      And there is no footsteps mark and no lag that's make the game able to play

    • @kushsharma5706
      @kushsharma5706 3 роки тому

      Hope bgmi Mai esa kuch ho

  • @anassheikh7451
    @anassheikh7451 3 роки тому

    Ok so hi guys this is gaming pro ocean

  • @sumit6928
    @sumit6928 3 роки тому +3

    Paraboy God Hai Bhaii

  • @mavrick23
    @mavrick23 3 роки тому

    Bro kafi acha info hai. ❤️.. lekin ek suggestion hai.. don't just over exaggerate the basic scenes.. usse wo feel nikal jata hai .. just make it simple and don't over draw things.. I hope u get it .

  • @BeSimple728
    @BeSimple728 3 роки тому +2


  • @dahukkarajatbarot859
    @dahukkarajatbarot859 3 роки тому

    Jonny or what!! Always tapatap

  • @call_me_ali__7719
    @call_me_ali__7719 2 роки тому

    Helpful videoes on this channel 🔥💓

  • @shayakjha5312
    @shayakjha5312 3 роки тому

    That's why he is the no.1 player in world

  • @lovishkumar5520
    @lovishkumar5520 3 роки тому +7

    for the first 5 minutes 30 seconds he doesn't even talk about paraboy

  • @auingmauimg8447
    @auingmauimg8447 3 роки тому


  • @Navin-kumar.
    @Navin-kumar. 3 роки тому +7

    No doubt Paraboy is currently a one of the best player in world right know❣️🔥

  • @akshitraj2424
    @akshitraj2424 3 роки тому

    Bro btr le strategy ke uper ek video banao

  • @oreocremeshake
    @oreocremeshake 3 роки тому

    4am is kinda getting back .

  • @parasupreme2514
    @parasupreme2514 3 роки тому +2

    So acc to him spotting in (TPP) is game sense.. Noice.. Agree if its FPP.
    Not TPP Lmao

  • @prashanthyt857
    @prashanthyt857 3 роки тому


  • @rxjaxhackerofbangladesh2887
    @rxjaxhackerofbangladesh2887 3 роки тому

    Goat 🐐 paraboy 💜🤍

  • @philosopher1988
    @philosopher1988 3 роки тому


  • @lakshya44
    @lakshya44 3 роки тому

    In Chinese Tournaments There are no Hitmarker on Crosshair in Hardcore Mode

  • @krishsrivastava2145
    @krishsrivastava2145 3 роки тому +1

    Bhai close range headshot ke upper ek vedio bana doh

  • @pratik5914
    @pratik5914 3 роки тому +4

    I mean u are looking to the PMGC PEC champs YOU can expect these every now and then 💜👑

  • @ashishrawat6441
    @ashishrawat6441 3 роки тому +5

    Ye dekh lo iPhone walo ye tournaments players kis mobile per khel rhe hai. iphone ke pro players LAN tournaments me hag doge 😂 Jb tak apple sponsored nhi kre. Aur ye chinese players Android or iOS dono per accha khel lete hai

  • @call_me_ali__7719
    @call_me_ali__7719 2 роки тому

    Brooo op content 🔥

  • @jodplays11
    @jodplays11 3 роки тому

    Paraboy is Lob❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @sanketpatel5902
    @sanketpatel5902 3 роки тому

    Ye kuch over hi gyan ho gaya bro😂

  • @xenji7121
    @xenji7121 3 роки тому

    Bro next video on Order the Best All Rounder🐐

  • @orphandaddy6919
    @orphandaddy6919 3 роки тому +4

    But LGDChengC is on Another Level in this PEL Beautifully Wiped WBG & TMG 🔥😌❤️

  • @solohappyyyyy3735
    @solohappyyyyy3735 3 роки тому

    Some kids will say tapatap is better than paraboy 😂😂😂

  • @vilgax2.0yt31
    @vilgax2.0yt31 3 роки тому

    Har 2 sec me toh pause krna h 🙂

  • @Gonpachiro69kamaboko
    @Gonpachiro69kamaboko 3 роки тому

    Next time order pe banado video 🌝🌝

  • @divyankawasthi6428
    @divyankawasthi6428 3 роки тому

    Bhai ek baar poori clip dikha diya kr 🤗

  • @ritwikkalita7642
    @ritwikkalita7642 3 роки тому +1

    Not one of the best;He is the best player in the world rn;he is consistnt since 2019 ;i havent seen any player who is consistnt like him!❤️GOAT

  • @namanchoudhary2501
    @namanchoudhary2501 3 роки тому

    Look at his pre fire 🎈

  • @anshuldhaker2197
    @anshuldhaker2197 3 роки тому

    The GOAT ❤

  • @whalewhale2470
    @whalewhale2470 3 роки тому +1

    How to not panic pr video pr banao pls dil ka dharkan bohot hota hai bande dek ne pr!!

    • @exonysis8252
      @exonysis8252 3 роки тому

      😂😂ha panic bhai..jab 4 pairo ke nisha ghar ke aas paas hote hai tab...

  • @shahidE5
    @shahidE5 3 роки тому +1

    Indian players are not even Paraboys 5 pct of gameplay he is a god player best in the world 🤍

  • @Amnesia_victim
    @Amnesia_victim 3 роки тому +1

    Paraboy never take cover and use tpp
    So they will have advantage in pubg gl