Never let Mamamoo play rock paper scissors by your side
- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
New video, when mamamoo play rock paper scissors, spoiler: it's a mess 😂
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Have a nice day 😄
anyone.: it is only a game
mamamaoo: our life depends on this, let the blood run
*This is life or death*
"unnie if you don't do paper, i'll make you into a piece of paper" like who has a maknae that has the audacity to say this to a unnie? I stan a chaotic crackheads HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA
This is the most intense rock paper scisors ive ever seen 🤣
You think this is something what till you watch Kakegurui🍵
This is normal if the idols are crackheads that why I love them
I agree esp Hwasa and Solar 😂😂
@@XOXO_Cherrie house pet UwU
I've never seen such people play Rock paper scissors so intensely
@@mcddak4441 *DDUCK*
@@moonkafu2157 *MC DDAK*
@@SMILE-mx9hp *WE ARE...*
Okay, I am still amazed on that School of rock episode that the Librarian didn't shoo them out. Either the Librarian isn't there or the Librarian is also a Moomoo. I choose to believe the 2nd one
I forgot that they were at a library with that much noise 😂.
They probably reserved and closed down the place for the day
I agree never let Mamamoo play rock paper scissors or else your ears will burn.
Edit: I forgot to take out headphones.
What is this ?
Sorry, I didn't see that it will come way later. Sorry for the inconvenience.
@@pm2102 so what it was ?
@@WheepupChannel oh that it's an app to vote for your idols. Soribada popularity award is an example.
Hahahaha i did that mistake too 😂
"we willing to do anything to not move" MOOOOOOD AF 😂
"These kids are weird"
Its not mamamoo if they are normal
Edit: all rbw artists are weird hahahahaha
Even the staffs, dancers, the CEO,producers literally everyone in the company are weird,cheerful and lOuUud like them 😂
**Yong bragging that the game is easy**
Yeba: **starts playing rock paper scissors and quicklyloses the game** wai-
I think it was Moonbyul who said it was an easy case tho. If you look she was counting 1,2,3 while practicing plus it sounds more like Moonbyul than Solar
Rock, paper, scissors, go
Wheein: **loses and screams**
Solar: Wheein you have to take care of your voice
Mamamoo: oyeyeyeye
Wheein: **ties with hwasa and screams again**
Omfgggg they are acting like Rock, Paper, Scissors is the frigging olympics😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
their enjoyment and being a crackheads is so satisfying and funny 😂❤️😂❤️
Mamamoo in a library: AHHHHHHHHH
Librarian: I can either kick them or not,
I wanna see them play with Got7 LOL
You spoke my mind--😂
It would be like world war 3 LOL 😂
They can destroy my house by playing that game.
They just playing rock paper scissor but I'm sweating 😂
That last one omg, I laughed so hard at that one. It gets better and louder every time. I love them so much
6:27 the way solar melted at that #angelline 😍
5:15 I cracked up in the middle of night 💀
1:14 in this day all they did just was freaking crazy. Oh god. They even were telling how they gonna sing next and they even made mistake 2-3 times. They are just so funny no matter what they do🤣🤣
Wheein reaction is the cutest HAHAHHA
8:01 it was the very first video I watched of MAMAMOO years ago and I knew I staned right group 😅💚💚
same here sis now😌
0:15 the moment I read level 1, I said "oh shit, things are going to get interesting later👀" I already know
6:53 solar is not the eldest , I'm damn sure 😂, she's adorable
New fan and I never could have even IMAGINED that rock, paper, scissors could turn out like this...
The last one is so cuteee
wow they were so peaceful and quiet on the last one.
