Podcast #14 Drumul inapoi spre tine / The way back to you - Mihaela

  • Опубліковано 12 бер 2023
  • Multumesc invitatei mele, Mihaela, pentru oglinzile pe care ni le-a ridicat, ajuntandu-ne sa ne oglindim si sa stim exact unde avem de lucrat. Este aproape imposibil sa nu ne ragasim in povestea ei de femeie puternica care dupa lungi suferinte, a hotarat sa-si dea jos armura invincibila, sa-si recunoasca vulnerabilitatea, si sa-si caute drumul spre feminitate....spre adevarata Mihaela.
    Multumim Doamne!
    Cine doreste sa ne contacteze ne poate scrie pe urmatoarea adresa de email: soareledeiubire9@gmail.com
    Thank you to my guest, Mihaela, for the mirrors she held up for us, allowing us to look at ourselves and know exactly where we have to work. It is almost impossible not to find ourselves in her story of a strong woman who, after long suffering, decided to take off her invincible armor, to recognize her vulnerability, and to look for her way to femininity...to the real Mihaela.
    Thank you God!
    Anyone who wants to contact us can write to the following email address:soareledeiubire9@gmail.com