6:25 Heres what I would hide under the table 1st then call mom. If you do this, you avoid the minigame entirely. And you just need to wait until SpringBonnie leaves the room
You can do the tag part faster, when you start running, there will be a point where you gain a burst of speed, that's when chip starts running to catch you. Once you get that boost, you can change directions quick and let him catch you faster :D
Hey, i also did a run but for terrifying mode would you be willing to submit a Terrifying 3 star ending run of your own i need 3 people to get the top 5 so i can get my run approved? also good shit congrats on your run time hope this can give me some insight on how to cut down on my time as of rn its 1:16:00
damn bro you make this look easy!
6:25 Heres what I would hide under the table 1st then call mom. If you do this, you avoid the minigame entirely. And you just need to wait until SpringBonnie leaves the room
You can do the tag part faster, when you start running, there will be a point where you gain a burst of speed, that's when chip starts running to catch you. Once you get that boost, you can change directions quick and let him catch you faster :D
Thanks for the tip! I'll make sure to try it out in my future runs!
I just realised that the tune you hear in Jeff's is Freddy's tune
ggs got the 3 star ending.
It is very good
46:37 how, i break my finger and my nerves on that mini game and 11 is the best i can do
when you did the circle thing to change maps i thought you was showing smth
Wow you até faster!
With better rng he chould finish it even faster
40:35 holy shit dude, 26 seconds thats half of my best XD wp
Hey, i also did a run but for terrifying mode would you be willing to submit a Terrifying 3 star ending run of your own i need 3 people to get the top 5 so i can get my run approved? also good shit congrats on your run time hope this can give me some insight on how to cut down on my time as of rn its 1:16:00
oh you also have no key overlay damn