HELP there so loud when playing rock paper scissors 😭✋
The fact that they played Blood,Sweat, And Tears on 7:50 lol
I feel voice domination when I finally saw the last clip LOL
Bless those on headphones/earpiece
7:28 I feel like that was an excuse just to touch Wheein
Hwasa is always whipped
6:11 i can't she's so cute😭
They where so excited whenever they are playing😂😂😂😂😂 hahaha
Love this girls so much💜💚💙💛
Lmao there should be compilation of mamamoo's competitiveness on games 😂😂
LOOOOOOL this video always cracks me up
I didn't know I was smiling the whole time. Mamamoo is such a mood. ❤️❤️❤️🤣
They're the best rock paper scissor player 😂😂 I've ever seen 😂😂
wheein: they’re like little girls 🤭
I never know rock paper scissor can be this interestinggggg 🤣🤣🤣
That scissoring was a Freudian slip
I always love watching them playing rock,paper, scissor 😂😂😂
The last one I don't have words to describe it it's cute so loud funny iconic hilarious
rock paper scissors: literally one of the most easiest and fastest to get games every to be created
never forget when solar said scissoring instead of scissor 😭
I heard Wheein's brake pedal laugh,hahaha!!!
Mamamoo is hilarious 😂 😂 😂 😂
R.I.P to headphone users🤣
Like me😢🤣🤣🤣
I've been waiting for this compilation!!!! 😂😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ THANK YOU SO MUCH 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
4:52 is killing me.. poor wheein 😂😂😂😂
Why they turn every game in some kind of war for life? XD
The last one gave me tinnitus
And in 8:00 it seems like they should have off the microphone🤭🤣
Can someone send me a link cuz I want to see the whole thing but I can’t find it. Thank you in advance
Wheepup Channel Thank you so much
They're so noisy 🤣🤣
Im CHOKING with my own saliva HAHAHAHAH i watched this so many times but still im laughing HAHAHAHA MAMAMOO THING ♥
Rock paper scissor is like death match to them 😂😂😂😂😂😂
rock paper *SCISSORING*
can you do a Hwasa WooHee~ edition next time pls😂 the thing she does when she is hyped when singing😂
Idk what is it I search in my mind but idk can you give me an example plz
@@WheepupChannel like when she is hyped on stage she always make those weird noises like 'woooo--hee', I watched it from somewhere else but I think she did it a lot durong UOAY live performances? 😂
@@章魚-x2k like in 3:39 in this video?
@@WheepupChannel yessss😂😂😂😂😂
@@章魚-x2k ok it will take times but I will made it
8:02 i'm wearing a headphone bye-
If I had 1/4th of solar's energy when she plays RPS, I wouldn't need coffee
That was so intense rock paper scissors 😶😶
the astronomical on this volume is bus
a petition to let mamamoo play the hammer game with seventeen pls 😆
This had me dying in laughter
ahahhahaha they dif bring this game to a diff level. So funny eps the second part
Hwasa soo cute😍😍
Rock paper scissors READY FIGHT (mortal combat sound track here)
Solar and Hwasa it's just a game lol😂😂😂
The last part tho 🤣
Rock paper scissors world champion: moonbyul!
lol i think i have sore throat now for screaming the whole time. Gosh i love them.
I needed this!
Rock paper scissors
MAMAMOO: Ahhhhhhhhhh
Rock paper scissors
MAMAMOO: AHhhHhHhh!!!!!!
Rock paper scissors
Rock paper scissors
Rock paper scissors
Byulie lost
*game over*
Note: When watching Mamamoo moments tune down your volume.
I love them😂
i love these dumbos
This is soooo FUNNY OMG 🤣
Rock, Paper, Scissoring?
The fancy way to play 👑
@@WheepupChannel more like the wlw way
This is the World Cup, actually.
The last part is my fave. Clip.
The last game was really intense omg. RIP earphone users
can we get Mamamoo, bts and got7 on game show together ?
like imagine the chaos...
My ears broke
Becuz I put the volume to 100
0:37 👀
Rock, paper, scissoring! pahahaha...she knows what she did there. xD
Rock, paper, scissoring sounds cute in korean. But everyone who knows english know what "scissoring" is.
Level 3 to level 10 REAL quick
When they play mamamoo pass all the levels already 😂
Eu amoooo tanto esse grupo se elas tivessem se separados eu iria sofrer tanto 🥺💘
I love your channel
w8t... hwasa looks taller than byul in this 1:30
Mamamoo and EXID are superficial in this type of games, they are very noisy, that's why they are my two favorite groups 💕
hwasa cute😍😍😍😍
Rock paper scissoring is my life motto as a lesbian
Daebak LOL😂
This is fun😹
rock paper scissoring hahs
wheein is so cute in that transition scene! from what ep is that on mamamoo tv?